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---A/N This is a Gundam Celestial forge story. Basically, the premise is that the protagonist...
Chapter 1


Anaheim Electronics Technician
Nov 11, 2020
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---A/N This is a Gundam Celestial forge story. Basically, the premise is that the protagonist gets perks and they don't recognize it. Sai is one of Kira's dumbass friends, so he is a canon character. This is the second forge fic i have written, and if i ever post Hammering Nails here, you'll definitely see it.

Chapter 1: Gundam Seed CF

AGH shit, my head it feels like I was hungover. I think this is what a hangover feels like. Damn, I don't drink after all I'm too young, but this is painful. Did the guys spike the group waters or something? My head is swirling with ideas right now. Is that what happens when the boys spike the drinks?

I have all these ideas for mobile suits like the Ginn those damn ZAFT members are using, but infinitely better. Comparing the Ginn to even my worst idea, the ZANNY is like comparing a fluorescent light to the sun. I have a near perfect blueprint of so many great machines in my mind. Things that would help the war effort. My parents are working on something so top secret they can't talk to me anymore. I know they run a multinational corporation and also are nobles of orb, but I didn't ask to be sent to Heliopolis! I would rather be at home on orb's mainland.

I got lost. I know the war is going to swing to orb fighting ZAFT. It's inevitable. Orb is a part of earth and ZAFT is going to eventually do something stupid like a colony drop and get everyone killed. After all I know we are looking into something called the Astray. Morgenroete is building five of them and my parents are trying to make one themselves, but they are not doing that great. Apparently the OS is shit or something. We could just be reasonable and ask about it, but that's more a result of politics between orb nobles than anything. They should basically be done by now. I don't know what the astrays are per say, but they are definitely some sort of weapon. Possibly mobile suits, but that would be ridiculous. MS are hard to manufacture on earth without using something like the earth federation's Jaburo home base.

Wait what is a Jaburo base? The earth alliance isn't doing anything in jaburo last I checked. What is with me today?

Anyway, I have great designs I have to show everyone. Yes, it's gonna be the hobby Hizack, because who in their right mind would show weapon specs to a group of teenagers. Especially Kira, Kira hates war and violence. There is no way I could show him a weapon of war without him flipping his lid.
What time is it? 8:00 standard earth time…….

Crap I'm gonna be late!

We are still working on the power armor prototype. Well, technically its an exosuit for eva action, but it is power armor in all but name. Hell, we even call it power armor half the time. But junior mobile suits would be one hell of a worker unit, and I can use my pull to get a factory for them up and running in no time. After all Heliopolis has a couple of my families factories, so I shouldn't have much issue with getting one.

This does severely dampen the work we are doing on the current prototype, given a fully fleshed out model is just in my head now.

Where in the hell did I put my bread? I need toast.

Ahh there it is. 30 seconds to make toast. Where is my design book?

There. Get the toast, find a ride and then start drawing my new plans for a worker. A mobile pod to surpass even God. I call it the RB-70 Ball SAI. Put some minituraized beam weapons on it, and we have an effective successor to the dinky mobile pods we are stuck using because of the whole not being apart of the earth federation thing. It gives us advantages to not be a part of them like skipping this war, but it also means we can't get mobius'. I want one because it clearly is an advanced spaceplane, but god forbid someone use it as a weapon.

I have a bit to wait at the automatic car station, so time to analyze it. So we take the basic ball, it by specs is 1000% better than the current Earth Alliance moebius units, and is 100000% better than the shitty mobile pods we are using. Its maintenance is easy, as is construction. I could make one today and still be able to sleep at a reasonable time. I could swap out the Minovsky reactor…

Wait. Hold on. This is a fusion reactor design.

What in Scots name.

No one has this. No one. N jammers were so destructive because everyone has fission tech. No one has fusion. Mother of God. I have some small enough to power mobile pods. This could revolutionize our economy. Orb would be extremely dominant in terms of technology. I could skyrocket my family's prominence to the level of the Shaku's if not greater.

I didn't invent the theory though, but I never heard the name of Minovsky anywhere. I should check when I get to the professor. He should know about this Doctor of Physics.

I need to really do work on the mobile pods though. Our current ones are dogshit.

"Please Swipe your identification card."

"Got lost in my head designing the new pods. Here."

I'm a bit embarrassed I took so long that I had someone talk to me about it, but whatever.

"New pods? We really need an upgrade, but you're just a kid. We are gonna need someone to check your work."

"Just ask the professor to do it. He has all the time in the world to work on this stuff. Lord knows we never get assigned any work in his class."

The car started driving me to campus before I could say any more.

So the best design to improve the ball would be to improve the manipulators. Then the thrusters. Then I can start really refitting it. The 137 ball is the best basis for a unit in combat. They are easy to produce, and I could probably refit the current pods to work on them as intended.


Why is my pocket hot?

Is this a key? Why is it fell like it's on fire?

Why do I know that through this key is the keys to genetically engineering not just humans, but every lifeform complex enough to have organs? Why is a mobile suit in a hanger in my mind? What is today?

Jeez Louise my brain hurts. I need to think. Really hard.

If I suddenly have the designs for mobile suits and nuclear fusion reactors in my head, a key suddenly appeared in my pocket, and now I have the unsettling feeling that this key leads into some pocket dimension like this is an anime, than…

Oh, we are here.

Just gotta get to the workshop to finally finish properly making the blueprints for the new mobile pods. The Ball ver. SAI will be the greatest worker ever produced!

----Perks obtained this chapter
Perks reference
Anaheim Degree (200 CP- Nondiscounted): You have the knowledge (and the paper to prove it to people and shove in their faces to establish superiority) of how to build MS. It's trickier than it looks, honestly. Weight balances, servo designs, energy reserves- it's all down to a science and you know how to build the basics. Who knows what you can learn from a bit of hands-on training...

EXO-WOMB (100) Freefall
The first generation of Bowman's Wolves were gestated in dogs with genetically modified red wolf DNA. Now you can have your future generations be developed in a more controlled environment. Simply insert one or more viable biological samples that are no smaller than a single drop of blood into the receptacle and this will provide a perfect and indestructible environment for the child. If you are one of the donors, any perks relating to children and inheritance may apply. It takes the typical amount of time and only works with organisms of the same species unless you have perks to alter that.
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Gundam SEED Celestial Forge

Truthfully, I enjoyed Hammering Nails to reading this fic. I read over at ao3. This one reads like the MC is just going insane. I was never into Gundam in the first place. I was needing the story for some context clues. You know basic things like who the heck the MC is, who they are fighting, and what tech level they are at. The tech level usually doesn't remotely matter in a forge fic.

The way you had this MC getting perks, he had no concept of what his baseline reality's tech or history should be. It was like he was a drop-in SI that also got some additional random perk memories that would change things for him every few hours.

It just went down and down. I could make out bits and pieces of things but sighed. Usually, the good CF fics are about building things or going off and doing something with the CF barely being handwaved for tech. You had in the original too much of the MC's base knowledge to seem to go poof. Instead of being perks and helping, they were like degrading his sanity. He wasn't exactly getting more productive, he was seemingly getting crazier and crazier.

I liked Hammering Nails. The perks came when he was asleep. You gave him too many perks each night generally. That was working out though as he was actually seeming to do stuff. He was also not getting lost in his mind due to all those perks. It was actually much more readable and understandable in what was going on. Actually, if I remember that fic it did take a while before he left home. It seemed like it mainly happened in his closet at home. Good thing he had Kerbals to keep him sane.
CH.2: Design
Chapter 2: Design

The workshop was the same as I left it. The powered exoskeleton prototype is still there, being as unstable as always. We really need to work on the OS. I bet that's a thing for every system. I wonder how messed up the GINN OS is. We have a supply closet with a turn lock, and my brain keeps going haywire telling me to use it on that door.

Oh, what the hell, if it doesn't work all I lose is a key.

It fits in the door very well, and when I open the door…

There is a room that doesn't exist. Huh.

The only thing in here is the EXO-WOMB. This technology is by and large ahead of everything we know of. True offspring made with only a tissue sample. There are countless extinct animal species we could bring back with this.
There is also a door leading to what could only be a hanger. It was too large for a mobile pod, so maybe its multiple? Or it's a mobile suit.

It's a mobile suit. I didn't realize it was this big. That's gotta be at least 16 meters tall. No that should be 19 meters.
It's the RGM-89R Jegan A-type. A mobile suit that has been developed over a thirty-year service history. It is relegated to low security sectors of the earth sphere, but it served admirably in the face of mass miniaturization of mobile suits. With a reactor output of 2730 kw this things generator is horrifically above what was needed for its long service. Its beam rifle while better designed than the original models admittedly good one, is still underpowered compared to the reactors output. It's a problem with a bunch of mobile suits. They don't really use all their generators output.

The thing even has a bunch of random equipment strewn about. There's some firefighting equipment over there for an earlier Jegan model barely retrofitted for this one, I think that's some EWAC stuff over there, or at least parts of some anyway. I think those are stark equipment parts a bit further away from the I think that's an old model beam rifle and saber, but it's cramped in here. And its hanging like 18 meters away from me. That's hecking far dude. Especially in the bad lighting in here. At least, I have the parts to make the equipment that I'm describing. Except the firefighting stuff, that's all complete hanging off to the side ready to be equipped.

Why is anyone using a mobile suit for firefighting? I don't know, but it is by the specifications a good firefighter. I have questions about how we got here on design. It's like how confusing the Hobby Hi-zack is. You take a perfectly good combat mobile suit, and then sell it to people as a civilian product. Except it was done badly. I think it was because people associated the suit with something really bad that they just sold it off, but I don't really have enough context to say what the bad thing was. It wasn't a product issue unless they didn't tell people not to use multiple simultaneous beam weapons. The reactor isn't good enough for that.

This raises so many questions. Especially given I have memorized multiple product reviews for mobile suits that can't have ever been used in combat.

Sure, I have no idea how it's possible for product reviews to exist given the only mobile suits ever used in space combat are GINN types, but okay. I hear they are working on other stuff, but it's not like ZAFT has expos over their new prototype mobile suits in the middle of a war. They didn't even reveal they were making the GINN until the war started.

… And I guess the CGUE, but that machine hasn't really been produced much. It has what, barely enough difference to be considered a new suit by a layman. It has different armor and a few extra thrusters which does change its profile in the eyes of non-engineers, but the general design aesthetic is so similar you might miss what makes them different. It's more of a Zaku II and the Goof scenario where one new machine is technically not of the design lineage but looks similar enough instead of a GM to GM II scenario where the two shouldn't really be considered different models. The only real improvements were a slightly better reactor and a 360-degree panoramic cockpit when comparing the GM to the GM II. The difference between the GM and the GM II beyond those changes are negligible compared to the improvements in the equipment for the GM II as it had a standard issue beam rifle unlike the GM. There are so few differences between the two mobile suits that it is possible for you to refit a GM into a GM II without issue. It's why there were two model numbers for the suit: RGM-79R for the upgraded units and RMS-179 for the newly produced ones.

That was a tangent.

Umm. Where was I again? Oh I know, the hangar has just enough stuff to allow for swapping out specific Jegan variant parts without a crew of 30 people. Sure the Jegan frame has undergone significant variation between each variant, but most of those changes can be counteracted with all the other stuff around here.

I should probably shift the design for colony protection. That means CQC and anti-ship stuff. So, a fusion of stark parts and high mobility equipment should work.

Enough searching the weird pocket dimension, I need to actually work on classwork.

I left the pocket land to actually do what I said I would. Create a new mobile pod design.

The RB-133 is a good base line design for a weaponized pod. The multi shot long range nature of the 133 makes it a perfect anti-ship weapon. Its high caliber rounds would make it extremely deadly along with its far higher maneuverability compared to our current mistrals. I can keep using the old fuel cell instead of reactors for fuel economy purposes. They aren't hard to make, so we can make them without issue.

