Bad dreams
Well worn.
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Harry Leferts
Lips curling a little as she watched the frog struggle even as the snake devoured it, Daji/Natsumi tittered a little behind one hand before a childish giggle beside her. Turning, she smiled a bit more at seeing the young, Japanese boy watching the death struggles of the amphibian in glee. In his eyes there was a sparkle of cruelty which made her internally chuckle.
Absolutely nothing was needed on her part to get him started down the road that he was on. There was something... invigorating about that, seeing a human descend into the depths of depravity. Especially one with such potential power ahead of them. It made her shudder in pleasure after all just to experience it as a bystander.
Tongue poking out between her lips to wet them, she hummed a bit as she considered everything. She had fled from her native China to this land to the east, the Land of Wa. But she had been injured by one of the Champions of the Celestial Bureaucracy in the process and hunted. And so she had needed to go into hiding for a time. Thankfully, however, she had known how to survive even being reduced to something barely alive. She had found a woman of one what passed for 'Noble' clans in this land. That woman had been pregnant at the time and asking for someone to save her infant as one of the sorcerers predicted that she would lose it. And she, Daji/Natsumi, had decided to help.
Of course, the infant was long past the point of help from any but the divine.
Which meant that as it's soul had passed on, there was a... space that she could use as the body was not quite dead, just a shell. Suitable as a way to hide. Oh, her 'Mother' had been overjoyed for her survival, which internally made Daji/Natsumi laugh at the idiocy of humans. Amused, she reached up to lightly run her fingers along the golden amulet that had her "Clan's" symbol. Three leaves within a circle of them, which made her shake her head.
Her attention was grabbed though as the young boy laughed as the frog was fully swallowed by the snake, "Ah! All gone!"
Practically gliding over, she pressed herself against his back, an older girl, "Truly a shame, my Prince. And yet... all things pass in time, but in death, one can find... pleasure, can they not? Same with pain."
Much to her glee, the boy shuddered and smiled, "Hai, Hime..." Then he noticed a butterfly and nodded towards it, "Let us catch it! Quick, before it leaves!"
Eyes widening, Daji/Tamamo leaned towards him before whispering, "And then what?"
Grinning wide, he looked at her as he got up, "Then we pluck it's wings and place it on an ant hill..."
Behind her illusion of a passive expression, Daji/Natsumi laughed alongside the boy, now young teen. He had some men climb high into the trees before his spearmen attempted to stab them. Even as she watched, one fell to his death, with the boy next to her declaring to finish him off. As she set some drinks before him, the cruel teen looked at her. He could see past the illusion after all. A "gift" to him for the entertainment he had provided her.
With a chuckle, he took the drink from her before leaning in, "Does this not please you?"
Glancing at the men and those watching who obviously wanted to be elsewhere, but stayed and performed as ordered because their Lord's word was law, Daji/Natsumi wrapped an illusion around them as she smirked, "Oh, it pleases me greatly, my Prince. Greatly indeed as a matter of fact. Nearly as much as the execution you performed the other day."
Shuddering in pleasure, he hummed, "Yes, it was invigorating as always. To hold a life in my hands... and then end it. And to see the ruby liquid of life spill against the ground. Simply marvellous..."
Also leaning in, she paused for a moment, "Take warning... there are whispers of those who would be against you. Who see you as being 'Impure' for seeking your pleasure."
Softly snorting, the teenage boy reached up and cupped her cheek, "Let them think such. My power is absolute after all. It is a sad thing that you, out of all those I take to my bed, are the one who understands me most."
Breath hot against his, Daji/Natsumi smirked, "And you understand me, my Prince, my Lord..."
And then, she leaned the rest of the way in even as another fell from the tree and was split upon a spear.
Hot breath against her damp, sweaty skin, Daji/Natsumi gasped as she was pressed against the wall. The young teen now a man growling into her throat as he grasped at her clothes. Something that she did in return as as she could still taste copper upon her lips, upon her tongue. A long groan escaped her as she looked to the side as he sucked at her pulse point.
Where laid a young woman staring with sightless eyes, her throat slit and her blood still pooling on the ground.
