FoL Renita
Well worn.
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"Flagship?" the destroyer bumped her snout against the metal door, pushing it open. "How are you today?"
The Re-class sat sideways in a chair, a ration bar in one hand and a pencil in the other, idling tapping the map on the table in front of her. "…I'm okay," she said simply.
They'd made landfall on this island two days ago. They found no signs of an Abyssal presence, either recently or in the distant past, but they did happen upon a human supply cache. On top of having more than enough rations to restock themselves fully, their search also turned up a handful of charts on the surrounding waters, and a map of the Pacific. All of this together added up to the first instance in which the destroyer had ever seen the Re-class genuinely happy… at least, briefly.
The past year she'd traveled with the destroyer had done wonders for the Re-class—at least, when compared to her condition when they first met. With a steady food supply and regular rest—as enforced by the destroyer—she was finally beginning to look a little healthier, had a little more energy. She was even speaking more clearly. Naturally, there was no getting rid of the scars that covered her body, or repairing her grievous injuries without outside help; but at least they found a full-body cloak to replace her ruined parka.
In regards to her mental state… well, things were still somewhat bleak. The destroyer's support and care for her was finally starting to have a positive effect, yes, but she still descended into nightmares if left asleep for too long, and she still inevitably succumbed to fatigue every month or so. Despite trying her hardest on multiple occasions to cheer her up, until now the destroyer had only ever seen her flagship feeling less sad. She'd smile every now and then… but it was a brittle smile, masking the broken heart underneath.
"Have you figured out where we're going next?" the destroyer continued.
The Re-class shook her head with a sigh. "No. I can't…" She brought her hands to her face. "So many places to search… too many. We'll be wandering for years..."
"…do you need to rest?" the destroyer offered. "You sound like you could use a break…"
The Re-class slowly shook her head. "Can't sleep. Have to plan. Have to keep searching."
"But you just said you can't decide where to go."
"Yes, but… but I…" the Re-class couldn't finish her statement. Letting out a cry of frustration, she gripped the table and threw it end-over-end, letting it crash against the far wall.
Startled, the destroyer hurriedly squeezed her way into the room and began to nuzzle against the fuming Re-class. "Calm down, flagship. Calm down," She spoke to her in a hushed whisper, trying to ease her worries. "Just relax. Take a deep breath, count to ten, something. Don't have to freak out over this."
The agitated Re-class stiffened at the destroyer's touch, almost jerking away before she remembered who it was—her ally, her friend. She let out a defeated whimper, sagging against the destroyer's snout. "I'm sorry…" she said quietly. "I… I just…"
"You miss your family? You're worried about them?"
The Re-class nodded. "Evil things all dead… but home burned to the ground. So many… so many of them, gone without a trace." She reached up, gingerly patting the destroyer's snout. "They have to be out there, somewhere. They HAVE to. If… if I can just find them…"
"But how will you find them if you're too exhausted, too confused and agitated, to even think straight?" the destroyer asked pointedly. "I know how badly you want to find them, but running yourself into the ground isn't going to make the search faster, or easier."
"…I…" the Re-class struggled to find her words.
"Please, just stop and rest for the day," the destroyer pleaded. "Maybe you'll have an easier time plotting our course if you step away from it for a while, clear your thoughts. Okay?"
The Re-class was quiet for a long time.
Finally, she let out a shaky sigh. "...okay."
Regalia looked herself quietly in the bathroom mirror. She raised a hand, lightly brushing her fingers against the skin just beneath her eyes.
The party was wonderful. The food was amazing, everyone was happy… she even got to try her hand at dancing (Ridgeline suggested she get lessons before trying again… 'like watching a battleship run aground', she put it). Everything was great.
But then, Silver asked a single question, and things kiiiiinda went sideways.
"Hey, Regalia… why aren't your eyes green anymore?"
