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Harry Potter and the Letter from the Future

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Away from his friends, dreaming and thinking about Cedric Diggory's death. Also, the Dark Lord Voldemort had been reborn and was free, although nobody believed it, at least most of them
The Letter from the Future New


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Jun 17, 2024
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Chapter 1: The Letter from the Future

Staring at the ceiling of the room while huffing from time to time. He was angry. He didn't have much to do besides his homework or reading class books, which he had already finished. His letters sent to Hermione or Ron had no replies, which also annoyed Hedwig a little.

He was being completely ignored.

And then there was the diary, which treated him like a liar for saying that Voldemort was back.

And if that wasn't enough, he had dreams about Cedric's death.

Yes, it was definitely the worst year for Harry. Even the Basilisk thing had been better, and he was almost killed!

In fact... in every year since he started Hogwarts, he was almost killed. Quirrell and Voldemort, the basilisk and Voldemort, the dementors and Remus in his werewolf form, and then a dragon, fighting under a large lake and finally, Voldemort, once again.

Harry couldn't help but roll his eyes before gritting his teeth in pure rage.

Raising his feet before pushing himself up a bit, Harry sat up and looked out the window where he saw an old, drunk man fall to the ground while his feet were kept hidden by an invisibility cloak.

"Oh, you idiot, don't you even know how to watch me?" Harry rubbed his forehead, feeling a headache coming on.

Shaking his head, he decided to go downstairs and eat something. Petunia and Vernon were gone, so this was a good opportunity. When he came downstairs he saw the place was empty, even Dudley was gone.

"Much better," Harry muttered before walking over to the fridge and taking out some cheese and ham. A classic sandwich would do, for now.

But the moment he closed the sandwich with a slice of bread and popped it into his mouth, he heard a strange sound from above. It was a bit of a 'pop', almost like when Dobby disappeared or appeared out of nowhere.

Frowning, Harry walked back to his room, but saw nothing strange. There was no Dobby anywhere. However, when he walked over to sit on his bed, he saw a letter on the bed.

Sighing a little, Harry opened it. Maybe he was a bit careless, especially with Voldemort lurking around who knows where, but he couldn't use magic either, so he just opened it, not even caring anymore.

To Harry Potter

Hello, perhaps you are confused by the letter. But fear not, this will help you with the problem you are currently in.

Perhaps you are wondering who the person is who sent this letter. Well, it is you; more specifically, Harry Potter from the future.

"Nonsense," Harry said to himself.

Ah, you probably think it is nonsense. I understand, it sounds silly, but I swear on Voldemort's noseless face that it's true, I could also swear on that idiot Sirius, or maybe comment on the scar on your arm that that poisonous fang left. Mm... or say that changing your teacher's hair when you were little was actually fun.

I know things, the kind that only we know. So trust me, I'm Harry Potter, from the future, at least.

Now, the sending of this letter has two objectives. The first is for my work, which is related to time, but I won't tell you much about that. The second objective is linked to the first, but more than anything it's to change your life a little.

In the envelope there's a small piece of paper with characters written on it. I learned it in Japan, just in case! That's a talisman that will give you some of my memories related to spells and something important. It will also remove the Detector, which makes you detectable when you do magic outside of Hogwarts.

With this last one, you will be able to use all the magic you want without any problems.

Harry looked inside the envelope and saw the paper. It was rectangular in shape and looked like it was written with a brush and red ink. He didn't understand anything of what was written, but more than letters or characters, it was like drawings forming patterns with a circle in the center.

After seeing that there really was something, he went back to the letter.

You just have to put the talisman on your forehead and it will work.

That's all, you decide to believe me. But if you do, please, screw the order of the phoenix a little, the small group formed by Dumbledore, who are watching you at this moment and also those who 'fight' against Voldemort.



P.S.: Voldemort has your blood, so entering the house that has 'wards' is not complicated. Dumbledore simply believes he knows what is best for everyone.

P.S.: I always wanted to write a P.S., now I did, I am satisfied.

Having finished the letter, Harry scratched his head a little, not knowing what to do exactly. This letter that claimed to be written by a Harry Potter from the future, looked suspicious, but it was true that he knew some things that only he could know. For example, he had not told anyone that Voldemort did not have a nose.

Sighing a little, Harry put the talisman on his forehead and his eyes rolled up, leaving them completely blank. A white light illuminated the center of the talisman while his scar opened and a dark liquid fell as if it were blood.

The talisman slowly turned black before Harry fell onto the bed, groaning in pain as the talisman was reduced to pieces and then to just dust.

"Horcrux! Son of a bitch!" Harry exclaimed angrily. The memories were actually from his future self. Not only were they memories of magic, but also about Horcruxes and ways to use his invisibility cloak.

"Bastard!" Harry growled as he squeezed his scar hard. It hurt, much more than any other time, but he also felt lighter, as if a weight had been lifted.

Waiting for a few minutes, he felt the pain begin to subside. Harry stood up and took paper and a pencil to write a letter to the order, who he now knew were at Sir

ius's house.

From now on he would play with them a bit while having fun.

