Taylor & Fox
Well worn.
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Harry Leferts
Entering the small café, USS Taylor looked around in curiosity before she spotted a young woman roughly her age in a booth. Said woman was blonde and blue eyed while dressed in what the Destroyer recognized as the latest fashion. The sort of teenaged girl who would attract attention wherever she went, though currently she was boredly stirring an iced coffee. However, Taylor could see a lot more then the average human.
Such as the ghostly hull that overlaid the other girl.
And as every other time she saw it, Taylor attempted to identify exactly what class of ship it was. From what she could see, it was a small Ocean Liner with a single stack. The closest that she ever came to identifying it by general lines was through looking through book after book of Cruise Liners. In fact, she greatly resembled some of the Tenders used by said ships when they entered port, something that did not make much sense to the shipgirl. After all, those ships were made for coastal duties. Not crossing the great oceans of the world. Lips twitching as she made her way towards her friend, Taylor shook her head. 'Granted, not everyone had her advantage.'
Before she reached her friend, the other shipgirl smirked at her before tapping a wand on the table. While no one else noticed, Taylor could feel the spell unravel. "Taylor."
Reaching her, the Fletcher hugged her. "Fox, its good to see you again."
While watching as her friend sat, Fox shrugged some and waved a hand. "Sorry about that, been a bit busy. You know how things get at times, especially with the magical side."
Simply humming, Taylor gave a slight nod. "Considering some of what I have been hearing? I am not surprised at all."
Fox waved for one of the waitresses to make their way over. "And you are wondering how much I actually know in regards to some happenings?" At the blink, she gave a vulpine grin. "I told you, Taylor, I'm psychic."
Giving her a look, the Destroyer was about to respond when the waitress arrived. After she took her orders and walked off, Taylor turned back to Fox. "I call bullshit on that, Fox. There's plenty of supernatural things out there, but ESPers are not one of them. And certainly not with shipgirls."
Lightly laughing, the other girl leaned forward with her hands on top of one another with her chin on top. "Espers, Taylor? Really?"
A small flush on her face, the Destroyer huffed some. "Yes, because that sounds a lot better then calling them psychics." Seeing the slight grin, she looked away and muttered. "And... I've spent a lot of time in Japan."
Waving one hand, Fox only nodded. "That much is obvious. But I am not kidding, Taylor, I really am psychic. For example? That guy three tables to the left, next to the window? He's looking at us and wondering how much money he could grab from a tabloid if he was to sell a picture of us on a date. The one across the street through the right hand window? He's Mafia, apparently some of the people you pissed off in Italy have connections. Not that he'll get a chance to cause trouble as the woman in the city uniform watering flowers nearby is actually ONI and is planning to take him down in three hours when he goes to make a report along with the FBI."
Just blinking, Taylor glanced out of the corner of her eyes and then sighed some at seeing the exact people mentioned before softly muttering to herself. "Dammit." Frowning, she watched out of the corner of her eye as the guy who Fox had pointed out worked for tabloids went to pull out his camera, only for suddenly his legs to jerk out uncontrollably and him to fall to the ground. At the looks from the other patrons, he flushed deeply and then quickly left after paying his bill. Seeing that, Taylor gave a small chuckle. "Thanks, Fox."
Only shrugging, the other shipgirl slid her wand back into its hidden holster. "Its no problem, Taylor. Besides which, we wouldn't want your... friend... with the nice hugs to get the wrong idea." There was amusement on her face at how Taylor blushed at that and muttered before she took a sip of her iced coffee. "Is something wrong, Taylor?"
All Taylor did was glare at her before groaning. "Fuck off, Fox. Besides, bad enough that some of my sisters comment on the two of us." Rolling her eyes, she sighed. "They seem to think that you're a perfect fit for Tattletale from that damn story."
Chuckling, Fox shook her head at that. "While I have read the story and do enjoy the character, I would like to think that I am a lot better then her. At least I don't go and start mouthing off about things people don't want others knowing just to show off how much I know. If there was a Coil, I think that I would have little issue making the problem just disappear like smoke in the wind."
