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Glop. [Multiverse, Self Insert]

Currently writing on twitch, if you are able to please leave me tabbed.

Edit: Got interrupted and have to do stuff IRL will resume when I am done. Managed to get 700 words done in less than 30 minutes.
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Warhammer 20
The chaos was on its final legs, the Tau were now facing a ton of trouble and the Eldar were as well. I didn't know much about the materium these days, but I did know that. The God-Emperor of mankind had a powerful presence to them and they were completely overturning the imperium and unifying it. They had shared plans with me to start back up armada in a new universe via the Ark. I didn't agree wholeheartedly, but eh, having their help in new universes could be good.

On the immaterium side of things, where I was and had the most knowledge of, I was reigning supreme. I had started to expand into the neighboring galaxy. There is more than one galaxy in a universe after all. It is insane to think that I've only covered a tiny amount of the larger galaxy. What is crazier to me is that if you go far enough out, you actually leave the Chaos Gods' sphere of influence and reach the edge of the materiums 'land.' In order to expand out into another galaxy I had to build Glopships capable of flight, which wasn't that difficult thanks to Eezo imitation and redstone imitation. The redstone engines provided a constant source of thrust that requires little to no fuel.

Using that I was able to close the distance between galaxies. Allowing me to reach another land, a galaxy that had a land similar to the one in the Milky Way without all the Daemons and such, I suspect that because there wasn't an event horizon with the Old Ones here that the other galaxy wasn't as affected. It had a few races here and there that I was discovering, who were human in my vision, not much I could do about that but I did create a few Heavens over there. It was an excellent second expansion for more Glop material, if things didn't work out here in the Milky Way I had a way out of this galaxy. Not sure if the Emperor is going to randomly turn around and decide that I must die. I hope that doesn't happen, but it is distinctly possible. I did get told to return my forces to the immaterium after all.

I would sigh, but there really isn't a point is there? I'm living pretty well in the immaterium after all. The Nurgle was dissipated a while back, and Khorne is barely a shell of his former self. Slaanesh is only hanging on by fleeing into the materium, allowing me to patch the hole their existence left behind. The Emperor and the Eldar have been hunting down Slaanesh thanks to that since they are fully vulnerable due to the entirety of their existence being sent to the materium. As for Tzeentch? Well, they were holding on, barely. They had a lot of daemons and plots that they used to try and fight me, but they weren't able to replenish their forces anymore, my existence had fully forced the immaterium into a calm. No more Warp Storms, and traveling through the immaterium was now the safest form of FTL.

Not to mention now that I examined myself I realized that I had been going insane, and my mind had basically splintered across the Glops. The Glops were hivemind clusters around a singular splinter of my mind. That mind grows into its own ego and becomes a separate entity from me. The Legion Glops is an excellent example. They are technically one entity. But they originated from a shard of my consciousness. I suspect that the Glop that I sent to the other universe is more me than I am by this point.

Regardless I got to keep going, I am the Greater Glop after all, I keep it all running, I manage the war, I manage the heavens, and I managed the trillions of souls in the afterlife. I am always busy, even as I reminisce right now I have an army of Glops besieging the neutral zones of the immaterium, and I am going over the judgment of dozens of souls through the heavens, as well as keeping the game network up and running. I got a lot of work on my plate that I cannot let off of. Eventually, I'll simplify it and make it easier to deal with. I am already working on that.

Constant progress, and I can't help but relax a bit. After a tense time, I mean it was only ten years ago that I arrived here? I actually can't remember the exact time that I arrived here at all. But I do know that time has passed, I'm no longer constantly tense, or constantly fighting. Heck, a few days ago I joined a Minecraft tournament! Heh, that was fun. Things have definitely turned here, it's not a total grimdark universe now, it still is grimdark, but give it a few years, the Emperor was doing work, and once the Chaos is fully gone, things should get pretty peaceful. Not sure how the Space Marines will handle that. Nor what the newly reformed Inquisition will think of that.

I wonder how the me that went to the other universe is faring, I hope they are doing well. The Ark wasn't even fully finished when it was deployed.
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and I managed the trillions of souls in the afterlife.
should be septillions or more.
there are millions of colonized worlds in milky way. and that is just humans. countless more orks.
earth alone has billions of pop today.
every single hiveworld has trillions of people on that one single planet.
granted most of the million worlds of the imperium are lightly populated rather than being hiveworlds. But still, there is a good number of hive worlds.
I wonder how the me that went to the other universe is fairing
fairing -> faring

faring comes from "fare"
fairing is a conjugation of fair
different words that sound similar

should be septillions or more.
there are millions of colonized worlds in milky way. and that is just humans. countless more orks.
earth alone has billions of pop today.
every single hiveworld has trillions of people on that one single planet.
granted most of the million worlds of the imperium are lightly populated rather than being hiveworlds. But still, there is a good number of hive worlds.

fairing -> faring

faring comes from "fare"
fairing is a conjugation of fair
different words that sound similar

The first one is a vocab choice there are more souls than that, but they go with trillions instead of something like quadrillions or more. Basically it sounds better.

