[Summer Harvest Trip] Animal Watching with Harry & Kensho
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Harry Leferts
Holding a glossy red fruit between her clawed fingers, Taiyang hummed a bit before slowly pushing it between her lips and then biting down. For a few moments, she chewed just as slowly, thoughtfully, and then spat out the pit and swallowed the flesh. Then, she gave a small nod with a smug smile on her face, "Quite delicious, these European cherries! Much more sweeter and larger than the ones that I am used to as well, Mikon!'
More than a little amused as she walked past, Goldie simply nodded as she dumped a basketful of cherries into the container being used for them, "Indeed, they are! Umu, I remember some soldiers in the Roman Legions enjoying such fruits as well on long marches."
Just humming a little, the Dao nodded some, "True, an army forges on it's stomach, though perhaps it may be less so today than before." Pausing, Taiyang looked towards the blonde sword spirit, "Hmm... you do seem quite loyal to the Potter family, is there more to such a story than them rescuing you from the Goblins?"
Glancing at her, Goldie had a slight smile before she lowered her voice, "There are many reasons. But... there is one in particular though the Praetor does not know, nor do the others."
Eyebrow raised, Taiyang hummed a little, "Is he related to your first Master? The Great Caeser?"
Lightly chuckling, the Roman Blade shook her head, "Nay, he is not. But... there is a relationship, one that I sensed when Geoffrey Potter picked up my blade. For my memories are long indeed, and I remember my Imperator having a young, Roman boy at his side. One whom was tasked with keeping my blade sharp, and helping the Imperator put on his armour. Geoffrey... shared blood with him, I could tell." Looking out onto the land around them, Goldie took a deep breath, "He is long since bones and dust, but he served my Imperator well. Thus, I serve his well now."
Thoughtful, Taiyang tapped her chin in thought as she looked at Goldie, seeing another part of the ancient sword now.
Slowly, she gave a nod as she also looked out onto the orchard where various people were working at harvesting the cherries. Not just Harry and the other teens, but also the shipgirls. In various trees, one could see fairies having set up a pulley system to raise and lower buckets which they filled with fruits as they scurried among the branches. Slowly, but surely, filling up the various containers being used to transport them back to the manor for processing.
But what caught Taiyang's eyes were the other members of the Potter Armory, joining in with the harvesting with smiles and chuckles of their own. From Dracul using her shaft to allow for some of the teens sitting on it to reach branches to pick fruit from, to Vala humming some song as she plucked ripe fruit from where they hung. Though the foxy Dao had to blink as Catherine walked up to one tree, knocked on the trunk, and softly spoke to it... right before a mass of cherries fell out of said tree much to the confusion of everyone else.
Eyebrows furrowing, the Dao frowned, "How...?"
Amused at the expressions that had gotten, Goldie chuckled and patted her on the shoulder, "It is best not to ask, my friend. Just know that it is Cathy and that is all, Umu!"
Only nodding, despite her confusion, Taiyang looked back at Goldie with a thoughtful look on her face, "You know... I heard the one named Juuchi speak of what she would do if she caught the one named Peter. And I know what I might do, as my Master is quite... upset... with him. But what about you or the others?"
Rubbing her chin, the Roman sword hummed a bit, "We each have our own thoughts on what to do with the traitor to our family. For he was treated as family by them, and yet ended up stabbing them in the back like a spineless coward." Goldie's eyes flashed and yet darkened for a moment before going back to normal, "Some are fairly simple, Dracul mentioned draining him of his blood, Bill has mentioned simply finding a tree and some rope, while Sabah and Andraste mentioned that they have a number of poisons. Vala, I believe, mentioned the blood eagle while Big Iron and Amalie wish to just shoot him. And Nightbane? He mentioned just feeding him to the Monster on the Meuse."
Eyebrow raised in amusement, Taiyang glanced at the others, "I see... and while I can understand what Juuchi might do, I take it that Catherine would do something different from what I can understand?"
With a chuckle, Goldie gave her a cold smile, "Catherine would forgive him... which, perhaps, would be the worst possible thing from her. As it would drive the Rat to the depths."
Head tilted to the side as she considered that, the other sword spirit nodded before pausing, "What about Tsukiakari? I take it that she has her own ideas?"
