[Healer Haruto] Drunk spider
Well worn.
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Harry Leferts
Walking out of the building and munching the last of the popcorn, Ayane looked towards Haruto, "So... that was a movie?"
Smile on his face as he walked, the various shipgirls taking up "Escort Positions" around them, the Healer nodded, "Hai, it was." Pausing for a moment, Haruto looked over at her, "I hope that you enjoyed it though..."
Just blinking at that, Ayane gave him a look, "Enjoyed it? I loved it!" She spread her arms a bit before sighing as she clasped her hands together, "Though it was somewhat bittersweet... what with Marnie and Anna."
Only nodding, Hachimitsu chuckled, "Hai, but that is how Studio Ghibli does their films." Head tilted to the side, she had a nostalgic expression on her face before she looked over at Haruto, "Remember that time you watched Spirited Away at our home?"
Grin on her face as she hopped onto Haruto's back, Haruhime had a great big smile on her face, "Oh! Or how we watched Howl's Moving Castle? You had such an adorable look on your face..." If anything, the grin widened as she poked his cheeks, "Like right now with that blush on his face."
Looking away, Haruto's voice was nearly a whine, making the others laugh, "Please... stop..." Then, smirk on his face, he looked at the girl on his back over his shoulder, "Haruhime-Nee-Chan..."
Said Kitsune, however, flushed and buried her face in the crook of his neck, "Haruto-Kun... no fair... we're dating and you call me that!?"
If anything, his smirk grew more sly, "What's wrong... Haruhime-Onee-Chan? Don't you, Mikage-Onee-Chan, and Hachimitsu-Onee-Chan still like being called that."
Now all three Kitsune sisters were blushing and looking away with Mikage muttering under her breath a little, "Calling all of us that sort of thing still..."
His smirk now a grin, Haruto leaned towards her as he whispered into her ear, "And you love it, don't you...?"
A whine escaped from Mikage's mouth as her face went bright red and she covered her face in her hands.
From where she was walking, Ayane giggled into her hand as she enjoyed the byplay. Pulling away, she had a happy smile on her face as she looked back to the "Theatre". It had been her choice of where to go, and the others agreed with going to the theater. Back on the Reserve, she had heard so many amazing things about movie theatres, and so wanting to go to one made her day.
Of course, one of the issues that came up was which movie they should go and see. Something that was harder than one might think due to all the choices that were available. Hachimitsu had been somewhat interested in something called "Final Fantasy: Legend of the Crystals" as it was based on some game she had played, muttering that they better have had someone called Cecil right. They had overheard people leaving about how awesome it was, but in the end they decided that they would go with "When Marnie Was There" due to how Chikako was there.
Granted, Hachimitsu was happy when Haruto mentioned that they could go to a showing another day, maybe on Amami.
There were also other films that were showing, which had caused even the Kitsune to tilt their heads some. Mikage had been somewhat amazed at how there were a lot light hearted films and not so many horror. Though she had nodded when Haruto pointed out that due to the war, people needed things to smile about.
When watching the trailers, however, they had all snorted at a trailer for some American film. Apparently, some goth guy who was picked on by various "Popular guys" got separated from everyone else... and picked up by the Abyssals who thought that he was the legendary "Abyssal Admiral". It was something called a romantic comedy, which confused Ayane, but she had shrugged it off and snickered from what little was shown. Especially the end with the guy in question with wide eyes on a chair surrounded by Abyssals.
Stretching a little, Ayane didn't notice that Haruto was looking at her as she did so, or the smirks on the other adult females' faces. What she did notice was how Chikako, who was between her and Haruto, was excitedly chatting about the movie as they walked. Something that brought a smile to her face. Especially when she noticed how the Healer was treating the little Nekomata. Internally, she sighed a little sadly, 'He's going to be a great Otou-San...'
It was not long after that they got into the van and drove off. Though, much to the Jorogumo's surprise, they pulled into a small parking lot and Haruto nodded, "Okay, we're here."
More than a little confused, the Jorogumo furrowed her eyebrows, "Um, where is... here?"
As he got out of the van, Haruto smiled over at her, "Well... I figured that you might like a little treat as it were. So... I brought you to a coffee shop." He then shrugged a little, "They have all sorts of different coffees, so..."
Lightly blushing some, Ayane felt her heart beat faster in her chest as she got out. But then, she walked over and leaned towards him which made her shirt fall open a little, "My, my, Ha-ru-to-Kun~ Do you really want to get little ol' me drunk, hmm?"
Hachimitsu hummed a bit as she walked by, "Well, you did give him tours of the Ayane Range of peaks earlier~"
The sound of hands meeting faces could be heard as the Jorogumo clapped her hands over her bright red face, "Uuuuu... Did you have to bring that up?"
Only snickers and giggles met her, and when she looked, the Kitsune and Inugami were all smiling and winking at her. Hanging her head a little, she walked towards the coffee shop, though once they were on the sidewalk, Haruto leaned towards her and whispered a bit, "It was a rather nice tour though..."
For a moment, Ayane blinked before she realized what he meant and went red again, "Guh..."
Needless to say, it took a few seconds for her to reboot. However, she quickly walked in with a blushing face, though a slight smile tugging at her lips. Something that Haruto noticed and smiled back about. When she stopped and looked around, he gave her a chuckle, "Never been in one, have you?"
