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During the Fall: Ramesses (BtVS/Angel)

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[Two weeks after the Fall of Los Angeles]

Holly POV

Holly clung onto Greg's arm as the pair...


Son of a Hazmot
Apr 30, 2020
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[Two weeks after the Fall of Los Angeles]

Holly POV

Holly clung onto Greg's arm as the pair dashed through the dimly lit corridors of the LA County Museum of Art, their footsteps echoing against the marble floors. Fear pulsed through her as they scrambled past the sign for the Egyptian exhibit and she spared a single second, one of the longest in her life, as she looked behind them. There it was, a massive, green-skinned demon, its tail swishing menacingly as it charged towards them. The couple let out another scream as they scrambled deeper into the exhibit, looking for any way to escape.

Two weeks ago, this had been her safe space, it was her first real job after finishing college and she enjoyed the process of restoring the artifacts. That's why they were here now, after two weeks spent shut up in their tiny apartment, with nothing to do but listen to the screams of those dying on the streets, she decided that she was done being afraid, and was determined to do what she could to help the people of LA, (the fact that this realization occurred the same day she ran out of food was a mere coincidence), to do that, she thought of the Crusades exhibit here at LACMA. Here, there was armor from both sides of the Crusades, Christians and Muslims, and Holly knew that the armor of soldiers would often be blessed by the priests, she had restored a couple of the pieces herself. Unfortunately, they had been picked clean by the time she and Greg got here. Not giving up, she remembered something else that could be useful, a supposed magical amulet, the Eye of Horus, meant to possess powerful healing properties, but before they could make it there, they were attacked by that thing and now they're going to die here!

With her still clutching Greg's arm, the pair sprinted through the darkened exhibit, but the monster caught up to them. As they were passing the sarcophagus of Amenemhat IV, she felt the wind get knocked out of her as the beast's massive tail struck her side, sending her flying into the sarcophagus, causing something to break and knocking it over as she collided with it headfirst. As dots filled her vision and the room darkened, the last thing Holly hears is a gasping breath coming from inside it, then she knew no more.

Ramesses POV

I of course knew when the city had fallen into darkness, immediately feeling the shift in energies, a force more potent and ominous. Yet, my station bound me, a mere observer, confined to my narrow realm, unable to act as I longed to do. This last century on Earth had been remarkably different from the eons I endured within that cursed tomb, a respite amidst the sands of time. Though it pained me to witness those foolish mortals dismantle my sarcophagus, mistaking my identity for that of my younger brother, I could do nothing but endure the torment.

I am… was, Pharaoh Khenerhorankhu Ramesses, and my reign began at a tender age of six, after the passing of my esteemed grandfather, Pharaoh Amenemhat III. Only one child of his bloodline survived to bless him with grandchildren, my mother, who assumed the role of my regent, guiding the kingdom until I reached the age of maturity. However, the time intended for my coronation slipped away, delayed by three years beyond its rightful hour. On the day that should have marked my ascension, my own mother betrayed me. She orchestrated a feast, my favorite delicacies served before me, only to revel in cold fascination as my blood boiled and my heart shattered within my chest. I begged for mercy, for salvation, but her indifference prevailed. I perished, yet my spirit lingered, an ethereal bond tethering me to my lifeless vessel. I beheld my brother, Amenemhat, assuming the throne in my stead, our mother faithfully serving as regent once more. Desperate to warn him, to scream out my revelations, I futilely invoked the few spells I knew, but to no avail. Soon, he too found his resting place beside me, his sarcophagus grander and more lavishly adorned, encrusted with gold and precious stones. Ultimately, with no more male heirs of our lineage, my mother, Sobekneferu, ever the audacious one, ascended the throne as Egypt's first female Pharaoh. Her reign, however, lasted a mere three years, and with her passing, our dynasty crumbled. Our tomb, incomplete and vulnerable, fell prey to thieves amidst the chaos that ensued, yet my unadorned sarcophagus remained untouched, abandoned to the passage of ages.

