1st Airborne Smol Division
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Harry Leferts
Deep within Hogwarts' depths, a secret meeting was being held by a group with their own goals. Ones separate from everyone's... and goals that they had been making their way towards, in secret, keeping to the shadows. Even those who spotted them going about their business had never thought, for even a moment, that what their plan truly was. It was devious, and a plan that they had been planning out for some time.
A plan... that could shake the world.
One that would also stun all those there.
Suddenly, with a whap, a pointer stick hit a map of what could be recognized as Hogsmeade from above. Two red eyes looked out onto the group before them before their leader began to speak, "Gato. Gato gato gato!"
In the front row, ShiNano tilted her head in the room that was between floors of Hogwarts, "Shina? Shina shina shina shina?"
Beside her, one of Shinano's own fairies, one of her pilots shook his head, "Desu."
Leaning forward, Smolgina frowned, "Gina... gina gina gina gina?"
At the front of the room dressed in an General's uniform, complete with the helmet, Minagato shook her head, "Gato." Reaching up, she pulled down another sheet to reveal a picture of one of Shinano's planes. With the stick in her hand, she began to gesture at each one as various Smols and Fairies took notes, "Gato. Gato gato gato gato gato. Gato, gato gato gato."
Raising her pudgy hand, Kutie waited until Minagato pointed at her, "Ku? Ku ku ku ku? Ku, ku ku ku, ku? Ku."
From where she stood beside her Smol girlfriend, Allie shook her head, "Pip pip pip pip."
Thus, the conversation and meeting went on as they spoke and planned smol plans. Eventually, Minagato called an end to the meeting and held out her wrist to show a tiny watch there, "Gato. Gato gato."
Each of those there nodded and made adjustments to their own watches before leaving to make last minute adjustments. Later that night, Minagato was perched on Hedwig's back with Allie behind her. Said owl, of course, was wearing an Aviator's cap. Out on the grounds of Hogwarts, meanwhile, some of Shinano's planes were spooling up as the Moon slid in and out of the clouds. Various Smols got into them with gear while Fairy pilots made last minute adjustments. With that done, they slowly made their way towards the main pathway from Hogwarts, none of them seeing an amused Castle spirit watching them.
On the path, candles lit up which outlined it while one of Shinano's fairies stood there with lit batons, making various motions. And one by one, the planes took off into the night sky with their passengers ready, Hedwig guiding them as they flew over the gates. One of the two Aurors at the gates blinked and looked at her partner with confusion writ across her face, "Uh, Jay? What the heck was with that?"
Jay looked up was the planes now vanishing into the night and gave a shrug, "Not a single clue. But probably best to just ignore it."
Staring at him, the female Auror gestured at the sky, "Jay, we just saw a bunch of those planes take off from Hogwarts. Shipgirl planes. That is sort of important!"
In reply, Jay rolled his eyes, "Sarah, look, it is best to ignore it. And no, really, it is not important."
Eyes wide, Sarah made more gestures, "But Jay-"
Holding up a hand, he sighed, "Look, I know that you are curious. Bloody hell, I will admit that there is a part of me that is curious as well. However, there is one thing that I have learned about shipgirls and their crews. Want to know what it is?" When she nodded in confusion, he continued, "In such cases it is best that we simply ignore it because whatever reason there is, usually ends up confusing us even more."
All Sarah could do was blink at that.
Meanwhile, on Hedwig, Minagato frowned as they made way through the clouds, the planes in formation around them. For her part, the Owl was looking around as they came into sight of the town. Below them, despite the late hour, there were still a few lights on. Most were streetlights, but there were a few homes where the people living there were still up despite the late hour. Inside some of the businesses, so too were there people doing some late night work.
None of those were their target though and they continued to scan the ground far below. Finally, Hedwig made a bark and gestured with one wing. Looking down, Minagato nodded and looked at Allie who spoke into the radio she had, a fairy sized version of the mobile radios that various troops in WWII had and used to communicate with. Despite the wind, she could be heard over the radio, "Pip pip pip! Pip!"
Various aircraft waggled their wings in reply, their canopies opening to reveal the Smols in their jumpsuits. Raising a hand, Minagato looked down and nodded before bringing it down, "GATO!"
At the same time, Allie made a transmission into the radio and as one, the Smols all leapt from the planes, Minagato doing the same from Hedwig. Behind her, Allie followed, her wings beating as they descended downwards while the planes and Hedwig circled around. As a last bit, the actual winged fairy used some of her magic and a song began to play.
Down below, Padfoot came to a stop where there was a pile of newspapers. Transforming back into Sirius, he gave a sigh and shook his head before beginning to go through them. Part of him was annoyed that this was the only real way that he could get news of any sort, by going through the trash. Another part though was happy that everyone put out their trash and recyclables once a week now. Made it easier to sneak into Hogsmeade and actually get some news.
Looking through them, the escaped prisoner paused some at seeing the picture of MacNair on the front page of one and picked it up, "What in the world...?" Reading through the front pages, a sneer of degust crossed Sirius' face, "Always knew that you were one sick puppy, but this... Ugh, should have killed you when I had the chance... And Yaxley too? What..." His voice trailed off and his eyes widened at one bit that was there, "Wait, they got caught when they were torturing Peter... who was being held for questioning after being found alive?!"
