Daniel Snuts
Know what you're doing yet?
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"I take back what I said about 'party on a school night'", I say as Taylor gets into the passenger seat. "It's clearly a school morning."
She just shrugs. "What can I say? I'm a Winslow kid at Arcadia, I'm a juvenile delinquent by default."
I chuckle at that. Some delinquent. When I think back to what I did in my youth... I was never a party animal, but of the ones that I did attend, not all of them left me in a state that I would want my parents to find me in. As long as Taylor calls to be picked up, I don't mind losing a little sleep. The peace of mind is well worth it.
Yes, I want my daughter to do as I say, not as I did. Some would call it a double standard, but dammit, girls are different!
Regardless of lost sleep incurred, I much prefer this new Taylor. She really has... blossomed? since getting out of Winslow (I fight down a surge of anger, as I do every time I think about what they did to her there). She still acts fairly distant most of the time - we really did drift apart during those bad years, that can't be fixed just by snapping your fingers. But I can tell that she's much happier now, much more alive.
...Oh dear. A terrible, no-good thought just occurred to me. About some other people I have known, who appeared to suddenly gain a lot of energy. For a while. Who also went to parties, and didn't necessarily drink alcohol there.
I glance over at Taylor. Her eyes are closed, but she's frowning about something, so not sleeping yet. "Taylor?"
"These parties... Your new friends... They aren't, uh... They don't..."
"Oh, we all inject heroin into our eyeballs and snort the ground-up bones of strangled orphans. You know how it is."
"Taylor..." At least she understood what I was failing to say, I think ruefully.
"I can pee in a cup if you like. Though I'm pretty sure they don't check for orphans yet, it's a fairly new fad."
"Was Cliff at the party?" I ask, changing the subject.
"We broke up."
"Oh. What happened?"
"Nothing bad." She's silent for a while before continuing. "It just wasn't love."
"I'm sorry." She doesn't respond, but her frown deepens. I decide to shut up and quit while I'm behind.
She just shrugs. "What can I say? I'm a Winslow kid at Arcadia, I'm a juvenile delinquent by default."
I chuckle at that. Some delinquent. When I think back to what I did in my youth... I was never a party animal, but of the ones that I did attend, not all of them left me in a state that I would want my parents to find me in. As long as Taylor calls to be picked up, I don't mind losing a little sleep. The peace of mind is well worth it.
Yes, I want my daughter to do as I say, not as I did. Some would call it a double standard, but dammit, girls are different!
Regardless of lost sleep incurred, I much prefer this new Taylor. She really has... blossomed? since getting out of Winslow (I fight down a surge of anger, as I do every time I think about what they did to her there). She still acts fairly distant most of the time - we really did drift apart during those bad years, that can't be fixed just by snapping your fingers. But I can tell that she's much happier now, much more alive.
...Oh dear. A terrible, no-good thought just occurred to me. About some other people I have known, who appeared to suddenly gain a lot of energy. For a while. Who also went to parties, and didn't necessarily drink alcohol there.
I glance over at Taylor. Her eyes are closed, but she's frowning about something, so not sleeping yet. "Taylor?"
"These parties... Your new friends... They aren't, uh... They don't..."
"Oh, we all inject heroin into our eyeballs and snort the ground-up bones of strangled orphans. You know how it is."
"Taylor..." At least she understood what I was failing to say, I think ruefully.
"I can pee in a cup if you like. Though I'm pretty sure they don't check for orphans yet, it's a fairly new fad."
"Was Cliff at the party?" I ask, changing the subject.
"We broke up."
"Oh. What happened?"
"Nothing bad." She's silent for a while before continuing. "It just wasn't love."
"I'm sorry." She doesn't respond, but her frown deepens. I decide to shut up and quit while I'm behind.
The worst part is, you can't even be mad at Newter. He apologized profusely for getting the dosage wrong and knocking you out for longer than intended (he also kept shooting weird glances at your forehead for some reason). It probably wasn't even his fault to begin with. His magic spit clearly interacted with your weird bullshit powers somehow, because the lingering olfactory hallucination went away as soon as you stopped using sorcerer's sight.
Then when you had finally gotten changed (body and clothes) and called your dad and had time to look inside yourself to try to figure out what happened, you found a brand new power in there.
Sorcerer's sight is fine by the way, it hasn't changed in any way you can detect and you didn't start hallucinating again when you turned it back on. Now if dad would just shut up and let you concentrate on the new one...
