Sentient horror game
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Grapplechain's armband beeped. Taylor blinked and looked at said armband, "that's bad, right?" She asked.
He looked down and checked the device, humming to himself, "I gotta get out of here, most of us do. Five minutes left." He explained.
Taylor nodded, "Alright, think you have enough time to carry some of the others out?" She asked as she looked up at group two's flyers flying down to lift capes up and out of the area.
Unfortunately for a few of them, the Simurgh didn't seem to like it when people tried to get away from her. Pebbles going at the speed of sound ripped through armor, massive slabs of concrete crushed legs -- not even the capes themselves, just the legs, to keep them from escaping.
Grapplechain grunted as he looked to one of the flyers that crashed to the ground, "Yeah, I think I can spare a few minutes. You have any ideas?" He asked.
Taylor nodded, "Yeah, a few. You just take as many wounded as you can carry, I'll take care of the rest."
The brute nodded, before running off to try and carry out some of the wounded combatants. Taylor looked around, spotting one of the parahumans on the ground, backed up against the wall trying to avoid a hail of rubble the Simurgh was sending their way.
"Alucard, do you think my plan will work?" she asked, rolling her shoulders.
"Hey, don't look at me! The teleportations fine, but your technique is what'll decide it all. Think you're up for it?"
"Eh, I'll figure it out."
With that, she teleported. Black mist surrounded her, and her vision was gone for an instant before she could see again and found herself behind the cape who was trying to stay behind cover.
"Hi! You ready to get out of here?" Taylor asked, startling the cape in question.
The woman jumped, her head whipping around to face Taylor, "What- Oh! Who are you?" she asked, just before another of the Simurgh's projectiles slammed into the pillar she was using as cover, keeping them from going anywhere.
"I'm Carmilla, hero, regenerator, and teleporter. You're part of group two, right?" Taylor asked.
The woman nodded, "Yeah, Invigilata, plasma-based blaster. Sort of. You say you can get me out of here?" she asked.
Taylor nodded, "Just hold on tight." she said, before grasping Invigilata's shoulder. Black mist enveloped the two of them, and they soon found themselves in the camp just outside the battle area. Many of the heroes were startled when Carmilla appeared and jumped to the side, though before anyone could ask what she was doing, Carmilla teleported back in.
She repeated the process with a number of capes. Most of them were from group two, capes who were too injured to move, or like Invigilata were under heavy fire. When the timer finally finished, Taylor smiled when she didn't hear any explosions. Soon enough, group four moved in, Parian among their number.
"Hey, Parian!" Taylor said as she dodged a piece of rubble -- at least, her face dodged it, the concrete itself managed to find itself lodged in her left lung.
Parian all but ignored Taylor, focusing on sending her stuffed animal's toward the Simurgh. The other capes attacking managed to stay out of the way of the two hulking creations of thread and fluff, a Tiger and a Bear respectively. Each one was about the size of a semi-truck, and when the tiger pounced on the Simurgh, it's size gave it an advantage. Pieces of metal and rebar sprung from the ground, impaling it, but it wasn't enough to stop it as it kept moving forward and landed on the Endbringer, pinning her to the ground.
The blasters took advantage of the opportunity, pelting the Simurgh with energy beams, bullets, and whatever else. Taylor even saw one of Brockton Bay's own heroes, Armsmaster, taking advantage of the opening and unloading his Halberd's gun function into the Simurgh's face.
Unfortunately, the opening didn't last long. A fallen powerline snaked its way around the tiger's throat, pulling it off the Endbringer before twisting sharply, decapitating the fluffy creation. The bear repeated the process, slamming into the Simurgh from behind, though it suffered from friendly fire when the Simurgh twisted around and threw the creation into one of the buildings where a pair of tinkers had been hiding.
"Cartridge, Down, CD-4."
"Magazine, Deceased, CD-4."