Chapter 2: Please tell Dumbledore New

Atop a building in London, Harry spread his arms as he inhaled sharply. He felt free now that he could do magic all he wanted. And with his invisibility cloak turned into an amazing black coat over his shoulders, he was undetectable to any ministry monitoring, even if he used apparition he wouldn't be detected.

"Yes! Now let's see what I can do first!" Harry smiled before using apparition to go down the alley on the side of the building, thinking that buying clothes would be a good idea. Although he would have to go to Gringotts to get money.

When Harry arrived at Diagon Alley, he transformed the cloak into a robe similar to the Hogwarts one, but brown and with a hood, to hide his face a bit. A smile appeared on his face at the true power of the cloak, it was simply amazing!

Arriving at one of the many receptions with goblins in them, Harry took out his key and put it on the table.

"I'd like to withdraw some money and exchange it for pounds."

The goblin took the key and examined it before nodding and shouting, "Grom! You've got work to do!"

A goblin ran up before looking at Harry and growling a little.

"Go, wizard. Follow Grom, he'll accompany you to get your galleons."

"Thank you."

The goblin just nodded.

"Can I ask you a question, Grom?"

Harry asked as he climbed onto the carriage and looked at the goblin.

"You already did."

Harry snorted before asking, "If someone put a dark object of type XXXXX inside Gringotts, what would you do?"

The goblin, Grom, glared at him with some fury in his eyes before growling and replying, "If anyone did that, then they'd end up with their vaults empty and being hunted by our race and the ministry."

"Mmm..." Harry simply muttered before falling silent for the short trip to his vault. Upon arriving, he simply opened it and took out two bags of galleons before walking out and closing the vault.

When they reached the surface, Harry smiled.

"Thanks for your help, Grom. And by the way, I think you should check the Lestrange vault, but be careful, they put the Flagrant Curse and Gemino inside."

Grom frowned and looked at Harry's back for a few moments before leaving the place.

"Over," Harry said, placing the bags of galleons on a goblin's table.

"Harry?" At that moment, a voice came from the side and Harry looked curiously.


"What are you doing at Gringotts?"

"Mm... what do you do at Gringotts? Taking money, of course," Harry replied before laughing a little at Fleur's slightly annoyed look.

"I thought you wouldn't be coming around here after what happened in... well, you know," Fleur said with a softer look. She tightened her grip on the scrolls and books in her arms. The tournament had been really tough. Many blamed Harry for Cedric's death, but she knew he wouldn't do such a thing. She didn't know him too well, but the little she talked to Harry showed her that he was a nice and perhaps shy boy.

"Ah... about that, I actually decided it would be best not to stay locked up at home. I was already messing with my mind too much."

"I see..."

"By the way, Fleur. Do you know where I can buy clothes in London?"

Fleur looked Harry up and down and smiled in amusement. The shirt was clearly too big for him, and his pants looked a little old.

"I think you really need some clothes. And yes, I know some places."

"Do you want me to accompany you?"

Harry raised an eyebrow and looked at the scrolls and books in Fleur's arms, "Don't you have work? Or whatever it is you're doing?"

"I'm just finishing up actually. I had to go drop off these reports and my shift would be over."

"Then I'll accept your help. Thank you very much."

"Your money, boy!" the goblin exclaimed, a little annoyed at being ignored.

Harry immediately frowned. He really didn't like that 'boy', it sounded like Vernon had said it.

"I'll poke your eye out if you call me boy again."

Fleur was shocked by that. In fact, the goblin was shocked too, but then he laughed. He had heard many insults and death promises from pureblood wizards, but every word was loaded with arrogance and haughtiness. Instead, the words of the boy in front of him sounded more like some kind of joke.

The boy was really upset about being called boy!

"Okay... just go... boy," the goblin wiped away a tear before shaking his hand. But Harry pointed to a small box that was on the table, and all the other goblins'.

"What's this?"

"Ah... that's a lottery."

"What prizes do you have?"

"Two tickets to a Celestina Warbeck concert."

"Just that?"

"Just that."

"Why?" Harry asked curiously. He couldn't understand how these goblins had a lottery for the concert of the woman who could be the most famous singer in the wizarding community of Great Britain.

"... We like her songs."

Harry looked at Fleur with obvious surprise. She simply shrugged, she was just like him when he heard it for the first time.

"How do I enter?"

"One galleon and you could be in with a chance."

Harry pulled out five pounds, the equivalent of one galleon, and placed it on the table.

The goblin nodded before taking the box and turning a lever on the side. A sound was heard, which Harry thought was small balls fluttering around inside. The goblin paused and then pressed a button on the box, causing a small opening to appear and release a golden ball.



"I mean... you won," the goblin said quietly, a little annoyed. That wasn't supposed to happen. The lottery box was made so that only after a thousand attempts would a winner appear, but not even a hundred people had bought it.

The goblin could only hand over the two tickets with grievance.

"You're very lucky..." Fleur commented with some surprise.

"I feel like you're making fun of me, even though you're not."

At Grimmauld Place, there was a group of people sitting at a table. Sirius was at the head of the table, Remus on his right side, and Arthur Weasley was sitting on his left side.

Molly stood with her hands on her hips as she shouted, scolding the twins. Ron watched with a smile while Hermione simply sighed at not being able to read a book quietly, no matter where in the house she was, Molly's screams could be heard from everywhere.

