Arc 1: Madness (1)
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Chapter 26: Madness (1)
A loud noises shook the darkness of the night, waking many of the occupants within the Emiya household.
And despite the distance of this familiar sounds, Shirou's amber eyes opened in a brief moment of fright, cold sweat covering his face.
It didn't take him too much to recognize the distinct issue, and his thoughts sported a mixed amount of panic and alert over the unexpected wake up call.
It was a gun shooting, there was no doubt about it, and the fury of bullets being sprayed around and against something or someone meant that the situation wasn't a normal one, especially with the fact that the only one owning guns was Kiritsugu.
There was no reason to waste further time in his warm bed, the young boy shuffling out of it by swiftly pushing its covers away.
Soon his right hand reached out to find where his shoes were, remembering that he had set those by the side of the small bed-!!
He found something, and his grasp tightened a little over the unseen object, but just as he did so, he didn't feel the texture that he knew being of his shoes.
It was wriggling madly, unnervingly so as multiple small things were now tickling at his palm and his attention snapped at the odd development… only for his face to show an aghast expression at the horrifying sight just mere moments to jump onto him.
The small critter chittered fiercely, trying to rush towards him and prompting the Emiya to drop it on the floor before the boy moved away from its reach.
It wasn't alone.
Four- no, five more of those small bug-like creatures were trying to make their way towards him, with what felt like a hunger-induced interest.
What- What is going on?!
His eyes blinked wide open, shock filling those orbs as he called out for Observe.
These just didn't look like the mostly-harmless kind of insects one could find at the local park.
From their appearance to their current attitude, the green-colored fiends looked as malicious as a monstrous bug could get.
And… they continued to rush towards him. They were only crawling, seemingly unable to do much else other than that.
He flinched, lifting his right feet up as he prepared to try something against the closest of the bunch.
It continued to wriggle excitedly, seemingly unable to spot the approaching bare feet from the upwards and-
It was squashed without much resistance, yet the noise originating from the sudden demise of the bug sending chills down the young Emiya's spine as he just wasn't sure what was going on.
Shirou blinked with a surprised glint in his eyes, confused by the modest amount of Experience he had just received by such a little action.
Soon, he took this development as a sign to proceed with the killing of those pests, his mind well reminding him that there was still some battle going on while he was losing time there.
The rest of the Burrowing Worms were easily crushed, while the boy's disgust increased at the crescendo of flinch-worthy noises being conceived by the critters' deaths.
The Gamer sighed once he had completely exterminated the small fiends, his heart regaining some of its regular pacing as he found himself distracted by the appearance of a familiar box in front of his face.
POW: 32+1
INT: 30+1
AGI: 36+1
WIS: 30+1
VIT: 37+1
CHA: 25+1
LUK: 26+1
He had leveled up? It was just so… sudden for it to be happening and-
His trail of thoughts died down when he felt the distinct noise of something violently fluttering mid-air right behind him.
The boy ducked down on instinct as he perceived the new intrusion making a move towards him, with pressure building up and pressing onto him, and soon he found his stare was fixed on the appearance of what looked to be a… wasp?
The insect was buzzing furiously, as it slowly turned around to 'greet' him, and its white blade-like stinger was quick to gain the redhead's gaze.
Two more appeared in front of the Emiya and by the main wasp's size, further tensing up the boy's body at what looked to be something more difficult than merely stepping on some worms.
The Observe page flickered away as the central fiend rushed once more towards him, the other two wasp-like creatures following its example.
Shirou didn't freeze, with his adrenaline pushing his body to easily roll to the side before chanting the spell he hadn't been using for so long.
"Trace… on."
A suave blue light stretched out of his palms as two small daggers appeared in his hands.
Shirou gulped nervously at the objectives established, feeling already stressed by the fact that he had to kill those flying creatures. But 100 Worms? That just sounded like a terrible idea right now that there were more important things to do.
Still, his attention shifted back at the three present issues, his hands' hold tightening over the hilt of his new daggers.
The Wasp-like fiends buzzed even more in response, as if trying to match up with the challenge he had put against them.
The first one to move was the one to his left, the stinger arching a little downward as it prepared to lunge at the boy.
Shirou's guard tensed in a careful watch as he waited for the bug to come closer to where he was. Just as it was about to plunge its stinger towards him, the Gamer moved quickly by rushing his left dagger to the monstrous thing, now in range for the melee.
The knife managed to easily cut through it, killing the insect instantly as black blood spurted out of the halved carcass.
With the first of the fiends down, Shirou then had his eyes moving to spot the two approaching enemies.
Both were advancing together, their buzzing driving the young Emiya to let out a tired sigh as he moved to the side to avoid the joint assault.
The insects missed just barely, and the redhead capitalized over the vicinity of the two to take another swing at them, hoping to at least clip one of the two's wings.
The attack managed to reach properly at the closest of the two flying critters, but instead of merely damaging it, it ended up killing the bug.
The remaining creature flied up by the ceiling, and away from the boy's reach, as it slowly started to hover around the room.
At first it looked like an annoying attempt to distract the Gamer, but soon Shirou realized that the flying insect was slowly starting to gain more and more speed through that simple movement.
He too a step or two towards the middle of the room, carefully studying the pattern while waiting for it to strike.
Seconds of quiet listening passed, with the bug taking its time to muster up as much speed as its sharp wings were able to bring to the situation.
Then, it sprung in action by rushing furiously towards him, its buzzing almost reaching its highest peek in what seemed to be a battle-cry of sort.
In a normal situation, with a normal child his age, the bug would have easily landed a deadly blow with such an action, its speed being far beyond what someone that young should've been able to match up.
But this circumstance was far from normal, and Shirou merely rolled away just in time when the creature reached close enough to be unable to stop in its path.
In fact, while the speed might have been useful to gain an advantage over its enemy, the bug's body didn't have enough strength to veer away and avoid crashing into the floor.
The stinger stabbed into the soft wood, drawing the capacity for the critter to move to nothingness as the wings weren't capable of pulling the deeply-plunged blade out of the precarious instance it had just been subjected into.
Shirou didn't hesitate with the opportunity before him, merely sighing in relief at the fact that his 38 points in Agility were good enough to keep up with the insane pace of these fiends.
The small sword in his right hand lunged towards the paralyzed bug, ending its existence in a small display of black, muddy blood.