I still need to redesign the manipulators though. It might be best to let them fully reenter the pod to prevent them from getting in the way of the pod during combat operations. Yeah, that seems best. I can't really think of how to make the manipulator also a beam weapon with how little helium-3 we have.

Balls aren't the greatest anti mobile suit weapon though. They may have maneuverability enough to fight things like the GINN, but that won't help once someone makes an actually good mobile suit. I could start with a basis of the Ball K types. The K type machine gun is good at suppressing mobile suits at close range and would be the perfect complement to the 133's long range artillery support. We still need mobile suits but without sufficient helium-3 we can only field maybe 5.

Unless we use multiple capacitors and sacrifice operational time for mass production. It's not like a turned off mobile suits would have worse armor or anything. No, the low operational time is too much of a risk to consider using those as anything more than ship defenders.

I just need to draft the ball blueprints and then I am done until Kira and the others show up. I was going to be late for my required hour over everyone else, but now I have the time to finish the new pod schematics. Thank God I memorized the plans of the modernized ball and am just copying it down onto some blueprints. The two weapon layouts are going to just be swappable instead of different ball designs. Both use 180 mm rounds so it shouldn't stress out supplies should it come to that.

I just need to finish up the design on the blueprints and be done with this necessary upgrade. Seriously, Orb prides itself on having technological advantages and we use the mistral, the worst mobile pod in history. The moebius is better, and if the moebius is better, you royally fucked up the design.

…And done. I should get this to someone. I don't know who I should get this to though. Hindsight is 20/20 unlike my own eyes.

Now I could just wait for the professor, but he is notoriously lazy. He won't get here until Kira and the others get here. I might as well look for someone to give this to.
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Gundam SEED Celestial Forge

Truthfully, I enjoyed Hammering Nails to reading this fic. I read over at ao3. This one reads like the MC is just going insane. I was never into Gundam in the first place. I was needing the story for some context clues. You know basic things like who the heck the MC is, who they are fighting, and what tech level they are at. The tech level usually doesn't remotely matter in a forge fic.

The way you had this MC getting perks, he had no concept of what his baseline reality's tech or history should be. It was like he was a drop-in SI that also got some additional random perk memories that would change things for him every few hours.

It just went down and down. I could make out bits and pieces of things but sighed. Usually, the good CF fics are about building things or going off and doing something with the CF barely being handwaved for tech. You had in the original too much of the MC's base knowledge to seem to go poof. Instead of being perks and helping, they were like degrading his sanity. He wasn't exactly getting more productive, he was seemingly getting crazier and crazier.

I liked Hammering Nails. The perks came when he was asleep. You gave him too many perks each night generally. That was working out though as he was actually seeming to do stuff. He was also not getting lost in his mind due to all those perks. It was actually much more readable and understandable in what was going on. Actually, if I remember that fic it did take a while before he left home. It seemed like it mainly happened in his closet at home. Good thing he had Kerbals to keep him sane.
Thank you for liking Hammering Nails. I don't get much support on it compared to this one on the Celestial Forge Discord. The things you are saying about Sai becoming stupider and forgetting about the lore of his setting thing is an intentional mechanic of this fic. The perceived insanity is going to be relevant later. Just give me the time to write about it.
So this is over here now? That's great, and hopefully hammering nails comes here too...

Though Poor Sai, looks like The Forge is more of a curse then a gift, at least until he gets Mental Reinforcement Perks like Blank or the one from Medaka Box.
CH.3 Proposal
Chapter 3: Proposal
I never really thought about who I was supposed to give the new mobile pod design to. I told some guy I was going to make us a better one, but I have no idea where to go. There has to be some department for this somewhere. I don't really know where, but it has to be somewhere. This building is both a college and Morgenroete's HQ. I probably should be sending this to my parents, but nah. The ball may be a decent mobile weapon, but we have to update with the times. I can't let us lose the technological edge.

The Den'an Zon is a good basis for a non-beam carrying high tech mobile suit. I say this because the Den'an Zon had advancements in colony conquest that weren't beam based. Lacking a lot of helium-3 means I have to go to low tech solutions. Shot lance is a good thing. Sure, the reactor explosions aren't going to be a problem for at least a while, but most colonies aren't designed for surviving beam weapons. I probably have to strip out the beam shield and mounted beam guns, but that's a sacrifice for economical production. Should probably change the head though. It looks weird.

Seriously, where is a map of campus?

My designs are for a situation that does not exist. Multiple different units have inflatable decoys as a standard piece of equipment. This isn't very useful in the actual climate of the world. We have sensors and the like that prevent the decoys from being useful, but in a M-particle laden battlefield this is very different. Long range communication is severely limited in these fields, and that means visual confirmation of the target is the only valid tracking method. However, one singular ms is not enough to cause the needed density for those to work. I should probably just cut it out of the prototype design if we are still having issues getting the fuel.
Oh, there is a map. I have to go to the fourth floor for the mobile pod department.

I don't really have to worry that I'm going to be late. The professor always shows up an hour late and I show up an hour early. I have plenty of time to make this proposal and get it done before he gets back and makes Kira do whatever it is he does to the operating system of the "secret project." I bet it's a next gen power loader or something. No way they trust developing something super experimental like a mobile suit operating system to a teenager. You only do that if that teenager is responsible for the mobile suit design in the first place.

And here it is, the mobile pod department.

"Hey, I said I had a design for an improved mobile pod? This is the department for that right?"


The voice came from behind the one desk in the room. From what I know which is not exactly public knowledge, the mobile pod department's funding is being moved somewhere. This would be a hinderance if the ball wasn't so gosh darn cheap to produce. It's like a fourth the cost of a mistral and has far higher combat capability. However, we may need to keep a few for resource transportation. Balls are hyper specialized for colony upkeep and stuff, not mining.

The person I was speaking to was an older man, not elderly or anything, but definitely older than 37. He was the only person here which makes this process very smooth.

"Do I have to do a long-winded proposal for the new pod?"

"When we take this up to the people in charge of production yes, but not to me. Mistral has always been not great. It is aging already, and we need something to defend the colony, so it probably will go through regardless of how little of an improvement you have made in the design."

"Trust me, comparing the Ball to a Mistral is like comparing the GINN to the moebius."

"You called it the Ball? …Just follow me, we had to set up a meeting over this."

I should follow him. I don't know where the budget people are, so this is going to be helpful.

"Yes, because it's a combat machine. Mobility is the best defense and small profiles lower mass."

"Can you make it out of our current pods?"

"Theoretically you could, but I would have to completely change out most of the frame and take the bottom off. Also, we need to start making 180mm ammunition."


"30mm is incapable of damaging a GINN. Or a moebius for that matter. We need big guns, or a much higher muzzle velocity. Big gun is easier. The current 40mm ammo needs to be reformatted into either 180mm or 30mm. Or I could mess around with the Vulcans and make them 40mm. Whichever is preferable for manufacturing."

"What, are you trying to make a mobile naval cannon?"

"No, this is long range support for theoretical mobile suits."

"Hold on, mobile suits? This is support for mobile suits?"

"It could function in that role, however we don't have any so I made modifications to the weapons for a more frontline mobile pod."

"So, there are two designs?"

"I guess? The difference between the two is the gun at the top. The frontline units have a double barreled cannon with higher rate of fire along with these claws here for cqc action. I took a design meant for underwater combat I had and then added thrusters to the back of them to offset the weight change. The support units have a tri cannon setup for heavy damage instead of rate of fire and as such aren't equipped with the best manipulators. The mobility sacrifice to also include the large claws isn't justifiable when this is a long-range unit."

"Didn't you add thrusters to offset the mobility loss?"

"Yeah, but the issue is that its easier to hit with the claws. It also makes every other thruster cause less acceleration. This thing should be used in hit and run operations if its solo, shoot and get the hell out, not shoot and when they get close claw them."

"Here we are."

"I was expecting something… more."

"Well, there isn't anything more. Get ready to explain everything again."

"Mr. Argyle, you have a new design? Your club is working on an improved power loader design, and you suddenly have a better mobile pod idea. That's suspicious."

This was the guy at the head of the table. He is presumably the one I'm going to deal with. No way the CEO would directly intervene in this. It's just a mobile pod.

"Well, mobile pods aren't as complicated as a mobile suit or power loader. It's a brick that has some thrusters and some manipulators."

"That's the second time you have mentioned mobile suits. Are you under the impression that orb is developing them?"

"Why wouldn't we be? The Izumo class has hangers that can handle mobile suits. We have seen how effective the GINN is. Why wouldn't we be working on keeping the technological advantage we are known for?"
"Regardless, you have designs."


"The mistral is an aging machine. The moebius outclasses it in every way, and the moebius is outclassed by the GINN. We need a new space weapon to handle the defense of Heliopolis, so I introduce the Ball."

"It's a ball with arms and a cannon strapped to the top."

"It has better acceleration, armaments, and maneuverability than the Mistral. I can't say for sure that its better than a moebius due to lacking performance data, but I am reasonably confident that it could beat them in a seven on one engagement."

"Seven balls for a moebius?"

"No, seven Moebiuses for a single ball. The balls performance is leagues better than what we currently have, and we would have minimal issues building them. I would have proposed a mobile suit if we had justifiable power generation, but we don't right now."

"What do these run on?"

"While we reasonably could keep the batteries common to the Mistral and have negligeable performance drops, they are designed with fuel cells in mind that last longer than our current batteries. The fuel cells are also rather cheap to produce as well."

"The weapons are unique to say the least about them. What made you design them this way?"

"The main thought I had was what makes the GINN so great in combat. I thought maneuverability first, and corrected that with the thruster layout on the current models. I then though about how the GINN has armor that our 40mm machine guns couldn't penetrate even if we hit a weak spot. We could at most damage sensors, so I sought to upgrade weaponry next. The frontline ball configuration is based both in our weapons being too small to be threatening thus the dual cannon in 90mm, as well as the probability that the GINN pilots could try using the sword and render the ball dead thus the claws with mounted thrusters. The 30mm Vulcans are what I think to be the most economical caliber of anti-sensor weapons that can be mounted on the ball without losing mobility."

"And the other type?"

"Long range support. It shouldn't have to worry about enemies getting close, so no claws. Also its less expensive to have the claws on only the frontline balls."

"And this is less expensive than the Mistral?"

"In the long run most definitely, mistrals have a 20% chance at most of coming back alive which means we have to replace them from scratch. Balls have a much higher life expectancy based on their specs, so we won't have to pay more. In the short term, no. we would need to start producing 180mm and 30mm rounds which would take money. The ball itself though would be much cheaper than the Mistral."

"Why is that?"

"Mistrals are nearly twice as large as the long-range ball. The frontline variant clocks in at about the same mass and thus same material cost as a Mistral. Balls are also just balls. They are not very hard to manufacture."
It's getting quiet. Very quiet.

Someone's behind me aren't they.

"We have the ability to make the ammo. Put the design through."

Oh, its one of the Sahakus. I can't tell them apart. Am I going to have to deal with nobility stuff? I hate doing that.

"You are free to go. I have much to discuss with Mr. Argyle here."

Yep, that's noble stuff. This is probably one of the few times that anyone trying to speak with the Argyle's will succeed this year. We are notorious for not being around at the nobility meetings or whatever they call it. My parents just kind of forget about them. I don't, I just skip them whenever possible. Nobility is work I can just not do.

I still have no idea how we are part of the big six families. We are more likable than the Seiran at least, but that doesn't count. No one likes them.

"This mobile pod is revolutionary. You were underselling it during the presentation. Why? The design is clearly better than the GINN which you didn't directly compare it to."

"It isn't my best work. Balls are a stop gap measure until I can solve some issues with mobile suit design."

"What issues?"

