Abyssals visit their favourite uncle 5
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Harry Leferts
The only sound that could be heard in the carriage was the sound of its movement as it went along the road, pulled by threstrals. Not that it was the only one as the group was big enough to need more than one vehicle to take them to Hogsmeade. Inside the carriage, Regalia was looking out the window in curiosity as they passed through the cast iron gates of the school. Blinking, she turned towards Harry with her head tilted to the side, "Uncle Harry? How long before we get to Hogsmeade?"
Humming, an amused Harry leaned forward some as he thought about it, "Not too long, maybe fifteen minutes? If that, to be honest." Seeing the Re-Class vibrate, he had to bite back a small laugh. Regalia was, for once, acting her age ironically enough, "Someone is excited."
Cheeks flushing in some embarrassment, Regalia bit her lip, "Sorry, Uncle Harry. Just... excited, you know? I mean, a magical village?" Bashfully smiling, she twiddled her thumbs, "This whole trip has been something else."
Simply reaching over, her uncle patted her hand, "It isn't that big of an issue, Regalia. Besides which, I'm glad that all of you are enjoying yourselves." A slight glint of amusement entered his eyes, "And your Mum is excited as well."
With a blink, Regalia turned to Tanith who had a small blush on her cheeks, "Mother has told us stories of this place, Uncle Harry. And... well, we have all enjoyed the treats that you sent back."
Now it was Harry's turn to have a small blush on his face as he chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck, "Well, I hoped that you would anyways, so that is good to hear." Then he shook his head, "Though I think that you are more excited by the idea of clothes that fit."
Utterly nonchalant, Tanith gave a shrug, "Yes, that is something that I am looking forward to..."
It was not too longer afterwards that the carriages came to a stop and they all got out. Looking around, Sunny crossed her arms with a slight smile on her face, "Huh, this is pretty nice. Sort of reminds me of the smaller communities back up in the Aleutians."
Glancing up, Nuri gave a snort, "Less seagulls though."
Finger raising, her older sister nodded with a smile, "That is true." Sunny gave a mock shudder, "Those things are vicious."
That got her snickers and the like, none of them noticing that a number of people were staring at them. Most though also noticed Harry so their nervousness was replaced by confusion. Due, mainly, to the fact that a young human boy in a Hogwarts uniform was showing them around. Upon seeing that though, they decided to go about their business though they did keep a slightly weary eye out. Other than that, there wasn't much of a reaction to them walking around.
Making their way down the main street, Sonata's head was turning this way and that. Looking towards Harry, she leaned down some, "So where are we going first, Uncle Harry?"
Harry gave a small hum at that as he became thoughtful, "Well, that depends on where you want to go. There's a number of stores here after all that we can visit."
It was then that Regalia spoke up, "Is there an art store in the village?" At the looks, she straightened a bit, "I... was thinking that we could pick up some art supplies, for Aunt Renita."
Softly smiling, Tanith placed one hand on her daughter's shoulder, "That is a wonderful idea, Regalia. Thank you for reminding us."
About to say something, the thirteen year old wizard was interrupted by a finger tapping him on the shoulder. Turning, Harry blinked at the sight of Yoko pointing, "Um, Uncle Harry? What is that guy doing with those big pots?"
Blinking, Harry turned himself and felt an eyebrow raise at the sight of a wizard hauling out several cauldrons that he tossed into what looked like a non-magical truck from the back door of what he recognized as Ceridwen's Cauldrons, "Huh... I don't actually know."
With a grumble, Jackson, who worked at the store tossed another cauldron in. He glared at the object as it easily dented from the impact, "Damn stupid thing... bloody fuck."
He paused though as a young voice spoke up, "Um, Sir? Why are you tossing those cauldrons around?"
Sighing, Jackson ran a hand through his hair with a grunt, "Because I have to get rid of all of them. They're all defective and the bottoms are too damn thin. Shoddy Eastern European crap, they are. Put them on the fire for too long and what's in them starts leaking out!" Disgusted, he began to turn, "Now I lose all that... money..."