Shaking her head even as she looked around in interest, Ayane gave him a slight smile, "Um, never thought that I would have a chance." Taking a deep sniff of the air, her nose could smell the coffee and the like. She watched as the others put in orders for their own drinks, Chikako getting a iced hot chocolate, which was sort of strange to her ear, but she shrugged. Head tilted to the side, the Jorogumo frowned, "What would you suggest? I... can see a lot of choices after all..."
Hands in his pocket, Haruto tilted his head back a little in thought before turning to her, "That depends, what do you feel in the mood for? Something hot? Cold?"
With a glance outside, the spider Yokai shook her head, "Something cold, it's too hot out really for a hot drink right now, and... I can get hot coffee back in the Reserve."
Considering that, Haruto hummed a little, "So an iced coffee then?" Getting a hesitant nod, he glanced at the menu and walked over to where the others were waiting and held up his hand, "One medium iced coffee, dark, and two large expresso frappé please."
Behind the counter, the cashier nodded, "Of course, Sir. It will only be a few minutes. Would you like one of our baked goods with that...?"
A couple of minutes later, they left the coffee shop and re-entered the car.
Seated in the front passenger seat, Ayane picked up the "Frappé" that she had been given and examined it. Sure, she had heard of "Iced coffee" before, what Jorogumo hadn't? But she had never gotten the chance to try some before. The closest that she came was some instant coffee that some of the guards would trade for silk. It went without saying the Jorogumo gave them lower quality silk, but they knew that the guards found the idea of drunk Jorogumo funny and she had heard tales that some Reserves had guards who would give a lot of coffee out just to get a number of the spider Yokai there addicted, or pay them for certain... acts.
Just shaking that off, as well as the fact that a small part of her mind muttered how she would not have minded performing such acts with the Healer beside her, the Jorogumo brought her lips to the straw and took a small sip. The first thing that Ayane noted was the coolness of the drink as well as how smooth it was. As well, there was the lovely taste of coffee, along with sweetness from the milk and sugar that was added.
It was, quite honestly, a lovely drink.
Pulling the straw from her lip, Ayane licked her lips some and hummed a little, "Thank you, Haruto-Kun... Now this is a lovely drink."
Only chuckling, Haruto smiled at her, "Hai, and you won't have to worry as it's only thirty minutes to my house..."
More than a little thankful, the Jorogumo nodded at that and smiled at the thoughtfulness...
Disappointed look on her face, Aoi gave her sheepish son a raised eyebrow, "Really, Haruto-Chan? You had to get her drunk?"
Almost everyone in the room sipped their drinks and looked over at the very happy, and drunk, Jorogumo who was finishing off her second expresso frappé with the normal flush on her face that a drunk might have. It didn't help matters that Chikako was being held by said Yokai with a huffy expression on her face. Especially with how the back of her head was smothered in Ayane's chest as the Jorogumo tilted back and forth with a laugh.
Rubbing the back of his neck, Haruto chuckled a little, "Uh... I didn't think that it would affect her that much, Okaa-San. I mean, I've seen her drink coffee before back on the Reserves, so..."
Extremely amused, Haruhime snickered a bit, "Uh, Haruto-Kun? Did you forget that's instant coffee? Not an expresso? Which, you know, has a lot more caffeine in it...?"
For a few moments there was silence before Ichika laughed a little, "You did forget? Didn't you?"
Hanging his head, Haruto sighed a little, "Hai... Ugh, I'm a baka." Frown on his face, he looked over at the swaying Jorogumo, "You don't think that Ayane-Chan will be angry with me when she's sober, do you?"
It wasn't either his mother or his girlfriends, nor Chikako, who answered him.
The one who did was actually Ayane who swayed as she stumbled over to him, "Naaah, I wouldb't be angry with you, Haruto-Kuuuun~" Giggling, she smiled a little with a happy hum, "I like you too much-Whoops!"
Stumbling, she began to fall and was caught by Haruto who fell back. Wincing a bit, Haruto looked down at her, "Ayane-Chan? Are you alright?" Feeling his shirt get damp, he blinked even as he felt the arms around him tighten, "Ayane-Chan?"
Voice soft, the Jorogumo gave a weak chuckle, "Thas... That's how you are, always caring. So kind..." A sigh came from her as she sniffled, "I just wish..."
With a glance at the others, Haruto brought his hand to her head and stroked it, "Ayane-Chan? What's wrong?"
Briefly, the arms tightened, though not enough to hurt him with a small, choked sob, "Jus... me." Rubbing her face into his chest, she sniffled again, "It hurts... hurts a lot and..." Pulling away with tears going down her face, she looked at the quiet Kitsune and Inugami, "You're all so lucky to have Haruto-Kun as... as your boyfriend and husband. Seeing him look at you like that... hurts, b-but I'm happy for you."
Hand still stroking her hair, Haruto's voice became softer, "Ayane-Chan..."
A choked laugh came from the drunk Jorogumo, "Sss'okay, really... Imma Jorogu... Jorogum... a spider woman. S'hard to find someone who cares like that, ya know? Bad reputations and all tha... So I know that..." Sighing, she closed her eyes and leaned against his chest, "S'not my place, never will be. B-but I'm happy tha' you're happy, Haruto-Kun... and that my friends are happy... an tha' helps. Jus wish..." With another sniffle, Ayane smiled a little before opening her amythst eyes and glancing at a wide eyed Aoi, "Ya treated me like family... an' that makes me happy even though it is just a dream..." Eyes closing again, she sighed, "A happy one..."
