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Damnation of Xyal - Prologue

How did it all happen so quickly?

What was the motive to such...


Craziest Writer- Hungriest Boi
Aug 14, 2023
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Damnation of Xyal - Prologue

How did it all happen so quickly?

What was the motive to such chaos?

And in just a few weeks as well, so much blood shed, and despair has happened.

Where did it all go wrong?

Amongst the burning buildings, floating high in the sky; a maniacal wizard clothed in light blue robes with dirty blond hair and a ragged beard launched fire balls from the palm of their hands as their child-like laughter filled the air, with the balls of fire hitting nearby stone buildings, causing debris to fall. Beneath him were armies upon armies of followers, each wearing dark blue robes similar to the wizard to cover their figures and yet, only their bright glowing orange eyes were seen as they kept on rushing innocent townspeople and guards, killing them all or forcing them into their numbers as cannon fodder.
Arrows were fired from their crossbows, hitting anything standing to a halt or inflicting painful and horrifying damage to the unlucky targets. Meanwhile, swords clashed with swords and shields, hoping to get a taste of flesh from the other wielder as theirs only could think of making their victims bleed out in agony.

Amidst the battle of the once powerful kingdom, multiple groups of injured warriors and what was left of the kingdom's guards held their weapons and heads high, trying their best to take out the ever-growing mob of followers around them. Call it being desperate or by genuine fear of their fate, they would not go down without any resistance. And this was much to the delight of the floating above them, laughing maniacally as he ordered his followers to charge at the last line of defense.

The Archer of the first group aimed his bow for anything not covered by armor, hoping to bring down just one more follower as they marched slowly towards him and his colleagues, praying softly in his steady breaths and feeling the string of his bow let go, letting arrows soar to their targets. He decided to hit them where they were most vulnerable which was their glowing eyes, firing arrow after arrow at the crazed robed vessels implanting his arrows directly inside their eyes or in-between, and watching them fall and crumble in pain before going limp. One in particular aimed his crossbow at the Archer and fired his bolt, grazing the Archer's cheek as he stumbled onto one knee. He gritted his teeth as the stinging sensation was felt on his face, before aiming and firing an arrow at the follower's eye, piercing it as bright orange blood splattered the ground as the body fell and laid there, stiff as a board. The arrow in question, making its way cleanly through the other side of the follower's head, into another's neck.

Behind him was their group's bard, seeing her friend injured in the heat of battle she wasted no time as she brought her lute close to her chest and raised her hand high in the air. She began to strum her lute and hummed a quick melody alongside with it, as a bright yellow mist surrounded them both, healing the cut on the Archer's cheek and feeling him with more stamina to continue in the fight. However, when she was in her own little world, she heard incoming footsteps progressively getting louder and louder. She grabbed her lute by the soundboard and swung it forcefully, landing a hit on a sneaky follower, cracking his skull in an instant as she felt blood particles and bone fragments launch at her skin, with the follower's eyes widening as he fell to the ground, staring up at her with his hand raising slowly as it gripped the dagger in it, before falling flat onto the ground besides the follower, dagger as well. But the fight was far from done as the Bard then heard many more footsteps make a quick haste towards her, and with her group occupied with more followers rushing them, she dropped her lute and pulled out her crossbow, aiming it at the closest follower who had his sword drawn and making no stops towards her. She fired without hesitation, aiming at the Follower's chest hoping to implant a bolt at his heart. However, the Follower had plans of his own, jumping high up in the air and dodging the bolt that implanted itself into another's chest, making them yell out in pain and fall onto their back, their fate sealed as they bled out. The Bard then looked up to see the follower staring back at her and letting out a guttural Warcry, hoping to dig his sword deep into her skull as they fell straight down towards her.

But just when they could make contact with the bard, their rogue ally was just in the Knick of time, jumping up in the air and launched a pair of his own knives at the Follower, impaling them straight through his mouth and out the other end, while two more knives dug their way into his chest. The blows made the Follower release his grip onto their sword, making it fall down onto the ground, its blade getting stuck between stones as their now lifeless corpse was next to fall. As it met contact with the ground, their head and back made an unsettling cracking sound as blood slowly leaked from their mouth and other gaping wounds. The rouge took his knives out of the body, throwing one at another approaching follower's shoulder and repeatedly stabbed them, making blood flow out of their body and have themselves fall swiftly onto the ground. The rogue wiped the blood of his knives and ran back to where his teammates were, sticking his knives back into their assigned holsters before taking his short sword from its hilt, holding it in a defensive manner.

While the first group were busy slaughtering their fair share of deranged lunatics, the second group was trying to thin the numbers out as well, with the example of one follower having their torse viciously cleaved off his waist, making both halves of their body fall with blood gushing out of their gigantic wounds.

A tall and red-headed knight gritted his teeth, and held his great sword by the handle tightly, looking onward at the endless waves of followers surrounding his own group. He silently cursed them from under his breath and began to charge head on at them. His first target charged him head on, throwing one of their daggers at him while gripping the other in the air high up. Unfortunately for the follower, the knight dodged the dagger thrown and weaved the plunge of the other, before cleanly cutting the follower's head off, neck and all. The next follower threw a bottle of oil at the knight's feet and with it came a torch at the same spot, engulfing the Knight's lower half in flames. The Follower looked on in satisfaction, hoping to melt the Knight's armor and hinder his movement so he'd be more vulnerable. Yet even though the knight was in agonizing pain due to the sheer burns, he lunged at the follower and dug his great sword deep into their chest and through their back. He watched at their eyes widened, still glowing that haunting orange color before their body slumped and their head fell forwards, with blood dripping softly out of their mouth. He slowly pulled his sword out of them, leaving a gaping wound before taking a knee as he couldn't bear the pain any longer. All he could do was listen intently to the oncoming heavy footsteps that were getting closer to him. The Knight slowly looked up hoping it was an ally, but only a much larger hulking brute with a poorly colored blue sack over half his face and one peering orange eye poking out, towered above him as they raised their jagged hammer high up. They chuckled with excitement that soon escalated to loud laughter at the thought of smashing their target into a bloody pulp.

