Departing for the Onsen
Well worn.
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Harry Leferts
Humming to himself, Harry frowned slightly as he opened a small, locked chest that was on his desk. Inside were three knives inside their sheaths which he considered as he looked them over, "Now... let's see... which one should I take?"
From where she was on a laptop, Juuchi looked over, "You could take either myself or Tsukiakari, Master."
With a glance at her, the thirteen year old had a look that stated he had been thinking about it before he shook his head, "Honestly? I would love to have either of you two along, Juuchi. Something just... sort of twigs my senses, you know? Like something will happen." Then, Harry sighed and frowned, "But as much as I would wish otherwise? You and Tsukiakari would be too noticeable and would get question." Turning, he gave an apologetic shrug to the Kyu Gunto in question, "Sorry, Tsukiakari."
Slightly smiling, Tsukiakari shook her head, "No, Master, it is perfectly understandable and you are right. Both myself and Senpai would be far too noticable." She then gestured at the case, "A knife is much better and at least you'll be armed."
Eyebrow cocked as she looked at the knives before going back to trolling on SGO, Juuchi had a slight frown, "While true, I would wish to be there ourselves."
Glancing at her, Harry considered it for a few moments before giving a shrug, "Perhaps you could come separate and watch from a distance if you want? That is about as much as I can do in this case."
Both swords looked at each other and gave a nod of agreement.
A little bit happy now that things had been settled, Harry turned back to the knives and tapped his chin some as he considered things, 'Now which ones... ah! That will work.'
With a nod, he removed the bowie knife and the diving knife. Opening a drawer, he pulled out two harnesses. First, he pulled up his pant leg of his jeans before placing one there with only a few moments. Into that, Harry slid the sheath for the diving knife into before pulling his pantleg back over it. For the second, he pulled off his shirt and put on an undershirt before placing the second harness over his back then placing the bowie knife there, easy to pull out once he placed his shirt back on.
Pausing, Harry walked over to the mirror and looked at himself before nodding, "What do you two think? Does it hide them?"
Juuchi and Tsukiakari paused their planning to follow Harry and looked him over before the Muramasa gave him a thumbs up. For her part, Tsukiakari smiled, "Yes, Master, it does hide them well." Walking over, she ran her hand down his back and hummed a little, "Hai, it is not very noticable at all that you have them. Which is good for when you need to hide the fact that you even have them."
The Muramasa gave a smug smile as she nodded slightly, "Indeed, it is best to be ready for almost anything."
Eyebrow raised, the thirteen year old gave her a look, "Almost?"
With a shrug, Juuchi shook her head, "Unfortunately, one cannot be prepared for anything, Master. It is... impossible to do so. But one can prepare for most things after all, which helps out."
Only sighing, Harry shook his head a little, "Hopefully it won't be needed."
Gently hugging him, Tsukiakari nodded, "Hai, hopefully not. But at least we can be certain that you have some protection at least until we can arrive. And both Juuchi and myself agree that something is not right about this place, though not the Onsen."
Frowning, Juuchi crossed her arms, "By which, Tsu means the surroundings. You are quite right to be somewhat concerned, Master, by the fact that the local construction has been having delays for very odd reasons. Perhaps it is an old magical site and the Diet has simply ignored it."
A sigh escaped from the wizard and he shook his head, "That's what I suspect myself. Maybe it is nothing but one of their staging areas or an old home. Not impossible, but... my gut says something else."
Suddenly, Tsukiakari snapped her fingers, "Right! Before you forget Master there is something else that you need."
Blinking, Harry turned to her in confusion. Furrowing his eyebrows, he glanced at his backpack and then at the clock which showed that it was rather early, "I... have? What?"
Lips curled into a slightly smug smirk, the Kyu-Gunto walked to another drawer in his desk and opened it before reaching inside. Tsukiakari then pulled out something that she placed in his open hand, "Here you go, Master. A Potter should never leave behind the most important tools they can have as a member of the family."
Opening his hands, Harry chuckled a little at seeing the multi-tool that was in his hand. With a practiced motion of his hands, he pulled out one of the tools to reveal it was a small, wire-like thing, "Ah, yes... lockpicking tools."
Just winking, Tsukiakari nodded, "Hai, one of the most important tools that a Potter can have." Giggling, she shook her head, "I'm just glad that I tracked down Kuro-Chan to have her make and enchant them."
That made Juuchi blink as did Harry, but it was the Muramasa who answered, "Kuro-Chan?"
