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Versed in the lewd.
Sep 28, 2015
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Seeing the latest server fuck ups causing the SB and a bunch of other sites to shut down I decided to make a backup of all the Lore, citations and information posts from SB's thread.

Plus it doesn't hurt to have a World of Darkness thread in QQ.

I will be posting 3 threadmarks a day until it's done. This thread will also be updated whenever I make an informative post.
So welcome everyone to World of Darkness! You are all welcome to discuss, ask questions, try to gather a table to play, give ideas, talk about the video games and just have fun.
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Cain and Why You Should Think Before You Murder Your Brother.

Let's talk about Cain! The one who murdered his brother. The First Murderer. The taxi driver Cain.

You could say he is the central reason why World of Darkness is...World of Darkness. All murder and killing can be blamed on him. And more of course. He is the reason why Vampires exist, he is the reason why Wraith's and the universe itself suffers from the Oblivion and the Entropy, he is the reason why once The Silent War between Angels turned into bloodshed and caused the murder to exists as a concept in the universe. He is the reason why most Humans don't awaken and be a proper Awakened Mage.

And in modern days he spends his days as a Taxi Driver. Anticlimactic to be honest.

So here some book quotes to fill you and to make you curious about the book it's from and the settings. Let's start with Demon the Fallen!
Here is the moment Cain decided he liked to spill some blood, preferably of his brother.

Now that murder is in fashion for all of the creation thanks to Cain, let's see what happened to once peaceful "fight" and debate between Angels.

Too bad for the mortals. What about the normal angels? How do they fare?

Well, they expected a discourse, a debate but they only saw brutal murder. So, how does God feel about this?

Yeah, not fun. So this is basically all the direct consequences of Cain's actions. Well, I doubt I need to speak about the Vampires.
You know his curses and the mark of God on him, but does he ever die? Yes actually! He dies in all Gehenna scenarios. But well, God isn't merciful against Cain, not at all. From VTM, Time of Judgement.

So, how do you feel about Cain? The guy who messed up so bad that he can be pointed as the reason why World of Darkness is such a shitty place.

By the way, here is an Easter egg from me. In Mage Apocalypse, the weapon Voormas used to kill Death, the weapon of Shiva, is a fragment of the stone Cain used to murder his brother Abel. He is also, like I said, the reason why most Humans don't awaken. From Mage, Time of Judgement.
Yeah, what a fun legacy.
Ascension, What is it For? Can You Eat it?
I said I was going to talk about Ascension, so let's talk about it.

Ascension is everyone's dream. From the newest apprentice mage to Archmasters of Technocracy. It's the enlightenment, the purification, the chase for the unimaginable amount of wisdom and understanding of both yourself and reality. And of course, the ultimate power. The problem is, how do we do it? Is it personal enlightenment where everyone Ascends differently? Do you need to gather all of the knowledge and the power in the world? Or do you help others and even turn the world into a Utopia to universally Ascend? Maybe you go all the way into one of the Spheres and master it completely?

Or maybe you don't want Ascension but just power and mastery? Being a God or Exemplar is much easier after all. Or maybe they are all just tempting you away from the Ascension.

So really, it's a complicated topic and the primary reason why the Technocracy and the Traditions are fighting the Ascension War.

First, let's outline the general idea of Ascension for the Traditions and the Technocracy. This can also be seen as a basic introduction to the Traditions.
The Traditions pursue personal Ascension. They rightly think that the Ascension is either unique for the individual or their way of getting to the Ascension is different. Their problem is that they focus too much on magical comprehension and power. Their ranks are determined by this. Their other flaw is that they are too arrogant and believe in their superiority or at least their way of Magic being better. Keeping them from comprehending the viewpoint of others.
Technocracy on the other hand is all about the united effort of the group, the masses. The safety and the protection of themselves and humanity. They want to create a Utopia so that the whole world can Ascend, not just the individual. Their flaw on the other hand, they are too united. They can't see the Ascension requirements for the self clearly.

But let's get to the faction level and explain which faction wants what kind of Ascension and starting with...

I can't decide between the Scions of Ether, Sahajiya, Hollow Ones or Taftani for my favorite faction.
Let's start with Sons of Ether and the Cult of Ecstasy. I can't really talk about Hollow Ones idea of Ascensions because they are basically outcasts of all other factions and they don't have a united view of it, even compared to the Traditions. Taftani is simple, they view magical comprehension as the Ascension. They are very likely likely to become an Exemplar after they become an Archmage rather than pursue Ascension.

They are the mad scientists, the ones who left the Technocracy after Ether got removed from the Science. They have several advantages, most of their base views and technology is based on the Technocratic Science. They are also very imaginative and full of wonder. But their main problem is that they are more likely to fight each other than accept other Paradigms and not very unified on what is their own Paradigm, Sons of Ether's, is other than it contains Ether.
What can I say? They are the ones who chase the high. Their biggest problem is that they may very well go the Dark Eldar way of getting high. Renegade Cults of Ecstasy aren't fun to be near.
Order of Hermes.*They are the best, the strongest and the most Wizardly faction in the Mage The Ascension. Not to mention united. They have a robust system of mysticism, great practices of learning, greatest Nodes on Earth and in the Solar System. Their chantries are the best out there and don't even get me started on their Horizon Realm assets and the shit ton of Archmages they have.
So what's the downside? They are arrogant, dogmatic, focus on power and politics. They are also Harry Potter Wizards taken up to 11, if you aren't a Mage you are nobody. This is why they helped to create the Traditions against the Order of Reason. They really hate how consensus limits their cosmic power.
By the way, don't mention Clan Tremere to them.**
*Yes, that Hermes.
**Fucking bloodsuckers.
Usually described as the Jedi or the Sith if you are playing as a renegade. The way of Do! They are usually Buddhist or Taoist but you can be wild and even believe in the Force as an Akashic Brotherhood. You can also play them like you are in an xianxia, it's a very adaptable faction. Their Ascension is being one with the universe.
Do you have time for Jesus? If so, you may be perfect for Celestial Chorus. Very valid choice, especially since God does exist and you may meet angels. My favorite faction alongside of Order of Hermes. Their renegades are usually fast-tracked to becoming Nephandi, to make everyone fall as they did.
Do you want to be Avatar? If so, welcome to the Dreamspeakers. you are going to have many encounters with Werewolfs. Pursue the balance between the physical and the spiritual. They have a decent chance of getting Mentors out of spirits. If you are lucky, even a Celestine. They are honestly very cool, especially if you want to explore the universe like Void Engineers. Their renegades are usually Nephandi but Wyrm flavored. *wink
Want to lessen the worlds suffering by purging it? Do you wish that the world didn't need your services but they do? Are you brave enough to take the world's suffering to ease the suffering? Then this is perfect for you. They make surprisingly good combat mages, on par with Order of Hermes but a bit depressive. Don't become too depressed though, we don't need another Voormas to decide that the world doesn't need Death.
The hippies, the druids, the ones who get killed by Werewolfs because they want the same Node. They are like the physical part of the Dreamspeakers but without most of the spirituality. I personally don't like them so I am biased. But seeing as White Wolf was biased for them, I think we are even.
The Internet Magicians. Do you want to live in Tron? In the Digital Web? Use the internet highway for car chases? This is for you. Hack the computers like in the movies!
Though they are about to become a second Order of Hermes in the Tradition seeing as they don't even consider you something if you don't have magic. Yeah, they might have a valid reason for leaving the Technocratic Union but there are many reasons why they aren't missed.

And this is the Traditions view on the Ascension. Straight out of the Masters of the Art.
I was going to go on about ascension, especially about alternatives to it like Godhood or being an Oracle or Exemplar but I hit the image limit. So this is the place to end it. Next time I am planning to talk about either alternatives to Ascension or about Mage apocalypses scenarios. Maybe Werewolfs, I do need to give them some love.

So, what's your favorite view on ascension? Which faction do you like most and which one do you like the least? If you were a mage, which one would suit you the best?
I am as always, a Technocrat. But I also like and play Order of Hermes and Dreamspeakers the most. My least favorite is Verbena and the second least is Cult of Ecstasy. Though if I was a mage, I would probably be the part of Celestial Chorus.
Werewolf History and "How I accidently Raged and caused the Apocalypse"

Werewolfs! Howl at the moon and kick some ass in a Captain Planet episode! Just make sure the ass you are kicking is actually a bad guy.
You could say this is the essence of Werewolf The Apocalypse.

You are the Warriors of Gaia! Protectors of the world and the purifiers of corruption! Even the youngest Werewolf can rend apart a pack of young Vampires. The murdermachines of World of Darkness.
If only I could continue with the positives.

I want to make something clear. Playing Werewolves is fun, hell, playing any Were breed is fun. Compared to Vampires and Mages you have a lot more freedom for action and glory. In fact, you have Glory and Honor as stats! I could honestly say that Werewolf is more fun to play on average than any other splat

But there are things players should know about, the bad parts of being a Werewolf, being on the losing side. It's named Werewolf: The Apocalypse for a reason. Many people think being a Werewolf is just getting up and killing some vampires, destroying factories and supporting Environmentalism. On the surface, this is true but it's much, much more.
Being a Werewolf is being a failed protector, it's being afraid of getting enslaved by the Rage that fuels your every action, it's a story of dangers of extremism and paranoia, it's a story of trying to do the right thing with wrong ways. It's the story of being a member of a dying breed, in a world at the edge of Apocalypse, without anyway of fixing it as you only have a hammer in your hand and the world's problems aren't nails.

