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Fertile Ground (Cultivation Riot)

Wonder if I have found any good animals to copy.
I'm hoping to have the update out tonight, but it is large with some fairly important stuff, and I'm slow.
Speaking of, how come there is "crane style" but not "goose style"? geese are terrifying
Because terrifying is all that geese are. They're good at inflicting intimidation debuffs on opponents, but their actual damage is pitiful. Even a fox or a snapping turtle can kill a goose with little trouble if it tries to intimidate them for too long instead of flying away.

The martial arts equivalent would be a cultivator with really pretty and impressively named attacks that gets bodied by everyone. Not a path that many would knowingly follow for obvious reasons. Though some do accidentally anyway.
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I'll need to focus on cultivation next turn.
Sect Year Two
Lord Qi e twitched as Time raveled around him. Good progress had been made-at this rate he might actually manage to pierce the first layers of mysteries in this little realm within five hundred years! Now if only he could figure out what was bothering him...

Oh! A year! His little pets had been doing their own thing for a year now! Maybe they had done something noteworthy now? He began bustling about, putting on a decent robe and pulling his hair into some vague semblance of order. He would be so happy to see their smiling faces!


Standing in the dormitory currently being used to house the wounded mortals, Qi e could feel a purring building in his throat. How? Just how? There should have been no real threats in reach of mere mortals walking, but somehow he was now surrounded by groaning bodies. Worse, fully half of those that had active Destinies were wounded, some quite severely for mortals!

Swallowing the sound rolling in his throat, Qi e pointed at the most wounded mortal with current Destiny. "What did you encounter to wound you so?" he demanded.

"Reporting to Sect Master," the man whispered, bowing as much as he could while sitting in bed, "I was exploring the area when I stumbled across a creature."

"Yes?" Qi e prompted the man, Feng Shi his perfect memory provided, as he hesitated.

"Lord, please do not disbelieve," the man said. He seemed to shrink on himself before gathering his courage, "I found a great ox, blue as the sky on a summer's day, prancing through the trees. It was too close by the time I noticed it lord, and I could not quite get out of the way in time. I dodged the hooves, but the beast hit me with its tail!"

Qi e stared at the man for a moment, considering the news. Noticing the man's trembling, he waved a calming hand through the air. "Do not be concerned, I have heard of such creatures before. To survive being brushed by a Core Formation beast is already quite fortunate. Do not seek it out though-you are neither strong enough to handle it nor its master."

"Master, my lord?" Feng Shi inquired.

"Yes, it is a creature that is only found where Giants live. And you would be no match indeed. Even the entire Sect besides me would be no real danger to the weakest giant."

With that he turned away to continue his rounds of the wounded. Ho Chi Min had taken some severe wounds when he was exploring by stumbling into a patch of White Blood Glories, a kind of carnivorous plant that would send out creepers to drink the blood of its prey. He should have been able to get away, but apparently something in his body hated movement techniques, causing him to be unable to cultivate them at all. Those would actually be quite a useful ingredient for the mortals if they could be harvested, being good for Blood cultivation as well as just generally good for any budding Body cultivators.

The next mortal he visited was Lo Kwan Lam, a mortal attempting to cultivate the Five Venoms. In order to do so, he needed to find materials related to the Venoms. The good news was that he did! The bad news was the same really. He found a Shining Clover Toad, a very venomous variety of toad that lived in forests and hunted by glowing to lure prey in and poison it. Fortunately for Lo, even paralyzed by the venom the toad was only able to nibble off a chunk of flesh instead of killing him.

Sigh. Mortals. How was there any pride after being chewed on by a toad of all things?

The injuries Qi e was actually interested in were Meng Lee's and Yang Chen's. "You were subjected to soul attacks?"

"I believe so," Meng Lee offered with a deep bow. "For me, I was in the woods when suddenly I heard some sort of sound. Before I could react, the sound had overtaken me, whispers that seemed unintelligible, causing me confusion and twisting my perception. I passed out, and when I awakened I had persistent phantom pains."

"Mmm," the Beast mused with narrowed eyes. "And you?"

"Reporting to the Sect Lord," Yang Chen hoarsely whispered from his chair. "I was exploring when I found a stream. As I approached I heard quiet voices whispering to me. I could understand them, and they were urging me forward. I tried to resist, my lord, but my body..."

Qi e nodded. "Soul attacks done in clumsy fashion are often very noticeable."