For the first time in the conversation, Goldie looked away, "Ah, well... Tsukiakari is... interesting in that way. I am Roman, and yet I find myself impressed with some of the ideas that she has come up with. Very... impressed."
Cocking an eyebrow, Taiyang considered asking for more details, but decided that it would be better not to. Then, she tilted her head a little, "And you?"
A frown on her face, the Roman sighed and shook her head, "Ah, that is complicated as some methods are out of my hands. While I do not follow the diety that Catherine does, I do respect her and thus crucifixion is out as is burning due to what happened to her Master. Normally, I would then follow the normal methods for Patricide, but it would be cruel to the animals and dogs are quite well liked in this era. Thus, I could not wrap him in a burlap sack with a rabid dog, vipers, a cock, and the like before throwing it into a river."
Intrigued, the Dao rubbed her chin, "So what would you do?"
The smile that appeared on Goldie's face was not nice at all, "Well, did you know that there are spells that prevent an Animagus from returning to their true form? I would find a large cauldron..." Spreading her arms, she continued, "And then cast the spell on the traitor before throwing him into it with one of those centipedes in Japan, the Mukade. Truly, a Roman way of dealing with such a creature as he."
Right then, a bright smile lit up Taiyang's face, "Oh, I quite like that idea..."
Some distance away, Natsumi blinked and looked over to where Taiyang had a gleeful look on her face as she talked with Goldie as the two went back to where they had been picking cherries, 'Should I ask what she is so happy about?'
From deep within the back of her mind, Tamamo spoke up, 'No, it is best that you do not.' A sigh then escaped her, 'Though I am quite happy with how our Harry's home here looks. It is quite nice.'
Bemused, the two tailed Kitsune continued plucking cherries, 'Because of the size of the property? The food that is grown here? Or the home itself with how the inside looks?'
Much to her amusement, Tamamo's answer was simple, 'Yes.' After a few moments, she continued, 'I will state that I quite enjoy the inside of our Harry's manor. The wood is very nice as is the furniture. Though, perhaps, we should see what sort of furniture we can get for his room as we shall share it during visits.'
Lightly blushing, Natsumi only nodded some, 'Well, Harry-Chan does have a selection of furniture from China and Japan in the shed...'
That only got her a hum from the ancient vixen.
Not even a few minutes later, their attention was caught as Harry let out a laugh and turned to see him shaking his head in amusement, "Kenshō, what are you doing?"
Said blade was crouched and looked over her shoulder with a blink and a large smile, "I'm just following this toad, Master! He's bounce-bouncing along!" Those close enough could see that, sure enough, there was a toad on the ground in front of Kenshō. After a few moments, it did a few hops and the Kogatana spirit followed, "Ribbit! Ribbit! Come on, Mister Toad! Ribbit!"
Unable to help himself, Harry started laughing as he facepalmed, "Kenshō, leave the poor fellow alone. He's probably out for a snack."
Tilting her head to the side, Kenshō considered that before nodding and waving to the toad, "Okay! Bye, Mister Toad!" She then turned and began to hop back towards Harry, "Ribbit! Ribbit!"
Of course, that only got more smiles and laughter from the others. Especially when she proceeded to snatch some cherries from Harry's basket and gobble them down with a grin despite Harry playfully scolding her. A sudden shout made everyone turn to Yae who had facepalmed. Something that made Harry raise an eyebrow, "Something wrong, Yae-San?"
Shoulders slumped a bit, the Kendoka nodded, "Hai... one of my cherries just got stolen."
About to ask, Harry opened his mouth only to pause as he caught sight of the thief. Lips twitching, he coughed some, "Well... I think that our friend has been hanging around you for some time watching. And you didn't see an issue with tossing him some of your sandwich earlier.'
Pout on her face, Yae made a motion with her hand, "But I didn't expect him to steal some of my cherries, gozaru!"
Leaning against her true self, Dracul chuckled a little, "Well, he wanted a little bread and no cheese, but didn't get any."
Head tilted to the side, Kenshō blinked as she looked up at the spot of yellow in the branches, "Um, Master? What is that?"
Now looking up at the yellow bird in question, Tsukiakari grinned a little before answering for Harry, "That, Kenshō, is what is known as the Yellowhammer. Also known as the writing lark."
