Chapter 10: Morning, Musing and Magic Girls
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Chapter 10: Morning, Musing and Magic Girls
Illyasviel von Einzbern didn't felt like getting up from her comfy bed that day.
It was quite early in the morning, her curtains were still low enough for only a small sliver of feeble light to pass through and she couldn't hear anyone messing around the kitchen, meaning that Sella was still sleeping for now.
With a sigh, red eyes stared quietly at the ceiling, her mind returning to once more wander about what had happened in the last few months. Becoming a magical girl, facing so many enemies and making new friends along the way and…
And then Shinji Matou happened.
She wasn't by any mean annoyed, nor she felt any particular negative for the young boy as he had so far been helping them with the cards and joining in the 'peace-keeping' group in Fuyuki. She wasn't even mad when the boy had taken the Caster and Saber card away from them, it was odd but… he wasn't planning to conquer the world with those.
It felt more like a parent taking a dangerous object from a child's hands and making better use of it to protect and help. It was kind of infuriating how he showed a maturity she was still exploring… and she was 13!
He mentioned the 'Kaleidoscope' several times to motivate his impressive knowledge over the whole situation but the thing was that… uh…
Ruby said that wasn't possible.
"While Zelretch-baka might be able to know stuff from other dimensions, no one can truly use the Kaleidoscope to find out the full history of even a single dimension."
Being that the Mystic Code was tuned to the Second Magic, it was clear that her knowledge over the subject was factual and truthful, but it left little Illya to approach the matter the best she could.
Asking him directly? Part of her ushered her away from even thinking about that. While Shinji had been friendly around them, his group was very protective of him and the Einzbern was quite sure that questioning him like that would warrant some aggressive reactions from them.
Speaking of the group, her mind shifted to a lone member of it that Illya could consider 'family' to some extent. Chloe von Einzbern, Kuro or… her 'real self' was a topic that left her chest squirming in thought. The mere sight of someone looking just like her, but behaving differently around others and ignoring him the best she could, was a constant reminder that her mama and papa had lied to her.
She had thought that her parents' experience with Magecraft was limited, as their lack of grand surprise as they discovered about Ruby and her contract with her gave the young girl so much confusion and shock that she couldn't even find something to start with in an attempt to elaborate her thoughts about it.
Illya sighed as she found herself drawn back to reality as she spotted a familiar object flying right in front of her sight. Ruby giggled as she slowly descended and- BONK
"Owie! Ruby!"
The magical stick giggled again, this time with a teasing tone. "Ne~ is Illya-chan thinking about her Onii-chan?"
Cheeks burning red, Illya made a monumental effort by shaking her head negatively. "I-I wasn't!"
"Oh? Maybe about Myu?" The mere mentioning of her close friend caused her cheeks turn a darker shade of red. "S-Stop it!-"
"Or is it Shin-ji-kun~?" Her mouth opened automatically, ready to dismiss the umpteenth guess of the stick when she realized it was indeed that.
"I… was?"
"Oh! Is little Illya-chan preparing to wage war against his harem? Is she ready for a legendary conquest?"
"N-Not that way, pervert!" She huffed annoyingly, her embarrassment dissipating after too much teasing. One could say that after living with Ruby for months she long grown accustomed with most of her shenanigans. "I-I was thinking about that question I asked you a week ago."
"The one about him using the Kaleidoscope to accommodate his surreal amount of knowledge over this world?" The stick stopped a moment to breath, taking her owner's nod to continue. "Then you wish to infiltrate his lair, which is actually more of Chloe-chan's love castle?"
"Yes- Wait, 'love castle'?"
"A mature young lady, seeking to breach her interest's cool heart and ensnare him to herself and her lovely friends. I think 'Love Castle' is aptly picked-"
"I-It cannot be that way-"
"And why is that, Illya-chan? Do you know Shinji-kun and Kuro-chan that much to say they would fall in that kind of line?"