POW: 33+1
INT: 31+1
AGI: 37+1
WIS: 31+1
VIT: 38+1
CHA: 26+1
LUK: 27+1
There was a brief pause that Shirou used to give a look around for any other issues within his own room before the young boy rushed to the door.
Pausing for just a brief moment by the door's handle, the redhead prepared to make his way through something far worse than what he had woken up into, knowing that an infestation of those critters wasn't impossible.
The door was opened to the side and… more Worms were crawling around by the floor and the walls.
Taking a quick breath, Shirou started to rush towards the room beside his, using his blades to cut down a couple of insects between him and the place.
Illya's room opened to him and he was granted sight over a dreadful scene.
He had almost forgotten that the little Einzbern had decided to have a little sleepover with Caren and Rin to celebrate the latter's arrival, and now the three girls were standing over by the little white desk, shivering in visible fright at the small group of worms having concentrated by the chair in front of it.
The Gamer didn't hesitate to rush towards the conglomerate of insects, swiftly killing all four of those.
The room was cleared from any threats pretty quickly, and relief lessened his steely stance over the horrible circumstance that was happening within what thought to be the safest place in the world.
POW: 34+1
INT: 35+1
AGI: 38+1
WIS: 32+1
VIT: 39+1
CHA: 27+1
LUK: 28+1
Illya proceeded to launch herself towards the redhead, the young Emiya panicking as he couldn't catch the girl mid-air with his hands still busied by his projections and-
The fall to the floor was unneeded, but the trembling coming from the white-haired child stopped him from whining about the current instance.
He spared a glance back to the other two girls, both slowly descending to come closer to the two other children.
"Sh-Shirou, what is going on? What are these ugly things?" Rin's question was filled with incredible worry but also legitimate fear over this unexpected predicament.
"A-And why I feel like there is something-" Caren paused in her words, her eyes strangely enough wide open in a state of constant shock. "So impure- so- so wrong."
What is going on?
That very query he himself wanted to have an answer about, and much to the girls' dismay, he couldn't offer any clarity over the matter.
"I… I don't know," He admitted nervously as he slowly got up, with Illya still latching onto him for some emotional support. "But something is leading these worms. And whoever it is, I think it's best that we focus on finding the others and leave."
The young Tohsaka nodded at the common sense behind his words, while Caren slowly took hold of his right hand as they all started to make their way through the infested hallways of the Emiya household.
Knowing that he wouldn't be able to do much while keeping an eye over the girls, Shirou's priority was to reach the closest exit. Either the main entrance or the unused gates by the courtyard.
Just as he passed over his room, the Gamer carefully looked around for any sign of the worms, finding none by the part of the corridor that led towards the main entrance.
There was a sliver of hope, one that could as well be just a trap laid out for them to go through.
It would just be… too easy.
And in fact, his suspicions proved to be correct when he looked around the corner and saw a sea of dark-green worms and numerous Bladed Wing Insects blocking the path right towards where the front door was.
Gritting his teeth in annoyance, the Emiya decided to change his plans to the second available exit, with the rest of the girls keeping close as he ventured a little more deeper through the dim-lit rooms of the mostly quiet building.
There were no worms patrolling the inner sections of the household, offering just some relief in the fact that this endeavor seemed to be their best chance in that very moment.
Still, some nervousness remained as the redhead noticed that the noise of shooting was still ongoing and that the more they walked towards the safest of the two exits, the more the noises grew louder and louder.
Continuing with his wandering, Shirou finally managed to reach the area where the courtyard was, slowly sliding the door that led to it to the side before he ventured outside and… right into quite the confusing scene.
Kiritsugu was moving quickly, some prominent veins visible within his face as he dodged swarms of insects trying to reach out for him. His only weapon being what seemed to be a simple machine-gun, with the gun being unable to properly dismiss the waves of fiends trying to reach out for me.
A little behind the worms was what looked to be some elderly figure. He was hunched, with his bald head continuing to stare eerily at the struggle the older Emiya was going through because of small monsters attacking him.
The worms weren't swarming at him, they actually seemed to be reaching out from the creepy figure.
And while the man seemed distracted at first in glaring at Kiritsugu, he would soon tense up and direct his gaze right upon… Shirou.
The malicious and crooked smile on his face expanded, his wrinkles emphasizing quite the hideous complex while his dark and devious eyes showed the greedy delight from within at noticing the four children.
His lips twitched and soon a cackle left his mouth. "To think that the situation would turn to my favor so suddenly and so unexpectedly," The mysterious old figure said while tilting his head to the side in a display of quiet interest. "But I'm surprised it would be the novel son of the Magus Killer to bring the downfall of his foolish parent."
Four flying insects appeared out of the elderly being and up to the air before rushing towards the small group.
"Kill the boy, and bring me the heiresses," The old man commanded dully, and it seemed like the fiends were listening to those as they continued to advance with the redhead as their target.
Taking a few steps in front of the girls and jumping off the edge of the wooden platform over the courtyard, Shirou rushed towards the true cause for this massive mess.
He was unsure as of why the Game would urge him to kill the old man, perhaps there was a degree of danger to him that… forced the system to find him deplorable.
And considering that this creepy figure was making use of disgusting worms and seemed to be wanting to kidnap Illya, Rin, and Caren, the young Emiya wasn't going to complain with this sudden request.
With his newfound Agility and Vitality, the young boy managed to move quickly through the approaching Bladed Wing Insects, his reformed daggers slashing through those without hesitation and without difficulty.
POW: 35+1
INT: 36+1
AGI: 39+1
WIS: 33+1
VIT: 40+1
CHA: 28+1
LUK: 29+1
"That's… interesting," The old man commented quietly, with his face showing a fascinated and lucid expression compared to the insane one he had previously shown.
But Shirou wasn't minding the odd mood swing, both of his daggers already rushing towards the undefended old man to end this situation once for all and…
The damage was inflicted, and it was one that went a little beyond the HP bar of the mastermind behind this attack, but… there was no notifications about experience coming out from that action.
In fact, despite cutting through the figure in quite the killing fashion, the old man continued to display a degree of calm that turned out to be quite… unsettling.
"What are you?"
It wasn't Shirou to ask such a query, but the very elder as he started to slowly morph back to normal as worms from within his body started to mend everything to a proper state.
There was a moment of silence, with the Gamer trying to make sense of what he had just witnessed.
He had killed the man… yet this one hadn't died?
