Survival of the fittest
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Harry Leferts
Early morning and the Sun had risen on the United Kingdom. Once the centerpiece of an Empire upon which the the Sun had never set, it nonethelesss welcomed the light of the Mother to the planet. Still Mid-March, not yet Spring, the weather outside was still quite chilly to say the least. In the north, at Scapa Flow, an Abyssal Princess awoke for yet another day speaking with others in regards to what needed to be done while also speaking for them to the humans. She was grateful though for her massive, male companion.
Somewhat to the south of Scarpa, in the Scottish Highlands, yet another group greeted the day in a school of magic. There was one Abyssal in particular with them as well as a group of shipgirls and one kitsune. Most of them seemed to orbit around one young boy in particular. One with a Destiny hanging over his head that he only had an inkling about. In time, he would know more about what awaited him in the future. One that he would face with every advantage he could grab.
However, this particular thing did not have anything to do with his story except in the most distant of manners.
In a small, comfortable home in the British countryside, two forms slept in the bed curled up against one another. Both of them were women and they were just showing small baby bumps revealing that they were pregnant. Something that had surprised both of them, but that they were happy over. While they looked like normal, if more muscular then normal, women, some might well have been surprised with who they really were and their shared pasts...
The Battleship Bismarck and Battlecruiser Hood.
More then one of the Royal Navy shipgirls and returned German shipgirls still had issues believing that it had actually happened. But somehow it had. Some blamed Bismarck for being so protective of Hood. Others stated that Hood's normal British insanity, a form shared by many Battlecruisers with an origin in Britain, had infected Bismarck when she won her over. But the truth was more that the two had grown together, much to the annoyance of Tirpitz who more then once had walked in on them while they were performing "Night Battles". Granted, Bismarck had laughed herself sick the night before upon learning of her sister's new "Escorts" when Tirpitz had called her for advice.
However, right now, they were just a couple enjoying a lie in. Soft smiles were on their faces as they cuddled together in their bed, a vacation well needed. Especially after the news of their future children had hit the media. Both of them were looking forward to some nice rest and relaxation. Especially with some of their escorts at work in the kitchen getting ready for breakfast. Eugen speaking softly with Prince of Wales in regards to her younger sister wanting to come to Britain. All was quiet...
Or was it?
Slowly, the door to the bedroom opened near silently. Wider, and wider it stretched until a form slipped into the room quietly. Crawling along the floor, they paused whenever there was a sound, but then continued. Their progress was steady across the room and all too soon, they reached the bed and began to move into view. The first thing that became obvious was the red hair as they pulled back their hood and then they revealed themselves... Her Majesty's Shipgirl, Ark Royal.
Lips slowly curling upward, she watched Bismarck sleeping, unaware of the person just behind her. Amused, Ark Royal began to grin as she shook her head. 'Ah, Bismarck... did you really think that you could escape from me? I am the huntress, one that you cannot get away from no matter what you try. And now...' Pulling out a sharpie, she popped the top off and her tongue poked out from between her lips as she moved in for the kill. 'And now, for yet another victory...'
Closer, and closer to Bismarck's pale skin the black sharpie came.
And then, all of a sudden Hood's hand whipped up with a can of pepper spray which Ark stared at for a brief moment. "Oh... Bloody shite."
Then the finger on it pressed down and released it right in her face which made her sputter. All in time for the hand to drop the can and grab something else which it brought down on Ark's head, revealing it to be a cast iron pan which deformed as it impacted the Carrier's head. Cartoonishly, it actually created an imprint of Ark's face before the hand let go and, without missing a beat as a group of fairies opened the window, grabbed the British shipgirl and tossed her out. Once more there was silence for a few moments before a splash could be heard and Bismarck sighed. "Does that girl ever learn?"
With a snort, Hood kept her eyes closed while their fairies closed the window and ignored the shouting from the others as they headed outside to deal with the intruder. "I'm afraid not, Bissy. But then, at least this life is never boring, so there is that."