For countless eons, I paced the confines of my sepulcher, a specter locked in silence. Admittedly, my mind unraveled, conversing with shadows, conversing with myself, conversing with the gods—cursing them, begging their forgiveness, cursing them once more. I believed eternity would be my fate, until one fateful day when a remarkable event unfolded. Explorers—Egyptologists, to be exact!

May the gods bless the inquisitive souls of the British, the graverobbing bastards. Swiftly, they unearthed my sarcophagus, and I, once entombed, found myself transported to the grandeur of London. Liberation! My world expanded as I marveled at how infinitesimal my existence had been, even in life! In time, I absorbed the nuances of the English tongue through sheer listening, discovering the erroneous assumption that identified me as my brother. From my secluded corner, I gleaned what I could about this vast world that stretched before me. People from all walks of life came to gaze upon my mummified remains—men, women, young and old, a veritable kaleidoscope of humanity. Once, a five-year-old spilled orange soda upon my withered husk, a gentleman proposed to his Egypt-obsessed beloved in my presence, and a man's life was narrowly saved by a doctor who happened to be nearby.

I bore witness to mere glimpses of human existence, each sight tugging at the strings of my heart, for I knew my role would forever be that of a distant observer. The most cherished moments were when my exhibit ventured beyond the confines of a single museum, traversing the globe to cities like Paris, Vienna, Seville and finally, Los Angeles. It was in this vibrant city that everything changed, where destiny has finally offered me my long-awaited second chance!


It is only mere moments after I exit my sarcophagus, marveling at what little sensation I can perceive with my deadened skin, hollow eye sockets and withered ears, that the desperate boy collides into me, fleeing from the monstrous creature in pursuit. As his terror-filled gaze meets my mummified form, a shrill scream escapes his lips as he attempts to flee. In what happens next, I would say nature took over, but there is nothing natural about this, nothing natural about the way my desiccated hands, now more akin to gnarled claws in their shriveled state, ensnare his head and pull him to me, there is nothing natural about the way I draw his smooth, warm lips to my shrunken, wrinkled ones. Instinct takes over as I consume his life essence in moments, reducing him to a mummified husk while my own being absorbs his vitality, my decrepit visage restored to the way it looked on my final day in the mortal realm. However, I do not have long to relish my restored form as I am stabbed twice in the chest!


The beast before me is a grotesque thing, green scales and a monstrous visage, it's massive tail swishing menacingly while deadly skewers protrude from its wrists, both of which are currently embedded in my chest cavity. If the creature is surprised that its attack has no effect, its astonishment is short-lived, for in an instant my now smooth and sun-kissed hands swiftly lash out and, in a brutal display of which I somehow instinctively knew I was capable, brutally crush its skull in an enormous display of strength.

After extracting the bone blades from my torso and wiping my hands of the pulpy mess, I survey my surroundings. I am, of course, familiar with the exhibit, but only now am I beholding it with mine own eyes. Casting my gaze upon the damaged remnants of my sarcophagus, which had been my home for eons, I noticed the scarab tablet I had been buried with, shattered into pieces. There, adjacent to it, lay Holly Charleston, a diligent and compassionate conservator despite her youth. Kneeling beside her, I can still sense the flicker of life within her. Consuming her life force would provide little benefit, as I would not require sustenance for a couple days at least, but perhaps she can still be of use.

Oh, oh… the boy was her companion, wasn't he?

That could pose a problem, for just as that realization dawns on me, I hear a faint moan escape her lips as she begins to come to. Acting swiftly, I lift the desiccated body of, I believe his name was Craig, and conceal it within the hollow pyramid exhibit a mere dozen feet away. The body barely fits, and I need to snap a few of his bones to make him fit, but I manage to complete the grim task just in time as Holly awakens soon after.

It has been a while since I've conversed with another, hasn't it? Oh, bloody hell…

Holly POV

Holly's head throbbed with intensity as she slowly regained consciousness. After she opened her eyes, she stared in shock at the sight before her. The demon was dead, its head crushed like a tin can, and standing beside it was a man, no a boy, no older than 18, wearing tattered wrappings like he was some mummy come to lif-

Oh, God! He's the mummy! Is everything real?! What's next? Leprechauns?

