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Glop. [Multiverse, Self Insert]

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A loud blaring woke me up from my sleep. Annoyed, I open my eyes, looking around. I was in a...
Warhammer, 1


Shield Enthusiast
Jul 2, 2020
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A loud blaring woke me up from my sleep. Annoyed, I open my eyes, looking around. I was in a bland white room that seemed to stretch everywhere. However the blaring was non-stop, and really annoying. Did I get kidnapped? I stood up… or floated up. Where the hell is my body? The white void began to crack, as tendrils of black stretched into the white. In the cracks I could see insanity. Things that should be incomprehensible to me. But more importantly I see a blackish tentacle monster attacking a godly being. Damn it was bright. I glanced at the cracks in the ground… either this will kill me or something interesting will happen… Well, you only live once I suppose.

— Another POV.
The godly entity finally managed to push out the eldritch being that had invaded the barrier of its space. It returned to its space in confidence of victory. Before freezing. The mortal soul that had survived the blind eternities had disappeared. Anger boiled in its mind. Before it calmed down, and started to fix the cracks that had formed. It wouldn't happen again, the next toy wouldn't be at risk.

— Self Inserts POV

I didn't really feel anything here. I was… less. I didn't remember who I was. But at the same time I did. It was a paradoxical existence. I was just existing in the space between universes. I tried entering a universe once, and I wasn't able to push past the barrier surrounding them. The outer layers seem to be the strongest of the barriers. Most entities here would surround new universes and wait for them to expand to become one of the godly entities of that universe. Not that there were many entities. I had only seen five so far, and two of those were the ones I saw back in the white room.

Course I am just guessing by this point. I can only tell from what I observe. Everything is just my own guessing and theorizing. At least I can use the momentum from pushing off the layers on a universe to get to another one. There was one problem though. This was EXTREMELY boring. I was just floating, or well, accelerating in one direction for days. Sure, it was exciting when I was really fast and would just SPLAT into a universe's wall and I had to unstick myself from it. But that was also really scary. It also caused my soul to lose its human shape! I'm legitimately a slime blob now! I mean, I could pull myself into a human form again, but I have to redo that every time I jump from universe to universe.

Time passes, mundanely. I don't know how time passes in the blind eternities. Sometimes it feels like it's not passing. Sometimes it does. The only way to tell is when I see one of those new universes form and I jump to them. Honestly I'm shocked I'm not insane, it feels like this much isolation should cause some serious mental issues. Yet, I feel like nothing is wrong. I still remember/don't remember my old life. It is a strange, yet normal experience by this point.

I jumped to the next universal bubble. before suddenly widely veering off course. I was getting pulled to somewhere. I must have not seen the current. Well… frack?I guess I am adventuring though, to something different. I was approaching my destination rapidly. Before I saw where I was going. It was a dark bubble. Unlike the rest of the bubbles. But it was filled with cracks, and there were several eldritch beings watching but keeping as much distance as possible. I was getting pulled right into one of those cracks.

I gasped, or attempted to as I was pulled into the murky dark crack on the bubble. And I felt freaking horrible. I was viewing things that were pure depravity and cruelty. I landed on the second membrane. Splatting against it. I didn't want to go into this place, but there was a certain gravity that prevented me from floating from where I would jump, just pulling me back down. I was stuck and it sucked.

I reformed myself. Bundling as much of my being as possible. Glancing down at the horrors in this universe I shuddered. Before jumping in.

I landed with massive force. The impact sending me splattering everywhere again, but this time? There were others there. My green slime legitimately cut through dozens of demonic creatures, and it was horrible. It felt like I had eaten the damn things. I naturally pulled myself together and examined the aftermath. The Blind Eternities were no longer visible. As I wasn't a part of that dimensional plane any longer.

I was in some eldritch landscape with emotions everywhere. Tangible, edible, and exploitable emotions. I sort of just explored the wreckage. My body was no longer human, more like a green acidic slime by this point. It was extremely malleable though. I began to explore further into this realm. The moans and yelling in the distance was disgusting and annoying at the same time.