Scoffing, Bismarck merely snuggled a bit more. "Ja, there is that." Eyes finally opening, she stretched some and grumbled. "Breakfast?"
Eyes also opening, Hood nodded some and watched what Bismarck's movements were doing to the German Battleship's body with a smile. "Hmm... Yes, a spot of breakfast would do nicely I think." Pulling herself from the bed sheets. the Battlecruiser smiled some. "And perhaps you can tell me some more Hartmann's son? From what you told me he's in charge of some of the Kaiserliche Marine?"
In reply, Bismarck smirked some. "I think that I can do that, Hood. Eugen seemed rather amused with the last stories that we were told..."
"Daphne, Tracy..."
"We would like to speak to you."
Both Dapne and Tracy came to a stop and slowly turned before frowning at the two brown haired girls who stood there. Sharing a small look with her friend, Daphne raised an eyebrow. "Hestia, Flora, I must admit that is rather out of character for you."
The twin Slytherins blinked before glancing at some of the other students who were trying to listen in. Then they turned their attention back to Daphne with Hestia nodding. "Perhaps. But then we would still like to speak to you."
Flora turned to look at the other students with a frown. "Alone, if possible."
Silently, Daphne gestured for them to lead the way and both her and Tracy followed. Walking beside Daphne, Tracy had a frown on her face as she quietly whispered to her friend. "Those two wanting to talk? Something's up, Daph. They try to keep out of things as much as possible."
A frown on her face while she nodded, the strawberry blonde Slytherin narrowed her eyes some before commenting as quietly as possible. Though she did suspect that the two in front were listening. "Agreed. But let's hear them out first."
It was not long after that they reached one of the former Castle storerooms and stepped inside. Both Carrows laid spell after spell on the door. At least one of which Daphne recognized as a very nasty one for any would be eavesdropper. Once that was done, they turned and regarded Daphne and Tracy before Flora spoke. "Thank you for speaking with us."
Only shrugging, Tracy had a frown on her face as she glanced at one and then the other. "Well, you of all people asking for us intrigued at least me. And Daphne as well." Her head tilting to the side, she narrowed her eyes. "But excuse us, but it's not exactly a secret that the two of you try and stay out of the normal politics in the House."
Sharing a look between them, the twins were quiet before they spoke up as one. "Normally, that would be true. But things have recently changed in regards to that and we have found ourselves... considering things. First though, we would like to know something." Waiting until they got nods, they continued. "Is it true that the Monster was a Basilisk?"
Already having an idea as to what was going on, Daphne nodded some. "Yes, as it turns out it was a Basilisk. Which is why you've come to us, I suspect. Because this changes quite a bit in our House."
Very slowly, Hestia nodded. "It does. We were all in danger of being killed one way or the other, Pureblood or not. And those involved may see themselves on the way out."
Her arms crossed, Tracy scoffed a bit. "That's putting it mildly. You would need to be some sort of idiot not to realize the issues with what happened."
Their eyes narrowing, the Twins sighed with Flora shaking her head. "Unfortunately, that includes our family. Our mother being one of those who have seen no issue with what happened, except that Potter..."
Continuing, Hestia shook her head. "Killed it. Not that it surprises us too much sadly enough as she is a fool that has not realized that things have changed."
Simply shrugging, Tracy shook her head. "Sounds like a bunch out there. Though considering that you're talking about Alecto..." Frowning, she tapped her arm. "Okay, sure, things have changed quite a bit. But why come to us? Blaise would be more likely, I think."
Flora though snorted. "Blaise would be, if we were only concerned with magicals. But he follows his mother too closely and we would be a fool to go with him. No, we are worried about other groups as well if we are to see our family survive the coming storm."
Before Daphne or Tracy could comment, Hestia turned to Daphne with a frown. "We know that you have been speaking with Potter and that shipgirl, the one with the grey coat. You have some sort of deal with them... We would like to be involved as well."