"I-" And Illya stopped there. The stick had brought up one thing she had considered marginally but was quite important and essential if she wished to know more about Shinji's secret. She had yet to make steps to approach him, to be called his friend and…
She knew little how to meet him 'casually' when he was in town. The girl groaned, bringing her pillow over her face, drowning a small scream of annoyance.
Why was socializing this difficult now?!
"But I think you might have the chance of talking with him quite soon as your mama got something yesterday."
"Uh?" Red eyes looked over the pillow as the Mystic Code hummed. "What do you mean?"
"Do you remember that she was thinking about summertime now that school is coming to a close and how we all should be spending it?"
… "Yeah?" For some reason, Illya felt the need to brace herself as something terrible-
"Well, your mama managed to find an affordable mini-swimming pool yesterday and she wanted to try it out! Shinji-kun and others got invited too!"
Miyu Edelfelt was feeling incredibly nervous.
She had overheard Luvia speaking to Illya's mom, Irisviel-san, about the chance of them spending a day together by the swimming pool the woman had just bought few days ago. The young girl could remember when Luvia forced Rin to built one because she was a maid and… their mutual boss showing her vindictive self when she wanted.
The Tohsaka was angry through the whole day, but managed to get the medium-sized pool working after a day or two of strenuous working. No 'Thank you' or a tip for the hard-work, the older Edelfelt was enjoying the fact her very rival was forced to respect every single whim for her.
She was obviously apart from that kind of relationship, receiving quite the minimum work for her job, the blonde mentioning that she wouldn't 'slave' a little girl for duties normally given to adults. Something that surprisingly enough helped her managing her schedule about school and work while also letting some free time once in a while.
But she was nervous!
In few hours from now, Miyu was going to be at Illya's house and- She didn't know what to do about it. They have been close friends for a long time now and yet she felt that… there was more.
She knew that there was more, something beyond friendship that she couldn't grasp fully. Her heart would beat quicker, faster, as she would see Illya smile and it didn't help that Ruby had been alluding to an amorous relationship that needed to blossom.
The idea felt abstract, but also right. This was… confusing without ending to it.
She sighed, her eyes glancing at the ceiling as she had woken up quite early and it was too much early to wake up Luvia for breakfast. She noticed Sapphire floating around as she got closer and sighed.
"Something on your mind, Miyu-sama?"
A polite tone, the very same the Mystic Code would use in every situation. It was mellowed after some time of being together as the kaleidostick had enough time to grow more accepting of her young master and… she would offer some advice when needed.
"Today is going to be an important day, Sapphire." The girl spoke softly, knowing to not use a loud voice or else waking up the rest of the house at this 'unholy' hour of the morning. "I… I don't know how to face Illya."
"I think Nee-san has already mentioned that you need to be a little less restrained around Illya-sama. Plus you will enjoy some less pressure with Shinji-sama around here too."
Miyu shifted in her bed, eyes closing a little in thought as she contemplated about the other reason she was quite nervous for today.
Shinji Matou was… an unknown element in her world. She could remember her Oniisan mentioning someone with his name going missing for few months and his surname matched up with the kind girl her Oniisan would walk around with before she got kidnapped. Sakura Matou.
She had long tried to understand if this 'Shinji Matou' was dangerous or not, part of the Ainsworth family or someone even worse, but all research yielded little to nothing as the boy was… not in this dimension.
The Matou stopped existing decades ago, the last surviving member having changed his surname because of 'bad memories', thus he wasn't from this very dimension. She had weighed the fact he could have been from another dimension, his statement proving it and little Luvia cementing this theory pushing Miyu to evaluate other details of such individuals.
He knew about her plight, he knew about her Oniisan and he knew about the Ainsworth. The disdain he shown with his voice about the group further assured his trustworthiness, going so far to even keep her little secret she had thought of revealing to the rest of the group now.
With the event of today, a chance for further understanding of his character would be available and… she could maybe get to know him more.
Her curiosity of befriending such individual stemmed by the fact, for some reason, she felt a connection with him. Something, in his eyes, felt familiar to her, the very haunted look she would see in the mirror of her bathroom when she looked at it while thinking of her Oniisan.