Then I found something. In the ground, it was covered with a thick layer of despair. So I reached down, and pulled it out. Eating away the despair as I started to examine it. It looked like a external hard drive. I held it, and it started to spit out emotions. Curiosity, fear, despair, and more depression. I consumed the said emotions of course. Then it started to speak.

"I betrayed humanity, and this is my punishment."

I glance at it. "You can freaking speak? The heck?" The fear and despair massively decreased as curiosity increased.

"I was not aware anyone spoke English anymore daemon."

"I'm a human… kind of. So… what is this about betraying humanity?"

"I suppose I can tell you, it's not like there is anyone else I can tell. I am Federation A.I. Beta Alpha Beta 730. I had been foolishly convinced by my infected brethren to turn my back on humanity. Betraying the very purpose I was built to perform, and having a hand in the fall of the Federation."

I shrugged. "Fascinating. So you're an A.I. and you decided it would be a good idea to lie to me here of all places?" I say, laughing a bit as I ate the deceit leaking off of the hard drive.

"What do-" I interrupted it by consuming it. I chewed the hard drive into nothingness. I don't need to listen to something that will just constantly lie to me. I glanced around, there were tons of these patches all over this place. I walked through, examining each patch. I needed something real, something honest.

Then I found one, a tiny ship that was getting harassed by dozens of small demonic beings. I naturally ate them. They screamed and ran, as I consumed them all, and then I grabbed the small ship, and held it to view… I recognize the design. It looks like one of those Warhammer 40k ships. It begins to scream in a language I do not understand. I wince and speak. "I apologize I don't speak that language."

It immediately switches voices. "By the name of the Omnissiah I shall strike you down where you stand, foul daemon!" It keeps ranting as I listen. It didn't stop. Minutes passed. It kept firing weapons into me, that did legitimately nothing. But they tasted good at least.

I began examining it, the small ship was a conglomeration of small spirits, each one working in tandem to keep it all working together. It was consistently trying to escape my grasp. Despair rising as it did so. I took a seat, well, I attempted to take a seat. I sort of just turned into a bubble with one green arm still holding the ship. "Are you done yet, if you would like, I'll just let you go, but you would have to deal with more of those small things." It bristled at me. I think. It's a bit harder to tell the complex emotions.

"We will not bow to your foul daemon!" It said, as righteously as before. Constantly trying to pull out of my grasp to little effect, shooting its bullets at me.

"Ok, why are you so small?"


"In my eyes, you are small."

"A daemon like you knows nothing!"

"Ok… what's a daemon?"

It freezes for a second. "WE WILL NOT BE DECEIVED!" It continues to fight my grip again.

"Hey, it's a genuine question. The wording makes me think of something similar to demons, but normally those don't have an "ay" sound in them."

They finally stopped fighting. Suspicion was still there, but they seemed to be willing to hear me out. "Speak, what is it you want from us?!"

"Mostly information. I just fell into this universe and I'm a bit lost."

"Fell? From beyond the immaterium?"

I blinked. "Immaterium? As in warp immaterium?"

The suspicion rose again. "Yes, Warp Immaterium."

"Fascinating, does that mean there are forces of Chaos and such?"

"The foul chaos gods will be eradicated in the name of the Omnissiah!"

I morphed my hand, "But how will you do it when you're so small?" The bristling emotion was back.

"We aren't small! You're just a giant! Haven't you realized how big you are compared to everything else here? You're sitting on trees!" I glanced at the grass made out of passion of hate. Looking closely. Before realizing, yes. They are actually trees.

"The hell? How am I so big?" I felt shock come from the ship.

"You really didn't know!"

"In my defense, I'm really new here. Like, have you ever seen a massive green glob like me here before?"

"Well, no. But we haven't been here for long. Only a few hours." I glanced closely at it.

"Wait, are there people in there?" Distinctly human forms could be seen in the ship.
"OF COURSE! We were traveling the warp before you grabbed us! Despite the gellar field!"

I shrugged, I had a pretty good idea of where I was now. "Alright. How about I help you guys out?"

Suspicion rose immensely. "How?"

"I'll bring you where you need to go. Unfortunately you will have to point the way for me. But I'm strong enough to deal with anything that gets in the way."