Don't get me wrong, you will fight, you will Rage and you will kick some ass. Hell, you could even play as another breed of Weres rather than just Werewolf!
But don't forget the tragedy of Darth Plagueis Werewolfs.

So let's start small and start with how Werewolves see humans cities. And...well let's rip the bandage fast, Delirium and Impergium.
Wow, thanks a lot Werewolfs. Please talk more shit about my home.
As you can see, it really wasn't fun to be a normal human in the olden days. Raided, killed and terrorized by the Werewolfs. At least some Were breeds opposed them and helped humans...more about their fate later.


Yep, they fucked Humanity so hard that our subconscious still remembers the millennia of terror. I hope you can see why Technocracy hunts down Werewolfs. My favorite Delirium reaction is Berserk and Bloodlust, shows how much their actions screwed with our subconscious. "This human refuses to take anymore"
Not even Vampires get this reaction.
But it gets worse.


They went and slaughtered and genocide their fellow Weres! Children of Gaia just like them!
Do you remember Fera? Some Were Breeds other than Werewolfs? The ones who helped Humans against the Impergium? Most of them got extinct or vastly reduced thanks to this War of Rage

So know this while asskicking. You have a vast, tragic and eventful history behind you. Try to be better than your past and make sure to keep that Rage in check.
Next time when I talk about Werewolfs, I will be talking about the Tribes of Werewolfs.

Man, I didn't want to start explaining Werewolf the Apocalypse like this but I had to. Hopefully next time it will be much more positive.
So, what do you guys think? About the folly of Werewolfs? If you were a Were, what kind of Were creature would you be? A standard Werewolf or more exotic creature? I would choose to be a Werecrocodile or Werebear.
The Technocracy, "Are we the bad guys?" "Sometimes"
The Technocracy, the biggest secret order in the World of Darkness. Builders of civilization, runners of the economy, the source of paradigm of Science and the reason why anything resembling a modern society exists in the World of Darkness.
They also did many terrible things, protecting the masses caused the worth of the individual to drop. In a world where belief is reality, they had to become the belief police.

In a standard Mage game, they are the antagonist. In fact, in the first editions they were the Villains!
But what about their side? This is about them.

Welcome to the Technocracy.
The good guys, the ones who are holding humanity together through the dark seas that is World of Darkness. Around the world, around the universe there are countless fires to be put out and every time you manage to do so, two more will pop up. Good luck, you will need it.

The basic benefits of being a Technocrat, the biggest of which is being on the Winners side. To keep it like that you are going to work your ass. At least you have the money to wipe your sweat and the hypertech to wipe out your enemies.

Forget the stereotypical agent without imagination, vision or humanity. They are a liability. A good agent of Technocratic Union is sharp as razor blades and provides forethought, skill, and intuition. A good agent knows when to break the rules, what to break, and why to break.


They are seen as arrogant, willing to sabotage reality as we know it for personal gain. They see them isolated, too busy with pursuing personal Ascension and not even having a belief to hold them together.

What about the internal problems? They must have some right?
Yes, there is a conflict. Conflict of philosophies, conflicts between superiors and agents, ones who are fighting in the frontlines, and the ones ordering them from safe bunkers and offices.

But this is just the most generalist view. Let's see how Conventions in the Technocracy see it.

Let's start with...the Syndicate. Yes, the guys who once worked with Pentex without realizing it. Usually seen as the worst Convention.
They are born from the Masses demands and they will do whatever it takes to support it. They want the Masses to have families, to have children, for them to go to school, for them to survive. Unfortunately, the Technocracy as a whole in the black.

What about the New World Order?
They see the current events and the happening as the positive and the victory is at hand. They are the ones who had to some hard stuff, horrible stuff but they admit it, they are only human. They don't believe in control for control's sake, they do it to shepherd humanity.

Unfortunately, I hit the image limit once again and no amount of picture splicing can help me. So I will continue with other Conventions later. This may be for the best, it's 3:40 am here and I need some sleep.

I did the Syndicate and the NWO first because they are the ones usually seen as the worst. So, what do you guys think? Did this change your view on the Technocracy so far? Or what about the Conventions we covered, do you like them more? Or maybe you hate them more, somehow.
The Camarilla: Clans or "Dracula, Nosferatu and The Warlock walked into a bar."
The most popular splat of the World of Darkness, attracting countless players by being D&Ds darky, edgy, and more social counterpart. You play a Kindred, a vampire, the inheritor of Cain's curse.
In a usual game, you play a newly sired neonate, trying to keep your humanity while being inhuman. Facing the tragedies, the drama and the tension of slowly losing what is left of your humanity as you "live" your now cursed existence.
Or you are just "Supers with fangs" and having fun with your new existence. 50/50 I say, depends on the ST and the campaign.

There is an image that describes VTM perfectly.
Yeah, this does match my experience with VTM. It's honestly very fun to experience being a member of a coterie or a pack with so many different cultures, clans, abilities, and ages.

So let's talk about them! Unfortunately, I have limited image slots and thus I will be talking about the main clans that reside in the Camarilla. Not the Sabbat or the Independents or the bloodlines. (I know, I also wanted to talk about Tzimisce or Baron Samedi's bloodline or True Brujah with their Time based Discipline.)
Let's start with the Camarilla. While they may have members in the Sabbat or in the Anarchs, the whole clan is usually Camarilla aligned. Well, expect Gangrel but I will be including them here too.
The vampire society, they are the ones who make the laws that the majority of the kindred obeys. The Elders sitting in their Ivory Tower, ordering the masses of younger kindred. It's an organization for Kindred, by Kindred.

Once they were the philosophers, the thinkers of the among the Kindred, those dreams and aspirations mostly died with the fall of Carthage (long story).
These days most of them bar the eldest (who are Inner Circle members) are angry, passionate rebels. Activists and protestors usually find themselves home in Brujah.
Their weakness and some Princes nightmare's are that their passion fuels their Frenzy and they have difficulty resisting it.

They are honestly the easiest clan to play and a favorite among new players. Unlike their bloodline True Brujah.
Don't underestimate them, they may have little pull in the Camarilla but they rule the streets and funny enough, academies and universities. If you are anindependent loner, support of the Brujah clan is more important than Camarilla.

Malkavians, insane but enlightened vampires, a favorite of players for different reasons. Frankly, I know some STs that don't even allow Malkavians in their game or require you to prove yourself you can play them.
They are a hard clan to roleplay and their types range from obsessed professors to insane asylum escapees. But one thing is true, they are insane even if it might not be obvious.

And just like Tzimisce, once you are one of them there is no escape. Malkavian Madness Network consumes all.

Straight out of the films. Their looks may be monstrous but under that flesh lies the most secretive and manipulative clan. They may pledge their alliance to the Camarilla but know this, for them the Clan is the first. Sabbat and Camarilla aligned Nosferatu known to exchange information.
If there is one clan to not make enemies out of, it's clan Nosferatu. They may not hold positions of power in the Camarilla like the position of Prince but they are vital to the Camarilla and the secrets they hold are priceless.

Funny enough, they are not that hard to play as long as you have Obfuscate 2. Practically all the public concerns are handled as long as you stay away from cameras and phones. Even that may be changed if you have one of the merits that makes your Obfuscate effect machines.

The seductive vampires, the club leaches, masters of art, would be Slaanesh cultists.

You could say that after Ventrue they are the ones most involved in the Camarilla and in the mortal world. They are the ones that seek excellence in both beauty and skill. Their artists and the warriors are equally skilled in their respective fields and all of them are experts in social situations. Stand in awe against the millennia-old Toreadors, those who refined their crafts to their respective limits, beyond human comprehension. (Not joking, they are known for making arts that require Auxpex or it's equivalent to even manage to comprehend.)
Their influence is vast, they could make or break one Kindreds reputation, a Prince's days are numbered if they make enemies out of the Toreador clan. After all, Harpies are mostly made out of Toreador members.
Their Sabbat members are...well like Dark Eldar, they prefer art made out of bodies and suffering and pain.

I can recommend them for new players, especially if they like Social play.

Once a house under the Order of Hermes, they sacrificed their mortality and their Awakened magic for immortality and Blood magic. They are the most organized clan out of all the vampiric clans. They have a strict hierarchy, powerful Blood Magic and glories but bloody plans. They have a strong presence in the Camarilla but they aren't liked. They are mostly known for their BS Blood Magic.

As for their enemies? They have a lot of them and most of them are justified. First the whole clan Tzimisce, especially the old. After all, they basically slaughtered a bunch of Tzimisce and used their blood while making their Vampire Potion. Then after becoming a vampire clan, they needed help against fighting Tzimisce who wanted to kill them all so they slaughtered a bunch of Nosferatu, Gangrel, and Tzimisce to make Gargoyles. Which caused the other two clans to hate them too and join Tzimisce. Then they realized they needed an Antediluvian to actually have a say in the Kindred world so they went and diablerized Salubri while he was sleeping, the best and the good vampire Antediluvian, and killed most of the Salubri clan, the good vampire clan. The remaining Salubri hates Tremere to the core and turned from peaceful paladins to blood fueled maniacs, joining the other three clans in hating them. Then, they went and cursed Assamites, the third semi-good vampire clan!*

So let's tally, Gangrel, Tzimisce, Nosferatu, Assamites and Salubri remnants hates Tremere. With passion.

