The Special Experts
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The Special Experts
It took some time for the good people of Halifax to settle down. It was one thing for Humanity to gain such a boon as to crack the code in summoning installation girls. It was quite another for that installation to be their own home town. Copious amounts of alcohol was consumed, plus the shot in the arm of morale on top of what was already the norm for Natal Weekend, and it was expected that the number of births come May would be above average by a statistically significant margin.
But for the Installation Woman Halifax and her friends, it was rapidly business as usual. Georgie quickly took up the cause of personally inspecting the anti-air and anti-sea defenses of the harbor (while humorously enough fighting off the attentions of a goodly portion of the male population… Leaving her defenseless to the imminent combined and coordinated advances of Ontario, Empress of Asia, and Malaya, to Hali's secret amusement), Peggy tended to the local fishing villages, and the Privateer Girls dove into getting caught up on their missing history. And Hali herself? She did her thing.
It was no small secret that the lads at the shipgirl yards were keen on Halifax's assistance. On her own she more than doubled their dock space for shipgirl repairs without having to similarly increase resource demand. Add in the strides she made on tackling various engineering problems just by existing and the Powers that Be suddenly felt that the Abyssal War just might be finite, and in their lifetimes too!
But that didn't mean that her boys knew everything. While she was intimately familiar with anything in the arsenal of the European and American powers (and the Japanese just due to their ships being heavily influenced by the Royal Navy), the alliances with certain fleets of the Abyssals posed the Installation Woman with a daunting task – loath though she would admit it: The truth was that there weren't any widely available records of the hulls of the Abyss. Sure there were studies based on wrecks, but that only told part of the story. If the Abyssals were to fight side-by-side with the shipgirls, then Sweet Georgia they deserved just as good care from her and her yards. And so, when word came in that the Americans wanted to send 'special experts' to her to educate her and her engineers on Abyssal Anatomy, she refused to let something as petty as pride get in the way of accepting. It meant there was something to occupy her active mind. And there was the intrigue of how any meetings with their guests were so classified she wondered how her engineers were to actually learn anything.
Which brought her to the present – the shipgirls that fought off the Abyssal incursion during her summoning had long been repaired and sent on their way, her engineers were starting to finish their first run of drafts of their projects, and Halifax was starting to get bored. So it was with a touch of anticipation as the fairy-sized C-46 Commando came in for a landing at the giant woman's airstrip. As the twin-engined transport powered down, Halifax sent a complement of MPs and a limo to escort these "special experts." Things went well enough, the door opened, the American MPs marches out… And then they did something rather curious. The pulled out from the plane a series of large black screens, and arranged them so that no one nearby – save for Halifax herself – could actually see the occupants as they exited the plane. The Installation narrowed her eyes at that, but said nothing. Though now she was especially interested in who these men were.
And then an Abyssal Imp exited the plane and made for the limo. Then a second. And a third, until finally nearly ten of the damned things had left the plane and hopped into the limo.
And all the while Halifax stared bug-eyed at the sight.
'Still…' she thought as the Limo wound through her rigging's streets before disappearing into her pocket, 'I guess that would make them experts in Abyssal ships…'
"Excuse me, Hali?"
Halifax was pulled from her thoughts by a now familiar voice, a night guard who seemed to be making a point to visit on his way home from his shift each morning.
"Well hello th-!"
While Halifax on the outside continued about her normal day, inside Halifax met with the men in charge of her yards, and their… Guests.
Her fairies were more than familiar to her, all of them brilliant men from all over the world, the best of their field in the 1940s from both sides of the conflict, and now working as one against a common enemy. And all of them only permitted in this meeting after rigorous background checks, NDAs, and gag orders. But the Abyssal Imps… With their pitch-black skin, glowing blood red eyes, craggy teeth and various numbers of horns… To say they were an uneasy sight was an understatement. It was clear that her fairies weren't entirely enthused with this turn of events, but her countrymen were to polite to say anything (insert joke). After an awkward silence Halifax sighed and broke the ice.
"Major," she said, addressing the American officer that came with the Abyssals, "I do not believe that we have been introduced to our new arrivals. If we could have the honor?"