"I'm curious," Zouken hummed calmly as more flying insects formed around him and swarmed towards Shirou.
This time, the group was made by ten of those and these all seemed to be… more docile than the previous ones.
It was an odd revelation, yet he noticed that it wasn't just that his speed had increased again at his sudden level-up, but also that their wings weren't moving as furiously as the others he had fought against.
With his mind still driven by the adrenaline to continue with the clash, Shirou had an easy time decimating the approaching creatures.
POW: 36+2
INT: 37+2
AGI: 40+2
WIS: 34+2
VIT: 41+2
CHA: 29+2
LUK: 30+2
"Truly marvelous!" The old Matou proclaimed with a frustrating amount of glee over the situation. "I can't believe that her theory was correct- and yet… I wonder. I really wonder."
Nothing of what he was saying made sense to him, yet Shirou persisted by once more attacking the seemingly harmless elder.
This time, he stabbed right into his chest, hoping to bring him to die like that.
Yet, like the first time, the deadly blow didn't end up killing the elder.
As the figure continued to regenerate, Shirou then desperately tried to rush more attacks at him, hoping that there was a limit to this surreal case before him.
It's… it's not working.
With his breathing growing more strained by the lack of success with this endeavor, the Gamer soon gasped in surprise as he found himself tripping backward and right onto the ground.
His dagger clanged at the floor, but still firmly held by his hands as the boy gave a fierce look at the seemingly-undamaged elder.
"Your efforts are… admirable. But terribly annoying," Zouken muttered tiredly. "Your mere existence is fascinating, something that gives me plenty of ideas of what to do with you but… I think I will let you fester a little more, little fish."
Shirou panicked as worms swarmed all over him, yet instead of devouring him, they all started to meld together in a large, humongous surface.
"I want you to fatten, to become bigger, to be able to actually sustain my disappointing predicament," He continued with an amused tone. "And this is why… I will see you 'treated correctly' from now on."
Before the boy had the chance of rebutting these comments, the entirety of his body was coated by the wriggling mass of worms, and soon enought the swarm of fiends rushed him towards the barely open gates.
Loud screams coming from the girls kept him fully aware of the situation as he tried to push away the multiple insects piling up all around him, squishing him in that reduced space.
He didn't have the means to reform his blades, the space allowed just enough for his form and… he was starting to get tired.
It was a strange sensation, one that shouldn't be troubling him right now as he hadn't suffered any damage until…
STATUS: Crest Worm Absorption (x50): Reduction of HP and MP by -50 per Min; Sleepiness.
Health Points (HP) : 900/950 (-50HP per Min)
Mana Points (MP) : 1850/2100 (+200) (40MP per Min)
The worms. They were slowly draining him of his energy and… the second effect was slowly defeating his will to fight back the hideous instance he had been put through.
He struggled, he put all of what was left within his body to push away even just a couple of the worms trying to paralyze him completely and yet…
It was too late.
His eyes started to lose focus, and his breathing started to slow down to a minimum as he felt slowly succumbing to the conditions imposed by the unexpected development.
The sensation itself was familiar, and…
It reminded him of the Fire.
There was an annoying silence reigning over that little street of Fuyuki City.
With most of its people still enjoying a couple of hours of sleeping before truly beginning their early morning, the entire town was mostly devoid of any human presence.
Birds were already chirping and enjoying the easy winds of these hours and… a disgusting mass of Crest Worms was hastily retreating away by their master's commands.
The worms themselves didn't have much of a choice, their inferior minds all connected to the great hivemind that was Zouken's own soul.
They were indebted to him, they leeched off energy from him, but most of it all, they were his most loyal familiars.
There was nothing wrong with their brutality, nothing wrong about imposing the rule of the strongest commanded over the weaklings… and yet there was already something that the simple-minded fiends were mostly unaware about.
Orders sometime could be unclear and… lacking of any extra instructions.
Zouken had rightfully wanted the now-unconscious red-haired boy to be sent back to the Matou Mansion, having established some important plans over him, but… there had been no conditions about what to do before a blonde-haired red-eyed man giving obstacle to their path.
The mass stopped momentarily, their initial instinct being to overwhelm the smug-smiling 'simple human' at once and so they did.
Every worm that had been assigned to the boy disengaged from their early task and rushed towards the patiently-waiting young man, seeing nothing wrong in devouring this foolish idiot before resuming with their journey.
The large group was well-distant from the redhead when the first signs of trouble emerged.
Numerous yellow lights emerged from above and from those portal-like phenomena appeared numerous golden-colored instruments.
Long and well-refined, the strange tools started to light up and… started to blast down into the unaware mass of Crest Worms.
There was no mean to avoid incineration at first contact, the burning effects within the energy barrage destroying all of the familiars, and every single one of those critters was eliminated from the streets.
Silence resumed at the quiet extermination, with only the footsteps of the blond-haired man now approaching the sleeping boy with a curious look.
Gilgamesh stood over the child, pondering over the plans he had set for him, the plans that would see him succeed against both Kotomine and the disgusting fool trying to cheat death.
He didn't speak at first, his attention taken by the improvements that had happened since their first meeting.
He was stronger, there was no denying it as his bloody stare could notice it so blatantly and so truthfully, but this 'Shirou' was still too far from actually gaining a proper standing against him.
The little mongrel was young, and his potential was immense, but there was no reason to hide the fact that Gilgamesh was impatient.
To have a good chance to not only restore the Age of Gods as he saw fit, but to also have someone that could become his equal in a matter of short time?
While the second option would have irked him immensely, it was also true that the desire of finding a competent match in terms of combat prowess was still there to urge him to study the case in front of him.
Saber had fought him in an almost equal footing, if it hadn't been for the fact that both had been limited by their annoying Masters, yet the lovely woman had been born in a time and with certain conditions that had pushed her to rise up above… before coming tumbling down because of her disappointing emotional struggle.
Shirou Emiya was born in an unfair era, without much to start with because of the limits imposed by Gaia and… with a power that well excelled to see him strive up to reach divinity and become a worthy opponent to the King of Heroes.
Magic barely existed now, and humans were mostly boring to even hear about. Even his flickering interest in seeing Kotomine's subjugation under his own insanity had already lost its hold over his mind.
There wasn't much amusement around and this boy would surely provide it to him. It would be entertainment beyond the simple one provided by stupid jesters strutting around and mocking his name with their flamboyant and deceitful titles.