As for playing Tremere characters, I wouldn't recommend it to first time players. Not only they have a strict hierarchy all of them are also blood bounded together. You will be blood bounded to your sire, who will be bounded to their superior/sire, who will be bounded to their superior/sire, who will be... all the way up to now Antediluvian Daddy Tremere, controlling every Tremere. (They are also blood bounded to the Council of Seven)
Plus you are actually expected to study and learn the art of Blood Magic for a few decades rather than go out and play when you are newly sired.

As for Sabbat Antitribu Tremere, they have a lot more freedom and not blood bound but they are extremely rare. Plus you will have a mark on your forehead that is visible to all Tremere that brands you as a traitor, making your life hard if you are known to be Antitribu Tremere.
By the way, if your ST has Mages in the game. Stay away from Order of Hermes mages, you might not like the results otherwise.

*Second good vampire clan, Cappadocians got murdered by Giovanni who they embraced. They were friendly humble scholars before their demise. You might be wondering why all but one of the good clans got murdered, it's because this is World of Darkness and good vampires don't make it here.

The makers and leaders of the Camarilla. These once Knights turned Kings.
Each and every Ventrue are groomed for their embrace. Usually have their own companies and businesses even before they are embraced. Even the worst of Ventrue will have plenty of resources, influence, and clout, both in the Camarilla and in the mortal world.
And if that's not enough, they are known for Dominate and Fortitude. Dominate makes higher generation vampires your pawns and Fortitude is one of few ways of soaking Aggravated. Not to mention turning a hail of bullets into nothing but annoyances.

They value success over all other criteria, be successful enough as a Ventrue and you will be dining with the Board of Directors and Fortune 500 elites. Probably by becoming a Fortune 500 CEO. Their ties in the mortal world may be their strongest strength. A call from an established Ventrue may end a pack of Werewolfs as mercenaries and ghoul squads armed with Silver weapons begin their hunt.

Their Antitribu is known for going back to their roots, usually being Blood Knights, noble and deadly who prefer to use force and might rather than political or social power. Lasombra, Ventrue's Sabbat counterpart, doesn't like them very much but tolerates them.

They are honestly fun to play. Even for new players. Just know that you will have harder Hunting rolls if you don't have a herd. Don't take Methuselah's Thirst flaw.

Mostly solitary loner vampires. They may be confused with Werewolves but they are not. And no, they aren't friendly with Werewolfs. Though Gangrel is known to move in packs too if they prefer the company of each other.
They are mostly aloof, preferring animals to humans and to vampires. They dislike socializing if unnecessary. They prefer to let bygones be bygones and stick to their basic needs rather than politics. All of them have a savage side and a frenzy that causes them to gain animal traits, permanently.

In V20, it's up to ST if they left Camarilla, they are leaving or they didn't. If they left, don't expect much support in Camarilla other than your fellow Camarilla-aligned Gangrel. In Sabbat, only your pack will support you fully and if you are solitary...well, you are a Gangrel so it's normal to get no support.

They are easy for new players but I heavily recommend being a Camarilla or Sabbat Gangrel than being Independent unless you are playing a Gangrel only game.

And this is Camarilla! Now they have Tzimisce, Lasombra, Ravnos, Giovanni, and other clans members but they are very small and their main clan is either Independent or Sabbat aligned. I will be covering them in their own post.

So what do you think? Which clan sounds the most fun? Which clan was your first? I had the most fun with Antitribu Ventrue, being a master swordsman at that campaign, so obsessed with the swordsmanship that I got my skill as a separate ability rather than just using Melee and had all of my Sword related rolls have -2 difficulty. My first VTM character was a Brujah, it was exciting as I didn't know about VTM that much and had to learn my discipline abilities by testing them as my character was days old Kindred whose sire left him to himself.
"Know your Werewolf" The Garou Nation: Tribes Part 1
It's been a while since I said I will post some things about Werewolfs and here I am, to post about Werewolfs though a bit late. I had little time to work on this.

Now, Werewolfs. You might say "Maragas, what could be so complicated about Werewolfs?" Well, not much actually. In fact, most of the time it's pretty simple rip and tear work. But a Werewolf that only knows how to rip and tear his enemies is a...very successful Werewolf. I mean, what do you expect? Wisdom is important but Glory and Honor alone will take you far. But before ripping and tearing, let's see the tribes of Werewolfs that make up the Garou Nation. So that you can Rip and Tear with the style you like.

Though don't worry if you don't like the whole Werewolf business, there are many changing breeds around the world even after Werewolfs Raged them to death. Like Wereravens, they are fine with Silver but weak against Gold.
I will get to them...in the future. Maybe.

All female, Amazonian and a spiritual tribe of the Garou with traditions, sisterhood, and defending women in its core...That's it really. I can't really list more aspects because this is their whole deal. Well, that and I once had a Silver Fang Werewolf who was sent to the Silver Fangs when he was born because he was a male and never knew his actual parents. That was interesting.
Their most interesting aspect, in my opinion, is their closeness to Luna and the whole Greek Mythology.

I can't say much because I never played them.
Bone Gnawers! These guys are the survivors, not in a sense of combat but through adaptability, survival, and pragmatism. Well, as much as they can afford to, they are still Honorable Werewolves after all. Many other tribes look down on them because of their ways but there is no doubt if there is a tribe that would survive the Apocalypse, it would be Bone Gnawers first. Usually, they are the ones who interact with the other Were breeds and even other supernatural creatures like Vampires. Especially the Nosferatu. Though this comes with a cost, they may be the most populous tribe but their blood is weak and growing weaker. On the plus side, they adopt the outcasts and loners of the other tribes and even Metis of the other tribes if they were exiled. In fact, they are a really close-knit community at heart, even more than the others. Guests and Hospitality are very important for them and they consider themselves a big family.

They are also one of the two Werewolf tribes that are fine with the Cities, the second one being the Glass Walkers.
Playing them is perfect for those who want more Urban campaigns with guerilla attacks, dealing with another splat aka Supernaturals, and if you want to play with a diverse pack that includes other Were breeds or even a vampire.

Children of Gaia! They are originally founded by the Werewolves who said "Can we stop regularly culling humans? I feel bad." and could be said the real reason why Impergium ended. They are usually the wisest of the clans and have a "Talk first, tear later" approach to their problems. A Children of Gaia may not be known for their martial might but they are always welcome in a pack. Though this doesn't mean they aren't capable of fighting, they are Werewolves after all.

Playing them is perfect for playing meditators, spirit seekers, making alliances and trying to keep the powder keg that is Garau Nation from exploding.

Irish Werewolves! They are the ones that party hard, live hard, fight hard and funny enough, keep records hard. If your campaign is based in Europe, you will encounter one of them very soon. Hell, most likely one of your pack members is a Fianna. They can be considered the record keepers of the Garou and they appreciate art immensely, though usually songs and howls. They are passionate about everything they do but this is a double-ended sword, they can make or break a pack they are in if there is an internal conflict going on.

They can be considered Fae blooded and have connections to the Changelings and the Fae. You will be dealing with them if the ST knows about them.

Lastly, being a Metis among them isn't recommended, they believe being disfigured like Metis reflects the state of the soul and thus...it's not very easy being a Fianna Metis.
On the plus side, WTA: Earthblood's MC is a Fianna! They are getting some representation even if it's not a very good one.

Perfect tribe to play if you want some character like Cu Chulainn. Or even just want to sing some songs while murdering some abomination against nature. Who says Bards can't fight?

Get of Fenris! Take Space Wolves from 40k, add the Viking stereotypes and sprinkle rage and the survival of the fittest. You will get Get of Fenris. It can be said that they are the primary murder machines of Werewolves. Cunning, Wisdom or Breeding may be valuable but only Strength comes first. Even a Metis will be happily accepted if they prove their strength.
They may use nuclear bombs for every problem but they are incredibly effective. Any pack would gain a valuable ally if they can recruit a Get of Fenris. If the pack leader and the members prove their strength to them.
Their Totem is the Great Fenris, a badass, one of the mightiest war spirits that you should never face. Even its War Avatar is strong enough to body most Methuselahs. I am speaking from experience.

As a side note, they also take care of their Kinfolk very well and care for them. But only if they prove to be up to the high standards.

All in all, there is no better ally if one's goal is to defeat a monstrosity or an army. Too bad for every problem they could kill, two more problems they can't kill pops up. Playing them is like playing a Berserker surrounded by problems he could kill and problems he can't. But he needs to do it or otherwise, there will be no future for the world.

Glass Walkers! They are the ones who lived in the cities ever since the first cities. Fascinated with Humanity, they could be said to be the closest Werewolves to humans. They are the ones that deal with Technology, work with Technological spirits, and even Weaver spirits. They are the best tribe to fight Pentex and the only tribe that fully realizes the scope of Pentex and the background details.
The downside is that they are looked down upon, they don't have any pure breeds left, and even their forms are frequently mottled, multicolored, or brindled. Their Totem is Cockroach or even more exotic spirits, like Money Spiders.

If you like to experience the difficulty of living two separate worlds fully and more espionage/sabotage based games, this clan is for you. They are a bit less combat-focused, even more than Children of Gaia in my opinion but really, that depends on the campaign.