The wizard froze in some horror as he was confronted by a group of Abyssals. Powerful ones too unless he missed his guess... which was unlikely though most of his mind was curled up in the corner of his brain gibbering with terror. Then the voice spoke again and he realized that there was a young teen boy standing with the Abyssals, "Wait, you need to get rid of them? All of them?"
Uncomprehending, Jackson stared at the odd sight in front of him. A thirteen year old boy and a number of Abyssals, one of whom called said boy 'Uncle' right in front of him while asking what was wrong with him. Thus, his mind decided to focus on what it believed to be the most important fact, "Shouldn't you be up at the school since it's not a Hogsmeade Weekend?"
At that, the boy seemed inordinately amused with a large grin on his face, "Why, yes, yes I should be." Seeing the confusion, he then chuckled and gestured at the Abyssals, "Consider it something of a... diplomatic outing."
Utterly lost, Jackson was about to continue when the wind brushed past and revealed a lightning bolt scar on the boy's forehead. Eyes widening, the wizard stared before shaking off his shock, though he was already mentally taking notes. There was gossip to be had with this, and perhaps a bit of gold from the media, "Right... what was the question that you asked?"
With a glance at the cauldrons, Harry gave a nod, "I was asking why you had to get rid of them."
Grimacing, the other wizard scowled, "Well, like I said, the bottoms are too thin, same with the sides. That makes them too weak to be used as proper potion cauldrons. Not the first bunch like this either. Problem is that they come from Eastern Europe and made wholesale from different metalworkers there. Sometimes you get a batch like this one where someone decided to be right bloody cheap about it. There's spells where you cast it on raw material, like cast iron, and it makes copies of an object out of it. Said spells continue until the caster reaches a point that they think they made enough. But that comes in danger like this where too many are made for the amount of material, spreading thin."
With a frown, Ruadri leaned down and flicked a cauldron. Even she winced at how her finger went through easily despite not pushing much strength into it, "Um, sorry?"
All Jackson did though was wave her off, "Don't worry about it too much. Like I said, I'm getting rid of them all anyways and no one will care if they're damaged."
Frowning, Harry looked at the cauldrons and then back to the other wizard, "What are you doing with them anyways?"
Only sighing, Jackson scratched his head, "Not much that I can do with them other then send them back. And all that means is that I get a small refund that barely covers the cost of having shipped them here and then doing the same back. Pretty much a loss."
Becoming thoughtful, Harry suddenly smirked. "What if I was to take them off your hands? Not at full cost of course, but..."
Intrigued, the shop owner frowned, "I would be open to it..." Frowning, he gave Harry a raised eyebrow, "They ain't much good for potions or cooking though you know."
Much to his confusion, the black haired wizard grinned, "Not a problem for what I have in mind."
Deciding to put that aside, Jackson hummed and scratched his chin, "Well, no business of mine. Of course... considering things, I can let them go for... twelve galleons since they're cast iron."
Just scoffing, Harry gestured at the cauldrons, "Twelve Galleons? After you told me that they were defective? That's highway robbery that is! In fact, I could buy a good pewter cauldron for that price! Three Galleons for each!"
Jackson winced, "Ah, can't do that. I mean, considering the cost and such..." Rubbing his chin, he sucked his teeth, "I can do you nine though..."
Bemused, the Princesses and Demons of the Fleet of Laughter watched alongside Regalia and Ruadri, who were also amused, as their uncle argued with the shopkeeper over price. Back and forth it went between them for several minutes before finally Harry threw up his hands theatrically, "Make it six Galleons each! That is as high as I am willing to go, take it or leave it."
Head tilted to the side, Jackson squinted at him, "I need to make a living you know, being a poor shopkeeper and all." Seeing Harry cross his arms and give him a raised eyebrow, he finally shrugged and held out his hand, "Ah, what the bloody hell, right? You got yourself a deal."
Shaking the offered hand, Harry smiled, "Good doing business with you..." With a look into the trailer, he hummed, "Is this all?"