Taylor grimaced as she surveyed the area, and almost didn't notice the fallen cape to her right. Gunsmith, his name had been, a combat thinker who was able to accurately predict where projectiles would fly. He used such information to his advantage with the use of firearms, but unfortunately, he wasn't able to accurately predict the Simurgh hitting him in the face with a car.
"Oooooh, shinies…"
Taylor grinned and sprinted over to the cape's corpse. On said corpse was a pair of silver revolvers, each one carrying six bullets. Several quick-reload clips were linked to the capes belt, so Taylor grabbed those as well.
"We are SO going dark tower on this bitch!"
Once the ammunition was hidden in her coat, Taylor spun around, spinning the chambers and looking directly at the Simurgh, "Okay then, let's do this!"
Parian grunted as she tried to pull her bear out of the building, the giant stuffed animal putting a strain on her power. She hoped she would be able to stall the Endbringer in order to let the other heroes get a shot at her, but it seemed she wasn't going to let the same thing happen twice. As it was, Parian kept her focus on using the bear as cover for the other capes.
She'd saved more than a few of the capes from death when the bear had jumped in front of the Simurgh's improvised projectiles, and more than a few of those capes had thanked her. Parian was about to move her bear into position again when she heard Taylor's -- at this point signature -- maniacal laugh. The blood-obsessed cape jumped out from behind cover, and started shooting at the Simurgh with a pair of revolvers that she had gotten from… somewhere, Parian wasn't sure.
Many of the bullets were blocked by pieces of rubble that the Simurgh had floating around her, and others were deflected using her telekinesis. None of them struck home, but soon enough the Simurgh retaliated. Shards of glass and metal flew toward Taylor, who seemed to ignore them entirely as they sank into her flesh.
Parian cursed as she tried to maneuver the bear toward the Simurgh in hopes of dislodging her floating shield. It worked, partially, when the bear slammed into her back. Unfortunately, her back was also where her wings were, and said wings twisted and writhed, cutting her bear into unusable pieces.
Fortunately, the sacrifice of her bear had provided an opening for the other capes. Brutes rushed forward, Brockton Bay's own Glory Girl managing to land a hit on one of the Simurgh's wings before getting batted away, a downed message soon following. Several of the less durable brutes were cut up by her wings, but when they were finally clear, the Blasters were able to lay into her without the worry of friendly fire.
Taylor was also still participating, and remarkably her bullets actually seemed to be making a difference. She was shooting projectiles out of the air, landing hit's on the Simurgh's wings, slowing them down by milliseconds, and allowing capes to get clear of the area.
Then, group three's armbands beeped. Parian heard them, and she was sure Taylor heard them as well. Several capes from that group panicked and began running to the outskirts of the city. That wasn't a wise decision, as the Endbringer took advantage of their haste and managed to kill or disable several of them.
Parian tried to spot Taylor, and soon found that she was doing what she had been when group two had been told to evacuate; she was teleporting in and out, carrying capes away from the fight. Parian looked around and saw that one of the capes from group three was pinned under a flipped car next to her. She ran over and started unwinding the wire at her hip, hoping to lift the vehicle off of him.
"Hey! Hey can you move?" she asked, her wire already wrapping around the vehicle.
The cape grunted and shook his head, "No… can't feel my legs…" he said.
Parian nodded, and straining her power, she lifted the car. It was heavy, and even though her own muscles weren't the ones lifting it, she felt the strain on the threads as they lifted the hunk of metal. Taking the initiative, she grabbed the cape by his shoulders and pulled, dragging his legs… what was left of his legs, out from underneath the car.
She winced as she saw the state of his legs. His calves were a shredded mess, with his right foot still visible, but it was only hanging on by the barest sliver of flesh. The cape looked down at his legs and cursed.
"That… is going to hurt when I get feeling back in them," he muttered.
His armband beeped. One minute left.
Parian looked around and tried to find Taylor. She spotted her running around teleporting capes, black mist following in her wake. She was about to call out to her when Taylor when the black mist suddenly appeared in front of her. She yelped in surprise when she came face to face with Taylor's manic grin.