But just when they were about to land their first hit, he heard something sizzle and fly past them, only to then realized that he was now feeling an unusually painful feeling and a horrible burning sensation between his legs. As he looked down slowly, he dropped his massive hammer in horror as he saw smoke coming from below. He turned around, seeing a blazing wooden spike has passed through his genital area and seared off his balls, having them hung against a stone wall.

Basically, neutering the poor follower.

As he continued to yell out in anger and agony at what could've caused this, it wasn't long till he heard another whistle and then felt something puncture hit head. It was another flaming spike, that went through his skull and brain, but got stuck in the back of his head. As he stumbled around before taking a mighty fall, landing amidst his fellow comrades in cloth, crushing multiple in the process. The knight merely held his breath the entire time, before he looked behind him to see one of his colleagues and close friends waving back at him. A blacksmith with a brilliant mind for all things he could fix, repair, or in this case; modify. In his hands, he was wielding some sort of contraption, firing off searing hot wooden spikes at lighting speed. Thank God for him wanting to be an artificer or else he'd be a goner.
While the blacksmith helped up the knight to his feet as he still felt the intense burning from earlier, they both soon saw more followers charging towards them.

They braced for the rush with the knight holding his sword closely to him, and the blacksmith aiming his weapon at his preferred target. But before the followers could make contact, a bright glistening white light passed by the Knight and the Blacksmith with it pushing back the followers, or immobilizing some as they lost their weapons. The knight was perplexed by the sudden surge of light just now but realized that the burning pain was no longer there. Him and the Blacksmith then realized they were filled with energy as well, despite being tired not a moment ago. They both looked behind them and saw their third group member, a cleric who had casted a spell called; 'Bless' to aid them in their fight. The Blacksmith and Knight both nodded back at her and then wasted no time charging back at the now, vulnerable group of followers. The Knight charged into one, smashing their body into a wall before knocking another down and finishing them with one fatal stab of his sword. The Blacksmith fired a red shot stake into one follower's leg, immobilizing them on the one while he instantly shot own another in the head, making their head engulf in flames while they could only scream out in pain.
The two groups, both tired from the fighting grouped up with one another, thinking they made great progress in clearing out the last bit of the kingdom they were sworn to protect.

But it wasn't enough.

Although the two groups have one a considerable amount of damage to make it seem they had an opening, their progress was destroyed once they saw just how many we're left. The two groups both we're backing away from the swarm, still firing off arrows or charging to attack those who were straying far from the hoard. But nothing helped. The mass was still coming as the adventurers kept trying to push them back. It wasn't long till they were all backed against a literal wall that was part of the castle they were defending, and when they turned back, they looked at the thousands of followers that surrounded them from all sides. They all still gripped their weapons ready for a last stand before they saw the wizard hover above them, using both of his hands to ready a powerful spell to eradicate the stone wall of the castle and then with it. Their attempts to stop such an invasion were in vain. It seemed as if the wizard has won.

But still one question remains...how did this all happen? And why to them?

Months before this all happened...

Last edited:
How did it all happen so quickly?

What was the motive to such chaos?

And in just a few weeks as well, so much blood shed, and despair has happened.

Where did it all go wrong?

Amongst the burning buildings, floating high in the sky; a maniacal wizard clothed in light blue robes with dirty blond hair and a ragged beard launched fire balls from the palm of their hands as their child-like laughter filled the air, with the balls of fire hitting nearby stone buildings, causing debris to fall. Beneath him were armies upon armies of followers, each wearing dark blue robes similar to the wizard to cover their figures and yet, only their bright glowing orange eyes were seen as they kept on rushing innocent townspeople and guards, killing them all or forcing them into their numbers as cannon fodder.

Arrows were fired from their crossbows, hitting anything standing to a halt or inflicting painful and horrifying damage to the unlucky targets. Meanwhile, swords clashed with swords and shields, hoping to get a taste of flesh from the other wielder as theirs only could think of making their victims bleed out in agony.
Amidst the battle of the once powerful kingdom, multiple groups of injured warriors held their weapons and heads high, trying their best to take out the ever-growing mob of followers around them. Call it being desperate or by genuine fear of their fate, they would not go down without any resistance.

The Archer of the first group aimed his bow for anything not covered by armor, hoping to bring down another one as they marched slowly towards him and his colleagues. He decided to hit them where they were most vulnerable which was their glowing eyes, firing arrow after arrow at the crazed robed vessels in their eyes, and watching them fall and crumble in pain before going limp. One in particular aimed his crossbow at the Archer and fired his bolt, grazing the Archer's cheek as he stumbled onto one knee. He gritted his teeth as the stinging sensation was felt on his face, before aiming and firing an arrow at the follower's eye, piercing it as bright orange blood splattered the ground as the body fell and laid there, stiff as a board.

Behind him was their group's bard, she strummed her lute and hummed a quick rhythm with it, as a bright yellow mist surrounded them both, healing the cut on the Archer's cheek as it was merely another scar on his tattered body, and filling him with more stamina to continue in the fight. However, she heard incoming footsteps and swung her reinforced steel lute before landing a hit on a sneaky follower, cracking his skull as she felt blood particles and bone fragments launch at her skin, with the follower's eyes widening as he fell to the ground. She then heard more faster footsteps and grabbed her crossbow, hoping to stop the oncoming enemy. She aimed it against her chest and saw him running and fired at him, but the bolt missed him as he jumped high into the air as the bolt made for him nailed another follower in the chest as he yelled out in pain from the bolt now lodged in his chest. She looked up and saw the follower, plunging down at her with his dagger in front of him, laughing louder and louder as he could only think of slashing her face apart.

