Chp-31: Ground Level
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Chp-31: Ground Level
Rhorm Rambos
Edin System, Edin 2, Edin City
With a heave, Rhorm pulled down the lever, watching as the tractor beam activated, connecting the debris-filled barge with the heavy speeder in front of it. He banged on the speeder's back end.
"Good to go!" He yelled, breath turning to white fog in the cold.
He barely heard the confirmation over the noise of the construction site, tools and ships and people all mixed together to create a loud, heavy background sound.
The Imperial Construction Unit was in the midst of tearing down a large portion of the once luxurious penthouse palaces that sat near to the capitol building. They had been owned by the richest criminals in the system, used as their centers of business and trade. Of course, the old governor had let them build that close, what with all the 'gifts' they gave him.
But now, the new governor wants it all gone. Those who owned the buildings are either dead or in hiding, and the space is better suited for more government facilities. Apparently, one of them will function as a Milita academy to train a better planetside police force. He was even paying extra to get it done in the midst of winter.
He almost scoffed at that, his gloved hand wiping away some sweat off his brow. Edin? Good policing? It was like the start to a bad joke. Edins police were so corrupt they were more like a gang of their own.
Of course, like many things, that changed when the new governor set up shop. The entire police precinct was rounded up and put under arrest by the governor's Imperial Army troopers. Hell, even the army and stormtroopers stationed here were put under temporary arrest. There was a massive investigation going on to assess whether or not they would keep their jobs.
Rhorm hoped they didn't. He liked these new cops a little. After all, just a few days ago, some punks tried to rob him. He gave as good as he got, but three on one isn't fair.
So, when two Military Police troopers stunned the lot of them, and helped him up, he was honestly expecting a shakedown. But they actually helped. The officer down at the station, this human man with a very nice mustache, took his statement without any threats, subtle messages, nothing. Just professional help, and a smoldering look that made Rhorms Togrutan predator instincts light up.
As Rhorm daydreamed about getting down and dirty with some muscle bound policeman, he almost didn't notice his supervisor waving in his direction.
He jogged over. "Heya boss. What's going on?"
"Nothing bad" said the boss, a beer-bellied nikto woman with more pounds than scales. Couldn't lift a hammer for the life of her, but Relly was a damn good planner. And very vocal about protecting her crew. "We're just finishing up the day, and I realized you're the only one who hasn't gotten his benefits paperwork yet. Shoulda gotten that when you signed on, but ID verification here is slower than on Minda."
She tapped a few times on her PDA, gloved hands making the action clumsy, then looked towards him.
"Get these filled out when you can, else you might miss out on the benefits program. As an Edin native you get a few extra things to help you out while it's still nasty here."
"Benefits…what do you mean? I already get paid for the job." Rhorm was confused. Getting paid fair and square was the benefit of the job. Only big corpos got fancy addons.
"You get medical coverage, life insurance, extra classes at any affiliated school, access to government child caring services, and as an Edin native you get priority access to the new food distribution services and the like. Along with priority for new housing and schooling, and a couple heaters until you get housed, since it's winter and all. Get the docs signed and sent back to me by the end of the week."
He scratched the back of his head as he read over some of the contracts. Sure, he could read and write, it was a common enough skill. But, like most inhabitants of Edin city, complex grammar was outside his skillset.
"Uhh, boss, I don't really know all these words. Is there a simpler version or something?"
Relly sighed. "If you look around the appstore, you can find some apps that let you scan words for their meanings. For contracts, it's helpful. Think it's called…AuraEasy, or something like that. You can also head over to the main office, talk with the people there. They can walk you through the whole thing."
"Ah, thanks boss."
As she waved him off, having just handed him this days pay, he walked away feeling…happy? It was a rare thing, and not the kind of happiness that came with making a little more money, or scoring at a bar. This was…longer? Like it wasn't the kind of happiness to stay the night but leave before you wake up. It's the kind that makes you breakfast, and wants a second date.
With his pay in one hand, and his PDA in another, Rhorm knew what he was going to do.
Learn more, get better pay, ask that surly policeman out-
-and live.
Edin System, Edin 2, Edin City
Usla was hungry, but that was normal. The orphanage often didn't have enough to consistently feed the children, nor did those in charge care to do so.