Mouth open wide, the Kogatana nodded, "Ooooh!" Then, she bounced around a little, "Hey! Hey! Maybe it will write something for us! Mou..."
Needless to say, that got chuckles from everyone, though Yae still had a pout on her face from the cherry being stolen.
A few hours later, the Sun slowly set towards the horizon and everyone began to pack up the last couple of baskets. Under the trees, it was already twilight and the shadows began to grow. While tired, there were still happy smiles among the teens and others as they chatted.
Suddenly, Uesugi blinked and looked down as she scratched her head, "What in the world...? What are you now?"
Coming over, Harry came to stand beside her before blinking. A small smile appeared on his face as he looked down at the two animals that were scrounging around the bottom of the cherry tree trunk for fallen fruit, "Hello there." Still smiling, Harry looked over to the reincarnated warlord, "Unless I'm mistaken, those are hedgehogs."
Rapidly blinking where she was, Okita came over as well, "Wait, hedgehogs? Really?" Upon catching sight of them, she crouched down and put her hands on her knees, "Aw, they're adorable."
The other teens joined them, though standing a short distance away from the animals and began to film them. From where she stood beside Harry, Kenshō tugged at his shirt some, "One of them is pretty small..."
Only nodding as he patted her head, Harry chuckled a little, "That is likely her baby, born this year and maybe just a few months ago."
Part of him was amused as the various girls all cooed a little before Iku walked away and came back with some cherries that she tossed over. More smiles grew as they watched the two animals waddle over to the fruit and begin to munch down on them even as the others talked excitedly.
After the group had another rest, they entered the final timeloop of the day. Which found Usagi wiping her forehead clean of sweat as she worked at the bush in front of her. Plucking some glossy dark blue or black berries from the plant, she considered them as her nose twitched. Those behind her noted, with more than a little amusement, that her cotton tail also twitched a bit.
Of course, not knowing this, the rabbit Yokai tossed back the berries and chewed on them thoughtfully for a few moments before nodding, "Hmm... sweet, yet tart." Smacking her lips, Usagi happily hummed, "So good..."
From where she was picking from a bush next to her, Natsumi snickered a little, "You're absolutely loving this trip, aren't you?"
Grinning back, Usagi shrugged some as she plucked some more berries from the bushes, "Can you blame me, Natsumi-Chan? No real adults around bothering us too much, all of us having fun with things, my friends here with me, and lots of sweet, sweet fruit to eat." Puncturating her words with another berry put into her mouth, she shook her head as she chewed, "This is practically paradise for a teenage Inaba."
That got her a laugh from her Kitsune friend who shook her head, "I'm sure it is." Sighing softly, she looked around and her expression softened as her gaze caught sight of Harry and Kenshō working at some bushes, "It really is..."
Just nudging her with an elbow, Usagi smiled, "Thinking about when you'll be bringing your own Kits here, hmm? Ones with black hair and green eyes most likely."
Blush on her face, Natsumi gave her a sheepish smile, "That obvious, huh?"
Shaking her head, the Inaba smile grew a touch, "Kind of, but I've known you long enough to guess." With a small shrug, Usagi looked around in thought, "Not that I don't blame you really. I mean, Harry-Kun is a good man, and going by this place? You'd have a very happy life and I hope that you will have as many children as you would if you were an Inaba like myself."
Tone dry, Natsumi gave her a look with some snark, "Gee, thanks for that considering how large your families get. My poor hips..."
With a laugh, Usagi winked at her, "Hey, at least it would be a very happy marriage in such a case, eh?"
Only shaking her head, her long time friend sighed, "Sometimes, I wonder." Tilting her head some, Natsumi gave her a raised eyebrow, "Surprised that you haven't even grumbled a bit regarding Harry-Chan and not having a chance."
However, Usagi snorted at that, "Because I'm not that sort of person, and Ayaka-Chan wasn't quite that serious and you know it. Now, if you mess up, which I think is about likely as Izanami-Sama and Izanagi-Sama declaring that they are married and happily once more with no problems, maybe Ayaka-Chan will actually make a move." Ignoring the snicker from Natsumi, and the soft thanks, she gave a shrug, "Besides, the field is too filled there as it is."
