Talking to the Armory
Well worn.
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Harry Leferts
Walking up the pathway towards Hogwarts was something of an odd group, mainly that of the Potter Armory with some in civilian clothing. Taking a deep breath, Catherine let it out in a happy sigh, "I do love spring. The Lord gifts it to us after a long, hard winter."
Head tilted to the side, Andraste frowned a little, "Better this winter, I believe than previous ones for the past few years." She then grimaced slightly, "What they call the 'Little Ice Age' was enough for me just the once. And the Year Without Summer was worse."
From where he walked with Saki at his side, Sheff frowned, "It... was not fun those first two years after Blood Week." He shuddered a bit, "There were some frosts well into May and one or two into June. Heard on the tele that it was due to all the smoke and soot from fires kicked up in the atmosphere."
Each of the other weapons grimaced at that before Sabah spoke up, "Speaking of the Little Ice Age, I was watching a program about such things. They stated it was started due to volcanic eruptions among other things." A slight frown, she nodded towards Catherine, "And another in Iceland led to what happened in France."
Catherine sighed a little and shook her head, "Yes, I remember that. And while I can understand being angry with the King, Queen, and their court, that did not mean that they should have killed innocents such as some of the children I saw. In the end, it brought out the worst in humans and I know that the Lord wept alongside me." After a brief moment, she sighed and looked around, "It is much too lovely a day to speak of such things, however. Let us turn our gazes elsewhere."
The lone Muramasa of the group just peeled a blood orange and hummed, "Sure, let's do that, Cathy." Ignoring the slight frown on the blonde woman's face, Juuchi smirked, "Let us instead talk about how much you resemble Goldie."
Eyebrows furrowing, Catherine looked at Crocea Mors and frowned, "And I have told you, Juuchi, we do not look alike in the slightest. In fact, we look completely different."
For her part, Crocea Mors nodded, "Indeed! While Catherine is quite beautiful, and with perhaps Roman blood, she looks not like me in the slightest! We are quite different!" She narrowed her eyes slightly, "It is like you stating that we look like our neighbour, that Okita girl! Or your sister, Kyoshu!"
Smugly smiling, Juuchi took an orange slice and put it into her mouth and chewed for a few seconds, savouring the taste. Once she swallowed, she snorted, "That is because you do resemble them, and they you..." Frowning briefly, she shook her head, "Except for two of them being Japanese..." Then, the Muramasa shrugged, "Though that could explain the fact that I initially disliked you due to looking like my sister."
Once more, Catherine sighed the sort that one would understand was born of long suffering, "Yet, I cannot see it."
Before Juuchi could say anything, someone appeared at her side and jabbed her in the ribs. Ignoring her grunt, Carnwennan frowned, "Just drop it for now..." Getting a mumble, he shivered a little, 'Hopefully we never meet my sisters. Avalon, Caliburn, Excalibur, and Prydwen... Though I do hope that Ron also got through her edge phase as well... and the same with Clarent... or Seure, edge lord that she is... honestly, yes, Arthur had her as a Squire and when he gained Caliburn, he lent her out to Lancelot and the like. But bloody hell, sometimes I swore that I could get cut on her edge. Only Avalon, cinnamon bun she is... was... got any sort of friendliness from her.' The dagger frowned a little, 'Though why they all looked like each other, I don't know... or how someone knew that I was their brother from a glance when we don't look alike...'
After another moment of thought, he shook it off as it was not that important. Instead, he turned to the current conversation, which was currently being lead by Tsukiakari, "Um... do any of you know why Master asked for us to come to Hogwarts?"
For her part, Tsuchi shrugged a bit, but before she could say anything, Big Iron spoke up, "Cake! Master likely wants to share cake with us."
Amalie's eyebrow twitched before she jumped up and slugged her fellow firearm in the shoulder, "You Anvilhead! Master is likely calling us to Hogwarts for another reason!"
Only shaking her head, the sole Okinawan weapon turned towards Tsukiakari, "I suspect it has to do with some recent events myself... He was quite worried for you and the others at Verdun."
Lightly blushing, Tsukiakari gave a small nod, "Um... I'm sorry about that, but..."
A hand on her shoulder caused her to look at Bill who gave her a smile before tipping the brim of his hat, "Little Lady, you got nothin' to be sorry for. What you did was the right thing and he likely knows it."
Relaxing a bit, the Kyu Gunto smiled back at him, "Thank you, Bill-Kun."
All Bill did was smile some and nod before going back to walking silently as he appreciated their surroundings. Here and there a few students looked over in interest at their guests before shrugging it off. Considering things? These ones looked rather normal compared to some of the others.
Granted, some of the boys were staring at the females and the girls at the males of the group.
It did not take them long to reach the front doors and Juuchi guided them through the corridors up to a spot in the Seventh Floor. Sure enough, there was a door there and she glanced at the others before smugly smiling, "Well, we're here then."
