[Summer Harvest Trip] Elm & Joachim Potter
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Harry Leferts
Within the clearing, the only sound that could be heard besides the songs of birds, the whispering of the breeze in the boroughs, and the burbling of a nearby brook was the crackle of flames and the hissing of juices dripping into the burning logs. As well, besides the smells of summer, one could also smell the scent of cooking meat over an open flame. Humming thoughtfully, the young, messy haired man jabbed a knife into the side of a boar cooking over the fire before nodding to himself with the smile of one who did a good job as he turned it, 'Just about done.'
Hearing the sound of strings plucked, the young man turned with a smile towards where his companion was lounging as she played a crwth.
Unlike most women, however, this one from the waist down was a horse with greyish fur. For a few moments, the messy haired man just simply observed the centauress as she played. The dappled shadows of leaves and branches playing across her body as she did so. Eyes trailing along her form, he felt his smile grow. Upon her head, waves of blonde hair fell down to midback, kept away from her ears with leaf shaped ornaments. Her ears, pointed and nearly as equine as her lower body, twitched a little as the smile played along her full lips as her fingers worked the instrument's strings.
Meanwhile, her shirt, which showed just some cleavage and hinted at her bosom, rode upwards some, exposing her well muscled stomach while hiding her equally muscular arms within the voluminous sleeves. Limbs that the young man had seen pull back a yew bow fully and put an arrow through plate with ease. Yet, they were so gentle when handling him and his as shown when she had lifted one of his younger cousins who had injured his ankle to carry him home. The skin that he could see was lightly tanned, with just a hint of freckles upon her face, but glistened in the near evening light due to the sweat of exertion from the day's hunting. Here and there one could see slight scars as well, showing that she was willing to live a life as adventurous as his.
Gaze continuing on, the young messy haired man could only hum as he came to the equine portion of her body. To his eyes, it was as beautiful as the rest of her. Sleek muscle under soft, greyish fur, equal to any horse of any king. Legs that could carry her at a run faster than many steeds bred specifically for such as well! Which he well knew from his own experiences from riding upon her back.
Where the two halves met, one could not see much, however. For she wore a dragonhide skirt of sorts where her humanoid portion met the equine, one that had pouches along it. Belts ran from said skirt along her equine body to another leather covering that ran over her hindquarters, concealing it from sight. He could still remember her amusement at it and the reasons behind it, though she did accept it as it had been embossed with designs. Still, he knew under the first skirt that tanned skin eventually seamlessly melded with that of the furred hide of the horse, something he had felt time and again.
A chuckle echoed out before a voice that reminded him of soft, warm leather spoke up and broke him from his thoughts, "Ah, Joachim, you're staring again." His gaze went to the female centaur's face and found her with a slight flush, though there was still amusement in her brown eyes along with something else, "Do you not have anything better to do with your time?"
Lightly chuckling, Joachim gestured around them, "At the moment, my dear Elm? Nothing. But then, I always make time for such wondrous acts such as observing you. Time wasted, it is not."
Once more, Elm laughed before flashing her teeth at him in a grin, "Such a silver tongue that resides within your mouth. One must wonder if it is that or your magic that is the most dangerous aspect of you."
Just laughing himself, the Potter winked and grinned back at her, "Ah, well, that is a good question, is it not?" Joachim then gestured at the boar cooking, "But, sadly, I must turn my attention away from such things. For it is time to eat!"
Simply nodding as she placed her instrument into a pouch, Elm rose to her hooves easily and walked over before laying back down once more, "Indeed? Well, it would not be thankful to the wild if we were to waste such a meal." Pulling out some rough, wooden plates along with bread, she handed him one which he took before bringing out two wooden cups which were filled with wine, "Let us eat and be merry."
Unable to help himself, Joachim winked at her, "Ah, but that is but my secret, Elm. With your company, I am always merry, eating or not." That got him another laugh and he cut a large hunch of meat to place on the female centaur's plate, which she then took up and tore into. Nodding to himself, he cut some meat for himself before drinking the wine to wet his mouth. With a gesture to the boar, he picked up the hunk of meat and bit into it before chewing, "You know, one might become jealous of you. Your skill with the bow is second to none, as with your beauty."