Yang Chen shivered miserably. "I was controlled into wading into the stream. As I stood there, I could feel my very vitality being pulled at...my life was draining into the water..." The man mumbled into nothingness as his eyes unfocused.

"I would assume some sort of water spirit normally," Qi e mused aloud. "But what sort of water spirit would let prey go after they were helpless? How strange."

"As my lord says," Meng Lee nodded in place of his fellow sufferer, who seemed to have drifted off a bit.

Lord Qi e inclined his head politely then left the room, deep in thought. It appeared that things were not so simple as he had assumed here. A Blue Snow Ox when he had been using his Immortal senses all year and sensed no presence of Giants? A Water Spirit that merely snacked on prey instead of drowning them and devouring them entirely? Soul attacks with no apparent source of a soul? Finally, the stress purr that had been building in his throat escaped the Beast entirely. What was going on in this Realm?


Lord Qi e chuckled as he looked at the results of the Destined that had avoided having absolute dogshit luck. Jake Yong, a Body cultivator focusing on the Twelve Yearly Animals, had managed to find a bit of luck in exploring a stream. In a hidden pool, he had found a clutch of Rainbow Barb eggs. Recognizing that he had no real way of preserving these natural treasures, he had immediately eaten them. His cultivation had managed to take an immediate rise as a result.

Another cultivator by the name of Long Tea had managed to find a Pepper Mint plant, an extremely minor cultivation resource. What amused Qi e so much was the fact that this clever cultivator had managed to harvest just enough leaves from the plant to make himself the qi tea, then turn the plant in anyway for a Sect contribution bonus of a single God Pellet. Qi e had put it into one of the auxiliary gardens as a minor ingredient.

Far more interestingly, Hei Zhu had gone into the woods exploring and found a person. One claiming to be a wandering cultivator of a school of cultivation focused on different kinds of "wings". While the Pig cultivator and the Wing cultivator might not seem like a great match, it seemed that the two had hit it off and wandered the forest together for a month, with a promise to meet up again some time and explore again. Frankly, the idea of there being more cultivators in what Qi e had thought was a small pocket realm was intriguing enough to almost make Qi e go out and investigate himself. However, he had the feeling that if he moved too far, the realm would destabilize to adjust for him, which would set him to square one on his research. For the information though, Qi e had given him one God Pellet.

Even better was the find of Fei Gao. A Soul cultivator of the Five Beast Kingdoms method, Fei Gao had found an "ancient" beast "statue". Qi e knew of course that this sort of stone beast statue happened when a beast encountered overwhelming Earth, Stone, or Curse energy and petrified in place, leaving a perfect stone corpse behind. What was fascinating was that Qi e could feel the age of the statue, or rather of the Primordial Soul inside.

The thing was less than a millennia old! Qi e knew the pocket realm was older than that-he had found records of it in a book well over three thousand years old itself. And the world that they came from was well out of its Primordial stage. Therefore, wither the realm was connecting to previously unknown worlds, or something about Time her was far stranger than he had ever encountered. How exciting! For bringing him such a treasure, Qi e only gave Fei Gao a single God Pellet. That might seem unfair, but he was also inscribing the statue with a Soul Enervation Array to allow the Primordial Soul within to gather and release Qi. WHich would, in turn, give a bonus to cultivation to anyone cultivating a Beast Dao.

The real treasure though was Lei Ying Lo's find. "I have heard rumors of a powerful insight," Qi e stated to the bowing man.

"Yes, it is true," Lei Ying Lo affirmed. "I stumbled onto a stone carved with a symbol of Taijitu, but without any mixing of the elements. Instead, there was a large black circle partially filled in so that half of its area was white and half was black, but with the black surrounding the white and the white up against the very edge of the black circle. I could not fully understand the symbol itself, but I saw the very edges where the black and white met sparkling with strange lights. I meditated on it, and found that if I matched my flows of absorption with the balance of qi in the symbol, I could feel the energy rise higher."

Qi e smiled, "Yes, that kind of symbol does contain that Dao. Very good!" He didn't have the heart to tell them that it was a Boundary Stone, a way of marking property edges for immortals. Even that was a wonder and a marvel in the mortal world though. "And what about your alchemy?"

"Milord?" The man looked confused.

"You didn't notice?" Qi e questioned incredulously.

The man shook his head and bowed, "Apologies Lord, but I don't understand."