Thankful expression on her face, Natsumi nodded, "Thank you-"
Before she could finish, the rabbit Yokai waved a hand in the air, "If I was going to go after anyone? Might be a son of yours." Waggling her eyebrows, she licked her lips a little, "The fox would be caught by the rabbit in that case."
Groaning, Natsumi facepalmed before pulling back her hand, which left a few spots of blackcurrant juice on her face, "Really, Usagi-Chan? I mean, seriously? You too?"
Completely and utterly unrepentant, Usagi shrugged, "What can I say? Onee-Chan told me things about her Kitsune boyfriend~" Then she chuckled a little as her friend facepalmed again, this time with a blush, "But really? Any child of yours and Harry-Kun's would be a heck of catch. Both of you are good looking, kind, intelligent... basically what one would want in a significant other."
Simply sighing, Natsumi still had a slight smile on her face, "Well, maybe..."
Her friend then gave another shrug, "Besides, to be honest, Natsumi-Chan? We're Yokai, and all of us will live a long time." Pointing her thumb at herself, Usagi continued, "Myself? I can look forward to five, six hundred years of life easy. More if I follow some of my relatives into some Kami's service. Twenty, forty, even fifty years is nothing when you get down to it. Not to mention, our families are pretty close to each other. So there's no issue there binding our clans yet closer through ties of marriage."
Not saying anything right away, Natsumi considered that for a few moments, "True... and I suppose that the same could be said for Ayaka-Chan as well." Blush appearing on her face, she cleared her throat, "But still, we're talking about future children here."
Just smirking, Usagi hummed, "True, maybe one of my children with one of yours. Once more, I would not be against such a thing if it happened." Feeling a poke, she looked over at Natsumi, "Hmm?"
A smirk of her own visible, Natsumi pointed, "Relative of yours?"
Eyebrow raised, the Inaba looked in the direction mentioned and then gave her snickering friend a shove at the sight of the European hare hopping across the property.
Unlike with the other fruits, thankfully, the collection of the ripe blackcurrants took a lot less time. Which meant that, despite having started in the morning, they were done well before the Sun would set. Hence, the group left with them conversing between themselves about various things.
Curious look on her face, Yae blinked some and came to a stop as she looked at what looked like a small hill, "Hmm?"
Looking back, Harry blinked for a moment as he slowed to a stop followed by the others, "Yae-San? Is something wrong?"
Moments later, the Kendoka flushed a bit and waved her hands some, "Sorry about that, Harry-San! I was just noting the holes over there and was wondering about them."
Rather amused, Harry chuckled a little, "Those? That's where the local badger family lives."
Eyes wide, Yae looked towards the hill, "Badgers live there, really?" At the nod, she gave a small gasp, "Gozaru..."
Before anyone said anything else, a reddish head poked out followed by the rest of the fox it was attached to. Said fox came springing out onto the property but gave a curious look towards Natsumi and Taiyang before continuing. Eyebrow raised, Okita looked towards Harry, "I thought that you said those were badger burrows? But that was a fox..."
In return, said wizard shrugged, "Hai, they are. Here in Europe, you sometimes get foxes and badgers sharing burrows."
Giggling, Kenshō's eyes lit up, "So cool..."
About to say something, Harry paused for a moment and then smirked, "Want to know what else is cool, Kenshō?" At her nod, he gestured for her to follow and lead them to a patch of ground covered in various plants, "These are."
More than a little curious, the Kogatana leaned down and looked at the plants before tilting her head, "What are these, Master?"
Patting her head gently, Harry crouched down, "These are mint plants actually and right in front of us are peppermint. And over there..." He pointed at another spot, "Those are spearmint."
Nobu blinked at that and bent down herself to examine them, "Huh... mint plants?"
With a hum, Harry smiled at her, "Hai, mint tea is an excellent digestive after all, especially for an upset stomach. You can also chew the leaves to freshen your breath some..." He motioned with one hand towards the plants, "There's also all sorts of potions that they can be used in, not to mention for cooking like mint sauce on lamb and the like."
Tapping her chin, the reincarnated member of the Shinsengumi hummed, "So there's a lot of uses for them?" At his nod, Okita frowned a little, "Should we pick some leaves then?"
For a few moments, Harry considered that before nodding, "Sure, that sounds good to me. If nothing else, I can make us some chilled mint tea for after dinner. Now, the best leaves are..."