The only thing that Haruto did was continue to stroke her hair as she sighed. Soon enough, however, she drifted off to slumber with the others looking between themselves. Only when she was fully asleep did Haruto pause his hand's movements. Looking down at the small smile on Ayane's face, and gently rubbing the dried tear tracks away, the Healer spoke without moving his gaze, "Hachimitsu-Chan? Haruhime-Chan? Mikage-Chan? Mie-Chan? Ichika-Chan? I... think that we need to have a talk. But you already know about what, I think."
For her part, Hachimitsu bowed a little, "Hai, and before you say anything... we already knew, but never thought that this would happen."
Haruto hummed a little, "So ka..." With a sigh, he tore his eyes away and looked at each of his wives to be, "Well, I want to know more..."
Meanwhile, his mother got up and looked bowed a little, "I'll go and get started on dinner then, it will take some time yet." She got a quiet thanks and some nods before she left. However, Aoi had a slight smile on her face, 'Now... I'm proud of you, Haruto-Chan...'
Groaning, Ayane lifted her head a little and blinked, "Ugh... what the hell..." Hearing a small chuckle, she opened her eyes to find that she was in the room that they had been using and that Haruto was nearby, "Haruto-Kun?"
Voice soft, the Healer nodded, "Hai, it is. How are you feeling?"
A grimace on her face as she rubbed the side of her head, Ayane shook her head a little before wincing, "Well, I have had better... uh, days? Mornings?"
Sighing, Haruto glanced towards the window, "Well, nights, the Sun just set outside after all." Turning back to her, he bowed a little, "I'm sorry for what happened, I did not know that the drink would affect you that much..."
Lightly blushing, the Jorogumo turned away, "I... it's fine, I'm actually something of a lightweight myself." With a deep breath, she blinked as Haruto got up and held out a vial, "Hmm?"
His lips quirked a little into a smile, Haruto chuckled, "Hangover potion, it helps with caffeine hangovers as well as with alcohol ones. It should clear up any of the more painful symptoms alongside the metabolism spell."
Popping the cork and draining it, Ayane sighed as she felt the headache and such of her hangover fade away, "Metabolism spell?"
The Healer shrugged a little bit, "It's... a little trick that us Healers have when we need to speed up someone's metabolism. We sometimes use it for injuries to speed up healing, which also means the person needing to eat more. But... it works well when cast on someone whose drunk as it helps them get sober quicker, without the aftereffects of the sobriety charm."
Frown on her face, Ayane blinked a little, "I, um, see." Looking around, she frowned some as she tried to figure out where the others were, "Did I do anything embarrassing? I'm... something of a clingy and happy drunk after all."
Clearing his voice, Haruto scratched his cheek, "Well... that is..."
More than a little confused, and somewhat worried, the arachnid Yokai tried to search her memories. Unlike some, she did have a good memory of what she did when drunk, not that it happened many times. So how bad was it-
Right then, she remembered and felt her cheeks blazing before looking down at the floor, "Oh, I... um..." Internally, she continued, 'All but told you that I loved you.' Something wet rolled down her cheek, "Heh, well, I..."
A hand entered her vision and she looked up to find Haruto was holding out his hand. The wizard then smiled some, "How about we go for a walk, hmm? Just a short one."
While confused, Ayane trusted him and so clasped his hand. The two walked past the dining room which had the Kitsune and Inugami in it, each of whom smiled and nodded at her. But then, Haruto lead her out into the back and into the garden. Above the walls, one could see the reds and oranges in the sky from the setting Sun turning into the deep blues and indigos of evening. It was a sight that caused Ayane to smile slightly at the beauty, especially as the first few twinkling stars appeared.
Upon reaching a small bench by the pond, the wizard sat down and patted the spot beside him. Once he was seated, he leaned forward with his hands clasped beneath his chin, "It's beautiful, isn't it? I used to come out here and just... think, when I was younger."
Looking around the small garden, Ayane smiled a little bit more, "Hai, it is beautiful." When she looked at the pond, she could see a Koi rise to the surface and snatch a mosquito before submerging. Her mind was then brought back to what happened, "Haruto-Kun, I..."
Not looking at her, Haruto frowned a little, "After you fell asleep, I talked with the others, you know. Asked them some things that confirmed a few things in turn for me. Important things." With a deep breath, he let it out, "How long have you loved me for?"
Weakly chuckling, Ayane looked down at the surface of the pond and could see their reflections in it, Haruto with a serious yet thoughtful look, "That's... not exactly a good question to ask a girl. But... if I had to say... it was four months after you arrived in the Reserve. When my youngest Imouto became ill. Remember that? You walked right into our house, not a care that you were surrounded by Jorogumo... and worked for hours until her condition began to improve. Every day, you returned to our home and spent an hour working until she was healthy again. And I asked you..."
Slowly, the young man nodded, "You asked me why I did that, wasn't I scared of you all being Jorogumo? After all, no other Healer would have come..."
Just thickly swallowing, Ayane's eyes softened, "And you told us that they were fools, because we were people in need and it was the Healer's Oath that anyone that needed medical help should get it. As far as you were concerned, you only saw a sick child that needed assistance. Nothing more, nothing less..." Gaze far off, she sighed, "I... think that I started feeling something then."
Only nodding, Haruto hummed, "I see."