A hand covered in fresh blood cupped her cheek smearing the carmine on her pale skin, and forced her to look into the maddened eyes of her lover. Her own widening as a sigh escaped her as she took the bloodied finger between her lips. She could remember him being removed from his position due to what he had done. Cloistered, they called it. He had been angry, or so angry. But it makes her so very amused by it as well to see, though she did internally sigh. While she had not become a consort because some might be watching, perhaps next time...
Her attention was pulled away from her thoughts, however, he pressed himself close. Licking the blood on her cheek to a moan from her, he gave a soft sigh, "Beautiful..."
Lips curling into a cruel smile, Daji/Natsumi hummed a bit, "Me... or her?"
Now glancing at the corpse, he grinned, "Why not both? Yet her beauty right now is fleeting as the cherry blossoms. Unlike yours, Hime." Another passionate kiss followed before he pulled away as their bloodied hands left stains upon their expensive clothing. Face smeared with blood, he grinned, "But no more about her... especially as she could barely mount a scream..."
And then, the two were lost to their passions as things faded from view.
Skin slick with sweat and the like, Daji/Natsumi sat in the small cave that she used as a hide out since her "Death". Oh, she had kept up the illusion of her aging for long enough as the body she had borrowed underwent a transformation from human to fox over the years she inhabited it. But now she was free of such limitations.
Indeed, such was shown by the nine fox tails that waved in the air behind her.
A relaxed smile on her face, Daji/Natsumi looked at the old amulet. One of the last few reminders of her "Old Life" she had. In the firelight it glinted as it spun in the leather cord it was on. Stopping the spinning, she chuckled before tossing it and stretching a little with a soft sigh as she tried to ignore the guilt that clawed at her deep within her soul. The sense of betrayal to Him, her true husband and love. But, as always, she shoved that down, for it was nothing compared to the fires of hate and disgust she had for humanity.
The very humanity who had sentenced him to death for the "Crime" of loving her. Of having a child by her created by their love. And sentencing said child to death as well for being an "Abomination" to the laws of the natural order. No... humans were disgusting, hateful beings as had been proven time and again to her. Her husband was not one, could not be one.
Something that she told herself many times.
Hearing a grunt, she turned toward her... bed mate, if a number of furs could be called such. The one who was once a boy, then a teen, and an adult, was now an old man. It amused her how much pain he was in after their short joining. Granted, she used her illusions to lessen them, just a touch. And now...
Leaning forward, she grinned widely as she cupped his cheek, tenderly stroking it, "Ah, you're awake, my Prince."
With a grunt, he grimaced, "I am, Hime."
Expression one of sympathy, Daji/Natsumi nodded, "You're in quite a bit of pain, it would seem. Only to be expected with how active you have been with me at your age. But... worry not, that will be over very soon." Fingers ghosting against wrinkled skin until they reached the bottom of his jawbone, she sighed moments before the claw at the end of one punctured the skin and cut across it, ruby gushing forth as the man gasped, "Your use is at an end, but do enjoy this last gift from me as well as a promise... that thanks to you, bloodshed greater than you have known will spill across the land in time..."
Softly smiling, she leaned down and kissed him, with him returning it even as copper filled their mouths. Pulling back, she smirked as he tried to laugh, which only came out as gurgles before he fell back. With a sigh, she ignored both his death rattles as well as the blood that was cooling even now on her skin, she hummed, "Seems that I shall have to get rid of my furs, a shame."
Getting up, she dug in the discarded clothing before pulling out the item she was looking for.
With a soft chuckle, she raised the golden cylinder up to the firelight which glinted off it. A personal seal, similar to some, but important in another way. For this one like only a certain subset were enchanted for only the user, or someone of their blood, could use it to prove who they were. A fact that was well known throughout the land. Even as she held it and smiled, her hand cupped her swollen stomach as she darkly chuckled, "Yes... soon there will be bloodshed..."
Gasping, Natsumi sat up in bed with sweat soaking her and the sheets. For several moments she sat there before getting up and making her way to the bathroom where she promptly began to get sick into the toilet at what had happened in her dream. Soon enough, a hand began to gently rub between her shoulder blades as she continued to puke and she could hear her mother's voice as she spoke, "Natsumi-Chan? Are you alright?"