Through all the excitement of her awakening, her joy in being healed, and the celebration, nobody had paid much mind to it. The moment that question registered in their minds, however, every Abyssal in earshot snapped around to look her in the eyes—and their jaws dropped.
Looking around at her dumbstruck family, feeling deeply out of the loop, she'd decided to see for herself. "Ah… can I get a mirror? Again?" Luckily, Regina had a hand mirror available, sparing her mother from having to pull out the big one again. Turning in place to get better light, Regalia brought the mirror up to her face.
She was not met with the soft green eyes she had come to know as her own; the ones she inherited from her formerly Ta-class mother. Instead, she found herself staring into a pair of eyes tinted a brilliant gold.
The mark of a Flagship-level Abyssal.
Regalia's response at the time summed up everyone's thoughts rather succinctly: "…What."
Once the initial shock wore off, the celebration picked back up quickly enough; it came outta nowhere, sure, but it was just another thing everyone could be happy about. Regalia put her worries aside for their sake, did her best to enjoy everything they'd done for her; once the party was over, however, she was right back to contemplating this sudden turn of events.
"Regalia?" the Re-class glanced back from the mirror to see Hoppou behind her, a questioning look on her face. "Is everything alright?"
"Oh… y-yeah, I'm fine, Grandma. Everything's great." Regalia looked back to the mirror, gesturing to her face. "I'm just a little… confused. How could something like this even happen? I'm nowhere near as old as Regina and Revina, I've never had a refit before now, and I've never fought anyone… but suddenly, I'm potentially stronger than them."
Hoppou rubbed her chin thoughtfully. "Hmm… Hoppou has theory." She lifted a hand, opening and closing it. "Hoppou removed Regalia from old body during rebuild, so Hoppou could dismantle hull beyond the point of being fatal. Do you remember that?"
Regalia closed her eyes, thinking. "…I think, yeah. It's kind of a blur. One minute, I was falling asleep as my boilers were shut down, and the next thing I knew, I was dreaming. But somewhere in between, there was this brief period where I felt… detached, from the world around me. I could still feel you, and Mom, and everyone around me—but everything else just felt numb."
Hoppou nodded. "Seems about right. So, Regalia's spirit was exposed to world. While Hoppou worked on body, spirit was guarded by Tanith and other flagships, who are all grown-up Abyssals. Grown-ups like them give off a little bit of their energy, their power, as aura. Normally, that wouldn't do much to people besides make the air around them feel heavier… but Regalia's spirit had no body, no protection from aura of Tanith and sisters pressing down on her."
"So… you're saying I may have absorbed all the energy my mom and aunts were giving off?" Regalia asked.
"That's what Hoppou is thinking, yes. Might have actually been harmful in different circumstances… but Tanith and sisters are family to Regalia, care deeply for her. Effect on spirit was positive, beneficial."
"…Huh." That… kinda made sense. In the time she spent disembodied, she could feel her family, their warm feelings, their power, so much more clearly than she ever did in the flesh. It didn't seem too much of a stretch for her to have ended up saturated by all of that. "But then… just how long was I stuck like that, that I'd soak up enough power to jump from a regular old Re-class to a Flagship?"
"Almost four whole days."
Regalia's eyes widened. She glanced inward, checked her archives. Hoppou wasn't exaggerating—the timestamps of her last recorded daily log, and her current one, were a little over four days apart. "Oh. Wow."
Hoppou tilted her head, a small frown on her face. "Is Regalia not happy about becoming strong?"
The Re-class held up her hands. "No, no, nothing like that, Grandma. But…" she sighed. "It just doesn't really feel like I earned this power. I have no experience in combat. And what would I even do with it? I don't know how to fight..."
Hoppou shrugged. "Easy enough to fix, if Big Sister is willing to have Regina or Revina train you. And in the end, Regalia doesn't HAVE to do anything with this power, if she doesn't want to." She smiled brightly. "But what Regalia has been through her whole life, how she's been able to endure, and thrive in spite of flaws… Regalia does have experience, and lots of it. It's just a different kind of experience… and that doesn't mean it doesn't count."