In return, the female Yokai next to him shook her head, "Maybe... or maybe not." Letting out an explosive sigh, she blinked away some wetness, "But that was just the seed. After that, seeing your kindness, how you cared for all of us... The times that you were hurt because of that, and from your fellow wizards... It was the water for the seed. And the times that we talked and the like? Where you didn't show any digust towards what I am? The times when we talked, laughed, and the like? That was the Sun that shone down on the seed, making it grow."
Frown on his face, Haruto turned to her, "Why didn't you ever tell me, Ayane-Chan? That you loved me?"
Tears coming down her cheeks, she lightly laughed though there was sadness there, "Anyone could see where your heart truly belonged except for fools, Haruto-Kun. Your expression when around Hachimitsu-Chan, Mikage-Chan, and Haruhime-Chan? Especially after you met them again? And then, later, Mie-Chan and Ichika-Chan? It was easy to see where your heart belonged." Shaking her head, Ayane had a thin smile on her face as she looked at him, tears dripping, "There were a few on the Reserve who considered it, getting between you and them, you know. Who thought that maybe they could seduce you, and why wouldn't someone consider that? You're a wonderful man, Haruto-Kun. And someone who will be an equally wonderful husband and Otou-San to any children you might have. You've proven that time and again. But... not one of them succeeded, and I wouldn't even try."
Eyes filled with sympathy, Haruto looked at her, "Huh..."
Reaching up, Ayane wiped at her eyes with a sniffle and she looked at him with a broken hearted smile, "We Jorogumo are... are thought of as seductresses. Creatures that could, and would, break men to our wills, stealing them away from their wives and significant others for our own hungers. But..." Sighing, she looked away, "But that's not me, Haruto-Kun. I might flirt and tease, but nothing more. Not like that." Eyes closing, the Jorogumo gave a weak chuckle, "They say... that when you love someone, you only wish for them to be happy. And that is what I wished, that you would be happy even though it was not with me, but I could live with that pain, that hurt, as long as I could see you smile. That... that is all I want really, to see you smile and happy with those that you love."
Not saying anything for a moment, the wizard swallowed, "Why... did you not even try? You could have..."
Bitterly chuckling, Ayane turned to him and spread her arms while gesturing at herself, "Look at me, Haruto-Kun. This... this is not what I look like. My form is that of a monster, a woman with the lower half of a spider. Compared to them... what could I give you?"
Slowly, Haruto got up and walked a few steps. Gently taking her hand, he helped her to her feet, "Ayane-Chan... transform, please. Into your true form."
Confused, she blinked some, "I... Haruto-Kun? But why..."
Looking her in the eye, Haruto smiled, "Please."
Unsure, Ayane nodded and, after shucking off her pants so that they would not be damaged, she took a deep breath before releasing her transformation. Her form returning to it's natural one as she did so. For a few moments, she looked down at him, still holding her hands, "Haruto-Kun..."
However, he didn't say anything right away. Instead, he looked her over, each portion. Not just her humanoid one, but also her spider half. Letting go of one of her hands, he reached over and laid it on one of her eight legs, bristles under his palm tickling it as he stroked along it and made him shiver, "Do you know what I see, Ayane-Chan? Right now?"
More than a little lost, though her hearts were pounding, Ayane shook her head, "I... no? What... what do you see?"
Turning his attention back to her, Haruto smiled, "I see... a beautiful woman in front of me." He saw her eyes widen and her chest jerk as her breath froze in her lungs, "I see a beautiful woman in front of me. One who is caring and has a big heart... or hearts, as it may be. Because no single heart could contain the amount of love and care that she shows and has shown. Who is loyal to her friends. A woman who is intelligent and funny. One who can tease and make me flush while also getting a laugh from my lips. Who looks downright adorable when flustered." Glancing over towards the house, he chuckled, "Sort of like how Hachimitsu-Chan, Mikage-Chan, Haruhime-Chan, and Ichika-Chan can be..." The Healer turned back to her, "Seems... I have a type, as it were."
Unable to believe what she was hearing, what it could be that he is saying, Ayane trembled a little even as she tired to keep the hope from causing her hearts to explode as it felt like, "I-I... Haruto-Kun... are you... are you saying that..."
Lips curling into a soft smile, he chuckled as he gently pulled her lower body lower, "Well... I am attracted to you. And the girls agreed, so... how about this for an answer?"
Now with her low enough, Ayane only had time to feel him bring the hand that had been on her leg gently against her cheek before his lips claimed hers for the first time. Nearly immediately, her purple eyes widened in pure shock at the feel of the kiss before they closed as she brought one shaking arm up to his shoulders and then the other. In reply, Haruto placed his other arm against her waist and pulled her close. Neither of them opened their mouths to the other, no tongues brushed against the other, yet Ayane's legs collapsed underneath her just the same as tears fell freely down her cheeks
When the two separated, a similarly teary eyed Haruto smiled at her, "So... was that a good answer?"
For a few seconds, the Jorogumo stared at him before laughing even as she sobbed, holding him close, "H-hai, th-that was a g-good an-answer, H-Haruto-Kun... a v-very good answer..." Burying her face in his neck, she smiled so widely that it hurt, "A-are you s-sure that..."
Gently, Haruto took her chin in his hands and lifted her head off his shoulder while turning towards her, and then kissing her. This time, he did deepen it a touch before pulling away from the stunned Ayane with a smirk, "Pretty sure."