"I keep my senses active at all times within the Sect," Qi e explained. "I have noticed that as you create your medicines, the flow of qi in the surrounding area is altered. That is a clear sign of using the qi of the heavens to boost your medicine's effectiveness."

"I thought all cultivator's medicines were made with qi?" the man questioned, his overly formal manners falling away as his confusion showed through.

"True, but inaccurate by being incomplete," the Lord replied. "There are two sources of power that are generally applied to any cultivator medicine; the power of the ingredients and the power of the preparer. In the case of those on the Cultivator level, that power is usually Qi. You, having no ability to produce your own qi, have managed to luck into forcing the heavens to support you, drawing qi in from the environment. This is usually done with the aid of very expensive array formations."

"So it's a good thing?"

"Yes," Lord Qi e replied, "A very good thing. That sort of insight is very difficult to teach and many may never learn. I would suggest not wasting your good luck-you never know when the heavens woll frown instead of smiling." Qi e turned away after giving his words of advice. It was very true honestly; the talents this man had displayed would mark him as a potential asset in any Cultivator Sect. And people had thought he was crazy for establishing a sect purely from mortals. Already a total of eleven Destined in his sect. Sure, five had found bad luck, but five had found found good luck and one might be a true talent! Or just really lucky!



Five good, five bad, that was ten.

Where the hell was the last Destined?


Qi e just shook his head as he watched Xue Dongmei stumble her way back into the Sect. Apparently this particularly unlucky cultivator had ended up with some sort of space seal, causing her to wander out into the woods only to find herself wandering right back into the city.

A stubborn woman, this one.

He would have to spend some time next year trying to unlock her seal. The good news was, since she didn't have any foreign qi or essence on her, the seal was a natural occurrence of the realm. Therefore unsealing her should help his studies a bit.

As he swooped down to grab the discouraged cultivator, he spread his Immortal senses to all of the cultivators of the Sect.

"This is Lord Qi e. For those that have been wounded, I will not demand that you explore this year. For those who are fine, you must. I would suggest that the wounded recover before they do anything else, as if you attempt cultivation while hurt, you will be hindered in your attempt unless you are cultivating one of the methods that benefit from being hurt. I don't think I have any of those though. And if you explore while hurt, you might die."

"Oh, and all of you have gathered enough qi to break through from the Mortal stage to the first Cultivator stage, Qi Condensation. The basics of a Mortal breakthrough are in your jade slips. I will tell you though, how much you cultivate as a mortal determines your future potential. I was never mortal though so I don't know anything more than that."

"Finally, for the wounded, should Lei Ying Lo be kind enough to practice Alchemy during the first part of the year, he should be able to turn one of your God Pellets into Healing Pellets. What price he puts on that is up to him though."

Lord Qi e clucked a little as he entered the building next to his temple where he would be trying to unseal Xue Dongmei. Five out of eleven Destined injured, and one sealed by the realm itself. These cultivators might have an active Destiny, but they also had some dogshit luck!

[X] Cultivate
[X] Train Specific Abilities
[X] Explore realm
[X] Challenge
-[X] White Blood Glories
-[X] Shining Clover Toad
-[X] Whispers in the Stream
-[X] Whispers in the Trees
-[X] Blue Snow Ox No. By Word of Sect Leader, you are to stay far away. Or you will die.
[X] Heal

Special Actions:
For Everyone: You have passed the bare minimum level necessary to break through into the Qi Condensation stage of Cultivation. There are benefits to waiting to gain more cultivation, but the question is whether they are worth it.
LordEdric Should you choose to practice Alchemy in the first action of the year, any cultivator that gives up a Pellet to you can gain a bonus to their Heal roll. Of course, you could choose to charge for this service if you wished.
For the wounded, if LordEdric chooses the practice Alchemy action in the first action of the year, you can choose to give up a single God Pellet for a large boost to your Healing roll. If he chooses to charge for this service, you must pay that cost as well.
Ckxsl023 should you choose to Explore as your Second action this year, you can meet up with the cultivator your character met last year.
Vanestus Make your turn with three actions instead of four this turn, but be aware that there is a chance that you will lose two actions. Actions will be taken in priority order, so the lowest will be kicked off first if you lose an extra action.
For Alchemists: If you choose to practice alchemy with an [Alchemy Ingredient], you may produce a Pill that can actually be saved and used.

AN: I think I got everything updated and ready to go.