But… he wasn't going to intervene just yet in this escalation within the Kotomine-Emiya's feud. It was too early, it was unnecessary and… he had already styled some plans to make everything go for an idyllic route for him.
"You may come out from your hiding, mongrels," The former Archer ordered sternly and dully, drawing the attention of two spectators that had been witnessing this sublime scene up until now.
They scrambled out from the bushes where they have been ordered to wait and see the grandiose display of his power, further cementing the loyalty of the leading figure of this unexpected duo.
Shinji Matou was elated- no, he was honored to have been bestowed with such a sight, and to have received confirmation that trading his place as the heir of the clan had been a mostly correct choice.
It was a temporary move, one that served mostly to shatter the hold his grandfather had over the entire family and… to see himself propelled to the leadership of the family.
It was ambitious, it was naive… but there was no true flaw to it. And that came with the chance of getting rid of Sakura from the position of 'rightful heiress'.
The girl beside him was surely unaware of his thoughts despite the exceptional observant nature of the younger child.
Sakura Matou didn't mind leaving another family if it also meant being finally freed from the agony that Zouken had been so ecstatically putting her through for almost a year now.
She was tired of the fact that she had to deal with the horrors of having a family. To be ditched, to be used, to be manipulated, to be scorned and to be saddened by broken promises.
But it wasn't the kind of tiredness that was currently keeping the cute redhead still asleep. No, it was something far deeper and more difficult for her to be capable to express in a couple of words.
And that is why Sakura loved the silence, for the silence meant the lack of any general interactions that could easily end up badly for her.
Still, the intimidating blond man that had offered her the pretty necklace that she was currently wearing.
The curious object was somehow restraining the worms from informing Zouken of her current betrayal and from giving her any discomfort, thus helping her with this naughty endeavor.
...Naughty. How odd, she shouldn't be a bad girl… and yet she liked to not be hurt too.
"Do you remember my words about what will you two have to do, mongrels?"
Shinji nodded without hesitation and Sakura hummed quietly.
"Good, then I will leave you the safety of this young boy. You will bring him at the place I've mentioned you about without being spotted by anyone," The King of Heroes concluded with a sigh. "And I hope you will also remember that any discomfort brought to him will warrant some serious punishments from me. Beyond the mere parental chiding," The dark-blue-haired Matou flinched, "Or even anything that a couple of disgusting worms can do." Sakura merely tensed up at the comment, but didn't show any further displeasure at this new condition.
It wasn't anything that she had to worry about, but perhaps she should still keep an eye to her Oniisan to not do anything wrong during that simple errand.
Still, the little girl couldn't help but wonder why would the King want them to reach the city's outskirts. Why would he want them to do that?
But while it was good to muse about her new tasks, Sakura still complied with her brother and slowly helped him to lift up the curiously-lovely redhead through the various streets of Fuyuki, her stare freezing more than once at that interesting face of his.
'Perhaps he isn't a bad person'. That hope was the only thing that Sakura had yet to lose.
Ahhhhh! Who is in need of savings? What is Gilgamesh planning? Are the girls (Caren, Illya, and Rin) safe? What about Kiritsugu? And will Shirou recover from the fact that people can actually live despite getting killed?!
So many questions… and lot of madness next chapter. Like the final arc of this tutorial Super-Arc.
After this? A new escalation!
A loud noises shook the darkness of the night, waking many of the occupants within the Emiya household.
And despite the distance of this familiar sounds, Shirou's amber eyes opened in a brief moment of fright, cold sweat covering his face.
It didn't take him too much to recognize the distinct issue, and his thoughts sported a mixed amount of panic and alert over the unexpected wake up call.
It was a gun shooting, there was no doubt about it, and the fury of bullets being sprayed around and against something or someone meant that the situation wasn't a normal one, especially with the fact that the only one owning guns was Kiritsugu.
There was no reason to waste further time in his warm bed, the young boy shuffling out of it by swiftly pushing its covers away.
Soon his right hand reached out to find where his shoes were, remembering that he had set those by the side of the small bed-!!
He found something, and his grasp tightened a little over the unseen object, but just as he did so, he didn't feel the texture that he knew being of his shoes.
It was wriggling madly, unnervingly so as multiple small things were now tickling at his palm and his attention snapped at the odd development… only for his face to show an aghast expression at the horrifying sight just mere moments to jump onto him.
The small critter chittered fiercely, trying to rush towards him and prompting the Emiya to drop it on the floor before the boy moved away from its reach.
It wasn't alone.
Four- no, five more of those small bug-like creatures were trying to make their way towards him, with what felt like a hunger-induced interest.
What- What is going on?!
His eyes blinked wide open, shock filling those orbs as he called out for Observe.
Burrowing Worm LVL.5
Class: Berserker
Rank: Bronze
Class: Berserker
Rank: Bronze
These just didn't look like the mostly-harmless kind of insects one could find at the local park.
From their appearance to their current attitude, the green-colored fiends looked as malicious as a monstrous bug could get.
And… they continued to rush towards him. They were only crawling, seemingly unable to do much else other than that.
He flinched, lifting his right feet up as he prepared to try something against the closest of the bunch.
It continued to wriggle excitedly, seemingly unable to spot the approaching bare feet from the upwards and-
It was squashed without much resistance, yet the noise originating from the sudden demise of the bug sending chills down the young Emiya's spine as he just wasn't sure what was going on.
+1200 EXP!
Shirou blinked with a surprised glint in his eyes, confused by the modest amount of Experience he had just received by such a little action.
Soon, he took this development as a sign to proceed with the killing of those pests, his mind well reminding him that there was still some battle going on while he was losing time there.
The rest of the Burrowing Worms were easily crushed, while the boy's disgust increased at the crescendo of flinch-worthy noises being conceived by the critters' deaths.
+1200 EXP!
+1200 EXP!
+1200 EXP!
+1200 EXP!
+1200 EXP!
+1200 EXP!
+1200 EXP!
The Gamer sighed once he had completely exterminated the small fiends, his heart regaining some of its regular pacing as he found himself distracted by the appearance of a familiar box in front of his face.
Congratulations, you have LVLd Up!
Name: Shirou Emiya
Title: The Gamer
Age: 7
Level 16 – Exp: 21,56%
Health Points (HP) : 750/750 (+50)
Mana Points (MP) : 1500/1500 (+100) (60 (+5)MP per Min)
Congratulations, you have LVLd Up!