A chuckle escaped from Jackson and he shook his head, "Not at all as a matter of fact. Anyways, I'll bring out the last of them and you pay inside..." Roughly eight minutes later, the wizard was looking over the pile of cast iron cauldrons. While he sold them for a lot less than he had wanted to when he ordered them, it still gave him a slight edge of profit compared to the loss otherwise. Head tilted to the side, he gave Harry a smirk, "Just a question, Mister Potter... but this isn't the first time I've had this happen... and I know some of the other cauldron shops are much the same."
There was a similar smirk on Harry's face, "Of course... just get me in touch with them and that's all." Smirk becoming a smile, he turned to his somewhat lost, though amused neices, "Tanith? Can you go and put these into your hold?"
With a blink, the Abyssal in question looked at the large pile of cauldrons before shrugging, "Very well, Uncle Harry."
Moments later, Jackson was treated to the odd sight of the cauldrons disappearing under the fur cloak that the massive woman wore. Granted, he could not see much, but what he could see was more than enough for him that his wife would be complimentary when he arrived home that night. Only shaking his head as the last cauldron disappeared, he held out his hand, "Good doing business with you, Mister Potter."
Just shaking the offered hand, Harry gave a slight smile, "Same with you, Mister Jackson."
Once they were far enough away, Nuri scratched her head and turned to Harry with confusion, "Uncle Harry? What was that about? And why did you want Tanith to take them?"
Lips twitching, there was a twinkle in the teen's eyes as he answered, "Well... didn't you mention issues with resources? And how you needed some raw materials...?"
Eyes widened in surprise as they all realized what he had done. Doing some quick calculations in her head, Tanith let out a breath, "This... would help out quite a bit. We can make more then one Oku-Class now..."
Frowning, Ritou shook her head and gestured with her hand, "Yeah... though I would like some of the materials as well. I mean, I've been gathering what I can for a project of my own. What about you, Yoko? You mentioned a project of your own as well."
Now with attention on her, the former Yo-Class flushed some before looking at Tanith, "If Mother clears it... I would like some as well."
Curious, Harry looked from one to the other before blinking, "Projects? Really?"
Turning to him, Ritou glanced around before nodding, "Both Yoko and I have been working on some new Abyssal designs. Nothing spectacular really to be honest, they weren't made for warfare. We got started on them before the Great Scattering happened and I sort of continued to fiddle with mine when I was bored as there was no reason. Yoko though? She worked hard on hers." Giving a shrug, she continued, "In my case? I've been working on a Abyssal Tugboat. Back then, you would not believe how many times we had to go out and pull someone back under tow."
Sunny shook her head with a groan, "Don't remind me, Ritou. Usually they were fishing boats with engine trouble or something."
Her sister gave a nod at that before chuckling, "Anyways, Mom had us already working pretty hard with design work and stuff, so I started working on a Tug Boat because being warships, while we can bring a vessel under tow, we're not the best. Pretty sure that Mom had an idea that I was working on something anyways at the time and I had plenty of pictures and the like to work off of in the library for design work. After the Great Scattering though... there was not much reason for me to do much with the schematics that I had, though I worked on them when I was bored. They're about as complete as they could be though, so I've been thinking of running them past Mom."
Nodding herself, Yoko spoke up and caught their attention, "In my case, well... the Great Scattering only made me work harder on my project." Hand clenching, she let out a breath, "I was working on a type of Repair Ship. They would not be able to do much, but they could do moderate work until we could get someone to Mom or help lighten our workloads. If... if I was done before we were attacked maybe... maybe some of our sisters could be still with us. They would have been able to stabilize them..."
Gently, Harry took her hand in his and gave it a squeeze, "Hey, it is not your fault and I know that ship design is really hard, Yoko. The fact that you managed it is something to be proud of! Besides... this really shows that you and Ritou are Hoppou's daughters in this case."
With a sniffle, the Anchorage Princess wiped at her face, "Yeah... but there is always that what-if in the back of my mind. Since Renita though, I've been hard at work finishing what is needed and I think that I'm done. Just need Mom to look over my work first and I should be able to roll out the first unit." She then smiled, "They would be like the nurses to our doctors."
That... gave Harry a very odd image.