"Of course," the American said, turning to the biggest and burliest Imp of the bunch, in a USN uniform of all things, "Allow me to present our Special Experts in Abyssal Construction and Operations, led by Chief Engineer Azog Wraithghoul, Lieutenant First Class, USN, formerly of the Abyssal Grand Atlantic Battlefleet. Chief?"
Azog stepped forward, producing a folder that he placed on the desk of the installation director for him and everyone else to examine, and Halifax noted that, had the room been big enough for her to stand up straight, Azog was almost tall enough to be even with her bust. That was… An odd notion, to one who was used to being able to look down on the rooves of single story buildings.
"Gentlemen. As you know, I am an Imp of the Abyss. My men and myself, along with some hundred others, defected to the United States after the capture of our ship, the Re-Class battlecarrier Resignation, BCV-204. In late April, 2011, our fleet was ambushed by another Abyssal fleet, likely over resources and territory. The results of the battle are unknown, save that Resignation received a debilitating hit amidships and was captured approximately six days later off the coast of Delaware.
Halifax stood behind her staff as they each passed the documents and photographs contained in the folder. The documents all detailed the capture and dry minutia of the incident and the immediate aftermath, and would have been entirely comprehensible to Man and Shipgirl. However, in the outside world, the photographs would have been of the braindead hulk of a Re-Class with an obviously fatal head-injury under tow by American shipgirls, with the cigar-chomping Vulcan beside her. But to Fairies and Halifax, the pictures showed the sagging superstructure of a mighty capital ship, an unholy demonic fusion of a super-battleship and an aircraft carrier, being towed by American battleships and ocean tugs, the relatively miniscule shape of the repair ship Vulcan almost lost next to the behemoth. And looking at the damage, Halifax and her engineers whistled at the sight.
For nearly the entire port side shell plating was gone from just forward of the navigation bridge to aft of the rear fire director, from above the middle deck up to the weather deck. And midships the superstructure sagged like a depressed birthday cake, with twisted wreckage that had once been anti-air batteries and secondary gun turrets. The three funnels characteristic of the "Starboard Flight Deck" Re-Classes were equally mangled by the force of the blast, and the middle one having actually fallen, only to get tangled in the wreckage below.
"Huh," Halifax said, "looks a little bit like Arizona after the bomb hit at Pearl Harbor. Must have been some blast to gut the ship's internals like that."
"How in the world did you lot survive that?" one of her staff asked Azog.
"Forget them, how did that happen?!" interjected another, "And why didn't the ship go down right away?"
Azog cleared his throat to regain everyone's attention.
"One characteristic of the Re-Class' armor scheme is the use of external fuel bunkers on either side of the hull. They double as a secondary layer of armor regardless of whether or not they have fuel in them. The bunkers stop about at the deck below the weather deck. The American South Dakota-Class battleships have a similar layout, hence their characteristic inset row of portholes amidships. Unfortunately, this results in a similar chink in the armor, provided that a sufficiently heavy shell at just the right angle hits that spot above the bunkers but below the weather deck."
Azog moved his mouth to continue twice, but seemed to be unable to force himself to continue. The American Major stepped forward to continue the narrative.
"What we think happened, was that one such hit took place, on the port side. While it would have been bad enough, it should not have resulted in this sort of damage. According to survivor's testimony the ship was low on munitions for the main guns when the battle took place, so our working theory was that there was a transfer of shells or powder from the aft Magazine to the forward guns. In order to facilitate rapid movement of munitions in a combat situation, it is common practice to use the aviation elevator and transfer tunnel facilities on the strength deck. It's likely that such a transfer was in the area of the strike, setting off a much larger blast. Fortunately, the avgas hoses run below the strength deck and thus were unaffected, and even if they were, the Re-Class' fire suppression systems automatically vent the aviation fuel overboard in the even of a fire.