Before she could panic further, the boy, no, mummy, held up his hand in a calming gesture, but it didn't work as said hand was still tinged with the blood of the last monster. Holly felt herself hyperventilate at the thought. Growing up in Sunnydale, she knew that there was some kind of supernatural, and that girl who ran for Homecoming against her, Buffy something, had always been right in the center of it, but knowing and knowing were two separate things! She didn't spend her free time fighting vampires and demons, she knew better than to even go out after dark, but now the city was trapped in some alternate plane and the monsters were ignoring the fact that it was day! As the man got closer, almost in kissing distance, Holly felt tears stinging her eyes, her breathing sharp, shallow and desperate, but he didn't attack her, instead, it was like he breathed into her, and suddenly the pain in her head stopped and a sense of calm rushed over her.

What was that? It felt good.

Standing up, the mummy, she supposed she better call him Amenemhat considering whose sarcophagus she was thrown into, offered her his hand. This time, Holly wasn't scared, well not much, and she took it, hoisting herself up off the floor.

He's shorter than I'd expect! Um, how does one speak to a Pharaoh, exactly?

Ramesses POV

How does one speak in this century? 'Yo'? 'What's up'? No, I'd rather go back to my sarcophagus than speak in that way!

Resisting the urge to shake his head in disgust at his thoughts, Ramesses observed the damsel before him. He'd never seen her so frightened as she was a few moments ago, but since he'd given her a bit of his own life force (OK, Craig's) she was doing much better. To be honest, Ramesses hadn't been sure it would work, unlike the previous times he'd used his powers, there was no instinct to direct him, but not only did it heal her wounds, it seemed to soothe her troubled mind as well. Now he found himself in the unique position of engaging in conversation after four thousand years of silence. Gathering his thoughts and summoning the remnants of his regal bearing, he spoke to her, his voice flowing with measured grace.

"Fear not, fair maiden, for I have vanquished your monster, unfortunately, your companion fled and abandoned you."

Holly's brow furrowed as she processed his words.

"Vanquished? Wait, no, he left me? No, you… you're not a mu-mummy, are you?"

Ramesses' dark eyes twinkled with amusement, and he gave her a crooked smile, gesturing towards his tattered clothes he responded, "I was, though it appears that I am one no longer."

"Oh," she scratched her head, "where did you say Greg went?"

"He- oh, Greg, was it? He fled, and I did not see in which direction, preoccupied as I was with that... thing."

For a moment, anger flickered across her features. "Bastard!" Her face then paled as she looked at him in shock, "Him, not you! I can't believe he left me! He better be okay so I can kill him later!"

For a few moments, silence grew between the pair, while Ramesses didn't exactly feel guilty for what he'd done to the boy, it was… awkward. Finally, he spoke.

"Yes, well, perhaps you could enlighten me; what exactly is happening? From whence did that creature emerge?"

And so, she told him, just the basics, about what had happened the last two weeks. About that terrible first day when the sky had changed, when the blue ocean was replaced with a sea of blood, of when explosions rocked the city and monsters poured out onto the streets, some with human faces, but most completely inhuman. About how the local constabulary had been useless, busier fighting against petty gangs than the demons, just choosing to fight the enemy they knew, she guessed. It had been two weeks of hell. To be honest, she still didn't know much, as she had stayed cooped up in her apartment most of the time, and she was soon finished with her tale. It was not an easy one, and she was no storyteller, and often needed to stop to control her tears. Ramesses didn't care for the emotional display, he was more focused on the information she gave. So many factions were in the process of securing territory, if he wanted to do the same, and oh, he did, he'd need to work fast, but one thing still bothered him.

"If the outside world is so fraught with danger, why return to this place?"

Holly's eyes widened, a flicker of excitement dancing in them. "Oh! The artifacts! The Crusades exhibit had weapons and armor blessed by priests, I thought they might offer some protection, maybe I could trade them for my own protection, but it's been picked clean. But there's the Eye of Horus! An amulet, supposedly a magical one!"