Expression on her face becoming impassive, Daphne's voice cooled. "Our deal with them is purely business, I assure you. He has access to several items through some people that he knows and that our families find quite interesting while he is willing to make an accord regarding them. Nothing more, nothing less. Something that I am sure that you can understand."
The twins only nodded some at that before Hestia sighed. "Yes, business. For now anyways." As Tracy was about to say something, she held up one hand. "We understand entirely. But that understanding is also why we wish to be in. Potter and his connections might well be the only way we have to make it through what is coming. While our family may be fools, we are not."
With her lips a thin line, Flora nodded. "And we can also help out as we have certain... connections that may be of use. Certainly, no one would raise an eyebrow if we were to sometimes speak with you. After all, your families are well regarded and Pure enough that none of our family would have issue with us associating with you."
More then a little thoughtful, Daphne considered what she had just been told, rolling it around in her head. 'It's true that they have some connections that would be useful. And both of them are quite intelligent compared to some in our House, which means another set of brains. But that makes them no less dangerous, perhaps it makes them more so.' Clearing her throat, Daphne narrowed her eyes. "I suppose that being associated with Potter could cause issues, especially in your families. But it also allows for you to cut us both loose if needed. So the question is... why should we trust you?"
Sharing a look, the Carrow Twins had a silent conversation before finally turning back to Daphne. "Our family is considering an arranged marriage with either the Flints or the Notts. Neither of them are of the sort that we would like to be involved with. But by allowing our family to know that we have been trying to ally ourselves with you, they may put it off for a while. After all, the Notts and Flints would want to be involved and thanks to any marriage agreements, they would be allowed to do so. Something that could cause issues."
A smirk then crossed Flora's face. "And if some of the things that we have overheard are true, in a few years their plans could well become moot. Something that we understand and want to see."
Just pausing, Daphne considered that before turning to Tracy. The other Slytherin eventually nodded and then turned towards them. "Perhaps we can come to an understanding then..."
Early morning and the Sun had risen on the United Kingdom. Once the centerpiece of an Empire upon which the the Sun had never set, it nonethelesss welcomed the light of the Mother to the planet. Still Mid-March, not yet Spring, the weather outside was still quite chilly to say the least. In the north, at Scapa Flow, an Abyssal Princess awoke for yet another day speaking with others in regards to what needed to be done while also speaking for them to the humans. She was grateful though for her massive, male companion.
Somewhat to the south of Scarpa, in the Scottish Highlands, yet another group greeted the day in a school of magic. There was one Abyssal in particular with them as well as a group of shipgirls and one kitsune. Most of them seemed to orbit around one young boy in particular. One with a Destiny hanging over his head that he only had an inkling about. In time, he would know more about what awaited him in the future. One that he would face with every advantage he could grab.
However, this particular thing did not have anything to do with his story except in the most distant of manners.
In a small, comfortable home in the British countryside, two forms slept in the bed curled up against one another. Both of them were women and they were just showing small baby bumps revealing that they were pregnant. Something that had surprised both of them, but that they were happy over. While they looked like normal, if more muscular then normal, women, some might well have been surprised with who they really were and their shared pasts...
The Battleship Bismarck and Battlecruiser Hood.
More then one of the Royal Navy shipgirls and returned German shipgirls still had issues believing that it had actually happened. But somehow it had. Some blamed Bismarck for being so protective of Hood. Others stated that Hood's normal British insanity, a form shared by many Battlecruisers with an origin in Britain, had infected Bismarck when she won her over. But the truth was more that the two had grown together, much to the annoyance of Tirpitz who more then once had walked in on them while they were performing "Night Battles". Granted, Bismarck had laughed herself sick the night before upon learning of her sister's new "Escorts" when Tirpitz had called her for advice.