As she opened the door and stepped inside, the others followed. Glancing around, Carnwennan nodded to himself, "I wish that I had known of this place before now. It would have been far more amusing."
Chuckles made them turn to where Harry stood with Rose, the thirteen year old putting a plate with roast chicken on it down, "I can imagine what some of my ancestors would have done, Carnwennan. Especially considering what I've read."
Tone dry, Sabah scoffed a bit, "Not to mention Lyra. I dread to think what she would have done if she known about this place."
It went without saying that got her snickers from the others. Smiling and shaking his head, Harry walked up to Tsukiakari and looked her over before hugging her. Something that caught the Kyu-Gunto by surprise, "Master? What's wrong?"
Rather than say anything, Harry gently squeezed her for a moment before pulling back, "I'm just glad to see that you're alright, Tsukiakari."
Expression softening, Tsukiakari hugged him back, "And I am glad to be back, Master."
Once she stepped back, the wizard walked over and hugged Andreste with the shield jumping a bit before she relaxed a little and hugged him back. That was followed by Sabah, who had a broad smile on her face, and Nightbane, though that last was more the one armed manly hug type. As he took a step back, Harry sighed and gave them all a bemused look, "Thank you for coming back in one piece. I really appreciate it, though I wish that you didn't go to Verdun."
Gently, Andraste smiled and gave him another hug from behind, "We went, Master, because we were needed there. We answered the call as we were supposed to."
Sabah then chuckled and crossed her arms over her chest, "Besides which, we went to protect you, Master." Her expression fell slightly and she walked over to give him a hug as well, "Verdun would have come for you as Master Ian had fought there and helped seal the Monster on the Meuse."
With a sigh, Harry relaxed a little, "Still, I don't want to lose any of my family if I can help it." Unknown by him, that caused all the Tsukumogami there to smile and feel a burst of warmth in their chests. Letting out another sigh, he looked at each one of those there, "Tell me that this time it should remain sealed."
A slightly smug smile on her face, Tsukiakari shook her head, "It should remain sealed. And according to the witch who helped seal it, Madam Aetos, it very likely will not escape its chains again. Especially as the Monster used up quite a bit of energy trying to escape and likely sped its demise forward a few centuries."
Slowly, the thirteen year old relaxed some, "That is good to know then." A frown then crossed Harry's face, "Though, Aetos? I wonder if she is related to the Greek Admiral in charge of the Hellenic Shipgirls...?"
Unseen by him, Tsukiakari's eyes widened a bit before she frowned with a look of suspicion. By the time Harry turner back to her, however, it was gone, "Perhaps, Master." She then smiled gently at him, "Hopefully that calms your worries."
With a chuckle, Harry rubbed the back of his neck, "A little, yeah." He then shrugged and gestured at the table, "Come and have a seat then, I've cooked up some food for you all after all and there's some other things to talk about." The teen then winked, "I even made some desserts and cake."
At that, Big Iron perked up, "I told you that Master wanted us here to get some cake!"
Beside her, Amalie held her face in her hands and groaned.
While he had wanted to serve them alone, Harry eventually gave in and let Sheff as well as Kansha help. Examining the carving knife he had in his hands, the Muramasa Kitchen knife raised an eyebrow, "Conjured?"
Just nodding as he brought over some more food, the teen smiled, "Yeah, I learned how after all." Setting what he had in his hands down, he paused and looked first towards Xing and Feng before bowing slightly to their confusion, "I'm sorry to the both of you in that I... don't really know any Chinese recipes." A blush rose in his cheeks, but still he continued, "Um, about the only ones that I do know are either fusions or ones like American style..."
The two Chinese blades blinked at that before smiling, Xing chuckling some, "Master? Look at me." When Harry did so, she got up and gave him a hug, "You have nothing to apologize for. And if you have some foods like those from our homelands? Even if not identical? We would be honoured to have it."
From where he sat, Feng nodded with his own smile, "As my sister has stated, Master. But thank you for the thought." Giving the matter some thought, he glanced towards Xing, who nodded, "If that is what you wish though, we could teach you cooking from our homeland."
Peeking up, Harry gave a nod before frowning and turning towards Sabah who gave a light laugh, "Master, trust me, I am fine with European cooking. But, much like them, I am willing to teach you how to cook from the lands that I have come from."
Some of the strain left the wizard and he smiled back at them. Ruffling his hair a little, Feng giggled and returned to her seat beside her brother. Not long afterwards, they were all seated and food was set in front of them. They did wait though as Catherine clasped her hands in front of her, lips moving as she whispered a prayer.
Once that was done though, they all began to eat. A surprised expression on her face, Amalie looked at Harry in interest, "This is quite well done."
Lounging back in her own chair, Crocea Mors nodded, "Indeed it is! Your food as is good as I have been lead to believe, Praetor! My first Master, Caeser, would compliment you!"