"Hey, you got someone for me?" she asked, gesturing to the cape on the ground.
Parian nodded, "Yeah, he doesn't look all that great, think you can teleport him out?"
She could almost feel Taylor roll her eyes, "Yeah, I've been doing it all day, I think I can manage that." she said, before stepping over to the cape and placing a hand on his shoulder.
The armbands beeped again. Thirty seconds.
"Guess I'd better hurry, I've still got one guy left," Taylor said as she teleported out.
Parian wound up her thread and turned to the Simurgh again. The white skin glistened in the sunlight, and Parian almost missed the sound of the alarm. It wasn't an Endbringer alarm, it was too one-directional for that. She looked up in the direction and saw the zeppelin that had flown in earlier. It was burning.
Several holes had punctured the hull, and Parian was able to make out the form of Eidolon on the bottom trying desperately to push the thing back into the air. Unfortunately, the Simurgh seemed to have other plans. Several pieces of metal flew up at the zeppelin at the behest of the Endbringers telekinesis, puncturing the hull even further and even ripping one of its engines off.
Several flying capes panicked and tried to fly out of the way, succeeding in doing so but not being able to do much to help pull the zeppelin back into the air.
Parian heard a cry of rage. She looked down to see Taylor racing toward the Simurgh -- no, she wasn't racing toward her, she was chasing after a brute who was doing the same. Parian's eyes widened as she saw what was happening.
Before her eyes, the armbands of both capes and Taylor's collar all detonated, showering the area in red fire. Parian's eyes widened. The Simurgh had disappeared in the explosion and the area around the battlefield, with several capes scrambling out of the area. The zeppelin screeched as its hull crashed into the buildings causing glass and rubble to rain down onto everyone below.
People screamed. Flames roared. And Taylor…
Tears welled up in Parian's eyes. No one, not even a regenerator could survive something like that.
"Dragline, deceased, CD-7."
"Carmilla, deceased, CD-7."
He looked down and checked the device, humming to himself, "I gotta get out of here, most of us do. Five minutes left." He explained.
Taylor nodded, "Alright, think you have enough time to carry some of the others out?" She asked as she looked up at group two's flyers flying down to lift capes up and out of the area.
Unfortunately for a few of them, the Simurgh didn't seem to like it when people tried to get away from her. Pebbles going at the speed of sound ripped through armor, massive slabs of concrete crushed legs -- not even the capes themselves, just the legs, to keep them from escaping.
Grapplechain grunted as he looked to one of the flyers that crashed to the ground, "Yeah, I think I can spare a few minutes. You have any ideas?" He asked.
Taylor nodded, "Yeah, a few. You just take as many wounded as you can carry, I'll take care of the rest."
The brute nodded, before running off to try and carry out some of the wounded combatants. Taylor looked around, spotting one of the parahumans on the ground, backed up against the wall trying to avoid a hail of rubble the Simurgh was sending their way.
"Alucard, do you think my plan will work?" she asked, rolling her shoulders.
"Hey, don't look at me! The teleportations fine, but your technique is what'll decide it all. Think you're up for it?"
"Eh, I'll figure it out."
With that, she teleported. Black mist surrounded her, and her vision was gone for an instant before she could see again and found herself behind the cape who was trying to stay behind cover.
"Hi! You ready to get out of here?" Taylor asked, startling the cape in question.
The woman jumped, her head whipping around to face Taylor, "What- Oh! Who are you?" she asked, just before another of the Simurgh's projectiles slammed into the pillar she was using as cover, keeping them from going anywhere.
"I'm Carmilla, hero, regenerator, and teleporter. You're part of group two, right?" Taylor asked.
The woman nodded, "Yeah, Invigilata, plasma-based blaster. Sort of. You say you can get me out of here?" she asked.
