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General chat thread

That's a lot of words.

Too bad I'm not reading them.

It's 207. If 207 words is too much for you, I don't know what you're doing on this forum because you definitely don't have the patience to read any of the smut on here.
Yeah, if it was "tits" 206 times, with a singular "ass" somewhere in the middle, I might have paid more attention.

I can't even read actually, I've got a trained parrot telling me what's on screen. A monkey types, if you cared.
I learned a new command in windows powershell-"shutdown /r /t 0". It shuts down and reboots any windows computer it is used on. The 0 isn't necessary, it can be any number.

The number can be minutes or even hours.



If I had access to a coworker's computer.

I could set it to shut down on them at any moment. :p

I will keep this prank idea in my back pocket for now, but I will use it at some point.
Does anybody even go to the Creative Writing section of the website? Tbh, I feel like it's so unused that it might as well not even be there.
For all that people complain about the deadness of SFW...

All but four of the threads on the front page of SFW CW have had posts today.

When I joined the site, weeks could go by without any thread other than WTR getting posted in.
Really? I've not gone there in... I dunno... awhile.
Since I haven't gotten a reply yet for this in the Video Game Thread, I'm asking it again here for more visibility:

Anyone here know a thing or two about modding HoI4? If so, PM me; I have a few questions I'd like some help with.
Is their a way to contact a admin. It's not a big deal it just annoys me now that I see it. I misspelled berzerker, i know the z is supposed to be an s. My auto correct spelt berserker, beserker and I thought that was how it was spelt. And every time I saw berserker my mind never acknowledge.
Is their a way to contact a admin. It's not a big deal it just annoys me now that I see it. I misspelled berzerker, i know the z is supposed to be an s. My auto correct spelt berserker, beserker and I thought that was how it was spelt. And every time I saw berserker my mind never acknowledge.
I just want an r placed in my name so my mind stops annoying me with it

First question should help you.
Does anyone else who lives w/roommates ever get paranoid that they forgot to flush the toilet when the other person uses the bathroom? Like even if it has never happened.
Can we just talk about the persistence of certain memes?

In particular you can still hear cries of TROGDOOOOOOR from time to time even though like 90% of the younger internet population has no idea who Homestar or Strong Bad are.

Aside: I've also been using WW2-era ancient cartoons to drown out the day sounds while I try to sleep, and it's brought to my notice that there were pre-internet memes, which is kinda hilarious.
"I was here" -Kilroy, probably.

That's one for sure.

"Jahooty" mystifies me though. Found it in at least two different cartoons. I have no idea what it means. In one about a zoo, an owl says it, then in "Hollywood Steps Out" which is ALL ancient memes, some guy says "Guess who!" and points offscreen, then the screen moves to show what he was pointing at, which was what appears to be an invisible person using the same opera glasses as him, then he says "Jahooty!" which I may not be spelling right. I'm a bit curious, but since I'm not sure I'm spelling it right, I'm afraid the length of the wikiwalk would be long and probably fruitless.
You know you've been doing the same job for too long when you can spot that an element is misaligned by 1 millimeter from 2.5 meters away. And then do it again with the next one.

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