Still, Usla stacked boxes. She stacked boxes and moved crates and all these other things that hurt her thin frame because if she did, she would live, and might get to eat.
If she didn't, then the gangers pulled the trigger and left her body in the sewers. She had seen it before, in the kids that collapsed.
Like the others who had been here longer, she had learned. Learn that sweet spot in terms of effort, where you move and work fast enough that they don't whip you, but slow enough that you don't expend what little energy you have left.
It was in the middle of doing this that she caught some of the conversation two guards were having.
"Hear about the new governor? Heard his Commander is cracking down, ey?"
"Yeah. Doubt he'll do much. Sure, he'll raid a few smaller hideouts, take out some small gangs, and say he 'fixed crime!'.
"HAH! Then he'll come looking at the Mandaga family, get paid, and nothing changes. Great, huh?"
"Just about." The two of them laugh this ugly laugh. Their voices were slightly slurred, the space around them smoky with the scent of spice.
Usla made sure to keep her breath held around them. Some others had gotten addicted just by being around the smoke too much. They never lasted.
Before she could continue with her work, a torrent of smoke rushed into the room. It poured in every which way, covering the entire room.
Coughing, she dropped to the floor, hiding behind the crates she had been pushing as blaster fire rang out.
She sat there for what felt like hours, cowering and shaking until the smoke cleared and the blasters stopped.
Even then, she didn't open her eyes until a soft voice rang out.
"Hello, child. Are you okay?"
Tentatively looking up, face still hidden behind her arms, she beheld the soldier in front of her.
"W-who are you?"
"My name is Commander Kaela Grant." Said the woman, as she removed her helmet. "I'm the leader of the Imperial Army Forces here. We're here to save you all."
"Yes, child." The soft smile persisted, and for the first time in forever, Usla felt safe.
She fell asleep crying in the Commander's arms, and even in that state refused to let go.
The Commander herself was confused, as she had only approached the situation as her Alderaanian family would have. She hated to use their techniques, but she did not know how to comfort a child.
"Soldier, how did you all miss her?"
Checking where Usla had been hiding, he reported back swiftly. "The crate she hid behind held signal dampening armor plates. They likely hid her biosigns, as they are already low to begin with.
Looking down at the girl in her arms, the Commander sighed. She was only here to witness the final Edin City criminal den get demolished.
This wasn't what she signed up for.
Zombies? What the actual fuck!?
I sat in my quarters aboard my L-99, now named Mindan Stream, as I took in the latest report from the Commander.
An honest to god zombie horde. At least, that's what it looks like. The bodies had been collected and are in the process of being analyzed, but they sure as shit look like zombies. A little more put together, since they still have all their limbs and there's little sign of decay, but still.
Tapping out my orders, I ensure my message conveys the fact that this investigation must be done with both utmost secrecy and caution.
After that, I take a look at the other reports. Grant has raided a total of 113 pirate holdouts, with Veers bombing the shit out of an additional 34 from orbit. Every major crime family has been either completely destroyed or turned into shells, which themselves are on the way out.
Good. Very good. I restrain the urge to cackle maniacally.
Sense of amusement.
I flick her on the nose, earning a startled yelp.
Sense of betrayal.
"Heh, it's what you get."
Ignoring the further emotions Mugwuffin sends over our totally not a force bond, I focus back in.
With the major criminal elements gone, new ones are going to attempt to take their place. While I've managed to fill that power vacuum fairly well with my own forces and reforms, I can't do it all.
Which is where the wonderful world of mercenaries comes in.
I sent a message out to Darna, asking her to get in contact with the Loyu family. They had been working as mercs for the Guild, and occasional instructors at the Guild classes. I wanted them in Edin if possible, to hunt down the leaders of any growing gangs to keep the underworld in turmoil.
If I could pull this off, it would give me time to situate the Guild on Edin while new gangs that form collapse without their hastily chosen leaders. Once that happens, Guild affiliated mercs can start taking bounties and protecting towns and traders, pushing back against the underworld.
It wouldn't be nearly as clean as Minda, since Minda barely had a criminal population when I took over leaving little contest against the Guild. Edin, however, is chock full of 'em.