Just in time however, their rogue ally was just as keen and swift with his own knives as he threw one right into the follower's head, instantly killing him as his body merely flailed as it in the ground with an audible thump and snap as his parts of his bones broke from the impact as it met the solid stone paths below. His job wasn't done however, facing more as they rushed him. He swiftly dodged their swings from battle axes and arrows, countering them with slashes to their wrists and necks to make them fall with a slump or to disarm them, making it easier for the others to take them out. Speaking of others, one that lost their grip on their axe had their head sliced clean off their body as bright orange blood gushed from their lifeless body.

A tall and red-headed knight gritted his teeth, and held his great sword by the handle tightly, looking onward at the wave of followers surrounding his own group. He silently cursed them from under his breath and began to charge. His first target charged him head on, throwing one of their daggers at him while gripping the other in the air high up. Unfortunately for the follower, the knight dodged the dagger thrown and weaved the plunge of the other, before cleanly cutting the follower in half. The next follower threw a bottle of oil at the knight's feet and with it came a torch at the same spot, hoping to melt his armor and hinder his movement. Yet even though the knight was in agonizing pain due to the sheer burns, he lunged at the follower and dug his great sword deep into their chest and through their back. He watched at their eyes widened, still glowing that haunting orange color before they went limp. He slowly pulled his sword out of them, leaving a gaping would before taking a knee as he couldn't bear the pain. He listened intently though to seeing a much larger follower with a poorly colored blue sack over half his face and one peering orange eye poking out, towered above him as they raised their hammer high. They chuckled with excitement at the thought of smashing their target into a bloody pulp.

But just when they were about to land their first hit, they heard something sizzle and fly past him, but then realized that they were now feeling a horrified puncturing and a horrible burning sensation between their legs. As he looked down slowly, he dropped his massive hammer in horror as he saw smoke coming from below. He turned around, seeing a blazing wooden spike has passed through his genital area and seared off his balls. Basically, neutering the poor follower as he yelled out in anger and agony. It wasn't long till he heard a whistle and then felt something shoot into hit head. It was another flaming spike, but this was stuck at the back of his head as he stumbled around before taking a mighty fall, landing amidst his fellow comrades in cloth. The knight looked behind him to see one of his colleagues and close friends, a blacksmith with a brilliant mind for all things idiotic, wielding some sort of contraption, firing off searing hot wooden spikes at lighting speed. Thank god for him wanting to be an artificer or else he'd be a goner.

While the blacksmith helped up the knight to his feet, they both soon saw more followers charging towards them. They braced for the rush before a bright glistening light surrounded them as they both felt, more powerful than before. They swiftly took care of two followers each, the blacksmith firing two more spikes in their heads while the knight decapitated their arms or legs. They then looked behind them and saw their third group member, a cleric who had casted bless to aid them in their fights. It seemed to have worked wonders as the knight felt the pain on his feet being numbed and his energy replenished. The cleric however wasn't only dishing out aid as she began to take out a short sword and stabbed a rabid follower in the chest, mostly having them impale their body on her sword as she just let him slide off it.

However, just when they thought they made an opening, their progress was destroyed once they saw just how many we're left. The two groups both we're backing away from the swarm, still firing off arrows or charging to attack the ones at the front. But nothing helped. The mass was still coming as the adventurers kept trying to push them back. It wasn't long till they were all backed against a literal wall that was part of the castle they were defending, and when they turned back, they looked at the thousands of followers that surrounded them from all sides. They all still gripped their weapons ready for a last stand before they saw the wizard hover above them, using both of his hands to ready a powerful spell to eradicate the stone wall of the castle and then with it.

Their attempts to stop such an invasion were in vain. It seemed as if the wizard has won.

But still one question remains...how did this all happened?

Months before this all happened...


Damn. Okay, need to message you about this on discord because I have some tips you might like for tense issues, but other than that this is awesome, please write more!
Chapter 1
Damnation of Xyal - Prologue

How did it all happen so quickly?

What was the motive to such chaos?

And in just a few weeks as well, so much blood shed, and despair has happened.

Where did it all go wrong?
Amongst the burning buildings, floating high in the sky; a maniacal wizard clothed in light blue robes with dirty blond hair and a ragged beard launched fire balls from the palm of their hands as their child-like laughter filled the air, with the balls of fire hitting nearby stone buildings, causing debris to fall. Beneath him were armies upon armies of followers, each wearing dark blue robes similar to the wizard to cover their figures and yet, only their bright glowing orange eyes were seen as they kept on rushing innocent townspeople and guards, killing them all or forcing them into their numbers as cannon fodder.

Arrows were fired from their crossbows, hitting anything standing to a halt or inflicting painful and horrifying damage to the unlucky targets. Meanwhile, swords clashed with swords and shields, hoping to get a taste of flesh from the other wielder as theirs only could think of making their victims bleed out in agony.
Amidst the battle of the once powerful kingdom, multiple groups of injured warriors held their weapons and heads high, trying their best to take out the ever-growing mob of followers around them. Call it being desperate or by genuine fear of their fate, they would not go down without any resistance.

The Archer of the first group aimed his bow for anything not covered by armor, hoping to bring down another one as they marched slowly towards him and his colleagues. He decided to hit them where they were most vulnerable which was their glowing eyes, firing arrow after arrow at the crazed robed vessels in their eyes, and watching them fall and crumble in pain before going limp. One in particular aimed his crossbow at the Archer and fired his bolt, grazing the Archer's cheek as he stumbled onto one knee. He gritted his teeth as the stinging sensation was felt on his face, before aiming and firing an arrow at the follower's eye, piercing it as bright orange blood splattered the ground as the body fell and laid there, stiff as a board.

