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Exalted 3E, West Direction

It is either Larceny supernal, which is the main point or probably MA. I want to combo Void Style and Steel Devil. So Dawn works too for me.
Actually, since my idea is supposed to be a conman, I think Eclipse would suit it better.
(and as usual, one specific interest over in the Larceny charms)
Actually, since my idea is supposed to be a conman, I think Eclipse would suit it better.
(and as usual, one specific interest over in the Larceny charms)
Do you mean this? Fate-Shifting Solar Arete? A charm that can boost any roll, even sorcerous working?
Nah, I'm personally not interested in Craft - I prefer using Sorcerous Workings to lay down buffs and all.
Although...I like Dual Magnus Prana, because it's hilarious XD

Fuck it, might as well take Crafter/Sorcerer. I can use Sorcery as my offense and defense, anyways. Maybe Stealth to skulk around, so that I don't get discovered :p
Also theweepingman will it be ok to choose the army merit? I figure that I go Dawn and put some dots in war and have fun with an army of people.
Any particular place you want us to put our character sheets, theweepingman?

Here is preferable, GDoc or pastebin is fine.

Also theweepingman will it be ok to choose the army merit? I figure that I go Dawn and put some dots in war and have fun with an army of people.

Don't go overboard, you'll spend most of your time on ship.

Also, please put short description what your charm does and the page of that charm description. Makes my workload lighter.
Also theweepingman how will you be handling Solar Xp? if one of us qualify for it will all of us get it or is it every man for himself? Because if we are stuck on a boat then a lot of us will not be able to fulfill the conditions for some of them.
Also theweepingman how will you be handling Solar Xp? if one of us qualify for it will all of us get it or is it every man for himself? Because if we are stuck on a boat then a lot of us will not be able to fulfill the conditions for some of them.

Most of the travel will be downtime, so you should be able to fulfill the req
Huh, I could make a catgirl with the Claw, Tail and Enhanced Sense Merits.

But I already have my picture of her, so it'll have to be another time.
Ok my Dawn is more or less complete. I am Basing him on Himura Kenshin from Samurai X. Looks like Madara and his Iconic Anima is Madara's Susanoo.

Just need to do the merits.
Also theweepingman the Styles Point into the Void and Steel Devil are compatible so long as I dual wield a pair of reaper Daiklaves.

I want to ask if I need to purchase two separate artifact ratings and get two sets of evocations/Mote commitments or can i just buy it once and Fluff Spring Razor as a pair of Daiklaves and use only 5 Commitment and one set of evocations?
... theweepingman, is Volcano Cutter ok? Basically, that was the thing enshrined on the isle that Emerald Blossom (changed the name slightly) entered without permission, which she then took (can't let a nice blade be alone like that, right?).

Can take one of the lower-dot weapons instead if needed, but I'm amused by the image of the short Emerald Blossom wielding a big weapon like that. And the other blades didn't feel like they suited her, and I want a melee weapon for her.
Also theweepingman the Styles Point into the Void and Steel Devil are compatible so long as I dual wield a pair of reaper Daiklaves.

I want to ask if I need to purchase two separate artifact ratings and get two sets of evocations/Mote commitments or can i just buy it once and Fluff Spring Razor as a pair of Daiklaves and use only 5 Commitment and one set of evocations?

Maybe. Will have to check the artifact.
... theweepingman, is Volcano Cutter ok? Basically, that was the thing enshrined on the isle that Emerald Blossom (changed the name slightly) entered without permission, which she then took (can't let a nice blade be alone like that, right?).

Can take one of the lower-dot weapons instead if needed, but I'm amused by the image of the short Emerald Blossom wielding a big weapon like that. And the other blades didn't feel like they suited her, and I want a melee weapon for her.

Also theweepingman the Styles Point into the Void and Steel Devil are compatible so long as I dual wield a pair of reaper Daiklaves.

I want to ask if I need to purchase two separate artifact ratings and get two sets of evocations/Mote commitments or can i just buy it once and Fluff Spring Razor as a pair of Daiklaves and use only 5 Commitment and one set of evocations?

I'll allow it, provided you use Short Daiklave base stat.
Might change something, but at the moment she looks pretty good? Ah, and I'll have to add the backstory. But that'll be later.