"The battery being the main energy source issue. That significantly lowers operational time and makes beam weapons inherently worse than conventional projectiles as conventional weapons don't require power to fire. Even if high energy capacitors are used in beam weapons, at some point it will have to start pulling from the battery which leaves the suit floating in space when it runs out. There is also an issue with recharging batteries on ships. I have no idea what is powering our ships and recharging a squad of mobile suits repeatedly would be hell on the power source."

"… You seem to have thought about this a lot."

"Mobile suits are the future of warfare; it would be shortsighted to not care about how we enter the field."

"How long have you been working on this project?"

"A few hours, why do you ask?"

The Sahaku looked astonished at my proclamation. I know why because a couple of hours working on a mobile pod design is pretty bad for an aspiring engineer. This is the sort of timeframe you would expect for upgrading a one-off prototype into a kai variant. At least on the conceptual front. The actual construction usually takes a day or two.

"I have a proposition for you. We do have a mobile suit development program, but we have run into a brick wall on it. Think you can help with that?"

----Perks Obtained.
-The Right Tools For The Job (-100, free Service Industries)
Every job requires tools, be they a socket wrench, measuring tape, a hand saw, or mop. So long as it is either mundanely accessible without background checks or you already have it, you can summon a copy of any tool you need. This only applies to when you're cleaning, fixing, building, or other material-based preparation. You can't directly use it in combat and you can't use the material of the tool itself
Perk List
Anaheim Degree (200 CP- Nondiscounted): You have the knowledge (and the paper to prove it to people and shove in their faces to establish superiority) of how to build MS. It's trickier than it looks, honestly. Weight balances, servo designs, energy reserves- it's all down to a science and you know how to build the basics. Who knows what you can learn from a bit of hands-on training...

EXO-WOMB (100) Freefall
The first generation of Bowman's Wolves were gestated in dogs with genetically modified red wolf DNA. Now you can have your future generations be developed in a more controlled environment. Simply insert one or more viable biological samples that are no smaller than a single drop of blood into the receptacle and this will provide a perfect and indestructible environment for the child. If you are one of the donors, any perks relating to children and inheritance may apply. It takes the typical amount of time and only works with organisms of the same species unless you have perks to alter that.
No new perks this time, I got unlucky on RNG, but I will put down the orb nobility perk as its an inherent part about this Sai as well as the mobile suit perk:
Noble: You belong to a noble family of Orb (or at least a very influential family in your home country if not from Orb) in practice this means your given a rather extreme amount of social leeway... and if you do anything really impressive expect to be used for propaganda purposes. You've also got a big fancy house somewhere out in the country to live in. [Discount Orb]
Mass Production Mobile Suit (One Free All- 100 CP afterwards): The GM. The Jegan. The Zaku II. The Gun-EZ. The Den'an Zon. They are not powerful; they are not the best of the best, for they are designed for the common soldier. Everyone starts out piloting one of these, just gotta work your way up. (Or like the higher-up on the faction ladders, just buy a better one.) - RGM-89R Jegan A type

-The Right Tools For The Job (-100, free Service Industries)
Every job requires tools, be they a socket wrench, measuring tape, a hand saw, or mop. So long as it is either mundanely accessible without background checks or you already have it, you can summon a copy of any tool you need. This only applies to when you're cleaning, fixing, building, or other material-based preparation. You can't directly use it in combat and you can't use the material of the tool itself.
-Forceful Engineer 200 Darth Bane Trilogy
Force sensitive individuals and species have created wondrous unions of engineering genius and Force energies. Prisons to hold eldritch nightmares, holocrons and seemingly infinite factories that strip entire stars for the resources needed for your unending fleets. You are inspired when it comes to the design of such marvels, even being able to use the Light Side for unseen effects. This brilliance extends beyond the Force into the wider realm of 'Magitek'. The potential trichotomy of Machine, 'Magic' and The Force could give birth to near unimaginable wonders for the inventive mind.
Force Sensitive
(Free for all Origins, but varied per Origin) - The Force is what gives a Jedi, or a Sith, his power. It's an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us and penetrates us. It binds the galaxy together. You are a member of a small percentage of the galactic population that can tap into and utilise the Force to effect the world around you.
Perks showcased (note others were rolled, but I will reveal them when they appear in story)
Mobile Suit Mechanic (200cp)
Where did you pick up this skill? Were you an engineer during the war, or taught by a kindly family member in its aftermath? Whatever your situation, you know everything there is to know about the building, maintenance, and repair of Mobile Suits. From the alloys in their armor, to the generators powering them, to the intricate joints in every limb, the entirety of the pre-war Mobile Suit engineering has been revealed to you. With this knowledge, you could even potentially build your own Gundam X, Satellite Cannon included. Just, please, be careful with this information. This world has been hurt enough by weapons like the ones you can create.
After War (Free All)
The war has ended. Millions are dead, and just as many are irreparably harmed in both body and mind. But people are resilient, and survive even in the face of adversity and hardship. People like you. You have several years of experience surviving alone in this post-apocalyptic world. You know how to setup a camp with only the forest around you, how to forage, hunt, and scavenge for food, and how to find a place to sleep where you won't be disturbed by wild animals or the odd Mobile Suit stomping around.
Mobile Suit Piloting Basics (Free All)
Combat in this world is ruled by the massive machines known as Mobile Suits. And with this perk, you know your way around these iron giants. How to make them move, mostly, but also how to make them fight. You can hold your own against some thug in Daughteress or Jenice, but a Gundam or a veteran pilot is going to give you trouble. Still, this will make sure your presence is felt on the battlefield. That's more than most here can say.
Standard Issue Mobile Suits (One Free, 50cp) (both a Jenice and Daughtress)
These are the bog standard mobile suits used on the eve of the Seventh Space War. The United Nations Earth employed the Daughtress while the Space Revolutionary Army used the Jenice. Both suits' ruggedness has served them well, and they are the go-to models for Vultures nowadays. Given their commonness (or at least as common as a sixteen-meter humanoid war machine can be), you can pick one of these up for free. Don't underestimate them, however. The hands of a skilled pilot can do a lot with these machines.
Gundam X (300cp)
Here it is, the titular Gundam X. The discovery of this weapon of mass destruction will, ironically, set two youths on the journey to heal this world haunted by war. And now you have a copy of it. This machine is worth the price, I assure you. Although it carries a more powerful beam sword, a beam rifle, equipped with the Flash System, and is armored in the resilient alloy Luna Titanium, this machine's primary weapon is its already-unlocked Satellite Cannon upon its back. For reference, this weapon was used to destroy the falling colonies, and can obliterate anything less than a full mobile suit army so long as the moon is visible.
Newtype (200cp)
It appears you aren't quite as normal as you appear. You are now a Newtype, an offshoot of humanity born with several unique, extra-sensory powers. Newtypes have heightened multi-tasking and reflexes when compared against a standard human, making them excellent Mobile Suit pilots. Additionally, their telepathic abilities allow them to speak to others of their kind through thought alone, sense the motions and feelings of other people, speak to the dead or ghosts, and even, at the height of their power, possess other people. While you do not begin with a mastery of these abilities, you will develop your powers as a Newtype through use and time. Eventually you might even reach a point where you could even speak to regular humans after a few decades of use.
Hangar (free/50cp)
I can't expect you to simply throw your machine into your Warehouse, can I? It most likely wouldn't fit. Instead, each mech you import or purchase here will have its own separate hangar attached to the Warehouse, allowing it to be deployed from there at your leisure. Should the machine be destroyed or lost, it will reappear in its hangar a week later. If you have a mech that you haven't imported here but still desire a hangar to store it, or simply want some storage space for some mechs you may eventually get, you may purchase as many empty hangars as you wish for 50cp each.
Technical Schematics(200cp)
This small database is a well organized, easily searchable, and easily accessible list of detailed schematics and scientific texts covering all machines, tools, and sciences understood by the T'au. It cannot be remotely hacked or externally corrupted by others. During your jump, this database includes all T'au knowledge up to either current 40k canon or all information that would be available to the T'au within the next hundred years without your interference, whichever option includes less advanced technology. After this jump, the schematics are upgraded to include all designs and science your T'au have developed and all designs and science developed in canon by the T'au by the end of the Fifth Sphere Expansion.
Advance Processor Fabricator – 100CP
This quantum scale fabricator is focused on producing complex processors and other computer chips. It is able create quantum computing matrixes including seven state processing chipsets.
Datapad - Free
You'll be given a standard datapad for use.
Academy Uniform - Free
If you're attending school then you need proper clothing. You get seven sets of your academy's uniform for free.
Wrench Wench (200 CP- Discount Groupie): Alright, maybe you aren't of the female personage, but this still applies to you dude. You're pretty handy with a toolbox, and thankfully you are of the class to actually repair Mobile Fighter without accidentally switching off an important subsystem while you're at it. You also have a talent for making things work without every single one of their parts- a car still won't run without its engine, but it could be missing a cylinder or two and still run just as good. In addition, say goodbye to getting nipped by metal and catching your hair and nails/fingers in things while working!
Free for all - Lingua-Technis
Known only to the devotees of the Machine God despite the best efforts of outsiders over millennia, the adepts of Mars speak to each other in bursts of binaric code. This allows for a great deal of information to be communicated quickly and discreetly. Even if translated, it is a complex language thick with ancient and arcane terminology that few outsiders could ever hope to make any sense of. This language and your implants allow you to communicate quickly with other adepts, transferring messages and code many times faster than ordinary speech.
100cp - Magos designation (Two purchases free for 'Magos Errant')-- Cybernetics
You have been recognized for your mastery of a facet of the Machine God's mysteries. Choose a field of Imperial technology such as genetic manipulation, voidship construction, cybernetics or even psykana. Beyond the mere rote learning of lesser adepts you have a deep grasp of the principles that govern your field, and can reliably produce even the more uncommon expressions of your specialty. With time, effort and discretion you could even modify and improve upon your specialty as needed. Those few things beyond your full understanding can still be built and maintained by carefully following STC blueprints.
Free - Shrine to the Machine God
Plasma candles and sweet incense frame this small shrine. Items blessed by the devout upon the micro-altar feel surer in hand and swifter in use against those things anathema to the Machine God. But should your soul and intentions be profane, blessings will still be granted even as the altar slowly grows dark and rusted, an ugly asymmetry forming in the eight-toothed cog that now frames the Opus Machina…
Free – Quantum prayer-book
Edged with gold and copper leaf, this tomes details the structure, most common prayers, tenets and rites of the priesthood. People who study the book, particularly those of a scientific bent, will find it very inspiring. May or may not result in machine spirits becoming an actual thing if the doctrine is followed by enough people in a non-40k jump. You will receive non-respawning copies to bequeath to others if you wish.
Free/Mandatory – Mechanicus Implants
The cyber-frame is the all-encompassing term for the system of hardpoints and skeletal reinforcements required to mount bionics upon weak flesh and bone. The Potentia Coil stores the energy required to power all other implants, and electoo inductors allow the coil to transfer power inwards to recharge the coil or outwards to power devices or for self-defense. Electro-grafts are a lesser versions of the MIU, allowing for direct mental communication with cogitator systems. There is also a varying degree of neurological augmentation that accompanies each new implant, which is required to monitor and control the functions of an adept's bionics as if they were a natural part of their body.
Time to cook 200
Wonderland's sense of time is kind of screwy, and it's perfectly reasonable for a chef to go out for a midnight quest to a mountain for an egg and get back before the pot boils over. This perk essentially slows down the progression of time from a narrative standpoint as long as you are focusing on making food that includes everything from acquiring ingredients to preparing the food to setting the table. This does not slow or freeze the movements of those around you, but it basically means that as long as you are focused on cooking, you'll finish everything on time and nothing will interrupt you. For instance, if you are cooking a special potion to boost your troops in time to stop an invasion, you'll get the potion ready on time even if the siege was just an hour away. When you stop doing food-related things, time returns to its normal pace; spell preparations technically count as cooking by Wonderland rules, though.
----Perks Obtained. Aerospace Engineering Makes Things Go Fast (-100)(Free for Engineer) You have an intuitive grasp on the mechanics of wind-flow, material sciences, atmospheric drag, tensile strengths, rocketry, so on and so forth, and how it applies to the art of designing vehicles that traverse the sky and space. A/n: that third POV was just a random morgenrote employee. Not a canon character. I did this because the reality of life is that nameless people matter, so I might as well show them.
----Perks Obtained.
You Runed Everything (Elder Scrolls Online) Before the development of the Arcane Enchanter in the 4th Era which streamlined enchanting to the point that any novice without even the barest hint of magicka could bind an enchantment, and even before the Guild-standardized enchanting techniques of the 3rd Era which drastically eased the process to a simple matter of shoving stored magicka into an item, the tool of choice for infusing an item with a magical effect was the humble Glyph. A Glyph is a combination of three runes, one inscribed with the potency which determines the base strength and whether it adds or removes, one with the desired attribute to effect such as health or a specific element , and a third designating its aspect, ranging from Common to Legendary. You know enough to be able to use and translate up to Rank Five runes(Pora, Denara, Hade and Idode) , with even more becoming available to you as you research and translate more. Transmogrification (World of Warcraft) Have a set of armor that you like? Yet you like another set of armor's stats? Well don't fret! Transmog machine is here! What is it? It looks like a giant washing machine, you can feed any two sets of armor(Head, Chest, Legs, Boots, & Gloves)and choose which one is spit out. The new armor will be the best of both worlds. It'll have the superior stats of the one item, and looks of the other. However the downside is that the other item is destroyed. However both items are in a database so you can always transmog the look. Don't bother taking it apart and trying to figure out how it works, because there's no answer. It just works.
Transmogrification (World of Warcraft) Have a set of armor that you like? Yet you like another set of armor's stats? Well don't fret! Transmog machine is here! What is it? It looks like a giant washing machine, you can feed any two sets of armor(Head, Chest, Legs, Boots, & Gloves)and choose which one is spit out. The new armor will be the best of both worlds. It'll have the superior stats of the one item, and looks of the other. However the downside is that the other item is destroyed. However both items are in a database so you can always transmog the look. Don't bother taking it apart and trying to figure out how it works, because there's no answer. It just works.
Workshop/3D Fabricator GUNNM
Powered tools for cyborg disassembly and repair. Bulky diagnostic computer, ten kilograms of miscellaneous spare parts, very rare compact 3D fabricator capable of milling custom components and printing or repairing circuitry.
The Dark Crystal (azeroth) 200
Draenei use crystals that are, possibly, native to their homeworld for almost all aspects of their daily lives. Even their technology, magic, and homes are made of these crystals. Certain Artificers are capable of 'Programming' these crystals to do certain things ranging from protecting an entire city in a shield or powering magitek spaceships that can travel the void of space. You now have their knowledge of these ancient arts and are capable of incorporating this magitek into your own technology or magic.
What's this Do? [200cp] (Discount Engineer)
The technology used in the frontier can be so complex and advanced it takes years for even the most<br />
brilliant minds to understand. Really now? That's good, you needed something to do after lunch today.<br />
Now, even if your in a dropship in the middle of a fire fight, you can decipher the inner workings of<br />
technology so long as you have the controls to scre- I mean analyze.<br />
Titan Hangar [Free]
A sophisticated auto-factory, this attachment to the warehouse will manufacture any Titan you have the plans for. The designator now causes one of these Titans to be deployed to the point you designate in a drop pod when used. Once deployed, another Titan won't be produced until you return it to the warehouse or it is destroyed.<br />
Additionally, a Titan is now constructed once a day for free, but if you want more than one Titan per day, it will still construct you more if you can feed it the necessary raw materials.
Constructor Drone and AI Kernel
This drone is an automated constructor unit, capable of building simple machines and buildings on its own and more complicated structures and technologies under your direct supervision, so long as it has materials to work with. Its tools can be easily customized or replaced with new or different technologies. Moreover, its software includes a kernel that can be used to grow specialized AI and VI systems optimized for various computational substrates and tasks that are always loyal to you.
----Perks Obtained.
Scavenger (Ravenwood) (100cp)
Sometimes, you do not have the luxury of top of the line equipment and need to rely on what scraps you can salvage. You, however, have an advantage, being able to cobble together scavenged bits into functional equipment that work as well as the real deal. This talent will also inherently improve the durability of such improvised equipment to function even when such materials should not feasible hold up under the strains of use.
Survey (Green Worldz) (100cp)
A simple little survey that, when filled out, reveals the ideal weapon parameters for any given individual. The default length is 239 questions, but the survey becomes longer and more comprehensive as your crafting skills and resources become more diverse. As long as a person fills out the survey truthfully(and they are compelled to do so when faced with this version) , the resulting weapon will be a truly one-of-a-kind tool perfectly matched to their personality and fighting style.
ELDER TECHNOLOGY (The Culture Minds) (200)
Some civs just build to last, and it is not unusual for Sublimed civs to leave considerable artifacts behind. Any technological device, structure or vehicle that you create has an effectively unlimited usable lifespan. Not even organic matter that is a part of the device will decay, or even undergo effects like proton decay over the aeons. They will still need expendable reserves a gun still needs bullets, a laser still needs its power pack replaced or recharged but that gun's moving parts never wear out, and that rechargeable power pack can be reused for aeons and more without loss of performance.
-0-D for Dummies (Megas XLR) (200CP)
A set of textbooks that explains the basics of Hyper-dimensional structure, most potent in making spaces with overlapping existences in layman terms, use tech in making spaces and parts that don't exist in real space. Warning! Extremely energy intensive.
Threadmarks: Phase 2.5 International discourse
----Perks Obtained.
Secrecy is the Key to Diabolical Success (400cp)<br />
It is critical that top-secret projects remain top secret, even from the people working on it. You are able to ensure that everyone carrying out a secret plan or project you have devised remain completely ignorant of what they are doing/making, without hindering their ability to carry out the plan. For instance, you could have each individual soldier make a single part in his spare time and have your general assemble them together in pitch darkness without peeking, and the secret superweapon will be constructed just as according to plan. That said, it won't work if you need to tell people what the plan is, and sometimes it's a good idea to let your allies know what's up before they reach(wrong)conclusions of their own.
Pushing The Envelope [400CP – Discounted Traveler]
Compared to other professions, Mobile Suit engineering isn't the hardest thing in the world. That comes from decades of refining technology in a field where progress has been forbidden for hundreds of years and you end up spending your resources simplifying and refining the tech you already have. But when what you have isn't what you need, people call on you. Breaking the paradigm is your specialty, and you find great success when pushing things in a direction that is unusual. Maybe you'll be the first to create true transforming suits in this timeline, or maybe you'll revive some of the ancient nanotechnology that went into creating the Mobile Armors. Whatever it is, it'll be interesting.