The second one I will fix.
The first one is a vocab choice there are more souls than that, but they go with trillions instead of something like quadrillions or more. Basically it sounds better.
Trillions is an actual number though, I think you want to go with "countless"
The only english actual number that can mean "very large number" rather than something specific is "tons".
Thank you for this fix! I wonder how the haloverse will react to these interdimensional humans? And just how fucked are the covenant? I hope that they start building ships without any glop parts that are absolutely gigantic and serve as mobile shipyard and factory for fleets! Maybe something that's the size of a continent with enough firepower and capable of creating/servicing a fleet large enough to conquer a galactic arm!
Halo 21
The Imperium was readily expanding at a fairly rapid pace over the system, I wasn't able to actually catch up. Which was unfortunate, General Ferro was shocked by that, as I was able to help massively speed up the development of the Hive City. I simply didn't have enough intelligent life and edible emotion to grow as quickly as I did in the Warhammer verse. That would change if I was able to get closer to this universe's humanity.

A fleet was under construction at the same time, a fleet capable of holding its own against the forces here. We had a significant technological edge against anything that wasn't Forerunner, as I was certain even a Laspistol would strip away the shielding of the Covenant. However, the priority was to prevent the Halo Universes humanities extinction until a proper force could get built up. That meant specialist ships were sent towards Terra, or well, Earth. They weren't extremely advanced forces, but they could hold their own and help the UNSC stall until the Imperium arrived. For better or worse. Naturally, some Glop forces were sent with, that way I could act as a way to bridge relations, as the imperium was an empire after all, and I have a feeling that the UNSC, built out of the United Nations wouldn't be a big fan of that.

Regardless, the protection of human lives were a higher priority than the Imperiums and the UNSC's viewpoints. The Inquisition would not allow the UNSC to gather a deal better than the Imperium, even though the Inquisition's normal way of negotiating was by gun point. They were actually trained to do negotiations. They were not bad at it either, many competent Inquisitors were able to garner the other Glop's attention and use it to quell things in their worlds. Oh, that brought up some bad memories, repress the war crimes Glop, repress.

On that note do you know I grow faster when I'm depressed or sad? I can eat my own emotions which consistently pushes me on a path of mental stability. I legitimately can't get traumatized or depressed cause I am eating my own trauma and depression. Which is interesting, I knew I grew fastest when eating dark emotions, but I didn't know I could eat my own depression. I wonder if that is why I didn't get depressed when jumping from universe to universe. Which could mean the reason my soul eats emotion is that it evolved to in order to preserve my own existence.

Huh, that means my existence is one of the possible evolutions of humanity. Cool. Anyways, with my spread taking forever and Glop Material growing slower than normal I have to rely on elite groups of Glops. The Immateriun Glop is having a similar issue, so we are making Glop tunnel's throughout the warp which the Imperium is using for travel.

I miss Captain Jillian being the highest in command. General Ferro is ok and all. But Captain Jillian was easier to work with, he understood when I said I couldn't expand reliably. General Ferro gets angry. A lot. Honestly a good source of emotion to eat. I can work with the man, but it is still annoying. Luckily I am technically of Higher Rank since I was considered Uncle Glop, the Friend of the Emperor. Space Marines were more likely to listen to me than him.

I focused elsewhere.

-First Emergence Ship.

The Imperial Ship we built to go to Earth, First Emergence was a powerful Dreadnought that would head to Earth and make a display of force. Not joking, the main intent is to bring the UNSC into the folds of the Imperium. I didn't allow that. Putting our priority into working with the UNSC instead of trying to conquer. Despite multiple complaints. Which I shut down by saying that the Emperor was interested in the different ways humanity would develop. They couldn't say anything about that cause they didn't know what the Emperor told me.

Regardless, why am I focusing here now? We found a glassed planet. Immaterium Glop was already gathering the lingering souls here and putting things together. It was sad, depressing. But most importantly? Edible. I deployed a Glop to the planet which was eating up the remnant emotions that hadn't seeped into the Immaterium yet, and the Glop in the Immaterium was eating the rest. We were expanding rapidly, if only for a few days.

It is sad that I am profiting on the remains of humanity, but I profit more when surrounded by living beings than the dead ones. Regardless the ship continued onwards with new plans at stopping at the Glassed Worlds, so we can drop Glops on them.
Thank you for the updoot!

I kept thinking of ancient humans of the Halo-verse, will Glop run into evidence of them?
I'm sure the Warhammer imperials will go supper 'purge the xeno' if they find out the Forerunners almost genocide'd them.
Next update won't be a happy one, doing a post about a citizens view and the Imperialistic nature of an early Hive City. Will likely be really dark. Considering making an NSFW thread for update like it.
Yeah we are still doing halo, just scrapping the Citizen POV chapter. Was too dark for my taste.