This is it for me, I am sorry for the short post and the time it took to post this but well, I was busy.
So, which tribe sounds most interesting so far? Which one would you like to play? Did you play any of them before and if you did, how was it?
Time of Judgement: Mage Scenario Judgement "This Entropy business seems sketchy, let's remove it."
All good things must come to an end. It has many names, Ragnarok, Apocalypse, Gehenna, Time of Judgement, End of the Cycle. And it's coming for World of Darkness.

Well...not really, the world hasn't ended and World of Darkness is continuing even with the release of Chronicles of Darkness. 20th Anniversary editions are proof of that and we will have many more updated books, such as the Technocracy Reloaded.
But we have old Apocalypse scenarios in our hands and they can be used. Plus most of them are things that could happen to the modern editions as well, so it's always good to remember it. They range from being amazing to not so amazing so it would be a shame to not take a look at them.
For your information, I will be skipping most of the player-centric parts* as I don't want to spoil all things. Because it's a very interesting and fun scenario. I will be also skipping several backstories because it will just bloat the thread. Not to mention I can only have 10 images in a post.

*Mostly the player-centric parts like the Tradition and the Technocracy war, how to get them involved and surprised, things they will face, etc. I don't want to give all the spoilers.

Let's start, I bring you the first scenario we would be going through, Judgement from Mage the Ascension: Time of Judgement.

Our primary villain in the scenario is Voormas. This old Euthanatos mage's goal is to remove the Gauntlet between Life and Death, overthrow Death, destroy the Wheel of Ages, and recreate the universe into a deathless, static world. He started his plan by corrupting and twisting the necromantic legacies and cults all around the world when he was just a Master of Entropy. This includes everyone from Vampiric Giovanni to his own, former, Tradition Euthanatos and his own house. In the Week of Nightmares, everything he planned was ready to start even with the Traditions hunting him. The combined effects of numerous cults and the Week of Nightmares own special brand of bullshit combined and rent the Shroud. Causing the Avatar Storm and as the Technocratic Unions call it, the Dimensional Anomaly.

The end of the world is near. Reality is broken. The Gauntlet is entirely gone in some places and even lead straight to the Labyrinth of the Unmaking aka the Oblivion. The Red Star is a manifestation of Anthelios, also known as the Jewel of Shiva which Nephandi changed their rites to include its worship as it's the sign of the upcoming Descension they were eagerly waiting for. The Wheel of Ages is about to turn.
Unless Voormas breaks it. Which he may very well accomplish even with the entire Euthanatos going against him. They are bringing everything they have available to the Realm of Entropy to keep control of it.

As a side note, I hope you can see the irony. The world is about to end, just like it did before and will in the future. It can be called cruel even. But Voormas wants to break it, to make a world without the Wheel. It will make Ascension impossible but it will also make Descension impossible too.

Let's see the scope of the battle.
Realm of Entropy is currently a hellish battlefield between Voormas and Senex. Voormas armed with Pashupatastra, the weapon of Shiva which he took after he murdered Kali and used her to murder him, attacks the walls of the Realm of Entropy from his walking Castle Helekar. His army consisting of Specters (from the Wraith the Oblivion), Walking Dead and Pretas are led by the ancient Liches called Yamasattvas. Senex meanwhile leads Euthanatoi he called from all over the world but he is still outnumbered. Their clashes causing the reality to wither and form Hive Realms

By the third month, Senex is forced to destroy the gate to the Realm of Entropy to slow down Voormas and dismisses any remain surviving Euthanatoi before facing Voormas for the last time. The Realm of Entropy has fallen to the hands of Voormas

But what happened at the final battle between Senex and Voormas?
The Psychopomp known as the Phoenix shows up in the middle of the battle. It explains that either Senex should use the Realm of Entropy to destroy the world which will make the Wheel of Ages turn early and end the spread of corruption that is Voormas or allow Voormas to pass. Otherwise, the Wheel of Ages will be doomed.
Senex will not destroy the Earth and thus he kills himself.

I have to say, Senex is a boss. Euthanatos are primarily known for the "Good Death", ending things for the good of others. But Senex, practically the leader of Eothanatos turns away from it. Destroying the world would have guaranteed that the Wheel of Ages would have been preserved and when it's time it would be reborn but he still didn't do it. He and Voormas are more similar than most think in my opinion.

But while their battle happens, in the universe the Gauntlet falls apart.

First, while the fight between Voormas and Senex happens, the Gauntlet weakens by 1 every month. Causing every Umbral being to have an easier time entering our world, haunting and possing. This also makes magic for the Tradition easier as the Consensus weakens and the superstitions take hold.
By the fourth month, the Astral Layer of the Gauntlet completely fails, causing Avatar Storm to spill to Earth in waves called Avatar Fronts. Thanks to the fall of the Astral Layer orderly constructs of thought like mathematics, science, machines etc. merge with their physical counterparts. This is helpful for the Technocrats and the Technomancers, similar to how the Traditions benefitted from previously
By the sixth month. the Middle Gauntlet disappears. Now Spirits merge with our world, even the Wyrm Banes or the Weaver Pattern Spiders enter our world. Animals all over the world gain intelligence and do things like "Wolves use their intelligence to feast on human meat and "correct" the natural order." Worst of all, the Red Star blazes across the sky for all to see.
Finally, after seven months the Gauntlet is completely gone. The Underworld and the Living World merge together. Skies rain bones and blood. The Tempest, the weather of the Underworld merges with the Living Worlds Weather. Dead returns in mass and graves empty. Only the major cities have any sort of protection thanks to the Consensus but even that's weak.

But what about the Marauders? Or more importantly, the Nephandi?
Marauders are simple, they are just waiting for everyone to exhaust themselves, and then they will sweep the field and claim the world.
Nephandi on the other hand is in terror. Every single Nephandi from the weakest to strongest are throwing themselves to the Realm of Entropy to fight Voormas. Just like the players and the good guys. The irony.
If Voormas succeeds it will destroy their Masters, it will destroy the concept of Desencison and the Entropy they crave. Now they are like ants trying to defend the queen.

This is the irony of Voormas, of this scenario in fact. So, let's see our final battlefield.
Solar System is officially fucked. Nephandi annoyed Voormas enough that he killed them all, too bad the reality was already strained so much thanks to the fight between Senex and Voormas that it just just broke. Matter, Time, Mind, and Spirit are mixing together and planets are just hanging in a broken plane of reality.
Pluto is even more fucked. The moon Charon was already reduced to a mist while Voormas and Senex were fighting. Only thing that appears is Umbral Pluto aka Realm of Entropy, the Tenth Sphere Anthelios and Cerberus, Senex's Chantry, and the former gatehouse of the Realm of Entropy.

Here comes Voormas!

Shivasakti, thou are the Divine Father and Mother.
Grant me thy devotion, destroy the evildoer
and the withering of the Wheel of Ages from whence evil issues.
Wear the garb of Maya; conceal the truth in thee
Let our desires become ultimate wisdom
Let our accomplishments lie eternally.
Fix form out of formlessness with thy miraculous power
Conquer all death and fate beneath the heel
and let the stillness be the eternal law.

I hope the player characters are accomplished Archmages, this is going to be hard. Good luck.

And that's it!.. What? You are wondering what happens afterward? What will happen if players win or Voormas win? Well, if Voormas wins it's up to ST to determine what happens. If players win, Ascension happens universally and everyone is happy. Even Nephandi. Even Marauders.

Now it's time for my thoughts on it. This scenario, in my opinion, is the best scenario. And it's not only because everyone gets a good ending if you win. It's because it gives lots of player agency and things to do. Both for the Tradition and the Technocracy side. Though there are some hick-ups. Things like, Where are the Celestines? Gods of the Planet? What about other Archmages? We only have like, 3 or 4 Archmages at most in this scenario. And many more but they can be ignored. Overall, it's a fun scenario.

What about your thoughts? How is it? What do you feel about Voormas and his goals? Would you support him or not? What do you like most and the least about the scenario and how would you improve it? I just hope you guys liked this post, it took me like 4+ hours to make it.
Balance? What's that? Some kind of exotic dish?
Did you guys ever look through some of the abilities the splat has and said...damn, is this balanced? I am excluding Plot Level abilities from this.
Here some I picked out for you guys to look through. I am also ignoring Mages because they as a whole are BS, especially at high levels and outside of Earth.

Some say Blood Magic is the most BS thing in the VTM, I disagree. First, let's look at Hindu Mystics
All of us are bound by Karma, and the Master of Karma can be considered Master of All. He who can look through your past and the future, change your destiny for better or worse, manifest your past selves or future selves, choose whatever you will become after you die and even make sure their own reincarnation will be perfect for them. A Master of Samrasa is one of the most feared and sought-out beings on Earth. They can be a great boon or a great curse for whoever comes across them. Making an enemy out of them is probably one of the most dangerous and stupid things you can do in the World of Darkness. Because even if you killed them, they already made sure their next incarnation will get revenge if they care. Like becoming an Archmage in their next life.

One of the deadliest rituals in the World of Darkness. If this ritual is used on you and you aren't a powerful Archmage, an Antediluvian, or a God, you will most likely get erased from existence. Thankfully, the modern world makes it much harder for Mahakala to annihilate people but if your chronicle isn't set in the Modern World. Like in the Dark Ages. You will be erased without even rolling.

Now let's move to the most classical example. Ravnos Chimerstry.
Erase things from existence, change their properties at will, create life. Nearly anything and everything is possible with this power. Especially when any character using this will at least have 10+ Dice pool for their attempt, most like 8-8 Manipulation + Subterfuge pool of 16. Plus Legendary Attribute bonuses, Trait bonuses, and anything else thousands of years old Methuselahs would have.
But in my opinion, this power is secondary to the next power Ravnos could have. Because the next one is batshit insane.