Just spitting into the toilet, Natsumi nodded, "Hai... Haha-ue. I just... had a bad dream. From what could have been then."
Eyes widening a little, Sakuya's expression melted into one of understanding and care, "I see. Do you wish to go back to bed, or..."
Leaving the question hanging as she handed her daughter a cup of cold water, she was not surprised when said younger Kitsune shook her head after washing out her mouth, "No... I think that I'm just going to get up now."
Only humming as she hugged Natsumi, Sakuya nodded, "I see, then I shall get started on breakfast. You wash yourself clean, hmm?"
In reply, Natsumi gave a sigh and a nod, "Thank you." A few minutes later found the fourteen year old Kitsune standing under the shower head as warm water cascaded across her body. Leaning against the wall, she sighed as she tried to make sense of what she had seen before turning inward, 'I know that you're there watching. That you saw what just happened... is that...?'
From the depths of her mind, Tamamo's voice drifted up, 'Is that what happened all those years ago? And who Hoshi's and Tsuki's Sire was?' Getting a mental nod of the head, she sighed, 'Yes, that was who their father was. A few years after they came across his remains, believing that I did not know, a team of Onmyouji lead by Abe no Seimei retrieved them.'
Grimacing, the teen grabbed the soap and began to sud up, 'So that would mean that the two of them are actually...' Upon getting a mental nod, she frowned, 'Why though?'
Despite not being able to see the form of Tamamo, Natsumi could somehow feel her shrug, 'Because my plans at the time called for bloodshed. That seal would be used to prove who their sire was. And with that, I could cause a civil war with them. Unfortunately for my plans, but fortunate for others, they did not turn out like either myself or their sire... or, perhaps, they did turn out like myself but before the death of my husband.'
Natsumi could feel the sadness and grief at those last few words and continued to wash herself. However, she did not comment on that but waited a few seconds before washing herself off and soaping up again, 'No offence, but I really need to get that image out of my head and feel clean.'
A hum answered her and there was a silence for a few moments before the echo of the deadly fox spoke once more, 'Perhaps you wish that it was of you and Bao bei? Without the death and blood... like this?
Suddenly, Natsumi had the image in her head that was near identical to the other. But there was no blood, no corpse staring at her, or madness in Harry's eyes as he pushed her up against the wall with passion, passion that the her in the vision returned full heartedly. Eyes wide, Natsumi felt like her cheeks were on fire before screeching inside her head, 'ERO-FOX!'
All she got back was laughter though before she knew Tamamo was grinning at her, 'Ah, but I am not an "Ero-Fox", simply one who understands such things and will not deny. Perhaps in time you shall listen to my advice in regards to such arts~'
Then, she retreated back into the depths of the younger Kitsune's mind, laughing the whole way. As for Natsumi? She did the only thing that she could do in such a case...
And that was take the shower and turn it as cold as possible while internally ranting about perverted vixiens even as she shivered.
It was shortly afterwards that she had breakfast and just did her summer homework to keep her mind busy. But after a few hours, her ears perked up and she turned towards the front door before getting up and rushing over. Opening the door, Natsumi felt her expression light up as Harry was right there blinking with a container in one hand, "Harry-Chan!"
His own expression lighting up, Harry pulled her into a hug with a happy laugh, "Natsumi-Chan!" The two stayed like that for a few moments, just hugging each other before he kissed her cheek and pulled back some, "Um... so how are things?"
Understanding what he meant, Natsumi gave a small nod, "Better now." Her smile came back as she gave him a once over, "Especially as you're here and safe."
Not quite sure what to say, Harry just blushed and rubbed the back of his neck, "Um, same here... I'm glad that you're safe and doing better." There was a moment of thought before he leaned forward and gently kissed her for a second or two, "Really glad."
For her part, the fourteen year old Kitsune was blushing heavily before she glanced back at the kitchen doorway. Part of her swore that she heard snickers from there, but shrugged it off and gave Harry a kiss in return before turning her attention to the container though she could smell peanut butter, "What's that, Harry-Chan?"