That only got him another sobbing laugh as she held him close.
Walking out of the building and munching the last of the popcorn, Ayane looked towards Haruto, "So... that was a movie?"
Smile on his face as he walked, the various shipgirls taking up "Escort Positions" around them, the Healer nodded, "Hai, it was." Pausing for a moment, Haruto looked over at her, "I hope that you enjoyed it though..."
Just blinking at that, Ayane gave him a look, "Enjoyed it? I loved it!" She spread her arms a bit before sighing as she clasped her hands together, "Though it was somewhat bittersweet... what with Marnie and Anna."
Only nodding, Hachimitsu chuckled, "Hai, but that is how Studio Ghibli does their films." Head tilted to the side, she had a nostalgic expression on her face before she looked over at Haruto, "Remember that time you watched Spirited Away at our home?"
Grin on her face as she hopped onto Haruto's back, Haruhime had a great big smile on her face, "Oh! Or how we watched Howl's Moving Castle? You had such an adorable look on your face..." If anything, the grin widened as she poked his cheeks, "Like right now with that blush on his face."
Looking away, Haruto's voice was nearly a whine, making the others laugh, "Please... stop..." Then, smirk on his face, he looked at the girl on his back over his shoulder, "Haruhime-Nee-Chan..."
Said Kitsune, however, flushed and buried her face in the crook of his neck, "Haruto-Kun... no fair... we're dating and you call me that!?"
If anything, his smirk grew more sly, "What's wrong... Haruhime-Onee-Chan? Don't you, Mikage-Onee-Chan, and Hachimitsu-Onee-Chan still like being called that."
Now all three Kitsune sisters were blushing and looking away with Mikage muttering under her breath a little, "Calling all of us that sort of thing still..."
His smirk now a grin, Haruto leaned towards her as he whispered into her ear, "And you love it, don't you...?"
A whine escaped from Mikage's mouth as her face went bright red and she covered her face in her hands.
From where she was walking, Ayane giggled into her hand as she enjoyed the byplay. Pulling away, she had a happy smile on her face as she looked back to the "Theatre". It had been her choice of where to go, and the others agreed with going to the theater. Back on the Reserve, she had heard so many amazing things about movie theatres, and so wanting to go to one made her day.
Of course, one of the issues that came up was which movie they should go and see. Something that was harder than one might think due to all the choices that were available. Hachimitsu had been somewhat interested in something called "Final Fantasy: Legend of the Crystals" as it was based on some game she had played, muttering that they better have had someone called Cecil right. They had overheard people leaving about how awesome it was, but in the end they decided that they would go with "When Marnie Was There" due to how Chikako was there.
Granted, Hachimitsu was happy when Haruto mentioned that they could go to a showing another day, maybe on Amami.
There were also other films that were showing, which had caused even the Kitsune to tilt their heads some. Mikage had been somewhat amazed at how there were a lot light hearted films and not so many horror. Though she had nodded when Haruto pointed out that due to the war, people needed things to smile about.
When watching the trailers, however, they had all snorted at a trailer for some American film. Apparently, some goth guy who was picked on by various "Popular guys" got separated from everyone else... and picked up by the Abyssals who thought that he was the legendary "Abyssal Admiral". It was something called a romantic comedy, which confused Ayane, but she had shrugged it off and snickered from what little was shown. Especially the end with the guy in question with wide eyes on a chair surrounded by Abyssals.
Stretching a little, Ayane didn't notice that Haruto was looking at her as she did so, or the smirks on the other adult females' faces. What she did notice was how Chikako, who was between her and Haruto, was excitedly chatting about the movie as they walked. Something that brought a smile to her face. Especially when she noticed how the Healer was treating the little Nekomata. Internally, she sighed a little sadly, 'He's going to be a great Otou-San...'
It was not long after that they got into the van and drove off. Though, much to the Jorogumo's surprise, they pulled into a small parking lot and Haruto nodded, "Okay, we're here."
More than a little confused, the Jorogumo furrowed her eyebrows, "Um, where is... here?"
As he got out of the van, Haruto smiled over at her, "Well... I figured that you might like a little treat as it were. So... I brought you to a coffee shop." He then shrugged a little, "They have all sorts of different coffees, so..."
Lightly blushing some, Ayane felt her heart beat faster in her chest as she got out. But then, she walked over and leaned towards him which made her shirt fall open a little, "My, my, Ha-ru-to-Kun~ Do you really want to get little ol' me drunk, hmm?"
Hachimitsu hummed a bit as she walked by, "Well, you did give him tours of the Ayane Range of peaks earlier~"
The sound of hands meeting faces could be heard as the Jorogumo clapped her hands over her bright red face, "Uuuuu... Did you have to bring that up?"
Only snickers and giggles met her, and when she looked, the Kitsune and Inugami were all smiling and winking at her. Hanging her head a little, she walked towards the coffee shop, though once they were on the sidewalk, Haruto leaned towards her and whispered a bit, "It was a rather nice tour though..."
For a moment, Ayane blinked before she realized what he meant and went red again, "Guh..."
Needless to say, it took a few seconds for her to reboot. However, she quickly walked in with a blushing face, though a slight smile tugging at her lips. Something that Haruto noticed and smiled back about. When she stopped and looked around, he gave her a chuckle, "Never been in one, have you?"