"The reason why more of the ship wasn't damaged, if not outright destroyed, is due to both it's size and armor layout. Given the merged nature of the design, the strength deck – which on a battleship would normally be the weather deck – is actually below, so that it seamlessly merges with the hanger deck of the carrier side. As the ship was under battle conditions, all hatches moving through the deck would have been closed, and all vents would have been sealed, as is normal for Abyssal ships. Therefore, the blast would not have been able to go down, and so it could only go to the sides and up.
"In a three-hundred sixty-degree arc around the blast zone, bulkheads were blown aside for up to 15 meters, before the explosion met resistance, and was redirected either straight up or back out the port side from where the impact came and out the ship. And straight up were the relatively thin decks underneath the superstructure. With the bulk of the structural support destroyed and the remains rendered glowing hot by the blast and the resultant fires, the midships section sagged and keeled over as shown in the pictures. This area contained the CIC and battle-bridge, resulting in the entire command staff killed, all intra-ship comms being cut-off, and massive loss of power, rendering her effectively dead in the water.
"Another affect of the explosion was the ignition of anything flammable in the immediate area. Paint, wood, cloth, anything and everything. Lieutenant Wraithghoul and his men, being in the machinery spaces, were spared the worst of the disaster, and when the fire alarms rang they followed procedure and activated the fire suppression system, which in addition to dumping the avgas includes dumping water from the sprinkler system and flooding the magazines, purging the spaces of oxygen rich air, and spraying retardant foam. Yet despite these efforts Resignation reportedly burned for over an hour. If there were any other survivors they likely abandoned ship after the entire commanding staff were killed.
"On May third, 2011, a routine patrol found the floating hulk, and boarders discovered the survivors in engineering, who then surrendered and sought asylum in the United States. After that Resignation was brought under tow to the Washington Navy Yard."
Azog gave a small cough. The major looked aside to him. At his nod, the fairy stepped aside and returned the presentation to the Imp. Who had another folder on hand.
"After that, we cooperated with the American Navy on their efforts to study the Re-Class, figure out how they tick, their quirks. And to restore her to combat readiness."
That caught everyone's interest, Halifax's especially. Azog handed the second folder to the Installation Woman, who yanked the contents out and shared them only when she was done with them. Once more there were documents and pictures. All of the documents detailing observations on the damage, comparisons with the ship's blueprints Azog and his men provided, comparisons with human ships and shipgirls, and draft work on the repair process. And in the photographs was a very different-looking ship indeed, squeezed into a river cutting through mountainous terrain.
The full-length deck was replaced with a try at an angled flight deck like what the Essex girls got after the war, which Halifax deemed 'admirably sufficient but improvable' at once. The three funnels that reminded her of the NoCar's had been fused into a single boxy funnel that blended seamlessly into the entirely new superstructure, one that looked more like a typical aircraft carrier island (making the girl look a bit more like the "Portsider" Re-Class so common in the Pacific). Every single secondary turret was replaced with American five-incher double gun turrets, and in typical American style, she was sporting a forest of bofors 20 and 40mm AA gun wherever there was room. Not even the top of the new navigation bridge was spared.
Halifax looked at the before and after photos, her brow furrowed and her mouth slightly agape at what she was seeing.
"This is the most disgusting thing I have ever seen." She said, to the Americans' shock and the Imp's anger. "I'm serious. This is the most revolting, heinous thing I have ever had to encounter… And it's so bitching!"
Azog, despite his time around shipgirls, was thrown by the one-eighty, and thus didn't resist when Halifax grabbed him by the shoulders and shook him.
"Tell me! Tell me all of the things! This is so cool I could kiss someone! Oh Hell-!"
And that was how Azog got his first kiss.
The fairies, being native to the sorts of shenanigans Shipgirls – and apparently Installation Women – got into when excited at something relevant to their interests, were utterly unaffected.
"May I ask why this is secret? And why is it being revealed to us now?"
Halifax was greatly disappointed that she was being deprived of her fix on awesome engineering if her sigh and groan of frustration was anything to go by. Nevertheless, the American Major took over.