That made Taylor pause for a moment in sipping her own drink before shaking her head. For most civilians, the matter of fact way that her friend mentioned killing someone would bother them. But she was military and it did not get much more then an eye roll from her. Especially due to the little bits and pieces she knew of her friend's history that she let slip, most likely on purpose knowing her. "Did something happen recently?"
Fox had a far off look on her face before shaking it off. "Just coming back from seeing an old friend off at his wake."
Eyes widening, the Destroyer reached over and placed a hand on her friend's. "Are you alright, Fox? Because if you want to talk..."
Sadly smiling, Fox sighed a bit. "I wouldn't mind talking in a bit, Woodsman was a good man for all the problems that came with his job. And he went out serving his country, which for someone like him was the best way. Especially with how his past few years have been almost crippled due to an Abyssal."
Raising an eyebrow, Taylor decided to be blunt as a Battleship at that. "That sounds like a Codename."
Lips curling, the Ocean Liner had a small bit of twinkling in her eye. "It is as a matter of fact. Can't say much more then that about his name, though it was good to see Swordsman and Echidna among the others again. Not that they recognized me now with how I am or with how the last time any of them saw me was in the 1990s before I sank. Pretty sure that most of them assumed that I was a young agent or protégé of his."
Only shaking her head, Taylor sighed at that. "Its the same with any of us shipgirls, though our crew will usually recognize that they know us right off the bat." Then she frowned as her friend slipped her a piece of paper. "What's this now?"
Sipping her iced coffee, Fox hummed a bit. "That is something for your superiors. A little warehouse in an out of the way area of New England in an abandoned, seaside town. It also mentions that they might want to have radiation suits." At the surprised expression, the shipgirl gave a chuckle. "We might now be able to get into most Abyssal held areas, but the deep oceans are one place that they don't monitor. And don't worry, we didn't do anything to the... packages... we retrieved. We've also made sure that a number of others will not be useful to the Abyssals for materials."
Taylor only nodded at that before sighing. "Destroyed?"
A small smile on her face, Fox gave a nod. "Destroyed and vanished best that we could. We might only have a few operators who can work at those depths, and for the amount of time needed, but we do have them. The reactors are gone."
Placing the note into her pocket, and thus into a safe within her hull, Taylor smiled back. "Thank you."
With a shrug, Fox shook her head. "No need to thank us for this, we're just trying to work together the best that we can." Running a hand through her hair, she paused a moment and shrugged again. "But also inform them that in a few months or maybe years, we'll approach them due to some possible new operatives we have for special missions under the books, as it might be."
Eyes narrowing as she considered what that meant, Taylor gave a slight nod. "I see..." Shaking it off though, she frowned in thought. "By the way, besides... recent happenings... how have things been going for you?"
On Fox's face was another vulpine grin as she looked at her friend. "Good enough, I've passed all my tests with the excuse that I've been home schooled. Which is not exactly exaggerating as my crew were among the best to graduate from Ilvermony and they helped me learn when I came back. Top scoring, which is not that amazing to be honest considering my advantages. I do have some good news though for the USN."
Biting into a cookie, Taylor chewed it for a few moments before raising her eyebrow. "Oh? Besides what you just dropped on me?"
As she smirked into took a bite of brownie, Fox hummed a bit. "We managed to take down another possible troublesome group on our side of things. Also dropped some hints to the FBI about a militia in Oklahoma that they might want to keep a very close eye on due to them being Scourers and extremely anti-shipgirl."
That brought a grimace to Taylor's face. "Greeeat, that bunch causing trouble. Hopefully it is not as bad as that one Captain who was handing information over to other Scourers. Still don't know what the heck they were planning."
From the corner of her eye, she spotted her friend pull out her wand and wave it around in various motions out of sight of everyone else. Then Fox put it away with a scowl on her face. "Long story short? He was working with some other Scourers in the USN to sneak some into Sasebo to try and assassinate Admiral Richardson and his daughter. All the while making it seem that our side was behind it. With the hope, of course, of killing his unborn children inside of Mutsu. We're still back tracking where they got erumphant horn from on our side and no clue where they got the No-Maj explosives. But as an aside, we caught some who were going to try and do the same with Iowa's parents."