Needless to say, that plus other compliments caused Harry's cheeks to darken in a blush. Scratching his cheek, he chuckled sheepishly, "Thanks." After a few moments though, the wizard cleared his throat, "You're probably all wondering why I asked for you to come. Partially it is to welcome back those of us who went to Verdun and to congratulate them... Speaking of..." Raising the goblet, Harry nodded, "A toast to the returning heroes."
It was now Tsukiakari's, Sabah's, Andraste's, and Nightbane's turn to flush a bit as the other Potter weapons raised their goblets and grinned at them. Seeing that, Dracul grinned, "Perhaps I should make a song for you all in honour?"
Blank faces met her as well as the four in the question speaking in the same, flat voice with their answer, "No."
Somewhat amused, Harry shook his head some and chuckled before giving a sigh, "Besides that... first, you sent a letter about a Colombe du Chasteler wishing to see me?" At the nod from the Kyu-Gunto, he frowned a little, "I read some in Ian's and Lyra's journals about her, but looking her up? There's some other aspects..."
Rather than be insulted, Tsukiakari set down her utensils and wiped at her mouth, "You're wondering about the truth?" As he slowly nodded, she smiled, "Colombe-Chan is... special." Ian's personal sword then gave a sigh, "But when she had met Mistress Lyra and Master Ian, she was something of a broken bird due to various events. That said, I will vouch for her in that she is utterly loyal once a friend and will go through hell for one. And she also truly loved Mistress Lyra as well as Master Ian."
While Harry nodded, Sabah spoke up at that point, "I did meet her a few times even before the recent incident, including during World War Two when she did some work for the British. Not that she knew that until I told her a short time ago. I do concur with Tsukiakari though in regards to her character. You do not need to worry about when you meet her what may happen."
Furrowing his eyebrows, the thirteen year old glanced at the lone French blade, who also nodded, "I cannot speak as I have not directly met her, but I do agree that she is honourable, Master. She was... quite close to Mistress Lyra and Master Ian. Their deaths hit her quite hard, as did Master Henry's."
Eyes closed, Harry thought things over before frowning, "Do you think that is why she never contacted me? As well as not knowing where I was like with Grandmother Siusan?"
Considering that, Tsukiakari gave a small, slow, nod, "I... would not be surprised in that way, no. Another part could be that she had believed that you would have been safe with the... the things that called themselves your relatives." Briefly, there was a flash in her eyes at that, one which Harry noted was shared by the others. Though Catherine merely scowled at the reminder, which made him shift a little due to both how wrong, yet how frightening it looked. But then, Tsukiakari continued, "Colombe has a few beliefs about family, such as how family is sacrosanct. I believe that she also mentioned there was an incident in Rwanda at the time she was involved in..."
It was then that Nightbane interjected as he cracked open an eye, "Master? I feel that I should mention something that her sister, Delilah mentioned. Apparently, after hearing of your parents deaths she kicked up a small fuss on the continent. She was quite annoyed at the Death Eaters and made sure that they knew that they were more welcome beneath the soil on the Continent."
That got a snort from Harry before he shook his head, "I see." Scratching his chin as he thought, he tilted his head to the side. Finally, the wizard nodded, "I'll think about where to meet her then and with whom... though you would certainly be one of those, Tsukiakari."
Even as the Kyu-Gunto gave a smile and a nod, another one of them chuckled. When everyone had looked at her, Juuchi leaned back with smug look on her face, "I should note that Colombe is, in fact, my niece through my sister, Norimune. But I agree Master, you should meet her and renew ties of friendship between your families."
It must be said that Harry was not the only one somewhat suspicious of the Muramasa, but they accepted it. Only shaking his head, the teen cleared his throat, "There are a few more matters. But for one, I have good news." He smiled and gave a slight nod, "Thanks to the memories provided by Tsukiakari, the restoration of the Manor is coming along fine. Better, in fact as now they know what the inside looked like, the workers Victory has been using think that it will be complete by July."
At that all of them perked up with their expressions brightening. Clapping her hands, Catherine smiled, "That is wonderful news!"
Head tilting a bit, Crocea Mors smiled herself, "Indeed! Truly great news that the home our family has had will once more be repaired! Umu!"
Clearing his throat, the thirteen year old smiled some, "Though there will be one modification." At their looks, Harry gave a small shrug, "I've had for some modifications be done to my Great-Aunt Catherine's chamber." Seeing the concerned looks, he waved his hands, "It's fine, I asked Aunt Myrtle to talk with her and Great-Aunt Catherine agreed to be removed for the time in question and not cause any trouble as long as she remains in the house. Apparently, she is happy with the modifications that were suggested."
Still unsure, Andraste frowned, "What sort of modifications, Master?"
With a small shrug, Harry shook his head, "Not many, just cosmetic for the most part. New windowsills and windows for example, polished stone floors, and fitted, smooth stone blocks for the walls as well as a chandelier for light. Add in the table for flowers honouring her? She is apparently... quite pleased."