"The initial intent was to scrap Resignation as was typical of more mangled hulks captured. However, after the survey of the hull, the Chiefs of Staff agreed that it would be worthwhile to look into rebuilding her, to see if she could be turned into an asset. This being before paper ships started coming out of the woodwork. And even now, more guns and more decks are more guns and decks. However, there was no real way to predict what would happen over the course of the project, so it was kept as a need-to-know basis, with only the highest levels of the US Military, and those of our allies, being to have full knowledge. Though everything we learned was shared among our allies as soon as we ourselves knew it.
"As for why now, after seeing how the ship developed after the reconstruction, it was decided by the Secretary of the Navy to commission the Re-Class into the US Navy as USS Rhode Island."
The room filled with a dull murmur at that, the men at the table once more circulating the various photos of Resignation and Rhode Island. Halifax examined her own copy of Rhode Island, mentally chewing on the information at hand. Thinking about the various logistical quandaries this ship was going to present to her… And something else…
"What is she like, this Rhode Island? And what are her thoughts on the… Changes?"
All conversation stopped, and every eye turned to her before turning to the American Major, who in turn looked to Azog. Nonplussed, the Imp stood up straight, and spoke with the conviction of an engineer who knew his boat better than he did the back of his hand.
"She's a good ship Your Highness. Better than she ever was with the Abyss. There's nothing left of the woman who, looking back, was a heartless bitch. In her place is a sweet girl, with a heart of gold, who sees Humanity as her people, as her new country as her only country. When the time comes to tell her, she'll take up arms beside her new family as assuredly as she would have if she never knew. She will serve you well Your Highness."
Halifax hummed at that, though there was no sign of disapproval in her face, the title he called her nod immediately registering in favor of more important things.
"So she's ignorant of her past then?"
The major stepped up, regaining the floor.
"It was a calculated risk. It was decided – based on suggestion of South Carolina, who has all but adopted the ship as one of her own – that it would be for the best to let Rhode Island form her own identity, one without influence of the knowledge of where she came from or who she had been. The idea is that she be told sometime before she is officially unveiled to the world. No date has been laid down yet, but it is the President's hope to have it happen sometime between Veteran's Day – I believe that's Remembrance Day in the Commonwealth – and New Year's.
"In the meantime, with the repairs and conversion completed, Azog and his men are left with very little to do. And with the recently established alliances with Abyssal Fleets in the Atlantic and Pacific, it was deemed prudent to start spreading their intimate experience with Abyssal ships throughout the relevant departments. The bulk have been quietly filtered among the various repair shipgirls in the US fleet, while the superior officers, Azog and his men with me, are to be assigned to here, with Halifax."
The Installation Woman nodded magnanimously, addressing the Major, but looking Azog in the eye with a confidence smile on her face. "Much obliged Major, I look forward to covering the particulars with Chief Wraithghoul in the coming months. And what about our allies?"
"Well Halifax, your successful summoning determined the first priority. The plan is that Azog and his men – in a clandestine manner you understand – will educate yourself and your own specialists in their knowledge. And for the foreseeable future after Rhode Island is revealed, whenever that turns out to be, three will remain here while the remainder are split between Europe and Japan, with Azog likely to be sent to the Far East, given the bulk of our most important Abyssal Allies seem to be congregating in that region."
Halifax, whose eyes never left the increasingly uncomfortable Azog, stepped up to the Imp and shook his hand, a hungry smile on her face.
"Excellent. Lieutenant Wraithghoul, I look forward to working with you. And your men of course. I'm absolutely tickled at the prospect at what engineering marvels you have tucked inside your brain."
Azog didn't say anything for a long while, choosing instead to nod in agreement, a placid expression on his face. Finally he found his voice.
"And I look forward to sharing with you Your Highness."
"I apologize," one of the German Fairy engineers interjected, "but why are you calling Halifax that?"
Azog looked around, and noted that the faint look of confusion was shared among the fairies, while the Imps seemed more confused that their peers were confused. Then the penny dropped.
"Ah. Sorry, force of habit I suppose. You see Halifax, you exert an aura similar to that of Central Atlantic Princess and her sisters, the other Elder Princesses."
One of Halifax's fairies was about to drink, but his glass fell from stunned fingers.