Soon enough though, the group entered Gladrags and Harry noticed a witch walking up who stopped. Meanwhile, the wizard smiled and waved, "Abigail!"
Blinking, the witch looked at him and then at the Abyssals before back to him, "Er... Harry? What..."
Harry snickered a bit before gesturing at Tanith, "Abigail, these are my nieces though my Little Sister..." After introducing them, he gave a slight smile, "They need some clothes as you can see."
Now frowning, the witch walked around the Northern Water Princess with a small nod, "Yes, I can see that. Hmm... I have a few ideas that could work with... Miss Tanith, was it?" When she nodded, Abigail gave a slight smile, "I can work with this..." Turning to the others, she raised an eyebrow, "Any ideas for yourselves?"
A frown, Ritou gestured at herself, "As long as I can breathe? I'll take it. And Uncle Harry also said that you could probably come up with something for me to make this less stuffy." At the confused look, she shrugged, "It's... kind of a uniform, let's just say."
Simply shrugging, Abigail shook her head, "If you say so."
Walking past them, she paused and looked Regalia up and down with a thoughtful look. Unsure, the Re-Class glanced at her mother and Harry who shrugged. Turning back, she bit her lip, "Um... is something wrong?"
The witch jerked a bit as she was pulled from her thoughts, "Hmm? Oh, just thinking of some clothes for you. Even with that tail, I think that I can do something. Pretty sure that we have some muggle style jeans around here and they're all the rage with the younger crowd. And honey, you would freaking look killer in some jeans with that arse and pair of legs you got..."
As Regalia flushed at that, Harry had an image in his head of Regina wearing a pair of tight jeans in his head. An image that made himself flush as well as he imagined it, 'Er... I wonder if Regina would come here...'
It would be over an hour before they left the store, a number of them with new clothes. Ritou in particular was very happy with how her clothes were now enchanted to let her breathe and were no longer so stuffy while Tanith was pleased with her skirt and sleeveless shirt that self-buttoned itself. Even Regalia was happy with what she got. Soon though, the Abyssals visited the other shops and got things for those back at the island.
Needless to say, it was a very pleased group of Abyssals who went back to Hogwarts.
The only sound that could be heard in the carriage was the sound of its movement as it went along the road, pulled by threstrals. Not that it was the only one as the group was big enough to need more than one vehicle to take them to Hogsmeade. Inside the carriage, Regalia was looking out the window in curiosity as they passed through the cast iron gates of the school. Blinking, she turned towards Harry with her head tilted to the side, "Uncle Harry? How long before we get to Hogsmeade?"
Humming, an amused Harry leaned forward some as he thought about it, "Not too long, maybe fifteen minutes? If that, to be honest." Seeing the Re-Class vibrate, he had to bite back a small laugh. Regalia was, for once, acting her age ironically enough, "Someone is excited."
Cheeks flushing in some embarrassment, Regalia bit her lip, "Sorry, Uncle Harry. Just... excited, you know? I mean, a magical village?" Bashfully smiling, she twiddled her thumbs, "This whole trip has been something else."
Simply reaching over, her uncle patted her hand, "It isn't that big of an issue, Regalia. Besides which, I'm glad that all of you are enjoying yourselves." A slight glint of amusement entered his eyes, "And your Mum is excited as well."
With a blink, Regalia turned to Tanith who had a small blush on her cheeks, "Mother has told us stories of this place, Uncle Harry. And... well, we have all enjoyed the treats that you sent back."
Now it was Harry's turn to have a small blush on his face as he chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck, "Well, I hoped that you would anyways, so that is good to hear." Then he shook his head, "Though I think that you are more excited by the idea of clothes that fit."
Utterly nonchalant, Tanith gave a shrug, "Yes, that is something that I am looking forward to..."
It was not too longer afterwards that the carriages came to a stop and they all got out. Looking around, Sunny crossed her arms with a slight smile on her face, "Huh, this is pretty nice. Sort of reminds me of the smaller communities back up in the Aleutians."
Glancing up, Nuri gave a snort, "Less seagulls though."
Finger raising, her older sister nodded with a smile, "That is true." Sunny gave a mock shudder, "Those things are vicious."