Also glancing at the container, Harry gave her a smile, "Well, I thought that I should bring over something to eat. So... I made up some chocolate covered peanut butter squares for us..."
Noticing him trail off as well as the odd, amused look on his face, Natsumi turned and internally groaned. Because, sticking their heads out of the kitchen were the other three female Kitsune in the house. First was Hoshi, then Sakuya, and finally Haru herself. Facepalming, Natsumi frowned, "Really? I mean, really you three."
With a blink and looking at her sister as well as Hoshi, Haru shrugged, "It's peanut butter."
Just rolling her eyes, Natsumi was about to comment when Harry tapped her shoulder, "Um, Natsumi-Chan?" When she turned towards him, he tapped just below his lips, "You're kind of drooling yourself a little."
Embarrassed, the Kitsune wiped at her mouth and looked away from him before clasping his hand in hers, "Anyways, let's go to the dining room."
Rather than say anything, Harry took off his shoes and put on the slippers before walking along with Natsumi's hand in his. Entering the kitchen, he set down the container with an amused expression on his face as he noted the three adult Kitsune watching intently before noticing something, "Natsumi-Chan?" Getting a hum as she put in some tea, he frowned, "Where's your Obaa-Chan and Ojii-San? I thought that they were staying around for a while longer."
That caused the teenage Yokai to grimace, "Something came up." Glancing at her mother, she got a slight nod and sat down next to Harry, "It's... Harry-Chan? As I am sure you can guess, my Clan has enemies, right?"
Slowly, he nodded even as he frowned, "Hai? I mean, I would be surprised if you didn't." It clicked in his head and he frowned even deeper, "Wait, did something happen involving one?"
Haru snorted a little as she rolled her eyes, "You could say that, and couldn't happen to a nicer person." At the looks, she frowned, "What? We all know her and her Clan." Then, the Kitsune sneered, "I'm not going to shed any tears for the bitch considering all that she has done to us over the years."
Confused, Harry turned to Natsumi who clinched before she cleared her throat, "Well... Oba-Chan is kind of right. There's bad blood going back centuries between our clan and that one. Mainly because of their Clan Head, a female Kyuubi like Hoshi-San, Obaa-Chan, and Ojii-San. I'm not even sure if they know the reason themselves?"
At the questioning tone, Hoshi sighed and shook her head, though she took an ordered peanut butter square from Harry before biting into it, "The reasons are... personal, I'm afraid." Taking a sip of tea, she frowned, "Her husband attempted to take your Obaa-San for his own and your father caught him and killed him... before sending back the head as a warning."
That caused Natsumi to flinch a bit, "Um, right..."
Deciding not to comment on that little piece of information, the wizard simply frowned, "Okay? So lots of bad blood then, but what happened?"
Natsumi gave a shrug and shook her head, "She died last night somehow, so everyone is freaking out a bit as it shakes things up politically. I mean, some of her family are trying to blame us, but even others are noting that is impossible. We were all here last night and they're on the other side of Japan across the mountains."
With a soft snort, Hoshi shook her head, "Which is not mentioning how she died." Sipping her tea after finishing the treat, she frowned, "I got a few sources I trust that she was in a ritual room and those outside heard a scream and found her dead with her blood covering the walls. No idea what she was doing, but knowing her? She likely deserved it." A grimace on her face, the Kyuubi shook her head, "She reminded me far too much of my... Haha-ue."
For some odd reason, Harry had the odd feeling that he might have been involved somehow, but dismissed it. It was impossible after all. Instead, as Natsumi set down a cup of black tea in front of him, taking her own as well as a treat, he decided to change the subject, "Um, anyways, I decided to drop by and spend some time with Natsumi-Chan and also ask you about the trip to Shiromizu's village and if Natsumi-Chan can still come along."
Lightly chuckling, Sakuya gave her daughter a look, "Well, as to the first? I don't think any of us, especially Natsumi-Chan, would mind. And for the second? I don't see a real issue as we're going as well to keep an eye on things."
While that was annoying to both teens, they could still understand it and only sighed before the conversation turned elsewhere...