Shaking her head even as she looked around in interest, Ayane gave him a slight smile, "Um, never thought that I would have a chance." Taking a deep sniff of the air, her nose could smell the coffee and the like. She watched as the others put in orders for their own drinks, Chikako getting a iced hot chocolate, which was sort of strange to her ear, but she shrugged. Head tilted to the side, the Jorogumo frowned, "What would you suggest? I... can see a lot of choices after all..."
Hands in his pocket, Haruto tilted his head back a little in thought before turning to her, "That depends, what do you feel in the mood for? Something hot? Cold?"
With a glance outside, the spider Yokai shook her head, "Something cold, it's too hot out really for a hot drink right now, and... I can get hot coffee back in the Reserve."
Considering that, Haruto hummed a little, "So an iced coffee then?" Getting a hesitant nod, he glanced at the menu and walked over to where the others were waiting and held up his hand, "One medium iced coffee, dark, and two large expresso frappé please."
Behind the counter, the cashier nodded, "Of course, Sir. It will only be a few minutes. Would you like one of our baked goods with that...?"
A couple of minutes later, they left the coffee shop and re-entered the car.
Seated in the front passenger seat, Ayane picked up the "Frappé" that she had been given and examined it. Sure, she had heard of "Iced coffee" before, what Jorogumo hadn't? But she had never gotten the chance to try some before. The closest that she came was some instant coffee that some of the guards would trade for silk. It went without saying the Jorogumo gave them lower quality silk, but they knew that the guards found the idea of drunk Jorogumo funny and she had heard tales that some Reserves had guards who would give a lot of coffee out just to get a number of the spider Yokai there addicted, or pay them for certain... acts.
Just shaking that off, as well as the fact that a small part of her mind muttered how she would not have minded performing such acts with the Healer beside her, the Jorogumo brought her lips to the straw and took a small sip. The first thing that Ayane noted was the coolness of the drink as well as how smooth it was. As well, there was the lovely taste of coffee, along with sweetness from the milk and sugar that was added.
It was, quite honestly, a lovely drink.
Pulling the straw from her lip, Ayane licked her lips some and hummed a little, "Thank you, Haruto-Kun... Now this is a lovely drink."
Only chuckling, Haruto smiled at her, "Hai, and you won't have to worry as it's only thirty minutes to my house..."
More than a little thankful, the Jorogumo nodded at that and smiled at the thoughtfulness...
Disappointed look on her face, Aoi gave her sheepish son a raised eyebrow, "Really, Haruto-Chan? You had to get her drunk?"
Almost everyone in the room sipped their drinks and looked over at the very happy, and drunk, Jorogumo who was finishing off her second expresso frappé with the normal flush on her face that a drunk might have. It didn't help matters that Chikako was being held by said Yokai with a huffy expression on her face. Especially with how the back of her head was smothered in Ayane's chest as the Jorogumo tilted back and forth with a laugh.
Rubbing the back of his neck, Haruto chuckled a little, "Uh... I didn't think that it would affect her that much, Okaa-San. I mean, I've seen her drink coffee before back on the Reserves, so..."
Extremely amused, Haruhime snickered a bit, "Uh, Haruto-Kun? Did you forget that's instant coffee? Not an expresso? Which, you know, has a lot more caffeine in it...?"
For a few moments there was silence before Ichika laughed a little, "You did forget? Didn't you?"
Hanging his head, Haruto sighed a little, "Hai... Ugh, I'm a baka." Frown on his face, he looked over at the swaying Jorogumo, "You don't think that Ayane-Chan will be angry with me when she's sober, do you?"
It wasn't either his mother or his girlfriends, nor Chikako, who answered him.
The one who did was actually Ayane who swayed as she stumbled over to him, "Naaah, I wouldb't be angry with you, Haruto-Kuuuun~" Giggling, she smiled a little with a happy hum, "I like you too much-Whoops!"
Stumbling, she began to fall and was caught by Haruto who fell back. Wincing a bit, Haruto looked down at her, "Ayane-Chan? Are you alright?" Feeling his shirt get damp, he blinked even as he felt the arms around him tighten, "Ayane-Chan?"
Voice soft, the Jorogumo gave a weak chuckle, "Thas... That's how you are, always caring. So kind..." A sigh came from her as she sniffled, "I just wish..."
With a glance at the others, Haruto brought his hand to her head and stroked it, "Ayane-Chan? What's wrong?"
Briefly, the arms tightened, though not enough to hurt him with a small, choked sob, "Jus... me." Rubbing her face into his chest, she sniffled again, "It hurts... hurts a lot and..." Pulling away with tears going down her face, she looked at the quiet Kitsune and Inugami, "You're all so lucky to have Haruto-Kun as... as your boyfriend and husband. Seeing him look at you like that... hurts, b-but I'm happy for you."
Hand still stroking her hair, Haruto's voice became softer, "Ayane-Chan..."
A choked laugh came from the drunk Jorogumo, "Sss'okay, really... Imma Jorogu... Jorogum... a spider woman. S'hard to find someone who cares like that, ya know? Bad reputations and all tha... So I know that..." Sighing, she closed her eyes and leaned against his chest, "S'not my place, never will be. B-but I'm happy tha' you're happy, Haruto-Kun... and that my friends are happy... an tha' helps. Jus wish..." With another sniffle, Ayane smiled a little before opening her amythst eyes and glancing at a wide eyed Aoi, "Ya treated me like family... an' that makes me happy even though it is just a dream..." Eyes closing again, she sighed, "A happy one..."