It's clearly not Newter's power: You're not orange. It almost appears... broken? It has ridiculously thick power conduits drawing energy from... wherever the fuck it is powers draw energy from, you still get vertigo whenever you look in that direction. Whatever it is, it requires much more energy than any other power you've seen.
But it doesn't seem to do anything. There's no functional part. It just draws in a bunch of energy, carefully divides it up and... stops. You'd call it incomplete, except you've never been able to anchor an incomplete power to your soul before. Though admittedly this time around you were tripping balls and/or on some sort of power-induced vision quest thing. Something may have gone wrong.
Until you figure out what's going on you're going to stay the hell away from Newter. Just in case it is half of his power and further exposure makes you turn orange.
"You know, we don't actually have to get rid of them all," the skinhead says. "We could just deport the men, and keep the women for ourselves. Don't import any new ones, and in a few of generations everyone will be white enough to be a citizen."
"Sounds like something the Romans would do," his buddy comments.
"Zeroth Reich best Reich," he agrees.
You're, like, 60% certain they're not being serious right now?
"Whoa, whoa, whoa," your delivery driver (what was his name again?) objects. "Did you just tell me to fuck a nigger?"
"No no no no, no bestiality. The niggers gotta go. But there are other races who-"
"Goddammit Steve, are you trying to justify an asian girlfriend again?"
Okay, make that 80% certain.
"I don't blame him," Fake Swede remarks to the bartender. "Giving up asian hotties was the hardest part of becoming a nazi."
Things get a bit shouty then, as several people simultaneously try to instruct the straying flock on the problems inherent in asian miscegenation. Phrases you can make out include 'man up and stop playing on easy mode', 'they're not even hot', 'do you want your sons to have tiny dicks?' and 'burn the rice, pay the price.'
Luckily that's when salvation enters the building. "Rune, save me from these dorks!" you shout as you flee the argument.
"You don't have to fraternize with the rank and file, you know."
"But then who would transport my dog food for free?"
"Oh fuck my life," Rune says. "We're going to need reinforcements."
You study the deadly threat that is currently approaching your territory, clad in green and white. That's... uh... huh. Idea.
"I'll handle it," you say.
"You what?"
"Don't worry, I've got a plan. Put me down."
"Uh-huh. I'll just hang back here, ready to swoop in and get your dumb ass out of trouble. And also call for reinforcements."
Rune sets you down at what she considers a safe distance, then backs her rock up even further. You send Fenrir forward at a slow walk, timed to meet your target at an intersection right on the border. She tenses as you approach, but from what you can make out beneath her visor she appears determined rather than scared.
"Good evening, colleague," you greet Vista from across the intersection.
"I said, good evening." Most pedestrians have already fled to avoid getting caught up in your confrontation, but a few remain. Rather than keep to the sidewalks, they spread out in a loose cloud surrounding you both. Predominantly young men, you notice. Legally they are innocent bystanders who just happen to have terrible self-preservation instincts. In actuality, they are loyal sons of the Empire who are using their bodies to interfere with Vista's power (much like Faultline's, it is blocked by living things). You didn't even have to ask them or anything.
Vista looks around at the 'bystanders', then over your shoulder at Rune, who is conspicuously maintaining a vantage point down the road. "You're with the Empire," she says accusingly.
"We're not colleagues."
"No? You patrol your area of the city, I patrol mine. If we happen across a crime, we stop it. How are we not colleagues?" Some of the bystanders chuckle at that. "Quiet!" you snap. They quiet.
Vista is rendered briefly speechless by your impeccable logic, and you take the opportunity to extract a soul price.
Vista wants the respect of her peers.
How unfortunate that she is so resistant to considering herself Rune's peer. She's missing out.
"Are you going to fight me?" she asks eventually.
"Should I?"
"Are you going to let me pass?" Vista takes a step to her left. Fenrir does likewise to remain in front of her.
"Good question," you say. "I honestly don't know the policy on that one. Skin color checks out, but I don't think you'd be very popular. Do you promise not to try to kidnap- sorry, 'arrest' anyone during your stay?"
"You're not worried that I'm going to arrest you?" Vista takes another step to the side. She's cheating subtly by compressing the space beforehand, letting her cover more ground than she otherwise would. Well, it's subtle to other people, to you the compressed area is literally a huge glowing sign indicating the use of her power.
"Arrest me? What for?" Your smile might not be visible beneath your mask, but your amusement is clear in your voice.
"What for? You're a nazi!"
"Funny thing about this country: Unpopular political opinions are not actually illegal."
"You're with the Empire!"