That got her snickers and the like, none of them noticing that a number of people were staring at them. Most though also noticed Harry so their nervousness was replaced by confusion. Due, mainly, to the fact that a young human boy in a Hogwarts uniform was showing them around. Upon seeing that though, they decided to go about their business though they did keep a slightly weary eye out. Other than that, there wasn't much of a reaction to them walking around.
Making their way down the main street, Sonata's head was turning this way and that. Looking towards Harry, she leaned down some, "So where are we going first, Uncle Harry?"
Harry gave a small hum at that as he became thoughtful, "Well, that depends on where you want to go. There's a number of stores here after all that we can visit."
It was then that Regalia spoke up, "Is there an art store in the village?" At the looks, she straightened a bit, "I... was thinking that we could pick up some art supplies, for Aunt Renita."
Softly smiling, Tanith placed one hand on her daughter's shoulder, "That is a wonderful idea, Regalia. Thank you for reminding us."
About to say something, the thirteen year old wizard was interrupted by a finger tapping him on the shoulder. Turning, Harry blinked at the sight of Yoko pointing, "Um, Uncle Harry? What is that guy doing with those big pots?"
Blinking, Harry turned himself and felt an eyebrow raise at the sight of a wizard hauling out several cauldrons that he tossed into what looked like a non-magical truck from the back door of what he recognized as Ceridwen's Cauldrons, "Huh... I don't actually know."
With a grumble, Jackson, who worked at the store tossed another cauldron in. He glared at the object as it easily dented from the impact, "Damn stupid thing... bloody fuck."
He paused though as a young voice spoke up, "Um, Sir? Why are you tossing those cauldrons around?"
Sighing, Jackson ran a hand through his hair with a grunt, "Because I have to get rid of all of them. They're all defective and the bottoms are too damn thin. Shoddy Eastern European crap, they are. Put them on the fire for too long and what's in them starts leaking out!" Disgusted, he began to turn, "Now I lose all that... money..."
The wizard froze in some horror as he was confronted by a group of Abyssals. Powerful ones too unless he missed his guess... which was unlikely though most of his mind was curled up in the corner of his brain gibbering with terror. Then the voice spoke again and he realized that there was a young teen boy standing with the Abyssals, "Wait, you need to get rid of them? All of them?"
Uncomprehending, Jackson stared at the odd sight in front of him. A thirteen year old boy and a number of Abyssals, one of whom called said boy 'Uncle' right in front of him while asking what was wrong with him. Thus, his mind decided to focus on what it believed to be the most important fact, "Shouldn't you be up at the school since it's not a Hogsmeade Weekend?"
At that, the boy seemed inordinately amused with a large grin on his face, "Why, yes, yes I should be." Seeing the confusion, he then chuckled and gestured at the Abyssals, "Consider it something of a... diplomatic outing."
Utterly lost, Jackson was about to continue when the wind brushed past and revealed a lightning bolt scar on the boy's forehead. Eyes widening, the wizard stared before shaking off his shock, though he was already mentally taking notes. There was gossip to be had with this, and perhaps a bit of gold from the media, "Right... what was the question that you asked?"
With a glance at the cauldrons, Harry gave a nod, "I was asking why you had to get rid of them."
Grimacing, the other wizard scowled, "Well, like I said, the bottoms are too thin, same with the sides. That makes them too weak to be used as proper potion cauldrons. Not the first bunch like this either. Problem is that they come from Eastern Europe and made wholesale from different metalworkers there. Sometimes you get a batch like this one where someone decided to be right bloody cheap about it. There's spells where you cast it on raw material, like cast iron, and it makes copies of an object out of it. Said spells continue until the caster reaches a point that they think they made enough. But that comes in danger like this where too many are made for the amount of material, spreading thin."
With a frown, Ruadri leaned down and flicked a cauldron. Even she winced at how her finger went through easily despite not pushing much strength into it, "Um, sorry?"
All Jackson did though was wave her off, "Don't worry about it too much. Like I said, I'm getting rid of them all anyways and no one will care if they're damaged."
Frowning, Harry looked at the cauldrons and then back to the other wizard, "What are you doing with them anyways?"