Winking, the Centauress nudged him, "Perhaps, but then I am a centaur! It is to be expected that I am good with the bow. As for beauty? That I am unsure of." Then she smiled and shook her head before taking another bite and a swig of wine, "But it gave us quite the run, yet here we are eating it!"
Only humming, Joachim smiled back at her as he chewed, "Indeed we are, though it was your skills at the hunt that allowed us to. Alas, mine are not as well to do as yours."
The answer he got was more laughter from his companion, "Perhaps I should teach you more then!" Her grin became teasing and her next words got a laugh from Joachim, "It would not do for you to get lost and starve when journeying to the next village without I, your faithful companion!"
It was something of a running joke between them, where he would complain about her making his skills look bad, yet then she would answer back that it came naturally and she could not help such. Yet, both knew that there was no heat behind his tone, for he had accepted that a long time ago. Rather, it became something that they would tease each other over.
After a few moments, however, Joachim's smile faded a little as he thought over her last words, 'My companion...' With a sigh, he took a bite of meat, "Do you ever regret it?"
Understanding what he meant without more needing to be said, Elm shook her head, "No, I do not." Turning, her brown eyes gazed into his hazel, "I will never regret saving you that day or what happened after. You are a good man, Joachim, and saving you was the right thing to do whether or not you are human."
Grimace on his face, the young man's gaze went to a scar on her flank which resembled a burn, though long since healed. One that he remembered making her limp when it was fresh though it was a lesser wound on that day, "Yet... here you are, all but exiled from your home... your family... and your people."
Expression becoming soft, Elm shook her head as she took his hand in hers, their rough skin and callouses rubbing against one another, "An exile that I accept freely, though it was forced upon myself. If saving a life is not right? Than I have no problem being in the wrong, especially as it was your life." Leaning down, she smiled at him as her thumb rubbed along his knuckles, "I saved you for it was the right thing. Then, as it was the right thing and a matter of honour, you saved me in return. Never doubt that. As for being home and with family..." Her eyes glistened as they met his, "That is in the here and now."
With gentleness, he turned her palm upwards and kissed it as his eyes met hers before grasping it, "Thank you, though it is still something that I feel guilt over, my Elm."
Unable to help herself, Elm laughed as she smiled, "Perhaps one day, I shall make you understand then."
Reaching up with one hand, Joachim moved some strands of hair behind one of her pointed ear with a slight smile of his own, "Perhaps you shall, though only you would know by looking at the stars which shine a light which is matched and surpassed by those in your eyes."
Once more chuckling, the Centauress gestured at the meal, "Now, enough of such things. Let us enjoy our meal in companionship! It is a time to be merry after all."
That got her a hum from her male companion and, soon enough, the meat was gone as was the bread and some of the wine.
With a soft hum, Elm stood up and smiled after he cleaned off the plates and washed out the goblets with them going back into one of her pouches. Taking a few steps forward, she hummed before looking over her shoulder, "Daylight shall last for a time more, Joachim. Perhaps it is best to go to the brook and wash ourselves of the day's dust from the road? I could use the help."
Blinking for a moment, a wide smile appeared on Joachim's lips, "Of course, my Elm. It would be my pleasure."
A laugh escaped from the female Centaur and she grinned, "I suspect so!" Galloping some, she laughed again, "Now quickly! If we are to have time to dry in the sun!"
Shoulders shaking, Joachim laughed as she chased her, "Ah! But the quarry flees from the hunter! With hooves blessed by Artemis herself! Yet, I shall catch you!"
By the time he caught up her, however, she was already at the brook and removing the straps that kept the leather on her equine body, hanging said pieces onto a tree branch. Shirt loosening, Elm looked over her shoulder at Joachim with a small, knowing smile as it pooled around her humanoid waist before she placed it beside the leather. For a few moments, the two watched each other before the Centauress walked into the brook, water reaching her equine knees, and then belly, before then covering most of her.
Briefly, she bent her knees to allow for the humanoid portion of her body to get wet before standing once more and turning in the water. Part of her was pleased that Joachim had already removed his shirt and placed it beside her own. Dipping her hands into the water, she brought them up and allowed the liquid to run over her sun kissed skin before her eyes became hooded, "Are you not coming in, Joachim? The water is most pleasant and cool."