With all this, if I could consolidate control over Edin 2, I could start pushing back against the pirate holdings across the system. It would be especially easy, since Veers recently took Belt Haven. Hundreds of pirates and their vessels captured or killed because, well, that's what happens when a fleet just shows up out of nowhere with more ion torpedoes than the pirates collective brain cells.
A knock on my door. Through Mugwuffin, I can see Oioro's force signature. Handy ability.
"Sir? The podium is ready for your speech."
"Good. I'll be right out."
Yup. Another speech. Fuckin hate it, but I can't not do it. The people of Edin have undergone some pretty violent whiplash since the government went from crime infested bureaucracy to decently competent reformist.
The problem with this speech? It was the dead of winter here. That meant snow and cold and ice, which were not the kinds of conditions people wanted to deal with just to listen to a speech.
Thank god for space heaters, cause I just had a couple dozen sprinkled throughout the plaza I was speaking at.
To combat the cold myself, I had my outfit modified. The cape had been changed into one of those big jackets that can be worn like a cape. A nice, white synthetic fur now lines it, and the rest of my outfit incorporates more whites and greys. My helmet stays unchanged for the most, since its internal systems make it harder to replace than the rest.
Stepping out of my ship and onto the podium, I survey the crowd before me. A veritable menagerie of people, bundled up but thankfully not shivering cause of the heaters.
Scanning their faces with my eyes and their emotions through Mugwuffin, I could tell they were cautious at best. For all that I had done in the past weeks to help them, cultural distrust of authority was something that had been ingrained into Edin's people for decades. And now it was up to me to prove them wrong.
"People of Edin. I am Governor Las Mola, Governor of the Minda system, and now Governor of Edin as well. As you have seen, in the past weeks I have made a concerted effort to eradicate the criminal presence here, and have brought in construction crews to help build new housing and remodel the city."
I paused, gauging the crowd's reaction. Nothing bad, but nothing good.
"In the coming months, more changes will be brought forward. These will include educational opportunities, new businesses, a better economy, and more. The Guild, a Mindan organization for merchants and mercenaries, will be settling in to help stabilize things. Many of you will find better work, and housing for those below the poverty line is being established. Once the work here in Edin City is finished, it will be renamed, and the next major city will be focused on. We expect to be done with all the major population centers by the end of this year, or the start of next year. I invite you to find out more details at the new Edin Imperial site on your PDAs, which are being distributed across the city at any aid center. Just provide an ID chit to gain access. If you do not have an official ID, please inform the aid workers, they can help you gain identification and aid. Now, as you can see, we have a second podium here for those who wish to ask questions."
And there was a second podium. Set up in the front of the crowd, it was flanked by army troopers to ensure that there wasn't fighting to get to ask a question first.
To absolutely no one's surprise, people were hesitant to ask any questions. Still, I waited, figuring I'd give them a minute or two.
Right before it got awkward, a Pantoran man stepped forward onto the podium, eyeing the troopers warily. He cleared his throat for a minute, before asking a question I really should've expected.
"Uhh…what exactly is the Guild?"
I hummed. "Honestly, I feel rather foolish for not having explained that in more detail. To summarize, the Imperial Guild of Industry, Commerce and Protection is an organization I started in the Minda system that helps merchants, mercenaries and entrepreneurs with their businesses. They help post bounties, ensure that parties keep to their contracts, regulate commerce, and more. If you want to start a business, get into the bounty game, become a merchant or more, the Guild is where you go. They offer classes, loans, and assistance for small fee's and the like."
"Ah…thank you." he said, quickly stepping off the platform.
After him, the dam broke, and I spent the next 45 minutes answering all kinds of questions from citizens. They ranged from questions on crime policy, work opportunities, new business, and more. I even got a small child asking me if she could pet Mugwuffin.
Mugwuffin was enthusiastic.
At the end, I left exhausted, having laid out the plans for new districts in the city, better living conditions, and every kind of question imaginable.
Of course, I had more work afterwards.
Fuck me.
Hi there folks! Tossing another one out there. Wanted to touch on the viewpoints of some Edin natives, flesh out the world of Edin City and how its kinda the worst. No Nar Shaddaa, but still pretty nasty.
Anyways, as always, feedback is appreciated.
