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Exalted 3E, West Direction


Yuri Fanatic, Archivist
May 16, 2013
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So, I'll run Exalted 3E campaign on the West. The idea is somewhat like Sunless Sea, but with less cannibalism and insanity! I hope. In short, you'll spend most of your time going to settlement, and do Quest/Errand by the NPCs there. Most of them is personal, and likely won't result in status quo change - but some do. I might be persuaded to run more empire management, but let's be frank here, there are no subsystem for that and I already need to rig actually worth using sail system.

So, if you want to be wise Solar that commanded Empire, don't bother.

At least for now.

I'm willing to accept up to 6 characters, or 8 if the charsheet and history is really, really, good. Well, compelling. But there's the catch! Since it's extension of IRC game I've done with my circle, some of the slots already booked. So,

To Alphaleph, Darkened, kinglugia, Nekraa, and Yzarc. If you are interested, feel free to post on this thread. I believe Darkened already expressed disinterest on PbP, though.

Another slot to horngeek for helping me building the setting. If you want to play, feel free to post.

Regarding lewd, well. I have three rules about on-screen lewd:

1. Make sure all involved parties agreed.
2. Make sure all parties on the table not complained.
3. I won't write it.

Fulfill it, and I won't care about lewd scene.

Now, another catch. West Direction is big. Really, really, really, big. For example, did you know the distance between Wavecrest and Corral Archipelago is roughly 5000 km? It's true! That's if you go from Egypt to India, assuming you hug the coast along the way. Or from Egypt to Indonesia, if you take straight part. Consequently, some of the write-up on Terrestrial Direction - West is stupid, and will be discarded.

Unfortunately, this also means it is impractical to run 'you go everywhere to every settlement'! Now, nothing really prevented you from going everywhere anyway, except supply is problematic, and it will take a long time. So, here's some guide on interesting place on the West.

Note that I grouped those into region - it simply means settlements in the same region can be reached in reasonable time, using mundane ship with mundane crew and mundane supplies. As in, you'll arive in less than a year. Charms and better ship allow you to go beyond region, of course, but that's for later.

Note that it is not an exhaustive list - if you want to play on another settlement, feel free to tell me. But always remember the sailing time!

ABALONE: Located on Wavecrest Archipelago, Abalone is one of the most fertile island on the West Direction. The center of island contains volcano Hamoji, which surrounded by Wyld zone. Most of social structure on Wavecrest is centered on placating the volcano god, usually by sacrificing human. At least the criminal one. Playing on Abalone will allow you easy access to entire Wavecrest-Corral Archipelago, and maybe you'll be able to find sunken Luthe...

AZURE: Capital of Corral Archipelago, Azure's sealord spend most of their time launching trading expedition to Wu Jian - and the Realm, to trade for unimaginable luxury. They are the primary route for goods to go from Archipelago to the rest of the world, and vice-versa. A good chunk of the profit was spent on their fleets, who guard the city against the enroaching Wyld.

ONYX: Capital of Skullstone Archipelago, it was conquered by a Deathlord who managed to maintain peaceful coexistence between the living and the dead. There is a huge shadowland, and the inhabitants live comfortably using the death to do menial task.

WU JIAN: Lawless place, primary place for good from Realm funneled to Wavecrest - and vice versa. There were many Dynasty enclaves, here, while most of the city is overcrowded slum, extended far into the sea. Wu Jian can be reached from outermost island of Corral, Western part of the North, and the Blessed Isle.

THE CAUL: Site of battle between Lunar Dominion and the Realm, most of the interior is controlled by Lunar, while the coast is controlled by the Realm. One of the few places where capable Legion can be found outside of Blessed Isle.

BLUEHAVEN: Main base of Lintha, one of the extant Primordial race. ...why would you want base here? Admittedly, stealing one of their behemoth-ship sounds appealing, isn't it?

LATHE: A city built inside hollowed corpse ancient primordial behemoth, it makes excellent place for sorcery. It's nominally Realm-controlled, and there are heavy Immaculate presence, but they are notably more tolerant compared to others, even willing to work together.