Lips curling a little as she watched the frog struggle even as the snake devoured it, Daji/Natsumi tittered a little behind one hand before a childish giggle beside her. Turning, she smiled a bit more at seeing the young, Japanese boy watching the death struggles of the amphibian in glee. In his eyes there was a sparkle of cruelty which made her internally chuckle.
Absolutely nothing was needed on her part to get him started down the road that he was on. There was something... invigorating about that, seeing a human descend into the depths of depravity. Especially one with such potential power ahead of them. It made her shudder in pleasure after all just to experience it as a bystander.
Tongue poking out between her lips to wet them, she hummed a bit as she considered everything. She had fled from her native China to this land to the east, the Land of Wa. But she had been injured by one of the Champions of the Celestial Bureaucracy in the process and hunted. And so she had needed to go into hiding for a time. Thankfully, however, she had known how to survive even being reduced to something barely alive. She had found a woman of one what passed for 'Noble' clans in this land. That woman had been pregnant at the time and asking for someone to save her infant as one of the sorcerers predicted that she would lose it. And she, Daji/Natsumi, had decided to help.
Of course, the infant was long past the point of help from any but the divine.
Which meant that as it's soul had passed on, there was a... space that she could use as the body was not quite dead, just a shell. Suitable as a way to hide. Oh, her 'Mother' had been overjoyed for her survival, which internally made Daji/Natsumi laugh at the idiocy of humans. Amused, she reached up to lightly run her fingers along the golden amulet that had her "Clan's" symbol. Three leaves within a circle of them, which made her shake her head.
Her attention was grabbed though as the young boy laughed as the frog was fully swallowed by the snake, "Ah! All gone!"
Practically gliding over, she pressed herself against his back, an older girl, "Truly a shame, my Prince. And yet... all things pass in time, but in death, one can find... pleasure, can they not? Same with pain."
Much to her glee, the boy shuddered and smiled, "Hai, Hime..." Then he noticed a butterfly and nodded towards it, "Let us catch it! Quick, before it leaves!"
Eyes widening, Daji/Tamamo leaned towards him before whispering, "And then what?"
Grinning wide, he looked at her as he got up, "Then we pluck it's wings and place it on an ant hill..."
Behind her illusion of a passive expression, Daji/Natsumi laughed alongside the boy, now young teen. He had some men climb high into the trees before his spearmen attempted to stab them. Even as she watched, one fell to his death, with the boy next to her declaring to finish him off. As she set some drinks before him, the cruel teen looked at her. He could see past the illusion after all. A "gift" to him for the entertainment he had provided her.
With a chuckle, he took the drink from her before leaning in, "Does this not please you?"
Glancing at the men and those watching who obviously wanted to be elsewhere, but stayed and performed as ordered because their Lord's word was law, Daji/Natsumi wrapped an illusion around them as she smirked, "Oh, it pleases me greatly, my Prince. Greatly indeed as a matter of fact. Nearly as much as the execution you performed the other day."
Shuddering in pleasure, he hummed, "Yes, it was invigorating as always. To hold a life in my hands... and then end it. And to see the ruby liquid of life spill against the ground. Simply marvellous..."
Also leaning in, she paused for a moment, "Take warning... there are whispers of those who would be against you. Who see you as being 'Impure' for seeking your pleasure."
Softly snorting, the teenage boy reached up and cupped her cheek, "Let them think such. My power is absolute after all. It is a sad thing that you, out of all those I take to my bed, are the one who understands me most."
Breath hot against his, Daji/Natsumi smirked, "And you understand me, my Prince, my Lord..."
And then, she leaned the rest of the way in even as another fell from the tree and was split upon a spear.
Hot breath against her damp, sweaty skin, Daji/Natsumi gasped as she was pressed against the wall. The young teen now a man growling into her throat as he grasped at her clothes. Something that she did in return as as she could still taste copper upon her lips, upon her tongue. A long groan escaped her as she looked to the side as he sucked at her pulse point.
Where laid a young woman staring with sightless eyes, her throat slit and her blood still pooling on the ground.