The only thing that Haruto did was continue to stroke her hair as she sighed. Soon enough, however, she drifted off to slumber with the others looking between themselves. Only when she was fully asleep did Haruto pause his hand's movements. Looking down at the small smile on Ayane's face, and gently rubbing the dried tear tracks away, the Healer spoke without moving his gaze, "Hachimitsu-Chan? Haruhime-Chan? Mikage-Chan? Mie-Chan? Ichika-Chan? I... think that we need to have a talk. But you already know about what, I think."
For her part, Hachimitsu bowed a little, "Hai, and before you say anything... we already knew, but never thought that this would happen."
Haruto hummed a little, "So ka..." With a sigh, he tore his eyes away and looked at each of his wives to be, "Well, I want to know more..."
Meanwhile, his mother got up and looked bowed a little, "I'll go and get started on dinner then, it will take some time yet." She got a quiet thanks and some nods before she left. However, Aoi had a slight smile on her face, 'Now... I'm proud of you, Haruto-Chan...'
Groaning, Ayane lifted her head a little and blinked, "Ugh... what the hell..." Hearing a small chuckle, she opened her eyes to find that she was in the room that they had been using and that Haruto was nearby, "Haruto-Kun?"
Voice soft, the Healer nodded, "Hai, it is. How are you feeling?"
A grimace on her face as she rubbed the side of her head, Ayane shook her head a little before wincing, "Well, I have had better... uh, days? Mornings?"
Sighing, Haruto glanced towards the window, "Well, nights, the Sun just set outside after all." Turning back to her, he bowed a little, "I'm sorry for what happened, I did not know that the drink would affect you that much..."
Lightly blushing, the Jorogumo turned away, "I... it's fine, I'm actually something of a lightweight myself." With a deep breath, she blinked as Haruto got up and held out a vial, "Hmm?"
His lips quirked a little into a smile, Haruto chuckled, "Hangover potion, it helps with caffeine hangovers as well as with alcohol ones. It should clear up any of the more painful symptoms alongside the metabolism spell."
Popping the cork and draining it, Ayane sighed as she felt the headache and such of her hangover fade away, "Metabolism spell?"
The Healer shrugged a little bit, "It's... a little trick that us Healers have when we need to speed up someone's metabolism. We sometimes use it for injuries to speed up healing, which also means the person needing to eat more. But... it works well when cast on someone whose drunk as it helps them get sober quicker, without the aftereffects of the sobriety charm."
Frown on her face, Ayane blinked a little, "I, um, see." Looking around, she frowned some as she tried to figure out where the others were, "Did I do anything embarrassing? I'm... something of a clingy and happy drunk after all."
Clearing his voice, Haruto scratched his cheek, "Well... that is..."
More than a little confused, and somewhat worried, the arachnid Yokai tried to search her memories. Unlike some, she did have a good memory of what she did when drunk, not that it happened many times. So how bad was it-
Right then, she remembered and felt her cheeks blazing before looking down at the floor, "Oh, I... um..." Internally, she continued, 'All but told you that I loved you.' Something wet rolled down her cheek, "Heh, well, I..."
A hand entered her vision and she looked up to find Haruto was holding out his hand. The wizard then smiled some, "How about we go for a walk, hmm? Just a short one."
While confused, Ayane trusted him and so clasped his hand. The two walked past the dining room which had the Kitsune and Inugami in it, each of whom smiled and nodded at her. But then, Haruto lead her out into the back and into the garden. Above the walls, one could see the reds and oranges in the sky from the setting Sun turning into the deep blues and indigos of evening. It was a sight that caused Ayane to smile slightly at the beauty, especially as the first few twinkling stars appeared.
Upon reaching a small bench by the pond, the wizard sat down and patted the spot beside him. Once he was seated, he leaned forward with his hands clasped beneath his chin, "It's beautiful, isn't it? I used to come out here and just... think, when I was younger."
Looking around the small garden, Ayane smiled a little bit more, "Hai, it is beautiful." When she looked at the pond, she could see a Koi rise to the surface and snatch a mosquito before submerging. Her mind was then brought back to what happened, "Haruto-Kun, I..."
Not looking at her, Haruto frowned a little, "After you fell asleep, I talked with the others, you know. Asked them some things that confirmed a few things in turn for me. Important things." With a deep breath, he let it out, "How long have you loved me for?"
Weakly chuckling, Ayane looked down at the surface of the pond and could see their reflections in it, Haruto with a serious yet thoughtful look, "That's... not exactly a good question to ask a girl. But... if I had to say... it was four months after you arrived in the Reserve. When my youngest Imouto became ill. Remember that? You walked right into our house, not a care that you were surrounded by Jorogumo... and worked for hours until her condition began to improve. Every day, you returned to our home and spent an hour working until she was healthy again. And I asked you..."
Slowly, the young man nodded, "You asked me why I did that, wasn't I scared of you all being Jorogumo? After all, no other Healer would have come..."
Just thickly swallowing, Ayane's eyes softened, "And you told us that they were fools, because we were people in need and it was the Healer's Oath that anyone that needed medical help should get it. As far as you were concerned, you only saw a sick child that needed assistance. Nothing more, nothing less..." Gaze far off, she sighed, "I... think that I started feeling something then."
Only nodding, Haruto hummed, "I see."