Geirail Frame [Free]
Somewhat of a middle step between the more specialized and high-performance Graze Frame that was derived from it and the powerful Valkyrja Frame it was based upon, the Gierail Frame is the epitome of a general purpose military suit. While the Rodi and Hexa Frames are excellent all-
purpose suits for the purpose of salvage and heavy lifting applications that Mobile Workers are
simply not suited for in addition to combat, the Geirail was engineered with military purposes in
mind. It is somewhat lighter and faster, though not nearly to the extend that the Graze is, and very easy to use.
It also carries a somewhat strange advantage- They are an excellent suit to use if someone wants to remain anonymous. After Gjallarhorn moved on to the Graze platform, only a few Geirail Frames were kept for the purpose of training new pilots, and they were repaired with parts taken from the old prototype test beds that had their registration deleted. Take any Geirail Frame and attempt to match it's Ahab Wave Frequency to the database and you'll get... nothing. No owner, no pilot, no company, no nothing.

Structural Armor and Nanolaminate Armor Coating [200cp] (One Free All Except Imports)
What the average person probably doesn't realize about Mobile Suits is that the thick armor they wear isn't actually what stops the bullets and the thick blows that are delivered to them on a daily basis. No, those armor pieces are more accurately padding. They're ablative armor pieces designed to crumple under blows without compromising the Frame underneath. What actually allows the armor to take multiple heavy impacts, artillery shots and more is actually the paint on the armor. I'm serious.
Nanolaminate is a material that is applied to Mobile Suit armor only millimeters thick, but provides
enough structural stability to avoid denting from incredible amounts of force. What's more, it actually grows slightly stronger when it's under pressure, which is why when paired with the gravity-generating Ahab Waves generated by a Mobile Suit's Ahab Reactor, it grows stronger depending on the output. A Gundam Frame – with it's additional reactor – will have perceptively stronger armor than- say, a Graze- despite the fact that the Nanolaminate on both is identical in composition and thickness.

Despite it's prevalence as the coating on Mobile Suits and on ships, that isn't to say that Nanolaminate is CHEAP- plastic crack is still cheaper, with the prices getting jacked up by the manufacturers based on demand. White is the cheapest of them all since the primary buyers – Gjallarhorn and paramilitary groups – don't want to paint their Mobile Suits in highly visible colors and instead go for green, purple and blue.
You can choose any color scheme you want for your Mobile Suit, however.
(Obscenely bright metallic pink)

Basic Thruster Suite [25CP] (Free Geirail-Series Frames)
Part of the Graze's famed ease-of-use comes from leaving this feature behind on it's predecessor the Geirail Frame. Instead of the two (or four with the backpack) basic thrusters the Graze uses, this is a suite of nominally powerful thrusters mounted all over the Frame- back, legs, knee, inner elbow, name a body part and there's a thruster there. While this gives an incredible amount of turning power and boosting in space, the pilot needs to be careful they don't let the thrusters get in the way of normal operation.

Melee Weapon [25CP] (One Free)
A long handheld melee weapon or a short forearm-mounted melee weapon of some description. Since Nanolaminate Armor makes it difficult to destroy or even disable a Mobile Suit's internal mechanical components, it is considered most effective to just bludgeon the cockpit under the pilot dies or passes out from the shock. For this purpose, blunt smashing weapons are preferred, though a blade can be very effective if aimed at armor gaps and piercing weapons can be effective if aimed at weak points such as the cockpit. While durable, it's not as physically strong as Nanolaminate Armor is, and has a nasty tendency to break if too much force is exerted, although really- if you're just trying to kill the pilot, the sword doesn't really NEED to stay perfectly straight, does it? (Comically large Spoon)
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This is fun. I'm greatly enjoying how he's just throwing out tech ideas like they are common place as a matter of course, but are actually revolutionary to those listening in.

I'm excited for when he finally unveils fusion power. Things will get hectic once that happens.
Hammering Nails is alright, though this one is much more coherent though...

Then again the POV Character is confusing everyone instead of the readers so there's that.
Yeah, Hammering Nails is intended to do that. It's not ever gonna be as accessible as this fic without extensive rewrites, which I'll do whenever I lose motivation on writing this fic.
CH.4 Conversations
Chapter 4: Conversations

"Yes. In order to get the best performance out of my Balls, we must complete mobile suits."

I have been holding in a balls joke for what feels like weeks. He had to know I would make this joke. I'm a teenager, and I made a ball variant. What else could you expect?


"In all seriousness, I do have a lot of knowledge of mobile suits. I need resources to put them to production. This solves both of our problems. What is the error we have right now?"

"The operating system, we can't make it work for naturals."

"How? No really, how? What is the problem? Is the sensitivity too low, is it bad button mapping or are you not automating stuff correctly?"

"I am not making it myself."

I should check when class is going to start. I have maybe ten minutes left to get there before Kira and the others would be at class. So that's like an hour before class will actually start.

That was fast. Is this the power of being well connected, or is it that we wanted literally anything to replace the mistral? Food for thought.

"So, do I skip the club to work on this, or what?"