Holding a glossy red fruit between her clawed fingers, Taiyang hummed a bit before slowly pushing it between her lips and then biting down. For a few moments, she chewed just as slowly, thoughtfully, and then spat out the pit and swallowed the flesh. Then, she gave a small nod with a smug smile on her face, "Quite delicious, these European cherries! Much more sweeter and larger than the ones that I am used to as well, Mikon!'
More than a little amused as she walked past, Goldie simply nodded as she dumped a basketful of cherries into the container being used for them, "Indeed, they are! Umu, I remember some soldiers in the Roman Legions enjoying such fruits as well on long marches."
Just humming a little, the Dao nodded some, "True, an army forges on it's stomach, though perhaps it may be less so today than before." Pausing, Taiyang looked towards the blonde sword spirit, "Hmm... you do seem quite loyal to the Potter family, is there more to such a story than them rescuing you from the Goblins?"
Glancing at her, Goldie had a slight smile before she lowered her voice, "There are many reasons. But... there is one in particular though the Praetor does not know, nor do the others."
Eyebrow raised, Taiyang hummed a little, "Is he related to your first Master? The Great Caeser?"
Lightly chuckling, the Roman Blade shook her head, "Nay, he is not. But... there is a relationship, one that I sensed when Geoffrey Potter picked up my blade. For my memories are long indeed, and I remember my Imperator having a young, Roman boy at his side. One whom was tasked with keeping my blade sharp, and helping the Imperator put on his armour. Geoffrey... shared blood with him, I could tell." Looking out onto the land around them, Goldie took a deep breath, "He is long since bones and dust, but he served my Imperator well. Thus, I serve his well now."
Thoughtful, Taiyang tapped her chin in thought as she looked at Goldie, seeing another part of the ancient sword now.
Slowly, she gave a nod as she also looked out onto the orchard where various people were working at harvesting the cherries. Not just Harry and the other teens, but also the shipgirls. In various trees, one could see fairies having set up a pulley system to raise and lower buckets which they filled with fruits as they scurried among the branches. Slowly, but surely, filling up the various containers being used to transport them back to the manor for processing.
But what caught Taiyang's eyes were the other members of the Potter Armory, joining in with the harvesting with smiles and chuckles of their own. From Dracul using her shaft to allow for some of the teens sitting on it to reach branches to pick fruit from, to Vala humming some song as she plucked ripe fruit from where they hung. Though the foxy Dao had to blink as Catherine walked up to one tree, knocked on the trunk, and softly spoke to it... right before a mass of cherries fell out of said tree much to the confusion of everyone else.
Eyebrows furrowing, the Dao frowned, "How...?"
Amused at the expressions that had gotten, Goldie chuckled and patted her on the shoulder, "It is best not to ask, my friend. Just know that it is Cathy and that is all, Umu!"
Only nodding, despite her confusion, Taiyang looked back at Goldie with a thoughtful look on her face, "You know... I heard the one named Juuchi speak of what she would do if she caught the one named Peter. And I know what I might do, as my Master is quite... upset... with him. But what about you or the others?"
Rubbing her chin, the Roman sword hummed a bit, "We each have our own thoughts on what to do with the traitor to our family. For he was treated as family by them, and yet ended up stabbing them in the back like a spineless coward." Goldie's eyes flashed and yet darkened for a moment before going back to normal, "Some are fairly simple, Dracul mentioned draining him of his blood, Bill has mentioned simply finding a tree and some rope, while Sabah and Andraste mentioned that they have a number of poisons. Vala, I believe, mentioned the blood eagle while Big Iron and Amalie wish to just shoot him. And Nightbane? He mentioned just feeding him to the Monster on the Meuse."
Eyebrow raised in amusement, Taiyang glanced at the others, "I see... and while I can understand what Juuchi might do, I take it that Catherine would do something different from what I can understand?"
With a chuckle, Goldie gave her a cold smile, "Catherine would forgive him... which, perhaps, would be the worst possible thing from her. As it would drive the Rat to the depths."
Head tilted to the side as she considered that, the other sword spirit nodded before pausing, "What about Tsukiakari? I take it that she has her own ideas?"