Dumbledore sat with his eyebrows slightly furrowed. He seemed to be thinking about something as he clasped his hands together.

Suddenly, a sound could be heard from one of the windows. Something was knocking continuously. Ron, who was not doing anything, thought about telling Hermione to go check, but seeing her frown, decided not to. So he got up from the couch and walked to the window.

"Hedwig?", surprised by the appearance of Harry's owl, opened the window immediately, letting the beautiful owl in.

"Is it Harry's? Is he okay?", Sirius, who saw Hedwig, asked immediately.

"I don't know," Ron replied a little annoyed. He looked at Hedwig, who stood on Fred's... or George's shoulder.

George... or Fred, took the letter from Hedwig and opened it before starting to read out loud.

Dear bunch of pointless people.

Hi, I'm sending this letter to let you know that I'm fine. A little hungry, but nothing a Ham and Cheese Sandwich can't fix.

I noticed I'm being watched by some people, though I don't think they're Voldemort. There's no way the noseless idiot would recruit a drunk who trips over his feet while wearing an invisibility cloak.

On another note, I lost my virginity.

I was a little surprised when the neighbor decided to invite me over.

That's all.

PS: Yes, Sirius, the neighbor had a nice arse.

PS: To anyone reading the letter, tell Dumbledore to go fuck themselves for me.

"What a nice godson I have!" Sirius shouted before raising his head and laughing loudly.

Remus pinched the bridge of his nose in exasperation. The PS told him this was obviously a joke, but it was still infuriating. It was like re-reading the letters Sirius sent when they were young.

"Albus!" Molly exclaimed immediately, almost horrified by Harry's letter.

"It's okay, Molly. It's clearly a joke on Harry's part," Albus sighed a little before shaking his head and saying, "It is worrying that Mundungus isn't doing his job, though."

"What would you expect from that guy?" Sirius asked with a frown. "He clearly doesn't take the job you gave him seriously, even going so far as to get drunk while watching Harry."

Albus frowned a little. He could understand what Sirius was saying, but Mundungus was the only one who helped the order with reporting criminal activities in the wizarding underworld.

"Aren't you missing something important?!" Freg exclaimed in surprise, also smiling.

"Yes, Harry told the headmaster to go fuck himself!"

"Our Harry..." Fred said.

"He has..." George continued.

"Big balls! Hahaha!" the two finished before laughing and running away as they saw their mother glaring at them.

Hermione just watched from the side before shaking her head. After a few years around Harry, she felt like this letter would only be the beginning of a series of similar letters. It would get annoying to know what was true and what was a lie.

Having thought of that, Hermione put her brain to work on the case of Harry's neighbor.

Harry lost his virginity. That was it...

True or lie?
Chapter 3: Shopping and Eating Day New

Harry felt a little weird wearing clothes that actually fit him. Especially when they looked really good. As he looked at the mirror inside the changing room of a store Fleur took him to, Harry raised his eyebrows slightly, not quite believing that these clothes fit him so well.

He was wearing a simple grey shirt that he had rolled up to near his elbows. His trousers were jeans. And Fleur had said to try on a pair of grey ankle boots with black laces.

In the end, Harry shrugged a little before stepping out of the dress.

Fleur, who was waiting, crossed her arms as she looked at Harry before she started laughing.


"Do I not look good?" Harry groaned a little, trying not to blush.

"It's not that... I'm sorry..." Fleur breathed a little heavily as she calmed down. She smiled and said, "I'm just surprised that clothes fit you so well."

"I thought you'd be skinnier."

"You mean scrawny," Harry huffed, knowing that he really was like that a few years ago. However, Quidditch training and meals at Hogwarts had caused him to gain more weight and muscle. He wasn't someone like an athlete, or someone who goes to the gym every day, but if he was naked, some muscles would really show.

"You said it, not me," Fleur smiled before placing her hands behind her and walking towards the entrance of the store.

Harry simply rolled his eyes before asking Fleur to help him pick out some other clothes. He ended up walking out with several bags.

"Can you shrink them?"

"I can..." Fleur nodded before they placed themselves behind the shirts to hide the wand and the bags shrank. Harry nodded and placed the now small bags into his pockets. She still didn't want to show that she could use magic outside of Hogwarts.

"Thanks for helping me, Fleur."

"You're welcome, Harry. I don't have much to do anyway."

"By the way, why do you work at Gringotts?"

"It's just a part-time job I decided to take," Fleur said as they walked through the streets of London.

"I need to start working for myself, save money, gain experience, that sort of thing."

"You've got it kind of rough," Harry commented. "But couldn't you have worked in France?"

"I could have done that, but I don't think I would have liked it," Fleur replied. "My father works at the French Ministry of Magic, he has a pretty good position and his reputation is the same."

"I felt like if I worked around him, then I'd end up going a little crazy."

"Ah... the typical comments of: You're the daughter of so-and-so, you should be good just like him. Things like that?"

"Yeah... you seem to understand it well," Fleur sighed a little.

"Well, I had a similar experience with my parents. Flitwick and McGonagall would comment on how good my parents were in their respective classes. And while I don't think they meant to, they sounded like they expected me to be just as good as them in those classes."

Fleur looked at Harry for a few seconds before looking ahead as they continued walking.