Both wanted to save their respective siblings and both came from less than normal situations. If she had to be honest, part of her would have considered this Shinji to be her very counterpart in the dimension he come from.
It was an odd theory but the more he interacted around her, the more Miyu was sure of it as her mind resonated in agreement with his logic. There were some questionable morality here and there, but he seemed to be keen to remind everyone he knew that some of the things he was doing was wrong and that he wasn't doing out of pleasure, but out of duty and safety.
When he took few of the Cards they had for his plans? The young Edelfelt understood that only someone that knows better about the inner workings of the Grail could truly make sure that those were safe to have around. That is why she had been incredibly confused when Zelretch had refused to accept the seven Cards, ordering to keep those in Fuyuki for… reasons.
Sapphire had been quick to explain her how her creator's mind worked and, if she had to be honest, she found the man to be someone to never met, not even once in her life.
Ambitious, eccentric, mysterious and playing around with people, never showing true caring for those around him. He was the epitome of a selfish person, the kind of individual Miyu disliked the most.
Shuffling under her covers, the young girl sighed softly and her eyes slowly closed as sleep had finally come to her. "T-Thank you, Sapphire."
She couldn't see the mystic code from there, but Miyu could imagine her bending a little to nod at her.
"You are welcome, Miyu-sama."
"This is a bad idea."
Five words to describe in the best light possible the distress this new development was bringing to my poor brain. Irisviel was starting to show the very thing I had long feared to see her showing with this 'kind' invitation.
Once she knew that there is someone 'cute', 'adorable', 'child-like' and 'mom-less', she would try to approach them, cuddle them and then make them part of her expanding family. It was all done with a good heart, but the planning was atrocious.
Going in a swimming pool, a very 'little' one to booth, with several younger girls in skimpy bikinis that were all going to press with each other and me-
Thank God I wasn't going to enter that blasted pool!
My saving grace was that I wasn't keen to be this close to people with so little clothes on. Why was I like this in general? Well, I have something of a fake illness called obsessive privacy preservation and that did cost me several things in my life.
But now? I was going to employ all the tricks and expedients I had learned from years of practicing such situation to avoid getting 'fan-serviced' by fate.
And while I was plotting all the possible ways to avoid getting stuck in any ecchi scene, the girls and Gilgamesh were already checking on their swimming clothes and my reaction to all those were… mixed.
Chibi Luvia's was so far the cutest as it was the classic school swimming suit children her age would use. It was oddly adorable to see the girl fidget at the staring but, seeing me giving her a thumb up, she seemed to relax and enjoy the praising coming her way.
Turning to Gilgamesh, I was glad that he didn't pick anything overly-exotic as he choose what looked to be a common swimming trunks with yellow and red color as main theme. He seemed to enjoy flexing the muscles he didn't have but giggled when he was being reminded he wasn't his older Archer self.
Artoria was kind of a surprise as I had expected her to pick her Summer's Rider clothes for this occasion and yet… she picked her 'normal' self's Archer swimming suit, the one she got at Stage 3 of her Ascension. The color were different, the grand white replaced by purple and the black by the side replaced by a soft red.
I nodded at her choice and she turned her face away, unable to cover the little blush appearing at the compliment as the Tyrant of Knights was glad to have found a good compromise.
Kuro shocked me the most having decided to wear a decent-sized swim skirt and a bandeau bikini top. Overall an acceptable mix that didn't show any unnecessary skin while also not being oppressively conservative.
She let out a giggle at my compliment and she slowly tip-toed to me, bringing her mouth close to my ear.
"You know, I wouldn't mind seeing what is underneath that shirt." I blinked and paled a little as I was bringing with me an open shirt as… I had to hide several little, unpleasant reminders of my time with the Matou family. "I would love to see you wear the scars bravely."
I sighed. "I would too, Kuro-chan, I would too."
She nodded and backed away as she went to comment amiably the other girls' clothes, understanding that the topic was quite sore on me and I was still thinking what to do when I was going to be told to ditch the shirt.