Much to his amusement, they relaxed at that. Catherine, the sword and not the skull, was relieved, "That is good to know, Master. As long as she does not stir up any trouble."
Only shrugging, the teenager hummed, "Anyways, that's not the only modification being done." Seeing the interest, he smiled a bit, "I'm having a small bathhouse added to it as well as a pool, though that will be done later than the main manor. But we also will have electricity, internet, and the like. That aside, once the manor is done, we'll have some work setting everything up."
Lips curling, Carnwennan chuckled, "Not to worry, all of us know where the furniture is..." Noticing Rose, Saki, Sheff, and Kansha frowning, he shook his head, "Well, most of us. We'll be able to set things up the way that they were."
Chewing his lip, Harry gave a nod to that before taking a deep breath, "Which... brings me to something else that I need to ask you all. I came across some information regarding something that my family has." Seeing their interested looks, he continued, "Do any of you know where the stores of Vulcanium is?"
Just blinking, the older members of the group thought it over before Andraste nodded though she looked confused, "I know where it is, Master. Though I don't know why you would want it unless you want to make something."
Now turning to her, the wizard ran a hand through his hair, "Well..." Then, he realized what she had said and blinked, "Wait, make something of it? Does that mean some of the Potters have?"
With a glance towards Sabah, Andraste nodded with a small shrug, "Yes? Juuchi could tell you about the table pieces they made from some. An entire set of dishes, forks, spoons, candlestands, even gravy boats as well as goblets and the like. They used to bring them out for large gatherings of family and friends since it looked nice and was different. Why-" She blinked at what happened, "Master? Why are you hitting your head on the table?"
Pulling his head back, Harry took a deep breath, "Just... okay, I'll get back to that. Just how much is left and in what forms?"
Still unsure, the shield blinked a bit, "Um..."
Juuchi then gave a shrug, "There's several tons of the stuff in ingots within a trunk. Also, you got about ten cauldrons of varying sizes for it." Scratching her chin, she frowned, "Not sure how much-"
It was then that Carnwennan spoke up, "There's about... thirty tons total that likely is still there. I was there when it was negotiated after all." Misintrepretating Harry boggling, he frowned, "Your family at the time thought that it could be used for various items to prevent corrision and the like. It was why they created the tableware after all after going to see a dwarf. Less issue with the goblins complaining about us having it and such. Granted... they didn't see it as a particularly useful metal unless using it to conduct and such."
Confused, Saki frowned a little and looked over at the dagger, "Why did they call it Vulcanium? A bit of an odd name..."
Simply shrugging, the dagger sighed some, "Because of how hard it was to work it with the No-Maj methods at the time. James Weasley had to use magic because otherwise it wouldn't do what he wanted, hence him declaring it a metal worthy of Vulcan's forge. He brought over quite a bit back to Britain... unfortunately, the Malfoys ruined him by flooding the market with gold and silver cauldrons. No one wanted the wonder metal he had after all." Carnwennan, "The Potter who leant him the money was a friend though and simply took the metal that he was given, as was the Longbottom. They both made it back soon enough pillaging Spanish Galleons." Noticing something, he blinked at seeing Harry holding his face in his hands, "Master? Is something wrong?"
Taking a deep breath, Harry slowly let it out, "Not wrong, but..." He pulled his hands away from his face and rubbed the side of his head, "The metal, Vulcanium? The Non-Magicals know of it by a different name." Seeing as he had their attention, the teen continued, "Platinum."
For several moments, no one did a thing before Tsukiakari wiggled a finger in her ear with a frown. Then, she turned back to him, "I'm sorry, Master, but did you just say that Vulcanium is-"
His tone of voice dry, the thirteen year old gave her a look, "Platinum? Yes. In fact, it is nearly pure platinum."
Eyes wide, Tsukiakari as well as those other Tsukumogami well versed in the modern day sort of stared off into space before the Kyu-Gunto spoke, "And we have..." At Harry's nod, she slowly blinked, "Oh."
Utterly lost, Catherine looked between them, "I'm afraid that I do not follow, is this platinum important and worth something?"
Laughter, nearly hystrical came from Saki, "Y-yes! Yes it is!"
Gripping his partner's hand, Sheff took a deep breath and turned to Catherine, "Platinum is now, in the modern day, worth a lot of money. In fact, far more than gold per weight."
When they turned to him, Harry spoke up, "To put into perspective... Platinum is currently about a thousand Pounds Stirling per ounce. And we have literal tons of the stuff."
Just nodding, Big Iron smiled, "Oh!" Then, she blinked and turned to Amalie, "Is that a lot?"
Pinching her nose, the Blunderbuss sighed, "Yes, that is a lot."
Somewhat bemused, Harry gave a shrug, "On the plus side, our family will never hurt for cash."
That got him snorts from the others and soon the conversation turned more to what they should do...