Taylor nodded, "Just hold on tight." she said, before grasping Invigilata's shoulder. Black mist enveloped the two of them, and they soon found themselves in the camp just outside the battle area. Many of the heroes were startled when Carmilla appeared and jumped to the side, though before anyone could ask what she was doing, Carmilla teleported back in.
She repeated the process with a number of capes. Most of them were from group two, capes who were too injured to move, or like Invigilata were under heavy fire. When the timer finally finished, Taylor smiled when she didn't hear any explosions. Soon enough, group four moved in, Parian among their number.
"Hey, Parian!" Taylor said as she dodged a piece of rubble -- at least, her face dodged it, the concrete itself managed to find itself lodged in her left lung.
Parian all but ignored Taylor, focusing on sending her stuffed animal's toward the Simurgh. The other capes attacking managed to stay out of the way of the two hulking creations of thread and fluff, a Tiger and a Bear respectively. Each one was about the size of a semi-truck, and when the tiger pounced on the Simurgh, it's size gave it an advantage. Pieces of metal and rebar sprung from the ground, impaling it, but it wasn't enough to stop it as it kept moving forward and landed on the Endbringer, pinning her to the ground.
The blasters took advantage of the opportunity, pelting the Simurgh with energy beams, bullets, and whatever else. Taylor even saw one of Brockton Bay's own heroes, Armsmaster, taking advantage of the opening and unloading his Halberd's gun function into the Simurgh's face.
Unfortunately, the opening didn't last long. A fallen powerline snaked its way around the tiger's throat, pulling it off the Endbringer before twisting sharply, decapitating the fluffy creation. The bear repeated the process, slamming into the Simurgh from behind, though it suffered from friendly fire when the Simurgh twisted around and threw the creation into one of the buildings where a pair of tinkers had been hiding.
"Cartridge, Down, CD-4."
"Magazine, Deceased, CD-4."
Taylor grimaced as she surveyed the area, and almost didn't notice the fallen cape to her right. Gunsmith, his name had been, a combat thinker who was able to accurately predict where projectiles would fly. He used such information to his advantage with the use of firearms, but unfortunately, he wasn't able to accurately predict the Simurgh hitting him in the face with a car.
"Oooooh, shinies…"
Taylor grinned and sprinted over to the cape's corpse. On said corpse was a pair of silver revolvers, each one carrying six bullets. Several quick-reload clips were linked to the capes belt, so Taylor grabbed those as well.
"We are SO going dark tower on this bitch!"
Once the ammunition was hidden in her coat, Taylor spun around, spinning the chambers and looking directly at the Simurgh, "Okay then, let's do this!"
Parian grunted as she tried to pull her bear out of the building, the giant stuffed animal putting a strain on her power. She hoped she would be able to stall the Endbringer in order to let the other heroes get a shot at her, but it seemed she wasn't going to let the same thing happen twice. As it was, Parian kept her focus on using the bear as cover for the other capes.
She'd saved more than a few of the capes from death when the bear had jumped in front of the Simurgh's improvised projectiles, and more than a few of those capes had thanked her. Parian was about to move her bear into position again when she heard Taylor's -- at this point signature -- maniacal laugh. The blood-obsessed cape jumped out from behind cover, and started shooting at the Simurgh with a pair of revolvers that she had gotten from… somewhere, Parian wasn't sure.
Many of the bullets were blocked by pieces of rubble that the Simurgh had floating around her, and others were deflected using her telekinesis. None of them struck home, but soon enough the Simurgh retaliated. Shards of glass and metal flew toward Taylor, who seemed to ignore them entirely as they sank into her flesh.
Parian cursed as she tried to maneuver the bear toward the Simurgh in hopes of dislodging her floating shield. It worked, partially, when the bear slammed into her back. Unfortunately, her back was also where her wings were, and said wings twisted and writhed, cutting her bear into unusable pieces.