Name: Shirou Emiya
Title: The Gamer
Age: 7
Level 16 – Exp: 21,56%
Health Points (HP) : 750/750 (+50)
Mana Points (MP) : 1500/1500 (+100) (60 (+5)MP per Min)
POW: 32+1
INT: 30+1
AGI: 36+1
WIS: 30+1
VIT: 37+1
CHA: 25+1
LUK: 26+1
He had leveled up? It was just so… sudden for it to be happening and-
His trail of thoughts died down when he felt the distinct noise of something violently fluttering mid-air right behind him.
The boy ducked down on instinct as he perceived the new intrusion making a move towards him, with pressure building up and pressing onto him, and soon he found his stare was fixed on the appearance of what looked to be a… wasp?
The insect was buzzing furiously, as it slowly turned around to 'greet' him, and its white blade-like stinger was quick to gain the redhead's gaze.
Two more appeared in front of the Emiya and by the main wasp's size, further tensing up the boy's body at what looked to be something more difficult than merely stepping on some worms.
Bladed Wing Insect LVL.11 X 3
Class: Rider
Rank: Silver
Class: Rider
Rank: Silver
The Observe page flickered away as the central fiend rushed once more towards him, the other two wasp-like creatures following its example.
Shirou didn't freeze, with his adrenaline pushing his body to easily roll to the side before chanting the spell he hadn't been using for so long.
"Trace… on."
A suave blue light stretched out of his palms as two small daggers appeared in his hands.
-Home Invasion-
Time Limit: 1 Day
Worm-like creatures have attacked your home and is trying to kill you and the rest of your family. Kill the Fiends along the way and then find and rescue the other occupants of the house.
-Kill Bladed Wing Insects (0/3)
-Find Gray
-Find Rin
-Find Caren
-Find Illya
-Find Waver
-Find Kiritsugu
Optional – Kill 100 Burrowed Worms (0/100)
Those monsters are as ugly as I remember those being...
-Identity of the Attacker-
-Your family is saved-
-(Optional) You receive title 'Worm Slayer'-
Time Limit: 1 Day
Worm-like creatures have attacked your home and is trying to kill you and the rest of your family. Kill the Fiends along the way and then find and rescue the other occupants of the house.
-Kill Bladed Wing Insects (0/3)
-Find Gray
-Find Rin
-Find Caren
-Find Illya
-Find Waver
-Find Kiritsugu
Optional – Kill 100 Burrowed Worms (0/100)
Those monsters are as ugly as I remember those being...
-Identity of the Attacker-
-Your family is saved-
-(Optional) You receive title 'Worm Slayer'-
Shirou gulped nervously at the objectives established, feeling already stressed by the fact that he had to kill those flying creatures. But 100 Worms? That just sounded like a terrible idea right now that there were more important things to do.
Still, his attention shifted back at the three present issues, his hands' hold tightening over the hilt of his new daggers.
The Wasp-like fiends buzzed even more in response, as if trying to match up with the challenge he had put against them.
The first one to move was the one to his left, the stinger arching a little downward as it prepared to lunge at the boy.
Shirou's guard tensed in a careful watch as he waited for the bug to come closer to where he was. Just as it was about to plunge its stinger towards him, the Gamer moved quickly by rushing his left dagger to the monstrous thing, now in range for the melee.
+1800 EXP!
The knife managed to easily cut through it, killing the insect instantly as black blood spurted out of the halved carcass.
With the first of the fiends down, Shirou then had his eyes moving to spot the two approaching enemies.
Both were advancing together, their buzzing driving the young Emiya to let out a tired sigh as he moved to the side to avoid the joint assault.
The insects missed just barely, and the redhead capitalized over the vicinity of the two to take another swing at them, hoping to at least clip one of the two's wings.
+1800 EXP!
The attack managed to reach properly at the closest of the two flying critters, but instead of merely damaging it, it ended up killing the bug.
The remaining creature flied up by the ceiling, and away from the boy's reach, as it slowly started to hover around the room.
At first it looked like an annoying attempt to distract the Gamer, but soon Shirou realized that the flying insect was slowly starting to gain more and more speed through that simple movement.
He too a step or two towards the middle of the room, carefully studying the pattern while waiting for it to strike.
Seconds of quiet listening passed, with the bug taking its time to muster up as much speed as its sharp wings were able to bring to the situation.
Then, it sprung in action by rushing furiously towards him, its buzzing almost reaching its highest peek in what seemed to be a battle-cry of sort.
In a normal situation, with a normal child his age, the bug would have easily landed a deadly blow with such an action, its speed being far beyond what someone that young should've been able to match up.
But this circumstance was far from normal, and Shirou merely rolled away just in time when the creature reached close enough to be unable to stop in its path.
In fact, while the speed might have been useful to gain an advantage over its enemy, the bug's body didn't have enough strength to veer away and avoid crashing into the floor.
The stinger stabbed into the soft wood, drawing the capacity for the critter to move to nothingness as the wings weren't capable of pulling the deeply-plunged blade out of the precarious instance it had just been subjected into.
Shirou didn't hesitate with the opportunity before him, merely sighing in relief at the fact that his 38 points in Agility were good enough to keep up with the insane pace of these fiends.
+1800 EXP!
The small sword in his right hand lunged towards the paralyzed bug, ending its existence in a small display of black, muddy blood.
Name: Shirou Emiya
Title: The Gamer
Age: 7
Level 17 – Exp: 17,79%
Health Points (HP) : 800/800 (+50)
Mana Points (MP) : 1445/1600 (+100) (65 (+5)MP per Min)
Name: Shirou Emiya
Title: The Gamer
Age: 7
Level 17 – Exp: 17,79%
Health Points (HP) : 800/800 (+50)
Mana Points (MP) : 1445/1600 (+100) (65 (+5)MP per Min)
POW: 33+1
INT: 31+1
AGI: 37+1
WIS: 31+1
VIT: 38+1
CHA: 26+1
LUK: 27+1
There was a brief pause that Shirou used to give a look around for any other issues within his own room before the young boy rushed to the door.
Pausing for just a brief moment by the door's handle, the redhead prepared to make his way through something far worse than what he had woken up into, knowing that an infestation of those critters wasn't impossible.
The door was opened to the side and… more Worms were crawling around by the floor and the walls.