Regalia turned back to the mirror one last time, expression thoughtful. "…I guess you're right. This… doesn't have to be a bad thing." She frowned. "Still... I'm gonna miss my green eyes."
"Hoppou thinks that could be fixed with color contacts, if Regalia is interested."
Regalia giggled softly. "I appreciate the offer, Grandma, though I think I'll be able to manage. But I'll keep it in mind."
Hoppou nodded with a playful grin. "If you ever change your mind, Hoppou will be happy to set you up." After a moment, the little princess yawned. "Now… Hoppou needs sleep. Been up for over four days." She waved a goodbye to Regalia as she turned away. "Good night, Regalia."
"Good night, Grandma..."
As Hoppou began to walk away, there was a spark in Regalia's mind. Now finally free of distractions, celebrations, and worries... a very pressing matter made itself known to her.
"Grandma, wait!"
The princess looked back, confused. "Yes? Does Regalia need something else?"
Stepping forward, Regalia kneeled in front of Hoppou. "Grandma… I… I saw them."
Hoppou cocked her head. "Saw who?"
Regalia took a deep breath before she continued. "Ruka… Tamara… Chica… all of them."
Hoppou's eyes widened. "…those are names of Hoppou's girls," she said slowly. "They… they passed away in Unalaska. Did Regalia learn about them from Tanith?"
Regalia shook her head. "When I was dreaming… while I was under… they came to me. Spoke to me. Kept me company."
Hoppou was silent for several seconds, blinking slowly. "How does Regalia know this for sure…?" she asked hesitantly. "Does she have proof?"
"Yeah. Tamara told me about that one time a fishing boat struck a sandbank in a part of the sea she was supposed to be patrolling, and was stuck there for nearly a day, costing them a lot of time, money, and potential hauls. She told everyone else that she wasn't there to prevent it, because she detected an unknown submarine nearby and detoured to chase them away. But the next night, she came to you feeling guilty as hell (her words, not mine), and privately confessed that she'd ditched her patrol-"
There was a sharp intake of breath from Hoppou. " go see a movie."
Regalia nodded. "You agreed to not make a scene about it in front of everyone else, if Tamara apologized to the fishermen, and made it up to them by going out and personally catching all the seafood they needed to meet their quota for the month."
"...and she did exactly that…" What little color there was in Hoppou's face was beginning to drain away. "...Hoppou never told that to anyone. Only other person who could possibly know is… Tamara herself."
"She thought that might convince you…"
Regalia's words trailed off as the little princess was suddenly inches from her face, propping herself up on the Re-class's legs. "Where are they now? Are they okay? Are they happy?" Her eyes were full of confusion, wonder… and guilt. "...are they… are they mad at Hoppou, for failing to keep them safe?"
"No… they're not mad at you." Regalia shook her head. "Uncle Harry… Ruadri… they were right. They're up in the sea of stars, now."
"...they are?" Hoppou's voice had a hopeful tone to it.
"Yeah. They can go wherever they want, now. They're free, and happy." Regalia looked to Hoppou. "And even though they miss everybody, they're glad we were able to keep on living, make peace with the humans, be happy again. But…"
Regalia took a deep breath. "Before I left that place… before I woke up… they asked me to pass something on. A message to you."
Hoppou blinked. Pushing herself off Regalia's lap, she took a step back and focused fully on the Re-class. "Hoppou is listening."
Regalia nodded. She closed her eyes, thinking back to what her lost family had said to her.
And she spoke.
"Thank you, Mother. For everything."
The words came to her easily, almost of their own volition. "We were honored to have you as our Princess. You didn't just teach us to be war machines, to be hateful monsters like all the others… you taught us to look after each other, to live and let live. You taught us to love. The universe is so much bigger than Unalaska—we know that, now—but for all our lives, it was home. And if it weren't for you, we never would have been able to meet the people that we shared that home with. Made friends, created precious memories; contributed to something bigger than ourselves, bigger than the fleet. We never would have had a reason to protect it all.