Fortunately, the sacrifice of her bear had provided an opening for the other capes. Brutes rushed forward, Brockton Bay's own Glory Girl managing to land a hit on one of the Simurgh's wings before getting batted away, a downed message soon following. Several of the less durable brutes were cut up by her wings, but when they were finally clear, the Blasters were able to lay into her without the worry of friendly fire.
Taylor was also still participating, and remarkably her bullets actually seemed to be making a difference. She was shooting projectiles out of the air, landing hit's on the Simurgh's wings, slowing them down by milliseconds, and allowing capes to get clear of the area.
Then, group three's armbands beeped. Parian heard them, and she was sure Taylor heard them as well. Several capes from that group panicked and began running to the outskirts of the city. That wasn't a wise decision, as the Endbringer took advantage of their haste and managed to kill or disable several of them.
Parian tried to spot Taylor, and soon found that she was doing what she had been when group two had been told to evacuate; she was teleporting in and out, carrying capes away from the fight. Parian looked around and saw that one of the capes from group three was pinned under a flipped car next to her. She ran over and started unwinding the wire at her hip, hoping to lift the vehicle off of him.
"Hey! Hey can you move?" she asked, her wire already wrapping around the vehicle.
The cape grunted and shook his head, "No… can't feel my legs…" he said.
Parian nodded, and straining her power, she lifted the car. It was heavy, and even though her own muscles weren't the ones lifting it, she felt the strain on the threads as they lifted the hunk of metal. Taking the initiative, she grabbed the cape by his shoulders and pulled, dragging his legs… what was left of his legs, out from underneath the car.
She winced as she saw the state of his legs. His calves were a shredded mess, with his right foot still visible, but it was only hanging on by the barest sliver of flesh. The cape looked down at his legs and cursed.
"That… is going to hurt when I get feeling back in them," he muttered.
His armband beeped. One minute left.
Parian looked around and tried to find Taylor. She spotted her running around teleporting capes, black mist following in her wake. She was about to call out to her when Taylor when the black mist suddenly appeared in front of her. She yelped in surprise when she came face to face with Taylor's manic grin.
"Hey, you got someone for me?" she asked, gesturing to the cape on the ground.
Parian nodded, "Yeah, he doesn't look all that great, think you can teleport him out?"
She could almost feel Taylor roll her eyes, "Yeah, I've been doing it all day, I think I can manage that." she said, before stepping over to the cape and placing a hand on his shoulder.
The armbands beeped again. Thirty seconds.
"Guess I'd better hurry, I've still got one guy left," Taylor said as she teleported out.
Parian wound up her thread and turned to the Simurgh again. The white skin glistened in the sunlight, and Parian almost missed the sound of the alarm. It wasn't an Endbringer alarm, it was too one-directional for that. She looked up in the direction and saw the zeppelin that had flown in earlier. It was burning.
Several holes had punctured the hull, and Parian was able to make out the form of Eidolon on the bottom trying desperately to push the thing back into the air. Unfortunately, the Simurgh seemed to have other plans. Several pieces of metal flew up at the zeppelin at the behest of the Endbringers telekinesis, puncturing the hull even further and even ripping one of its engines off.
Several flying capes panicked and tried to fly out of the way, succeeding in doing so but not being able to do much to help pull the zeppelin back into the air.
Parian heard a cry of rage. She looked down to see Taylor racing toward the Simurgh -- no, she wasn't racing toward her, she was chasing after a brute who was doing the same. Parian's eyes widened as she saw what was happening.
Before her eyes, the armbands of both capes and Taylor's collar all detonated, showering the area in red fire. Parian's eyes widened. The Simurgh had disappeared in the explosion and the area around the battlefield, with several capes scrambling out of the area. The zeppelin screeched as its hull crashed into the buildings causing glass and rubble to rain down onto everyone below.
People screamed. Flames roared. And Taylor…
Tears welled up in Parian's eyes. No one, not even a regenerator could survive something like that.
"Dragline, deceased, CD-7."
"Carmilla, deceased, CD-7."