Behind him was their group's bard, she strummed her lute and hummed a quick rhythm with it, as a bright yellow mist surrounded them both, healing the cut on the Archer's cheek as it was merely another scar on his tattered body, and filling him with more stamina to continue in the fight. However, she heard incoming footsteps and swung her reinforced steel lute before landing a hit on a sneaky follower, cracking his skull as she felt blood particles and bone fragments launch at her skin, with the follower's eyes widening as he fell to the ground. She then heard more faster footsteps and grabbed her crossbow, hoping to stop the oncoming enemy. She aimed it against her chest and saw him running and fired at him, but the bolt missed him as he jumped high into the air as the bolt made for him nailed another follower in the chest as he yelled out in pain from the bolt now lodged in his chest. She looked up and saw the follower, plunging down at her with his dagger in front of him, laughing louder and louder as he could only think of slashing her face apart.

Just in time however, their rogue ally was just as keen and swift with his own knives as he threw one right into the follower's head, instantly killing him as his body merely flailed as it in the ground with an audible thump and snap as his parts of his bones broke from the impact as it met the solid stone paths below. His job wasn't done however, facing more as they rushed him. He swiftly dodged their swings from battle axes and arrows, countering them with slashes to their wrists and necks to make them fall with a slump or to disarm them, making it easier for the others to take them out. Speaking of others, one that lost their grip on their axe had their head sliced clean off their body as bright orange blood gushed from their lifeless body.

A tall and red-headed knight gritted his teeth, and held his great sword by the handle tightly, looking onward at the wave of followers surrounding his own group. He silently cursed them from under his breath and began to charge. His first target charged him head on, throwing one of their daggers at him while gripping the other in the air high up. Unfortunately for the follower, the knight dodged the dagger thrown and weaved the plunge of the other, before cleanly cutting the follower in half. The next follower threw a bottle of oil at the knight's feet and with it came a torch at the same spot, hoping to melt his armor and hinder his movement. Yet even though the knight was in agonizing pain due to the sheer burns, he lunged at the follower and dug his great sword deep into their chest and through their back. He watched at their eyes widened, still glowing that haunting orange color before they went limp. He slowly pulled his sword out of them, leaving a gaping would before taking a knee as he couldn't bear the pain. He listened intently though to seeing a much larger follower with a poorly colored blue sack over half his face and one peering orange eye poking out, towered above him as they raised their hammer high. They chuckled with excitement at the thought of smashing their target into a bloody pulp.

But just when they were about to land their first hit, they heard something sizzle and fly past him, but then realized that they were now feeling a horrified puncturing and a horrible burning sensation between their legs. As he looked down slowly, he dropped his massive hammer in horror as he saw smoke coming from below. He turned around, seeing a blazing wooden spike has passed through his genital area and seared off his balls. Basically, neutering the poor follower as he yelled out in anger and agony. It wasn't long till he heard a whistle and then felt something shoot into hit head. It was another flaming spike, but this was stuck at the back of his head as he stumbled around before taking a mighty fall, landing amidst his fellow comrades in cloth. The knight looked behind him to see one of his colleagues and close friends, a blacksmith with a brilliant mind for all things idiotic, wielding some sort of contraption, firing off searing hot wooden spikes at lighting speed. Thank god for him wanting to be an artificer or else he'd be a goner.

While the blacksmith helped up the knight to his feet, they both soon saw more followers charging towards them. They braced for the rush before a bright glistening light surrounded them as they both felt, more powerful than before. They swiftly took care of two followers each, the blacksmith firing two more spikes in their heads while the knight decapitated their arms or legs. They then looked behind them and saw their third group member, a cleric who had casted bless to aid them in their fights. It seemed to have worked wonders as the knight felt the pain on his feet being numbed and his energy replenished. The cleric however wasn't only dishing out aid as she began to take out a short sword and stabbed a rabid follower in the chest, mostly having them impale their body on her sword as she just let him slide off it.

However, just when they thought they made an opening, their progress was destroyed once they saw just how many we're left. The two groups both we're backing away from the swarm, still firing off arrows or charging to attack the ones at the front. But nothing helped. The mass was still coming as the adventurers kept trying to push them back. It wasn't long till they were all backed against a literal wall that was part of the castle they were defending, and when they turned back, they looked at the thousands of followers that surrounded them from all sides. They all still gripped their weapons ready for a last stand before they saw the wizard hover above them, using both of his hands to ready a powerful spell to eradicate the stone wall of the castle and then with it.

Their attempts to stop such an invasion were in vain. It seemed as if the wizard has won.

But still one question remains...how did this all happened?

Months before this all happened...

Damnation of Xyal - Chapter 1

How did this all happen?

What went wrong?

When could've we have prevented this from happening?

.... Many months ago...

It was a quiet fall morning in a medium sized town happily called, Drendyl. A peaceful place of small yet sturdy cottages and few large structures. People knew others from places beyond their wooden walls, and it wasn't considered rare to see visitors returning from other distant towns or kingdoms. During such a fine morning, villagers were beginning to wake up as the first rays of sunlight pierced their windows and birds from outside signaled to another day. Few were already up at this hour, with most getting their daily chores out of the way or beginning to cook breakfast for their household. Soon, more and more started to greet the day head on, with some stepping outside and saying good morning to their neighbors or tending to their crops at their designated farms. It wasn't long till the nearly empty dirt paths of the common living areas and the cobble stone roads towards the main point of the town we're crowded as people went to their jobs or the community market to start their day off the right way.

In the early hours of the community market, merchants and vendors were already setting up their stalls. These people were from faraway lands selling goods and trinkets to all who wanted their merchandise, or some were selling produce or medicinal items to those in need of food not found close to where they lived. One food vendor in particular was fairly well known for his abundant of fruits and was occupied in giving a hefty barrel filled with mixed fruits to some guards, per their request to always be fully stocked when their squadron was tasked to go out to stand guard outside the walls for protentional threats or to lead an important convoy along the terrain.

He was marking down the order swiftly as he had done it multiple times, with the guards staring intently at him. And while the vendor was finishing up their request and was handed the usual some of 50 pieces of silver for their cooperation, he couldn't help but notice seeing a suspicious individual in black commoner's clothing, with a makeshift hood that they put on top of their head, made up of multicolored fabric.They held it nearly above their eyes, as if to not be seen by the public if they were recognized. The vendor watched their actions carefully as there were now fewer guards left at the market to stop potential thieves.