With a nod, Tsukiakari hummed happily, "Hai! Master Ian met her long ago and got her out of some trouble. So she was happy when I mentioned that perhaps Master could use some tools of the trade as it were." She giggled a bit at their raised eyebrows, 'Ah, Master Ian... only you could steal something so precious from a Dodomeki as her affection...'
Glancing at Harry, the Muramasa shrugged some, "Well, Tsu is quite right that you should bring that along. And it is well enchanted to help open locks and the like..." She frowned a little and looked at the Kyu-Gunto, "Right?"
Tsukiakari shook her head a little, "Hai, most locks won't be able to stand up to it as long as it is not some place such as the Department of Mysteries. Well, that and as long as you know how to use it, Master."
Folding the wire back into place, Harry chuckled, "Well... Fubuki-Nee taught me some when I was younger. But I think that a certain relative of mine is responsible for her knowing." Ignoring the giggles from Tsukiakari and the smug from Juuchi, he continued, "And Harder-Nee as well as the other American Submarines taught me more." The thirteen year old grinned and gave a shrug, "They stated that I needed a well rounded education."
Both Tsukiakari and Juuchi looked at each other and snickered a bit as they nodded in complete agreement.
A short time later, Harry was stretching some as he carried a gym bag at his side while waiting. It was not long until Natsumi and the other Yokai Heirs showed up. They had just started chatting when a car pulled up and a man leaned out the driver's side window with a grin on his face and what seemed like five o'clock shadow on his face, "You're Potter Harry-San, right?"
Eyes narrowed slightly, Harry gavea nod, "Hai..." He paused before snapping his fingers, "Lieutenant Commander Ryoma, correct?"
Grinning, the young man laughed, "Hai, that's right." He gestured into the backseat of his car, "Brought the gaki and her friends."
The back window rolled down to reveal a grinning Nobu who waved and laughed loudly, "GOOD MORNING MY FRIENDS, MY FRIENDS GOOD MORNING~" Opening the door, she hopped out, "Well, everyone looks like they are here, though we do have an issue."
Raising an eyebrow in amusement, Natsumi glanced into the backseat to show a dozing Okita, "Okita-Chan is not much of a morning person, is she?"
Hands on her hips, the reincarnated warlord shook her head, "Nope! Not in the slightest!"
Uesugi came out from her side and walked over to the trunk with a sigh, "That was because you got into the mood to strum that guitar of yours, Nobu-Chan." Shaking her head, she grunted a little, "Thankfully, I was able to place some earbuds into my ears and sleep."
Scoffing, Nobu waved her off, "My playing is awesome, trust me on that."
Bemused, Ryoma snorted a little as Nobu walked over to the now open trunk herself, "You may play well, Nobu-Chan. But you still should not have been playing last night as late as you did... though thankfully it only bothered those of us in the apartment."
Just raising an eyebrow, Nobu looked over her shoulder, "And? Who is it to say that it was me that kept her awake and not you and your wife." Glancing into the passenger seat and seeing two eyes glaring back, she smirked, "You can get loud~"
Coughing into one hand, the JMSDF Officer didn't need to look to know his wife was looking away with red staining her pale skinned cheeks, "Perhaps." Reaching into the backseat, Ryoma poked Okita in the cheek, "Wakey, wakey, Gaki. Time to rise and shine~"
All Okita did though was grumble and slap his hand away, "Not a gaki."
Lips twitching madly, the thirteen year old wizard walked over to the bench where a box sat, "Thankfully, if there is one thing that an Admiral should be, it is prepared to fight any battle! And I have come with just such a preparation!"
Intrigued, Nobu looked towards him, "Oooh? How so?"
Box in his hands, Harry winked at her, "Just watch, something that I came up with knowing Okita-San for a while and that she is not a morning person." Opening the box, he reached in and pulled something out before waving it under the sleeping Okita's nose, "Here we go, Okita-San..."
Nose twitching, the pale haired girl opened her eyes a crack to see a double chocolate dutch muffin in front of her. The early morning sunlight glinted off the sugar crystals that encrusted the top and she swore that it was calling out to her. Calling out for her to bite into the moist, chocolately goodness that was its form. To devour every bit.
And, who was she to deny it, it's fondest wish?
However, when she reached out for it, she missed as it moved away. In the distance, she could hear laughter, but ignored it in favor of following the muffin out of the car. Once outside, she finally grabbed the delicious baked good and bit into it with happy sounds, 'Yes... this is what victory tastes like...'