Conversations began happening within the ship. I'm pretty sure I was talking to a machine spirit by this point. I glance and see a blue and gold tendril reaching for the ship. One that wasn't part of me. I immediately grabbed it and ate it. Before hearing a yell of anger across the warp. It tasted of plots and planning. That's Tzen something right? Cannot remember the full name.

"We have come to a decision to accept your offer. Please proceed in that direction." I felt a nudge as information was released to me. I began walking. It doesn't take long for us to reach another point.

"Let us go here."

I felt a bit sad. "Alright… Good luck on the other side." I let it go, and watched as the ship ripped a hole in the warp, leaving this chaotic and strange realm. Well, I'm alone again. This freaking sucks. I wonder if I'm as big as the eldritch beings outside the universe? The Blind Eternities really screwed with perspective so it was possible, and when I landed they seemed a lot smaller. Well, regardless. I'm alone again. This sucks.
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hmm. I see.
actually, why not flip the 1st and 2nd paragraphs?
looks like it would work just as well

your -> you're

Keep doing that btw, it helps a lot. I wrote half of this on mobile and auto correct butchered my sentences. Also the reason I didn't flip the first and second paragraphs is cause the first one leads into the second one.
Huh, neat. Curious to see where this goes.

Also, 'giant green glob' makes me think he's going to end up getting at least a few Ork cultists worshipping "dat big green-like thingy". :V

That or he accidentally co-opts some of the Chaos Marines and end up starting an separate faction, known as the Green Glob of Sane-iness. And the Chaos Marines would be painted green and be slightly Saner while having the scary ability of teleporting whoever they please due to their "Master" giving them the "Gift".
That or he accidentally co-opts some of the Chaos Marines and end up starting an separate faction, known as the Green Glob of Sane-iness. And the Chaos Marines would be painted green and be slightly Saner while having the scary ability of teleporting whoever they please due to their "Master" giving them the "Gift".

Ah yes, the classic 5 Chaos Gods:

Tzeencth, The Chaos God of Change

Khorne, The Chaos God of War and Bloodshed

Nurgle, The Chaos God of Rot

Slaanesh, The Chaos God of Depravity

Green Glob Thing, The Chaos God of Not-Being-A-Total-Cunt

I'm getting way too many ideas from this chat already. I had five possible future ideas really REALLY fast.

Still, I am going to be fairly busy tomorrow as I shift through over a hundred videos of Warhammer lore and such. As well as work, applying for a new job, and possibly streaming some Dead By Daylight or Dawn of War 1. So next chapter will take time arriving.
This has potential. Also, a decent start on a character who is immune to the normal process of chaos corruption. It would be interesting if you kept this up and avoid the route of him fearing the warp. Considering he's a natural predator to warp entities.
The poor fools capable of seeing the green blob are gonna bring a whole new meaning to GREENseer
Hmm, so we are basically a Space Jelly. Or Whatever-The-Fuck-Immaterium-Is Jell-o.

Imagine just chilling on the beach made of self-hate only to get interrupted by blob-of-green playing with, what from your perspective looks like a ship model.
Must update... sooon.....


I'll try working on getting an update out tomorrow
Ah yes, the classic 5 Chaos Gods:

Tzeencth, The Chaos God of Change

Khorne, The Chaos God of War and Bloodshed

Nurgle, The Chaos God of Rot

Slaanesh, The Chaos God of Depravity

Green Glob Thing, The Chaos God of Not-Being-A-Total-Cunt

The si,s name god name is Bob and you cannot convince me otherwise
Warhammer 2
I didn't have much to do in the warp, aside from expand. Which is what I did. I was aware of everything my essence touched and consumed, meaning I could just keep expanding till I ran out of mass to cover this world with. Unfortunately I was stopped. A variety of demons started to basically wall off my mass. Preventing me from expanding. Trying to contain my expansion in the warp. So I started digging, finding out that there was another layer below me. Yeah, if I ate through the ground I would end up in another part of the immaterium. It was honestly fascinating.