"The Eye of Horus?" Ramesses asked. He had no knowledge of such amulet, but such was the realm of the priests in his time, if such an amulet had existed in his lifetime, it would have been in the possession of the Divine Adoratrice of Horus, his high priestess. "Where is it?"

"It was being restored, so it wouldn't be on general display," she told him animatedly, "so it's likely still here!" With renewed determination, she set off, striding purposely through the winding corridors, her fear subsided. Ramesses trailed closely behind; his gaze fixed upon the lady before him.

In his mind, he evaluated her worth. She possessed an intellect that shone brightly, and if she could indeed give the amulet to him, she would prove invaluable to his cause. It also didn't hurt that she was quite the beauty.


Their journey soon led them to a locked door, which soon proved impervious to the swipe of Holly's keycard, but not his kick, the sound of it being knocked off its hinges causing his companion to wince as if in pain. Within the room, amidst rows of equipment, Holly's eyes fell upon the treasure they sought. It was an ancient thing, with the Eye of Horus symbol in the center and hieroglyphics along the golden edge, but what drew his attention was the power radiating from it.

Ramesses was no stranger to magic, though by no means an expert. In Egypt of old, great importance was placed on water magicks, as their primary source of fresh water, the Nile, was central to their daily life. Each wet season, magic was used to ensure that the flood basins were filled to the correct amount, that no settlement was carried off in the floods as had been known to happen in the times of old. Ramesses had been given the best tutors of this branch of magic, but was only 18 when he died, so his knowledge of magic, specifically water magic, was vast, but not deep.

But even Ramesses could feel the power emanating from the amulet, and the amulet, in turn, seemed to reach out to him, almost as if it had a mind of its own. Without even thinking, he took it from Holly's grasp and hung it around his neck. The ancient magic within seemed to recognize their shared origin. As the pendant settled against his chest, Ramesses felt a surge of energy course through him, entwining with his very essence and accompanied by a tingling sensation that brought renewed energy to his limbs. It seemed that the ancient healing power of the amulet had embraced hi-
"Your eyes are glowing."

Ramesses glanced at the maiden beside him. "Excuse me?" Instead of responding verbally, Holly simply pointed at a nearby mirror. Looking upon his reflection for the first time in eons, the Pharaoh saw that reflected back at him were his eyes, ablaze with a radiant golden light. With measured effort, he was able to dim them to a subtle shimmer, barely perceivable to mortal eyes.

Returning his focus inward, Ramesses sensed the transformative effects of the amulet's magic.

Where before he might have needed to consume another's life force every other day, he now sensed that his reserves would last much longer, perhaps lasting up to a fortnight. Moreover, the healing ability he had displayed earlier on Holly would be even more potent now, for the amulet itself was primarily a conduit of restoration and rejuvenation.

As the weight of the golden pendant rested against his chest, he could feel the ancient power coursing through his veins, intertwining with his very essence. It was a tangible connection to his past, a bridge spanning the chasm of time, and a reminder of the glorious reign he would have had if not for his power-hungry mother, of the might he by right should have wielded. With each second that passed, a renewed sense of purpose overtook him. He had the opportunity now, to carve out a kingdom of his own, the thought exited him, wetting the long-dead thirst for power and authority that had been denied him his entire existence.

A plan began to form in his mind.

Water. As an Egyptian, Ramesses knew how vital a source of fresh water was to communities. Quickly, he turned to the girl beside him, his eyes shining no longer with the magic from the amulet, but with intensity. He would need her. She really was already his servant, but now he needed to make her realize it... this would take finesse.

Holly POV

"Holly, where is the neares-"
"How do you know my name?"
"I... ahh..."

While understandably creeped out that he somehow knew her name without her telling him, Holly found his awkwardness endearing.

"I, um, read your lanyard."

Holly looked down at her clothes, she was just wearing a pair of jeans and a faded tee-shirt of some old band from Sunnydale, it was all she had left after she ran out of clean laundry; she wasn't wearing a lanyard.

"I'm not wearing one."

At that, Amenemhat began to shift on his feet uncomfortably.

"No, err, well, I read it several weeks ago. I believe you were removing a nest of spiders that were living in my mouth at the time."