Name: Emerald Blossom
Caste: Eclipse
Anima: A roaring beacon of golden flame that beats to the rhythm of her heart, with blazing tendrils reaching out around her.
Supernal Ability: Presence
Appearance: http://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/1866803
Concept: Thrill-seeker

Strength •••
Dexterity ••••
Stamina ••

Charisma •••
Manipulation •••
Appearance •••••

Perception •••
Intelligence ••
Wits ••


Larceny ••
Linguistics ••• (Forgery)
Occult •••
Presence ••••• (Fast-talk)
Sail •••

Athletics •
Investigation •
Melee •••• (Sword)
Socialize •••••
Stealth ••••

Non-Favored, Non-Caste
Awareness • (Hostile Intent)
Bureaucracy ••
Integrity •••
Performance •••
Resistance ••

Enhanced Sense (Hearing, Subtlety)
Language (Old Realm)
Artifact ••••• (Volcano Cutter)

Excellent Strike (p. 346)
Dipping Swallow Defense (p. 346)
Bulwark Stance (p. 346)
Call the Blade (p. 347)

Masterful Performance Exercise (p. 361)
Thousand Courtesan Ways (p. 368)

Listener-Swaying Argument (p. 369)
Harmonious Presence Meditation (p. 369)
Impassioned Discourse Technique (p. 370)
Threefold Magnetic Ardor (p. 371)
Awakened Carnal Demiurge (p. 371)

Durability of Oak Meditation (p. 374)
Ox-Body Technique (p. 375) (extra -1/-2 health levels.)

Salty-Dog Method (p. 386)

Mastery of Small Manners (p. 393)

Volcano Cutter Evocations
Grand Eruption (Free, p. 328)

Volcano Cutter, 'Big Red': Accuracy +1, Damage +14, Defense +0, Overwhelming 5, Attunement 5;

• "Breaking rules is exciting." (Defining Principle)
• "Express what you feel." (Major Principle)
• "Confinement is suffocating." (Major Principle)
• My mother (Love, Minor Tie)
• Big Red (Affection, Minor Tie)

Limit: 0
Health: 0/-1/-1/-1/-2/-2/-2/-4/Incapacitated
Willpower: 5/5
Essence: 1
Personal Essence: 13/13
Peripheral Essence: 28/33 (5 attuned to Big Red)
...and I was going to make Chiyoko Supernal Presense.

Eh, I'll write it up. There's enough variety in the Presence Charmset that she can take her Charms in a different direction to yours- in particular, Chiyoko is much more focused on being inspiring.

Like Nekraa, I'll get her backstory written up in a bit, as well as expanding on Shimazu.

Name: Chiyoko
Caste: Zenith
Anima: A golden beacon of roaring fire, forming into five golden rings in the air behind her as her anime flares iconic.
Supernal Ability: Presence
Concept: Travelling Priestess

Strength •••
Dexterity •••
Stamina •••

Charisma ••••
Manipulation •••
Appearance •••••

Perception •••
Intelligence ••
Wits ••

Integrity •
Lore •• (History)
Performance •••• (Singing)
Presence •••• (Speaking from the heart)
Resistance ••

Awareness ••
Martial Arts (Crane Style) •••• (Barehanded)
Linguistics ••
Socialize ••
Occult ••

Athletics •
Bureaucracy ••
Survival ••

Ally • (Hayashi Daisuke, Shimazu Merchant Patron)
Artifact •••• (Robes of Shimazu- Silken Armor)
Cult • (Shimazu Citizens)
Contacts ••• (Shimazu Traders)
Influence • (Shimazu)
Resources •• (Investment in Daisuke's business)
Languages •

Crane Style

Empowering Justice Redirection (pg 444)
Fluttering Cry of Warning (pg 444)

Perfect Harmony Technique (pg 365)
Mood-Inducing Music (pg 365)

Listener-Swaying Argument (pg 369)
Impassioned Discourse Technique (pg 370)
Empowering Shout (pg 370)
Harmonious Presence Meditation (pg 369)
Majestic Radiant Presence (pg 370)
Authority-Radiating Stance (pg 371)

Stubborn Boar Defense (pg 304)

Spirit-Detecting Glance (pg 354)
Spirit-Cutting Attack (pg 354)

Durability of Oak Meditation (pg 374)
Ox-Body Technique (pg 375)

Unarmed: Accuracy 12, Damage 10, Defence +0, Overwhelming 1

"All life has value." (Defining Principle)
"Be honest when possible- and always to those you care about" (Major Principle)
Shimazu (Will always be home, Major Tie)
Izumi (Love for the one who raised me, Major Tie)
Hadren Dosso of Coral (He's An Asshole, Minor Tie)
Emerald Blossom (Girlfriend/Growing Love, Minor Tie)

Languages: Seatongue (Native), High Realm
Limit: 0
Limit Condition: Sees innocents suffering and is unable or unwilling to help
Health: 0/-1/-1/-1/-2/-2/-2/-2/-4/Incapacitated
Willpower: 8/8
Essence: 1
Personal Essence: 13/13
Peripheral Essence: 29/33 (4 attunes to Robes of Shimazu)

Bonus Points
2 on two dots of Resistance
4 on a dot of Appearance
6 on three dots of Willpower
1 on a dot of Allies
1 on a dot of Resources
1 on a Language Merit dot


Solar Experience
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