Briefly, the animagus remembered that the previous week, he had to leave in order to restock his supplies from a non-magical supermarket with some of the funds that Lily and the others had put aside and hid. Hence, he had missed the last week's papers. Quickly, he began ripping through newspaper after newspaper, putting together more of the story from the bits and pieces. His hands shaking, Sirius gave a laugh, "They caught him... they know that the rat is alive though fuck, he escaped! But still, they know that he is alive..."
So into what he was reading, and in his own little world, that Sirius missed the first few moments of a song tickling his ear. After several seconds though, he realized that he was hearing music and looked around in confusion, "Wait... is someone playing Ride of the Valkyries? But where..."
The only sign he had of what was about to happen was the sound of flapping and he looked up in time for Minagato to slam into his shoulder alongside Smolgina as their parachutes fluttered away in the breeze. Knocked to the ground, the wizard missed the other Smols dropping around him. That was until ShiNano and Kutie began to wrap his feet with cord, "WHAT THE BLOODY FU-MRPH!?"
Just as he was saying that, Smolgina slapped some masking tape on his mouth. Moving, Sirius attempted to slap away one of the Smols, when a lasso caught his hand around the wrist. His other wrist joined the first one with Minagato holding both ropes as Smolchi tied them together. Meanwhile, Hibitki began to tie his legs together as the wizard wiggled and muffled shouting could be heard. Finally, they finished hogtying him. With a nod, Minagato nodded some, "Gato gato gato!"
Allie gave a smile and a thumbs up from where she had been speaking on the radio as the Smols settled in. Fifteen minutes later, there was a burst of flame revealing Dumbledore, Remus, and Nagato. The elderly wizard hummed some as he took in the sight of Sirius who was looking out of sorts with everything. Especially as he was not tied to the ground as well. "I would say, my dear boy, that you have a Smol problem here."
Snickering, the werewolf shook his head, "Seems that you found yourself in Gulliver's Travels, Padfoot. Here you thought that you were in Hogsmeade while, in reality, you were in Lilliput."
Lips curling upwards, Nagato looked down at her Smol version and nodded, "Never underestimate the power of the Big Smol Seven."
Hands on her hips, Minagato nodded with a pleased look. The First Smol Airborne had completed their objective, "Gato."
Meanwhile, Sirius was just wondering what the hell did he eat or drink for him to be dreaming this.
Deep within Hogwarts' depths, a secret meeting was being held by a group with their own goals. Ones separate from everyone's... and goals that they had been making their way towards, in secret, keeping to the shadows. Even those who spotted them going about their business had never thought, for even a moment, that what their plan truly was. It was devious, and a plan that they had been planning out for some time.
A plan... that could shake the world.
One that would also stun all those there.
Suddenly, with a whap, a pointer stick hit a map of what could be recognized as Hogsmeade from above. Two red eyes looked out onto the group before them before their leader began to speak, "Gato. Gato gato gato!"
In the front row, ShiNano tilted her head in the room that was between floors of Hogwarts, "Shina? Shina shina shina shina?"
Beside her, one of Shinano's own fairies, one of her pilots shook his head, "Desu."
Leaning forward, Smolgina frowned, "Gina... gina gina gina gina?"
At the front of the room dressed in an General's uniform, complete with the helmet, Minagato shook her head, "Gato." Reaching up, she pulled down another sheet to reveal a picture of one of Shinano's planes. With the stick in her hand, she began to gesture at each one as various Smols and Fairies took notes, "Gato. Gato gato gato gato gato. Gato, gato gato gato."
Raising her pudgy hand, Kutie waited until Minagato pointed at her, "Ku? Ku ku ku ku? Ku, ku ku ku, ku? Ku."
From where she stood beside her Smol girlfriend, Allie shook her head, "Pip pip pip pip."
Thus, the conversation and meeting went on as they spoke and planned smol plans. Eventually, Minagato called an end to the meeting and held out her wrist to show a tiny watch there, "Gato. Gato gato."
Each of those there nodded and made adjustments to their own watches before leaving to make last minute adjustments. Later that night, Minagato was perched on Hedwig's back with Allie behind her. Said owl, of course, was wearing an Aviator's cap. Out on the grounds of Hogwarts, meanwhile, some of Shinano's planes were spooling up as the Moon slid in and out of the clouds. Various Smols got into them with gear while Fairy pilots made last minute adjustments. With that done, they slowly made their way towards the main pathway from Hogwarts, none of them seeing an amused Castle spirit watching them.
On the path, candles lit up which outlined it while one of Shinano's fairies stood there with lit batons, making various motions. And one by one, the planes took off into the night sky with their passengers ready, Hedwig guiding them as they flew over the gates. One of the two Aurors at the gates blinked and looked at her partner with confusion writ across her face, "Uh, Jay? What the heck was with that?"