Meanwhile, in the car and unable to help himself, Ryoma cackled loudly, "Oh Kami! I love it!"
Bemused, Harry simply nodded with a smile, "Hunger is the great enemy." Getting a hum of agreement from Okita, he turned to Ryoma and offered the box, "Here, you and your wife can have some."
Grin on his face as he rubbed his chin, Ryoma turned to the passenger seat, "Thanks, so which one do you want, Oryō-Chan?"
In the passenger seat, a pale skinned woman turned and looked at the box with Harry blinking a bit as he noticed that she had an odd, reptilian look in her red eyes. But then, it vanished as she smiled at her husband and nodded, "Ah... which ones do you have?" Quickly, the teenage boy listed them off and she took a raspberry one, "Thank you, Harry-San."
Chuckling, Ryoma shook his head as she made a happy sound and looked at Harry, "I often bring her home some of the stuff from the mess hall. She loves raspberry and some of the other pastries there." Ignoring the finger flick to the ear from his wife, besides to rub it, he took a blueberry with a grin, "Can't really get them often as Teitoku always grabs as many of them as he can get."
That got a snort from Harry, "Hai, I know. Goto-Oji is like that unfortunately."
Only grinning herself, Nobu licked her lips, "Well, I'll have a strawberry!"
Reaching for a muffin in question, she nearly had it when her hand was smacked away. Blinking, she looked up at Okita who was finishing her own muffin off and tried again, only for the other girl to slap her hand away again. Each time after gave the same result to the amusement of the others, complete with Okita grabbing another muffin.
Sighing, Uesugi groaned and grabbed one herself, "Can you two not embarrass us?"
Just shaking his head, Harry grabbed Okita's hand and gave her a smile like those Tatsuta had, "Ara, ara~ Everyone can have one, Okita-San..." Closing his eyes, he gave a nod with that smile growing a touch, "Right?"
Wide eyed, Nobu stared at him and then at the frozen Okita before taking the muffin she wanted, 'Damn... he can be scary. I rate that maybe 0.8 Annoyed Kote-Chans.' Biting into the moist baked good, she hummed, 'But also, he can really cook! I love the modern day and the treats it has...'
For his part, Ryoma waited until Okita grabbed her bags from the car and gave a wave before heading out. Glancing in the rearview mirror, he shook his head some, "Hopefully they have a fun time at the Onsen."
Moments later, his hand was grasped in Oryō's and said woman leaned against his shoulder, "Perhaps... we should go to one as well."
Considering that, her husband nodded some as continued to drive, "Hai, perhaps we should..."
Back at the school, Nobu was looking at the steaming paper cup in her hands and blinked, "So this is what you drink, Natsumi-San? Black tea?"
Sheepish, the Kitsune nodded, "Hai, it is." Turning, she gave a mock offended look at Harry, "You can blame Harry-Chan. He corrupted me with regards to what I need to drink to wake up."
Only shrugging, the former warlord looked at Uesugi and Okita who also had cups of their own, poured from a large thermos, "Can't be helped, I suppose. Besides, I've heard of worse... like those energy drinks."
Upon Okita's face was a look of disgust as she shuddered, "Ugh... don't remind me of those, Nobu-Chan. Every time I see someone at early morning practice drinking one or doing so before competitions, I have had to stop myself from yelling at them." Looking at the drink, she took a sip and swished it around in her mouth before nodding, "This though... is not bad."
Beside her, Uesugi took a sip herself and nodded, "Hai, though coffee is not too bad itself..."
Mumbles and such met her as the others all took sips of their own tea as they tried to fully wake up while eating muffins. Until, that was, the small bus arrived to pick them up and drive them to their destination. As they placed their luggage into it, Harry raised an eyebrow at the guitar case that Nobu placed in, "Bringing a guitar with us?"
Nobu gave a small shrug, "Hai, I'm pretty good and enjoy playing. I mean, I can play the Koto as well, but... sometimes you just want something different, you know?"
That only got her nods and, soon, they were off to their trip.
Meanwhile, a large "Landcruiser" of an American car pulled into a makeshift parking lot and a certain Masamune got out with a frown on her face as she sighed, "TIme to figure out what is going on." Rolling her shoulder a bit, she looked at her phone and sent off a text, "Hopefully, it is done with early enough that I can meet up with Toku-Chan." Putting it away, Fudo shook her head, "Well, let's get this over with, maybe I can beat something up to work off some frustrations..."