It went without saying that Taylor facepalmed hard at that. "Damn fucking idiots. What the hell are they even thinking!?"
With a sigh, Fox took a bite of her brownie. "Oh, they have been thinking alright. But before you ask, Scourers don't care that shipgirls are the major line of defense against Abyssals. You're magical and thus need to be destroyed along with anyone that associate with you. We got our own idiots mind you, but at least most of them are well meaning fools if you catch my drift and wanting to uphold the Statute of Secrecy, not realizing that it is already dead but hasn't realized that. Meanwhile, the Scourers just want to kill magic and are willing to kick off a war."
Still grimacing, Taylor shook her head. "At least you guys have been quietly helping us round them up. Just giving us the information to find out ourselves and check quietly caught a bunch of those idiots, especially in the military."
Holding out her hands in a gallic shrug, Fox shook her head. "That's the best that we can do right now. Our own government is breathing down our necks, those who want to keep the Statute going. So best to give you the information to cross check yourselves to catch them. Benefits both you in that the US No-Maj government and military catch a bunch of would be terrorists and infiltrators. And it helps us in that when the Statute falls it is one less problem for integration."
Just shaking her head slowly, Taylor finished her cookie and started on another. "You really need to wonder about some people. Though that does remind me, how as your research in the Naval Archives? I know that you were looking up old ship designs after all."
Fox had a vulpine look on her face and chuckled. "It was fruitful." As Taylor nodded and she steered the conversation onto other tactics, the MACUSA shipgirl considered things and glanced around. Due to having so many master level Occlumens and Legimancers as crew for as long as she sailed, Fox was extremely good at scanning surface thoughts of people and probing them. Add in how a large number of her crew had also been trained in reading people without magic, the magical sensors, and so forth that was used to spy on passengers going between various countries as well as on said countries in port? Fox was very, very good at what she did. Even if she was unable to fight Abyssals outright, it just meant that she was very good at being a Spook instead and hunting the enemies who would have them lose the war in the shadows.
Then she tuned back fully into the conversation after making sure that no one was around listening. Soon enough, Fox had her friend flustered and sputtering as she teased her about a certain young man...
Entering the small café, USS Taylor looked around in curiosity before she spotted a young woman roughly her age in a booth. Said woman was blonde and blue eyed while dressed in what the Destroyer recognized as the latest fashion. The sort of teenaged girl who would attract attention wherever she went, though currently she was boredly stirring an iced coffee. However, Taylor could see a lot more then the average human.
Such as the ghostly hull that overlaid the other girl.
And as every other time she saw it, Taylor attempted to identify exactly what class of ship it was. From what she could see, it was a small Ocean Liner with a single stack. The closest that she ever came to identifying it by general lines was through looking through book after book of Cruise Liners. In fact, she greatly resembled some of the Tenders used by said ships when they entered port, something that did not make much sense to the shipgirl. After all, those ships were made for coastal duties. Not crossing the great oceans of the world. Lips twitching as she made her way towards her friend, Taylor shook her head. 'Granted, not everyone had her advantage.'
Before she reached her friend, the other shipgirl smirked at her before tapping a wand on the table. While no one else noticed, Taylor could feel the spell unravel. "Taylor."
Reaching her, the Fletcher hugged her. "Fox, its good to see you again."
While watching as her friend sat, Fox shrugged some and waved a hand. "Sorry about that, been a bit busy. You know how things get at times, especially with the magical side."
Simply humming, Taylor gave a slight nod. "Considering some of what I have been hearing? I am not surprised at all."
Fox waved for one of the waitresses to make their way over. "And you are wondering how much I actually know in regards to some happenings?" At the blink, she gave a vulpine grin. "I told you, Taylor, I'm psychic."
Giving her a look, the Destroyer was about to respond when the waitress arrived. After she took her orders and walked off, Taylor turned back to Fox. "I call bullshit on that, Fox. There's plenty of supernatural things out there, but ESPers are not one of them. And certainly not with shipgirls."
Lightly laughing, the other girl leaned forward with her hands on top of one another with her chin on top. "Espers, Taylor? Really?"