NOTE: Please actually vote which settlements you want to play, so I can flesh it out first instead of meandering around doing everything.
Interested in this, as long as we work out the PbP schedule beforehand.
Thinking on doing adventures in Wavecrest-Corral Region.

Also, working on a Twilight Caste who goes range, stealth and larceny as his tricks. And Occult as supernal, even if Celestial and Solar Sorceries are beyond him atm. Focusing on Sorcerous Workings, instead of Craft.

theweepingman, I know that Sorcerous Workings are broad, so here's a question for you: Am I allowed to use my Workings to create Artifacts?
Interested in this, as long as we work out the PbP schedule beforehand.
Thinking on doing adventures in Wavecrest-Corral Region.

Also, working on a Twilight Caste who goes range, stealth and larceny as his tricks. And Occult as supernal, even if Celestial and Solar Sorceries are beyond him atm. Focusing on Sorcerous Workings, instead of Craft.

theweepingman, I know that Sorcerous Workings are broad, so here's a question for you: Am I allowed to use my Workings to create Artifacts?

Not without crafting the artifact as well, no.
Interested but dunno about committing into it. I also still don't have access to 3E book.

My vote goes to Wavecrest-Corral, especially Azure.
I'm interested~

Not quite sure what my character is yet. I'm drawn to sorcery, but so are others. Maybe I should take a look at the western direction.
How so? Have you seen the descriptions of the bullshit Celestial and Solar circle workings can do?

Hence, stretching. Instead of outright not allowed.

Anyway, I'd greatly appreciated if you keep artifact to crafting, instead of sorcery. Just do working so you have awesome fist or something.
Anyway, I'd greatly appreciated if you keep artifact to crafting, instead of sorcery. Just do working so you have awesome fist or something.
Hmm, alright then. And by awesome fist, do you mean that I'm able to turn my fist into some kind of natural weapon with Evocations and all? That's...what you're aiming for, right?
Hmm, alright then. And by awesome fist, do you mean that I'm able to turn my fist into some kind of natural weapon with Evocations and all? That's...what you're aiming for, right?

Technically yes, but having to do celestial working for what's essentially built-in power fist seems overkill.

But if that's your thing, go ahead.
Thematic ways to improve a weapon is in my opinion:

• Crafting
• Epic Quest
• Significany Event (the blade that killed a powerful spirit, a spear suffused by deathly essence, etc)
Maybe Sorcery

Anyway, what character concepts do you others have?
I'm planning a Shrine Maiden Zenith Caste from a city that can best be described as Japanese Venice (as in, merchants and canals). About halfway between Coral and Wu Jian, often used as a stop between the two.

Actually have a character pic of her:


EDIT: I'm also going to be the wet blanket/stick in the mud and say that if we have lewd stuff, they should probably be over conversations, since this RP isn't in the NSFW section of QQ. :p
I'll also note that by 'worldbuilding help', theweepingman means 'I was the one to point out how huge the West actually is'. :V
Yeah, it's big. Isn't the Blessed Isle supposed to be as big as Russia or someting like that? And the ocean in the West looks like it has enough space for at least five Blessed Isles.
Well, the map does actually provide a scale, so you can see at a glance what 500 miles is.

I basically eyeballed the scale and the Wavecrest Archipelago, mentioned to theweepingman 'hey, that looks to me like it's 3000 miles or so, which works out to... uh, about 4900 km? Call it 5000?' And, well.

Also, is it just me, or is Twisted Words Technique* the "be a tsundere" charm?

*page 327, there's also one of those blue bars on the next page talking about it.
It's... pretty insidious.

Chiyoko (my character idea) would hate it. :p
I am interested and am voting for this.

THE CAUL: Site of battle between Lunar Dominion and the Realm, most of the interior is controlled by Lunar, while the coast is controlled by the Realm. One of the few places where capable Legion can be found outside of Blessed Isle.

theweepingman how are you handling Craft and MA?