Jay looked up was the planes now vanishing into the night and gave a shrug, "Not a single clue. But probably best to just ignore it."
Staring at him, the female Auror gestured at the sky, "Jay, we just saw a bunch of those planes take off from Hogwarts. Shipgirl planes. That is sort of important!"
In reply, Jay rolled his eyes, "Sarah, look, it is best to ignore it. And no, really, it is not important."
Eyes wide, Sarah made more gestures, "But Jay-"
Holding up a hand, he sighed, "Look, I know that you are curious. Bloody hell, I will admit that there is a part of me that is curious as well. However, there is one thing that I have learned about shipgirls and their crews. Want to know what it is?" When she nodded in confusion, he continued, "In such cases it is best that we simply ignore it because whatever reason there is, usually ends up confusing us even more."
All Sarah could do was blink at that.
Meanwhile, on Hedwig, Minagato frowned as they made way through the clouds, the planes in formation around them. For her part, the Owl was looking around as they came into sight of the town. Below them, despite the late hour, there were still a few lights on. Most were streetlights, but there were a few homes where the people living there were still up despite the late hour. Inside some of the businesses, so too were there people doing some late night work.
None of those were their target though and they continued to scan the ground far below. Finally, Hedwig made a bark and gestured with one wing. Looking down, Minagato nodded and looked at Allie who spoke into the radio she had, a fairy sized version of the mobile radios that various troops in WWII had and used to communicate with. Despite the wind, she could be heard over the radio, "Pip pip pip! Pip!"
Various aircraft waggled their wings in reply, their canopies opening to reveal the Smols in their jumpsuits. Raising a hand, Minagato looked down and nodded before bringing it down, "GATO!"
At the same time, Allie made a transmission into the radio and as one, the Smols all leapt from the planes, Minagato doing the same from Hedwig. Behind her, Allie followed, her wings beating as they descended downwards while the planes and Hedwig circled around. As a last bit, the actual winged fairy used some of her magic and a song began to play.
Down below, Padfoot came to a stop where there was a pile of newspapers. Transforming back into Sirius, he gave a sigh and shook his head before beginning to go through them. Part of him was annoyed that this was the only real way that he could get news of any sort, by going through the trash. Another part though was happy that everyone put out their trash and recyclables once a week now. Made it easier to sneak into Hogsmeade and actually get some news.
Looking through them, the escaped prisoner paused some at seeing the picture of MacNair on the front page of one and picked it up, "What in the world...?" Reading through the front pages, a sneer of degust crossed Sirius' face, "Always knew that you were one sick puppy, but this... Ugh, should have killed you when I had the chance... And Yaxley too? What..." His voice trailed off and his eyes widened at one bit that was there, "Wait, they got caught when they were torturing Peter... who was being held for questioning after being found alive?!"
Briefly, the animagus remembered that the previous week, he had to leave in order to restock his supplies from a non-magical supermarket with some of the funds that Lily and the others had put aside and hid. Hence, he had missed the last week's papers. Quickly, he began ripping through newspaper after newspaper, putting together more of the story from the bits and pieces. His hands shaking, Sirius gave a laugh, "They caught him... they know that the rat is alive though fuck, he escaped! But still, they know that he is alive..."
So into what he was reading, and in his own little world, that Sirius missed the first few moments of a song tickling his ear. After several seconds though, he realized that he was hearing music and looked around in confusion, "Wait... is someone playing Ride of the Valkyries? But where..."
The only sign he had of what was about to happen was the sound of flapping and he looked up in time for Minagato to slam into his shoulder alongside Smolgina as their parachutes fluttered away in the breeze. Knocked to the ground, the wizard missed the other Smols dropping around him. That was until ShiNano and Kutie began to wrap his feet with cord, "WHAT THE BLOODY FU-MRPH!?"
Just as he was saying that, Smolgina slapped some masking tape on his mouth. Moving, Sirius attempted to slap away one of the Smols, when a lasso caught his hand around the wrist. His other wrist joined the first one with Minagato holding both ropes as Smolchi tied them together. Meanwhile, Hibitki began to tie his legs together as the wizard wiggled and muffled shouting could be heard. Finally, they finished hogtying him. With a nod, Minagato nodded some, "Gato gato gato!"
Allie gave a smile and a thumbs up from where she had been speaking on the radio as the Smols settled in. Fifteen minutes later, there was a burst of flame revealing Dumbledore, Remus, and Nagato. The elderly wizard hummed some as he took in the sight of Sirius who was looking out of sorts with everything. Especially as he was not tied to the ground as well. "I would say, my dear boy, that you have a Smol problem here."
Snickering, the werewolf shook his head, "Seems that you found yourself in Gulliver's Travels, Padfoot. Here you thought that you were in Hogsmeade while, in reality, you were in Lilliput."
Lips curling upwards, Nagato looked down at her Smol version and nodded, "Never underestimate the power of the Big Smol Seven."
Hands on her hips, Minagato nodded with a pleased look. The First Smol Airborne had completed their objective, "Gato."
Meanwhile, Sirius was just wondering what the hell did he eat or drink for him to be dreaming this.