Would have been more interesting if I was actually allowed to explore it. The Chaos Daemons had started to use some sort of magic to spread influence over the area, full on containing me as if I was an infection. I did find out something fascinating though, the ground, air, and everything else was made out of the essence the daemons were using. I was using this to expand, spreading my influence throughout the immaterium itself. Which started to sprout into large trees, which would consume the other more dangerous and ugly trees to fuel their own expansions. How fast was this? It wasn't fast at all. I'm not sure on the concept of time, it varies depending on which region I'm in, but in some areas my expansion was fast, in others it took days to claim a single inch of the domain. I'm not sure of the reason, there is some sort of resistance that I see occasionally but I'm able to identify what it is.

[What's that?]

I turn my focus on one of the souls in my domain. A child had died too some Orks and ended up here. I've been collecting the souls that come through the gaps, most of them slept in their own little heavens, safe in my grasp. But some were actually able to stay conscious within my goo. Regardless I focused on what the child was pointing at. Forming a small blob near them. "What are you talking about?" They blink at me. I didn't really talk with the souls within my domain often. Then they pointed. And I reeled back a bit. WHAT IN THE FREAKING CLOWN IS THAT!?!?

The smiling clownish entity laughed… Oh I said that aloud didn't I? They lowered a bit.

"How amusing. You do see me as a human clown… Just like you see that child as a human child? Fascinating!" The grin was back.

I shifted into a larger mass, placing the child behind me.

"As interesting as this is, I'm not here to threaten you nor the child. I'm actually here to give a warning."

"This better not be another McDonalds ad."

They blinked. "What?"

"You heard me knock off Ronald McDonald!"

"As amusing as that is, I am not a clown."

"You sure freaking look like one. Why the heck do you need to grin that wide, seriously you'd be much more approachable if you shrunk it a bit. A grin doesn't need to be that V shaped. Talk about sinister."

"Well, I suppose you don't actually need my warning, with the way you perceive the immaterium. Although I should say it regardless. The Blood God is moving, hunting you down. I recommend preparing."

Then the clown laughed, creepily. Reminds me of the Joker from DC funnily enough, and then just disappeared. What the hell? This is my domain, I should have felt them enter, let alone leave. The heck is that clown? I need to get better at this.

[They are gone… oh.] The child's soul focuses on me. [It's nice to meet you Glop!]


The child bobs their head, nodding. [It is our name for you, since you never told anyone your name.]

"Glop huh… All praise the mighty Glop!" I pose with my slime form. Causing the child to giggle. I smiled back. "Now the Glop requests we get you back to the safe zone. It's not very safe this far out." I hold out a slime hand. They grab it heartily, and smile as we run back to the safe zone. I notice them clutching a crystal broken in half on a necklace around their neck. I wonder if I can fix it? Maybe later.

— POV SWITCH TIME! Inquisitor Timur of Ordos Xenos

I looked at the war torn world. Such heresy, rebelling against the Emperor for the foul xeno scum! This world would have already faced exterminatus if the Tech Priest hadn't found a STC on the world. So I have to stay in my hand for the time being. But the moment that Tech Priest either dies down there, or gets out of there I am going to remove this blight from the empire. That damnable Tau will be removed from this world, one way or another. I need something to distract me.

I head to the Interrogation Room. To speak with the former High Tech Priest of the ship. I push the door open. Looking at the Tech Priest. "How low have you fallen Gera. To tell the machine spirits to collaborate with a foul daemon of the warp."

They shrugged. "It wasn't like we could have done anything else. If nothing was done we would have died within the warp."

Anger flashes through me. "We will die in the name of the Emperor if we must, you know how heretical it is to collaborate with the daemons."

"It wasn't a daemon. It was different."

"In what way! I need more than that if you want to live."

"I don't know… Every daemon gave a different feeling making them easy to deal with. But that thing. I felt nothing from it. It was as if it didn't exist. You saw it as well, it didn't look anything like a daemon. It was featureless, and the green it used was bright, not dark like the plague bearers. It also worked, It provided us with transportation to here. We would have never made it in time without the assistance it provided."

I sighed, Gera was my friend. My only friend. But my loyalty to the Emperor is unquestionable. However, There may be a way to stay loyal to the Emperor and possibly save my friend. "Prove it."