No doubt in his mind rushed to the conclusion that they waited for the group of heavily armed guards from before to leave the area so they couldn't be interrupted. The individual them stopped right at the vendor's wide arrange of apples, moving his head side to side as if debating on something. The vendor was beginning to sweat, not realizing customer after customer was trying to gain his focus. He snapped back into reality, seeing the individual pass by him and the group of customers in front of him. The vendor sighed with relief before taking someone's order.

"Y-Yes, how may I help you today ma'am?"

"Finally! I've been screaming for nearly 3 minutes trying to purchase some apples!"

"My apologies, how many would you like? And please, follow me to pick out some for yourself."

The vendor and the lady both moved towards his apples where he looked down and was shocked to what he had seen. Near his display was a barrel full of apples that had a sign specifically stating they were for showcase only, not to be purchased. And at the top, he saw that some apples were taken, no less than 5 to be exact. And for some produce that was nearly for show, he went deathly quiet and a sickening sheet of white was all over his face.

"So, I'd like...sir? Are you there!? I'd like my-

"They're gone..."

"Excuse me?"


The outcry shouted from the vendor was heard throughout the market as the guards began to move towards his location once those words left his lips. If that wasn't a cry of a thief, then have them all hanged on the spot. The leader of the guards was first to arrive, pushing back the customer and staring at the paranoid and panicked vendor.

"Sir, calm down. What happened?"

"M-My apples...they're gone! I knew it was that...figure. It had to have been him!"

"What were they wearing? Anything out of the ordinary?"

"A robe of black a-and a makeshift hood, he around towards the main square!"

The leader nodded swiftly and ordered his men towards different paths to the main square, in hopes of capturing their culprit.
At the main square of town, the 'Thief' in question was busy walking past the crowds of people in a fast pace. Under his robes, he held tightly to a large back that was filled with apples and another bag dangling by his waist, signaling that he had money and just stole the apples to...'save up' sort to speak. As the individual in black kept up his pace, he saw two guards patrolling a part of the main square. Not wanting to be caught with stolen merchandise, he turned back around, only to meet with two other soldiers who were looking at civilians for the matching description given to them by the Vendor. They were about to turn around before one locked their eyes onto their 'Thief'.

"Ey wait...OI! I'm talking to you! Come with us this instant!"

The individual knew the gig was up and sprinted into the crowd of people, knocking them over or swiftly dodging them as he ran into a nearby narrow pathway. He could hear the commotion behind him as the two guards yelled for their other colleagues to join them to track down their culprit. Soon enough, the individual hit a dead end with rows of cabins blocking his way, and with his pursuers hot on his heels, he was panicking with any sort of escape or place to hide. Just before he was about to give up, he saw a sizeable crack between two houses. One that was large enough to squeeze through he pondered as he slides the bag of apples first before preparing to squeeze himself through next. He inhaled his breath and breathed it out slowly before swiftly sliding through, hearing the footsteps and clanks of metal getting progressively louder. He shut his eyes, remained quiet, and prayed not to be caught as he heard the soldiers stop at where he just was.

"Where did he go?! We were following his exact movements and everything!

"He couldn't have just disappeared out of nowhere! Spread out and see if he just climbed a roof or something. The captain is possibly gonna have us scrubbing stalls for weeks for this..."

"He's possibly a magician, and if not, he sure got the advantage over us somehow. That damned criminal..."

While the guards backtracked out of the alleyway, the 'Thief' peeked his head out of the crack and slowly pulled himself out once he knew the coast was clear, with the bag of apples tightly in his hands. Now knowing he needed to be more careful, he successfully evaded more patrolling guards, as more knew about his clothing and how he lost 4 while they were hot on his heels. During his walk around town, he made his way towards a couple of cottages in a barren part of town, where few farms were being made and most homes were abandoned long ago. The 'Thief' looked behind him one more time before rushing towards the door of a cottage, knocking on it with quick haste. The door opened on the second or third knock, revealing a black skinned man who was smaller than the 'Thief', looking straight at him with a stern look. He then looked at the big bag of apples the thief held and then the other smaller one, noticing how full it was. The smaller man than looked back up at the other and just sighed before speaking.

"Well...I guess I don't have to make gruel anymore."

"Listen, I was gonna pay but...I felt like-"

"You felt like being an idiot and wanting to see how far you can go without being caught again. How many this time?"

"...I evaded 4 of them at the same time, and then evades 3 more on my way home."
"So, seven. Seven now know about my makeshift clothes now thinking I stole some produce. That's nearly my entire wardrobe Dan!"

"Look, I'm sorry Crazie! Can we...can we just talk about this later and inside?"

"Sweet lord almighty Danny...j-just come inside before someone sees."

Without hesitation, Dan the 'Thief' passed his friend and jumped onto the couch in the living area, taking off the makeshift hood but still sporting his black robe. He tossed the bag over to this friend, who caught it and walked towards their kitchen. The cottage they lived in wasn't considered small, nor was it a luxury. But as long as it kept them safe during the night or from attacks, the abnormally big rodents that scurry around the floorboards could've been excused.

"So, what are we having today Crazie?"

"Well since we got fresh apples now, I was thinking oatmeal."

"Oatmeal? I risked my freedom, just for a bowl of hot oats in water and chopped off apples?"

"First off, I gave you money from our last job, you didn't need to steal. Secondly, I'm cooking, I decide what we eat. And finally, suck it up. And go wake up Ari while you're getting up."

Crazie dug around the sack of apples while Dan got up from his seat and was prepared to get their third house mate up for breakfast. However, Crazie reached inside the bag pulling out two apples. But just when he was contempt on how they looked, a puff of smoke formed around the two, making Crazie instantly drop them onto the floor much to Dan's surprise at what was happening.

"Dan, who did you buy these from and why are they smoking!?"

"Do you think I know? I merely got them from a famous vendor! That's all!"