A small flush on her face, the Destroyer huffed some. "Yes, because that sounds a lot better then calling them psychics." Seeing the slight grin, she looked away and muttered. "And... I've spent a lot of time in Japan."
Waving one hand, Fox only nodded. "That much is obvious. But I am not kidding, Taylor, I really am psychic. For example? That guy three tables to the left, next to the window? He's looking at us and wondering how much money he could grab from a tabloid if he was to sell a picture of us on a date. The one across the street through the right hand window? He's Mafia, apparently some of the people you pissed off in Italy have connections. Not that he'll get a chance to cause trouble as the woman in the city uniform watering flowers nearby is actually ONI and is planning to take him down in three hours when he goes to make a report along with the FBI."
Just blinking, Taylor glanced out of the corner of her eyes and then sighed some at seeing the exact people mentioned before softly muttering to herself. "Dammit." Frowning, she watched out of the corner of her eye as the guy who Fox had pointed out worked for tabloids went to pull out his camera, only for suddenly his legs to jerk out uncontrollably and him to fall to the ground. At the looks from the other patrons, he flushed deeply and then quickly left after paying his bill. Seeing that, Taylor gave a small chuckle. "Thanks, Fox."
Only shrugging, the other shipgirl slid her wand back into its hidden holster. "Its no problem, Taylor. Besides which, we wouldn't want your... friend... with the nice hugs to get the wrong idea." There was amusement on her face at how Taylor blushed at that and muttered before she took a sip of her iced coffee. "Is something wrong, Taylor?"
All Taylor did was glare at her before groaning. "Fuck off, Fox. Besides, bad enough that some of my sisters comment on the two of us." Rolling her eyes, she sighed. "They seem to think that you're a perfect fit for Tattletale from that damn story."
Chuckling, Fox shook her head at that. "While I have read the story and do enjoy the character, I would like to think that I am a lot better then her. At least I don't go and start mouthing off about things people don't want others knowing just to show off how much I know. If there was a Coil, I think that I would have little issue making the problem just disappear like smoke in the wind."
That made Taylor pause for a moment in sipping her own drink before shaking her head. For most civilians, the matter of fact way that her friend mentioned killing someone would bother them. But she was military and it did not get much more then an eye roll from her. Especially due to the little bits and pieces she knew of her friend's history that she let slip, most likely on purpose knowing her. "Did something happen recently?"
Fox had a far off look on her face before shaking it off. "Just coming back from seeing an old friend off at his wake."
Eyes widening, the Destroyer reached over and placed a hand on her friend's. "Are you alright, Fox? Because if you want to talk..."
Sadly smiling, Fox sighed a bit. "I wouldn't mind talking in a bit, Woodsman was a good man for all the problems that came with his job. And he went out serving his country, which for someone like him was the best way. Especially with how his past few years have been almost crippled due to an Abyssal."
Raising an eyebrow, Taylor decided to be blunt as a Battleship at that. "That sounds like a Codename."
Lips curling, the Ocean Liner had a small bit of twinkling in her eye. "It is as a matter of fact. Can't say much more then that about his name, though it was good to see Swordsman and Echidna among the others again. Not that they recognized me now with how I am or with how the last time any of them saw me was in the 1990s before I sank. Pretty sure that most of them assumed that I was a young agent or protégé of his."
Only shaking her head, Taylor sighed at that. "Its the same with any of us shipgirls, though our crew will usually recognize that they know us right off the bat." Then she frowned as her friend slipped her a piece of paper. "What's this now?"
Sipping her iced coffee, Fox hummed a bit. "That is something for your superiors. A little warehouse in an out of the way area of New England in an abandoned, seaside town. It also mentions that they might want to have radiation suits." At the surprised expression, the shipgirl gave a chuckle. "We might now be able to get into most Abyssal held areas, but the deep oceans are one place that they don't monitor. And don't worry, we didn't do anything to the... packages... we retrieved. We've also made sure that a number of others will not be useful to the Abyssals for materials."
Taylor only nodded at that before sighing. "Destroyed?"
A small smile on her face, Fox gave a nod. "Destroyed and vanished best that we could. We might only have a few operators who can work at those depths, and for the amount of time needed, but we do have them. The reactors are gone."