However, right now, they were just a couple enjoying a lie in. Soft smiles were on their faces as they cuddled together in their bed, a vacation well needed. Especially after the news of their future children had hit the media. Both of them were looking forward to some nice rest and relaxation. Especially with some of their escorts at work in the kitchen getting ready for breakfast. Eugen speaking softly with Prince of Wales in regards to her younger sister wanting to come to Britain. All was quiet...
Or was it?
Slowly, the door to the bedroom opened near silently. Wider, and wider it stretched until a form slipped into the room quietly. Crawling along the floor, they paused whenever there was a sound, but then continued. Their progress was steady across the room and all too soon, they reached the bed and began to move into view. The first thing that became obvious was the red hair as they pulled back their hood and then they revealed themselves... Her Majesty's Shipgirl, Ark Royal.
Lips slowly curling upward, she watched Bismarck sleeping, unaware of the person just behind her. Amused, Ark Royal began to grin as she shook her head. 'Ah, Bismarck... did you really think that you could escape from me? I am the huntress, one that you cannot get away from no matter what you try. And now...' Pulling out a sharpie, she popped the top off and her tongue poked out from between her lips as she moved in for the kill. 'And now, for yet another victory...'
Closer, and closer to Bismarck's pale skin the black sharpie came.
And then, all of a sudden Hood's hand whipped up with a can of pepper spray which Ark stared at for a brief moment. "Oh... Bloody shite."
Then the finger on it pressed down and released it right in her face which made her sputter. All in time for the hand to drop the can and grab something else which it brought down on Ark's head, revealing it to be a cast iron pan which deformed as it impacted the Carrier's head. Cartoonishly, it actually created an imprint of Ark's face before the hand let go and, without missing a beat as a group of fairies opened the window, grabbed the British shipgirl and tossed her out. Once more there was silence for a few moments before a splash could be heard and Bismarck sighed. "Does that girl ever learn?"
With a snort, Hood kept her eyes closed while their fairies closed the window and ignored the shouting from the others as they headed outside to deal with the intruder. "I'm afraid not, Bissy. But then, at least this life is never boring, so there is that."
Scoffing, Bismarck merely snuggled a bit more. "Ja, there is that." Eyes finally opening, she stretched some and grumbled. "Breakfast?"
Eyes also opening, Hood nodded some and watched what Bismarck's movements were doing to the German Battleship's body with a smile. "Hmm... Yes, a spot of breakfast would do nicely I think." Pulling herself from the bed sheets. the Battlecruiser smiled some. "And perhaps you can tell me some more Hartmann's son? From what you told me he's in charge of some of the Kaiserliche Marine?"
In reply, Bismarck smirked some. "I think that I can do that, Hood. Eugen seemed rather amused with the last stories that we were told..."
"Daphne, Tracy..."
"We would like to speak to you."
Both Dapne and Tracy came to a stop and slowly turned before frowning at the two brown haired girls who stood there. Sharing a small look with her friend, Daphne raised an eyebrow. "Hestia, Flora, I must admit that is rather out of character for you."
The twin Slytherins blinked before glancing at some of the other students who were trying to listen in. Then they turned their attention back to Daphne with Hestia nodding. "Perhaps. But then we would still like to speak to you."
Flora turned to look at the other students with a frown. "Alone, if possible."
Silently, Daphne gestured for them to lead the way and both her and Tracy followed. Walking beside Daphne, Tracy had a frown on her face as she quietly whispered to her friend. "Those two wanting to talk? Something's up, Daph. They try to keep out of things as much as possible."
A frown on her face while she nodded, the strawberry blonde Slytherin narrowed her eyes some before commenting as quietly as possible. Though she did suspect that the two in front were listening. "Agreed. But let's hear them out first."
It was not long after that they reached one of the former Castle storerooms and stepped inside. Both Carrows laid spell after spell on the door. At least one of which Daphne recognized as a very nasty one for any would be eavesdropper. Once that was done, they turned and regarded Daphne and Tracy before Flora spoke. "Thank you for speaking with us."