Depending on what you say I may go twilight or just go night.
I am interested and am voting for this.

THE CAUL: Site of battle between Lunar Dominion and the Realm, most of the interior is controlled by Lunar, while the coast is controlled by the Realm. One of the few places where capable Legion can be found outside of Blessed Isle.

theweepingman how are you handling Craft and MA?

Depending on what you say I may go twilight or just go night.

But I'll allow taking free MA perk.
Ok, calling dibs on Night Caste. Is it alright with you guys?
I'm a big personal believer that two of the same Caste can be interesting- especially with 3e's eight Caste Abilities thing.

But I'm planning to make Chiyoko, Shrine Maiden Zenith in any case, so sure. :p
Right, so we get the Merit itself for free if we meet the requirements, but have to buy the dots. Yeah, that works fine.
Aww, no getting the Twilight Crafter? Think of the shenanigans we can do together!~ You Craft, I Sorcerous Working!
I have a good Crafter build, but the thing is....it is invested HEAVILY in that. As in I can craft and.....that's it. I don't think it is that fun especially since most of the charms are Bullshit convert this xp into that xp charms with a side order of "Gz you have constructed additional craft slots".

So....ya. Doable but not really fun. Besides which I have a Larceny Supernal face stealer in mind with Sorcerous powers. So if nothing else I can still support you. And here is a list of starting craft charms to be a crafter and I have marked the important ones. You need to get all but to get the real momentum from day one these charms are necessary.

Craftsmen Need no tools (NONE) – (GET)
Thousand Forge Hands (CNNT) - WAIT
Flawless Handiwork Method (NONE)– 10/6 x2 (GET)x1
Supreme Masterwork Focus (FHM) – 9/8/7 x3 (GET)x1

Experiential Conjuring of True Void (FHM) – (E Non Charm Dice)+1sux WAIT
Unbroken Image Focus (ECoTV) - ([her Essence] + successes) (WAIT)
Essence-Forging Kata (UIF) – A(I)M of Craft (WAIT)
Mind-Expanding Meditation (EFK) – Raise Dice pool (WAIT)
First Movement of the Demiurge (ECCoTV) – fail into 10s (WAIT)
Divine Inspiration Technique (FMOD+SMFx2) – 1 Dice for every 3 successes (WAIT)
Holistic Miracle Understanding (DIT) – 3 more dice if 3 successes (WAIT)
Triumph-Forging Eye (FHM) – Free Excellency per week. (WAIT)
Inspiration-Renewing Vision (EFK, SMFx2)– 1 roll does not count to 6 (WAIT)
Horizon-Unveiling Insight (IRV) – rolls 6 to 7 (WAIT)
Bright-Forging Prana – E or 3 Charms for one Project (WAIT)
Arete-Shifting Prana – Shift ability (GET)
Supreme Celestial Focus (ASP)– Buy Craft with Gold Xp (GET)
Sublime Transference (SCF)– Convert 2 Silver-1/2 gold-1/2 white (GET)
Brass Scales Falling – xp per 10 limited to (Ex2) (GET)
Red Anvils Ringing (BSF)- +1sxp per objective (GET)
Chains Fall Away (RAR) - +1gxp if all objectives are achieved (GET)
Peerless Paragon of Craft (CFA+CNNT)– 1 Excellency 1sxp-sux and 1gxp-10 (GET)
Supreme Perfection of Craft (PPC+SCF)- E+2 Sxp and 1 Gxp per day. (GET)

So 11 charms in total if you want to craft with good amount of xp which is damn important as you can't craft without Craft xp. I left 4 blank so you can take more craft charms or other charms. If you are going all in then take

Thousand Forge Hands - Artifact speed charm.
Experiential Conjuring of True Void
Unbroken Image Focus
First Movement of the Demiurge

Oh and you need craft supernal and a Defining tie connected to crafting so you can actually get some xp.

But honestly? you can do great stuff but the book keeping isn't worth it.

Martial Arts dots not included in free package.
Does that mean i can skip the Dot in Brawl?

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