"No, we don't this project to seem out of place. Go to class and work on this after. I'll send someone to get you after classes are over. You are dismissed."

"It's not a class."

"You are getting hours for your degree for this aren't you? It's a class."

"That's fair."

I should go before they decide that now is the time for nobility talk.

Just have to go back to class and work on the power loader suit thing. It's conceptually rather dull, it has built hands when it's an exo suit for some reason. Could I just make a junior ms instead? That is both more effective than our F tier power loader and can with the right design equip beam emitters. That can occasionally be useful when you need to perform a rescue from rubble even if a heated blade is safer. It would need to be significantly throttled though if I wanted to do that though. No one deserves to be melted by superheated plasma when they aren't an enemy.

I still need to get people on getting helium 3. I think the moon battles of the war are over now. No more bases are on the moon last I checked, so it's probably not a bad idea to get someone higher up to start mining it out. Infinite nuclear power immune to N jammers is something we should be using. Even if I have no idea how to broach the topic. I still need to look into this Minovsky guy.

That's for later, how do I mine the helium out efficiently, space mining technology isn't my expertise.

I should make a variant ms for mining helium 3! It's genius. No problems whatsoever. Modified GINNs with mining equipment. Like the junk guild's works GINN. I like the junk guild. They make quality products, and they aren't involved in this stupid war. Even if I am annoyed that they never have revealed the stock GINN's actual performance to the general public. Makes it really hard to determine if the GINN is good against the ball or not. It probably is going to be good enough to give even ground if my estimates are right, but then again, I only really read ZAFT propaganda. I get enough of the alliance point of view when talking to Flay.

Sometimes she makes me wonder why we are even engaged. If something gets to her about the war everything goes wrong. It's safest just to leave than listen to her. I still remember her GINN rant. That was like three hours of my life wasted.


Note to self: never mention mobile suits near Flay. I may have deep passion for the ultimate combat machine, but she will start spouting stuff about them being for the evil members of ZAFT or whatever. It took her an entire year to get used to Kira being a coordinator and not be racist about it. Hopefully nothing happens in the next few weeks which could change that.

She really needs to break free from the gravity.

"Sai, where were you?"

"Hey guys. I was doing some proposals for a better mobile pod. Sorry I'm late."

"Sure you did. And to think, you made it here before the professor. He still isn't here yet."

Are they just going to ignore that I designed a whole new mobile pod?

"I hold myself to higher standards than the professor. What are you guys doing right now?"

"Modifying the operating system of the power loader again."

Mirallia once again is the only other person who has any idea what they are doing. She has a brain cell unlike everyone else here.

"Why is it always modifying operating systems?"

And there goes Kira whining. It's nice to know nothing changes. Though now that I think about it, Kira is making a very good point. It feels like the past month has been exclusively operating system issues. The power loader worked better with the original version of the operating system as well. Kira keeps getting extra work on some sort of OS, and the mobile suit project is stalling because of the operating system.

Is everyone who works for Morgenroete bad at programming? That must be why its being drilled into us right now. They need competent programmers for the future because everyone else is absolute trash. Or is our professor bad, and is working on the mobile suits? Also, could be true, and Kira's extra credit is just the work for class he is supposed to do. Or he is being so incredibly lazy that he is making his college student write a mobile suit operating system. That only should happen if said college student is the next Kamille Bidan.

"Kira, which terminal has the current version of the extra credit OS? Something is up with it."

"Second one to the left."


Let me see, this os always had me confused. It's not the normal power loader one as a base, or at least when I was first told to look it over, the code stopped looking like it was for a normal power loader. I just assumed at the time some of the changes were due to the new stuff we had added to it. It was always weird that the power loader used by this class was experimental, but we all were working on it from its inception. Not that weird if you think about it like that, but the OS is not ours. It's rushed or based on something that isn't a power loader.

Then there is kira's extra credit operating system. That is definitely not a good power loader programming structure. It's not even good as a bare bones exoskeleton control system. There is all this extra stuff there that is somewhat there in the power loader operating system given to us by the professor, but it has way more unneeded parts. I wasn't really thinking about what it could be until, shoot I forgot to ask if it was Mina or Gina, mentioned the issue with the prototype is the operating system. This isn't for a power loader. It almost looks like a poor man's attempt at a psycommu system except they left out most of the important coding.

Why would you install this on a power loader? This has random similarities with the remote control of a funnel or something. This needs either a strong brain, or direct connection between the control unit and the brain. Kira's notation is him trying to reconcile the needless complexity of the operating system and the frame of the power loader. I don't know why he assumes this is for a power loader, but I can't think of anything else the professor would give him to work on. I don't get how the professor decided to give Kira this. It's too complex for a college student to work on without context. I remember more than enough of Kira's whining to know what exactly he knows about it, which is nothing but the code itself. Is the professor just giving Kira work that can't be done to spite him for being a coordinator?

No, that can't be it. The professor isn't like that to the coordinators that were in my class last year. It has to be something else. Not that it matters right now. I should either do a generic mobile suit operating system, or I should do some work for the remaining courses I have. Not that I have many, regular classes haven't started back up from winter break. I still have like a week until then.

I don't know why this club still meets when classes aren't in session, but I have stopped questioning the professor because nothing makes sense involving him.

I should actually do what I am supposed to be doing, making sure no one has died testing an experimental piece of technology.

"Tolle the machine isn't a toy, don't push it beyond what it's capable of. Don't try jumping yet, we still haven't programmed that yet."


"Kira, what are the current problems with the OS again?"

"It's not responsive enough."

"Still? We have had this issue for weeks, let me see it."

OH, it's under sensitive. It's expecting newtype level brain waves. This was one of the stock parts of the OS as it was given. It's only obvious because of my knowledge of psycommu systems. Oldtypes don't register on the psycommu system if it's not been jailbroken due to weak brainwaves. Jailbroken ones can detect normal people, but they will kill you. Not good at all.

Wait, this doesn't even go anywhere. It connects to none of the motors, it just exists here. Doing nothing. I have to be missing something or, it's just bloated coding. Starting to think it's bloated coding. Bah, I should check anyway for posterity. Never know when something that shouldn't work works.

"Kira, you want to test the machine?"


"I'm making sure that we didn't make a coordinator only operating system."


Let me just activate the diagnostic program and check its responsiveness.

"Kira, I need you to perform the normal check procedures we make Tolle do. I need you to act to the best of your ability, so we get good data."

No, it's still not working right. It's lagging for some reason.

"Was the time for completion 57.4 seconds when Tolle was in it?"

"It was 57.7 seconds give or take."

"Kira, you can stop if you want. We are doing something wrong that isn't related to genetic type. The difference isn't enough for it to be coordinator stuff."

Coordinators generally have higher reaction time than naturals so they normally do stuff faster. Faster input for checking is expected considering that Kira has those changes. We already have a consistent basis for a difference anywhere between.1 and .3 seconds maximum in what he can do compared to Tolle. This isn't racist programming.

I have no idea what the issue is then. If it can't work for a coordinator or a natural, did we just mess up somewhere obvious? Or is this neural net stuff just not in the suit?

Wait, we put in nothing that can even connect neurally. There is nothing here to pick up the brainwaves at all! This is an exoskeleton. Why is that even in the code? I don't understand. Why are we even replacing a power loader with an exo suit anyway? It is harder to pick stuff up with the weirdly scaled normal hands than a wedge. UGH, my head hurts from the dumb.

"I hate our code so much. No offense Kira, but something is wrong with what we were given. I need some fresh air. No one is allowed to hurt themselves until I get back."

How do I get my mind off bad exosuits? Of course, think about some technology. Newtype stuff is my happy place. You have the simple nature of the first incoms and funnels, just remote weapons controlled by the brain. You have powerful things like angel halo and the foundry are massive structures that use newtype power for feats of power beyond your imagination.

I have some ideas for that. Like kyber powered stuff. That's a good battery. I just don't have any equipment to make synthetic Kyber. That sucks. Kyber is an incredible energy generating material.
I wonder what really is beyond the time…

I should go back. I sense something will go wrong soon if I don't return to them soon.

"Did anyone die without my permission?"


"Thank you Mirallia for making sure no one did something stupid. I trust only you and Kira to not do something stupid, and Kira doesn't have the ability to reign people in."


"Kira, you are my friend, but admit it, you are a doormat when it comes to what people want. Has the professor shown up yet?"


"That's unusual, he normally is only an hour late. It's been… two hours? How? Where did the time go?"

"We are only supposed to be here for three."

"Kira, if you want to go do something else you can. Club doesn't have to meet full time today."

"I need to be here so I can work on the extra work the professor gave me."

"I know you guys are still taking his class, but we could just study hall instead of pushing ourselves so hard. We can take an early break. I'll cover for it. We did good work today anyway. How much has the lag been lowered by?"

".2 seconds."

"That's about as much improvement as last week and we now know whatever we are doing wrong is not racist."

"We never thought that."

"Look, the OS looked like something someone would make for something that isn't anything we have an example of. I had to double check if the program was operating on GINN rules. I'm serious we can leave. The professor clearly couldn't show up today, so you guys are free to leave."

"Wait the GINN is coordinator exclusive? That's a bummer. I wanted to pilot one."

"Kuzzey, you don't want to pilot a GINN. If you make a weapon exclusive to a certain class of people you failed. Wait until the Junk Guild has their own mass production unit. That would be worth your time to pilot."
"He keeps taking sick days recently. I'm worried."

"He's probably selling us out to ZAFT or something, it's fine."

"Don't joke about that."

With that, everyone else started to turn to leave.

Thank God, I want to work on MS operating systems in peace. Somehow these losers messed up the simplest part of the mobile suit. Why is it so hard to build a learning computer?

Oh, they don't have a decent test pilot for it. That must be it. The mobile suit development is heavily influenced by the piloting data of the original pilots. I might need to just copy the Jegan OS for now, so I have something to compare it to when I look at it. That has pre-accessible piloting data for a learning computer to use as a basis. Then again, the mobile suit I will be looking at could be artillery focused.

"Hmm, Might as well."

I put the key back into that supply closet, and entered the hangar of what was likely newtype magic. The key probably is some psychoframe alloy that causes a break in localized spacetime that allows for a space insulated from causality. I have no evidence for this, but it tracks with weird newtype technology. I think this has been done before in some aspect…

I just can't remember specific instances of this. Weird. Add that to the list of things newtypes can do.

Anyway, my laptop can contain the Jegan OS for my copy pasting purposes. Is this unsafe? I guess, but it takes like a week for people not on heliopolis to hack nowadays. It's not much of a threat. Especially when I have custom cybersecurity software on the laptop. Just have to make it to the port that I can connect the computer to.

How do I get up to something like 16 meters high without any help? Why did I misplace the maneuvering equipment? Fuck. I can at least open up the hatch from here thanks to the controls on the maintenance terminal. Now, I can see just how screwed I am if I jump it

"Here goes. Please don't hurt me."

I feel something in my legs. I think it's energy? Something is off about it though, its too natural…

"Oww, I made it? What? I don't think a normal person can jump this high. Must be more weird newtype shit. Wait, am I a newtype? At least I have the computer and …

I forgot the cable. I wish I had it in my hand…

It;s in my hand. It wasn't a second ago.

Okay, I have to be a newtype. This is some weird psychokinetic expression. I need to test that later.

This should only take a second.

I might have to consider newtype equipment. I wasn't really thinking any newtypes were in our military, but i'm a newtype. That opens a lot of doors I wasn't considering. Mainly because i am one, so that has to mean other newtypes exist. Even if I have never heard newtype theory to my memory.

So psycommu weapons only. Maybe the biosensor, but that can have reverse feedback. I would consider using some sort of crystalline based processor, but that road leads to psychoframe. That stuff is too dangerous to ever be used in a mobile suit. Not after last time. The only safe use of psychoframe technology is holocrons, and even then holocrons are more a similar concept to psychoframe than the stuff itself. It would be closer to the weird crystallization that occurs when a full frame mobile suit does a miracle. That stuff is anomalous.

