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Genius the Transgression: God-Machine Chronicle OOC

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Gone for Good
Feb 26, 2013
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Okay, so this is the thread for Character Creation and OOC for a Genius the Transgression game, inspired by the God-Machine Chronicle.

You're all staff and/or students at the Wellington School for Gifted Children, a school for the "special", brilliant, and strange. The school board recently sold off a bunch of schools to private companies to cover holes in their budget, and this particular school was sold to a company called Edu Tech Corp, which decided to cut costs by hiring a bunch of less-than-qualified individuals as staff members; a member of the local Lemurians decided to take advantage of this by getting a bunch of Geniuses hired for positions that their madness would usually disqualify them from.

Rules changes to the rules in Genius the Transgression, to accomodate the changes introduced by the God-Machine Chronicle:
-Geniuses almost always have at least one of their three Aspirations relating to Mad Science in some fashion.
-Rather than the Jabir penalty to all social rolls, all Geniuses have the Madness Condition as a permanent part of their Supernatural Template; when they become Unmada, the dice pool of the Condition doubles. The dice pool created by this condition can never be used to penalise Mental or Social rolls that involve Mad Science or interactions with Manes, Geniuses, or other creatures of Mania.
-Rather than Derangements associated with their Catalysts, they gain an additional Vice instead, as appropriate (e.g, Klagens gain Depression as an additional Vice). This works as per the Vice-Ridden Merit.
-Like all post-GMC Supernatural templates, Geniuses gain 10 dots of Merits to start, not 7.
-Obligation starts at 7. You may no longer trade it in for additional Experience.
-Breaking points for Geniuses reflect the maddening power of Mania, and the extremes it can drive them to. Replace the questions "What is your most traumatic experience" and "What have you forgotten" with "What scares you most about Mad Science" and "What do you see yourself becoming in your Manic visions". Geniuses never suffer Breaking Points from mere exposure to the Supernatural; their Breaking Points must be triggered by their own Transgressions.
-The Beholden Merit is replaced by the Staff and Retainer merits, both of whom can represent Beholden followers.
-The Workshop Merit now works as per the Safe Place merit; Size and Equipment are determined by Resources or other appropriate Social Merits.
-Inspiration costs 5 Merit points to acquire at Character Creation.
-Experience Costs: Inspiration 5, Favored Axioms 3, Unfavored Axioms 4, joining a Scholarship 1, and Fellowship Syllabus 2.
-Katastrophic weapons may allocate their points between Equipment Bonus and Damage, to gain bonuses to hit, and then extra damage on a successful hit. So, for instance, a Katastrophic Heat Ray with a Core Modifier of +1 might have an Equipment bonus of +4 and a Damage of +2, a +3 to both, or any other combination that adds up to 6. Changing the allocation of these bonuses after the Wonder is created requires a successful Modify Variables action. (It'd probably be closer to mechanical equivalence to give only half a point of Damage for each point of Equipment Bonus traded in, but that produces guns inferior to some mundane guns.)
-Prostasia Personal Armor now falls under two categories: Grapple-Applicable and Grapple Vulnerable. Grapple-Vulnerable provides General Armor equal to its listed value, and Bulletproof Armor equal to half of that, rounded down. Grapple-applicable Armor grants its listed value as a bonus to Defense. Prostasia Mental Sheilding adds a number of Doors equal to the Genius's Inpiration to attempts at Social Maneuvering.
Liam-don said:
The what inspired by what? :(

Genius: the Transgression is one of the fan-created splats for the New World of Darkness setting. Not so long ago, there was a book released for New World of Darkness that provided information about the God Machine, which is pretty much exactly what it sounds like. I think it also came with some rules updates.
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I am semi interested because of the flavor stuff as I liked the good maschine back in the core but even if it is just the new campaign system the idea about the teaching position interests me but I will need to read up on Genius.
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I have a character sheet partway done:[link removed]

not exactly sure what to do with the rest.

it's meant to be a hobbyist magician. Quite intelligent, but generally unmotivated. He gets sparked up when he sees magic that he doesn't understand, which he then must replicate with SCIENCE!
Liam-don said:
The what inspired by what? :(
Genius: the Transgression
The God-Machine Rules Update