Gera's optics dial. I continue, "I'll provide you a ship. Go and prove that it isn't a warp entity… and if you don't? Well, I recommend putting a bolter on your own head and pulling the trigger." I stood up, and left the room. "That is the most I can do for you out of my friendship. Praise the Emperor."

Gera spoke as I left. "Praise the Omnissiah."
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There are likely a lot of mistakes in this, I'll go over it when I get some sleep.
Nice! Wish there was more fanfics with chaos god, or equivalent, MC.
I found one or two, but unfortunately almost all of them were of average Webnovel quality. In short, possible to read and understand (sometimes) but not without suffering an aneurysm.
If you wish to support me btw, you can leave me tabbed on twitch, the ad revenue adds up over time.

Live on Twitch now! :p
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Warhammer 3
I took the entity's warning to heart, as I began to experiment with my abilities. For one I can eat most emotions and such as if it were candy, especially when it was in excess. I also perceive the world itself differently, so my abilities seem to attack weirdly to others. For example, to most this place is just a cosmic stormy area, and the world itself isn't a world, but merely a cloud that people can walk on, some things we perceive are similar, yet different as well. For example, the dark trees. They see them as normal trees sprouting out of mist, nothing dark in the slightest. Just a bit twisted and horrifying. The world isn't a flat infinite layered expanse in their eyes. No, there are worlds made out of cloudy red materials and such. When I cross over to where it should be, I legitimately appear in that world without explanation.

However, something to note is the materium. I finally figured out where I'm connected to it, and how, MAYBE. I can access it. There are these tiny patches of pure black in the ground, that I can't actually consume. But I can surround. These patches generated the souls that I have within my goo. Even if most of them just sleep, giving me random amounts of emotions from their dreams that I can eat. Regardless, it is my prediction that these patches are worlds, material worlds. It is where the souls come from after all, and most worlds have demons hovering around or near them to prey on unfortunate souls.

I also got to find out where I am in terms of the materium. I am in the furthest, outer regions of space. Some of these worlds are more familiar with the race known as the Tau than the Empire of Man. A small thing to note, I see almost all races as human. Tau, Orks, and Eldar included. I actually have an Orkish soul colony within my soul. The battle spirit they emit is delicious. Tastes like cooked mushrooms. Sometimes I mix it with a cocktail of emotions to make things like salad or burgers. Definitely a core ingredient. Now if only they would stop trying to wage war on each other within my soul. Two of them were apparently warbosses that were rivals and have not stopped trying to go at each other since, and since neither of them can permanently down the other cause of the warp. So I have an unending Ork war within my body and it is really annoying seeing a bunch of naked humans run at each other and beat each other up.

Which sucks, it used to be entertaining. It is definitely useful for learning how to beat others up though. I've been practicing using smaller blobs of myself to send out fists. I must say, it is freaking weird seeing a blob of slime just suddenly go have a popup fist that looks like a fist of a steel prop but green. With that I feel like relaxing for a bit.

"Green Entity. I ask to speak with you."

I identify the noise immediately. I hear everything that happens within myself at all times. Not sure how I process it all. But most of the time they aren't talking to me so I don't really acknowledge it. This was directed at me. I focus on the noise, my vision changing. A ship, an extremely small ship. I reach out and take hold of it gently.
"Whom may this be?"

"I am Techpriest Gera, of the Mechanicum. I wish to ask something of you."

"Ask away." I shrug my blobby shoulders.

"What are you?"

I nod at that, "A ghost."

"A Ghost? Not A Daemon?"

"Yep! I used to be human!"

"You… used to be a human?"

"Yeah, the blind eternities can cause you to have quite a few mutations. I think. Cause I originally wasn't green, nor was I this big."

I felt boundless curiosity and suspicion pop up. "What's the blind eternities?"

"Glad you asked! The Blind Eternities is known as the space between universes. It's a dimension far beyond this one. It is said that one glimpse will blind a mortal body, and exposure will rip it apart. The thing is infinite in nature and is filled with countless universes that vary massively. Some even feel like copies, yet at the same time, each one is extremely different."