Also, seriously. There was only a twenty percent chance of you hitting a dangerous encounter. SIX of you doing so is just...:confused: And technically Vanestus had the worst Explore roll (3/100), but the best injury roll. I decided the fairest way to split the difference was to make him lose actions independent of any Heal rolls.
Jake Yong
[X]Train movement art
-[X]Shining Clover Toad
--[X]The Toad would be a prize that I will not turn down if I get the chance, but I am more interested in copying it's poison myself so that any that touch me without leave will be paralyzed.
[X] explore
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Hangwind have we been automatically consuming our god pellets? if not, how many can we can consume per season?

If long tea has not been consuming them, then I should have 2 from allotment, 1 from turning in plant, and 1 pot of tea. BTW did he notice any effect when he drank the tea?
Far more interestingly, Hei Zhu had gone into the woods exploring and found a person. One claiming to be a wandering cultivator of a school of cultivation focused on different kinds of "wings".
Oh heavens. When pigs fly! Brilliant!
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[X]Yang Chen
-[X] Heal
-[X] Train Basic Unarmed Styles
-[X] Train Basic Movement Technique
-[X] Train Basic Movement Technique
Last edited by a moderator:
[X] Lo Kwan Lam
-[X] Heal
--[X] Ask Lei Ying Lo to to turn one of my God Pellets into a Healing Pellet
-[X] Train Basic Unarmed Styles
-[X] Train Basic Movement Technique
-[X] Train Basic Movement Technique
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[x] Long Tea
-[X] Cultivate
-[X] Train Movement Art
-[X] Explore realm
-[X] Challenge
--[X] White Blood Glories
---[X] Feed them a regular animal and then harvest them while they are distracted feeding on it

White blood glories assist in blood and body cultivation. Long Tea is a body cultivator.
Also they are weak to movement arts and he has been studying those.

I am assuming that we need to specify a breakthrough. holding off of it to increase talent.
I am assuming we do NOT specify using pills and the tea and that I automatically use them all.
so it should be 2 god pills and 1 tea pot this time. (last time being 1 god pill)
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Lei Ying Lo
[X] Alchemy-Healing pills
-[X] Charge one minor favor for future use
[X] Cultivate
-[X] Taiji at Boundary Stone
[X] Train Specific Abilities
-[X] Alchemy
[X] Explore realm

Do we choose to breakthrough? Or is it automatic?

doubling down on alchemy this turn
[X] Feng Shi
-[X] Heal
--[X] Ask Lei Ying Lo to to turn one of my God Pellets into a Healing Pellet
-[X] Train Beast Taming
-[X] Train Basic Unarmed Styles
-[X] Train Basic Unarmed Styles

one day I will get my vengeance bull. I will punch you in the face
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Huh, I wonder what happened that caused me to get sealed?

[X] Xue Dongmei
-[X] Train Basic Beast Taming
-[X] Explore
-[X] Train Basic Armed Styles
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[X] Ho Chi Min
- [X] Cultivate
- [X] Heal
- [X} Train Basic Movement Technique
- [X] Challenge
- - [X] Whispers In The Trees

The Whispers are a Soul Attack. I'm a Soul Cultivator.

Makes sense.
[X] Meng Lee
-[X] Heal
-[X] Cultivate
-[X] Train Basic Movement Technique
-[X] Train Basic Stealth Technique
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1. do we need to specify if we consume pills / other resources?
2. do we need to specify a plan for how we intend to address a challenge
3. someone else asked if we need to specify if we breakthrough. I am assuming yes but including it for completion.
[X] Fei Gao
-[X] Cultivate
-[X] Explore
-[X] Train Movement Technique
-[X] Train Basic Beast Taming

I have made my contribution to the sect! It is now time to catch up to the geniuses. I must strive to become a strong senior brother!
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[X] Fei Gao
-[X] Cultivate
-[X] Train Fist Technique
-[X] Train Movement Technique
-[X] Train Defensive Technique

I have made my contribution to the sect! It is now time to catch up to the geniuses. I must strive to become a strong senior brother!
So not to stop you or anything but the sect master stated that all uninjured people must explore. You may get in trouble if you ignore him
So looking at the basic skills we can train. What exactly is refining? Is it like blacksmithing but with cultivation?
[X] Hei Zhu
-[X] Cultivate by the Beast Statue (try to gain more insights to pig cultivation rather than break through)
-[X] Explore (And meet up with the Wings cultivator)
-[X] Train Alchemy
-[X] Train Movement Technique

I'd like to gain more insights about a pig's ability to be able to almost eat anything in the wilds to start up with my own research to creating my own cultivation path.