For the first time in the conversation, Goldie looked away, "Ah, well... Tsukiakari is... interesting in that way. I am Roman, and yet I find myself impressed with some of the ideas that she has come up with. Very... impressed."
Cocking an eyebrow, Taiyang considered asking for more details, but decided that it would be better not to. Then, she tilted her head a little, "And you?"
A frown on her face, the Roman sighed and shook her head, "Ah, that is complicated as some methods are out of my hands. While I do not follow the diety that Catherine does, I do respect her and thus crucifixion is out as is burning due to what happened to her Master. Normally, I would then follow the normal methods for Patricide, but it would be cruel to the animals and dogs are quite well liked in this era. Thus, I could not wrap him in a burlap sack with a rabid dog, vipers, a cock, and the like before throwing it into a river."
Intrigued, the Dao rubbed her chin, "So what would you do?"
The smile that appeared on Goldie's face was not nice at all, "Well, did you know that there are spells that prevent an Animagus from returning to their true form? I would find a large cauldron..." Spreading her arms, she continued, "And then cast the spell on the traitor before throwing him into it with one of those centipedes in Japan, the Mukade. Truly, a Roman way of dealing with such a creature as he."
Right then, a bright smile lit up Taiyang's face, "Oh, I quite like that idea..."
Some distance away, Natsumi blinked and looked over to where Taiyang had a gleeful look on her face as she talked with Goldie as the two went back to where they had been picking cherries, 'Should I ask what she is so happy about?'
From deep within the back of her mind, Tamamo spoke up, 'No, it is best that you do not.' A sigh then escaped her, 'Though I am quite happy with how our Harry's home here looks. It is quite nice.'
Bemused, the two tailed Kitsune continued plucking cherries, 'Because of the size of the property? The food that is grown here? Or the home itself with how the inside looks?'
Much to her amusement, Tamamo's answer was simple, 'Yes.' After a few moments, she continued, 'I will state that I quite enjoy the inside of our Harry's manor. The wood is very nice as is the furniture. Though, perhaps, we should see what sort of furniture we can get for his room as we shall share it during visits.'
Lightly blushing, Natsumi only nodded some, 'Well, Harry-Chan does have a selection of furniture from China and Japan in the shed...'
That only got her a hum from the ancient vixen.
Not even a few minutes later, their attention was caught as Harry let out a laugh and turned to see him shaking his head in amusement, "Kenshō, what are you doing?"
Said blade was crouched and looked over her shoulder with a blink and a large smile, "I'm just following this toad, Master! He's bounce-bouncing along!" Those close enough could see that, sure enough, there was a toad on the ground in front of Kenshō. After a few moments, it did a few hops and the Kogatana spirit followed, "Ribbit! Ribbit! Come on, Mister Toad! Ribbit!"
Unable to help himself, Harry started laughing as he facepalmed, "Kenshō, leave the poor fellow alone. He's probably out for a snack."
Tilting her head to the side, Kenshō considered that before nodding and waving to the toad, "Okay! Bye, Mister Toad!" She then turned and began to hop back towards Harry, "Ribbit! Ribbit!"
Of course, that only got more smiles and laughter from the others. Especially when she proceeded to snatch some cherries from Harry's basket and gobble them down with a grin despite Harry playfully scolding her. A sudden shout made everyone turn to Yae who had facepalmed. Something that made Harry raise an eyebrow, "Something wrong, Yae-San?"
Shoulders slumped a bit, the Kendoka nodded, "Hai... one of my cherries just got stolen."
About to ask, Harry opened his mouth only to pause as he caught sight of the thief. Lips twitching, he coughed some, "Well... I think that our friend has been hanging around you for some time watching. And you didn't see an issue with tossing him some of your sandwich earlier.'
Pout on her face, Yae made a motion with her hand, "But I didn't expect him to steal some of my cherries, gozaru!"
Leaning against her true self, Dracul chuckled a little, "Well, he wanted a little bread and no cheese, but didn't get any."
Head tilted to the side, Kenshō blinked as she looked up at the spot of yellow in the branches, "Um, Master? What is that?"
Now looking up at the yellow bird in question, Tsukiakari grinned a little before answering for Harry, "That, Kenshō, is what is known as the Yellowhammer. Also known as the writing lark."