"And done, that's the full operating system of the Jegan downloaded. I thought the file would be bigger…

How do I get down?"
----Perks Obtained.
-Forceful Engineer 200 Darth Bane Trilogy
Force sensitive individuals and species have created wondrous unions of engineering genius and Force energies. Prisons to hold eldritch nightmares, holocrons and seemingly infinite factories that strip entire stars for the resources needed for your unending fleets. You are inspired when it comes to the design of such marvels, even being able to use the Light Side for unseen effects. This brilliance extends beyond the Force into the wider realm of 'Magitek'. The potential trichotomy of Machine, 'Magic' and The Force could give birth to near unimaginable wonders for the inventive mind.
Force Sensitive
(Free for all Origins, but varied per Origin) - The Force is what gives a Jedi, or a Sith, his power. It's an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us and penetrates us. It binds the galaxy together. You are a member of a small percentage of the galactic population that can tap into and utilise the Force to effect the world around you.
Lol. He thinks he's a Newtype instead of a Force Sensitive.

When you think about it, he isn't exactly wrong which is the best part.

Also Dark Side infused Psychoframe when?
Somewhere around chapter 27, when Sai is actually gonna do something with this power

I'd say screwed perspectives much, but then again he can probably almost do that
All hail Sai the new golden boy of orb
funny enough, based on all the Universal century manga, that timeframe is kinda average. It's a trope that your machine gets wrecked, and by like tomorrow a better one is made for you.
Ch.5 Preproduction
---A/N the tag is a lie. This fic a modified V3 which has access to any perk from a Gundam jump. I didn't ever bring it up before because it wasn't relevant before now. You guys better start theorizing insane Gundam tech fusions, or I will be sorely disappointed.
Chapter 5: Preproduction
I should have brought rope. Rope is simple and still the most useful thing ever made by mankind. Except the wheel I guess, but I just really need a rope right now.

Wait, I'm in a mobile suit. I know more than enough to move it into a kneeling position. Why am I dumb?

Okay, this is the first time in a while I have used a mobile suit. It always feels natural whenever I use one. Like it's a limb that I never knew I was missing in a sense. All i need to do is hold down a button and push forward a control stick and boom, it's kneeling. I still need the rope though; this is still kind of a long fall.

And now there is rope in my hand. Okay. I really need to do the standard newtype tests. It's gotta be serious if I can summon the rope with my mind. The rope can loop into a section of the cockpit because low tech solutions are Anaheim's specialty, and rope is always going to be a common resource. It's just common sense to have multiple ways to get down, not including maneuvering gear.

This will just be like climbing a rock wall back on earth, but not rocky or on earth. Man, I miss my home back in the mainland. That makes me wonder, should I force myself to make a ground type MS? They are this amazing thing where the designers put so much effort into modifying a machine to work in the atmosphere of earth and then converting them to space types is just, "Hey let's add rocket thrusters!" I'm looking at you Dom. That was a lazy conversion. I don't deny its effectiveness, but it was still lazy.

"High ho, high ho, I miss my jetpack yo."

Sliding down this rope almost reminds me of back home. I remember back when my parents took me to that mountain. I loved it when we hiked up it together. Then there was basic training. Ugh, I never really liked going through basic, but I was obligated to do it. "Can't have a noble incapable of fighting,'' they said, and yet they let the Seiran guy not do it. This is why no one likes them. They are a bunch of hypocrites.

"And, that's the ground. I like the ground. I can't fall to my death when on the ground."

I have my basic Operating system, I have my computer, and I have my brain. This is all I need for my new and improved ability to make mobile suits. I should actually draft an Mp design, maybe that will make my coworkers not hate me.

Shit, everything's quaking. This is bad. It's an earthquake! Inside my pocket dimension... Which is on a space colony...

I'm sorry, What?

There's just a door now. A door from the hanger to elsewhere. Can the pocket dimension expand? Why does it do that? New plan, look at whatever the hell just came up.

I'm just going to leave the computer here. No point lugging it around.

It's another hanger. No multiple hangers. One has the RMS-006 Jenice, a mobile suit originally designed by the space revolutionary army for direct combat. It has only physical armaments which are not very cost effective, but it is theoretically capable of equipping beam weapons. And over there is the Daughtress, a machine made by united earth nations forces for the seventh space war that clearly didn't happen. There is no group called the united earth nations. There is the United Nations, but this is something different. At least, they haven't existed for long enough for me to know about them. The Daughtress is however exactly the same as a Jenice combat wise, it just has a standard beam saber instead of a heat weapon, but its saber is just as useful as that heat blade.

But at the end of what is basically a museum built by newtype powers is the crowning jewel, the Gundam X. Hallowed be the name Gundam, for it is used by the chosen few. Just like the old stories…

Anyway, The X is a walking war crime. That satellite cannon should never be used ever, in any conflict. The rest of it is useful, but there is a crowning jewel to it. The ULTRA COMPACT FUSION REACTOR. You want to know something about it, it is beam capable, and it doesn't make M particles. That's awesome by itself, but the best thing about it is that I could start manufacturing them right now. No helium 3 required. That's amazing. I still need M particle reactors to get the massive speeds of machines like the Victory 2's Minovsky drive system, but it's something. I have to actually work on the new mass produced unit. I can work these in, power issues can't exist when you are a trained mechanic.

I am merely doing field modifications of old designs. I am not great at making purely new designs. That's a challenging task that requires a team. I'm one guy. I would make something like the Zanny but more technologically advanced in the time I have before the person arrives if I had no one to bounce off of.

I really do need to look at the current mobile suits we have made though. I don't have high expectations for them given no one understands the simple fusion reactor. Seriously, they have to be idiots to not understand the simple ancient technology of reactors. This stuff is taught by normal mechanics let alone professionals with degrees.

I am disappointed in the people who made the GINN. How do you fuck up a mobile suit so badly? It's almost as bad as the EMS-10 Zudah, no wait, scratch that. The EMS-04 Zudah, while it would blow itself up when pushed, was still a reactor based mobile suit. The EMS-10 was better than the EMS-04 as well, and yet it is still superior to the GINN in multiple aspects. It had an operational time that wasn't terrible. The GINN has no excuse. The fucking Daughtap had a reactor, and that's barely an upgraded mobile pod. Sure, it's better than a ball, but their performance is near comparable. The ball has a bigger gun, but the Daughtap has a reactor. There is a tradeoff where each has a purpose on the battlefield. The GINN by comparison shouldn't ever have been allowed on the field. I heard rumors the planet side ones have fucking GAS TURBINES in them. That's pathetic.

I didn't invent these reactors. How do people not know about them? I could be stupid though. Maybe the GINN does have a reactor and Flay has been lying to me. Earlier today I thought fusion reactors didn't exist, but clearly, I was misinformed. Why is everyone worried about N jammers if we have nuclear fusion technology? Is this another newtype shenanigans moment where I just flashed out designs, or has everyone in the earthsphere been hit by angel halo? That isn't important. What is important is that I have a way to not require a battery powered ms now. God, I hate the idea of battery powered mobile suits. It's just … wrong.

I can't forget my laptop. I need that Jegan OS for whatever we are working on. I hope it isn't as bad as the GINN. I can maybe forgive batteries because clearly, I am in possession of special knowledge if I am not just an idiot. If I am an idiot, I can just transfer over an OS and contribute that way. Either way I have helped the defense of Orb which is great. It makes the required military training all of the nobles, except Yuna, went through worth it. I freaking hate that guy.

I might as well remove the key, I don't think whatever causes this standing war museum is entirely connected to whatever that key is, but the back of my mind is constantly going that's connected to it. It is definitely some form of psychic enhancer if it's making a war museum out of a supply closet. Now I just have to wait for a while until whoever is supposed to take me to the mobile suits gets here.

I am suddenly regretting letting Kuzzey and the others leave. I have no idea what I can do for 10 minutes. UGGH. I need to do something, but what? I can't redesign the ball, I just got that through for production. Changing the design now would make me look bad. I could try calling Flay, see how her day has been. We are dating after all.

No, never think of love. I am an Anaheim trained engineer. We were trained with a single thought in mind, "Never let love get in the way of the creation of new weapons of war, and also military objectives, can't forget that as well." This was in response to one of the engineers being in love with a terrorist and her decision to take him alive causing the deaths of at minimum hundreds of millions of people during Operation Stardust.

I feel like my brain is just justifying my genius with false histories or something. What even is an Anaheim anyway? My family is known for writing stories as well as the creation of the Haro robotic pet series. This might just be the latent skill for storytelling finally making itself known.

What am I even thinking about this for? Flay is a person, she has flaws, but nothing she can say could cause a genocide. That genocide already happened last year. I remember her being horrified about it. The senseless death of people got to her. She wasn't ever really afraid of coordinators until after ZAFT responded by taking out almost every nuclear reactor on earth. She used to live where that happened. Some of her friends almost died in the riots that took place afterwards. It's not even like she really hates coordinators for existing. It would take something like ZAFT attacking and destroying Heliopolis, and then her dad dying to make her go that far.
That was an oddly specific thought. Why was that my first thought? I might need help. I'm paranoid about Heliopolis being attacked.

*Knock Knock*

A person came in. She was definitely not someone I recognized and was not Professor Kato. This was probably who was meant to pick me up for that mobile suit project. I can't wait to see what the people of Morgenroete created.

Oh hey, finally I can work on the mobile suit. I bet it's going to be something awesome! Stay calm, I don't want to look weird to my coworkers.

"Are you the person who is supposed to get me to the prototype?"

"Yes. Sir Shahaku sent me to bring you to it."

"So, it was Gina. I can never tell them apart."

"You know them?"

Ummm, shit. I need to deflect.

"I hear it's an issue from other people."

"Sure, you have. I don't know why we are bringing a teenager in on this, but whatever. Sir Sahaku is never wrong about things like this."

I didn't recognize this person, and this person didn't really recognize me. I'm kinda happy about that. I think it's better that I was raised in an environment where the public either realized I am a boring person or doesn't know I exist. I want to keep it that way.

"So, what exactly is the problem with the thing anyway? I haven't gotten clear answers on that. I know it's bad programming, but like everything here has bad programming."

"I am a mechanical engineer, not a software engineer. I don't know where they went wrong, but whatever it is has made naturals incapable of using the machines effectively."

"How does that work?"

"I don't know. Stop talking about it. We need to get to the prototypes first."

"Is it at least at this facility?"

"It's on the other side of campus. Don't talk about it until we get to the cars."

"Ok. What do we talk about then?"


"Alrighty then."

Seriously though, how do you make something not usable by normal people? Is the control sensitivity too high? That can't make it unusable though. Most coordinators cap out at upper end human potential to slightly above what people can do. There is not enough of a difference for it to be unusable. Newtype use machines that were nearly unusable like the RX-78NT-1 Alex were still usable by normal people. Sure, the Alex didn't have any specific newtype weapons, but it was made specifically for some guy named Amuro who was a strong newtype. The test pilot was incapable of using its full potential, but at least she could use it to defeat a high spec enemy unit. They are acting like somehow the machine just doesn't operate at all for naturals which does not make sense.

If it was a newtype weapon it theoretically could make sense, however, that would mean the mobile suit is acting like a large bit, so why even include a cockpit at all? Maybe the system isn't even controlled by physical technology, but that again doesn't make sense. You would have to specifically have a thought detection system that is tuned specifically to coordinator thought speed which still isn't enough to be significantly harder for a natural. It would take a bit more effort, but the RX-0 series are modeled after people for a reason. It's easier to control something that is basically a bigger human with your brain than a mobile armor like the Dendrobium.
I can't seem to find a logical answer as to what is wrong if it's just the operating system. Maybe there is something wrong with the frame itself? No, I have to trust these people are professionals who would have noticed an error like that.