A hand covered in fresh blood cupped her cheek smearing the carmine on her pale skin, and forced her to look into the maddened eyes of her lover. Her own widening as a sigh escaped her as she took the bloodied finger between her lips. She could remember him being removed from his position due to what he had done. Cloistered, they called it. He had been angry, or so angry. But it makes her so very amused by it as well to see, though she did internally sigh. While she had not become a consort because some might be watching, perhaps next time...
Her attention was pulled away from her thoughts, however, he pressed himself close. Licking the blood on her cheek to a moan from her, he gave a soft sigh, "Beautiful..."
Lips curling into a cruel smile, Daji/Natsumi hummed a bit, "Me... or her?"
Now glancing at the corpse, he grinned, "Why not both? Yet her beauty right now is fleeting as the cherry blossoms. Unlike yours, Hime." Another passionate kiss followed before he pulled away as their bloodied hands left stains upon their expensive clothing. Face smeared with blood, he grinned, "But no more about her... especially as she could barely mount a scream..."
And then, the two were lost to their passions as things faded from view.
Skin slick with sweat and the like, Daji/Natsumi sat in the small cave that she used as a hide out since her "Death". Oh, she had kept up the illusion of her aging for long enough as the body she had borrowed underwent a transformation from human to fox over the years she inhabited it. But now she was free of such limitations.
Indeed, such was shown by the nine fox tails that waved in the air behind her.
A relaxed smile on her face, Daji/Natsumi looked at the old amulet. One of the last few reminders of her "Old Life" she had. In the firelight it glinted as it spun in the leather cord it was on. Stopping the spinning, she chuckled before tossing it and stretching a little with a soft sigh as she tried to ignore the guilt that clawed at her deep within her soul. The sense of betrayal to Him, her true husband and love. But, as always, she shoved that down, for it was nothing compared to the fires of hate and disgust she had for humanity.
The very humanity who had sentenced him to death for the "Crime" of loving her. Of having a child by her created by their love. And sentencing said child to death as well for being an "Abomination" to the laws of the natural order. No... humans were disgusting, hateful beings as had been proven time and again to her. Her husband was not one, could not be one.
Something that she told herself many times.
Hearing a grunt, she turned toward her... bed mate, if a number of furs could be called such. The one who was once a boy, then a teen, and an adult, was now an old man. It amused her how much pain he was in after their short joining. Granted, she used her illusions to lessen them, just a touch. And now...
Leaning forward, she grinned widely as she cupped his cheek, tenderly stroking it, "Ah, you're awake, my Prince."
With a grunt, he grimaced, "I am, Hime."
Expression one of sympathy, Daji/Natsumi nodded, "You're in quite a bit of pain, it would seem. Only to be expected with how active you have been with me at your age. But... worry not, that will be over very soon." Fingers ghosting against wrinkled skin until they reached the bottom of his jawbone, she sighed moments before the claw at the end of one punctured the skin and cut across it, ruby gushing forth as the man gasped, "Your use is at an end, but do enjoy this last gift from me as well as a promise... that thanks to you, bloodshed greater than you have known will spill across the land in time..."
Softly smiling, she leaned down and kissed him, with him returning it even as copper filled their mouths. Pulling back, she smirked as he tried to laugh, which only came out as gurgles before he fell back. With a sigh, she ignored both his death rattles as well as the blood that was cooling even now on her skin, she hummed, "Seems that I shall have to get rid of my furs, a shame."
Getting up, she dug in the discarded clothing before pulling out the item she was looking for.
With a soft chuckle, she raised the golden cylinder up to the firelight which glinted off it. A personal seal, similar to some, but important in another way. For this one like only a certain subset were enchanted for only the user, or someone of their blood, could use it to prove who they were. A fact that was well known throughout the land. Even as she held it and smiled, her hand cupped her swollen stomach as she darkly chuckled, "Yes... soon there will be bloodshed..."
Gasping, Natsumi sat up in bed with sweat soaking her and the sheets. For several moments she sat there before getting up and making her way to the bathroom where she promptly began to get sick into the toilet at what had happened in her dream. Soon enough, a hand began to gently rub between her shoulder blades as she continued to puke and she could hear her mother's voice as she spoke, "Natsumi-Chan? Are you alright?"