While I could staunchly opposite this and ask to be left alone, I know the tactic would only end up having them want to see me do that even more.
"Shinji, could you help me with my hair?" The cute voice Chibi Luvia used to ask such request sweetened the whole situation and, with a small smile, helped her hair to fit better in the short comb she wanted to use for today.
Letting long hair hang freely while swimming might be fun but the aftermath was going to be an atrocious mess to deal with. Humming quietly, I felt like today was going to be an easy day.
It was going to be tiring too but… it was a pseudo-beach episode. No bad guys, no terrible encounters and especially… no Ainsworths to deal with for the day.
"Sel-la, why are you wasting so much time trying on your swim wear?"
Of course Sella had to be convinced to partake in such indecent display of skin. Staring at the long mirror in the bathroom, she posed to see if her current state showed too much of herself. Maybe she should have picked a swimming suit? Bikinis generally showed too much skin and-
The door behind her opened to reveal Leysritt, the bustier of the two maid appearing quite annoyed by the time her fellow Einzbern was wasting to pick a proper clothing for the occasion. She ignored the scandalized shock in the hard-working maid and picked her orange swimming wear.
"I-It was busy-"
"You are wasting too much time." The chill woman reminded and she gave her a long look. "You know that Shinji will not like it if you are this indecisive about things."
The little mentioning of the boy caused her to pause, blush and having her eyes shoot wide open. "What?! I-I am not going there because of Shi- the Matou boy!"
"You almost said his name. For someone that tries to lie around about the reason you accepted 'begrudgingly' Irisviel-san's offer, you sure seem eager to make a good appearance."
"I do that every special occasion- And y-you did accept that too for Shinji-"
"That is one of the reasons, yes." Liz stated shamelessly, ignoring the following shock from Sella. "But I think I like the cool water with the warm weather-"
"You- WHAT?"
"I like… cool water?"
"Before that!"
"Why would you be interested in a boy? That is so wrong-"
"What do you mean?" Leysritt tilted her head in confusion. "I just want to eat snacks with him while watching some TV."
… "That is wro- wait, what?"
"I don't see why age would be a problem if I want to spend some afternoon with him. It's not like I lack the same company with Illya and Shirou once in a while."
Sella frowned, her words while genuine lacking one real truth. "You mean that you have no interest in… being in a relationship with him?"
Leysritt sighed at the question, turned to the fellow maid and grasped her shoulders, causing the woman to look at her in confusion. "I want to. But he is young and that would be wrong." She stated calmly. "Differently from you, I am not trying to make a 'fake good' impression now because of that. He is young but… with what we are we got enough time to wait for the 'proper' time to truly try."
It was one of the few times the lazy woman showed interest in someone, but not just a superficial and marginal kind of interest. That was serious interest, one that well-gauged and planned to avoid failure and conquer success.
Thinking about this, Sella felt her shoulders sag a little and was about to let the short-haired Einzbern off when-
"'D-Differently from me?' Are you calling me a pervert, Liz. You?!"
"You are fawning over a little boy. That is what only degenerates do, don't they?"
But surprisingly enough, the ever-lazy Liz managed to out-speed her 'sister' almost instantly. Rushing to her room, the woman then started to quickly prepare herself for the day as she had indeed laid out a plan for little Shinji.
While indeed she wanted to spend some good afternoon time with snacks and TV, Leysritt had failed to mention that she wanted to make good use of the modified 'Game of Life' tabletop game Irisviel-san had already used on Sella and her.
What good occasion to make use of such delightful game and get some further entertainment out of it?
Poor Shinji is walking towards a trap and sadly he cannot do much but let it happen. Plus what seems to be the classic OVA episode from the 2herz series is actually something a little more complex. You see, there is something like 'jinxing things up' and Shinji did that.
Lots of women and girls, trying to fit in such a small swimming pool…
Now that is the evolution of ol' cat-fighting.
Also first step in the project of the fan-game: I got the sprite of Shirou almost done, needs only some shadows and refinement and should be good to be applied. Progress Reports are going to be available in my p tr eon page so… cheers!