"WHAT DO YOU MEAN- AAH! WHAT IS THAT...bright....light?"

Crazie and Dan both stopped yelled upon realizing the apples weren't there anymore, only to be replaced by two brightly shining gems instead. Crazie slowly picked one up to see if they were imagining things only to come to the realization that...they were real. Crazie's eyes widened as Daniel picked up the other gem, gazing at its beautiful structure as the sunlight beamed onto it.
"Who the hell did you buy these from?!"
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Damnation of Xyal - Chapter 1

It was a quiet fall morning in a medium sized town of small yet sturdy cottages and few big buildings. Villagers were beginning to do their daily chores as more and more started to say good morning to one another. It wasn't long till the nearly empty dirt paths of the common living areas and the cobble stone roads towards the main point of the town we're crowded as people went to their jobs or the community market to start their day off the right way. In the community market were many merchants from faraway lands selling goods and trinkets to all who wanted their merchandise. One food vendor in particular was occupied in giving a hefty barrel filled with mixed fruits to some guards, per their request to always be fully stocked when their group goes out to stand guard for protentional threats or to lead a important convoy along the terrain. However, the vendor saw a suspicious figure in black commoner's clothing, with a makeshift hood that they put on top of their head, as if to not be seen by the public's eye. The vendor watched carefully at the mysterious person as they stopped and merely looked along their many arrangements of fruits before seemingly walking away. The vendor breathed in relief, thinking that no fool would try to rob him in such a packed place, much less with guards so close to them as well. However, when the vendor went back towards his produce, he saw that there was something to be skeptical about. At least five of his apples that laid sitting on display were now gone, and his heart sank once he realized something else was missing too. He wasted no time alerting the guards while people watched in awe as how deranged he was speaking.

"HELP! HELP! I'VE BEEN ROBBED! THE THIEF WENT THAT WAY, PLEASE! GET MY PRODUCE BACK, IT'S DEAR TO ME!" The vendor shouted in the face of the lead captain of the guards. The captain however, thought it was merely a joke or a ploy to get out of his deal. But reluctantly ordered 3 of his men to go the direction the vendor said their culprit went. They made haste, running into the busy paths in the town as they saw a hooded figure draped in black walking at a moderately fast pace as he held a sack which was clearly filled with something. Maybe the vendor wasn't lying after all.

"Halt, you thief!" A soldier shouted as he drew his sword, the other two following his movements as they ran towards their target. Just then, the hooded figure turned around and saw that he was followed and began running past people and jumping over crates and barrels to get away.

The guards quickly ran after the thief, trying to match his speed but we're quickly halted by how he jumped and dodged obstacles in his path. They, however, did not yield in their chase and kept on with their mission at hand. The thief seeing their determination had to think of something quick or he would risk being captured and possibly jailed for quite a long time. Thankfully, he spotted a corner edge and took the sharp turn as he picked up the speed. He looked around for anywhere to hide and spotted a small gap that could fit him, and so he dipped inside, holding his breath as he heard the footsteps of the three guards approaching. He closed his eyes as he listened in on their conversation, hearing their feet stop nearby.

"Where did he go?! This leads to a blasted dead end!"
"He couldn't have just disappeared out of nowhere! Spread out and see if he just climbed a roof or something..."
"He's possibly a magician, and if not, he sure got the advantage over us somehow. That damned criminal..."

While the guards walked deeper into the alley, the Thief made his exit with his pursuers now distracted on where he could've possibly vanished to. As he slipped out the gap with the sack nearly hitting the floor, he backtracked his footing back into the populated parts of town, masking his head still as he made his way to a small yet livable cottage, knocking on it's door while someone came running to it. The person on the other end opened the door, revealing to be a black man much shorter than him as his messy black hair was nearly half finished being brushed.

"There you are! Me and Ari wake up to you being gone early this morning, then some vendor goes on about someone stealing his produce!? WHAT WE'RE YOU THINKING!?" The shorter man said as he closed the door before anyone could hear them.
"I uh, I didn't steal anything. I swear a- hey!" The thief tried to defend himself, but the shorter man pulled the sack away from his waist and opened it up, seeing apples tumbling onto their wooden floor.

"You have got to be kidding...DID YOU STEAL APPLES AGAIN?!" The shorter man yelled as he dropped the sack onto the ground. "WE COULD'VE AFFORDED THESE!"
"Well...I didn't know that! And besides, you've always wanted to try and perfect your cooking with them! So...?" The thief said with a crooked smile, pleading with his shorter friend to not rat him out, which worked.

"Dan you...ugh. Get Ari up and tell her breakfast will be done in a few minutes. We're going to need her anyways while we're on our mission." The shorter man said, picking up the apples and walking towards an area dedicated for cooking and storing food.
"We got another job? Where to now Craz?" Dan said, taking off his black cloak and resting himself on the couch.

"Some place, looking for some relic it seems." Crazie answered back, about to cut into the first apple only to reveal it to be a fake, as a blue shining light emitted from the cut. "What in the..."
"What? Something wrong with the apples?" Dan said, getting up to go check for himself, only to see Crazie holding a blue shining gem in his hand.

"Who the fuck did you steal these apples from..."

Why so much bold? And seperate characters talking need seperate paragraphs. Otherwise it's awkward to read.

Like, I don't wanna tell you how to write your story, but I will admit this is kinda jarring.
Damnation of Xyal - The beginnings of heroes? Pt. 1
It was a peaceful morning just like any other in a peaceful town...no, scratch that. It was supposed to be a peaceful morning. A normal wake up to the warm glistening sign of the sun through a window like any other, followed by the same plain routine they we're accustomed to. The routine was as followed; they'd wake up from their bed, grooming their hair or washing away any specks of dirt on their body, and then making their way to the living area to be greeted by the smell of food being prepared while seeing one of their friends laying down and reading a book, or doing their morning chores. It was somewhat a boring routine, but one that each person there enjoyed.