What? I remember that. God, that feels like years ago!

"You were conscious? How could you even feel anything?"

"Yes, well, that is a long story, and I would not mind telling you at a later time." For a moment, Amenemhat almost looked sheepish. "I apologize if I choose my words poorly, for I have been detached from the world of the living for far too long. It has been ages since I have conversed with another, and my ability at... human interaction leaves something to be desired."

A feint smile tugged at Holly's lips as she caught a glimpse of the mummy's vulnerable side. Despite all the strangeness, she found herself feeling a sense of understanding and fondness towards this ancient Pharaoh thrust into the modern world.

"It's alright," she replied gently, her voice laced with empathy, "we're both in unfamiliar territory."

"My thanks," he said softly, with a genuine smile on his beautiful face, but soon the smile shifted, and the look of intensity returned. "Holly, I need to know, where is the nearest large source of fresh water?"

Talk about a non-sequitur!

"What? Um, the Lake Hollywood reservoir? It's like six miles north. Why?"

Instead of answering her, Amenemhat nodded to himself, a far-away look in his eyes before they locked back on her. "You will take me there," he said, as if it were a certainty.

"I will?" she wasn't really asking, but the way he nodded sternly really annoyed her. In seconds, Holly analyzed her options. Greg, the asshole, had left her and, considering Amenemhat's impressive strength, the safest place for her was likely with him, unless he did something crazy. Holly let out a sigh, knowing her answer, she still didn't like the way he spoke to her, but as he'd already mentioned, she was his first conversation partner in thousands of years, it was understandable that he was a little blunt. "Fine, I will. But would you please tell me why we're going?"

The former Pharaoh didn't immediately answer, instead heading for the door, with Holly naturally matching his pace, still waiting for her answer. "Water is a valuable resource," he said eventually as they left the gallery, following the exit signs out, "Cut off as this city is, it will become even more valuable. If I control the water, then I can control the people that depend on it."

Holly stopped dead in her tracks, "I don't know if I can be party to that, Amenemhat!"

The mummy turned around, glaring at her angrily. "You will," he said, in a tone that brook no argument, "this city is falling, it's people are suffering and the monsters are winning! Now, I have proven my prowess in facing these monsters, but if I mean to protect these people then I cannot deal with them the same way!" Letting out a breath, he continued, his eyes losing some of their anger, "Like you said, the people are scared, and when people are scared, they do not make wise decisions. If I am to refrain from using force against them, then I need some way to coerce their loyalty, controlling the water let's me do that."

"Can't you win their loyalty by helping them? Protecting them?"

Another crooked smile. "My dear, trust is a delicate construct that requires time, a luxury I may not possess. Holly, sometimes a ruler must make difficult choices. By seizing the water supply, I can ensure their compliance without resorting to overt force. But once I've earned sufficient trust? I'll no longer need to rely on such methods. It's temporary, I promise you."

Hesitantly, Holly nodded her head, no longer sure about any of this but, what can she do? Without him she was demon chow! "Okay, I understand, I don't support it, but I understand."

"Good," was his only response, and soon enough the pair were outside, facing the street. "Lead the way", he said, motioning towards her, and she obeyed, but a second later his hand was on her shoulder, turning her to him. "But Holly, don't call me Amenemhat, that is not and has never been my name."

"Then what is? she asked, confused.

Her answer was a wry grin and a single word: "Ramesses."

Ramesses POV


Hours later, they arrived at their destination. It had not been an easy journey, he had needed to fight several demons on the way, yet they finally reached their destination. As Ramesses surveyed his surroundings, he spied a magnificent estate nestled on the peninsula, with perfect, unspoiled views of the entire reservoir. After walking up to the gate and kicking it open, the pair approached the front door, he repeated the act, breaking the threshold. The entrance hall loomed before them, filled with strange-looking machines with words like "Frogger," "Mortal Kombat," and "Star Command," but before they could move further into the impressive abode, a figure, brandishing a sword, emerged from the opposite room.

"Begone, foul invaders! This home is protected!"


AN: The guy at the end is David Nabbit FYI.
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