Just spitting into the toilet, Natsumi nodded, "Hai... Haha-ue. I just... had a bad dream. From what could have been then."
Eyes widening a little, Sakuya's expression melted into one of understanding and care, "I see. Do you wish to go back to bed, or..."
Leaving the question hanging as she handed her daughter a cup of cold water, she was not surprised when said younger Kitsune shook her head after washing out her mouth, "No... I think that I'm just going to get up now."
Only humming as she hugged Natsumi, Sakuya nodded, "I see, then I shall get started on breakfast. You wash yourself clean, hmm?"
In reply, Natsumi gave a sigh and a nod, "Thank you." A few minutes later found the fourteen year old Kitsune standing under the shower head as warm water cascaded across her body. Leaning against the wall, she sighed as she tried to make sense of what she had seen before turning inward, 'I know that you're there watching. That you saw what just happened... is that...?'
From the depths of her mind, Tamamo's voice drifted up, 'Is that what happened all those years ago? And who Hoshi's and Tsuki's Sire was?' Getting a mental nod of the head, she sighed, 'Yes, that was who their father was. A few years after they came across his remains, believing that I did not know, a team of Onmyouji lead by Abe no Seimei retrieved them.'
Grimacing, the teen grabbed the soap and began to sud up, 'So that would mean that the two of them are actually...' Upon getting a mental nod, she frowned, 'Why though?'
Despite not being able to see the form of Tamamo, Natsumi could somehow feel her shrug, 'Because my plans at the time called for bloodshed. That seal would be used to prove who their sire was. And with that, I could cause a civil war with them. Unfortunately for my plans, but fortunate for others, they did not turn out like either myself or their sire... or, perhaps, they did turn out like myself but before the death of my husband.'
Natsumi could feel the sadness and grief at those last few words and continued to wash herself. However, she did not comment on that but waited a few seconds before washing herself off and soaping up again, 'No offence, but I really need to get that image out of my head and feel clean.'
A hum answered her and there was a silence for a few moments before the echo of the deadly fox spoke once more, 'Perhaps you wish that it was of you and Bao bei? Without the death and blood... like this?
Suddenly, Natsumi had the image in her head that was near identical to the other. But there was no blood, no corpse staring at her, or madness in Harry's eyes as he pushed her up against the wall with passion, passion that the her in the vision returned full heartedly. Eyes wide, Natsumi felt like her cheeks were on fire before screeching inside her head, 'ERO-FOX!'
All she got back was laughter though before she knew Tamamo was grinning at her, 'Ah, but I am not an "Ero-Fox", simply one who understands such things and will not deny. Perhaps in time you shall listen to my advice in regards to such arts~'
Then, she retreated back into the depths of the younger Kitsune's mind, laughing the whole way. As for Natsumi? She did the only thing that she could do in such a case...
And that was take the shower and turn it as cold as possible while internally ranting about perverted vixiens even as she shivered.
It was shortly afterwards that she had breakfast and just did her summer homework to keep her mind busy. But after a few hours, her ears perked up and she turned towards the front door before getting up and rushing over. Opening the door, Natsumi felt her expression light up as Harry was right there blinking with a container in one hand, "Harry-Chan!"
His own expression lighting up, Harry pulled her into a hug with a happy laugh, "Natsumi-Chan!" The two stayed like that for a few moments, just hugging each other before he kissed her cheek and pulled back some, "Um... so how are things?"
Understanding what he meant, Natsumi gave a small nod, "Better now." Her smile came back as she gave him a once over, "Especially as you're here and safe."
Not quite sure what to say, Harry just blushed and rubbed the back of his neck, "Um, same here... I'm glad that you're safe and doing better." There was a moment of thought before he leaned forward and gently kissed her for a second or two, "Really glad."
For her part, the fourteen year old Kitsune was blushing heavily before she glanced back at the kitchen doorway. Part of her swore that she heard snickers from there, but shrugged it off and gave Harry a kiss in return before turning her attention to the container though she could smell peanut butter, "What's that, Harry-Chan?"