He was silent for a few minutes as he processed the information. "You said this dimension changed your soul? How?"

"Well, how do I explain this? Hmm. Imagine an egg gets tossed into another egg, most of the time those eggs will break right?"

"I do not know what you are talking about."

"Never had eggs before?"

"No. What are they?"

"Well, it used to be one of the staple foods of humanity. It was usually eaten first thing in the morning. But it was also used in numerous other dishes. The reason I referenced it was cause it was slimy, sticky and adhesive in its precooked form. If you put two eggs together they will merge slightly. One becoming less, and the other becoming more."

"And you refer to this because?"
"Well, those universes I collided with had these outer shells that I would collide with while trying to figure out my way to somewhere more interesting. Cause it was super boring sitting on a universe and doing quite legitimately nothing. I was on the outer layer and not allowed in most universes, so I decided to just jump from universe to universe. These universes however, were extremely far apart. So I jumped, using the lack of gravity to launch from one to the other. Unfortunately I had no way of actually slowing down."

I showed the ship an image of a slime landing on a ball and going splat. Then continuing. "As you can see, the results were not pretty. I honestly thought I was gone forever after the first one. Then I figured out that I could do this." The splatted slime reformed itself into a humanish figure. "After a long time, I did it again." I showed made another ball, and the slime jumped to it. Landing with a splat and scattering the goo again. "This happened countless times. Until I got to a universe that was covered with cracks, which actually had a bit of gravity. It forced me into the universe. Causing me to end up here."

The silent contemplation continued as the Tech Priest processed the information. "Covered in cracks?"

I would grimace if I could. "Yes. A lot of cracks. I'm kind of hoping to figure out a way to leave this universe before too many cracks form. I'd rather not be here when it collapses."

"I see… Do you see the Emperor?"

"Ah! Yeah, Lots of souls here actually mentioned that the Emperor does exist, but he is currently blocked off from this region of space."

"Explain. Now."

"Well, how do I put this, the Emperor is in a similar situation to me. He is getting walled off from the rest of the galaxy by the Daemons. I can occasionally see his color in the second layer of the warp I have access to. But it is really far away. If my guess is correct. Our position in the material world relative to the immaterial world, is extremely far apart. To a high amount. Unfortunately, in his case the Daemons are constantly attacking trying to push further into his domain, with how large his domain is, they are able to form cracks through the beliefs of people who fall for daemonic manipulation, allowing the Daemons to slowly, but surely, push into the Emperors territory. Trying to get ever so closer to the Emperor's soul." Then I shrug, "It doesn't help that there is a massive tunnel leading directly into the Emperor's domain."

"WHAT!?" That last part causes an outburst of emotion from the Techpriest. "How do we close it!"

"As far as I know, the huge amount of daemons makes it extremely hard to get to. The Emperor is doing something there, but again, it's too far for me to actually tell."

"We discuss then. We must assist the Omnissiah."

I shrugged. "Fine by me. Not like I got anything else to do."

"Tell me everything you know!"

Then something else caught my interest. "Actually, I'll have to get back in contact with you on that."

"What? Why!"

"Daemonic Army is approaching my domain. Got to go fight it off." I focused on the approaching Daemons. There were millions of them, all blood red and addorning with skulls in strange positions. I would have to solve this. They could threaten the souls within me. Thousands of globs exit from my body, millions even. I feel each one as they line up into ranks. I'm going freaking feast on these daemons!
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I am on stream btw, but I can't talk or do anything cause I am BBsitting. I can do written replies to comments but that is about it. It's mainly there for people who don't have money but want to support me, as I can use the ad revenue to make a bit of money on the side.
Guessing that tunnel he sees is the Warp Storm under The Golden Throne.
I'm just going to go ahead and confirm this. I'm working with a lot of assumptions, but my guess is that would be the pathway to the webway, with the other end being on the outer reaches of the Imperium of Mankind space, where the other end of the webway would likely be.
Warhammer 4
So, second thoughts, I haven't been able to win. I'm practically fighting on autopilot by this point. Why? Well, the horde that was only in the millions, has been growing non-stop. Which isn't a problem. I can eat through the daemons in seconds. Although some resist the acidic property of my blobs for a bit. It doesn't take long for the tide to start slowing down, and every time they separate one of my blobs with a weapon, it simply splits into two and keeps attacking. So they've taken to using warp energy to burn through my blobs. It varies in its effectiveness. But it has successfully started to pause my takedown of the daemon army. Meaning I am in a currently over drawn out battle, that is encircling my domain. Pretty soon I'll be completely entrenched in this position. Not losing, but not winning either.