Walking up the pathway towards Hogwarts was something of an odd group, mainly that of the Potter Armory with some in civilian clothing. Taking a deep breath, Catherine let it out in a happy sigh, "I do love spring. The Lord gifts it to us after a long, hard winter."
Head tilted to the side, Andraste frowned a little, "Better this winter, I believe than previous ones for the past few years." She then grimaced slightly, "What they call the 'Little Ice Age' was enough for me just the once. And the Year Without Summer was worse."
From where he walked with Saki at his side, Sheff frowned, "It... was not fun those first two years after Blood Week." He shuddered a bit, "There were some frosts well into May and one or two into June. Heard on the tele that it was due to all the smoke and soot from fires kicked up in the atmosphere."
Each of the other weapons grimaced at that before Sabah spoke up, "Speaking of the Little Ice Age, I was watching a program about such things. They stated it was started due to volcanic eruptions among other things." A slight frown, she nodded towards Catherine, "And another in Iceland led to what happened in France."
Catherine sighed a little and shook her head, "Yes, I remember that. And while I can understand being angry with the King, Queen, and their court, that did not mean that they should have killed innocents such as some of the children I saw. In the end, it brought out the worst in humans and I know that the Lord wept alongside me." After a brief moment, she sighed and looked around, "It is much too lovely a day to speak of such things, however. Let us turn our gazes elsewhere."
The lone Muramasa of the group just peeled a blood orange and hummed, "Sure, let's do that, Cathy." Ignoring the slight frown on the blonde woman's face, Juuchi smirked, "Let us instead talk about how much you resemble Goldie."
Eyebrows furrowing, Catherine looked at Crocea Mors and frowned, "And I have told you, Juuchi, we do not look alike in the slightest. In fact, we look completely different."
For her part, Crocea Mors nodded, "Indeed! While Catherine is quite beautiful, and with perhaps Roman blood, she looks not like me in the slightest! We are quite different!" She narrowed her eyes slightly, "It is like you stating that we look like our neighbour, that Okita girl! Or your sister, Kyoshu!"
Smugly smiling, Juuchi took an orange slice and put it into her mouth and chewed for a few seconds, savouring the taste. Once she swallowed, she snorted, "That is because you do resemble them, and they you..." Frowning briefly, she shook her head, "Except for two of them being Japanese..." Then, the Muramasa shrugged, "Though that could explain the fact that I initially disliked you due to looking like my sister."
Once more, Catherine sighed the sort that one would understand was born of long suffering, "Yet, I cannot see it."
Before Juuchi could say anything, someone appeared at her side and jabbed her in the ribs. Ignoring her grunt, Carnwennan frowned, "Just drop it for now..." Getting a mumble, he shivered a little, 'Hopefully we never meet my sisters. Avalon, Caliburn, Excalibur, and Prydwen... Though I do hope that Ron also got through her edge phase as well... and the same with Clarent... or Seure, edge lord that she is... honestly, yes, Arthur had her as a Squire and when he gained Caliburn, he lent her out to Lancelot and the like. But bloody hell, sometimes I swore that I could get cut on her edge. Only Avalon, cinnamon bun she is... was... got any sort of friendliness from her.' The dagger frowned a little, 'Though why they all looked like each other, I don't know... or how someone knew that I was their brother from a glance when we don't look alike...'
After another moment of thought, he shook it off as it was not that important. Instead, he turned to the current conversation, which was currently being lead by Tsukiakari, "Um... do any of you know why Master asked for us to come to Hogwarts?"
For her part, Tsuchi shrugged a bit, but before she could say anything, Big Iron spoke up, "Cake! Master likely wants to share cake with us."
Amalie's eyebrow twitched before she jumped up and slugged her fellow firearm in the shoulder, "You Anvilhead! Master is likely calling us to Hogwarts for another reason!"
Only shaking her head, the sole Okinawan weapon turned towards Tsukiakari, "I suspect it has to do with some recent events myself... He was quite worried for you and the others at Verdun."
Lightly blushing, Tsukiakari gave a small nod, "Um... I'm sorry about that, but..."
A hand on her shoulder caused her to look at Bill who gave her a smile before tipping the brim of his hat, "Little Lady, you got nothin' to be sorry for. What you did was the right thing and he likely knows it."
Relaxing a bit, the Kyu Gunto smiled back at him, "Thank you, Bill-Kun."
All Bill did was smile some and nod before going back to walking silently as he appreciated their surroundings. Here and there a few students looked over in interest at their guests before shrugging it off. Considering things? These ones looked rather normal compared to some of the others.
Granted, some of the boys were staring at the females and the girls at the males of the group.
It did not take them long to reach the front doors and Juuchi guided them through the corridors up to a spot in the Seventh Floor. Sure enough, there was a door there and she glanced at the others before smugly smiling, "Well, we're here then."