"Tell me Harry, how can you stand so much?"

"What do you mean?" Harry asked, a little confused, although he suspected where the conversation might go.

"I heard some rumors and comments when I was at Hogwarts. About the tournament and your name jumping out of the goblet. Then, when you managed to overcome the dragon, everyone seemed excited and even praised you," Fleur frowned a little, remembering those moments.

"It was so... hypocritical."

Harry blinked once, twice. It was the first time he had been asked that, and the first time anyone had actually said how hypocritical the students at Hogwarts were.

"I've gotten used to it, I guess. I don't even care anymore."

"But that's not right!"

"Mm... true. But if you end up listening to what fools say, doesn't that make you a fool too?"

Fleur looked at him, a little surprised. But then she smiled a little.

"Yeah. I think you're right," she said.

"Yeah. I think you're right," she said.

"By the way, where are we going now?"

"I don't know, I was following you," Harry replied, before he laughed at Fleur's slightly annoyed look.

Fleur shook her head before saying, "Then let's go get something to eat. It's already after two in the afternoon."

Harry simply shrugged. He had only eaten a sandwich anyway, so a nice meal wasn't a bad idea.


Harry's eyes looked with obvious annoyance at Fleur, who had a bright, amused look on her face. She was obviously enjoying Harry's apparent suffering at the plate in front of him.

She had guided him to a French restaurant within London. It wasn't really expensive, but they served good French food, and it had been the usual place he ate ever since he arrived and started working in London.

Fleur had recommended a dish called escargots à la bourguignonne. And of course, Harry didn't know French, and there weren't any pictures on the menu either. So when the waiter brought a plate with snails that apparently had butter and parsley on them, Harry felt his stomach twist a little.

"How do you eat this?" Harry decided to ask the waiter.

"You can just scoop them out with your fork."

"... Thank you."

Harry looked at Fleur before she picked up a snail and removed it from the shell. Seeing it, he flinched a little before he popped it into his mouth.

Fleur was a little surprised, not expecting Harry to actually eat that. Though she almost laughed when she saw him swallow hard and almost gag.

Putting his fork down and looking at Fleur, Harry said, "You know I'll pay you back for this prank, right?"

Fleur blinked slowly, before tilting her head slightly and smiling.

"You wouldn't do something so cruel, would you, Harry?"

Harry sensed Fleur's charm before completely ignoring it. Thanks to the magical memories from the future, he knew quite a bit of magic, mostly Occlumency, though not at an expert level yet, but it was enough to resist the little charm right now.

"That won't work, Fleur. You're beautiful, but not that beautiful."

Fleur stopped and looked at him with a certain level of bewilderment before she felt annoyed. That had really hurt her pride a bit.

"You surprise me, Harry Potter. Although it also makes me wonder, how beautiful does a girl have to be to catch your attention?"

"Who knows... I've yet to find a girl that really catches my attention that much," Harry replied as he shrugged. Although he also remembered his bad date with Cho. Although that could be considered as a simple crush, because he really had no experience nor had he ever felt romantic love before.

At that time he was a complete novice.

Now he knew better.

Fleur rolled her eyes before starting to eat.

Harry just pushed the plate of snails away before taking out the concert tickets.

"By the way, do you want them?"

"You don't like Celestina?"

"I don't even know her."

"She's quite famous, although her music isn't to my taste. But here she's very famous, to the point that many would give a lot of money for a ticket to her concerts."

"Although I might consider going if you invite me."

Harry looked at her before putting the tickets away.

"I think I'll sell them."

Fleur's eyebrow twitched for a moment.

"Okay, fine," Harry laughed a little at Fleur's obvious annoyance.

"So, do you want to go with me?"

Fleur just nodded. Still, it was better than staying in her apartment, all alone and doing nothing. Besides, Harry was good enough as a friend and companion.
Chapter 4: Voldemort Gets Mail New

Around nine in the morning, Sirius, who was already washed but still a little sleepy, yawned as he walked down the stairs to the first floor. The day before had been a bit noisy because of Harry's letter, although many knew it was a joke, except for Molly of course, who even when things were explained to her, was still unsure and worried about Harry.

In fact, he himself, who knew it was a joke, had this little bug in his head that made him think that maybe it wasn't a joke.

When he got to the kitchen, Kreacher was standing in the corner, staring at Molly as if he wanted to kill her, cut her body up, and then undo what was left. The little old house-elf was really pissed off that he was being prevented from doing his job, especially by the one he believed to be a blood traitor.

"Kreacher, you can tidy up and clean the empty rooms," Sirius ordered, earning a glare from Kreacher, who complied, but not without leaving some insults towards Sirius.

"Why are you ordering him? I can do those things," Molly said with a frown.

"This is my house, Molly. I can do whatever I want. If I want to walk around in my pajamas, I can do it. And the same goes for Kreacher, especially when the little guy seems to want to kill you because he thinks you're stealing his work."

Molly looked at him carefully before snorting. What Sirius said was true, but she still didn't like Kreacher doing things, especially since he could place or do anything while they weren't looking. In her opinion, that little elf could kill them all without them noticing.

"And the others?" Sirius asked as he poured himself a cup of coffee.