The Special Experts
It took some time for the good people of Halifax to settle down. It was one thing for Humanity to gain such a boon as to crack the code in summoning installation girls. It was quite another for that installation to be their own home town. Copious amounts of alcohol was consumed, plus the shot in the arm of morale on top of what was already the norm for Natal Weekend, and it was expected that the number of births come May would be above average by a statistically significant margin.
But for the Installation Woman Halifax and her friends, it was rapidly business as usual. Georgie quickly took up the cause of personally inspecting the anti-air and anti-sea defenses of the harbor (while humorously enough fighting off the attentions of a goodly portion of the male population… Leaving her defenseless to the imminent combined and coordinated advances of Ontario, Empress of Asia, and Malaya, to Hali's secret amusement), Peggy tended to the local fishing villages, and the Privateer Girls dove into getting caught up on their missing history. And Hali herself? She did her thing.
It was no small secret that the lads at the shipgirl yards were keen on Halifax's assistance. On her own she more than doubled their dock space for shipgirl repairs without having to similarly increase resource demand. Add in the strides she made on tackling various engineering problems just by existing and the Powers that Be suddenly felt that the Abyssal War just might be finite, and in their lifetimes too!
But that didn't mean that her boys knew everything. While she was intimately familiar with anything in the arsenal of the European and American powers (and the Japanese just due to their ships being heavily influenced by the Royal Navy), the alliances with certain fleets of the Abyssals posed the Installation Woman with a daunting task – loath though she would admit it: The truth was that there weren't any widely available records of the hulls of the Abyss. Sure there were studies based on wrecks, but that only told part of the story. If the Abyssals were to fight side-by-side with the shipgirls, then Sweet Georgia they deserved just as good care from her and her yards. And so, when word came in that the Americans wanted to send 'special experts' to her to educate her and her engineers on Abyssal Anatomy, she refused to let something as petty as pride get in the way of accepting. It meant there was something to occupy her active mind. And there was the intrigue of how any meetings with their guests were so classified she wondered how her engineers were to actually learn anything.
Which brought her to the present – the shipgirls that fought off the Abyssal incursion during her summoning had long been repaired and sent on their way, her engineers were starting to finish their first run of drafts of their projects, and Halifax was starting to get bored. So it was with a touch of anticipation as the fairy-sized C-46 Commando came in for a landing at the giant woman's airstrip. As the twin-engined transport powered down, Halifax sent a complement of MPs and a limo to escort these "special experts." Things went well enough, the door opened, the American MPs marches out… And then they did something rather curious. The pulled out from the plane a series of large black screens, and arranged them so that no one nearby – save for Halifax herself – could actually see the occupants as they exited the plane. The Installation narrowed her eyes at that, but said nothing. Though now she was especially interested in who these men were.
And then an Abyssal Imp exited the plane and made for the limo. Then a second. And a third, until finally nearly ten of the damned things had left the plane and hopped into the limo.
And all the while Halifax stared bug-eyed at the sight.
'Still…' she thought as the Limo wound through her rigging's streets before disappearing into her pocket, 'I guess that would make them experts in Abyssal ships…'
"Excuse me, Hali?"
Halifax was pulled from her thoughts by a now familiar voice, a night guard who seemed to be making a point to visit on his way home from his shift each morning.
"Well hello th-!"
While Halifax on the outside continued about her normal day, inside Halifax met with the men in charge of her yards, and their… Guests.
Her fairies were more than familiar to her, all of them brilliant men from all over the world, the best of their field in the 1940s from both sides of the conflict, and now working as one against a common enemy. And all of them only permitted in this meeting after rigorous background checks, NDAs, and gag orders. But the Abyssal Imps… With their pitch-black skin, glowing blood red eyes, craggy teeth and various numbers of horns… To say they were an uneasy sight was an understatement. It was clear that her fairies weren't entirely enthused with this turn of events, but her countrymen were to polite to say anything (insert joke). After an awkward silence Halifax sighed and broke the ice.
"Major," she said, addressing the American officer that came with the Abyssals, "I do not believe that we have been introduced to our new arrivals. If we could have the honor?"