"Oh, I know this one too: Freedom of association! Good old first amendment, ain't it grand?" Of course if you were to ask anyone in the Empire itself they would tell you that freedom of association died a long time ago - just try putting up a 'whites only' sign and see how free you are to choose who you associate with.
Vista's attempts at sidling around you has at this point failed completely. You have left the intersection behind and are now walking together down opposite sides of the street, Vista cheating all the while. She's either planning to try again at the next intersection, or it's a ploy to get you away from your meatshields before she attacks. But with Rune maintaining an eye in the sky you're not overly worried.
"You're seriously claiming to be innocent?" she asks.
"Never committed a hate crime in my life, guv'nor."
Vista maintains her causal walking pace, but starts cheating more blatantly. The distance she's covering with each step is clearly unnatural, now.
"I suppose you could attack me for no reason," you continue. "Like a true hero. But my backup is a lot closer. Speaking of which, aren't Wards supposed to only go out in pairs?"
"Shadow Stalker ran off on her own," Vista admits. "I was trying to find her."
And that led her in this direction, huh? You pull out your phone, call ops. "Be advised, Shadow Stalker may be present in Empire territory." You hang up.
"Why'd you do that?" Vista demands.
"Because it's my job?" Also because Sophia getting counter-ambushed and having the shit beaten out of her would make your day. "Say, are you seriously trying to outrun a wolf?"
Vista picks up the pace.
It's a pretty interesting contest. Fenrir can outrun a horse, Vista can bend space. Sure, there's little doubt what would happen in a fight - there's a reason Rune was reluctant to engage - but by unspoken agreement this is a street race. You quickly figure out that the effects of her power are permanent (or at least sticky), much to her detriment. That is, she has to constantly split her attention to manually untwist the space behind her as she goes, lest she vandalize the continuum.
Traffic is another problem, as both cars and pedestrians sharply limit how big an area she can affect. Considerably more than pure 'can't affect the living' limits would predict, too: She's too polite to suddenly bend space that a civilian is about to step or drive into.
Even then she'd quickly win against the majority of capes out there, because once she's at the limit of how much she can speed herself up she starts expanding the space in front of you to slow you down. Unfortunately for her, sorcerer's sight lets both you and Fenrir see it coming in time to dodge. Said dodges typically involve some less than polite proximity with pedestrians, occasionally jumping over their heads.
You're pretty impressed with how well she manages to split her attention four ways (she has to undo the attacks as well), she's even pulling ahead. So you direct Fenrir to move over to her side of the road. Vista instantly realizes what you're up to and expands space in the middle of the road to block you. She can't allow you to get into the compressed space behind her before she can undo it.
But she can't do something as simple as just putting up a barrier down the middle, because there's a limit to how thin an area she can affect - the blocking fields she puts up are wide enough to impede traffic, and so have to be deployed judiciously and undone quickly. Fenrir still ends up running flat out, juking and poking back and forth across the street to dodge and bait out the obstacles she throws up.
The little monster is way too good at what she does, in your opinion. You can't believe a goddamn twelve-year-old is giving you this much trouble. Indeed, a relatively empty stretch of road finally spells your doom, as Vista finally manages to completely encircle you and sprint ahead before Fenrir can work his way through.
"Ha! Got you!" She stops running and looks back at you with her hands on her hips, panting for breath but triumphant.
Yep, she beat you fair and square. But she certainly seems to have had fun doing so. Thus, you deploy your secret weapon: "Best two out of three?"
Of course you're not going to be beaten the same way twice. You have a pocketful of change, and the next time traffic threatens to clear up you start throwing it at her to distract her.
"Ow! That's cheating!"
"Oh I'm sorry, I wasn't aware that there were rules."
Vista grits her teeth and starts trying to put even more unpredictable twists in the space between you, in order to throw off your aim. Such a shame that you can see them all clear as day, isn't it?
Okay, even if sorcerer's sight shows you how you ought to adjust your aim, you don't actually have a power for hitting what you aim at.
"Best three out of five?"
Taylor: All-encompassing Sorcerer's Sight
Tattletale: Know the Soul's Price
Bitch: Spirit-Tied Pet
Aegis: Ox-Body Technique
Browbeat: Shaping the Ideal Form
Dragon: Implicit Construction Methodology
Newter/Four-armed Scion/???: ???
Taylor: All-encompassing Sorcerer's Sight
Tattletale: Know the Soul's Price
Bitch: Spirit-Tied Pet
Aegis: Ox-Body Technique
Browbeat: Shaping the Ideal Form
Dragon: Implicit Construction Methodology
Newter/Four-armed Scion/???: ???
Oh my, did she get something more than just Essence 3?