Leaning against the tree and bare from the waist up, the Potter looked her over for a few moments before humming as he stroked his chin, "Ah! But I wish to enjoy the sight before me." Broadly grinning, Joachim spread one arm away from his body, "Hark! What is before me? Is it a dream? One of the Ancient Grecian tales? Where a hunter comes upon a nymph bathing in a spring?" Then, he shook his head, "Only to be cursed? Alas, but one has already befallen I! The arrow has struck true for something truly precious has been been taken, never to be given back."
Despite her laughs, Elm's cheeks still darkened and she grinned, "And her, but what is in front of me if this be a Grecian dream? Perhaps one as blessed by Apollo, for his arrow has also struck true!" The , she shook her head and gave a splash, "Now, leave aside that silver tongue, or perhaps gold, and come in to wash the wear of the road away."
Not needing to be told twice, Joachim removed his breeches before walking into the water with a slight shiver. Soon, it reached his chest and he had to swim somewhat. Upon reaching Elm, he placed one hand on her back and the other in one of her hands, the Centauress smiling down at him, and receiving one in return as they enjoyed the cool, flowing brook.
Night had fallen and the only illumination besides the Full Moon and stars above was the crackling fire. Leaning against Elm's equine half as she brushed her hair, Joachim watched the flames devour the wood with sparks climbing into the darkness. He was pulled from his thoughts as Elm's fingers threaded into his hair before she spoke, "You're worried, Joachim."
Glancing up at her, he smiled a little, "Is it that obvious, my Elm?"
Slowly, Elm shook her head some, "Only to one such as I whom knows you." Her gaze softened a little, "You are worried about the upcoming wedding to Lucinda, yes?"
A grimace appeared on Joachim's face before he snorted, "You, perhaps, are a Centaur, Elm. But that woman? She is a nag."
That got him a snort from his companion who shook her head, "I would go further and wonder if she perhaps has the blood of an ass in her. But then, asses are hard working, if temperamental, unlike her." Her understanding look returned, "But you are worried about more than just that."
Slowly, Joachim nodded as he turned his attention back to the flame, "It is the Malfois, Elm. While I can understand the Wizard's Council wishing to end the feud between our two sides, there is more I feel. Part of me fears that the Malfois were involved in the decision through their gold or other methods. And it reminds me far too much of what happened with the Williamson's."
Voice soft as she continued to run her fingers through his hair, Elm leaned down, "What happened, my Joachim? What happened that worries you so?"
His own voice nearly a whisper, the Potter frowned, "They, too, feuded with the Malfois, but in Normandy. They convinced the King to create a marriage between one of their daughters and the heir of the Williamson's. However, the other males of the family died or could not produce heirs, and thus the Malfois in a generation gained control of the land once belonging to the Williamson's with only their cousins' the Weasleys, holding on due, some say, to fertility magic of some sort in their line. That was but two generations ago.
Now understanding, Elm frowned a little, "And you worry that they may, perhaps, be attempting the same with the Potters?" At his nod, she was silent for a few moments before looking at the stars. Joachim stayed silent, allowing her to read them until she nodded, "Speak to your Grandmother in the orchard, the Queen. Her magic will prevent theirs from interfering in your family and she will gift protection. Her price will come in three generations as she will seek to renew the ties between your families. One that will bring no harm to the Potters..."
Noticing the look on her face, he took her hand and gently kissed the palm, "You see something else. Something that concerns you, my Elm, my Companion. Because you seem conflicted."
With a shuddering breath, Elm looked down and her eyes had unshed tears. Wetness that Joachim wiped away with his thumb, "Indeed, my Joachim. The marriage will not be happy, but persevere, for it will not last. But with the end, so too will one come to my brother and one will almost come to the Malfois. Yet... while the stars will not tell me fully, they say that there is a brightness in the future for us. Still... I weep for what will happen to those I once called mine. Banish me, they did, but my heart still remembers them from before."
Shifting to his knees, Joachim cupped her cheek before pressing their foreheads together, "Dearest Elm, you weep for you are a good woman. And no matter what, that is what I see when I look at you. My Elm, my Companion who walks beside me always, my Protector, and the one whom I shall protect in turn."
Arms coming up, Elm wrapped them around her waist as tears dripped down her cheeks, "And I thank you, my Joachim. My Companion whom I walk beside and carry when needed. The one whom protects, and is protected in turn. A good man."