Illyasviel von Einzbern didn't felt like getting up from her comfy bed that day.
It was quite early in the morning, her curtains were still low enough for only a small sliver of feeble light to pass through and she couldn't hear anyone messing around the kitchen, meaning that Sella was still sleeping for now.
With a sigh, red eyes stared quietly at the ceiling, her mind returning to once more wander about what had happened in the last few months. Becoming a magical girl, facing so many enemies and making new friends along the way and…
And then Shinji Matou happened.
She wasn't by any mean annoyed, nor she felt any particular negative for the young boy as he had so far been helping them with the cards and joining in the 'peace-keeping' group in Fuyuki. She wasn't even mad when the boy had taken the Caster and Saber card away from them, it was odd but… he wasn't planning to conquer the world with those.
It felt more like a parent taking a dangerous object from a child's hands and making better use of it to protect and help. It was kind of infuriating how he showed a maturity she was still exploring… and she was 13!
He mentioned the 'Kaleidoscope' several times to motivate his impressive knowledge over the whole situation but the thing was that… uh…
Ruby said that wasn't possible.
"While Zelretch-baka might be able to know stuff from other dimensions, no one can truly use the Kaleidoscope to find out the full history of even a single dimension."
Being that the Mystic Code was tuned to the Second Magic, it was clear that her knowledge over the subject was factual and truthful, but it left little Illya to approach the matter the best she could.
Asking him directly? Part of her ushered her away from even thinking about that. While Shinji had been friendly around them, his group was very protective of him and the Einzbern was quite sure that questioning him like that would warrant some aggressive reactions from them.
Speaking of the group, her mind shifted to a lone member of it that Illya could consider 'family' to some extent. Chloe von Einzbern, Kuro or… her 'real self' was a topic that left her chest squirming in thought. The mere sight of someone looking just like her, but behaving differently around others and ignoring him the best she could, was a constant reminder that her mama and papa had lied to her.
She had thought that her parents' experience with Magecraft was limited, as their lack of grand surprise as they discovered about Ruby and her contract with her gave the young girl so much confusion and shock that she couldn't even find something to start with in an attempt to elaborate her thoughts about it.
Illya sighed as she found herself drawn back to reality as she spotted a familiar object flying right in front of her sight. Ruby giggled as she slowly descended and- BONK
"Owie! Ruby!"
The magical stick giggled again, this time with a teasing tone. "Ne~ is Illya-chan thinking about her Onii-chan?"
Cheeks burning red, Illya made a monumental effort by shaking her head negatively. "I-I wasn't!"
"Oh? Maybe about Myu?" The mere mentioning of her close friend caused her cheeks turn a darker shade of red. "S-Stop it!-"
"Or is it Shin-ji-kun~?" Her mouth opened automatically, ready to dismiss the umpteenth guess of the stick when she realized it was indeed that.
"I… was?"
"Oh! Is little Illya-chan preparing to wage war against his harem? Is she ready for a legendary conquest?"
"N-Not that way, pervert!" She huffed annoyingly, her embarrassment dissipating after too much teasing. One could say that after living with Ruby for months she long grown accustomed with most of her shenanigans. "I-I was thinking about that question I asked you a week ago."
"The one about him using the Kaleidoscope to accommodate his surreal amount of knowledge over this world?" The stick stopped a moment to breath, taking her owner's nod to continue. "Then you wish to infiltrate his lair, which is actually more of Chloe-chan's love castle?"
"Yes- Wait, 'love castle'?"
"A mature young lady, seeking to breach her interest's cool heart and ensnare him to herself and her lovely friends. I think 'Love Castle' is aptly picked-"
"I-It cannot be that way-"
"And why is that, Illya-chan? Do you know Shinji-kun and Kuro-chan that much to say they would fall in that kind of line?"
"I-" And Illya stopped there. The stick had brought up one thing she had considered marginally but was quite important and essential if she wished to know more about Shinji's secret. She had yet to make steps to approach him, to be called his friend and…
She knew little how to meet him 'casually' when he was in town. The girl groaned, bringing her pillow over her face, drowning a small scream of annoyance.