Only sighing, Jackson scratched his head, "Not much that I can do with them other then send them back. And all that means is that I get a small refund that barely covers the cost of having shipped them here and then doing the same back. Pretty much a loss."
Becoming thoughtful, Harry suddenly smirked. "What if I was to take them off your hands? Not at full cost of course, but..."
Intrigued, the shop owner frowned, "I would be open to it..." Frowning, he gave Harry a raised eyebrow, "They ain't much good for potions or cooking though you know."
Much to his confusion, the black haired wizard grinned, "Not a problem for what I have in mind."
Deciding to put that aside, Jackson hummed and scratched his chin, "Well, no business of mine. Of course... considering things, I can let them go for... twelve galleons since they're cast iron."
Just scoffing, Harry gestured at the cauldrons, "Twelve Galleons? After you told me that they were defective? That's highway robbery that is! In fact, I could buy a good pewter cauldron for that price! Three Galleons for each!"
Jackson winced, "Ah, can't do that. I mean, considering the cost and such..." Rubbing his chin, he sucked his teeth, "I can do you nine though..."
Bemused, the Princesses and Demons of the Fleet of Laughter watched alongside Regalia and Ruadri, who were also amused, as their uncle argued with the shopkeeper over price. Back and forth it went between them for several minutes before finally Harry threw up his hands theatrically, "Make it six Galleons each! That is as high as I am willing to go, take it or leave it."
Head tilted to the side, Jackson squinted at him, "I need to make a living you know, being a poor shopkeeper and all." Seeing Harry cross his arms and give him a raised eyebrow, he finally shrugged and held out his hand, "Ah, what the bloody hell, right? You got yourself a deal."
Shaking the offered hand, Harry smiled, "Good doing business with you..." With a look into the trailer, he hummed, "Is this all?"
A chuckle escaped from Jackson and he shook his head, "Not at all as a matter of fact. Anyways, I'll bring out the last of them and you pay inside..." Roughly eight minutes later, the wizard was looking over the pile of cast iron cauldrons. While he sold them for a lot less than he had wanted to when he ordered them, it still gave him a slight edge of profit compared to the loss otherwise. Head tilted to the side, he gave Harry a smirk, "Just a question, Mister Potter... but this isn't the first time I've had this happen... and I know some of the other cauldron shops are much the same."
There was a similar smirk on Harry's face, "Of course... just get me in touch with them and that's all." Smirk becoming a smile, he turned to his somewhat lost, though amused neices, "Tanith? Can you go and put these into your hold?"
With a blink, the Abyssal in question looked at the large pile of cauldrons before shrugging, "Very well, Uncle Harry."
Moments later, Jackson was treated to the odd sight of the cauldrons disappearing under the fur cloak that the massive woman wore. Granted, he could not see much, but what he could see was more than enough for him that his wife would be complimentary when he arrived home that night. Only shaking his head as the last cauldron disappeared, he held out his hand, "Good doing business with you, Mister Potter."
Just shaking the offered hand, Harry gave a slight smile, "Same with you, Mister Jackson."
Once they were far enough away, Nuri scratched her head and turned to Harry with confusion, "Uncle Harry? What was that about? And why did you want Tanith to take them?"
Lips twitching, there was a twinkle in the teen's eyes as he answered, "Well... didn't you mention issues with resources? And how you needed some raw materials...?"
Eyes widened in surprise as they all realized what he had done. Doing some quick calculations in her head, Tanith let out a breath, "This... would help out quite a bit. We can make more then one Oku-Class now..."
Frowning, Ritou shook her head and gestured with her hand, "Yeah... though I would like some of the materials as well. I mean, I've been gathering what I can for a project of my own. What about you, Yoko? You mentioned a project of your own as well."
Now with attention on her, the former Yo-Class flushed some before looking at Tanith, "If Mother clears it... I would like some as well."
Curious, Harry looked from one to the other before blinking, "Projects? Really?"