Thanks for reading!
Rhorm Rambos
Edin System, Edin 2, Edin City
With a heave, Rhorm pulled down the lever, watching as the tractor beam activated, connecting the debris-filled barge with the heavy speeder in front of it. He banged on the speeder's back end.
"Good to go!" He yelled, breath turning to white fog in the cold.
He barely heard the confirmation over the noise of the construction site, tools and ships and people all mixed together to create a loud, heavy background sound.
The Imperial Construction Unit was in the midst of tearing down a large portion of the once luxurious penthouse palaces that sat near to the capitol building. They had been owned by the richest criminals in the system, used as their centers of business and trade. Of course, the old governor had let them build that close, what with all the 'gifts' they gave him.
But now, the new governor wants it all gone. Those who owned the buildings are either dead or in hiding, and the space is better suited for more government facilities. Apparently, one of them will function as a Milita academy to train a better planetside police force. He was even paying extra to get it done in the midst of winter.
He almost scoffed at that, his gloved hand wiping away some sweat off his brow. Edin? Good policing? It was like the start to a bad joke. Edins police were so corrupt they were more like a gang of their own.
Of course, like many things, that changed when the new governor set up shop. The entire police precinct was rounded up and put under arrest by the governor's Imperial Army troopers. Hell, even the army and stormtroopers stationed here were put under temporary arrest. There was a massive investigation going on to assess whether or not they would keep their jobs.
Rhorm hoped they didn't. He liked these new cops a little. After all, just a few days ago, some punks tried to rob him. He gave as good as he got, but three on one isn't fair.
So, when two Military Police troopers stunned the lot of them, and helped him up, he was honestly expecting a shakedown. But they actually helped. The officer down at the station, this human man with a very nice mustache, took his statement without any threats, subtle messages, nothing. Just professional help, and a smoldering look that made Rhorms Togrutan predator instincts light up.
As Rhorm daydreamed about getting down and dirty with some muscle bound policeman, he almost didn't notice his supervisor waving in his direction.
He jogged over. "Heya boss. What's going on?"
"Nothing bad" said the boss, a beer-bellied nikto woman with more pounds than scales. Couldn't lift a hammer for the life of her, but Relly was a damn good planner. And very vocal about protecting her crew. "We're just finishing up the day, and I realized you're the only one who hasn't gotten his benefits paperwork yet. Shoulda gotten that when you signed on, but ID verification here is slower than on Minda."
She tapped a few times on her PDA, gloved hands making the action clumsy, then looked towards him.
"Get these filled out when you can, else you might miss out on the benefits program. As an Edin native you get a few extra things to help you out while it's still nasty here."
"Benefits…what do you mean? I already get paid for the job." Rhorm was confused. Getting paid fair and square was the benefit of the job. Only big corpos got fancy addons.
"You get medical coverage, life insurance, extra classes at any affiliated school, access to government child caring services, and as an Edin native you get priority access to the new food distribution services and the like. Along with priority for new housing and schooling, and a couple heaters until you get housed, since it's winter and all. Get the docs signed and sent back to me by the end of the week."
He scratched the back of his head as he read over some of the contracts. Sure, he could read and write, it was a common enough skill. But, like most inhabitants of Edin city, complex grammar was outside his skillset.
"Uhh, boss, I don't really know all these words. Is there a simpler version or something?"
Relly sighed. "If you look around the appstore, you can find some apps that let you scan words for their meanings. For contracts, it's helpful. Think it's called…AuraEasy, or something like that. You can also head over to the main office, talk with the people there. They can walk you through the whole thing."
"Ah, thanks boss."
As she waved him off, having just handed him this days pay, he walked away feeling…happy? It was a rare thing, and not the kind of happiness that came with making a little more money, or scoring at a bar. This was…longer? Like it wasn't the kind of happiness to stay the night but leave before you wake up. It's the kind that makes you breakfast, and wants a second date.
With his pay in one hand, and his PDA in another, Rhorm knew what he was going to do.
Learn more, get better pay, ask that surly policeman out-
-and live.
Edin System, Edin 2, Edin City
Usla was hungry, but that was normal. The orphanage often didn't have enough to consistently feed the children, nor did those in charge care to do so.