Why was socializing this difficult now?!
"But I think you might have the chance of talking with him quite soon as your mama got something yesterday."
"Uh?" Red eyes looked over the pillow as the Mystic Code hummed. "What do you mean?"
"Do you remember that she was thinking about summertime now that school is coming to a close and how we all should be spending it?"
… "Yeah?" For some reason, Illya felt the need to brace herself as something terrible-
"Well, your mama managed to find an affordable mini-swimming pool yesterday and she wanted to try it out! Shinji-kun and others got invited too!"
Miyu Edelfelt was feeling incredibly nervous.
She had overheard Luvia speaking to Illya's mom, Irisviel-san, about the chance of them spending a day together by the swimming pool the woman had just bought few days ago. The young girl could remember when Luvia forced Rin to built one because she was a maid and… their mutual boss showing her vindictive self when she wanted.
The Tohsaka was angry through the whole day, but managed to get the medium-sized pool working after a day or two of strenuous working. No 'Thank you' or a tip for the hard-work, the older Edelfelt was enjoying the fact her very rival was forced to respect every single whim for her.
She was obviously apart from that kind of relationship, receiving quite the minimum work for her job, the blonde mentioning that she wouldn't 'slave' a little girl for duties normally given to adults. Something that surprisingly enough helped her managing her schedule about school and work while also letting some free time once in a while.
But she was nervous!
In few hours from now, Miyu was going to be at Illya's house and- She didn't know what to do about it. They have been close friends for a long time now and yet she felt that… there was more.
She knew that there was more, something beyond friendship that she couldn't grasp fully. Her heart would beat quicker, faster, as she would see Illya smile and it didn't help that Ruby had been alluding to an amorous relationship that needed to blossom.
The idea felt abstract, but also right. This was… confusing without ending to it.
She sighed, her eyes glancing at the ceiling as she had woken up quite early and it was too much early to wake up Luvia for breakfast. She noticed Sapphire floating around as she got closer and sighed.
"Something on your mind, Miyu-sama?"
A polite tone, the very same the Mystic Code would use in every situation. It was mellowed after some time of being together as the kaleidostick had enough time to grow more accepting of her young master and… she would offer some advice when needed.
"Today is going to be an important day, Sapphire." The girl spoke softly, knowing to not use a loud voice or else waking up the rest of the house at this 'unholy' hour of the morning. "I… I don't know how to face Illya."
"I think Nee-san has already mentioned that you need to be a little less restrained around Illya-sama. Plus you will enjoy some less pressure with Shinji-sama around here too."
Miyu shifted in her bed, eyes closing a little in thought as she contemplated about the other reason she was quite nervous for today.
Shinji Matou was… an unknown element in her world. She could remember her Oniisan mentioning someone with his name going missing for few months and his surname matched up with the kind girl her Oniisan would walk around with before she got kidnapped. Sakura Matou.
She had long tried to understand if this 'Shinji Matou' was dangerous or not, part of the Ainsworth family or someone even worse, but all research yielded little to nothing as the boy was… not in this dimension.
The Matou stopped existing decades ago, the last surviving member having changed his surname because of 'bad memories', thus he wasn't from this very dimension. She had weighed the fact he could have been from another dimension, his statement proving it and little Luvia cementing this theory pushing Miyu to evaluate other details of such individuals.
He knew about her plight, he knew about her Oniisan and he knew about the Ainsworth. The disdain he shown with his voice about the group further assured his trustworthiness, going so far to even keep her little secret she had thought of revealing to the rest of the group now.
With the event of today, a chance for further understanding of his character would be available and… she could maybe get to know him more.
Her curiosity of befriending such individual stemmed by the fact, for some reason, she felt a connection with him. Something, in his eyes, felt familiar to her, the very haunted look she would see in the mirror of her bathroom when she looked at it while thinking of her Oniisan.