Turning to him, Ritou glanced around before nodding, "Both Yoko and I have been working on some new Abyssal designs. Nothing spectacular really to be honest, they weren't made for warfare. We got started on them before the Great Scattering happened and I sort of continued to fiddle with mine when I was bored as there was no reason. Yoko though? She worked hard on hers." Giving a shrug, she continued, "In my case? I've been working on a Abyssal Tugboat. Back then, you would not believe how many times we had to go out and pull someone back under tow."
Sunny shook her head with a groan, "Don't remind me, Ritou. Usually they were fishing boats with engine trouble or something."
Her sister gave a nod at that before chuckling, "Anyways, Mom had us already working pretty hard with design work and stuff, so I started working on a Tug Boat because being warships, while we can bring a vessel under tow, we're not the best. Pretty sure that Mom had an idea that I was working on something anyways at the time and I had plenty of pictures and the like to work off of in the library for design work. After the Great Scattering though... there was not much reason for me to do much with the schematics that I had, though I worked on them when I was bored. They're about as complete as they could be though, so I've been thinking of running them past Mom."
Nodding herself, Yoko spoke up and caught their attention, "In my case, well... the Great Scattering only made me work harder on my project." Hand clenching, she let out a breath, "I was working on a type of Repair Ship. They would not be able to do much, but they could do moderate work until we could get someone to Mom or help lighten our workloads. If... if I was done before we were attacked maybe... maybe some of our sisters could be still with us. They would have been able to stabilize them..."
Gently, Harry took her hand in his and gave it a squeeze, "Hey, it is not your fault and I know that ship design is really hard, Yoko. The fact that you managed it is something to be proud of! Besides... this really shows that you and Ritou are Hoppou's daughters in this case."
With a sniffle, the Anchorage Princess wiped at her face, "Yeah... but there is always that what-if in the back of my mind. Since Renita though, I've been hard at work finishing what is needed and I think that I'm done. Just need Mom to look over my work first and I should be able to roll out the first unit." She then smiled, "They would be like the nurses to our doctors."
That... gave Harry a very odd image.
Soon enough though, the group entered Gladrags and Harry noticed a witch walking up who stopped. Meanwhile, the wizard smiled and waved, "Abigail!"
Blinking, the witch looked at him and then at the Abyssals before back to him, "Er... Harry? What..."
Harry snickered a bit before gesturing at Tanith, "Abigail, these are my nieces though my Little Sister..." After introducing them, he gave a slight smile, "They need some clothes as you can see."
Now frowning, the witch walked around the Northern Water Princess with a small nod, "Yes, I can see that. Hmm... I have a few ideas that could work with... Miss Tanith, was it?" When she nodded, Abigail gave a slight smile, "I can work with this..." Turning to the others, she raised an eyebrow, "Any ideas for yourselves?"
A frown, Ritou gestured at herself, "As long as I can breathe? I'll take it. And Uncle Harry also said that you could probably come up with something for me to make this less stuffy." At the confused look, she shrugged, "It's... kind of a uniform, let's just say."
Simply shrugging, Abigail shook her head, "If you say so."
Walking past them, she paused and looked Regalia up and down with a thoughtful look. Unsure, the Re-Class glanced at her mother and Harry who shrugged. Turning back, she bit her lip, "Um... is something wrong?"
The witch jerked a bit as she was pulled from her thoughts, "Hmm? Oh, just thinking of some clothes for you. Even with that tail, I think that I can do something. Pretty sure that we have some muggle style jeans around here and they're all the rage with the younger crowd. And honey, you would freaking look killer in some jeans with that arse and pair of legs you got..."
As Regalia flushed at that, Harry had an image in his head of Regina wearing a pair of tight jeans in his head. An image that made himself flush as well as he imagined it, 'Er... I wonder if Regina would come here...'
It would be over an hour before they left the store, a number of them with new clothes. Ritou in particular was very happy with how her clothes were now enchanted to let her breathe and were no longer so stuffy while Tanith was pleased with her skirt and sleeveless shirt that self-buttoned itself. Even Regalia was happy with what she got. Soon though, the Abyssals visited the other shops and got things for those back at the island.
Needless to say, it was a very pleased group of Abyssals who went back to Hogwarts.