As she opened the door and stepped inside, the others followed. Glancing around, Carnwennan nodded to himself, "I wish that I had known of this place before now. It would have been far more amusing."
Chuckles made them turn to where Harry stood with Rose, the thirteen year old putting a plate with roast chicken on it down, "I can imagine what some of my ancestors would have done, Carnwennan. Especially considering what I've read."
Tone dry, Sabah scoffed a bit, "Not to mention Lyra. I dread to think what she would have done if she known about this place."
It went without saying that got her snickers from the others. Smiling and shaking his head, Harry walked up to Tsukiakari and looked her over before hugging her. Something that caught the Kyu-Gunto by surprise, "Master? What's wrong?"
Rather than say anything, Harry gently squeezed her for a moment before pulling back, "I'm just glad to see that you're alright, Tsukiakari."
Expression softening, Tsukiakari hugged him back, "And I am glad to be back, Master."
Once she stepped back, the wizard walked over and hugged Andreste with the shield jumping a bit before she relaxed a little and hugged him back. That was followed by Sabah, who had a broad smile on her face, and Nightbane, though that last was more the one armed manly hug type. As he took a step back, Harry sighed and gave them all a bemused look, "Thank you for coming back in one piece. I really appreciate it, though I wish that you didn't go to Verdun."
Gently, Andraste smiled and gave him another hug from behind, "We went, Master, because we were needed there. We answered the call as we were supposed to."
Sabah then chuckled and crossed her arms over her chest, "Besides which, we went to protect you, Master." Her expression fell slightly and she walked over to give him a hug as well, "Verdun would have come for you as Master Ian had fought there and helped seal the Monster on the Meuse."
With a sigh, Harry relaxed a little, "Still, I don't want to lose any of my family if I can help it." Unknown by him, that caused all the Tsukumogami there to smile and feel a burst of warmth in their chests. Letting out another sigh, he looked at each one of those there, "Tell me that this time it should remain sealed."
A slightly smug smile on her face, Tsukiakari shook her head, "It should remain sealed. And according to the witch who helped seal it, Madam Aetos, it very likely will not escape its chains again. Especially as the Monster used up quite a bit of energy trying to escape and likely sped its demise forward a few centuries."
Slowly, the thirteen year old relaxed some, "That is good to know then." A frown then crossed Harry's face, "Though, Aetos? I wonder if she is related to the Greek Admiral in charge of the Hellenic Shipgirls...?"
Unseen by him, Tsukiakari's eyes widened a bit before she frowned with a look of suspicion. By the time Harry turner back to her, however, it was gone, "Perhaps, Master." She then smiled gently at him, "Hopefully that calms your worries."
With a chuckle, Harry rubbed the back of his neck, "A little, yeah." He then shrugged and gestured at the table, "Come and have a seat then, I've cooked up some food for you all after all and there's some other things to talk about." The teen then winked, "I even made some desserts and cake."
At that, Big Iron perked up, "I told you that Master wanted us here to get some cake!"
Beside her, Amalie held her face in her hands and groaned.
While he had wanted to serve them alone, Harry eventually gave in and let Sheff as well as Kansha help. Examining the carving knife he had in his hands, the Muramasa Kitchen knife raised an eyebrow, "Conjured?"
Just nodding as he brought over some more food, the teen smiled, "Yeah, I learned how after all." Setting what he had in his hands down, he paused and looked first towards Xing and Feng before bowing slightly to their confusion, "I'm sorry to the both of you in that I... don't really know any Chinese recipes." A blush rose in his cheeks, but still he continued, "Um, about the only ones that I do know are either fusions or ones like American style..."
The two Chinese blades blinked at that before smiling, Xing chuckling some, "Master? Look at me." When Harry did so, she got up and gave him a hug, "You have nothing to apologize for. And if you have some foods like those from our homelands? Even if not identical? We would be honoured to have it."
From where he sat, Feng nodded with his own smile, "As my sister has stated, Master. But thank you for the thought." Giving the matter some thought, he glanced towards Xing, who nodded, "If that is what you wish though, we could teach you cooking from our homeland."
Peeking up, Harry gave a nod before frowning and turning towards Sabah who gave a light laugh, "Master, trust me, I am fine with European cooking. But, much like them, I am willing to teach you how to cook from the lands that I have come from."
Some of the strain left the wizard and he smiled back at them. Ruffling his hair a little, Feng giggled and returned to her seat beside her brother. Not long afterwards, they were all seated and food was set in front of them. They did wait though as Catherine clasped her hands in front of her, lips moving as she whispered a prayer.
Once that was done though, they all began to eat. A surprised expression on her face, Amalie looked at Harry in interest, "This is quite well done."
Lounging back in her own chair, Crocea Mors nodded, "Indeed it is! Your food as is good as I have been lead to believe, Praetor! My first Master, Caeser, would compliment you!"