Both wanted to save their respective siblings and both came from less than normal situations. If she had to be honest, part of her would have considered this Shinji to be her very counterpart in the dimension he come from.
It was an odd theory but the more he interacted around her, the more Miyu was sure of it as her mind resonated in agreement with his logic. There were some questionable morality here and there, but he seemed to be keen to remind everyone he knew that some of the things he was doing was wrong and that he wasn't doing out of pleasure, but out of duty and safety.
When he took few of the Cards they had for his plans? The young Edelfelt understood that only someone that knows better about the inner workings of the Grail could truly make sure that those were safe to have around. That is why she had been incredibly confused when Zelretch had refused to accept the seven Cards, ordering to keep those in Fuyuki for… reasons.
Sapphire had been quick to explain her how her creator's mind worked and, if she had to be honest, she found the man to be someone to never met, not even once in her life.
Ambitious, eccentric, mysterious and playing around with people, never showing true caring for those around him. He was the epitome of a selfish person, the kind of individual Miyu disliked the most.
Shuffling under her covers, the young girl sighed softly and her eyes slowly closed as sleep had finally come to her. "T-Thank you, Sapphire."
She couldn't see the mystic code from there, but Miyu could imagine her bending a little to nod at her.
"You are welcome, Miyu-sama."
"This is a bad idea."
Five words to describe in the best light possible the distress this new development was bringing to my poor brain. Irisviel was starting to show the very thing I had long feared to see her showing with this 'kind' invitation.
Once she knew that there is someone 'cute', 'adorable', 'child-like' and 'mom-less', she would try to approach them, cuddle them and then make them part of her expanding family. It was all done with a good heart, but the planning was atrocious.
Going in a swimming pool, a very 'little' one to booth, with several younger girls in skimpy bikinis that were all going to press with each other and me-
Thank God I wasn't going to enter that blasted pool!
My saving grace was that I wasn't keen to be this close to people with so little clothes on. Why was I like this in general? Well, I have something of a fake illness called obsessive privacy preservation and that did cost me several things in my life.
But now? I was going to employ all the tricks and expedients I had learned from years of practicing such situation to avoid getting 'fan-serviced' by fate.
And while I was plotting all the possible ways to avoid getting stuck in any ecchi scene, the girls and Gilgamesh were already checking on their swimming clothes and my reaction to all those were… mixed.
Chibi Luvia's was so far the cutest as it was the classic school swimming suit children her age would use. It was oddly adorable to see the girl fidget at the staring but, seeing me giving her a thumb up, she seemed to relax and enjoy the praising coming her way.
Turning to Gilgamesh, I was glad that he didn't pick anything overly-exotic as he choose what looked to be a common swimming trunks with yellow and red color as main theme. He seemed to enjoy flexing the muscles he didn't have but giggled when he was being reminded he wasn't his older Archer self.
Artoria was kind of a surprise as I had expected her to pick her Summer's Rider clothes for this occasion and yet… she picked her 'normal' self's Archer swimming suit, the one she got at Stage 3 of her Ascension. The color were different, the grand white replaced by purple and the black by the side replaced by a soft red.
I nodded at her choice and she turned her face away, unable to cover the little blush appearing at the compliment as the Tyrant of Knights was glad to have found a good compromise.
Kuro shocked me the most having decided to wear a decent-sized swim skirt and a bandeau bikini top. Overall an acceptable mix that didn't show any unnecessary skin while also not being oppressively conservative.
She let out a giggle at my compliment and she slowly tip-toed to me, bringing her mouth close to my ear.
"You know, I wouldn't mind seeing what is underneath that shirt." I blinked and paled a little as I was bringing with me an open shirt as… I had to hide several little, unpleasant reminders of my time with the Matou family. "I would love to see you wear the scars bravely."
I sighed. "I would too, Kuro-chan, I would too."
She nodded and backed away as she went to comment amiably the other girls' clothes, understanding that the topic was quite sore on me and I was still thinking what to do when I was going to be told to ditch the shirt.