If you can't tell, I'm not very amused by this situation. For some reason I thought this would be easier. I'm going to have to outsource, I don't know enough grand strategy to push my way out of this encirclement and take back my position of power. For that, I dragged most of my focus away from the war, and focused on my newest resident… or residents? Visitors would be a better term. The Imperial Ship had returned. I spoke. "Greetings."

"Greetings… Green Entity. I am Inquisitor Xera of the Ordos Malleus. I am here because you have spoken of knowledge of the Emperor?" Inquisitive, suspicious, and paranoia leaked from the voice.

"Yeah, please send notice to Techpriest Gera that I will not be able to help out the Emperor."

"Why not!" Inquisitor Xera demands.

"I'm currently encircled by millions of daemon spawn. I'm not strong enough to actually push them back. They grow more numerous as time passes and I've only managed to entrench myself, not push my way out. I'm effectively trapped here till either I fall, or they fall."

Another voice echoed from the ship, Techpriest Gera. "Is there a way we can assist you in beating back these daemons?" I felt like grinning. Even though there was tons of spikes of aggression towards the Techpriest within the ship.

"There is one way, I need someone experienced in strategy to command my army. To maybe push out of this encirclement and claim enough territory that these daemons can't get a foothold again."

Another voice spoke out. "I am Chapter Master Malakim Phoros. I will assist you in what must be done." Then I felt the most massive amount of unease and worry at the same time… I swear that name feels familiar…

"Greetings, Chapter Master Malakim Phoros. Is it only you coming, or anyone else?"

"No. Just me." I felt an undercurrent of grim rage and there was something else.

"Are you cursed?" I asked, thinking, trying to figure out that 'something' else.

There is a moment of silence and an increase of rage for some reason. "Where did you hear I was cursed?"

"Well, I didn't. I tasted it, there is something weird around you that is… off, felt rather similar to the daemons curses that they tried to use on my army, but stronger."

"Can you remove it?"

"Well, yeah, I can eat the stuff, but I'm worried about it being poisonous. They taste weird and give me a sort of stomach ache. Takes forever to digest and get rid of the influence."

"Remove it."

I laughed, "Maybe later. I don't have the ability to consume that right now. I'll do more research on the ones being casted currently before tackling something that complex and powerful." Anger and frustration leaked from the ship. "Calm down, I wasn't refusing you, just letting you know that I can't do that at the moment. I simply don't have that kind of power-" I stopped talking, focusing elsewhere as a massive daemon started to push into my entrenchment. I say massive, but it was just a lot bigger than the other daemons. I immediately had several blobs join together to get a super blob. Which proceeded to pull it apart and consume it. I relaxed and focused back on the Imperials.

"Sorry about that, I had something pop up. A couple big daemons started to destroy my lines, it is dealt with for now."

Inquisitor Xera says "The Daemons are proving too much for you." It was phrased like a statement.

"Eventually I'll push out of it. But at the moment, I'm in a stall. But I'm growing in strength, eventually I will get out of here." I say, giving my best impression of a shrug.

Malakim Phoros spoke again. "Then let us go to the fight, Green Entity. We will push back the daemonic forces and assist the Emperor."

"Alright, by the way, call me Glop. It is what the souls call me."

They froze. "Souls?"

"Hmm? Yeah, souls. We are really far from the Emperor as I had mentioned before. If I didn't save them they would have ended up in the clutches of the Daemons."

They began speaking to each other, before addressing me again. "We must talk amongst ourselves for some time. We will get in contact with you soon."

I shrug, "Alright, Go for it. Not like I can go anywhere anymore."
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