So, with a deep breath. The long-haired brunette could only ask one simple question towards her housemates.

"What the hell are all these?!"

Ari. The other adventurer of their group and their third housemate looked in disbelief at what her two friends had in their hands. Crazie held two gems in his hands, one being a light blue color under the light and one being a yellowish golden color. It seemed he was debating which one he liked more based on their color. All the while Dan was attempting to juggle the other three gems. However, he was startled by Ari's sudden intrusion and dropped one, having it make a dent into the floor without even showing a scratch. He quickly picked it up and sent the red, green, and purple gems back into the sack he had them in. Crazie did the same upon learning that Ari was wide awake, standing beside Dan with a nervous smile.

"Hey Ari, Arianna, the best badass bard we know. H-How'd you sleep?"

Crazie's question to divert their situation fell on deaf ears as Ari just walked towards the two men and glared at them.

"Save it, Crazie. Now I ask again, what's going on?"

"What do you mean? I don't even know what's wrong, neither does Danny."

"Oh, so you or Dan nothing's going on? How about...THE FIVE GEMS! WHERE DID YOU BOTH GET THOSE AND WHY DO YOU EVEN HAVE THEM?!"

Crazie went silent as him and Dan shared a look while nodding towards one another. Dan then turned towards Ari and took a deep breath before starting to speak.

"Well, you see Ari. This is all a big misunderstanding as I thought they were apples at first-"
"It was all Dan's fault. He stole them from a vendor thinking they were apples."


"Really. Really Crazie? I thought we nodded to agree that I'd say what really happened. Y'know, that I thought these...gems were apple!?"

"Oh sorry! I just thought you'd pin it on me!"




Ari was at her limit, slamming her fist on the table as it shook but barely budging the gems that were on it. Crazie and Dan both looked at her with fear at their ally. Although she is a bard at heart and occupation, they always wondered if she was once a barbarian or fighter due to her sense of brute force when persuasion was off the table during their battles. However, one would say this is the wrong time to worry about if your friend could beat you half to death but if they WOULD. With that though crossing both Dan and Crazie's mind, they were right to me scared shitless when Ari peered down at them with rage.

"Now, I'm going to ask you both one last time and I better hear an answer or both of you is going to end up somewhere unpleasant underground...Am I clear?"

Without muttering a word, both the two men nodded their heads.

"Good. Now Dan, you said you thought they were apples?"


"Did you pay for said apples?"

"...Okay so when you mean pay-"

"BY THE- Oooh, I'm this close to caving your skull in! So, help me gods if you say you stole them."

"I...I stole them."

"Why?! I know for a fact we had enough for basic produce and more! And now you're telling me even with the money Crazie gave you for groceries yesterday, you still stole, and not only that because stealing is already a bad offense here. YOU STOLE, GEMS WORTH INFINITELY MORE THAN OUR SALARIES COMBINED WHEN THEY WERE DISGUISED AS APPLES?!"

"That is a...way of explaining the situation. In great length I might add."

"...Oh god, if the person you stole these from finds out where they are. No...where we are? We're done for, absolutely dead. We've had near misses before, getting the wrong target, or nearly killing a famous figure by mistake! BUT THIS?! BY GODS! YOU'VE OUTDONE YOURSELF WITH THIS ONE DAN!"

As Ari was understandably losing her mind on the topic of being hunted down mercilessly for Dan's miscalculated thievery, Crazie carefully stood up and walked over to his room of the house. He then emerged out of it, holding a bag sizable enough for travel and began to put the gems into the bags. As he was doing this, Dan and Ari both looked in confusion on what their eagle-eyed friend was doing as he tied it carefully.

"Crazie, Crazie what are you doing with those? We're already in a heap of trouble and possibly going to be executed."

"Plain and simple Ari. I'm returning them to the market in the hopes of them thinking I retrieved his stolen goods from said thief."

"Wait what?! Are you insane?!"

"Listen, we only got a few other options about this, both are either having one of us dead, or all of us dead. With this, we can at least try to do the right thing before they throw us in the chambers forever."

Ari and Dan both wanted to argue on Crazie's plan to get them all out of a world of trouble until they really thought on the issue at hand. Dan was the only person to be seen with the bag that held the stolen produce and only them and the merchant know what they truly are. So, the problem now would be to hand over the bag to the merchant himself while guards are kept posted around the area. And another question added to that;

"How can we make it seem like you got them from 'The Thief' in the first place though?"

Crazie smiled at his companions once Dan asked him on his plan once more. And if Dan and Ari know anything about their fellow archer, he was always up to something...
At the market, the merchant felt an uneasy feeling as to where his 'apples' have gone and if someone had found out about them. He however kept that feeling sunk for the mean time as he handed out fruits and veggies by the barrel to his regulars with an occasional servant of Royals also collecting a barrel or two for one of the bigger household names in town. And of course, He had some luggage backed and ready for the squads of guards that picked up their daily meals and snacks once they are called for duty. If it weren't for the harrowing problem he was direly wishing didn't happen, this routine of his would've been just as peaceful has it always been. That is until...a certain buyer came to his stall. He had no doubt about it either, a familiar face that he has always welcomed.

One that always gets the same order from the merchant. Every, single, time.

A barrel of produce.

Not just any other, a particular kind of fruit.

A barrel full of red apples.

This. This was a huge shock to the merchant, he thought he had more time. He thought he they weren't coming for another two weeks almost to a month since their last business deal. Why are they here now? WHY SO EARLY? WHY, WHY, WHY?!


All was lost as the merchant snapped back to reality, with the buyer looked at him with a stern look, taking off his hood to show his face off, bright as day. If the wrinkles or few losses of his blond hair wasn't enough to prove his age, the rest of his appearances did just that. Sporting some makeshift glasses to see, made up of sticks and twine with expertly cut crystals to act as lens. A slight hunched back that he relatively does to seem frail only to be able to stand up straight, nearly towering over the merchant himself. And his signature robes were also worn and torn. Its brightly dark blue coloring was all but faded, with patches and small holes leaving their mark on it as well.

