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Genius the Transgression: God-Machine Chronicle OOC

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I believe I have my sheet ready except for the additional vice (which is probably curiosity due to being a Staunen but I'm not sure) and my breaking points. http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=577587

for my wonders I have 2 designed already, 1 is GNOSIS which is an upgrade/modification of all of her senses with some extra ones added in (infrared vision, ultraviolet vision, enhanced smell and enhanced sound which can also be used as some sort of scanner to detect harmful substances and maledictions in humans) which uses Exilexi and Apokalypsi with being 100% organic utilises Medicine skill and her specialty in Medicine (Bio-enhancement)

number 2 is EGO-GE and is a second brain which has te capability to connect to the internet and uses all 3 of Exilexi, Apokalypsi and Automata. probably falls under Medicine but may also fall under Computer.
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Makahl said:
I believe I have my sheet ready except for the additional vice (which is probably curiosity due to being a Staunen but I'm not sure) and my breaking points. http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=577587
It'd be the same as the Derangement listed for the Catalyst, so Fixation. Also, I'm going to need to know what sort of Mane you are; are you from a Bardo or a powerful Genius's Unmada Field, and what sort of Bardo/Unmada Field produced you?

for my wonders I have 2 designed already, 1 is GNOSIS which is an upgrade/modification of all of her senses with some extra ones added in (infrared vision, ultraviolet vision, enhanced smell and enhanced sound which can also be used as some sort of scanner to detect harmful substances and maledictions in humans) which uses Exilexi and Apokalypsi with being 100% organic utilises Medicine skill and her specialty in Medicine (Bio-enhancement)
This requires either Apokalypsi 2 or Exelexi 3. Apokalypsi 1 simply allows you to build communicators and read data off of things. Exelexi 1 allows you to build healing machines and life support machines. Additionally, as an entirely organic wonder of Apokalypsi, it'd also require Academics. If you want to, however, you could take it with the Adopted Orphan Merit, though.

number 2 is EGO-GE and is a second brain which has te capability to connect to the internet and uses all 3 of Exilexi, Apokalypsi and Automata. probably falls under Medicine but may also fall under Computer.
Exelexi doesn't affect this; it'd just be Apokalypsi and Automata. And yeah, it'd be the lower of Medicine and Computer. Maybe Academics, as well, if it's entirely organic, or Science, if it manipulates computers through telekinesis rather than radio signals or the like.
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Ooh, is this still going?

I'm part of the group working on the Moochava-approved GMC/second edition for Genius (think The Strix Chronicle without any Strix.) We're making slightly more extensive changes, including some things that were planned for 1.2 before the author had all his time eaten up by other projects. There are some good ideas here - I especially like the addition of "Catalyst Vices".

It'll be interesting to see how this "minimalist" port works out, from a playtesting perspective.
Unfortunately, it seems to have died. I'm still willing to run it of anyone's willing to actually play, though.

Also, if you're working on the next iteration of Genius, can you fix the way it treats Mages, as derived from Moochava's anti-nMage/pro-oMage bias? Personally, I'd just tie Geniuses into the Abyss, and say that both the Exarchs and the Lemurian Secret Masters saw the other group as serving their own plans (because the Abyss strengthens the Lie and because the saw the Seers' actions in their future-history, respectively).
Ah, shame.

Yes. Yes we can. In fact, I'm not sure if we're already doing that or forgot because it's been headcanon for so long. I'll have to make a point to correct that.
Nice GMC rules. Well done. I know where I'll come if I ever want help to run Genius with the GMC update.

nick012000 said:
Unfortunately, it seems to have died. I'm still willing to run it of anyone's willing to actually play, though.

Also, if you're working on the next iteration of Genius, can you fix the way it treats Mages, as derived from Moochava's anti-nMage/pro-oMage bias? Personally, I'd just tie Geniuses into the Abyss, and say that both the Exarchs and the Lemurian Secret Masters saw the other group as serving their own plans (because the Abyss strengthens the Lie and because the saw the Seers' actions in their future-history, respectively).
Are ypu talking about the crossover footnotes on p. 394? I'm not sure why you call it bias. I thought the sentence that claims that Exarchs and Lemurians are unable to communicate with each other comes from being connected to different templates/realms (none of the high ends of the splats: True Fae, spirits, Kerberoi etc. are able to really interact with each other - the only reason this effect may surprise Geniuses/Mages is because both believe to have an all comprehending view of the world, which as we know from the rest of the splats, is not true. And it saves the work of explaining why there is no history between the two.
But the whole suggestion is only a single sentence in the text that you ignore in your own interpretation anytime you want.
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