Opening her eyes, brown met hazel as the two continued their embrace under the Stars and Moon.
Within the clearing, the only sound that could be heard besides the songs of birds, the whispering of the breeze in the boroughs, and the burbling of a nearby brook was the crackle of flames and the hissing of juices dripping into the burning logs. As well, besides the smells of summer, one could also smell the scent of cooking meat over an open flame. Humming thoughtfully, the young, messy haired man jabbed a knife into the side of a boar cooking over the fire before nodding to himself with the smile of one who did a good job as he turned it, 'Just about done.'
Hearing the sound of strings plucked, the young man turned with a smile towards where his companion was lounging as she played a crwth.
Unlike most women, however, this one from the waist down was a horse with greyish fur. For a few moments, the messy haired man just simply observed the centauress as she played. The dappled shadows of leaves and branches playing across her body as she did so. Eyes trailing along her form, he felt his smile grow. Upon her head, waves of blonde hair fell down to midback, kept away from her ears with leaf shaped ornaments. Her ears, pointed and nearly as equine as her lower body, twitched a little as the smile played along her full lips as her fingers worked the instrument's strings.
Meanwhile, her shirt, which showed just some cleavage and hinted at her bosom, rode upwards some, exposing her well muscled stomach while hiding her equally muscular arms within the voluminous sleeves. Limbs that the young man had seen pull back a yew bow fully and put an arrow through plate with ease. Yet, they were so gentle when handling him and his as shown when she had lifted one of his younger cousins who had injured his ankle to carry him home. The skin that he could see was lightly tanned, with just a hint of freckles upon her face, but glistened in the near evening light due to the sweat of exertion from the day's hunting. Here and there one could see slight scars as well, showing that she was willing to live a life as adventurous as his.
Gaze continuing on, the young messy haired man could only hum as he came to the equine portion of her body. To his eyes, it was as beautiful as the rest of her. Sleek muscle under soft, greyish fur, equal to any horse of any king. Legs that could carry her at a run faster than many steeds bred specifically for such as well! Which he well knew from his own experiences from riding upon her back.
Where the two halves met, one could not see much, however. For she wore a dragonhide skirt of sorts where her humanoid portion met the equine, one that had pouches along it. Belts ran from said skirt along her equine body to another leather covering that ran over her hindquarters, concealing it from sight. He could still remember her amusement at it and the reasons behind it, though she did accept it as it had been embossed with designs. Still, he knew under the first skirt that tanned skin eventually seamlessly melded with that of the furred hide of the horse, something he had felt time and again.
A chuckle echoed out before a voice that reminded him of soft, warm leather spoke up and broke him from his thoughts, "Ah, Joachim, you're staring again." His gaze went to the female centaur's face and found her with a slight flush, though there was still amusement in her brown eyes along with something else, "Do you not have anything better to do with your time?"
Lightly chuckling, Joachim gestured around them, "At the moment, my dear Elm? Nothing. But then, I always make time for such wondrous acts such as observing you. Time wasted, it is not."
Once more, Elm laughed before flashing her teeth at him in a grin, "Such a silver tongue that resides within your mouth. One must wonder if it is that or your magic that is the most dangerous aspect of you."
Just laughing himself, the Potter winked and grinned back at her, "Ah, well, that is a good question, is it not?" Joachim then gestured at the boar cooking, "But, sadly, I must turn my attention away from such things. For it is time to eat!"
Simply nodding as she placed her instrument into a pouch, Elm rose to her hooves easily and walked over before laying back down once more, "Indeed? Well, it would not be thankful to the wild if we were to waste such a meal." Pulling out some rough, wooden plates along with bread, she handed him one which he took before bringing out two wooden cups which were filled with wine, "Let us eat and be merry."
Unable to help himself, Joachim winked at her, "Ah, but that is but my secret, Elm. With your company, I am always merry, eating or not." That got him another laugh and he cut a large hunch of meat to place on the female centaur's plate, which she then took up and tore into. Nodding to himself, he cut some meat for himself before drinking the wine to wet his mouth. With a gesture to the boar, he picked up the hunk of meat and bit into it before chewing, "You know, one might become jealous of you. Your skill with the bow is second to none, as with your beauty."
Winking, the Centauress nudged him, "Perhaps, but then I am a centaur! It is to be expected that I am good with the bow. As for beauty? That I am unsure of." Then she smiled and shook her head before taking another bite and a swig of wine, "But it gave us quite the run, yet here we are eating it!"