"Arthur went to work while the twins are in the living room. Ron is still sleeping and Hermione is in the dining room."


Molly pursed her lips a little before answering: "She came home because she had to pick up some important things, according to her."

Sirius stopped the cup near his mouth, feeling the warmth of the coffee and its good aroma. But he was thinking about something else, totally different from the good coffee that was about to enter his mouth.

"Is she still with... well... you know?" Sirius didn't want to say it so clearly, because he felt a little uncomfortable with that subject, especially since Ginny wasn't family.

Molly sighed with a little regret as she placed her hands on the edge of the sink. Her hands were wet from washing the dishes. And yes, she could do it with magic, but doing it manually was something she did to stop thinking about some things, although in the end she ended up thinking about it more.

"It doesn't show, and she will admit that she already let go of those ideas," Molly shook her head a little. "But I know my daughter. I gave birth to her, raised her, and taught her as well. That girl still has the same ideas… regarding Harry."

"Ah~…" Sirius muttered a little before taking a sip of his coffee, but he still grimaced. His godson might have a hard time with Ginny's apparent obsession. It might just be a little while before the girl's ideas faded away, but if Harry showed even a little interest in her, then he would never forget things.

"Sirius, another letter from Harry arrived," Hermione walked into the kitchen and picked up a letter while Hedwig held onto his shoulder while gently biting his ear.

"Okay, why don't you read it?" Sirius asked as he sat down at the small table in the kitchen. Hermione nodded as she pulled another chair to sit across from Sirius.

"Then… I'll begin," Hermione said, opening the envelope and taking out the letter inside.

To anyone inside Grimmauld Place reading this.

Hello, good morning (if Hedwig doesn't take too long), I hope everyone is doing well on this wonderful new day. As for me, I'm better; after insulting Dumbledore many times, the anger I felt towards the bearded old man diminished a bit.

I didn't send a letter yesterday, I was a bit busy, sorry about that.

But interesting things happened: I was given a record player with a vinyl record called '19th century music for villains rejoicing in the fall of their enemies', quite beautiful if I do say so myself. I also learned to play Nocturne No. 19, Op. 72, No. 1 in E Minor, by Frederic Chopin; a nice piece of fantastic music.

The beautiful music has me thinking of interesting plans to get rid of the Death Eaters and Voldemort himself. They all end in bloody fashion.

By the way, completely changing the subject, I found out that Dudley is in love. Haha, poor bastard, there's no way I'll make it.

That's all, maybe I'll send another letter tomorrow.

PS: Do you think it would be a good idea to cut my hair?

PS: I was thinking about being an Animagus, with all the time I have, that would be great.

"Okay, this all sounds like nonsense," Hermione said in exasperation.

"Who is Frederic Chopin?" Sirius asked.

Hermione rolled her eyes.

"Of course you'd ask something like that. Didn't it even strike you that Harry said he wanted to kill Death Eaters?"

"Mmm... No?"

"Sirius!" Molly yelled angrily.

"Alright! Fine! Don't yell at me, woman!" Sirius exclaimed angrily, but then pointed a finger at her, "Although you have to admit that many of them are better off dead, because even Azkaban might not stop them from what they do."


Lucius Malfoy wasn't having a great day. No, in fact, he hasn't had a good day since Lord Voldemort had decided to use his manor after his duel with Harry Potter.

The worst of all?

A muggle.

Yes, a filthy muggle had been able to enter the grounds of his manor and deliver a package addressed to Lord Voldemort. What kind of nonsense was that? He hadn't even had the time to kill him. He had been so dumbfounded that when he pulled out his wand, the muggle was already gone.

And now he had to deliver the package to his lord, because if he found out that he didn't, he could end up dead.

He walked slowly with the package in his hands, until he reached one of the many rooms of the mansion. The fireplace near a long table was lit as Lord Voldemort sat at the head of the table. His eyes remained closed as he slowly moved his wand in his hands.

"My lord..."

"Ah, Lucius, it is you," Lord Voldemort opened his eyes and commented languidly, looking at Lucius Malfoy's face before he slowly moved his gaze to the square, almost flat package in his hands.

"A package has just arrived in your name, my lord," Lucius walked quickly and knelt down before picking up the package as he spoke, "I am very sorry, my lord. I was so surprised that a muggle managed to enter the grounds, that I did not have time to eliminate the subject."

Lord Voldemort looked at him before snorting.

"Muggle? Lucius, your manor and the grounds around it have shields that repel muggles. This person was obviously magical."

"But his clothes..." Lucius wrinkled his nose, remembering the man's ugly and seemingly dirty clothes. It was some sort of blue and white uniform.

"Fool! They were clearly meant to throw you off," Lord Voldemort growled a little before levitating the package and checking for booby traps. But when he realized there was nothing wrong, he immediately opened it, noticing a letter and a vinyl record with the title 'unintentional self-deprecating music for 19th century villains'

Lord Voldemort didn't know whether to feel amusement or anger. Choosing to ignore the record, he began to read the letter.

To Tom Riddle.

How are you, noseless spawn? It is I, Harry Potter, your greatest enemy and rival. I wrote this letter to you simply to demonstrate my disappointment in you.