Mouth open wide, the Kogatana nodded, "Ooooh!" Then, she bounced around a little, "Hey! Hey! Maybe it will write something for us! Mou..."
Needless to say, that got chuckles from everyone, though Yae still had a pout on her face from the cherry being stolen.
A few hours later, the Sun slowly set towards the horizon and everyone began to pack up the last couple of baskets. Under the trees, it was already twilight and the shadows began to grow. While tired, there were still happy smiles among the teens and others as they chatted.
Suddenly, Uesugi blinked and looked down as she scratched her head, "What in the world...? What are you now?"
Coming over, Harry came to stand beside her before blinking. A small smile appeared on his face as he looked down at the two animals that were scrounging around the bottom of the cherry tree trunk for fallen fruit, "Hello there." Still smiling, Harry looked over to the reincarnated warlord, "Unless I'm mistaken, those are hedgehogs."
Rapidly blinking where she was, Okita came over as well, "Wait, hedgehogs? Really?" Upon catching sight of them, she crouched down and put her hands on her knees, "Aw, they're adorable."
The other teens joined them, though standing a short distance away from the animals and began to film them. From where she stood beside Harry, Kenshō tugged at his shirt some, "One of them is pretty small..."
Only nodding as he patted her head, Harry chuckled a little, "That is likely her baby, born this year and maybe just a few months ago."
Part of him was amused as the various girls all cooed a little before Iku walked away and came back with some cherries that she tossed over. More smiles grew as they watched the two animals waddle over to the fruit and begin to munch down on them even as the others talked excitedly.
After the group had another rest, they entered the final timeloop of the day. Which found Usagi wiping her forehead clean of sweat as she worked at the bush in front of her. Plucking some glossy dark blue or black berries from the plant, she considered them as her nose twitched. Those behind her noted, with more than a little amusement, that her cotton tail also twitched a bit.
Of course, not knowing this, the rabbit Yokai tossed back the berries and chewed on them thoughtfully for a few moments before nodding, "Hmm... sweet, yet tart." Smacking her lips, Usagi happily hummed, "So good..."
From where she was picking from a bush next to her, Natsumi snickered a little, "You're absolutely loving this trip, aren't you?"
Grinning back, Usagi shrugged some as she plucked some more berries from the bushes, "Can you blame me, Natsumi-Chan? No real adults around bothering us too much, all of us having fun with things, my friends here with me, and lots of sweet, sweet fruit to eat." Puncturating her words with another berry put into her mouth, she shook her head as she chewed, "This is practically paradise for a teenage Inaba."
That got her a laugh from her Kitsune friend who shook her head, "I'm sure it is." Sighing softly, she looked around and her expression softened as her gaze caught sight of Harry and Kenshō working at some bushes, "It really is..."
Just nudging her with an elbow, Usagi smiled, "Thinking about when you'll be bringing your own Kits here, hmm? Ones with black hair and green eyes most likely."
Blush on her face, Natsumi gave her a sheepish smile, "That obvious, huh?"
Shaking her head, the Inaba smile grew a touch, "Kind of, but I've known you long enough to guess." With a small shrug, Usagi looked around in thought, "Not that I don't blame you really. I mean, Harry-Kun is a good man, and going by this place? You'd have a very happy life and I hope that you will have as many children as you would if you were an Inaba like myself."
Tone dry, Natsumi gave her a look with some snark, "Gee, thanks for that considering how large your families get. My poor hips..."
With a laugh, Usagi winked at her, "Hey, at least it would be a very happy marriage in such a case, eh?"
Only shaking her head, her long time friend sighed, "Sometimes, I wonder." Tilting her head some, Natsumi gave her a raised eyebrow, "Surprised that you haven't even grumbled a bit regarding Harry-Chan and not having a chance."
However, Usagi snorted at that, "Because I'm not that sort of person, and Ayaka-Chan wasn't quite that serious and you know it. Now, if you mess up, which I think is about likely as Izanami-Sama and Izanagi-Sama declaring that they are married and happily once more with no problems, maybe Ayaka-Chan will actually make a move." Ignoring the snicker from Natsumi, and the soft thanks, she gave a shrug, "Besides, the field is too filled there as it is."