Only shrugging, Tracy had a frown on her face as she glanced at one and then the other. "Well, you of all people asking for us intrigued at least me. And Daphne as well." Her head tilting to the side, she narrowed her eyes. "But excuse us, but it's not exactly a secret that the two of you try and stay out of the normal politics in the House."
Sharing a look between them, the twins were quiet before they spoke up as one. "Normally, that would be true. But things have recently changed in regards to that and we have found ourselves... considering things. First though, we would like to know something." Waiting until they got nods, they continued. "Is it true that the Monster was a Basilisk?"
Already having an idea as to what was going on, Daphne nodded some. "Yes, as it turns out it was a Basilisk. Which is why you've come to us, I suspect. Because this changes quite a bit in our House."
Very slowly, Hestia nodded. "It does. We were all in danger of being killed one way or the other, Pureblood or not. And those involved may see themselves on the way out."
Her arms crossed, Tracy scoffed a bit. "That's putting it mildly. You would need to be some sort of idiot not to realize the issues with what happened."
Their eyes narrowing, the Twins sighed with Flora shaking her head. "Unfortunately, that includes our family. Our mother being one of those who have seen no issue with what happened, except that Potter..."
Continuing, Hestia shook her head. "Killed it. Not that it surprises us too much sadly enough as she is a fool that has not realized that things have changed."
Simply shrugging, Tracy shook her head. "Sounds like a bunch out there. Though considering that you're talking about Alecto..." Frowning, she tapped her arm. "Okay, sure, things have changed quite a bit. But why come to us? Blaise would be more likely, I think."
Flora though snorted. "Blaise would be, if we were only concerned with magicals. But he follows his mother too closely and we would be a fool to go with him. No, we are worried about other groups as well if we are to see our family survive the coming storm."
Before Daphne or Tracy could comment, Hestia turned to Daphne with a frown. "We know that you have been speaking with Potter and that shipgirl, the one with the grey coat. You have some sort of deal with them... We would like to be involved as well."
Expression on her face becoming impassive, Daphne's voice cooled. "Our deal with them is purely business, I assure you. He has access to several items through some people that he knows and that our families find quite interesting while he is willing to make an accord regarding them. Nothing more, nothing less. Something that I am sure that you can understand."
The twins only nodded some at that before Hestia sighed. "Yes, business. For now anyways." As Tracy was about to say something, she held up one hand. "We understand entirely. But that understanding is also why we wish to be in. Potter and his connections might well be the only way we have to make it through what is coming. While our family may be fools, we are not."
With her lips a thin line, Flora nodded. "And we can also help out as we have certain... connections that may be of use. Certainly, no one would raise an eyebrow if we were to sometimes speak with you. After all, your families are well regarded and Pure enough that none of our family would have issue with us associating with you."
More then a little thoughtful, Daphne considered what she had just been told, rolling it around in her head. 'It's true that they have some connections that would be useful. And both of them are quite intelligent compared to some in our House, which means another set of brains. But that makes them no less dangerous, perhaps it makes them more so.' Clearing her throat, Daphne narrowed her eyes. "I suppose that being associated with Potter could cause issues, especially in your families. But it also allows for you to cut us both loose if needed. So the question is... why should we trust you?"
Sharing a look, the Carrow Twins had a silent conversation before finally turning back to Daphne. "Our family is considering an arranged marriage with either the Flints or the Notts. Neither of them are of the sort that we would like to be involved with. But by allowing our family to know that we have been trying to ally ourselves with you, they may put it off for a while. After all, the Notts and Flints would want to be involved and thanks to any marriage agreements, they would be allowed to do so. Something that could cause issues."
A smirk then crossed Flora's face. "And if some of the things that we have overheard are true, in a few years their plans could well become moot. Something that we understand and want to see."
Just pausing, Daphne considered that before turning to Tracy. The other Slytherin eventually nodded and then turned towards them. "Perhaps we can come to an understanding then..."