"We don't blame you for our deaths, Mother. If anything, we're grateful. We're grateful, because you gave us all something truly worth dying for: peace. And we'll never forget that." Regalia opened her eyes. "We love you, Mother. Now and forever."
Regalia glanced up to her grandmother—and paused. A trembling Hoppou stared back at her, eyes brimming with tears and her lips quavering. "Uh…. Grandm—"
The Re-class was cut off as Hoppou threw herself at her, her arms wrapping around her neck in a tight hug. "Thank you, Regalia…" Hoppou whispered into her ear, tears streaming down her cheeks. "Thank you. This… this means so much to me..."
Regalia sighed in relief as she put her own arms around the Princess. "They had a feeling it would."
"Hoppou always worried… where her girls went after they died. If they found peace. If they forgave Hoppou for being too nice, making other Abyssals attack us." Her grip loosening, Hoppou slid down into Regalia's lap, looking to her with a weak smile. "Maybe now, Hoppou can stop worrying… because now she knows her girls are in a better place."
"Yeah… they must get to see so many amazing things, up there." For a moment, Regalia's gaze drifted to the ceiling… her thoughts on the starry night sky beyond. Then, she remembered something. "There was one other thing they wanted me to pass on..."
Hoppou tilted her head, intrigued. "Other thing? What's that?"
"They wanted me to tell you that she's looking for you. That she wants to come home."
Hoppou's body went rigid. She stared at Regalia with wide eyes, her face completely white. "Are you absolutely sure that's what they said…?" she asked.
"Yeah." Regalia looked to Hoppou, concerned. "Are you alright, Grandma? Is that message a bad thing?" thinking about it for a moment, she continued. "Who is this girl they were talking about? Another Abyssal?"
Hoppou's response came in the form of a low whisper, almost inaudible. A single word... a name.
"Flagship?" the destroyer bumped her snout against the metal door, pushing it open. "How are you today?"
The Re-class sat sideways in a chair, a ration bar in one hand and a pencil in the other, idling tapping the map on the table in front of her. "…I'm okay," she said simply.
They'd made landfall on this island two days ago. They found no signs of an Abyssal presence, either recently or in the distant past, but they did happen upon a human supply cache. On top of having more than enough rations to restock themselves fully, their search also turned up a handful of charts on the surrounding waters, and a map of the Pacific. All of this together added up to the first instance in which the destroyer had ever seen the Re-class genuinely happy… at least, briefly.
The past year she'd traveled with the destroyer had done wonders for the Re-class—at least, when compared to her condition when they first met. With a steady food supply and regular rest—as enforced by the destroyer—she was finally beginning to look a little healthier, had a little more energy. She was even speaking more clearly. Naturally, there was no getting rid of the scars that covered her body, or repairing her grievous injuries without outside help; but at least they found a full-body cloak to replace her ruined parka.
In regards to her mental state… well, things were still somewhat bleak. The destroyer's support and care for her was finally starting to have a positive effect, yes, but she still descended into nightmares if left asleep for too long, and she still inevitably succumbed to fatigue every month or so. Despite trying her hardest on multiple occasions to cheer her up, until now the destroyer had only ever seen her flagship feeling less sad. She'd smile every now and then… but it was a brittle smile, masking the broken heart underneath.
"Have you figured out where we're going next?" the destroyer continued.
The Re-class shook her head with a sigh. "No. I can't…" She brought her hands to her face. "So many places to search… too many. We'll be wandering for years..."
"…do you need to rest?" the destroyer offered. "You sound like you could use a break…"
The Re-class slowly shook her head. "Can't sleep. Have to plan. Have to keep searching."
"But you just said you can't decide where to go."
"Yes, but… but I…" the Re-class couldn't finish her statement. Letting out a cry of frustration, she gripped the table and threw it end-over-end, letting it crash against the far wall.