"Of course," the American said, turning to the biggest and burliest Imp of the bunch, in a USN uniform of all things, "Allow me to present our Special Experts in Abyssal Construction and Operations, led by Chief Engineer Azog Wraithghoul, Lieutenant First Class, USN, formerly of the Abyssal Grand Atlantic Battlefleet. Chief?"
Azog stepped forward, producing a folder that he placed on the desk of the installation director for him and everyone else to examine, and Halifax noted that, had the room been big enough for her to stand up straight, Azog was almost tall enough to be even with her bust. That was… An odd notion, to one who was used to being able to look down on the rooves of single story buildings.
"Gentlemen. As you know, I am an Imp of the Abyss. My men and myself, along with some hundred others, defected to the United States after the capture of our ship, the Re-Class battlecarrier Resignation, BCV-204. In late April, 2011, our fleet was ambushed by another Abyssal fleet, likely over resources and territory. The results of the battle are unknown, save that Resignation received a debilitating hit amidships and was captured approximately six days later off the coast of Delaware.
Halifax stood behind her staff as they each passed the documents and photographs contained in the folder. The documents all detailed the capture and dry minutia of the incident and the immediate aftermath, and would have been entirely comprehensible to Man and Shipgirl. However, in the outside world, the photographs would have been of the braindead hulk of a Re-Class with an obviously fatal head-injury under tow by American shipgirls, with the cigar-chomping Vulcan beside her. But to Fairies and Halifax, the pictures showed the sagging superstructure of a mighty capital ship, an unholy demonic fusion of a super-battleship and an aircraft carrier, being towed by American battleships and ocean tugs, the relatively miniscule shape of the repair ship Vulcan almost lost next to the behemoth. And looking at the damage, Halifax and her engineers whistled at the sight.
For nearly the entire port side shell plating was gone from just forward of the navigation bridge to aft of the rear fire director, from above the middle deck up to the weather deck. And midships the superstructure sagged like a depressed birthday cake, with twisted wreckage that had once been anti-air batteries and secondary gun turrets. The three funnels characteristic of the "Starboard Flight Deck" Re-Classes were equally mangled by the force of the blast, and the middle one having actually fallen, only to get tangled in the wreckage below.
"Huh," Halifax said, "looks a little bit like Arizona after the bomb hit at Pearl Harbor. Must have been some blast to gut the ship's internals like that."
"How in the world did you lot survive that?" one of her staff asked Azog.
"Forget them, how did that happen?!" interjected another, "And why didn't the ship go down right away?"
Azog cleared his throat to regain everyone's attention.
"One characteristic of the Re-Class' armor scheme is the use of external fuel bunkers on either side of the hull. They double as a secondary layer of armor regardless of whether or not they have fuel in them. The bunkers stop about at the deck below the weather deck. The American South Dakota-Class battleships have a similar layout, hence their characteristic inset row of portholes amidships. Unfortunately, this results in a similar chink in the armor, provided that a sufficiently heavy shell at just the right angle hits that spot above the bunkers but below the weather deck."
Azog moved his mouth to continue twice, but seemed to be unable to force himself to continue. The American Major stepped forward to continue the narrative.
"What we think happened, was that one such hit took place, on the port side. While it would have been bad enough, it should not have resulted in this sort of damage. According to survivor's testimony the ship was low on munitions for the main guns when the battle took place, so our working theory was that there was a transfer of shells or powder from the aft Magazine to the forward guns. In order to facilitate rapid movement of munitions in a combat situation, it is common practice to use the aviation elevator and transfer tunnel facilities on the strength deck. It's likely that such a transfer was in the area of the strike, setting off a much larger blast. Fortunately, the avgas hoses run below the strength deck and thus were unaffected, and even if they were, the Re-Class' fire suppression systems automatically vent the aviation fuel overboard in the even of a fire.