Taking a quick breath, Shirou started to rush towards the room beside his, using his blades to cut down a couple of insects between him and the place.
+1200 EXP!
+1200 EXP!
+1200 EXP!
+1200 EXP!
+1200 EXP!
+1200 EXP!
+1200 EXP!
Illya's room opened to him and he was granted sight over a dreadful scene.
He had almost forgotten that the little Einzbern had decided to have a little sleepover with Caren and Rin to celebrate the latter's arrival, and now the three girls were standing over by the little white desk, shivering in visible fright at the small group of worms having concentrated by the chair in front of it.
The Gamer didn't hesitate to rush towards the conglomerate of insects, swiftly killing all four of those.
+1200 EXP!
+1200 EXP!
+1200 EXP!
+1200 EXP!
+1200 EXP!
+1200 EXP!
+1200 EXP!
The room was cleared from any threats pretty quickly, and relief lessened his steely stance over the horrible circumstance that was happening within what thought to be the safest place in the world.
Name: Shirou Emiya
Title: The Gamer
Age: 7
Level 18 – Exp: 32,15%
Health Points (HP) : 850/850 (+50)
Mana Points (MP) : 1510/1700 (+100) (70 (+5)MP per Min)
Name: Shirou Emiya
Title: The Gamer
Age: 7
Level 18 – Exp: 32,15%
Health Points (HP) : 850/850 (+50)
Mana Points (MP) : 1510/1700 (+100) (70 (+5)MP per Min)
POW: 34+1
INT: 35+1
AGI: 38+1
WIS: 32+1
VIT: 39+1
CHA: 27+1
LUK: 28+1
Illya proceeded to launch herself towards the redhead, the young Emiya panicking as he couldn't catch the girl mid-air with his hands still busied by his projections and-
The fall to the floor was unneeded, but the trembling coming from the white-haired child stopped him from whining about the current instance.
He spared a glance back to the other two girls, both slowly descending to come closer to the two other children.
"Sh-Shirou, what is going on? What are these ugly things?" Rin's question was filled with incredible worry but also legitimate fear over this unexpected predicament.
"A-And why I feel like there is something-" Caren paused in her words, her eyes strangely enough wide open in a state of constant shock. "So impure- so- so wrong."
What is going on?
That very query he himself wanted to have an answer about, and much to the girls' dismay, he couldn't offer any clarity over the matter.
"I… I don't know," He admitted nervously as he slowly got up, with Illya still latching onto him for some emotional support. "But something is leading these worms. And whoever it is, I think it's best that we focus on finding the others and leave."
The young Tohsaka nodded at the common sense behind his words, while Caren slowly took hold of his right hand as they all started to make their way through the infested hallways of the Emiya household.
Knowing that he wouldn't be able to do much while keeping an eye over the girls, Shirou's priority was to reach the closest exit. Either the main entrance or the unused gates by the courtyard.
Just as he passed over his room, the Gamer carefully looked around for any sign of the worms, finding none by the part of the corridor that led towards the main entrance.
There was a sliver of hope, one that could as well be just a trap laid out for them to go through.
It would just be… too easy.
And in fact, his suspicions proved to be correct when he looked around the corner and saw a sea of dark-green worms and numerous Bladed Wing Insects blocking the path right towards where the front door was.
Gritting his teeth in annoyance, the Emiya decided to change his plans to the second available exit, with the rest of the girls keeping close as he ventured a little more deeper through the dim-lit rooms of the mostly quiet building.
There were no worms patrolling the inner sections of the household, offering just some relief in the fact that this endeavor seemed to be their best chance in that very moment.
Still, some nervousness remained as the redhead noticed that the noise of shooting was still ongoing and that the more they walked towards the safest of the two exits, the more the noises grew louder and louder.
Continuing with his wandering, Shirou finally managed to reach the area where the courtyard was, slowly sliding the door that led to it to the side before he ventured outside and… right into quite the confusing scene.
Kiritsugu was moving quickly, some prominent veins visible within his face as he dodged swarms of insects trying to reach out for him. His only weapon being what seemed to be a simple machine-gun, with the gun being unable to properly dismiss the waves of fiends trying to reach out for me.
A little behind the worms was what looked to be some elderly figure. He was hunched, with his bald head continuing to stare eerily at the struggle the older Emiya was going through because of small monsters attacking him.
The worms weren't swarming at him, they actually seemed to be reaching out from the creepy figure.
And while the man seemed distracted at first in glaring at Kiritsugu, he would soon tense up and direct his gaze right upon… Shirou.
The malicious and crooked smile on his face expanded, his wrinkles emphasizing quite the hideous complex while his dark and devious eyes showed the greedy delight from within at noticing the four children.
Name: Zouken Matou
Title: Head of the Matou Family
Age: ???
Level: 50
HP : 400/400
MP : ???
Title: Head of the Matou Family
Age: ???
Level: 50
HP : 400/400
MP : ???
His lips twitched and soon a cackle left his mouth. "To think that the situation would turn to my favor so suddenly and so unexpectedly," The mysterious old figure said while tilting his head to the side in a display of quiet interest. "But I'm surprised it would be the novel son of the Magus Killer to bring the downfall of his foolish parent."
Four flying insects appeared out of the elderly being and up to the air before rushing towards the small group.
"Kill the boy, and bring me the heiresses," The old man commanded dully, and it seemed like the fiends were listening to those as they continued to advance with the redhead as their target.
-Home Invasion-
Time Limit: 1 Day
Here is the culprit for the attack, the one that has ordered for such an unwarranted assault. Kill Zouken Matou!
Kill Zouken!
Kill Zouken!
Kill Zouken!
Kill Zouken!
Kill Zouken!
Kill Zouken!
Kill Zouken!
Optional – Kill Zouken with Fire!!
Kill Zouken!
-Your family is saved-
-Relationship with ??? is elevated to 'Favorite Step-descendant'-
-Home Invasion-
Time Limit: 1 Day
Here is the culprit for the attack, the one that has ordered for such an unwarranted assault. Kill Zouken Matou!
Kill Zouken!
Kill Zouken!
Kill Zouken!
Kill Zouken!
Kill Zouken!
Kill Zouken!
Kill Zouken!
Optional – Kill Zouken with Fire!!
Kill Zouken!
-Your family is saved-
-Relationship with ??? is elevated to 'Favorite Step-descendant'-
Taking a few steps in front of the girls and jumping off the edge of the wooden platform over the courtyard, Shirou rushed towards the true cause for this massive mess.