Still, Usla stacked boxes. She stacked boxes and moved crates and all these other things that hurt her thin frame because if she did, she would live, and might get to eat.
If she didn't, then the gangers pulled the trigger and left her body in the sewers. She had seen it before, in the kids that collapsed.
Like the others who had been here longer, she had learned. Learn that sweet spot in terms of effort, where you move and work fast enough that they don't whip you, but slow enough that you don't expend what little energy you have left.
It was in the middle of doing this that she caught some of the conversation two guards were having.
"Hear about the new governor? Heard his Commander is cracking down, ey?"
"Yeah. Doubt he'll do much. Sure, he'll raid a few smaller hideouts, take out some small gangs, and say he 'fixed crime!'.
"HAH! Then he'll come looking at the Mandaga family, get paid, and nothing changes. Great, huh?"
"Just about." The two of them laugh this ugly laugh. Their voices were slightly slurred, the space around them smoky with the scent of spice.
Usla made sure to keep her breath held around them. Some others had gotten addicted just by being around the smoke too much. They never lasted.
Before she could continue with her work, a torrent of smoke rushed into the room. It poured in every which way, covering the entire room.
Coughing, she dropped to the floor, hiding behind the crates she had been pushing as blaster fire rang out.
She sat there for what felt like hours, cowering and shaking until the smoke cleared and the blasters stopped.
Even then, she didn't open her eyes until a soft voice rang out.
"Hello, child. Are you okay?"
Tentatively looking up, face still hidden behind her arms, she beheld the soldier in front of her.
"W-who are you?"
"My name is Commander Kaela Grant." Said the woman, as she removed her helmet. "I'm the leader of the Imperial Army Forces here. We're here to save you all."
"Yes, child." The soft smile persisted, and for the first time in forever, Usla felt safe.
She fell asleep crying in the Commander's arms, and even in that state refused to let go.
The Commander herself was confused, as she had only approached the situation as her Alderaanian family would have. She hated to use their techniques, but she did not know how to comfort a child.
"Soldier, how did you all miss her?"
Checking where Usla had been hiding, he reported back swiftly. "The crate she hid behind held signal dampening armor plates. They likely hid her biosigns, as they are already low to begin with.
Looking down at the girl in her arms, the Commander sighed. She was only here to witness the final Edin City criminal den get demolished.
This wasn't what she signed up for.
Zombies? What the actual fuck!?
I sat in my quarters aboard my L-99, now named Mindan Stream, as I took in the latest report from the Commander.
An honest to god zombie horde. At least, that's what it looks like. The bodies had been collected and are in the process of being analyzed, but they sure as shit look like zombies. A little more put together, since they still have all their limbs and there's little sign of decay, but still.
Tapping out my orders, I ensure my message conveys the fact that this investigation must be done with both utmost secrecy and caution.
After that, I take a look at the other reports. Grant has raided a total of 113 pirate holdouts, with Veers bombing the shit out of an additional 34 from orbit. Every major crime family has been either completely destroyed or turned into shells, which themselves are on the way out.
Good. Very good. I restrain the urge to cackle maniacally.
Sense of amusement.
I flick her on the nose, earning a startled yelp.
Sense of betrayal.
"Heh, it's what you get."
Ignoring the further emotions Mugwuffin sends over our totally not a force bond, I focus back in.
With the major criminal elements gone, new ones are going to attempt to take their place. While I've managed to fill that power vacuum fairly well with my own forces and reforms, I can't do it all.
Which is where the wonderful world of mercenaries comes in.
I sent a message out to Darna, asking her to get in contact with the Loyu family. They had been working as mercs for the Guild, and occasional instructors at the Guild classes. I wanted them in Edin if possible, to hunt down the leaders of any growing gangs to keep the underworld in turmoil.
If I could pull this off, it would give me time to situate the Guild on Edin while new gangs that form collapse without their hastily chosen leaders. Once that happens, Guild affiliated mercs can start taking bounties and protecting towns and traders, pushing back against the underworld.
It wouldn't be nearly as clean as Minda, since Minda barely had a criminal population when I took over leaving little contest against the Guild. Edin, however, is chock full of 'em.