Often overlooked, I have no idea what the writers were smoking when they wrote this power. This is one of few powers Vampires can have that can makes them a threat to Archmages outside of Earth or Gods on Earth! Without even becoming an Antediluvian! Do you want to kill the unkillable? Sure. Do you want to break the unbreakable? Sure. Do you want a weapon that shatters Space-Time, retroactively attacks the target, and deals 100+ Aggravated Damage every hit? Sure. Did you ever wish you had your perfect waifu? You got it!

There is a reason why many, many people believed Zapathasura, the Antediluvian of Ravnos who have 10 Dots in it rather than these 9 Dot powers, was thought that he was just faking everything. The only reason why he even died in the Week of Nightmares to just some measly Bodhisattvas, some spirit nukes, and Solar Bombardment is that he was insane from hunger and drowsy from waking up from his extremely long torpor.

Now there are more OP things I can list for VTM, such as how Giovanni Elders eat Wraiths for their power and has legions of Wraiths for minions but I want to look at other splats.

So let's look at how Werewolf Legends can be BS.
Did you ever wish your Werewolf also had the power to erase things from existence? Did you ever encounter a situation where if your Werewolf had the "Presence", they could easily end this Pentex subsidiary by turning the city against them? What about Mages? Did you ever get envious of how they turn Vampires into lawnchairs? Well now if you are a Ragabash Legend, you can steal it and turn it into a Gift that could be learned by every Werewolf! Hell, you don't even have to survive after you survive the first hit! Just like how Prometheus was bound and eaten by Eagles, you may suffer or perish but with your death, you will bring new power to the whole Garou Nation.

This fucking thing, I still remember nearly dying to his claws. We were playing a World War scenario in our campaign and all of us were Methuselahs. Sabbat Methuselah's to be specific and were tasked with wiping out a major caern of Fenris. We lost one of the players and one was reduced to torpor but we finally managed to beat this fricking Avatar. Never, ever underestimate Werewolfs, especially the Get of Fenris. They might be muscle-bound Barbarian murder machines, but they are always dangerous.

OP as fuck but just as likely to fuck you over. At the cost of one permanent Gnosis you, the player character, will get a say as a Storyteller. And once it's done, the actual Storyteller will fuck you over. It's probably the strongest Garau gift but the one that will most likely cause the ST to fuck you over harder than that asteroid fucked Earth.

Lastly, a gift particularly effective against Mage's and magic users.
It doesn't matter if your character is a Wraith, a Vampire, a Mage, a Mummy. If your character is weaker than Luna aka Artemis aka Diana aka the Celestine of the Moon and her Lunar Court, which is most likely as I give even Antediluvians a draw at best which means your character needs to be accomplished Archmage, you will be fighting a Werewolf Legend one on one in a physical duel, without any preparation, contingencies, mental effects or aura's or even a chance of retreat. Good luck, you will need it.

As a bonus, here is a Wraith power, just because.
As long as you have enough success stored, you can literally be Batman or Aizen! As in, you can retroactively be prepared for any situation!

What do you guys think? Balanced or not? Which one is your favorite?
Wraith Fundamentals or "Casper no!!!"
Wraiths! They are one of the lesser splats of the World of Darkness like Demons, Changelings, Mummies and Hunters! But they can be said to be present in every splat in a major way. Vampires and their half dead, half alive nature. Werewolfs and how they sometimes accidentally travel to the underworld rather than to the moon. Mages and their entire BS. Mummies that somehow managed the grand feat of something known as Dying and now stuck in the Underworld as indestructible ghosts.

I am going to tell you guys all about Wraiths in this post! And you know what? What's a better way to start it other than with a bang!



The Sixth Great Maelstrom is optional to have in Wraith 20th Edition games but you should still hear it. It happened when Xerxes, an incredibly lucky and unlucky Void Engineer, finally gets permission to perform a live-fire experiment with fusion devices in the Labyrinth, at the mouth of the Void, just near the Oblivion. Too bad when he is doing this, the Jade Kingdom aka an Asian Underworld Kingdom is invading Stygia. While this happens, someone has a bright idea to nuke the Enoch, which was the city of Cain, his firstborn childe, and the Antediluvians before getting destroyed which means it appears in the Underworld as a Ghost City, with the ghost relic nuke of the Little Boy used in Hiroshima.

The ghost nuke destroyed Enoch, wiping it out along with Old Clan Tzimisce who are residing in. Then the shockwaves managed to prematurely detonate the fusion nuke that Xerxes got permission to test with which combined together aggravated the Oblivion and the whole Underworld and brought forth endless waves of Specters and other eldritch abominations. Also, the Sixth Great Maelstrom started, bringing desolation to the Underworld as the super supernatural hurricane wrecked shit.

By the way, thanks to this, The Abyss got cracks in it for the Fallen aka Demons to escape.

This isn't even the end of it, there are a lot more awesome things that involve beings like Osiris, Malfeans etc. but regardless. It's awesome! This should show you the potential of the Wraith games.

But what are Wraiths?
They are those who die without resolution and have the will and drive to trap themselves in the haunted existence known as being a Wraith. They all have something that anchors them to this pitiful existence. Be it hating someone, wanting to protect your son, cowardice against the unknown that is the actual afterlife, not being able to finish your final work...possibilities are endless.
Funny enough, the strongest Wraiths are those who made or done something great in their lives. The exact people who rarely become Wraiths.

I digress, so let's see what could happen to a newborn Wraith.

If you are very lucky, you will get recruited to one of the Legions of the Dead.
If you are just lucky, you will be helped, get out of your Caul, and probably "asked" to work for whatever faction they belong to.
If you are unlucky, you will become a Thrall. A slave laborer.
If you are very unlucky, you will get captured and get melted into raw material to make stuff.

The worst part is, escaping from the Reapers is hard. You can't even use your special Wraith powers nor even dare to face your Harrowing and voluntarily go towards the Oblivion.

"Wait, what is a Harrowing?"
Harrowing is what happens when a Wraiths is too damaged, loses one of the Passions or Fetters that binds her to existence or simply runs out of Willpower to sustain his existence.
When that happens, he is immediately pulled by the Oblivion to the Labyrinth surrounding it. He must face whatever scenarios his Shadow and the Oblivion could conjure or fall to the mouth of the Void!

Wraith, if they want, could also voluntarily enter the Harrowing. Very few rarely do and most would consider it suicidal.

"Shadow? What's a Shadow?"
They are your darkest desires, the self-harming thoughts, the nihilistic part of you that craves nothingness, and all the vices empowered by the Oblivion's call. They are comparable in strength to the Wraith that is in control and always planning something that would end both of their existence. When a Wraith loses control of his body to the Shadow permanently, they become Specters. Servants of the Oblivion and the Entropy.

"But wait, I thought some people would choose the risk of this to getting captured by the Reapers or Harvesters? Why?" Well...
...just read it for yourself. Fate isn't kind for those who suffer the application of Soulforging.

But on the bright side, there is a way out.
All Wraith's, even those who fear or renounce Transcendence, wish for it. Becoming just like normal, perfected souls that went on to the great beyond.

The greatest irony of this is the fact that those who become Wraiths by wanting to remain, is now wanting to just continue to whatever it is in the great beyond rather than continue this painful existence.

And these are the fundamentals of the Wraiths! Now I didn't go over the Kingdom of Stygia or Charon or the Guilds or the Powers of Wraiths or the Legions of the Dead. For reasons, mostly because of the image limit but also because a fundamental part of the Wraith, in my opinion, is discovering it yourself. It's a very enjoyable experience. Especially if the ST is kind to the new players.

What do you think about Wraiths? What about the Underworld? Which is more like a Purgatory than an actual Underworld. Would you dare to become a Wraith if it means you can finish your business or protect/kill someone?
Pentex "Captain Planet, we met again I see!"

"Mother Nature ought to be hung, drawn and quarterly diced up and torn to pieces, export and reset, our big spreadsheet says more for me!"

This video and quote sum up Pentex perfectly! Well, maybe a bit eviler and with a deliberate attempt at corrupting the world.

They are the werewolves' biggest enemies and the ones they are least equipped to fight back. Their influence is vast, their presence is everywhere and if you were living in World of Darkness you definitely used one of their products.

But let's dive deep, see Pentex from the inside and the outside!
A Pentex employee's biggest responsibility is to do whatever it takes to achieve the company's goals. Using money, natural resources, people, supernatural assets, etc. you name it.

But what benefits you get from being a Pentex employee? Well, their Health Care plan is off the charts!
Look at those benefits! Even your family members can be included!
You even have a free professional therapist service! In their Harold Zettler Mental Health Annex! Wow, what a deal! Not many people get to have a service provided by a 5th Gen Malkavian Methuselah! You have to be insane to refuse it, right?

On top of all of this, they have a strong Anti-Discrimination Policy!
It doesn't matter if you a minority or an unnatural abomination bent on destroying the world! Pentex is there for you! Don't mind the 3 eyes, 10 limbs Greg over there, he is perfectly fine. And no, it's not his fault that his voice makes your ears bleed.

But what if you can't get into Pentex itself? Don't worry! They have numerous, worldwide subsidiaries that can certainly find you useful! Here is a list of some of them!
Beautiful isn't it? A chance of working with them? Many people would kill for it.