Yes, you read that right, disappointment. I'm disappointed in you, Tom. You're supposed to be the most powerful Dark Lord to ever exist, right? If that's so, then why on earth are you using Malfoy Manor as your lair? Can't the most powerful Dark Lord to ever exist have his own grounds? I thought you'd have a dark, gloomy castle guarded by Dementors or something! But no, you can only live in the mansion of one of your Death Eaters!

Bah! Now I don't even want to think that you'd have one as a pet!

And please don't say it's just a snake, that would just suck.

You know, I can kill basilisks, so you should have something more powerful.

By the way, dragons wouldn't work.

I can only shake my head at your incompetence.

You've failed, Tom. You don't qualify as a great Dark Lord.

You're just a guy who has to take things from his subordinates. You're afraid of death. You're afraid of what he could accomplish, and most of all, you're afraid of Dumbledore.

Tch, you're not even worth fighting with.

For these reasons, he sent you a disk so you can reflect a bit.

Disappointed and waiting for your imminent death,

Harry Potter.

Voldemort trembled slightly as he crumpled the letter in his hands. His red eyes seemed to glow with boundless hatred as his magic made the table and chairs shake.

"Harry Potter!!", Voldemort shouted full of rage, causing the chairs to explode into splinters and the table to split in different places. The fire in the fireplace died out and Lucius began to tremble from the dark feeling emanating from Voldemort's magic.

And while Voldemort was filled with hatred, Harry Potter was somewhere else. After delivering the letter to Malfoy Manor, he headed home. Yes, his home, something he had obtained after asking the goblins if his parents left anything other than their vault.

Compared to how violent Malfoy Manor had become, Harry's house had been filled with the beautiful sound of a piano.

It was Harry, who was finishing playing a piece of music while imagining Voldemort's reaction.

"Bravo, how wonderful!"

When he finished, a woman's voice appeared behind him, causing a happy smile to appear on Harry's face.
Chapter 5: Portraits New

When Harry stopped and heard the kind words from behind him, he smiled happily. It was the first time he felt this way, he didn't feel this way even when he was able to get away from the Dursleys for the first time and make friends, not even when he actually met Sirius.

Looking behind him, Harry smiled at the woman in a painting. She had dark brown hair that was slightly curly and fell in front of her shoulders. Her eyes were a light brown and she was dressed in a nice dark blue witch's robe. This woman had faint wrinkle lines near her eyes, but nothing else that would give away that she was old.

"It's impressive that you can play the piano so well, Harry."

Harry scratched his head gently, feeling a little embarrassed by the woman's words.

"I guess I'm just good at this, Granny."

Euphemia Potter smiled before shaking her head slightly and looking a little sadly at her grandson.

"It would have been wonderful if James had learned to play the piano. But that boy was so unruly. And it didn't help that we spoiled him too much with Fleamont."

Harry grimaced slightly at that information. Only now did he know that his grandparents spoiled his father too much, although this was because the two of them didn't think they could have children. They tried several times, but they had problems. So when James was born, they were so happy that they gave him everything they could.

"Grandpa still hasn't shown up, huh," Harry commented, looking at the painting where there was a room, but Fleamont was missing.

"You have to understand, dear. Hearing that James and Lily died in such a... way, was a shock."

"And for you?" Harry asked softly.

"Of course it's a shock. Even if we are portraits, mere echoes left behind in life, we can still have certain feelings. But I also want to talk to you, because I know you feel alone."

Harry looked at the floor for a few seconds.

"Thank you."

"We're grandson and grandmother, there's no need for you to thank me, not for this."



"You haven't told me anything about what's currently going on. When you arrived he seemed attentive to anything, and not expecting good things. And you also told me that you were being watched, what's really going on?"

Harry hesitated for a few moments before he sighed and decided to talk about some things.

He took the coat he left on the piano seat and put it on before saying two words: "Abscondere Morte."

In the next instant, he had completely disappeared, and two seconds later he reappeared.

"I discovered that the invisibility cloak I inherited from dad allows you to hide from everything. From magic, to the senses," Harry shrugged a little.

"Voldemort was revived through a ritual, where he set a trap for me and stole some of my blood. And Dumbledore thought it was a good idea to lock me up with my uncles, who hate magic. I spent several days dreaming about the death of Cedric, a boy I had to compete with in the Tri-Wizard Tournament."

"So when I discovered the use of the cloak, I decided to do several things, including asking the goblins if my parents had left a house for me."

"No one knows about this place, so it's even safer than my uncles' house."

"That's very worrying, especially Dumbledore's ideas."

"Grandma, do you know Dumbledore?"

"Yes, of course. Albus Dumbledore isn't a bad man, but he tends to think he knows more than everyone else."

Harry snorted a little, "Yes, I noticed that."

"And what are you planning to do all this time?"

"Besides enjoying some freedom? Training and learning magic, as well as annoying the old headmaster a bit."

Euphemia sighed a little.

"It seems you inherited your father's pranksterism."

"Although you are more... elegant, to put it one way," a second voice appeared. It came from a portrait that hadn't had anyone in it just a few moments ago, and was standing to Euphemia's right.

It was also a woman, but she looked more refined, if you had to define her in some way. Her hair was black and in a bun on her head. Her eyes were grey and she wore a black dress over a midnight blue robe.