Only humming, Joachim smiled back at her as he chewed, "Indeed we are, though it was your skills at the hunt that allowed us to. Alas, mine are not as well to do as yours."
The answer he got was more laughter from his companion, "Perhaps I should teach you more then!" Her grin became teasing and her next words got a laugh from Joachim, "It would not do for you to get lost and starve when journeying to the next village without I, your faithful companion!"
It was something of a running joke between them, where he would complain about her making his skills look bad, yet then she would answer back that it came naturally and she could not help such. Yet, both knew that there was no heat behind his tone, for he had accepted that a long time ago. Rather, it became something that they would tease each other over.
After a few moments, however, Joachim's smile faded a little as he thought over her last words, 'My companion...' With a sigh, he took a bite of meat, "Do you ever regret it?"
Understanding what he meant without more needing to be said, Elm shook her head, "No, I do not." Turning, her brown eyes gazed into his hazel, "I will never regret saving you that day or what happened after. You are a good man, Joachim, and saving you was the right thing to do whether or not you are human."
Grimace on his face, the young man's gaze went to a scar on her flank which resembled a burn, though long since healed. One that he remembered making her limp when it was fresh though it was a lesser wound on that day, "Yet... here you are, all but exiled from your home... your family... and your people."
Expression becoming soft, Elm shook her head as she took his hand in hers, their rough skin and callouses rubbing against one another, "An exile that I accept freely, though it was forced upon myself. If saving a life is not right? Than I have no problem being in the wrong, especially as it was your life." Leaning down, she smiled at him as her thumb rubbed along his knuckles, "I saved you for it was the right thing. Then, as it was the right thing and a matter of honour, you saved me in return. Never doubt that. As for being home and with family..." Her eyes glistened as they met his, "That is in the here and now."
With gentleness, he turned her palm upwards and kissed it as his eyes met hers before grasping it, "Thank you, though it is still something that I feel guilt over, my Elm."
Unable to help herself, Elm laughed as she smiled, "Perhaps one day, I shall make you understand then."
Reaching up with one hand, Joachim moved some strands of hair behind one of her pointed ear with a slight smile of his own, "Perhaps you shall, though only you would know by looking at the stars which shine a light which is matched and surpassed by those in your eyes."
Once more chuckling, the Centauress gestured at the meal, "Now, enough of such things. Let us enjoy our meal in companionship! It is a time to be merry after all."
That got her a hum from her male companion and, soon enough, the meat was gone as was the bread and some of the wine.
With a soft hum, Elm stood up and smiled after he cleaned off the plates and washed out the goblets with them going back into one of her pouches. Taking a few steps forward, she hummed before looking over her shoulder, "Daylight shall last for a time more, Joachim. Perhaps it is best to go to the brook and wash ourselves of the day's dust from the road? I could use the help."
Blinking for a moment, a wide smile appeared on Joachim's lips, "Of course, my Elm. It would be my pleasure."
A laugh escaped from the female Centaur and she grinned, "I suspect so!" Galloping some, she laughed again, "Now quickly! If we are to have time to dry in the sun!"
Shoulders shaking, Joachim laughed as she chased her, "Ah! But the quarry flees from the hunter! With hooves blessed by Artemis herself! Yet, I shall catch you!"
By the time he caught up her, however, she was already at the brook and removing the straps that kept the leather on her equine body, hanging said pieces onto a tree branch. Shirt loosening, Elm looked over her shoulder at Joachim with a small, knowing smile as it pooled around her humanoid waist before she placed it beside the leather. For a few moments, the two watched each other before the Centauress walked into the brook, water reaching her equine knees, and then belly, before then covering most of her.
Briefly, she bent her knees to allow for the humanoid portion of her body to get wet before standing once more and turning in the water. Part of her was pleased that Joachim had already removed his shirt and placed it beside her own. Dipping her hands into the water, she brought them up and allowed the liquid to run over her sun kissed skin before her eyes became hooded, "Are you not coming in, Joachim? The water is most pleasant and cool."