Humming to himself, Harry frowned slightly as he opened a small, locked chest that was on his desk. Inside were three knives inside their sheaths which he considered as he looked them over, "Now... let's see... which one should I take?"
From where she was on a laptop, Juuchi looked over, "You could take either myself or Tsukiakari, Master."
With a glance at her, the thirteen year old had a look that stated he had been thinking about it before he shook his head, "Honestly? I would love to have either of you two along, Juuchi. Something just... sort of twigs my senses, you know? Like something will happen." Then, Harry sighed and frowned, "But as much as I would wish otherwise? You and Tsukiakari would be too noticeable and would get question." Turning, he gave an apologetic shrug to the Kyu Gunto in question, "Sorry, Tsukiakari."
Slightly smiling, Tsukiakari shook her head, "No, Master, it is perfectly understandable and you are right. Both myself and Senpai would be far too noticable." She then gestured at the case, "A knife is much better and at least you'll be armed."
Eyebrow cocked as she looked at the knives before going back to trolling on SGO, Juuchi had a slight frown, "While true, I would wish to be there ourselves."
Glancing at her, Harry considered it for a few moments before giving a shrug, "Perhaps you could come separate and watch from a distance if you want? That is about as much as I can do in this case."
Both swords looked at each other and gave a nod of agreement.
A little bit happy now that things had been settled, Harry turned back to the knives and tapped his chin some as he considered things, 'Now which ones... ah! That will work.'
With a nod, he removed the bowie knife and the diving knife. Opening a drawer, he pulled out two harnesses. First, he pulled up his pant leg of his jeans before placing one there with only a few moments. Into that, Harry slid the sheath for the diving knife into before pulling his pantleg back over it. For the second, he pulled off his shirt and put on an undershirt before placing the second harness over his back then placing the bowie knife there, easy to pull out once he placed his shirt back on.
Pausing, Harry walked over to the mirror and looked at himself before nodding, "What do you two think? Does it hide them?"
Juuchi and Tsukiakari paused their planning to follow Harry and looked him over before the Muramasa gave him a thumbs up. For her part, Tsukiakari smiled, "Yes, Master, it does hide them well." Walking over, she ran her hand down his back and hummed a little, "Hai, it is not very noticable at all that you have them. Which is good for when you need to hide the fact that you even have them."
The Muramasa gave a smug smile as she nodded slightly, "Indeed, it is best to be ready for almost anything."
Eyebrow raised, the thirteen year old gave her a look, "Almost?"
With a shrug, Juuchi shook her head, "Unfortunately, one cannot be prepared for anything, Master. It is... impossible to do so. But one can prepare for most things after all, which helps out."
Only sighing, Harry shook his head a little, "Hopefully it won't be needed."
Gently hugging him, Tsukiakari nodded, "Hai, hopefully not. But at least we can be certain that you have some protection at least until we can arrive. And both Juuchi and myself agree that something is not right about this place, though not the Onsen."
Frowning, Juuchi crossed her arms, "By which, Tsu means the surroundings. You are quite right to be somewhat concerned, Master, by the fact that the local construction has been having delays for very odd reasons. Perhaps it is an old magical site and the Diet has simply ignored it."
A sigh escaped from the wizard and he shook his head, "That's what I suspect myself. Maybe it is nothing but one of their staging areas or an old home. Not impossible, but... my gut says something else."
Suddenly, Tsukiakari snapped her fingers, "Right! Before you forget Master there is something else that you need."
Blinking, Harry turned to her in confusion. Furrowing his eyebrows, he glanced at his backpack and then at the clock which showed that it was rather early, "I... have? What?"
Lips curled into a slightly smug smirk, the Kyu-Gunto walked to another drawer in his desk and opened it before reaching inside. Tsukiakari then pulled out something that she placed in his open hand, "Here you go, Master. A Potter should never leave behind the most important tools they can have as a member of the family."
Opening his hands, Harry chuckled a little at seeing the multi-tool that was in his hand. With a practiced motion of his hands, he pulled out one of the tools to reveal it was a small, wire-like thing, "Ah, yes... lockpicking tools."
Just winking, Tsukiakari nodded, "Hai, one of the most important tools that a Potter can have." Giggling, she shook her head, "I'm just glad that I tracked down Kuro-Chan to have her make and enchant them."
That made Juuchi blink as did Harry, but it was the Muramasa who answered, "Kuro-Chan?"