Placing the note into her pocket, and thus into a safe within her hull, Taylor smiled back. "Thank you."
With a shrug, Fox shook her head. "No need to thank us for this, we're just trying to work together the best that we can." Running a hand through her hair, she paused a moment and shrugged again. "But also inform them that in a few months or maybe years, we'll approach them due to some possible new operatives we have for special missions under the books, as it might be."
Eyes narrowing as she considered what that meant, Taylor gave a slight nod. "I see..." Shaking it off though, she frowned in thought. "By the way, besides... recent happenings... how have things been going for you?"
On Fox's face was another vulpine grin as she looked at her friend. "Good enough, I've passed all my tests with the excuse that I've been home schooled. Which is not exactly exaggerating as my crew were among the best to graduate from Ilvermony and they helped me learn when I came back. Top scoring, which is not that amazing to be honest considering my advantages. I do have some good news though for the USN."
Biting into a cookie, Taylor chewed it for a few moments before raising her eyebrow. "Oh? Besides what you just dropped on me?"
As she smirked into took a bite of brownie, Fox hummed a bit. "We managed to take down another possible troublesome group on our side of things. Also dropped some hints to the FBI about a militia in Oklahoma that they might want to keep a very close eye on due to them being Scourers and extremely anti-shipgirl."
That brought a grimace to Taylor's face. "Greeeat, that bunch causing trouble. Hopefully it is not as bad as that one Captain who was handing information over to other Scourers. Still don't know what the heck they were planning."
From the corner of her eye, she spotted her friend pull out her wand and wave it around in various motions out of sight of everyone else. Then Fox put it away with a scowl on her face. "Long story short? He was working with some other Scourers in the USN to sneak some into Sasebo to try and assassinate Admiral Richardson and his daughter. All the while making it seem that our side was behind it. With the hope, of course, of killing his unborn children inside of Mutsu. We're still back tracking where they got erumphant horn from on our side and no clue where they got the No-Maj explosives. But as an aside, we caught some who were going to try and do the same with Iowa's parents."
It went without saying that Taylor facepalmed hard at that. "Damn fucking idiots. What the hell are they even thinking!?"
With a sigh, Fox took a bite of her brownie. "Oh, they have been thinking alright. But before you ask, Scourers don't care that shipgirls are the major line of defense against Abyssals. You're magical and thus need to be destroyed along with anyone that associate with you. We got our own idiots mind you, but at least most of them are well meaning fools if you catch my drift and wanting to uphold the Statute of Secrecy, not realizing that it is already dead but hasn't realized that. Meanwhile, the Scourers just want to kill magic and are willing to kick off a war."
Still grimacing, Taylor shook her head. "At least you guys have been quietly helping us round them up. Just giving us the information to find out ourselves and check quietly caught a bunch of those idiots, especially in the military."
Holding out her hands in a gallic shrug, Fox shook her head. "That's the best that we can do right now. Our own government is breathing down our necks, those who want to keep the Statute going. So best to give you the information to cross check yourselves to catch them. Benefits both you in that the US No-Maj government and military catch a bunch of would be terrorists and infiltrators. And it helps us in that when the Statute falls it is one less problem for integration."
Just shaking her head slowly, Taylor finished her cookie and started on another. "You really need to wonder about some people. Though that does remind me, how as your research in the Naval Archives? I know that you were looking up old ship designs after all."
Fox had a vulpine look on her face and chuckled. "It was fruitful." As Taylor nodded and she steered the conversation onto other tactics, the MACUSA shipgirl considered things and glanced around. Due to having so many master level Occlumens and Legimancers as crew for as long as she sailed, Fox was extremely good at scanning surface thoughts of people and probing them. Add in how a large number of her crew had also been trained in reading people without magic, the magical sensors, and so forth that was used to spy on passengers going between various countries as well as on said countries in port? Fox was very, very good at what she did. Even if she was unable to fight Abyssals outright, it just meant that she was very good at being a Spook instead and hunting the enemies who would have them lose the war in the shadows.
Then she tuned back fully into the conversation after making sure that no one was around listening. Soon enough, Fox had her friend flustered and sputtering as she teased her about a certain young man...