R.A.G. said:
I have a character sheet partway done:https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B9hyy8r8fshjUDdkTzd2UGdOZ0U/edit?usp=sharing

not exactly sure what to do with the rest.

it's meant to be a hobbyist magician. Quite intelligent, but generally unmotivated. He gets sparked up when he sees magic that he doesn't understand, which he then must replicate with SCIENCE!
Umm, let's see. You need to rearrange your Attributes, to start with. You get 1 dot in everything, and then 5/4/3 divided between the three categories (and then an extra Mental dot because you're a Genius). Currently, you've got 9/2/0, not counting the extra Mental dot from being a Genius. Other Merits you might be interested in include Eye For The Strange, Technomancer, Calculus Vampire, and Small Framed.
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R.A.G. said:
new link, going to sleep.

Okay, looking good. You just need to select your third Favored Axiom (either Katastrophi or Skafoi, since you're a Navigator), select your Virtue and first Vice, and answer the questions to determine your Breaking Points.

Makahl said:
That's fine. You just need to fill it out. ;)
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nick012000 said:
Okay, looking good. You just need to select your third Favored Axiom (either Katastrophi or Skafoi, since you're a Navigator), select your Virtue and first Vice, and answer the questions to determine your Breaking Points.
That's fine. You just need to fill it out. ;)

Will do,
just for certainty's sake we are the weird new teachers right?
new link:

Makahl said:
sheet's updated slightly: http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=577587
a questions: which axioms can I pick for my lemurian aspected one?

telling me about any things I missed (except specialties and merits as I have to do that later) is appreciated.
You get three Favored Axioms. One of them is determined by your Catalyst, and the other two you choose. If you belong to a Foundation, you choose one of the two Favored Axioms it offers; for the Progenitors, that's Automata or Exelexi. For the various Lemurian baramins, which two you get to choose from varies; they're listed starting on p. 337 of the Genius PDF. I'd personally suggest Automata; with Automata and Apokalypsi 1, you can build an awesome computer that you can install into your head and hack into anything with a successful roll. Automata 1 also lets you build nanotech fabricators (though you'll need a decent level of Craft to make such a Wonder useful) and prosthetic arms.
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R.A.G. said:
new link:

Okay, R.A.G; you're missing the "what is the worst thing you can imagine someone else doing" question. For the others, though, I think your Breaking Points would be "abandoning a person in need", "killing in cold blood", "allowing a Wonder to become an Orphan", and "using Deep Inspiration"; it's technically up to you, though. Also, as a Hoffnung, you've got a second Vice of "Narcissism", so you should note that down next to your other Vice.

Also, if you want, you can start rolling for your starting Wonders. You've got five rolls, Intelligence + Skill, and you've got a +1 to them because they're all for Favored Axioms.
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question: if a die is over 8 it counts as a success, right? Also, I'm trying for Disguise kit which means I roll for intelelgence and science.
my intellegence is 4, science loses 3 so rather than rolling 8, I roll 5. With the plus 1 that means I roll 6. This is 6d10 correct? if so:

edit: also new link:https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B9hyy8r8fshjWkhXSnFrRTU5eWM/edit?usp=sharing

edit: removed the die, because it said tampered. rerolling.
[blockquote]Rolled 6d10 : 3, 1, 10, 10, 1, 10, total 35[/blockquote]
R.A.G. said:
question: if a die is over 8 it counts as a success, right? Also, I'm trying for Disguise kit which means I roll for intelelgence and science.
my intellegence is 4, science loses 3 so rather than rolling 8, I roll 5. With the plus 1 that means I roll 6. This is 6d10 correct? if so:

edit: also new link:https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B9hyy8r8fshjWkhXSnFrRTU5eWM/edit?usp=sharing