Dorea Potter née Black nodded with a small smile, "Listening to you play the piano is somewhat calming, Harry."

"Thank you," Harry smiled a little, never admitting that the piano thing came within the 'important memories' he received from the talisman of his future self. And among those important memories were also Japanese, German, and Spanish, as well as information about certain people, families, and other things.

The memories had been divided into two categories: the magical memories, related to magic (spells, enchantments, talismans, and so on) and the important memories, which also brought information about Horcrux and some details of the future.

"Although you still haven't told us about your years at Hogwarts, dear. I'm very interested in that information," Dorea commented while blinking, she didn't show too many emotions while speaking, unlike Euphemia.

"About that...", Harry had a slightly complicated look on his face. He knew it was best to tell about it, because these portraits had the memories of his family members, and they might have good advice or good information to offer, but he was also insecure about the things he experienced.

"What's wrong? Are you not good at certain classes? That's not too important, we all have something we're good at."

"Ah, it's not about that. I'm not doing badly in classes, although I prefer some over others."


Harry sighed a little before letting his shoulders slump a little.

"The thing is... I was close to dying every year I was at Hogwarts. I had to face a possessed teacher, a basilisk hiding in the Chamber of Secrets, dementors, a dragon, and the revived dark lord this last year."

The piano room became completely silent after Harry said that.

Finally, after a few seconds, Dore narrowed his eyes and said quietly, "And what was the headmaster doing at that time?"

Harry simply shrugged.

"I don't even understand it too well. The man simply offered me house points in the first year. I think he's been rather negligent lately."

"That's beyond negligent, Harry! If the Board of Governors knew about this, which I seriously doubt, then Albus Dumbledore would have been fired," Dorea said, almost in a venomous hiss. She was angry at what her great-grandson seemed to have gone through.

"Yes, I heard about that meeting in second year, after the basilisk affair. It seems that Lucius Malfoy had threatened the families of the other governors because he wanted to fire Dumbledore, though I doubt it was for safety, as the man was certainly responsible for the Chamber of Secrets being opened."

"Hmph! Malfoy, no wonder. Those little weaklings are always planning things and stabbing in the back."

"And yet, we're still related to them," Euphemia sighed a little as she said that. Dorea was part of the Black family, and Narcissa, who is part of the Black family, married Lucius, so there really were connections between the families.

"It's a good thing Sirius wasn't like his fool of a father," Dorea said angrily. "And also far removed from anything Walburga taught. Dear Merlin, that woman was infuriating."

Harry chuckled a little at that, "Though it seems she keeps bothering Sirius with her portrait at Grimmauld Place."

Dorea just rolled her eyes for a moment.

"It was nice talking to you, but I think I'll go train and then write a letter for Hedwig to deliver tomorrow."

"Go, I think you'll need to get better if you want to face Voldemort," Euphemia nodded.

"It doesn't bother you."

"Of course it bothers me, but it doesn't bother the fact that it's a portrait. I can't stop you, not really. I can only support you."

"Just go, Harry. We're here if you need any advice or words of support. Your grandfather and great-grandfather are chatting, though I don't think they'll do much for advice."

"It's okay," Harry smiled before leaving the piano room.

Seems interesting enough, but your formating looks atrocious on cellphones, so you may want to take a look at that, it kept punting me out of reading, I barely managed to end the first chapter.
Chapter 6: Brok, Harry Potter's friend New

"So... why did you ask me to come?" Harry looked warily at the goblin sitting behind the desk in front of him. He looked more elegant than the rest and had a golden monocle over his right eye.

The goblin crossed his fingers and leaned forward a little.

"Thanks. That is the reason, Mr. Potter, thanks."

Harry narrowed his eyes slightly before suspecting something.

"Is it about the Horcrux?"

"Correct," the goblin nodded. "Thanks to your information, we discovered the Dark Object type XXXXX inside the Lestrange Vault. This was very good, as we got rid of an object that could create problems with the Ministry of Magic."

"I won't ask you how you knew about this object, but you have our thanks."

"You're welcome. I just wanted that thing destroyed," Harry replied simply.

"Mm," the goblin nodded. "I understand that, we goblins don't like such magic either. In fact, I think very few would like such magic."

Harry nodded, but showed the letter the bank had sent him in the morning.

"The face says something about a reward. Are you really planning to reward me?"

"Of course. As I said earlier, this is about a thank you, so a reward, or rather a gift, is appropriate for this occasion."

The goblin bent down a little, seeming to pick something up and then placed it on the desk. Harry, who saw clearly what it was, was immensely surprised. He didn't get up, but moved a little closer.

"You... you... cleaned it?" Harry asked, dumbfounded. Hufflepuff's cup was there, in its golden, badger-engraved splendor. There was no malice coming from the cup, not even a single speck of darkness could be felt.

"We goblins have magic, Mr. Potter. We can use magic, we just can't carry wands for years. And as you can see with the cup as evidence, we've gotten a lot better when it comes to wandless magic."

Harry immediately looked at him, "Aren't you afraid I'll talk about it?"

"That would just make you a fool."

The two looked at each other for a long moment before Harry smiled. The goblin was practically telling him that it was possible to cooperate in some way or receive some help if he kept quiet, but at the same time he knew it was a threat. If Harry said anything, the goblins might open their mouths about the information Harry had given about the Horcrux, or that he was even now the possessor of Helga Hufflepuff's cup.