Needless to say, that plus other compliments caused Harry's cheeks to darken in a blush. Scratching his cheek, he chuckled sheepishly, "Thanks." After a few moments though, the wizard cleared his throat, "You're probably all wondering why I asked for you to come. Partially it is to welcome back those of us who went to Verdun and to congratulate them... Speaking of..." Raising the goblet, Harry nodded, "A toast to the returning heroes."
It was now Tsukiakari's, Sabah's, Andraste's, and Nightbane's turn to flush a bit as the other Potter weapons raised their goblets and grinned at them. Seeing that, Dracul grinned, "Perhaps I should make a song for you all in honour?"
Blank faces met her as well as the four in the question speaking in the same, flat voice with their answer, "No."
Somewhat amused, Harry shook his head some and chuckled before giving a sigh, "Besides that... first, you sent a letter about a Colombe du Chasteler wishing to see me?" At the nod from the Kyu-Gunto, he frowned a little, "I read some in Ian's and Lyra's journals about her, but looking her up? There's some other aspects..."
Rather than be insulted, Tsukiakari set down her utensils and wiped at her mouth, "You're wondering about the truth?" As he slowly nodded, she smiled, "Colombe-Chan is... special." Ian's personal sword then gave a sigh, "But when she had met Mistress Lyra and Master Ian, she was something of a broken bird due to various events. That said, I will vouch for her in that she is utterly loyal once a friend and will go through hell for one. And she also truly loved Mistress Lyra as well as Master Ian."
While Harry nodded, Sabah spoke up at that point, "I did meet her a few times even before the recent incident, including during World War Two when she did some work for the British. Not that she knew that until I told her a short time ago. I do concur with Tsukiakari though in regards to her character. You do not need to worry about when you meet her what may happen."
Furrowing his eyebrows, the thirteen year old glanced at the lone French blade, who also nodded, "I cannot speak as I have not directly met her, but I do agree that she is honourable, Master. She was... quite close to Mistress Lyra and Master Ian. Their deaths hit her quite hard, as did Master Henry's."
Eyes closed, Harry thought things over before frowning, "Do you think that is why she never contacted me? As well as not knowing where I was like with Grandmother Siusan?"
Considering that, Tsukiakari gave a small, slow, nod, "I... would not be surprised in that way, no. Another part could be that she had believed that you would have been safe with the... the things that called themselves your relatives." Briefly, there was a flash in her eyes at that, one which Harry noted was shared by the others. Though Catherine merely scowled at the reminder, which made him shift a little due to both how wrong, yet how frightening it looked. But then, Tsukiakari continued, "Colombe has a few beliefs about family, such as how family is sacrosanct. I believe that she also mentioned there was an incident in Rwanda at the time she was involved in..."
It was then that Nightbane interjected as he cracked open an eye, "Master? I feel that I should mention something that her sister, Delilah mentioned. Apparently, after hearing of your parents deaths she kicked up a small fuss on the continent. She was quite annoyed at the Death Eaters and made sure that they knew that they were more welcome beneath the soil on the Continent."
That got a snort from Harry before he shook his head, "I see." Scratching his chin as he thought, he tilted his head to the side. Finally, the wizard nodded, "I'll think about where to meet her then and with whom... though you would certainly be one of those, Tsukiakari."
Even as the Kyu-Gunto gave a smile and a nod, another one of them chuckled. When everyone had looked at her, Juuchi leaned back with smug look on her face, "I should note that Colombe is, in fact, my niece through my sister, Norimune. But I agree Master, you should meet her and renew ties of friendship between your families."
It must be said that Harry was not the only one somewhat suspicious of the Muramasa, but they accepted it. Only shaking his head, the teen cleared his throat, "There are a few more matters. But for one, I have good news." He smiled and gave a slight nod, "Thanks to the memories provided by Tsukiakari, the restoration of the Manor is coming along fine. Better, in fact as now they know what the inside looked like, the workers Victory has been using think that it will be complete by July."
At that all of them perked up with their expressions brightening. Clapping her hands, Catherine smiled, "That is wonderful news!"
Head tilting a bit, Crocea Mors smiled herself, "Indeed! Truly great news that the home our family has had will once more be repaired! Umu!"
Clearing his throat, the thirteen year old smiled some, "Though there will be one modification." At their looks, Harry gave a small shrug, "I've had for some modifications be done to my Great-Aunt Catherine's chamber." Seeing the concerned looks, he waved his hands, "It's fine, I asked Aunt Myrtle to talk with her and Great-Aunt Catherine agreed to be removed for the time in question and not cause any trouble as long as she remains in the house. Apparently, she is happy with the modifications that were suggested."
Still unsure, Andraste frowned, "What sort of modifications, Master?"
With a small shrug, Harry shook his head, "Not many, just cosmetic for the most part. New windowsills and windows for example, polished stone floors, and fitted, smooth stone blocks for the walls as well as a chandelier for light. Add in the table for flowers honouring her? She is apparently... quite pleased."