And you will still be protected by our very respected First Teams no matter which part of the Pentex family you belong to! They are the first to get in to defend you, and the last ones to leave! Because they eat the corpses of course!
Yes, your safety against all of those nasty Werewolves is perfectly assured! Though not against incorporate fighting, which is quite lethal. That's why we have a great Health Plan though!

But what happens if you feel...rebellious?
Let's say you disobeyed and did some...bad things. It's fine, everyone does it. Just some small-time penalties and punishments.
But you continue to do them? Well...your supervisor will be very disappointed and you may even end up as a Fomori but don't worry! You will come back to the light!
But still, you continue your silly antics? Well, we are glad to say that you will be helping the company after your termination too! Don't worry, your family will get your severance package. If they remain alive that is.

What about...ugh, enough with the pretending to be a Pentex Employee.

At the core of the Pentex and to be honest, Werewolf, lies the fact that they are literally a Captain Planet villain...taken seriously!
For God's sake, they literally have live on interviews with Wyrm Banes! Worldwide!

Anyway, I could go on and on about Pentex and all of their subsidiaries but it would take too long. They have many, Endron, Black Wolf, Red News... the list goes on and the things they have ties to is even longer.
But here is a VTM Fact:
If I could point one vampire as 100% totally evil with no redeeming qualities, it would be Harold Zettler. He is a 5th Gen Malkavian Methuselah that secretly works for the Wyrm. Even Sabbat, which respects Zettler, doesn't know. He is thinking of trying to spread the influence of the Wyrm among the Sabbat but if it's discovered, repercussions would be enormous. As in a Vampiric Purge that would put Baali's Purge to shame would start with even Camarilla and Sabbat allying.

In fact, there is a Giovanni, Enzo Giovanni, in the Board of Directors but recently he seems to have died and come back as a Wraith.

Anyway, I wanted to keep going about Pentex and all of their devilish actions but...I feel like a crackpot theorist every time I delve deep into Pentex. Like, look at this image from Guide to the Pentex!
What even I could say about this? That Pentex is literally corrupting children with their knock of DnD made by the Black Dog subsidiary which is a parody of White Wolf that makes the World of Darkness?

So yeah, this is Pentex in general terms. If you are interested I can recommend delving into the details but believe me, you will be rolling your eyes many, many times.

So, what do you guys think about Pentex? Their Board of Directors? Their Health Plan? Their subsidiaries? In fact, if you are working for Pentex, which company would you choose to work for?
I believe there is another world of darkness thread.

my campaign run for my friends is vampire, but I use all of the splats (adapted for what the fuck is going on)

Players: We can just unstake an elder being loaded up by the sabbat. Nothing can go wrong

Tzimisce methuselah: *wakes up* What happened, all I remember is Chicago burning

Players: Oh, the current prince did it, Chicago is that way

Tzimisce Methuselah: Oh, will go kill them then, is there a boon you would like fulfilled

Players: Wait, they don't just travel with us

Me: You directed an elder at who they now believe is someone who tried to kill them, what did you think would happen?

Players; *make sure to stay away from Chicago*

Several sessions later, they return to find that things have escalated so supernaturals across several US states, the Sabbat are invading from Darkest Canada, Soviets have held onto Michigan due to the players taking drawbacks to create an evil elder vampire sire who hates them, the Camarilla are being gangraped by a gaggle of Methuselah's that are working together and now have their hands up the Camarilla prince's sphincters as they openly take power while butchering anyone who opposes them and having the ones who bow to them/get dominated/blood bonded/run away from murderous soviets and Sabbat make up their army, Baba Yaga has sent people after the soviets including mages and werewolves intent on killing the soviets, changelings have allied with the Camarilla/Methuselah along with ghosts and nature spirits the several thousand year old Pre-Viking Sorceress Vampire has blood bonded

Players: Well we are in this now, *proceed to involve themselves of the mass purging of American werewolves and other shifters with the aid of Black Spiral Dancers, Changelings, Ghosts, and mages that want to take their cairns, the Gangrel involved himself in BSD and Skin Dancer rites while stealing The Book of the Grave War from a malkavian elder and learning how to summon nature spirits and create abominations against god through Biothaumaturgical experimentations, the Tremere makes clothes for Antedeluvian and Methuselah cults while using werewolf pelts to make clothing for their new Voivode, and the Toreador is a battle-hungry maniac who is constantly trying to diablerize everyone she fights*

Everyone went abandon ship on humanity and ignoring all of the in and out of character warning signs has led to them being entrusted with secrets that force them to work with the Voivode and an Antedeluvian in the preparation for an apocalyptic war against Lilith
As always, your players are some of the craziest.

Still don't know where you get them.

But I can tell that they don't have a good end, that's for certain.
Hey, guys? Hypotethical question: What would happen if a Cainite were to drink the Old Blood from Bloodborne?
Hey, guys? Hypotethical question: What would happen if a Cainite were to drink the Old Blood from Bloodborne?

Cainites can get magical diseases and outside context problems like abyss monsters, wyrm, and weaver can change them, so Old Blood would probably work on them

Cainites can get magical diseases and outside context problems like abyss monsters, wyrm, and weaver can change them, so Old Blood would probably work on them
Oh, cool. So that means that a ghoul who has the Old Blood in their system can affect their vampire master?
The Marauders “In a mad world, only the mad are sane.”
The Marauders, the so-called Mad Ones. They can be said to be the purest expression of a Mage. The individuality to the point of disregarding all others, a madness for others but a bastion of truth and individuality for themselves.
They are also one of the scariest beings in the World of Darkness. Not because of their thirst for destruction like Nephandi, though those variants exist, or preying on Humans like Vampires or Werewolves but because they themselves are walking, talking reality zones that live in their own world disregarding others.

So let's learn about them. But before that, I want to say something about them.
Some may think Marauders are madmen, trapped in their own little world. The ultimate prison.
But on the other hand, it's the ultimate freedom, because the reality is what they think it is even if they don't realize it. The higher your Quiet, the closer you get to your ultimate freedom.

They are the living forces of Dynamism. There are no "standard" Marauders, only how different, how deep is their belief, their Quiet.

Personally, I like to think of Marauders as the Mages that get influenced by the Wyld a bit too much. Just like how the Technocracy is influenced by the Weaver and how some Nephandi is literally the Wyrm's servants. The Traditions usually range between them. (Like how Verbana is usually between the Wyld and the Wyrm)
Of course, this is only in some campaigns and if it makes sense in them. It's just fluff you can headcanon based on some vague connections, just like how Sidereals(?) from Exalted could be using Pattern Spiders as helpers.

Just like I said before, Marauders are walking, talking reality zones where reality is just like what Marauder thinks it's like. And not even Paradox can do anything about it unless it's Massive, because Paradox is born from Consensus defined Reality trying to correct itself but Marauders live in their own reality which doesn't need correcting.
And worst of all, for non-Marauders anyway, is that anybody within this radius becomes its resident, most don't even realize it. It doesn't matter if they are a Human, Werewolf, Vampire, Mage, they will become their analogs in the Quiet. Mages can resist it, because of their own reality-bending powers, but even they can be overcome by the Quiet.

But what about Quiet? What's the difference between a low one and a high one? Well...
At 1 Quiet, you are basically sane. In fact, most Mages usually have this level of Quiet after some time, even the Technocratic ones. I don't think there are Marauders at this level and not even the chart references one.
At 2, you look sane but if questioned you will most likely be sent to a mental hospital. Like how Robert believes his wife and daughter are alive. Very few Marauders stay at this level for long and most just start at 3.
At 3 you are downright loony, like Don Quixote. Things like believing yourself as someone else, living in a different time period, or always living in someplace, like your Castle, and never leaving. Funny enough Scarlet Witch in Wanda Vision fits this perfectly.
At 4, you are nearly disconnected from the Consensual Reality. You are basically living in alternate fiction based on real life.
At 5, you might as well be living in real fiction. Everything a human imagination can imagine can and will happen in your Quiet.
At 6 and above, you can consider yourself an Alien because not even Reality itself can contain you any longer. Your Quiet is supreme and you are no longer even present in Reality as it ejects you in hopes of you going away. You will most likely form your own Realm in the Deep Umbra. You can consider yourself an "Archmage of Marauders". You can give Cthulhu creeps and anything at this level of Quiet and beyond is beyond human imagination.

What about Marauder Ascension? At the highest levels of Quiet? The grand prize? Well, here is the answer from the Time of Judgement when every Mage Ascended.

But let's dial back and learn about Marauder types.
The first and the most common Marauder is the actualizing Marauder. They are the ones that change the reality around them, they are the ones that wildly proclaim their challenge in the middle of New York on the back of a War Elephant while swinging a claymore. They are almost impossible to deal with.
The second type is the perceptual Marauder, the one's perception is different but not really affecting the reality around them. They are dangerous because they are subtle and they are still incredibly resistant to Paradox but they are much easier to deal with if they are found.

But really, all of this I just explained is secondary to the Golden Rule of playing Marauders, which is...

Marauders are all wildly different beings, and the fun factor of playing a Marauder is the madness that comes from it. ST is also much freer to explore the things they want to just like the players. For example, one of my friends told me that their ST doesn't even use Arete and the Spheres for Marauders, instead, they used their Quiet rating for Arete and Sphere rolls and just wanted them to describe why their Madness allows X thing they wanted to do. This sounds to me like a great example of this rule.