While I could staunchly opposite this and ask to be left alone, I know the tactic would only end up having them want to see me do that even more.
"Shinji, could you help me with my hair?" The cute voice Chibi Luvia used to ask such request sweetened the whole situation and, with a small smile, helped her hair to fit better in the short comb she wanted to use for today.
Letting long hair hang freely while swimming might be fun but the aftermath was going to be an atrocious mess to deal with. Humming quietly, I felt like today was going to be an easy day.
It was going to be tiring too but… it was a pseudo-beach episode. No bad guys, no terrible encounters and especially… no Ainsworths to deal with for the day.
"Sel-la, why are you wasting so much time trying on your swim wear?"
Of course Sella had to be convinced to partake in such indecent display of skin. Staring at the long mirror in the bathroom, she posed to see if her current state showed too much of herself. Maybe she should have picked a swimming suit? Bikinis generally showed too much skin and-
The door behind her opened to reveal Leysritt, the bustier of the two maid appearing quite annoyed by the time her fellow Einzbern was wasting to pick a proper clothing for the occasion. She ignored the scandalized shock in the hard-working maid and picked her orange swimming wear.
"I-It was busy-"
"You are wasting too much time." The chill woman reminded and she gave her a long look. "You know that Shinji will not like it if you are this indecisive about things."
The little mentioning of the boy caused her to pause, blush and having her eyes shoot wide open. "What?! I-I am not going there because of Shi- the Matou boy!"
"You almost said his name. For someone that tries to lie around about the reason you accepted 'begrudgingly' Irisviel-san's offer, you sure seem eager to make a good appearance."
"I do that every special occasion- And y-you did accept that too for Shinji-"
"That is one of the reasons, yes." Liz stated shamelessly, ignoring the following shock from Sella. "But I think I like the cool water with the warm weather-"
"You- WHAT?"
"I like… cool water?"
"Before that!"
"Why would you be interested in a boy? That is so wrong-"
"What do you mean?" Leysritt tilted her head in confusion. "I just want to eat snacks with him while watching some TV."
… "That is wro- wait, what?"
"I don't see why age would be a problem if I want to spend some afternoon with him. It's not like I lack the same company with Illya and Shirou once in a while."
Sella frowned, her words while genuine lacking one real truth. "You mean that you have no interest in… being in a relationship with him?"
Leysritt sighed at the question, turned to the fellow maid and grasped her shoulders, causing the woman to look at her in confusion. "I want to. But he is young and that would be wrong." She stated calmly. "Differently from you, I am not trying to make a 'fake good' impression now because of that. He is young but… with what we are we got enough time to wait for the 'proper' time to truly try."
It was one of the few times the lazy woman showed interest in someone, but not just a superficial and marginal kind of interest. That was serious interest, one that well-gauged and planned to avoid failure and conquer success.
Thinking about this, Sella felt her shoulders sag a little and was about to let the short-haired Einzbern off when-
"'D-Differently from me?' Are you calling me a pervert, Liz. You?!"
"You are fawning over a little boy. That is what only degenerates do, don't they?"
But surprisingly enough, the ever-lazy Liz managed to out-speed her 'sister' almost instantly. Rushing to her room, the woman then started to quickly prepare herself for the day as she had indeed laid out a plan for little Shinji.
While indeed she wanted to spend some good afternoon time with snacks and TV, Leysritt had failed to mention that she wanted to make good use of the modified 'Game of Life' tabletop game Irisviel-san had already used on Sella and her.
What good occasion to make use of such delightful game and get some further entertainment out of it?
Poor Shinji is walking towards a trap and sadly he cannot do much but let it happen. Plus what seems to be the classic OVA episode from the 2herz series is actually something a little more complex. You see, there is something like 'jinxing things up' and Shinji did that.
Lots of women and girls, trying to fit in such a small swimming pool…
Now that is the evolution of ol' cat-fighting.
Also first step in the project of the fan-game: I got the sprite of Shirou almost done, needs only some shadows and refinement and should be good to be applied. Progress Reports are going to be available in my p tr eon page so… cheers!