In return, the female Yokai next to him shook her head, "Maybe... or maybe not." Letting out an explosive sigh, she blinked away some wetness, "But that was just the seed. After that, seeing your kindness, how you cared for all of us... The times that you were hurt because of that, and from your fellow wizards... It was the water for the seed. And the times that we talked and the like? Where you didn't show any digust towards what I am? The times when we talked, laughed, and the like? That was the Sun that shone down on the seed, making it grow."
Frown on his face, Haruto turned to her, "Why didn't you ever tell me, Ayane-Chan? That you loved me?"
Tears coming down her cheeks, she lightly laughed though there was sadness there, "Anyone could see where your heart truly belonged except for fools, Haruto-Kun. Your expression when around Hachimitsu-Chan, Mikage-Chan, and Haruhime-Chan? Especially after you met them again? And then, later, Mie-Chan and Ichika-Chan? It was easy to see where your heart belonged." Shaking her head, Ayane had a thin smile on her face as she looked at him, tears dripping, "There were a few on the Reserve who considered it, getting between you and them, you know. Who thought that maybe they could seduce you, and why wouldn't someone consider that? You're a wonderful man, Haruto-Kun. And someone who will be an equally wonderful husband and Otou-San to any children you might have. You've proven that time and again. But... not one of them succeeded, and I wouldn't even try."
Eyes filled with sympathy, Haruto looked at her, "Huh..."
Reaching up, Ayane wiped at her eyes with a sniffle and she looked at him with a broken hearted smile, "We Jorogumo are... are thought of as seductresses. Creatures that could, and would, break men to our wills, stealing them away from their wives and significant others for our own hungers. But..." Sighing, she looked away, "But that's not me, Haruto-Kun. I might flirt and tease, but nothing more. Not like that." Eyes closing, the Jorogumo gave a weak chuckle, "They say... that when you love someone, you only wish for them to be happy. And that is what I wished, that you would be happy even though it was not with me, but I could live with that pain, that hurt, as long as I could see you smile. That... that is all I want really, to see you smile and happy with those that you love."
Not saying anything for a moment, the wizard swallowed, "Why... did you not even try? You could have..."
Bitterly chuckling, Ayane turned to him and spread her arms while gesturing at herself, "Look at me, Haruto-Kun. This... this is not what I look like. My form is that of a monster, a woman with the lower half of a spider. Compared to them... what could I give you?"
Slowly, Haruto got up and walked a few steps. Gently taking her hand, he helped her to her feet, "Ayane-Chan... transform, please. Into your true form."
Confused, she blinked some, "I... Haruto-Kun? But why..."
Looking her in the eye, Haruto smiled, "Please."
Unsure, Ayane nodded and, after shucking off her pants so that they would not be damaged, she took a deep breath before releasing her transformation. Her form returning to it's natural one as she did so. For a few moments, she looked down at him, still holding her hands, "Haruto-Kun..."
However, he didn't say anything right away. Instead, he looked her over, each portion. Not just her humanoid one, but also her spider half. Letting go of one of her hands, he reached over and laid it on one of her eight legs, bristles under his palm tickling it as he stroked along it and made him shiver, "Do you know what I see, Ayane-Chan? Right now?"
More than a little lost, though her hearts were pounding, Ayane shook her head, "I... no? What... what do you see?"
Turning his attention back to her, Haruto smiled, "I see... a beautiful woman in front of me." He saw her eyes widen and her chest jerk as her breath froze in her lungs, "I see a beautiful woman in front of me. One who is caring and has a big heart... or hearts, as it may be. Because no single heart could contain the amount of love and care that she shows and has shown. Who is loyal to her friends. A woman who is intelligent and funny. One who can tease and make me flush while also getting a laugh from my lips. Who looks downright adorable when flustered." Glancing over towards the house, he chuckled, "Sort of like how Hachimitsu-Chan, Mikage-Chan, Haruhime-Chan, and Ichika-Chan can be..." The Healer turned back to her, "Seems... I have a type, as it were."
Unable to believe what she was hearing, what it could be that he is saying, Ayane trembled a little even as she tired to keep the hope from causing her hearts to explode as it felt like, "I-I... Haruto-Kun... are you... are you saying that..."
Lips curling into a soft smile, he chuckled as he gently pulled her lower body lower, "Well... I am attracted to you. And the girls agreed, so... how about this for an answer?"
Now with her low enough, Ayane only had time to feel him bring the hand that had been on her leg gently against her cheek before his lips claimed hers for the first time. Nearly immediately, her purple eyes widened in pure shock at the feel of the kiss before they closed as she brought one shaking arm up to his shoulders and then the other. In reply, Haruto placed his other arm against her waist and pulled her close. Neither of them opened their mouths to the other, no tongues brushed against the other, yet Ayane's legs collapsed underneath her just the same as tears fell freely down her cheeks
When the two separated, a similarly teary eyed Haruto smiled at her, "So... was that a good answer?"
For a few seconds, the Jorogumo stared at him before laughing even as she sobbed, holding him close, "H-hai, th-that was a g-good an-answer, H-Haruto-Kun... a v-very good answer..." Burying her face in his neck, she smiled so widely that it hurt, "A-are you s-sure that..."
Gently, Haruto took her chin in his hands and lifted her head off his shoulder while turning towards her, and then kissing her. This time, he did deepen it a touch before pulling away from the stunned Ayane with a smirk, "Pretty sure."
That only got him another sobbing laugh as she held him close.