With a nod, Tsukiakari hummed happily, "Hai! Master Ian met her long ago and got her out of some trouble. So she was happy when I mentioned that perhaps Master could use some tools of the trade as it were." She giggled a bit at their raised eyebrows, 'Ah, Master Ian... only you could steal something so precious from a Dodomeki as her affection...'
Glancing at Harry, the Muramasa shrugged some, "Well, Tsu is quite right that you should bring that along. And it is well enchanted to help open locks and the like..." She frowned a little and looked at the Kyu-Gunto, "Right?"
Tsukiakari shook her head a little, "Hai, most locks won't be able to stand up to it as long as it is not some place such as the Department of Mysteries. Well, that and as long as you know how to use it, Master."
Folding the wire back into place, Harry chuckled, "Well... Fubuki-Nee taught me some when I was younger. But I think that a certain relative of mine is responsible for her knowing." Ignoring the giggles from Tsukiakari and the smug from Juuchi, he continued, "And Harder-Nee as well as the other American Submarines taught me more." The thirteen year old grinned and gave a shrug, "They stated that I needed a well rounded education."
Both Tsukiakari and Juuchi looked at each other and snickered a bit as they nodded in complete agreement.
A short time later, Harry was stretching some as he carried a gym bag at his side while waiting. It was not long until Natsumi and the other Yokai Heirs showed up. They had just started chatting when a car pulled up and a man leaned out the driver's side window with a grin on his face and what seemed like five o'clock shadow on his face, "You're Potter Harry-San, right?"
Eyes narrowed slightly, Harry gavea nod, "Hai..." He paused before snapping his fingers, "Lieutenant Commander Ryoma, correct?"
Grinning, the young man laughed, "Hai, that's right." He gestured into the backseat of his car, "Brought the gaki and her friends."
The back window rolled down to reveal a grinning Nobu who waved and laughed loudly, "GOOD MORNING MY FRIENDS, MY FRIENDS GOOD MORNING~" Opening the door, she hopped out, "Well, everyone looks like they are here, though we do have an issue."
Raising an eyebrow in amusement, Natsumi glanced into the backseat to show a dozing Okita, "Okita-Chan is not much of a morning person, is she?"
Hands on her hips, the reincarnated warlord shook her head, "Nope! Not in the slightest!"
Uesugi came out from her side and walked over to the trunk with a sigh, "That was because you got into the mood to strum that guitar of yours, Nobu-Chan." Shaking her head, she grunted a little, "Thankfully, I was able to place some earbuds into my ears and sleep."
Scoffing, Nobu waved her off, "My playing is awesome, trust me on that."
Bemused, Ryoma snorted a little as Nobu walked over to the now open trunk herself, "You may play well, Nobu-Chan. But you still should not have been playing last night as late as you did... though thankfully it only bothered those of us in the apartment."
Just raising an eyebrow, Nobu looked over her shoulder, "And? Who is it to say that it was me that kept her awake and not you and your wife." Glancing into the passenger seat and seeing two eyes glaring back, she smirked, "You can get loud~"
Coughing into one hand, the JMSDF Officer didn't need to look to know his wife was looking away with red staining her pale skinned cheeks, "Perhaps." Reaching into the backseat, Ryoma poked Okita in the cheek, "Wakey, wakey, Gaki. Time to rise and shine~"
All Okita did though was grumble and slap his hand away, "Not a gaki."
Lips twitching madly, the thirteen year old wizard walked over to the bench where a box sat, "Thankfully, if there is one thing that an Admiral should be, it is prepared to fight any battle! And I have come with just such a preparation!"
Intrigued, Nobu looked towards him, "Oooh? How so?"
Box in his hands, Harry winked at her, "Just watch, something that I came up with knowing Okita-San for a while and that she is not a morning person." Opening the box, he reached in and pulled something out before waving it under the sleeping Okita's nose, "Here we go, Okita-San..."
Nose twitching, the pale haired girl opened her eyes a crack to see a double chocolate dutch muffin in front of her. The early morning sunlight glinted off the sugar crystals that encrusted the top and she swore that it was calling out to her. Calling out for her to bite into the moist, chocolately goodness that was its form. To devour every bit.
And, who was she to deny it, it's fondest wish?
However, when she reached out for it, she missed as it moved away. In the distance, she could hear laughter, but ignored it in favor of following the muffin out of the car. Once outside, she finally grabbed the delicious baked good and bit into it with happy sounds, 'Yes... this is what victory tastes like...'