BTW I am growing a community on Kick now, instead of Twitch, if you would like to follow me there it is appreciated, I can run less ads on Kick compared to Twitch.
I will go check ,can you give us a link ?
Sorry it's taking so long. As soon as I can power through this current chapter I should start picking up the pace. The problem currently is logic. Cause it would take years for the Imperium to fully settle and grow in this world. Meaning it will take years for them to actually get to a good amount of strength. Plus the ability to enter new universes need refined. And I need to figure out how I am actually going to portray the UNSC and Covenant. I don't have to remain extremely close to canon, but I can work with it to some degree. The problem is putting the story together at a reasonable time table.
Will there be a sword art online crossover? I feel like Asuna and Glop would have a lot in common.
Halo 22

Hellas, Orbit.-

There was only one UNSC Frigate left, fighting against the fleet of Covenant ships that had entered the system. The Colony was unable to evacuate, due to the suddenness of the attack.

UNSC Frigate, Solar Unity Bridge.

"Commander Nowell, the Cole Protocole has been executed." One of the officers spoke to the man standing next to the strategy table.

"Good, Let's go out with a bang then. Alisson, keep our guns firing, let's do as much damage as possible."

"Sir! We are picking up a large amount of radiation nearby."

Hope blossomed, "Chenkov?"

"No Sir, it's unlike anything we have ever seen. The Covenant ships are reacting to it!"

Outside the Frigate five of the fifteen Covenant ships turned, facing the source of the radiation. A piece of empty space… then the space ripped open, a veil of green spread out, as a massive ship exited the veil. Easily bigger than all the ships currently in the system. It was covered in a green goo, and had a shape similar to that of a cathedral near its center.

"The hell is that?"

"Sir! The new ship is firing upon the Covenant vessels!"

The Captain gained his bearings, "Get us moving now! Keep firing on the Covie ships!"

Imperial Ship, First Emergence. - Glop

"Fire upon those XENO SCUM! Show them the full wrath of mankind!"

The Captains having fun. I began launching Glops out of the wall of the ship, thinning out the protective barrier a bit, but those Glops can do a ton of damage if they land on a hostile ship. We followed the path of destruction directly into a Covenant attack, fascinating. I was absorbing information on the Immaterial side as well.

"Captain, Listen up, this is a UNSC Outer Colony under the name Hellas. The residents speak several variants of Low Gothic, mainly those of Greek and English. They are currently being attacked by the Covenant Fleet, Blade of Ancients. Led by Fleetmaster Aros Fen. They have star charts of several Human Colonies near here, and are on a cleansing run, trying to remove as many human colonies as possible… Show them why that is a mistake."

The Captain nodded grimly, but his eyes were determined. "Crush these damned Xenos!"

Orbit, Narration

The Covenant Ships started firing back at the Imperial Cruiser, which was already ripping the first ships to shreds, two Covenant Frigates were destroyed quickly, as their shields were ripped apart by the Imperial Cruiser. Then some of the randomly launched glops landed on a Covenant Cruisers' shields, and that shield ceased to exist as the Glop expanded, covering the Covenant ship with a green glowing band. Then the ship started to twist, as the Glop constricted itself, splitting the Covenant cruiser in half. Plasma spilled out of the two parts of the ship. The other Covenant ships began diverting some of their fire on the Glops flying around the battlefield, not allowing a second one to land on the ships. Another Covenant ship rocked forward, as a MAC round hit its shields dead center, pushing it right into a Glop, that splattered onto the ship before a second ring began forming around that ship. Then the ship was ripped apart by the Glop it had impacted, right down the middle.

Covenant Ship, Repentance.

"Where is the Fleetmaster!" Shipmaster Nora Velcree demanded.

"We cannot locate them among the wreckage!"

The Cruiser the Glop had destroyed was currently hosting the Fleetmaster. Who had been driven off the Carrier Divine Punishment by its Shipmaster. Fleetmaster Aros Fen was missing in action.

*This is Velin Cri! Acting Fleetmaster to all ships within the Blade of Ancients! I am calling for a full retreat!*

Shipmaster Nora Velcree slammed his hand into the console, "You speak of shame Velin Cri! We cannot retreat!"

*We must inform the Prophets of Humanities' new weapon. Do you want them to run into that ship unprepared!*

Shipmaster Nora Velcree was silent, before speaking in a more calm tone of voice. "Then go. Repentance shall protect your retreat."

*Untouched will cover your retreat.*

*Ancient Will will cover your retreat.*

Fleetmaster Velin Cri: *May honor be with you, For the Great Journey!*

Nora Velcree looked at the others on the bridge. "We fight and die with honor! Protect the retreat of the Carrier! Punish these heretics with plasma!"

UNSC Ship Solar Unity-

"Sir! We are detecting radiation build-up from the Covenant ships! They are leaving."

"Dammit! Stop them!"


"We can't let news of that ship get back to the Covenant. Stop-" The mans eyes widened, as they looked out towards the covenant ships.

A veil of green had opened in front of the Covenant ships, and massive green tendrils had come out of it and started to pull the Covenant ships into the veil, they spit as much plasma as they could as the green tendrils pulled the ships into the veil. Then there was silence as the veil closed. The only ships left were the Alien Ship and the UNSC Frigate. The small blobs of green discarded by the Alien ship returned to it, rejoining with the green slime on the layer of the ship.
If you would like to support me you can follow me on Kick! I'm currently live and doing Dead By Daylight achievements, to my growing frustration.

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