With all this, if I could consolidate control over Edin 2, I could start pushing back against the pirate holdings across the system. It would be especially easy, since Veers recently took Belt Haven. Hundreds of pirates and their vessels captured or killed because, well, that's what happens when a fleet just shows up out of nowhere with more ion torpedoes than the pirates collective brain cells.
A knock on my door. Through Mugwuffin, I can see Oioro's force signature. Handy ability.
"Sir? The podium is ready for your speech."
"Good. I'll be right out."
Yup. Another speech. Fuckin hate it, but I can't not do it. The people of Edin have undergone some pretty violent whiplash since the government went from crime infested bureaucracy to decently competent reformist.
The problem with this speech? It was the dead of winter here. That meant snow and cold and ice, which were not the kinds of conditions people wanted to deal with just to listen to a speech.
Thank god for space heaters, cause I just had a couple dozen sprinkled throughout the plaza I was speaking at.
To combat the cold myself, I had my outfit modified. The cape had been changed into one of those big jackets that can be worn like a cape. A nice, white synthetic fur now lines it, and the rest of my outfit incorporates more whites and greys. My helmet stays unchanged for the most, since its internal systems make it harder to replace than the rest.
Stepping out of my ship and onto the podium, I survey the crowd before me. A veritable menagerie of people, bundled up but thankfully not shivering cause of the heaters.
Scanning their faces with my eyes and their emotions through Mugwuffin, I could tell they were cautious at best. For all that I had done in the past weeks to help them, cultural distrust of authority was something that had been ingrained into Edin's people for decades. And now it was up to me to prove them wrong.
"People of Edin. I am Governor Las Mola, Governor of the Minda system, and now Governor of Edin as well. As you have seen, in the past weeks I have made a concerted effort to eradicate the criminal presence here, and have brought in construction crews to help build new housing and remodel the city."
I paused, gauging the crowd's reaction. Nothing bad, but nothing good.
"In the coming months, more changes will be brought forward. These will include educational opportunities, new businesses, a better economy, and more. The Guild, a Mindan organization for merchants and mercenaries, will be settling in to help stabilize things. Many of you will find better work, and housing for those below the poverty line is being established. Once the work here in Edin City is finished, it will be renamed, and the next major city will be focused on. We expect to be done with all the major population centers by the end of this year, or the start of next year. I invite you to find out more details at the new Edin Imperial site on your PDAs, which are being distributed across the city at any aid center. Just provide an ID chit to gain access. If you do not have an official ID, please inform the aid workers, they can help you gain identification and aid. Now, as you can see, we have a second podium here for those who wish to ask questions."
And there was a second podium. Set up in the front of the crowd, it was flanked by army troopers to ensure that there wasn't fighting to get to ask a question first.
To absolutely no one's surprise, people were hesitant to ask any questions. Still, I waited, figuring I'd give them a minute or two.
Right before it got awkward, a Pantoran man stepped forward onto the podium, eyeing the troopers warily. He cleared his throat for a minute, before asking a question I really should've expected.
"Uhh…what exactly is the Guild?"
I hummed. "Honestly, I feel rather foolish for not having explained that in more detail. To summarize, the Imperial Guild of Industry, Commerce and Protection is an organization I started in the Minda system that helps merchants, mercenaries and entrepreneurs with their businesses. They help post bounties, ensure that parties keep to their contracts, regulate commerce, and more. If you want to start a business, get into the bounty game, become a merchant or more, the Guild is where you go. They offer classes, loans, and assistance for small fee's and the like."
"Ah…thank you." he said, quickly stepping off the platform.
After him, the dam broke, and I spent the next 45 minutes answering all kinds of questions from citizens. They ranged from questions on crime policy, work opportunities, new business, and more. I even got a small child asking me if she could pet Mugwuffin.
Mugwuffin was enthusiastic.
At the end, I left exhausted, having laid out the plans for new districts in the city, better living conditions, and every kind of question imaginable.
Of course, I had more work afterwards.
Fuck me.
Hi there folks! Tossing another one out there. Wanted to touch on the viewpoints of some Edin natives, flesh out the world of Edin City and how its kinda the worst. No Nar Shaddaa, but still pretty nasty.
Anyways, as always, feedback is appreciated.
Thanks for reading!