Thankful expression on her face, Natsumi nodded, "Thank you-"
Before she could finish, the rabbit Yokai waved a hand in the air, "If I was going to go after anyone? Might be a son of yours." Waggling her eyebrows, she licked her lips a little, "The fox would be caught by the rabbit in that case."
Groaning, Natsumi facepalmed before pulling back her hand, which left a few spots of blackcurrant juice on her face, "Really, Usagi-Chan? I mean, seriously? You too?"
Completely and utterly unrepentant, Usagi shrugged, "What can I say? Onee-Chan told me things about her Kitsune boyfriend~" Then she chuckled a little as her friend facepalmed again, this time with a blush, "But really? Any child of yours and Harry-Kun's would be a heck of catch. Both of you are good looking, kind, intelligent... basically what one would want in a significant other."
Simply sighing, Natsumi still had a slight smile on her face, "Well, maybe..."
Her friend then gave another shrug, "Besides, to be honest, Natsumi-Chan? We're Yokai, and all of us will live a long time." Pointing her thumb at herself, Usagi continued, "Myself? I can look forward to five, six hundred years of life easy. More if I follow some of my relatives into some Kami's service. Twenty, forty, even fifty years is nothing when you get down to it. Not to mention, our families are pretty close to each other. So there's no issue there binding our clans yet closer through ties of marriage."
Not saying anything right away, Natsumi considered that for a few moments, "True... and I suppose that the same could be said for Ayaka-Chan as well." Blush appearing on her face, she cleared her throat, "But still, we're talking about future children here."
Just smirking, Usagi hummed, "True, maybe one of my children with one of yours. Once more, I would not be against such a thing if it happened." Feeling a poke, she looked over at Natsumi, "Hmm?"
A smirk of her own visible, Natsumi pointed, "Relative of yours?"
Eyebrow raised, the Inaba looked in the direction mentioned and then gave her snickering friend a shove at the sight of the European hare hopping across the property.
Unlike with the other fruits, thankfully, the collection of the ripe blackcurrants took a lot less time. Which meant that, despite having started in the morning, they were done well before the Sun would set. Hence, the group left with them conversing between themselves about various things.
Curious look on her face, Yae blinked some and came to a stop as she looked at what looked like a small hill, "Hmm?"
Looking back, Harry blinked for a moment as he slowed to a stop followed by the others, "Yae-San? Is something wrong?"
Moments later, the Kendoka flushed a bit and waved her hands some, "Sorry about that, Harry-San! I was just noting the holes over there and was wondering about them."
Rather amused, Harry chuckled a little, "Those? That's where the local badger family lives."
Eyes wide, Yae looked towards the hill, "Badgers live there, really?" At the nod, she gave a small gasp, "Gozaru..."
Before anyone said anything else, a reddish head poked out followed by the rest of the fox it was attached to. Said fox came springing out onto the property but gave a curious look towards Natsumi and Taiyang before continuing. Eyebrow raised, Okita looked towards Harry, "I thought that you said those were badger burrows? But that was a fox..."
In return, said wizard shrugged, "Hai, they are. Here in Europe, you sometimes get foxes and badgers sharing burrows."
Giggling, Kenshō's eyes lit up, "So cool..."
About to say something, Harry paused for a moment and then smirked, "Want to know what else is cool, Kenshō?" At her nod, he gestured for her to follow and lead them to a patch of ground covered in various plants, "These are."
More than a little curious, the Kogatana leaned down and looked at the plants before tilting her head, "What are these, Master?"
Patting her head gently, Harry crouched down, "These are mint plants actually and right in front of us are peppermint. And over there..." He pointed at another spot, "Those are spearmint."
Nobu blinked at that and bent down herself to examine them, "Huh... mint plants?"
With a hum, Harry smiled at her, "Hai, mint tea is an excellent digestive after all, especially for an upset stomach. You can also chew the leaves to freshen your breath some..." He motioned with one hand towards the plants, "There's also all sorts of potions that they can be used in, not to mention for cooking like mint sauce on lamb and the like."
Tapping her chin, the reincarnated member of the Shinsengumi hummed, "So there's a lot of uses for them?" At his nod, Okita frowned a little, "Should we pick some leaves then?"
For a few moments, Harry considered that before nodding, "Sure, that sounds good to me. If nothing else, I can make us some chilled mint tea for after dinner. Now, the best leaves are..."