"The reason why more of the ship wasn't damaged, if not outright destroyed, is due to both it's size and armor layout. Given the merged nature of the design, the strength deck – which on a battleship would normally be the weather deck – is actually below, so that it seamlessly merges with the hanger deck of the carrier side. As the ship was under battle conditions, all hatches moving through the deck would have been closed, and all vents would have been sealed, as is normal for Abyssal ships. Therefore, the blast would not have been able to go down, and so it could only go to the sides and up.
"In a three-hundred sixty-degree arc around the blast zone, bulkheads were blown aside for up to 15 meters, before the explosion met resistance, and was redirected either straight up or back out the port side from where the impact came and out the ship. And straight up were the relatively thin decks underneath the superstructure. With the bulk of the structural support destroyed and the remains rendered glowing hot by the blast and the resultant fires, the midships section sagged and keeled over as shown in the pictures. This area contained the CIC and battle-bridge, resulting in the entire command staff killed, all intra-ship comms being cut-off, and massive loss of power, rendering her effectively dead in the water.
"Another affect of the explosion was the ignition of anything flammable in the immediate area. Paint, wood, cloth, anything and everything. Lieutenant Wraithghoul and his men, being in the machinery spaces, were spared the worst of the disaster, and when the fire alarms rang they followed procedure and activated the fire suppression system, which in addition to dumping the avgas includes dumping water from the sprinkler system and flooding the magazines, purging the spaces of oxygen rich air, and spraying retardant foam. Yet despite these efforts Resignation reportedly burned for over an hour. If there were any other survivors they likely abandoned ship after the entire commanding staff were killed.
"On May third, 2011, a routine patrol found the floating hulk, and boarders discovered the survivors in engineering, who then surrendered and sought asylum in the United States. After that Resignation was brought under tow to the Washington Navy Yard."
Azog gave a small cough. The major looked aside to him. At his nod, the fairy stepped aside and returned the presentation to the Imp. Who had another folder on hand.
"After that, we cooperated with the American Navy on their efforts to study the Re-Class, figure out how they tick, their quirks. And to restore her to combat readiness."
That caught everyone's interest, Halifax's especially. Azog handed the second folder to the Installation Woman, who yanked the contents out and shared them only when she was done with them. Once more there were documents and pictures. All of the documents detailing observations on the damage, comparisons with the ship's blueprints Azog and his men provided, comparisons with human ships and shipgirls, and draft work on the repair process. And in the photographs was a very different-looking ship indeed, squeezed into a river cutting through mountainous terrain.
The full-length deck was replaced with a try at an angled flight deck like what the Essex girls got after the war, which Halifax deemed 'admirably sufficient but improvable' at once. The three funnels that reminded her of the NoCar's had been fused into a single boxy funnel that blended seamlessly into the entirely new superstructure, one that looked more like a typical aircraft carrier island (making the girl look a bit more like the "Portsider" Re-Class so common in the Pacific). Every single secondary turret was replaced with American five-incher double gun turrets, and in typical American style, she was sporting a forest of bofors 20 and 40mm AA gun wherever there was room. Not even the top of the new navigation bridge was spared.
Halifax looked at the before and after photos, her brow furrowed and her mouth slightly agape at what she was seeing.
"This is the most disgusting thing I have ever seen." She said, to the Americans' shock and the Imp's anger. "I'm serious. This is the most revolting, heinous thing I have ever had to encounter… And it's so bitching!"
Azog, despite his time around shipgirls, was thrown by the one-eighty, and thus didn't resist when Halifax grabbed him by the shoulders and shook him.
"Tell me! Tell me all of the things! This is so cool I could kiss someone! Oh Hell-!"
And that was how Azog got his first kiss.
The fairies, being native to the sorts of shenanigans Shipgirls – and apparently Installation Women – got into when excited at something relevant to their interests, were utterly unaffected.
"May I ask why this is secret? And why is it being revealed to us now?"
Halifax was greatly disappointed that she was being deprived of her fix on awesome engineering if her sigh and groan of frustration was anything to go by. Nevertheless, the American Major took over.