edit: removed the die, because it said tampered. rerolling.
I'm not sure what you're trying to say. You've got a number of dice equal to Intelligence + Science + 1. In your case, 9 dice, because you have Intelligence 4 and Science 4. You then need to roll over an eight or more on at least one die to succeed.
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Still interested and building while playing around with the Concepts.
Thinking about a a Neid one interested in psionks and genetic mutation but I don`t know how much that overlaps with Makhals Transhumanism.
done new link:https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B9hyy8r8fshjeENUYVoxTm1lT1U/edit?usp=sharing
R.A.G. said:
done new link: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B9hyy8r8fshjeENUYVoxTm1lT1U/edit?usp=sharing
The link isn't working; all I'm getting is a blank page. Also, if you can make it an actual link next time, I'd appreciate it; it'd make it a lot easier for me to follow it on my tablet.
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Okay, that's working now. Can you describe your Wonders, and how your genius thinks they function? It'll help me a lot when I try to figure out Faults for them; a nanobot swarm generator might be able to transform someone as easily as a belt that alters the phase resonance of their morphic field or a handful of alchemical potions, but their Faults are probably rather different.
Disguise kit: A Top hat, and pair of gloves. The top hat functions as the main emitter, while the gloves serve to control the actual field. They alter the phase resonance of the user, changing the user just enough that they show up differently on the light spectrum. The kit is activated with a snap. Can only reproduce a sighted, or previously sighted target.

Hallucination Engine: Built in the same vein as the disguise kit, but rather than target a person the engine targets blocks of matter (primarily air). However, as it is made so be used at some distance, the illusion is not of the same quality as the disguise kit.

Subdermal Communicator: In one of his more powerful Fits of Madness Eddie decided that his phone cOuLD Be maDE SOMUCHBETTER!

Long story short he ended up fighting it off, but not before sticking it under his skin and hooking it up to his nervous system, luckily without killing himself. On the bright side, he got a super thin, impervious, and bendy phone to use, it even let him mentilate to people who were close enough(10 feet). On the not so brightside, he fought of the madness before grafting the video fragments to himself so he can only use it to call. Still, he is at least thankful nobody can actually see the phone.
sorry about not updating for a while, a combination of the game being new and RL happening meant I didn't advance with my sheet.
Also because I just had these ideas for Wonders and had more time without a PC than with I got working on the ideas for that.
Now reading the PDF again and realizing that after selecting to be a progenitor from chapter 1 and offline working on background and personality (which doesn't need acces to the sheet or the PDF) I was reading up on progenitors in the explanation of the peerage and it fit like a glove.

one question: how much will the Technomancer merit be applicable? will we be mostly working with genii or will the other types of NWOD beasties come round to play?
Makahl said:
one question: how much will the Technomancer merit be applicable? will we be mostly working with genii or will the other types of NWOD beasties come round to play?
Hmm. Well, you'll definitely be interacting with Ephemeral Entities (ghosts, angels, spirits, et cetera). Interactions with other splats will probably depend on how the plot goes. You're almost certainly not going to have to worry about running out of Mania, though, for reasons that will become obvious in play.
R.A.G. said:
Disguise kit: A Top hat, and pair of gloves. The top hat functions as the main emitter, while the gloves serve to control the actual field. They alter the phase resonance of the user, changing the user just enough that they show up differently on the light spectrum. The kit is activated with a snap. Can only reproduce a sighted, or previously sighted target.

Hallucination Engine: Built in the same vein as the disguise kit, but rather than target a person the engine targets blocks of matter (primarily air). However, as it is made so be used at some distance, the illusion is not of the same quality as the disguise kit.

Subdermal Communicator: In one of his more powerful Fits of Madness Eddie decided that his phone cOuLD Be maDE SOMUCHBETTER!

Long story short he ended up fighting it off, but not before sticking it under his skin and hooking it up to his nervous system, luckily without killing himself. On the bright side, he got a super thin, impervious, and bendy phone to use, it even let him mentilate to people who were close enough(10 feet). On the not so brightside, he fought of the madness before grafting the video fragments to himself so he can only use it to call. Still, he is at least thankful nobody can actually see the phone.
Okay, so Faults on your Wonders:
Disguise Kit: Can only turn you into a stage magician or one of their "beautiful assistants".
Illusion Generator: Produces a cloud of smoke around the illusion whenever an illusion is created.
Subdermal Communicator: Causes headaches (-1 to all rolls) for one hour if used for more than 15 minutes.
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