"I think this reward is a bit much for just a bit of information. Tell me, do you happen to like Celestina Warbeck?"

"Almost all the goblins like that woman's music."

"Mmm...", Harry nodded before reaching inside his jacket and revealing a small purple square-shaped pouch. He pulled out his wand and then a thin notebook appeared.

"Nice magic. An Undetectable Extension Charm... but it seems a bit modified."

Harry just smiled before opening the notebook and leaving it on the desk.

"How about this?"

"Heh...", the goblin laughed a bit seeing a signature from Celestina Warbeck.

"I got it when I went to her concert by winning the lottery tickets at the bank."

"Looks like we can get along, Harry Potter. Consider yourself a friend of Brok."

Harry nodded and took the goblet before putting it in his small purple pouch near his chest.

"By the way, Brok. Now that we know each other better, would you be willing to part with some goblin-forged silver?"

Brok glanced at Harry slightly from the side before smiling.

"Most wizards are interested in the crafts of my people, but they forget that our ways are different. They are never so clever as to ask for only silver forged by us."

Brok pulled a scroll from a drawer in his desk and handed it to Harry.

"As long as you can offer me some of these things in exchange, I'll agree."

Harry raised an eyebrow at him before taking the scroll and looking at its contents. Harry's eyebrows immediately rose at the rare and even dangerous materials.

"Acromantula corpses, dragon claws, dragon blood, dragon scales, and also dragon tongue. What is this? It seems you're also after ghost rats, which is already strange."

"Can you even take a Dementor's cloak off?"

"Oh... I have this. Basilisk blood and flesh."

"You have the blood and flesh of a basilisk?" Brok asked in shock. The list was something he gave to anyone who wished to trade for the goblin items or crafts, he never thought Harry Potter would have any of these items.

"Yes. It'll have to wait until the school year starts though. I have it at Hogwarts."

"Okay..." Brok nodded slowly. Anyway, the blood and flesh of said beast was useful to him.

"But why do you have this on the list? Or is this just what you give to wizards so they don't trade?"

Brok sighed a little and said, "While that's true, Basilisk meat is good for some things, mostly feeding some beasts. You should know by now that we have dragons downstairs."

"Though it also depends on how it died. If the poison sac broke and stained the inside, then it's useless."

"I pierced its brain with a sword."

Brok rubbed his forehead, not knowing what to think of this boy at this point. Killing a basilisk with a sword? That was just too difficult.

"Fine. Then I'll wait until you notify the bank."

"Then I'll take my leave," Harry smiled before standing up.

Brok nodded before yelling for the door to be opened. Fleur appeared shortly after.

"Miss Delacour, please escort my friend Harry Potter out."

Fleur froze when she heard that. Friend? was what she thought, not believing that Harry had actually made friends with a goblin.

"Fleur?", Harry asked confused at the sight of his frozen friend.

"Ah... Y-Yes, right away," stuttering a bit, Fleur nodded before turning around for Harry to follow her. But the moment they left the office and the door closed, she turned to Harry immediately.

"What does this mean, Harry? Do you know what you've done?", she hissed quietly.

"What?", he looked at him totally confused.

Fleur grabbed him by the arm and pulled him closer before whispering, "Goblins don't make friends, Harry. At least not with human wizards. For a goblin, especially the head of Gringott's Bank of Great Britain to call you a friend, is just ridiculous."

"What did you two talk about?"

"I...", Harry spoke, but stopped immediately.

"You?", Fleur raised an eyebrow.

"I gave him the autograph Celestina gave me at the concert."

"Let me see if I understand correctly," Fleur moved her hands a little and said seriously, "Brok, the head and boss of Gringotts Bank of Great Britain made you his friend... why did you give him an autograph from Celestina Warbeck?"

"Correct," Harry nodded.


"But it's the truth. After talking about some important things and a gift from him for helping the bank, we became friends when I gave him that gift."

Fleur pinched the bridge of her nose.

"Your life is meaningless, Harry Potter."

"Oh, if you only knew, Fleur."

She glared at him before slumping her shoulders and sighing a little.

"You never cease to amaze me, Harry."

Harry shook her hand before starting to walk away.

"Please don't fall for me, Fleur. You're not my type and I don't want to make you feel bad."

Harry just felt a smack on his bottom before looking back in surprise.

"You... did you just kick me?" he said, narrowing his eyes.

"Yes. What are you going to do about it?"

"You're underestimating me too much if you think I'm just going to stand by, woman," Harry stated before waving his hand, almost as if he were slapping something.

Fleur snorted, but then jumped forward slightly when she felt a smack on her bottom.

"... ", she was silent for a long moment. It was only when she heard a snort from Harry that she reacted and glared angrily.

"You... you dare..."

"You started it, young lady, not me. Now face the consequences."

Harry left her there as he walked out of the hallway. He knew Fleur would get revenge, but he wasn't too worried about that fact. The most she could do was hit him in some way or play a prank on him.

Fleur looked at his back before smirking a little evilly, already thinking of a way to return Harry's move.

She didn't know that it would just make her more upset.


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