Also glancing at the container, Harry gave her a smile, "Well, I thought that I should bring over something to eat. So... I made up some chocolate covered peanut butter squares for us..."
Noticing him trail off as well as the odd, amused look on his face, Natsumi turned and internally groaned. Because, sticking their heads out of the kitchen were the other three female Kitsune in the house. First was Hoshi, then Sakuya, and finally Haru herself. Facepalming, Natsumi frowned, "Really? I mean, really you three."
With a blink and looking at her sister as well as Hoshi, Haru shrugged, "It's peanut butter."
Just rolling her eyes, Natsumi was about to comment when Harry tapped her shoulder, "Um, Natsumi-Chan?" When she turned towards him, he tapped just below his lips, "You're kind of drooling yourself a little."
Embarrassed, the Kitsune wiped at her mouth and looked away from him before clasping his hand in hers, "Anyways, let's go to the dining room."
Rather than say anything, Harry took off his shoes and put on the slippers before walking along with Natsumi's hand in his. Entering the kitchen, he set down the container with an amused expression on his face as he noted the three adult Kitsune watching intently before noticing something, "Natsumi-Chan?" Getting a hum as she put in some tea, he frowned, "Where's your Obaa-Chan and Ojii-San? I thought that they were staying around for a while longer."
That caused the teenage Yokai to grimace, "Something came up." Glancing at her mother, she got a slight nod and sat down next to Harry, "It's... Harry-Chan? As I am sure you can guess, my Clan has enemies, right?"
Slowly, he nodded even as he frowned, "Hai? I mean, I would be surprised if you didn't." It clicked in his head and he frowned even deeper, "Wait, did something happen involving one?"
Haru snorted a little as she rolled her eyes, "You could say that, and couldn't happen to a nicer person." At the looks, she frowned, "What? We all know her and her Clan." Then, the Kitsune sneered, "I'm not going to shed any tears for the bitch considering all that she has done to us over the years."
Confused, Harry turned to Natsumi who clinched before she cleared her throat, "Well... Oba-Chan is kind of right. There's bad blood going back centuries between our clan and that one. Mainly because of their Clan Head, a female Kyuubi like Hoshi-San, Obaa-Chan, and Ojii-San. I'm not even sure if they know the reason themselves?"
At the questioning tone, Hoshi sighed and shook her head, though she took an ordered peanut butter square from Harry before biting into it, "The reasons are... personal, I'm afraid." Taking a sip of tea, she frowned, "Her husband attempted to take your Obaa-San for his own and your father caught him and killed him... before sending back the head as a warning."
That caused Natsumi to flinch a bit, "Um, right..."
Deciding not to comment on that little piece of information, the wizard simply frowned, "Okay? So lots of bad blood then, but what happened?"
Natsumi gave a shrug and shook her head, "She died last night somehow, so everyone is freaking out a bit as it shakes things up politically. I mean, some of her family are trying to blame us, but even others are noting that is impossible. We were all here last night and they're on the other side of Japan across the mountains."
With a soft snort, Hoshi shook her head, "Which is not mentioning how she died." Sipping her tea after finishing the treat, she frowned, "I got a few sources I trust that she was in a ritual room and those outside heard a scream and found her dead with her blood covering the walls. No idea what she was doing, but knowing her? She likely deserved it." A grimace on her face, the Kyuubi shook her head, "She reminded me far too much of my... Haha-ue."
For some odd reason, Harry had the odd feeling that he might have been involved somehow, but dismissed it. It was impossible after all. Instead, as Natsumi set down a cup of black tea in front of him, taking her own as well as a treat, he decided to change the subject, "Um, anyways, I decided to drop by and spend some time with Natsumi-Chan and also ask you about the trip to Shiromizu's village and if Natsumi-Chan can still come along."
Lightly chuckling, Sakuya gave her daughter a look, "Well, as to the first? I don't think any of us, especially Natsumi-Chan, would mind. And for the second? I don't see a real issue as we're going as well to keep an eye on things."
While that was annoying to both teens, they could still understand it and only sighed before the conversation turned elsewhere...