He was unsure as of why the Game would urge him to kill the old man, perhaps there was a degree of danger to him that… forced the system to find him deplorable.
And considering that this creepy figure was making use of disgusting worms and seemed to be wanting to kidnap Illya, Rin, and Caren, the young Emiya wasn't going to complain with this sudden request.
With his newfound Agility and Vitality, the young boy managed to move quickly through the approaching Bladed Wing Insects, his reformed daggers slashing through those without hesitation and without difficulty.
+1800 EXP!
+1800 EXP!
+1800 EXP!
+1800 EXP!
Name: Shirou Emiya
Title: The Gamer
Age: 7
Level 19 – Exp: 10,09%
Health Points (HP) : 900/900 (+50)
Mana Points (MP) : 1650/1800 (+100) (75 (+5)MP per Min)
+1800 EXP!
+1800 EXP!
+1800 EXP!
Name: Shirou Emiya
Title: The Gamer
Age: 7
Level 19 – Exp: 10,09%
Health Points (HP) : 900/900 (+50)
Mana Points (MP) : 1650/1800 (+100) (75 (+5)MP per Min)
POW: 35+1
INT: 36+1
AGI: 39+1
WIS: 33+1
VIT: 40+1
CHA: 28+1
LUK: 29+1
"That's… interesting," The old man commented quietly, with his face showing a fascinated and lucid expression compared to the insane one he had previously shown.
But Shirou wasn't minding the odd mood swing, both of his daggers already rushing towards the undefended old man to end this situation once for all and…
The damage was inflicted, and it was one that went a little beyond the HP bar of the mastermind behind this attack, but… there was no notifications about experience coming out from that action.
In fact, despite cutting through the figure in quite the killing fashion, the old man continued to display a degree of calm that turned out to be quite… unsettling.
"What are you?"
It wasn't Shirou to ask such a query, but the very elder as he started to slowly morph back to normal as worms from within his body started to mend everything to a proper state.
There was a moment of silence, with the Gamer trying to make sense of what he had just witnessed.
He had killed the man… yet this one hadn't died?
"I'm curious," Zouken hummed calmly as more flying insects formed around him and swarmed towards Shirou.
This time, the group was made by ten of those and these all seemed to be… more docile than the previous ones.
It was an odd revelation, yet he noticed that it wasn't just that his speed had increased again at his sudden level-up, but also that their wings weren't moving as furiously as the others he had fought against.
With his mind still driven by the adrenaline to continue with the clash, Shirou had an easy time decimating the approaching creatures.
+1800 EXP!
+1800 EXP!
+1800 EXP!
+1800 EXP!
+1800 EXP!
+1800 EXP!
+1800 EXP!
+1800 EXP!
+1800 EXP!
+1800 EXP!
Name: Shirou Emiya
Title: The Gamer
Age: 7
Level 21 – Exp: 5,81%
Health Points (HP) : 950/950 (+100)
Mana Points (MP) : 1612/1900 (+200) (80 (+10)MP per Min)
+1800 EXP!
+1800 EXP!
+1800 EXP!
+1800 EXP!
+1800 EXP!
+1800 EXP!
+1800 EXP!
+1800 EXP!
+1800 EXP!
Name: Shirou Emiya
Title: The Gamer
Age: 7
Level 21 – Exp: 5,81%
Health Points (HP) : 950/950 (+100)
Mana Points (MP) : 1612/1900 (+200) (80 (+10)MP per Min)
POW: 36+2
INT: 37+2
AGI: 40+2
WIS: 34+2
VIT: 41+2
CHA: 29+2
LUK: 30+2
"Truly marvelous!" The old Matou proclaimed with a frustrating amount of glee over the situation. "I can't believe that her theory was correct- and yet… I wonder. I really wonder."
Nothing of what he was saying made sense to him, yet Shirou persisted by once more attacking the seemingly harmless elder.
This time, he stabbed right into his chest, hoping to bring him to die like that.
Yet, like the first time, the deadly blow didn't end up killing the elder.
As the figure continued to regenerate, Shirou then desperately tried to rush more attacks at him, hoping that there was a limit to this surreal case before him.
It's… it's not working.
With his breathing growing more strained by the lack of success with this endeavor, the Gamer soon gasped in surprise as he found himself tripping backward and right onto the ground.
His dagger clanged at the floor, but still firmly held by his hands as the boy gave a fierce look at the seemingly-undamaged elder.
"Your efforts are… admirable. But terribly annoying," Zouken muttered tiredly. "Your mere existence is fascinating, something that gives me plenty of ideas of what to do with you but… I think I will let you fester a little more, little fish."
Shirou panicked as worms swarmed all over him, yet instead of devouring him, they all started to meld together in a large, humongous surface.
"I want you to fatten, to become bigger, to be able to actually sustain my disappointing predicament," He continued with an amused tone. "And this is why… I will see you 'treated correctly' from now on."
Before the boy had the chance of rebutting these comments, the entirety of his body was coated by the wriggling mass of worms, and soon enought the swarm of fiends rushed him towards the barely open gates.
Loud screams coming from the girls kept him fully aware of the situation as he tried to push away the multiple insects piling up all around him, squishing him in that reduced space.
He didn't have the means to reform his blades, the space allowed just enough for his form and… he was starting to get tired.
It was a strange sensation, one that shouldn't be troubling him right now as he hadn't suffered any damage until…
STATUS: Crest Worm Absorption (x50): Reduction of HP and MP by -50 per Min; Sleepiness.
Health Points (HP) : 900/950 (-50HP per Min)
Mana Points (MP) : 1850/2100 (+200) (40MP per Min)
The worms. They were slowly draining him of his energy and… the second effect was slowly defeating his will to fight back the hideous instance he had been put through.
He struggled, he put all of what was left within his body to push away even just a couple of the worms trying to paralyze him completely and yet…
It was too late.
His eyes started to lose focus, and his breathing started to slow down to a minimum as he felt slowly succumbing to the conditions imposed by the unexpected development.
The sensation itself was familiar, and…
It reminded him of the Fire.
There was an annoying silence reigning over that little street of Fuyuki City.
With most of its people still enjoying a couple of hours of sleeping before truly beginning their early morning, the entire town was mostly devoid of any human presence.