"Get in."

I didn't even notice we got to the station already. How intensely was I thinking about the conundrum of the failed mobile suit?

"Can I talk about the suit now?"

"Yes. I however can't answer what is wrong with it beyond it being a coding issue."

"Have you done any actual tests with the machine? Figure out what specifically is wrong with the actual unit? Simulations are only going to give you so much good data after all. Unless you're getting extreme frame warping from a transformation mechanism or there is an experimental system which has a chance of causing berserk states in the pilot, always make an actual prototype and get a test pilot for data gathering. That's mobile suit development 101."

"Why are you an expert in this? Mobile suits are brand new tech. You can't say there is a 101 when the tech is so new that there aren't any conventions to how it works. Also, an experimental system that can cause insanity? What does that even mean?

But to answer your question, no we have not tested the machine. It's not bad on a technical level in simulations. The machine is just not functioning to its capability due to the programming."

"Then what in the hell are you people doing!?! You aren't getting real data unless you actually use it! It's supposed to not exactly be user friendly until you get the piloting data in the learning computer. How did you mess this up? Mobile suit engineering is an ancient field. It's older than my parents for crying out loud. This shit has a million different designs to base your work on. How are you the only ones who make it literally unusable by normies. Even fucking psycommu machines can be used by oldtypes. Sure they can't use the psycommu weapons, but at least they can fucking pilot the machine in most cases."

"The hell is a learning computer? Or psycommu? And you still haven't answered the whole system question."

"Oh God. I'm surrounded by idiots. How can you not comprehend learning computers? I have to build one now and replace your entire coding situation as well. Wonderful, simply wonderful. I copied a functional operating system for almost nothing because you people literally decided to have a one size fits all solution to machines known for ace customization."

"Are you going to answer my questions or not?"

"Give me a second. I'm just realizing how much of a failure this team is. Whoever designed the computers in this thing is a disgrace to Orb."

Breathe in, breathe out. This is Orb's first mobile suit. They don't have the experience to realize how powerful a learning computer is. That still doesn't excuse not knowing what one is. The technology was invented like a century ago. So was psycom, but at least I know Orb is ignorant of newtype phenomenon. It's kinda fucked up that Orb is pretending a whole genetic type doesn't exist, or they just somehow didn't get the memo about newtypes which is also weird. I literally never heard the word until this morning when I just knew what one was.

"We are here. Stop having an aneurysm over what you call bad design philosophy or whatever."

I can tell this guy is angry that a teenager is calling what must be his magnum opus a horrible thing, but he hasn't demonstrated that the machine is okay.

"Great, we made it. I had so much faith in the design team when I got the offer, but somehow you killed it. I'm expecting the GINN equivalent of a Zanny right now. If I'm lucky I won't have to redesign the thing too much for its mass produced variant."

"This isn't a mass production team, that's in the homeland."

"What? You are simultaneously making a mass production and a prototype, yet you haven't actually tested the prototype mobile suit which is our FIRST one. Are you crazy? Have you at least tested the actual mass produced one?"

"I don't know. I'm not on the team who decided how this works."

"Is this prototype at least not for the same purpose as the one back in the homeland?"

"They are intended as commander units."

"Ok, that's fine I guess. A bit dumb to not make the variants after you had a finalized original prototype, but whatever. It's at least a decent idea in theory."

I never answered what psycommu was or anything. I should probably wait until I meet the full team. I only want to explain advanced mobile suit theory once. If I have to start giving mobile suit engineering classes, I might as well just give only one. It is more time efficient this way.

"So how many people are involved in the design work? It has to be small given no one knows about the project."

"About 5 people including myself. One is at the homeland working on the mass production variant. She was our programmer."

"You let the programmer leave the place where the prototype with the bad OS are?"

"We have communication to get the updates she has been making."

"Quantum right? Otherwise you get minor lag time which would be annoying."

"I don't know. It could be laser based communications or something. Who cares? It works."

"Can I at least meet the people here? I have to give a presentation on how to create mobile suits."

"Umm, what?"

"You heard me. No one here has any idea of what they are doing, so I will be taking matters into my own hands. As proof of my skills I will be installing the operating system on this computer onto the prototype. When it works, I will then lecture on what exactly went wrong.
Where is it?"
"It's right over there in that building. I doubt you can make it work though."

"We'll see about that."

Oh, security to check our credentials. Cool, they are at least trying to prevent people from Gundam jacking. Good on them.

Anti-theft measures! I forgot to include anti-theft measures in the ball. Note to self, include this in the next generation mobile suit.

"Come on, I just authenticated us."


I need to not insult these engineers when I meet them. That would be mean, it would be like bullying a lawyer for not being a doctor. It doesn't help.

"And these are the Astrays. Orb's first mobile suits."

We were above where they were stored. They were on their backs which is an interesting decision. You only really do that during storage of machines, or transport. It makes sense in the context of storage, but this is a prototype that is going to be tested soon, or at least see active deployment at some point. Why set it up that way?

The machines however…

"Well, just looking at it tells me it isn't the worst mobile suit I have seen. It's a Gundam type, good choice there. Clearly designed to make use of high mobility. I can tell based on thruster placement. Is that a backpack hardpoint underneath the current backpack? Competent choice although making that on a first run through adds some complexity when constructing the machine. You have to design extra backpacks for it, which is hard enough, but why skimp out on other hardpoints? The backpack isn't the only thing that should be swapped out for missions. There should at least be a few on the arms and legs. Also means the beam sabers are equipped only to that backpack. That's a design flaw given that beam sabers should be standard equipment. What's it made of? Gundarium Gamma or what?"

"How did you figure out they were beam sabers? That's brand-new technology. No unit has publicly used them yet."

"What do you mean new tech? Mobile suit sized beam weapons are older than dirt. Really what is this made of? Titanium ceramic composite? Luna titanium? Gundarium beta? This is what decides if it's a good machine or not."

"It's made of a new foam metal alloy. It's super light for high maneuverability. Can't say it's great defensively though."

"My disappointment is immeasurable, and my day is ruined. You made a gundam type mobile suit and somehow messed up on its alloy construction. I'm speechless.

Wait, nevermind. We did that with the mark II and it wasn't the worst thing ever created. The mobility can overcome the terrible frame materials. Then again the mark II was made out of titanium ceramic. It could still shrug off a 90mm machine gun. I need specifics on its mobility before deeming it inadequate.

Where is the terminal to upload my current OS? It's basic Jegan so it will need a bit of tuning to the specifics of this machine. I could just build a learning computer, but it would take a bit of time to create one myself, and I would need to figure out how to install it into the machine without the schematics on hand at the moment."


"Where do I upload the operating system? This is what I am here to fix, so I am going to fix it."

"Oh. There is a terminal connected to the machine near the cockpit. How do you already have a prototype system? You literally just learned about this project today and weren't given the old one."

"I just copied a different operating system."

"What operating system?"

"A Jegan's."

"What are you even talking about? What is a Jegan? Why is that relevant?"

"To save time, write down all your questions. I will be explaining after we get the astray Gundam running."
"The hell is Gundam?"

"Write it down."

Good news, I have some faith in this machine. It's a gundam type. Those usually aren't trash unless someone does something super impulsive.

Bad news. They are storing the machine length wise. And it's almost 18 meters long. Getting this thing up for testing is going to be annoying. Not impossible, just annoying. I can't even tell if the holding stuff is going to be able to move out of the way for proper testing.

Good thing there is an elevator. I would hate having to use stairs for this.

This facility feels more like a storage site than a development area. Where would you even test a mobile suit here? Oh yeah, these people think simulators are good at accurately predicting performance. That's a naive view on what simulations are capable of. Some things can't be controlled for, like pilot skill.

I still don't get why these identical machines have different inner frame colorations. I was only really looking at the red one, and then saw the blue was identical technologically, but is there a reason for that? Some sort of visual squad indicator?

I am just going to back up the old code in case it has something important. I doubt it does, but just in case.

Now to upload a new operating system. This is going to take only a couple minutes. That gives me time to study the cockpit and make sure that every button has an analogue. If it doesn't, I will have to redesign the cockpit which would be a bit annoying, but probably won't be too hard to do.

The cockpit design here isn't great. Way too many buttons on a control panel. Zero labels for what anything does. A LED setup for a button which does literally nothing. I feel like this is a machine reverse engineered from something else, but I have no idea what they engineered it from. I can jury rig up mobility, but eighty percent of these buttons are unneeded and honestly make the situation worse.

All you need is like two sticks and some buttons on the sticks for basic movement, and a thumb button for weapons. Where even is the 360-degree panoramic monitor? Why is this thing using a one-year war style cockpit? Why is there all this extra space, but no seat for rescue operations or anything? Who designed this?

I should stay fair, this is Orb's first MS. Didn't I already say I wouldn't get super angry at it? It's not per say bad, it's just substandard and that annoys me. Orb doesn't have enough people to afford using substandard equipment. It's not really bad given what we have, it's honestly fine, but I expected way more from this project.

Should I just take out the old Jegan to give an example of a decent standard size mobile suit? Maybe, but a lecture would help. They ask for an example. I pull the Jegan out.

"Could you have waited for me at least? I have questions. So many questions."

"Did you get everyone?"

"Yes? I was going to introduce you to who we were working with, but you just ran off."

"Thanks. I think this is the first time someone has every listened to me. Thank you … I actually don't know your name. Wow. I have been rude today. What is wrong with me?"

I need to calm down. I know that this is not like the best mobile suit or anything, but that isn't a reason to be angry at the designers. They didn't sit through anaheim lectures like I have. It's novel technology to them, but to me it's something I have had years of experience with. Even though I only ever thought about mobile suit design today… Newtype bullshit is weird.

"Let me start again, Hi. What is your name? I know you already know mine, so I won't reintroduce myself."

"It's Dr. Rossana."

"Well Dr. Rossana, your cockpit design it isn't standard. It lacks the 360-degree panoramic monitor setup, and its not even a core fighter either. There is no purpose to this inefficiency, but its fine you have me now. I am the expert. I have the training to help you do better than this. It's a good first run don't get me wrong, but we could do so much better."

"What is wrong?"

"Well, I could start the lecture now, but I should probably run it by you first. I don't want to be a dick. I will admit that this is a decent machine. I am just comparing it to legends like the RX-78-2 or the RX-178 or the RGM-89. I remember that you had questions. I'm in a state of mind where I don't feel like banging my head against a wall and am hopefully going to be less of an ass going forward. Which one do you want me to explain first?"
"Learning computers, they sound relevant to the issues we are having."

"It's a computer which takes pilot data and then rewrites itself to be better. I'm not going into details because I don't trust myself to explain the complexities of this technology in an easily palatable format. I also don't feel like I can trust that you will be able to make this work on the Astray Gundam platform without hard redesigns. You people didn't even include a reactor for some god forsaken reason. It's not hard. The Bugu had one last I checked. THE BUGU, the prototype for the Zaku I! The battery system is impressive don't get me wrong, but it's just the dumbest design decision ever.

Damn, I did it again. I told myself I wouldn't go and compare this thing with other machines. Sorry. Moral of the story, we need to redesign the cockpit to add a learning computer. I mean maybe we could do a simple modification to make the cockpit for this, but there is just better ways to get a good cockpit."

"Hold on back it up. You said reactor, as in a nuclear reactor? Those get canceled by N-Jammers. Why would we include dead weight?"

"I meant fusion."

"What? Those don't exist."

"There are like two separate nuclear reactor designs I can name right now, and I have a computer which probably has a third design…"

Wait, I have a computer which has a bunch of designs of stuff. I don't remember that being there. Is the psychofield or whatever is causing the history museum that powerful?

"What? How? Nuclear fusion reactors are purely theoretical"

"That's it. I am going to pull one out right now."

"Where are you going?"

"I don't know honestly. I need a door with a lock."