Meanwhile, in the car and unable to help himself, Ryoma cackled loudly, "Oh Kami! I love it!"
Bemused, Harry simply nodded with a smile, "Hunger is the great enemy." Getting a hum of agreement from Okita, he turned to Ryoma and offered the box, "Here, you and your wife can have some."
Grin on his face as he rubbed his chin, Ryoma turned to the passenger seat, "Thanks, so which one do you want, Oryō-Chan?"
In the passenger seat, a pale skinned woman turned and looked at the box with Harry blinking a bit as he noticed that she had an odd, reptilian look in her red eyes. But then, it vanished as she smiled at her husband and nodded, "Ah... which ones do you have?" Quickly, the teenage boy listed them off and she took a raspberry one, "Thank you, Harry-San."
Chuckling, Ryoma shook his head as she made a happy sound and looked at Harry, "I often bring her home some of the stuff from the mess hall. She loves raspberry and some of the other pastries there." Ignoring the finger flick to the ear from his wife, besides to rub it, he took a blueberry with a grin, "Can't really get them often as Teitoku always grabs as many of them as he can get."
That got a snort from Harry, "Hai, I know. Goto-Oji is like that unfortunately."
Only grinning herself, Nobu licked her lips, "Well, I'll have a strawberry!"
Reaching for a muffin in question, she nearly had it when her hand was smacked away. Blinking, she looked up at Okita who was finishing her own muffin off and tried again, only for the other girl to slap her hand away again. Each time after gave the same result to the amusement of the others, complete with Okita grabbing another muffin.
Sighing, Uesugi groaned and grabbed one herself, "Can you two not embarrass us?"
Just shaking his head, Harry grabbed Okita's hand and gave her a smile like those Tatsuta had, "Ara, ara~ Everyone can have one, Okita-San..." Closing his eyes, he gave a nod with that smile growing a touch, "Right?"
Wide eyed, Nobu stared at him and then at the frozen Okita before taking the muffin she wanted, 'Damn... he can be scary. I rate that maybe 0.8 Annoyed Kote-Chans.' Biting into the moist baked good, she hummed, 'But also, he can really cook! I love the modern day and the treats it has...'
For his part, Ryoma waited until Okita grabbed her bags from the car and gave a wave before heading out. Glancing in the rearview mirror, he shook his head some, "Hopefully they have a fun time at the Onsen."
Moments later, his hand was grasped in Oryō's and said woman leaned against his shoulder, "Perhaps... we should go to one as well."
Considering that, her husband nodded some as continued to drive, "Hai, perhaps we should..."
Back at the school, Nobu was looking at the steaming paper cup in her hands and blinked, "So this is what you drink, Natsumi-San? Black tea?"
Sheepish, the Kitsune nodded, "Hai, it is." Turning, she gave a mock offended look at Harry, "You can blame Harry-Chan. He corrupted me with regards to what I need to drink to wake up."
Only shrugging, the former warlord looked at Uesugi and Okita who also had cups of their own, poured from a large thermos, "Can't be helped, I suppose. Besides, I've heard of worse... like those energy drinks."
Upon Okita's face was a look of disgust as she shuddered, "Ugh... don't remind me of those, Nobu-Chan. Every time I see someone at early morning practice drinking one or doing so before competitions, I have had to stop myself from yelling at them." Looking at the drink, she took a sip and swished it around in her mouth before nodding, "This though... is not bad."
Beside her, Uesugi took a sip herself and nodded, "Hai, though coffee is not too bad itself..."
Mumbles and such met her as the others all took sips of their own tea as they tried to fully wake up while eating muffins. Until, that was, the small bus arrived to pick them up and drive them to their destination. As they placed their luggage into it, Harry raised an eyebrow at the guitar case that Nobu placed in, "Bringing a guitar with us?"
Nobu gave a small shrug, "Hai, I'm pretty good and enjoy playing. I mean, I can play the Koto as well, but... sometimes you just want something different, you know?"
That only got her nods and, soon, they were off to their trip.
Meanwhile, a large "Landcruiser" of an American car pulled into a makeshift parking lot and a certain Masamune got out with a frown on her face as she sighed, "TIme to figure out what is going on." Rolling her shoulder a bit, she looked at her phone and sent off a text, "Hopefully, it is done with early enough that I can meet up with Toku-Chan." Putting it away, Fudo shook her head, "Well, let's get this over with, maybe I can beat something up to work off some frustrations..."