Birds were already chirping and enjoying the easy winds of these hours and… a disgusting mass of Crest Worms was hastily retreating away by their master's commands.
The worms themselves didn't have much of a choice, their inferior minds all connected to the great hivemind that was Zouken's own soul.
They were indebted to him, they leeched off energy from him, but most of it all, they were his most loyal familiars.
There was nothing wrong with their brutality, nothing wrong about imposing the rule of the strongest commanded over the weaklings… and yet there was already something that the simple-minded fiends were mostly unaware about.
Orders sometime could be unclear and… lacking of any extra instructions.
Zouken had rightfully wanted the now-unconscious red-haired boy to be sent back to the Matou Mansion, having established some important plans over him, but… there had been no conditions about what to do before a blonde-haired red-eyed man giving obstacle to their path.
The mass stopped momentarily, their initial instinct being to overwhelm the smug-smiling 'simple human' at once and so they did.
Every worm that had been assigned to the boy disengaged from their early task and rushed towards the patiently-waiting young man, seeing nothing wrong in devouring this foolish idiot before resuming with their journey.
The large group was well-distant from the redhead when the first signs of trouble emerged.
Numerous yellow lights emerged from above and from those portal-like phenomena appeared numerous golden-colored instruments.
Long and well-refined, the strange tools started to light up and… started to blast down into the unaware mass of Crest Worms.
There was no mean to avoid incineration at first contact, the burning effects within the energy barrage destroying all of the familiars, and every single one of those critters was eliminated from the streets.
Silence resumed at the quiet extermination, with only the footsteps of the blond-haired man now approaching the sleeping boy with a curious look.
Gilgamesh stood over the child, pondering over the plans he had set for him, the plans that would see him succeed against both Kotomine and the disgusting fool trying to cheat death.
He didn't speak at first, his attention taken by the improvements that had happened since their first meeting.
He was stronger, there was no denying it as his bloody stare could notice it so blatantly and so truthfully, but this 'Shirou' was still too far from actually gaining a proper standing against him.
The little mongrel was young, and his potential was immense, but there was no reason to hide the fact that Gilgamesh was impatient.
To have a good chance to not only restore the Age of Gods as he saw fit, but to also have someone that could become his equal in a matter of short time?
While the second option would have irked him immensely, it was also true that the desire of finding a competent match in terms of combat prowess was still there to urge him to study the case in front of him.
Saber had fought him in an almost equal footing, if it hadn't been for the fact that both had been limited by their annoying Masters, yet the lovely woman had been born in a time and with certain conditions that had pushed her to rise up above… before coming tumbling down because of her disappointing emotional struggle.
Shirou Emiya was born in an unfair era, without much to start with because of the limits imposed by Gaia and… with a power that well excelled to see him strive up to reach divinity and become a worthy opponent to the King of Heroes.
Magic barely existed now, and humans were mostly boring to even hear about. Even his flickering interest in seeing Kotomine's subjugation under his own insanity had already lost its hold over his mind.
There wasn't much amusement around and this boy would surely provide it to him. It would be entertainment beyond the simple one provided by stupid jesters strutting around and mocking his name with their flamboyant and deceitful titles.
But… he wasn't going to intervene just yet in this escalation within the Kotomine-Emiya's feud. It was too early, it was unnecessary and… he had already styled some plans to make everything go for an idyllic route for him.
"You may come out from your hiding, mongrels," The former Archer ordered sternly and dully, drawing the attention of two spectators that had been witnessing this sublime scene up until now.
They scrambled out from the bushes where they have been ordered to wait and see the grandiose display of his power, further cementing the loyalty of the leading figure of this unexpected duo.
Shinji Matou was elated- no, he was honored to have been bestowed with such a sight, and to have received confirmation that trading his place as the heir of the clan had been a mostly correct choice.
It was a temporary move, one that served mostly to shatter the hold his grandfather had over the entire family and… to see himself propelled to the leadership of the family.
It was ambitious, it was naive… but there was no true flaw to it. And that came with the chance of getting rid of Sakura from the position of 'rightful heiress'.
The girl beside him was surely unaware of his thoughts despite the exceptional observant nature of the younger child.
Sakura Matou didn't mind leaving another family if it also meant being finally freed from the agony that Zouken had been so ecstatically putting her through for almost a year now.
She was tired of the fact that she had to deal with the horrors of having a family. To be ditched, to be used, to be manipulated, to be scorned and to be saddened by broken promises.
But it wasn't the kind of tiredness that was currently keeping the cute redhead still asleep. No, it was something far deeper and more difficult for her to be capable to express in a couple of words.
And that is why Sakura loved the silence, for the silence meant the lack of any general interactions that could easily end up badly for her.
Still, the intimidating blond man that had offered her the pretty necklace that she was currently wearing.
The curious object was somehow restraining the worms from informing Zouken of her current betrayal and from giving her any discomfort, thus helping her with this naughty endeavor.
...Naughty. How odd, she shouldn't be a bad girl… and yet she liked to not be hurt too.
"Do you remember my words about what will you two have to do, mongrels?"
Shinji nodded without hesitation and Sakura hummed quietly.
"Good, then I will leave you the safety of this young boy. You will bring him at the place I've mentioned you about without being spotted by anyone," The King of Heroes concluded with a sigh. "And I hope you will also remember that any discomfort brought to him will warrant some serious punishments from me. Beyond the mere parental chiding," The dark-blue-haired Matou flinched, "Or even anything that a couple of disgusting worms can do." Sakura merely tensed up at the comment, but didn't show any further displeasure at this new condition.
It wasn't anything that she had to worry about, but perhaps she should still keep an eye to her Oniisan to not do anything wrong during that simple errand.
Still, the little girl couldn't help but wonder why would the King want them to reach the city's outskirts. Why would he want them to do that?
But while it was good to muse about her new tasks, Sakura still complied with her brother and slowly helped him to lift up the curiously-lovely redhead through the various streets of Fuyuki, her stare freezing more than once at that interesting face of his.
'Perhaps he isn't a bad person'. That hope was the only thing that Sakura had yet to lose.
Ahhhhh! Who is in need of savings? What is Gilgamesh planning? Are the girls (Caren, Illya, and Rin) safe? What about Kiritsugu? And will Shirou recover from the fact that people can actually live despite getting killed?!
So many questions… and lot of madness next chapter. Like the final arc of this tutorial Super-Arc.
After this? A new escalation!
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