The merchant still was in disbelief, it was too perfect to be a doppelganger. The unique robes, the physic, the facial structure and uncommon movements he's prone to see from...him. It was really him. No doubts about it anymore. The merchant mustered up the courage to finally speak to the man,

"Uh...sorry sir. I didn't know you were coming so soon. Was the last delivery not enough?"

"Afraid not. Not on your part, only due to unfortunate events."

"Oh dear, what happened if I may ask?"

"Not a problem, merely half of it was almost stolen by bandits even though my caravan was prepared for such an ambush. Most of those 'apples' you've given us were slightly damaged or nearly destroyed, but usable still. I'm sorry to say this dear friend, even with all the work you went through to get us those, but I shall need another shipment immediately. I see you already have a full barrel and hope it's not too much trouble if me and my colleagues take it off your hands."

"Oh, not at all! It's just that I misplaced a few however..."

"A few missing is not a problem, as long as we get them all, there is no issue."

"I fully agree but...its not the fact that I lost them around the stall or travels but more on...who has them now."

With those last words coming out of the merchant's mouth, the mysterious man looked at him with a look of concern mixed with confusion. Although, it was clear to see that anger would be a suitable alternative.

"What do you mean, 'someone has them'?"

The merchant, not risking someone to hear their conversation went from behind his stall and gestured the man to him so he could whisper the problem. fluently.

"I mean, someone stole five of the gems mistaking them for apples. I tried to keep a good eye on them but, but they got away. I even risked the guards help in finding them but no luck!"

The robed man wanted to scream out in anger but merely looked at the merchant with a glare that could only be described as wanting him dead on the spot. This was no normal merchant of food and wares; this was his most trusted and valuable smuggler. Able to convince kingdoms, big villages, even towns like these to let him in for trade deals of prices so affordable for all people who lived there. He had routes to travel quickly, working with other caravans to help aid him on journeys to dangerous lands and some even say he has a deal with bandits to smuggle weapons for them in return, grant him a safe passage with no ambushes.
But most of all, he was trusted in collecting precious minerals like gems, diamonds, and more valuable to him specifically as they are being used for a 'project' of his. A secretive one, in which no one even knows about not even the merchant who as a key part in making sure it would run smoothly with his supplies. The only clue to it even being real was the mysterious man hinted on the fact that no one should know about it, and none shall be given any idea of its existence.

And now, someone knows of it. Someone who is possibly incompetent enough to know what they are truly known for and what they could possibly do. If words get out on these gems existing at all and what their purpose is, then his plans can go straight down a ravine. He would be hunted down relentlessly, and so would his base of operations. However, all is not lost.

"You said...not even the guards found the culprit?"

"No sir, they've been keeping an eye out for anyone matching his description and all. Having more guards at the entrances and exits to make sure no one stole em. And none turned up so far."

"I see. Then, we shall exit the premises, after we take of...witnesses."

With that, the merchant's eyes illuminated with a bright orange glare as his sorrowful face was replaced with that of a blank one. He went back behind his stall and took out a dark blue robe from a box, putting it on and putting the hood over his head, hiding his face except the ever-glowing eyes. At this point, a guard saw him put on his hood and then vanish from behind his stall. Sensing something was up, he marched to where the merchant was and hit the hilt of his sword against the stand.

"Ey, what's going on down there? Speak now or I'll come behind their myself!"

The merchant merely loomed his head above a board, peering at the guard with no emotion.

"Didn't you hear me? I said state what you're doing behind there, or I'll-"


With one swift action, the guard's neck was pierced as the merchant let out a blood curdling war cry. A hidden dagger from underneath his sleeve punctured the guard's throat, and with one swift tug, it was out. a small line of blood with the common spurts covering the wooden stall with a red crimson color as onlookers could only process what they had seen. A few more guards saw what had happened and rushed over to the stall, swords and bows drawn as the robed merchant merely laughed.

"What the hell are you doing?!"

"You dare murder one of our own in broad daylight!"

"We'll make sure you die starving in a cell for this!"

But as they inched their feet closer to the stall, the mysterious man held his hand at the guards while saying something under his breath. And within minutes... they felt hot. And hotter, and the hot sensation merely doubled and tripled once they realized their own armor was cooking them alive. Their screams echoed the market as bystanders fled the scene, with few seeing the gruesome demise of the three brave guards not only piles of melted iron seared onto the flesh of what once was a person.

The merchant walked towards the mysterious, still having a blank face plastered on his head as he took out a devilish looking blade.

"Shall I?"

"Leave none standing. No man shall be left alive, nor women or children. All are a target here."

"Of course, at once."

With their brief conversation dealt with, the mysterious man and the merchant both walked onto the now chaotic town square as terrified people alerted guards or others to what had happened at the market. The duo just looked upon the crowds of innocent men, women, and children. All of whom may be witnesses to their deeds, and not a single one would leave here alive.

"Shall we get more followers, sir?"


As the mysterious man pondered, he saw a guard rushing towards them and instantly fired off a fireball from his hands, incinerating the guard in an instant, and others that we're foolish enough to not move in time.

"Not yet, unless a bigger threat shows up. But these people...are ripe to slaughter."

"As you wish...

Master Calib."

As they began rampaging through the streets, painting homes and pathways with gruesome slashes as blood seeped onto the ground, the town was left defenseless. The guards could do little to nothing to the duo less they be sliced in half or burned on the spot. And the civillians could only hide and stay silent, waiting for help to arrive. But who? Who could help them fight such terrifying foes?

They needed a hero.


They needed several, groups of fearless men n' women who can stand up to the mysterious man and his follower at this time.

But the question still remains on...who?

"Crazie are you sure this'll work?"

"I already told you Danny, the more cuts the better-AH! Okay, that's enough...I think I'm ready, is it clear out there Ari? You've been standing by there for awhile."

"Uhm, you guys might wanna take a look at this...
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