And this is it, the broad strokes of what it means to be a Marauder. I hope you guys liked it.
The Sabbat: General Overview or "Let's do it guys! Let's rebel against the Elders and the Antediluvians, what could go wrong?"
Ah Sabbat, brutal, cruel, full of bloodthirsty inhuman monsters. But also a place of comradeship, interesting moral debates, wacky fun-time adventures and the place to debate arguably the biggest point of VTM, should Vampires try to keep their humanity however little or just embrace their inner nature. They have a special place in my heart so I want to introduce you to the Sabbat! With all of their glory and problems!

Being one of the two biggest faces of Kindred in World of Darkness, their ideology stems from the fact that the Camarilla are cowards who not only fear the Antediluvians, they even deny their existence. Following the masquerade to keep their tiny bit of Humanity and pretend they are still somewhat a Human.
While everyone fears the Gehenna and the coming of the Antediluvians, they are looking forward to it. To consume their Progenitors like how Antediluvians consumed their own sires.

Basically, they are polar opposites. Not very surprising, right? I personally admire their courage even if they have no hope of ever defeating the Antediluvians.
You are wondering why I am saying this? Well, there are many factors, some that I will mention in a bit but the primary reason for it is the fact that Antediluvians are the most powerful beings that can function on Earth unhindered outside of Angels and Gods. No Mummy can judge them, no Archmage can kill them without sacrificing their life to Paradox, no Werewolf can face them, no Wraith would dare to be near them. Let's go back to the Time of Judgement apocalypse scenarios for a moment.
A starved, mindless Ravnos Antediluvian Zapathasura easily withstands spirit nukes and battled Ancient Cathayans for three days and nights before getting destroyed by sunlight. Everything else did nada. Remember, point-blank nukes are one of the few ways to permanently kill the body of a Mummy and it didn't do anything to Ravnos.
Without the Withering Curse, all Antediluvians are like this even at their weakest.

So in the end, I admire Sabbat's goals and the fact that they are all eagerly awaiting for the day of Judgement to basically become an open buffet for the Antediluvians. I hope they give them the cramps at least.

Now we know Sabbat's goal and ideology in general terms but what about the very beginning of Sabbat? How did they start?
When the Anarch Revolt failed and The Convention of Thorns happened, not every anarch gave up. The ones who didn't just stormed out of the town and continued their actions and eventually come under the banner we know as the Sabbat. ( By the way, Lasombra and Tzimisce Antediluvians didn't die of course)

But the Old World Europe is full of Elders and the center of Camarilla. How could they thrive in such an environment? Then the Age of Exploration happened.
There comes the New World, ripe for taking. Mostly full of mortal natives who got killed, an ancient Baali Methuselah Huitzilopochtli that no one knows and native Werewolf community, primary Wendigoes. Oh, what's that about Baali? Don't worry, I will mention him in a bit.

But let's forward a bit to the present day, we don't have the time nor image slots for history lessons.
They have the greatest influence in poor, undeveloped countries. Where they own private empires, feed and kill without hesitation and live the life of their unlife. On the other hand, they have a hard time increasing their presence in modern countries. They have to resort to the subtler method, which they are frankly shit at. Plus the Camarilla is easily beating them back.

But this doesn't mean they don't have a capital, oh no. Here is the Sabbat Capital.
Where the Camarilla's Heart rests in Europe, the heart of the Sabbat lies in Central America. They have everything in control here, industry, trade, media, mortal or supernatural politics, criminal underworld like Cartels. Here they can feed openly, battle openly and flout their power with none wiser. Packs battle openly for turf, entertainment or just simply for the hell of it.
Now you might be wondering, why "Diseased"? Well...
Mexico City is beyond fucked. The Wyrm, The Nephandi, Antitribu Nosferatu, A Vile Haunting, all combined with the presence of Infernal Huitzilopochtli at the center of the former capital of Aztec's is one of the biggest time bombs in the World of Darkness. Oh, who is Huitzilopochtli? Well, his other name is Shaitan.
This is one of the scariest beings in the World of Darkness, if you thought Harold Zettler from Pentex was an evil piece of shit devoted to the Wyrm, think again. This guy is Harold Zettler x100, he is the foremost herald of the Wyrm and Demons. He makes Zhyzhak look like a noob.
And he is beneath Mexico City.

...Well, after such good news let's continue with the Sabbat.
The Black Hand can be said to be one of the primary reasons why Sabbat is still a thing and somewhat stable. They are the private army of the Sabbat Leaders, chosen from the best of the best and skilled in all manners of warfare. Best of all, they are all completely loyal to the Sabbat...right?
Right... Man, I sometimes feel bad for the Sabbat before remembering all the shit they do.

Let me tell you about the truth.
They are all manipulated by the even deeper vampiric conspiracy called Tal'Mahe'Ra. Whose agenda is the opposite of the Sabbat, serving the Antediluvians. Mr.Bones Wild Ride never ends in the World of Darkness.

So yeah, this is the general overview of the Sabbat. Next time I talk about the Sabbat, I will talk about their packs, their ranks, their clans and their rites. I hope this was a fun ride. If you have any questions, well this is the thread for it.
[OLD] Nephandi or "It's not a phase mom! And I am going to prove it by killing you and everyone else!"
Speaking of which, @Maragas, what even are the things the Nephandi serve/worship/whatever? I haven't been able to figure that out.
It depends, Nephandi's motivation is as varied as the Traditions and the Technocracy.

Hmm, you know what. Let's do a quick Nephandi Round.

World of Darkness is a complex place. It's a world of greys with shades of white and black. But if there is one faction that is without a doubt evil, it's the Nephandi.
And they come in several flavors for your everyday needs!

Let's start with The K'llasshaa!

Worshippers of the Howling Void/Hungry Void. For those who read the Demon the Fallen yes that Void that was the nothingness outside of God before he created the universe and most likely the Abyss Lasombra uses willy nilly for their disciplines.
They are among the most hardcore and similarly batshit insane of the Nephandi. They are the folks who would flay you piece by piece and fed it to your family as their only sustenance until you murder your family for the torment to end. They are the ones who will do everything and anything unspeakable to creatures of this universe because for them Light and Life as we know it is blasphemy and any act against them is a holy act.
Even other types of Nephandi are weary of these guys.

They are usually Celestial Chorus members who fall from grace. Turning against the One, the Creator and the Universe he created.

The Wyrm flavored Nephandi! They are the ones who worship or at least believe in the Wyrm and what it represents. Aka Entropy aka Natural Death of the Universe. Don't confuse it with the Hungry Void because they are different things.
They are usually the most physically corrupt Nephandi and the ones who have direct access to their Patrons, the Wyrm and Wyrm spirits. They work for the end of everything because they want everything to end, not because Light and Life is blasphemy.

Dreamspeakers and Verbena who fall from grace usually become Malfean Nephandi.

Demon flavored Nephandi. Unlike the previous two, they don't want to end everything. They just want to be on the winning side if/when Apocolypse happens and the Earthbound/Umbral Lords they serve arrives.
Do not underestimate them. Lords they serve, whatever it be Earthbound Demons or Umbral Sprits or whatever, are powerful and may even be the source of their Awakening.


Celestial Chorus, Akashic Brotherhood, Order of Hermes
Many Traditions can become one. (Especially Order of Hermes)

Now, these are the classic and the most numerous of the Nephandi. But 20th Edition added a few more types but they are mostly some versions of these. Here they are briefly.
Cthulhu cult. Basically Infernalist but more Lovecraftian. (Though they are most likely Antediluvian worshippers from the time of Enoch. Like a Nephandic Cult of Mithras)

Threat Null. Also, the Nephandi in charge of Technocracy that eats babies and smokes poor people if you decide to make Technocracy corrupted.

...the most stupid form of Nephandi. Don't bother.

You know what, just forget about the rest of the Nephandi. They are shit.
"Know your Werewolf" The Garou Nation: Tribes Part 2
Sorry for the wait Werewolf fans but here is the second part of the introduction to the tribes!

You know about Get of Fenris right? How they are the survival of fittest berserkers? They are very abrasive toward other tribes. But Red Talons, oh man, they are beyond that. You also know how Children of Gaia and Glasswakers basically lead the vote to end the Impergium because it was just genociding humans and was senseless? Red Talons are the exact opposite of them.
Red Talons are nearly all wolf, no human Werewolves. I am not even joking about that, they are a tribe mostly made out of wolf-born Werewolves rather than human-born. They want nothing to do with humans, even the most radical among them would at most allow Humans to survive in Medival Era population numbers. They even heavily dislike Human born Werewolf and Kinfolk and in latters case may even try to kill them like any other human.

They are very interesting to play but well, they are not very popular for obvious reasons. Even WTA: Earthblood video game had you guys fight a pack of them and their Totem.

Take Nosferatu and Ventrue, mix them together then add some Gaia juice and bam, you get Shadow Lords. You can even say they are the mental counterpart of Get of Fenris' physicality. They learn manipulation, politics, cunning and more the moment they can talk. They are the most organized and hierarchical tribe among the Garou.
They are also a meritocracy. Add all of this and you will find every ranking member of the tribe to be a force to be reckoned with, whatever on the battlefield or in a shadowy board meeting.

On the downside, the tribe itself is constantly in a struggle for domination. Your lessers will fight for your position, your boss knows you want their position etc. They are also not very honorable, cruel, and can and will make alliances where they will betray their allies in the end.
They are also the tribe that makes contact with supernatural creatures like Vampires the most.