"The initial intent was to scrap Resignation as was typical of more mangled hulks captured. However, after the survey of the hull, the Chiefs of Staff agreed that it would be worthwhile to look into rebuilding her, to see if she could be turned into an asset. This being before paper ships started coming out of the woodwork. And even now, more guns and more decks are more guns and decks. However, there was no real way to predict what would happen over the course of the project, so it was kept as a need-to-know basis, with only the highest levels of the US Military, and those of our allies, being to have full knowledge. Though everything we learned was shared among our allies as soon as we ourselves knew it.
"As for why now, after seeing how the ship developed after the reconstruction, it was decided by the Secretary of the Navy to commission the Re-Class into the US Navy as USS Rhode Island."
The room filled with a dull murmur at that, the men at the table once more circulating the various photos of Resignation and Rhode Island. Halifax examined her own copy of Rhode Island, mentally chewing on the information at hand. Thinking about the various logistical quandaries this ship was going to present to her… And something else…
"What is she like, this Rhode Island? And what are her thoughts on the… Changes?"
All conversation stopped, and every eye turned to her before turning to the American Major, who in turn looked to Azog. Nonplussed, the Imp stood up straight, and spoke with the conviction of an engineer who knew his boat better than he did the back of his hand.
"She's a good ship Your Highness. Better than she ever was with the Abyss. There's nothing left of the woman who, looking back, was a heartless bitch. In her place is a sweet girl, with a heart of gold, who sees Humanity as her people, as her new country as her only country. When the time comes to tell her, she'll take up arms beside her new family as assuredly as she would have if she never knew. She will serve you well Your Highness."
Halifax hummed at that, though there was no sign of disapproval in her face, the title he called her nod immediately registering in favor of more important things.
"So she's ignorant of her past then?"
The major stepped up, regaining the floor.
"It was a calculated risk. It was decided – based on suggestion of South Carolina, who has all but adopted the ship as one of her own – that it would be for the best to let Rhode Island form her own identity, one without influence of the knowledge of where she came from or who she had been. The idea is that she be told sometime before she is officially unveiled to the world. No date has been laid down yet, but it is the President's hope to have it happen sometime between Veteran's Day – I believe that's Remembrance Day in the Commonwealth – and New Year's.
"In the meantime, with the repairs and conversion completed, Azog and his men are left with very little to do. And with the recently established alliances with Abyssal Fleets in the Atlantic and Pacific, it was deemed prudent to start spreading their intimate experience with Abyssal ships throughout the relevant departments. The bulk have been quietly filtered among the various repair shipgirls in the US fleet, while the superior officers, Azog and his men with me, are to be assigned to here, with Halifax."
The Installation Woman nodded magnanimously, addressing the Major, but looking Azog in the eye with a confidence smile on her face. "Much obliged Major, I look forward to covering the particulars with Chief Wraithghoul in the coming months. And what about our allies?"
"Well Halifax, your successful summoning determined the first priority. The plan is that Azog and his men – in a clandestine manner you understand – will educate yourself and your own specialists in their knowledge. And for the foreseeable future after Rhode Island is revealed, whenever that turns out to be, three will remain here while the remainder are split between Europe and Japan, with Azog likely to be sent to the Far East, given the bulk of our most important Abyssal Allies seem to be congregating in that region."
Halifax, whose eyes never left the increasingly uncomfortable Azog, stepped up to the Imp and shook his hand, a hungry smile on her face.
"Excellent. Lieutenant Wraithghoul, I look forward to working with you. And your men of course. I'm absolutely tickled at the prospect at what engineering marvels you have tucked inside your brain."
Azog didn't say anything for a long while, choosing instead to nod in agreement, a placid expression on his face. Finally he found his voice.
"And I look forward to sharing with you Your Highness."
"I apologize," one of the German Fairy engineers interjected, "but why are you calling Halifax that?"
Azog looked around, and noted that the faint look of confusion was shared among the fairies, while the Imps seemed more confused that their peers were confused. Then the penny dropped.
"Ah. Sorry, force of habit I suppose. You see Halifax, you exert an aura similar to that of Central Atlantic Princess and her sisters, the other Elder Princesses."
One of Halifax's fairies was about to drink, but his glass fell from stunned fingers.