Much to his amusement, they relaxed at that. Catherine, the sword and not the skull, was relieved, "That is good to know, Master. As long as she does not stir up any trouble."
Only shrugging, the teenager hummed, "Anyways, that's not the only modification being done." Seeing the interest, he smiled a bit, "I'm having a small bathhouse added to it as well as a pool, though that will be done later than the main manor. But we also will have electricity, internet, and the like. That aside, once the manor is done, we'll have some work setting everything up."
Lips curling, Carnwennan chuckled, "Not to worry, all of us know where the furniture is..." Noticing Rose, Saki, Sheff, and Kansha frowning, he shook his head, "Well, most of us. We'll be able to set things up the way that they were."
Chewing his lip, Harry gave a nod to that before taking a deep breath, "Which... brings me to something else that I need to ask you all. I came across some information regarding something that my family has." Seeing their interested looks, he continued, "Do any of you know where the stores of Vulcanium is?"
Just blinking, the older members of the group thought it over before Andraste nodded though she looked confused, "I know where it is, Master. Though I don't know why you would want it unless you want to make something."
Now turning to her, the wizard ran a hand through his hair, "Well..." Then, he realized what she had said and blinked, "Wait, make something of it? Does that mean some of the Potters have?"
With a glance towards Sabah, Andraste nodded with a small shrug, "Yes? Juuchi could tell you about the table pieces they made from some. An entire set of dishes, forks, spoons, candlestands, even gravy boats as well as goblets and the like. They used to bring them out for large gatherings of family and friends since it looked nice and was different. Why-" She blinked at what happened, "Master? Why are you hitting your head on the table?"
Pulling his head back, Harry took a deep breath, "Just... okay, I'll get back to that. Just how much is left and in what forms?"
Still unsure, the shield blinked a bit, "Um..."
Juuchi then gave a shrug, "There's several tons of the stuff in ingots within a trunk. Also, you got about ten cauldrons of varying sizes for it." Scratching her chin, she frowned, "Not sure how much-"
It was then that Carnwennan spoke up, "There's about... thirty tons total that likely is still there. I was there when it was negotiated after all." Misintrepretating Harry boggling, he frowned, "Your family at the time thought that it could be used for various items to prevent corrision and the like. It was why they created the tableware after all after going to see a dwarf. Less issue with the goblins complaining about us having it and such. Granted... they didn't see it as a particularly useful metal unless using it to conduct and such."
Confused, Saki frowned a little and looked over at the dagger, "Why did they call it Vulcanium? A bit of an odd name..."
Simply shrugging, the dagger sighed some, "Because of how hard it was to work it with the No-Maj methods at the time. James Weasley had to use magic because otherwise it wouldn't do what he wanted, hence him declaring it a metal worthy of Vulcan's forge. He brought over quite a bit back to Britain... unfortunately, the Malfoys ruined him by flooding the market with gold and silver cauldrons. No one wanted the wonder metal he had after all." Carnwennan, "The Potter who leant him the money was a friend though and simply took the metal that he was given, as was the Longbottom. They both made it back soon enough pillaging Spanish Galleons." Noticing something, he blinked at seeing Harry holding his face in his hands, "Master? Is something wrong?"
Taking a deep breath, Harry slowly let it out, "Not wrong, but..." He pulled his hands away from his face and rubbed the side of his head, "The metal, Vulcanium? The Non-Magicals know of it by a different name." Seeing as he had their attention, the teen continued, "Platinum."
For several moments, no one did a thing before Tsukiakari wiggled a finger in her ear with a frown. Then, she turned back to him, "I'm sorry, Master, but did you just say that Vulcanium is-"
His tone of voice dry, the thirteen year old gave her a look, "Platinum? Yes. In fact, it is nearly pure platinum."
Eyes wide, Tsukiakari as well as those other Tsukumogami well versed in the modern day sort of stared off into space before the Kyu-Gunto spoke, "And we have..." At Harry's nod, she slowly blinked, "Oh."
Utterly lost, Catherine looked between them, "I'm afraid that I do not follow, is this platinum important and worth something?"
Laughter, nearly hystrical came from Saki, "Y-yes! Yes it is!"
Gripping his partner's hand, Sheff took a deep breath and turned to Catherine, "Platinum is now, in the modern day, worth a lot of money. In fact, far more than gold per weight."
When they turned to him, Harry spoke up, "To put into perspective... Platinum is currently about a thousand Pounds Stirling per ounce. And we have literal tons of the stuff."
Just nodding, Big Iron smiled, "Oh!" Then, she blinked and turned to Amalie, "Is that a lot?"
Pinching her nose, the Blunderbuss sighed, "Yes, that is a lot."
Somewhat bemused, Harry gave a shrug, "On the plus side, our family will never hurt for cash."
That got him snorts from the others and soon the conversation turned more to what they should do...