Startled, the destroyer hurriedly squeezed her way into the room and began to nuzzle against the fuming Re-class. "Calm down, flagship. Calm down," She spoke to her in a hushed whisper, trying to ease her worries. "Just relax. Take a deep breath, count to ten, something. Don't have to freak out over this."
The agitated Re-class stiffened at the destroyer's touch, almost jerking away before she remembered who it was—her ally, her friend. She let out a defeated whimper, sagging against the destroyer's snout. "I'm sorry…" she said quietly. "I… I just…"
"You miss your family? You're worried about them?"
The Re-class nodded. "Evil things all dead… but home burned to the ground. So many… so many of them, gone without a trace." She reached up, gingerly patting the destroyer's snout. "They have to be out there, somewhere. They HAVE to. If… if I can just find them…"
"But how will you find them if you're too exhausted, too confused and agitated, to even think straight?" the destroyer asked pointedly. "I know how badly you want to find them, but running yourself into the ground isn't going to make the search faster, or easier."
"…I…" the Re-class struggled to find her words.
"Please, just stop and rest for the day," the destroyer pleaded. "Maybe you'll have an easier time plotting our course if you step away from it for a while, clear your thoughts. Okay?"
The Re-class was quiet for a long time.
Finally, she let out a shaky sigh. "...okay."
Regalia looked herself quietly in the bathroom mirror. She raised a hand, lightly brushing her fingers against the skin just beneath her eyes.
The party was wonderful. The food was amazing, everyone was happy… she even got to try her hand at dancing (Ridgeline suggested she get lessons before trying again… 'like watching a battleship run aground', she put it). Everything was great.
But then, Silver asked a single question, and things kiiiiinda went sideways.
"Hey, Regalia… why aren't your eyes green anymore?"
Through all the excitement of her awakening, her joy in being healed, and the celebration, nobody had paid much mind to it. The moment that question registered in their minds, however, every Abyssal in earshot snapped around to look her in the eyes—and their jaws dropped.
Looking around at her dumbstruck family, feeling deeply out of the loop, she'd decided to see for herself. "Ah… can I get a mirror? Again?" Luckily, Regina had a hand mirror available, sparing her mother from having to pull out the big one again. Turning in place to get better light, Regalia brought the mirror up to her face.
She was not met with the soft green eyes she had come to know as her own; the ones she inherited from her formerly Ta-class mother. Instead, she found herself staring into a pair of eyes tinted a brilliant gold.
The mark of a Flagship-level Abyssal.
Regalia's response at the time summed up everyone's thoughts rather succinctly: "…What."
Once the initial shock wore off, the celebration picked back up quickly enough; it came outta nowhere, sure, but it was just another thing everyone could be happy about. Regalia put her worries aside for their sake, did her best to enjoy everything they'd done for her; once the party was over, however, she was right back to contemplating this sudden turn of events.
"Regalia?" the Re-class glanced back from the mirror to see Hoppou behind her, a questioning look on her face. "Is everything alright?"
"Oh… y-yeah, I'm fine, Grandma. Everything's great." Regalia looked back to the mirror, gesturing to her face. "I'm just a little… confused. How could something like this even happen? I'm nowhere near as old as Regina and Revina, I've never had a refit before now, and I've never fought anyone… but suddenly, I'm potentially stronger than them."
Hoppou rubbed her chin thoughtfully. "Hmm… Hoppou has theory." She lifted a hand, opening and closing it. "Hoppou removed Regalia from old body during rebuild, so Hoppou could dismantle hull beyond the point of being fatal. Do you remember that?"
Regalia closed her eyes, thinking. "…I think, yeah. It's kind of a blur. One minute, I was falling asleep as my boilers were shut down, and the next thing I knew, I was dreaming. But somewhere in between, there was this brief period where I felt… detached, from the world around me. I could still feel you, and Mom, and everyone around me—but everything else just felt numb."