In my opinion, they are very fun to play if you want more political or at least a more mentally challenging campaign than being a murdermachine.

They are wanderers and the most well-traveled of the Garou. Why you ask? Well mostly because they fucked with Set (Antediluvian and God, they are the same and separate at the same time, it's complicated) and he cursed them so they can never rest in their homeland Egypt and then devoured their ancestors. By ancestors, I mean every single Silent Strider that existed and died before they fought Set got eaten or destroyed or whatever in the Umbral realms. This basically means millions of years of Silent Strider history, achievement and glory went poof as they can't contact their ancestors.

They are probably the most tragic Garou tribe and honestly, they are very right to hate every vampire, which they do. Don't even mention the leeches among them.
On the bright side, they are basically friends with every Osiris-aligned supernatural creature in the universe. Be it Mummies, Children of Osiris, Mages etc. Their contacts run deep through the supernatural world and even through the underworld.

They are Ventrue but much more humane. Can't really say much about them because well, they are a classic for a reason.
The best among them really try to lead the Garou right and balance the shitshow that is the Garou Nation but the worst of them are just Tyrants. They had glorious heroes and petty tyrants among them in the past but they do try to live up to expectations. It's a hard thing to do and some even break under it.

You can say they are the thinkers of the Garou Nation. Compared to the Children of Gaia, they pursue Enlightenment and balance. I must say, they probably get along with Mummies well. Not to mention they can also incarnate to keep living different lives.
They are philosophers, thinkers and probably the most patient of all Garou. Even the most spiritual in my opinion, even compared to Uktena

If you want to play a chill Werewolf, this is the best tribe for it.
American Werewolfs and part of the American Garou group. They are keepers of forbidden knowledge and magic. If you ever wanted to play Werewolf Shaman, this is for you.
They are also very cross with every other Werewolf tribe except Wendigoes and Croatan. Because you know, the whole Europe and America...business. (Though sometimes I wonder why they were so surprised. War of Rage and genocide of other Changling breeds and all that jazz happened before.)

Their biggest downside is that keeping forbidden knowledge is forbidden for reasons. They can get corrupted and begin to free the evils they once sealed away. They can be also blind because they think they know. See Mexico and Central America being the playground of Huitzilopochtli for thousands of years.

No, they do not eat human flesh, even though it would be the most reasonable tribe to do it.

They are the guys you go to if you want to kick Wyrms ass. They are hardcore for purity and killing things efficiently and pragmatically. If they didn't hate European werewolves they probably get along with Get of Fenris pretty well because two of them are basically the best murdermachines among the Garou.
They are very fun to play, especially if you want to be a cold killer rather than a raging berserker. But know that you will not get along with any other Werewolf tribe. Try not to be Metis though.

And this is it, the most common tribes of Garou. I know this is not my best work but my finals are like, a week later and if I didn't do this before that it would be at least a month before I could write this.
Void Engineer Spaceship Technology Or "Technobabble ahead!"
Now I am going to give you various Void Craft (or Universal Craft) from various books. It shouldn't be a problem as it's not like they are more than examples.

One of my favorites, you can go wild with it.
They are fun, I always imagine Stargate Atlantis shuttles.
If after Avatar Storm, newer Shuttles usually aren't as good as the previous ones and don't have interstellar travel capacity as resources are tight.

This satellite was many of its kind are the ones who make up the bulk of the Earth Defense Network. The majority are around Earth but there considerable number across the border of the Solar System, around Technocratic constructs and colonies. These babies are the ones who bombed the Ravnos Antediluvian with Spirit Nukes aka "Polydimensional Neutron Devices" and later with concentrated Sunlight.
Unfortunately, if you are using Avatar Storm aka Dimensional Anomaly in your campaign, the entire network is destroyed along with the majority of fleets of Void Engineers. There is a new one but it's a pale shadow of what it was before.

They are incredibly formidable but they are more suited to Interstellar travel and patroling colonies than watching over Earth. Unfortunately, Void Engineers had to downgrade to Raptor after the Dimensional Anomaly (if you use it in your campaign) as resources are tight.
Speaking of defending Earth, let's take a look at Vaders.
These beasts are what would you can encounter in the Solar System, patroling through Umbra between realms. They lack Deep Universe travel capacity because their primary purpose is to basically secure the homeworld. (x160 are equipped with Voidcast because well, different editions and it may be because they need to use every ship they have on hand after Avatar Storm)
If using the Dimensional Anomaly, there are no Vaders or x156s left but the middle version x160 which was luckily left in the dry docks as they went unused and thus didn't get destroyed. (If mechanics feel like they don't match up, it's because these are from different editions. Just remember Vaders are bigger and stronger than x160 and even an Archmage would vary of facing it in a straight fight)
Basically, take Cortana and Master Chief and send them to depts of space for exploration and research. They are the buddy cop flick of Void Engineers.

Now these are just examples. You are encouraged to create your own ships and procedures for Void Craft.
Go wild, Void Engineers are crazy good at their field. You can create any kind of ship and it would still fit. These guys are the ones who constructed a Dyson Sphere in 30 years when motivated. (Though when you have Archmasters aka Archmages, it's not that hard.)

Now for sample techs used in these ships. You are encouraged to invent more, just like any Mage spell.
While Dimensional Anomaly may have destroyed the fleet, Void Engineers continue to advance. Their current interdimensional and universal travel method is Voidcast, a drive if pushed to its limits can transport you to anywhere in the known universe. Its processor Gateway Transport is still a great piece of technology but much more limited.

The lifeblood of the Void Engineers. It can convert everything from Astroids to Stars into Tass for material and energy. Big ships usually have 1 but the greatest STAR units are in the Cop, the Dyson Sphere.

Basically, normally ships use Tass Propulsion for travel. When they need to travel interstellar or really, any kind of transdimensional travel they use Voidcast and when they want to travel through Time, they use Singularity Drives or Temporal Transit Converters.

Basically shipless interstellar travel between points. All Void Engineer labs, colonies, and even ships are connected to the network but Earth-based teleportation is forbidden outside of emergencies.

There are a few more but I really need to go and this is not only longer than I expected, it also took longer than I expected to compose. I hope it was helpful. Sorry about the images but I had to get creative to get under 10 image limit and I really didn't want to split this.
In fact, I am going to threadmark it.
This has to be the most concrete archive of World of Darkness stuff I've ever read, and I don't think it's complete yet. Good job.
Thanks, I mostly do it to increase interest in WoD.

This isn't complete, hell even SB thread which is several threadmarks ahead isn't complete. I update this thread every once in a while.

If you have any requests for specific things, like say, Stygia, The Dark Kingdom of Iron, the Western Capital of the Dead, you can place it here or SB thread. I put it into the list.
Thanks, I mostly do it to increase interest in WoD.

This isn't complete, hell even SB thread which is several threadmarks ahead isn't complete. I update this thread every once in a while.

If you have any requests for specific things, like say, Stygia, The Dark Kingdom of Iron, the Western Capital of the Dead, you can place it here or SB thread. I put it into the list.
Sure, just rember to pace yourself, bro. You might burn yourself out without realizing it.
What exactly is VTM 5th edition? Is it any better than the previous editions?
What exactly is VTM 5th edition? Is it any better than the previous editions?
The opposite

Ravnos explode like thunder warriors if they don't move around and had their disciplines changed around by making Chimertery literally obfuscate+presence so they lost fortitude, Salubri have dominate and the clan curse changed to being extra tastey instead of needing consent to feed, vicissitude is a subdiscipline of protean, I think valeren is now auspex plus dominate, the anarchs let the setites openly join them, necromancy and obtrenebration are the same discipline, the Vienna chantry got blown up by mortals who often don't even know that vampires exist

New NPCs

books: this fledgling realizes, unlike her elders, that true control of the world comes from leveraging power over kine rather than kindred

Every Ventrue Ever: Ok Neonate

The only good thing which has come is the comic book (which has some of its own issues) which features a brujah murdering a hunter team with Christmas lights in a shopping mall, and a caitiff that specced heavily in resisting mind control learning Camarilla politics and going "If I make myself useful and indespensible while figuring out how everyone works, I get respect?" And happily saving elders in exchange for lifeboons in a very killy way

the brujah is promptly horrified

Vault Comics's VTM Winter's Teeth
The opposite

Ravnos explode like thunder warriors if they don't move around and had their disciplines changed around by making Chimertery literally obfuscate+presence so they lost fortitude, Salubri have dominate and the clan curse changed to being extra tastey instead of needing consent to feed, vicissitude is a subdiscipline of protean, I think valeren is now auspex plus dominate, the anarchs let the setites openly join them, necromancy and obtrenebration are the same discipline, the Vienna chantry got blown up by mortals who often don't even know that vampires exist

New NPCs

books: this fledgling realizes, unlike her elders, that true control of the world comes from leveraging power over kine rather than kindred

Every Ventrue Ever: Ok Neonate

The only good thing which has come is the comic book (which has some of its own issues) which features a brujah murdering a hunter team with Christmas lights in a shopping mall, and a caitiff that specced heavily in resisting mind control learning Camarilla politics and going "If I make myself useful and indespensible while figuring out how everyone works, I get respect?" And happily saving elders in exchange for lifeboons in a very killy way

the brujah is promptly horrified

Vault Comics's VTM Winter's Teeth
So would the VTM 20th Anniversary Edition be better?

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