And Hopefully i'd get more info from the other cultivator to bring back to Lord Qi!
Oh can we choose where and how to cultivate, or is it always the best possible area and items?

Also can I train a defense technique even if the sect doesn't have one?
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Sorry guys, I'm going to take today off and look at the thread tomorrow. Long day at work. Do take a look at the mechanics page if you haven't yet, I added stuff.

Hangwind have we been automatically consuming our god pellets? if not, how many can we can consume per season?
I forgot to put in the counters for who has extra. You consume one per month standard, which is the most efficient those pills can be. You can consume extra, but they lose some efficiency if you do.
BTW did he notice any effect when he drank the tea?
He noticed an effect for increasing his cultivation Unfortunately, without analysis techniques, artifacts, or arrays, you can't really be any more accurate than that. Qi e would just shrug and remind you that he's never been a Mortal or Cultivator. He started off at Immortal.
[X] Lo Kwan Lam
-[X] Ask Lei Ying Lo to to turn one of my God Pellets into a Healing Pellet
-[X] Heal
-[X] Train Basic Unarmed Styles
-[X] Train Basic Movement Technique
[X] Feng Shi
-[X] Ask Lei Ying Lo to to turn one of my God Pellets into a Healing Pellet
-[X] Heal
-[X] Train Beast Taming
-[X] Train Basic Unarmed Styles
The Ask vote should be a subvote of Heal. You both have an action remaining.
I am assuming that we need to specify a breakthrough.
Yes, as there are effects of both continuing cultivating at this level and of becoming a cultivator.
I am assuming we do NOT specify using pills and the tea and that I automatically use them all.
so it should be 2 god pills and 1 tea pot this time. (last time being 1 god pill)
Actually, the tea gets used automatically, so you have 1 God Pellet (which is different from a God Pill).
Do we choose to breakthrough? Or is it automatic?
You have to choose.
one day I will get my vengeance bull. I will punch you in the face
Wise man once say: Before you kick dog, look for owner. Qi e wouldn't mind elaborating so I will do it here.

Blue Snow Bulls are an odd sort of creature that only appear near Giants that cultivate to the Nascent Soul realm, the seventh realm of Cultivators. If you go after it as you are? You will die. No question.

Also, your first action has to be Heal, as you have the worst wounds at eighty, and are confined to bed rest until you are below half your wounds.
Hangwind how should I read the wounds cunter( is higer beater or worse ?)
High is bad. High is very bad.
1. do we need to specify if we consume pills / other resources?
Yes. Some resources are consumed on discovery/making though, as they are not storable. Your tea and Jake Yong's Trout Eggs are two such resources.
2. do we need to specify a plan for how we intend to address a challenge
Not yet. You don't have the skills or institutional knowledge for such things yet.

(Also I'm still making my numbers.)
3. someone else asked if we need to specify if we breakthrough. I am assuming yes but including it for completion.
So looking at the basic skills we can train. What exactly is refining? Is it like blacksmithing but with cultivation?
Basically. Figure any mortal occupation can be made into an immortal one with the right skills and Qi.
Oh can we choose where and how to cultivate, or is it always the best possible area and items?
I'll generally try to give you the best possible, or ask you if a bonus is available whether you want to use it, but specifying will save me time. Which I like, obviously.
Also can I train a defense technique even if the sect doesn't have one?
Defensive techniques are weird. They're thrown in with the different styles, like if you're learning to fight unarmed you will also learn to block, but specifically defensive techniques tend to be a higher skill level than basic. It's just plain a lot harder to defend, especially in general ways that would be their own skill, than it is to attack. I will be opening a research action once you guys get a little stronger so you can begin customizing your techniques and cultivation yourselves.
Hangwind would it be possible for me to study the Space Seal on me as an action?
You will get an insight roll as Qi e is trying to pull the seal out of you (95+), but studying it specifically? No. It's as far beyond you as Calculus is to a preschooler. Further really, as you would have to be bare minimum verging on the Immortal realm to really understand it. Like, if you had chosen any other Sect Leader and gotten this as a result? You might be rerolling a character, or at least setting up to be a homebody for a while.

I hope I answered everyone?

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