Leaning against the tree and bare from the waist up, the Potter looked her over for a few moments before humming as he stroked his chin, "Ah! But I wish to enjoy the sight before me." Broadly grinning, Joachim spread one arm away from his body, "Hark! What is before me? Is it a dream? One of the Ancient Grecian tales? Where a hunter comes upon a nymph bathing in a spring?" Then, he shook his head, "Only to be cursed? Alas, but one has already befallen I! The arrow has struck true for something truly precious has been been taken, never to be given back."
Despite her laughs, Elm's cheeks still darkened and she grinned, "And her, but what is in front of me if this be a Grecian dream? Perhaps one as blessed by Apollo, for his arrow has also struck true!" The , she shook her head and gave a splash, "Now, leave aside that silver tongue, or perhaps gold, and come in to wash the wear of the road away."
Not needing to be told twice, Joachim removed his breeches before walking into the water with a slight shiver. Soon, it reached his chest and he had to swim somewhat. Upon reaching Elm, he placed one hand on her back and the other in one of her hands, the Centauress smiling down at him, and receiving one in return as they enjoyed the cool, flowing brook.
Night had fallen and the only illumination besides the Full Moon and stars above was the crackling fire. Leaning against Elm's equine half as she brushed her hair, Joachim watched the flames devour the wood with sparks climbing into the darkness. He was pulled from his thoughts as Elm's fingers threaded into his hair before she spoke, "You're worried, Joachim."
Glancing up at her, he smiled a little, "Is it that obvious, my Elm?"
Slowly, Elm shook her head some, "Only to one such as I whom knows you." Her gaze softened a little, "You are worried about the upcoming wedding to Lucinda, yes?"
A grimace appeared on Joachim's face before he snorted, "You, perhaps, are a Centaur, Elm. But that woman? She is a nag."
That got him a snort from his companion who shook her head, "I would go further and wonder if she perhaps has the blood of an ass in her. But then, asses are hard working, if temperamental, unlike her." Her understanding look returned, "But you are worried about more than just that."
Slowly, Joachim nodded as he turned his attention back to the flame, "It is the Malfois, Elm. While I can understand the Wizard's Council wishing to end the feud between our two sides, there is more I feel. Part of me fears that the Malfois were involved in the decision through their gold or other methods. And it reminds me far too much of what happened with the Williamson's."
Voice soft as she continued to run her fingers through his hair, Elm leaned down, "What happened, my Joachim? What happened that worries you so?"
His own voice nearly a whisper, the Potter frowned, "They, too, feuded with the Malfois, but in Normandy. They convinced the King to create a marriage between one of their daughters and the heir of the Williamson's. However, the other males of the family died or could not produce heirs, and thus the Malfois in a generation gained control of the land once belonging to the Williamson's with only their cousins' the Weasleys, holding on due, some say, to fertility magic of some sort in their line. That was but two generations ago.
Now understanding, Elm frowned a little, "And you worry that they may, perhaps, be attempting the same with the Potters?" At his nod, she was silent for a few moments before looking at the stars. Joachim stayed silent, allowing her to read them until she nodded, "Speak to your Grandmother in the orchard, the Queen. Her magic will prevent theirs from interfering in your family and she will gift protection. Her price will come in three generations as she will seek to renew the ties between your families. One that will bring no harm to the Potters..."
Noticing the look on her face, he took her hand and gently kissed the palm, "You see something else. Something that concerns you, my Elm, my Companion. Because you seem conflicted."
With a shuddering breath, Elm looked down and her eyes had unshed tears. Wetness that Joachim wiped away with his thumb, "Indeed, my Joachim. The marriage will not be happy, but persevere, for it will not last. But with the end, so too will one come to my brother and one will almost come to the Malfois. Yet... while the stars will not tell me fully, they say that there is a brightness in the future for us. Still... I weep for what will happen to those I once called mine. Banish me, they did, but my heart still remembers them from before."
Shifting to his knees, Joachim cupped her cheek before pressing their foreheads together, "Dearest Elm, you weep for you are a good woman. And no matter what, that is what I see when I look at you. My Elm, my Companion who walks beside me always, my Protector, and the one whom I shall protect in turn."
Arms coming up, Elm wrapped them around her waist as tears dripped down her cheeks, "And I thank you, my Joachim. My Companion whom I walk beside and carry when needed. The one whom protects, and is protected in turn. A good man."
Opening her eyes, brown met hazel as the two continued their embrace under the Stars and Moon.