"What is that?"

"Oh yeah, Orb just doesn't recognize newtype theory. I have to explain that don't I?"

Nevermind me using it. Newtype stuff can't be done on command unless its like funnels or something which I would have to build. It's easier to use my words in this situation. Talking can lead to understanding.
"YES, you have been saying a bunch of things that don't make sense. Help me understand what you are talking about."

"I need a second to figure out how to explain this."

Ok, how is the best way to explain this? Do I go with the Deikun version, or the Anaheim one? The Anaheim one is more scientific with data and stuff, but it leaves out all the understanding… I got it!
"Understanding. That is the basis of a newtype."

"I don't get it."

"You are weighed down by gravity."

"I don't get what that means."

"Dang, it's almost like I just made a joke only seven people would understand. Oh wait, I did.
In all seriousness, it's basically a theory on how as humans enter the space age and begin living in space mankind will evolve. I know this to be a correct assessment and can name what exactly occurs on average for newtypes, but the original theory by Zeon Zum Deikun didn't really know what would occur. He just said, "Heightened spatial awareness." with no context. Like he just didn't mention how it also had heightened mental awareness, telepathy, empathic powers, and some other stuff that scares me."

"Wait, heightened spatial awareness? There is an entire theory about what causes that?"

"Yeah, I don't know why we don't teach it. It's empirically provable. It might be some of the more horrific stuff that is a natural extension of newtype stuff."

"Is this the insanity stuff? I was going to ask about that."

"Sort of? Like I can think of five examples of insanity inducing systems off the top of my head, and like two are systems designed to make an oldtype be on level with a newtype. One specifically changes your genes to achieve that. Others are just like capable of backfiring into causing mental instability or insanity, but that isn't an inherent flaw of the system itself."

"HOW? How are there five? I had no idea what the newtype thing was, but you are telling me there are in fact at minimum five systems reliant on that. What even are they?"

"Well, Nitro directly modifies your genome and brain chemistry for a bit which causes instability and aggression. Hades overclocks people's brains and floods the pilot with drugs so they can survive a performance boost caused by deactivating all limiters in the machine and can cause memory impairment. The biosensor is technically safe by itself, but a sufficiently powerful enemy newtype can damage your mind through it. This isn't even getting into the basic psycommu or NT-D stuff."

"Okay, I get it. This is a real thing, but like who even uses this? Where are you getting this information? What units even equip this stuff?"

"The AMX-018 [HADES] Todesritter, RX-80PR Pale Rider, MSN-001X Gundam Delta Kai, MSZ-006 Zeta Gundam, MSZ-010 Double Zeta Gundam for starters. I can keep going if you want, weird extra systems are in a lot of mobile suit designs now that I think about it. They never get mass produced though. Half the time that's because something is too expensive, but other times it's because whatever system is either a technological singularity, has a possibility of being used against the machine or inhumane."

"I have never heard of these things. There are like two active mobile suits at the moment, the GINN and CGUE. Also, the BuCue I guess, but that doesn't really have the same thing going on."

"You aren't a professional mobile weapon expert like I am. You don't have access to the specific designs I'm talking about."

"What makes you an expert?"

"I have a degree in this field…"

Hold the phone, I have a degree in this field, but I'm in college right now. Weird.

"As I was saying, I'm a trained professional mobile weapon developer scientist engineer person. The degree track was weird, but I am an expert on everything mobile weapon."

"No, you don't. You're still a student, and even if you weren't there isn't a degree plan for mobile weapons."

"Look, I can prove it. The upload for the OS is done. I just need to reconfigure for the control setup, and when you see this thing moving, you will believe me. Maybe not the specific machines, but at least that I know what I'm doing. Just set up the test for the machine. I'm about to pilot it."

"Okay, I guess. This facility isn't exactly designed for testing a machine."

"It's just a basic walking and joint test. I won't touch the thrusters I promise.

Oh, and just a quick question before that, was the explanations I gave at least understandable. I have some physical examples of stuff as well, but I wanted to know if you got it from just my words. I want to teach this stuff as a class at some point, so any pointers would help."

"You sounded fine, but this is the gold frame. It's supposed to be used by nobles only."

"Oh, Yeah. It would be a real shame if someone who wasn't a noble would pilot it wouldn't it?"

"It's illegal."

"Yeah. Real shame for anyone who isn't me. House of Argyle my colleague."

I hate using privilege like this, but I just didn't notice this was a gold machine. I don't know why we have the whole nobility only use gold, because gold is just not a good color most of the time. Unless its anti-beam coating. Wait, it might have anti-beam coating! Awesome.

Cockpit might be ass, but it does have a built-in computer for some reason. It has a keyboard and everything. Why isn't it just a touch screen like the jegan or something, that is way more efficient and not as space using as a retractable computer module. Weird stylistic choice but okay. I just have to go in and edit some of the software, so it doesn't mess up. There are a few less things, but I had to wait because uploading it in its current state would have been a good test for the actual controls. I also started the upload before I knew there were some things that shouldn't be on the machine. Rebinding everything is a bit annoying, but I have the old code for reference as to what the names of the actual buttons are.

I have no idea what any of these other knobs are supposed to do, so I will just ignore them. I think this is supposed to be manual controls for stuff, but why would we need that? Automation is where its at. I have the code running multiple automatic things that were manual on this machine. Why was balancing a manual thing. That's just stupid as fuck. Why is cooling also have manual stuff as well? It's not even emergency cooling or anything, its just regular cooling.

Whatever. Enough lambasting this dogshit OS that is somehow both too sensitive, and not sensitive enough.

Where the heck is the comms button? God label shit so I at least know how to recode this nightmare. I think its this one.

"Checking communications. Can you read me?"


"Cool, radio works. Can you open up the holding equipment? I don't want to break anything."


The holders were kinda slow, but like only a little bit. It was this weird area between normal speed and just barely too slow.

Hurry up!!!!

"Alright, it's time to test just how well I could modify the OS for this cockpit."
----Perks Obtained.
Perks showcased (note others were rolled, but I will reveal them when they appear in story)
Mobile Suit Mechanic (200cp)
Where did you pick up this skill? Were you an engineer during the war, or taught by a kindly family member in its aftermath? Whatever your situation, you know everything there is to know about the building, maintenance, and repair of Mobile Suits. From the alloys in their armor, to the generators powering them, to the intricate joints in every limb, the entirety of the pre-war Mobile Suit engineering has been revealed to you. With this knowledge, you could even potentially build your own Gundam X, Satellite Cannon included. Just, please, be careful with this information. This world has been hurt enough by weapons like the ones you can create.
After War (Free All)
The war has ended. Millions are dead, and just as many are irreparably harmed in both body and mind. But people are resilient, and survive even in the face of adversity and hardship. People like you. You have several years of experience surviving alone in this post-apocalyptic world. You know how to setup a camp with only the forest around you, how to forage, hunt, and scavenge for food, and how to find a place to sleep where you won't be disturbed by wild animals or the odd Mobile Suit stomping around.
Mobile Suit Piloting Basics (Free All)
Combat in this world is ruled by the massive machines known as Mobile Suits. And with this perk, you know your way around these iron giants. How to make them move, mostly, but also how to make them fight. You can hold your own against some thug in Daughteress or Jenice, but a Gundam or a veteran pilot is going to give you trouble. Still, this will make sure your presence is felt on the battlefield. That's more than most here can say.
Standard Issue Mobile Suits (One Free, 50cp)
These are the bog standard mobile suits used on the eve of the Seventh Space War. The United Nations Earth employed the Daughtress while the Space Revolutionary Army used the Jenice. Both suits' ruggedness has served them well, and they are the go-to models for Vultures nowadays. Given their commonness (or at least as common as a sixteen-meter humanoid war machine can be), you can pick one of these up for free. Don't underestimate them, however. The hands of a skilled pilot can do a lot with these machines.
Hangar (free/50cp)
I can't expect you to simply throw your machine into your Warehouse, can I? It most likely wouldn't fit. Instead, each mech you import or purchase here will have its own separate hangar attached to the Warehouse, allowing it to be deployed from there at your leisure. Should the machine be destroyed or lost, it will reappear in its hangar a week later. If you have a mech that you haven't imported here but still desire a hangar to store it, or simply want some storage space for some mechs you may eventually get, you may purchase as many empty hangars as you wish for 50cp each.
Wrench Wench (200 CP- Discount Groupie): Alright, maybe you aren't of the female personage, but this still applies to you dude. You're pretty handy with a toolbox, and thankfully you are of the class to actually repair Mobile Fighter without accidentally switching off an important subsystem while you're at it. You also have a talent for making things work without every single one of their parts- a car still won't run without its engine, but it could be missing a cylinder or two and still run just as good. In addition, say goodbye to getting nipped by metal and catching your hair and nails/fingers in things while working!
Hmm. You know, he does manage to make a better power source he could use it to make a railguns. The main issue for railguns beside the massive kickback is the power. He could use the GDI Juggernaut design, remove the triple barrel and replace it with a single long railguns. This would would be a long distance sniper type of mech that could do serious damage despite it's vulnerability. Basically long range support. He could also just make a GDI Juggernaut as he does have the tech available. I am not sure how prominent Mobile Artillery is in Gundam Seed.
Hmm. You know, he does manage to make a better power source he could use it to make a railguns. The main issue for railguns beside the massive kickback is the power. He could use the GDI Juggernaut design, remove the triple barrel and replace it with a single long railguns. This would would be a long distance sniper type of mech that could do serious damage despite it's vulnerability. Basically long range support. He could also just make a GDI Juggernaut as he does have the tech available. I am not sure how prominent Mobile Artillery is in Gundam Seed.
Everyone in this setting already uses railgun based artillery
the Earth Alliance and Orb(Orb is the faction the main protagonist is apart of) both use these
The Earth Alliance uses this
ZAFT the army of PLANT uses
Railguns are something everyone has both for artillery and other military purposes.
I couldn't continue to read because the protagonist is an idiot.
He doesn't seem to understand that his knowledge of mobile suits is quite foreign, since it has things that doesn't exist in his world. I lost it when he decided to show his pocket dimension.
You should add a crack tag.
This is like going on OOC levels compared to his canon personality.

Hey, is he going to show off more of his "newtype" powers to people?

I could try calling Flay, see how her day has been. We are dating after all.

I hope he get someone better.

Anyone who knows SEED already knows that their relationship will be going nowhere.

This is like going on OOC levels compared to his canon personality.

Hey, is he going to show off more of his "newtype" powers to people?

I hope he get someone better.

Anyone who knows SEED already knows that their relationship will be going nowhere.

Sai's personality in canon is, "exists." It's kinda hard to write someone who could be replaced with a lamp, so he needed to obtain one.
yeah, Flay is gonna be a thing for a while. Shockingly, the relationship might work out due to Sai being a natural, and most of Flays bullshit coming from the destruction of Heliopolis. I'm gonna spoil the future, that isn't quite how that goes down now.
Flay is gonna be a thing for a while. Shockingly, the relationship might work out

A part of me want him to go straight with the pink-haired girl even of it's a stretch.

Probably I just find Flay to be pretty bland looking....as if the show's writer's really destined her to die and never show up again.

But that's just me.

This is nearly unreadable. You really need to add a crack tag and maybe slow down with the way the MC is acting.

Right now my only comparison with him would be a guy doing meth and acid at the same time sunddenly spouting scientific theories out of nowhere.
I feel the fact the MC is not a si hurts it ,since the forge thing it has is op, but the MC is misusing it a lot and is not gaining anything the MC is slowly becoming like Kira
I don't think you can really judge considering how bad your Red Frame SI is.
Sai is nothing like Kira he doesn't crap his pants or act sanctimonious enough to be like Kira. He also hasn't get his upgrades from his girlfriend. Sai hasn't cucked Kira or any of his other friends either.
Also the main character's name is Sai not MC insert that's your SI's name.

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