Hoppou nodded. "Seems about right. So, Regalia's spirit was exposed to world. While Hoppou worked on body, spirit was guarded by Tanith and other flagships, who are all grown-up Abyssals. Grown-ups like them give off a little bit of their energy, their power, as aura. Normally, that wouldn't do much to people besides make the air around them feel heavier… but Regalia's spirit had no body, no protection from aura of Tanith and sisters pressing down on her."
"So… you're saying I may have absorbed all the energy my mom and aunts were giving off?" Regalia asked.
"That's what Hoppou is thinking, yes. Might have actually been harmful in different circumstances… but Tanith and sisters are family to Regalia, care deeply for her. Effect on spirit was positive, beneficial."
"…Huh." That… kinda made sense. In the time she spent disembodied, she could feel her family, their warm feelings, their power, so much more clearly than she ever did in the flesh. It didn't seem too much of a stretch for her to have ended up saturated by all of that. "But then… just how long was I stuck like that, that I'd soak up enough power to jump from a regular old Re-class to a Flagship?"
"Almost four whole days."
Regalia's eyes widened. She glanced inward, checked her archives. Hoppou wasn't exaggerating—the timestamps of her last recorded daily log, and her current one, were a little over four days apart. "Oh. Wow."
Hoppou tilted her head, a small frown on her face. "Is Regalia not happy about becoming strong?"
The Re-class held up her hands. "No, no, nothing like that, Grandma. But…" she sighed. "It just doesn't really feel like I earned this power. I have no experience in combat. And what would I even do with it? I don't know how to fight..."
Hoppou shrugged. "Easy enough to fix, if Big Sister is willing to have Regina or Revina train you. And in the end, Regalia doesn't HAVE to do anything with this power, if she doesn't want to." She smiled brightly. "But what Regalia has been through her whole life, how she's been able to endure, and thrive in spite of flaws… Regalia does have experience, and lots of it. It's just a different kind of experience… and that doesn't mean it doesn't count."
Regalia turned back to the mirror one last time, expression thoughtful. "…I guess you're right. This… doesn't have to be a bad thing." She frowned. "Still... I'm gonna miss my green eyes."
"Hoppou thinks that could be fixed with color contacts, if Regalia is interested."
Regalia giggled softly. "I appreciate the offer, Grandma, though I think I'll be able to manage. But I'll keep it in mind."
Hoppou nodded with a playful grin. "If you ever change your mind, Hoppou will be happy to set you up." After a moment, the little princess yawned. "Now… Hoppou needs sleep. Been up for over four days." She waved a goodbye to Regalia as she turned away. "Good night, Regalia."
"Good night, Grandma..."
As Hoppou began to walk away, there was a spark in Regalia's mind. Now finally free of distractions, celebrations, and worries... a very pressing matter made itself known to her.
"Grandma, wait!"
The princess looked back, confused. "Yes? Does Regalia need something else?"
Stepping forward, Regalia kneeled in front of Hoppou. "Grandma… I… I saw them."
Hoppou cocked her head. "Saw who?"
Regalia took a deep breath before she continued. "Ruka… Tamara… Chica… all of them."
Hoppou's eyes widened. "…those are names of Hoppou's girls," she said slowly. "They… they passed away in Unalaska. Did Regalia learn about them from Tanith?"
Regalia shook her head. "When I was dreaming… while I was under… they came to me. Spoke to me. Kept me company."
Hoppou was silent for several seconds, blinking slowly. "How does Regalia know this for sure…?" she asked hesitantly. "Does she have proof?"
"Yeah. Tamara told me about that one time a fishing boat struck a sandbank in a part of the sea she was supposed to be patrolling, and was stuck there for nearly a day, costing them a lot of time, money, and potential hauls. She told everyone else that she wasn't there to prevent it, because she detected an unknown submarine nearby and detoured to chase them away. But the next night, she came to you feeling guilty as hell (her words, not mine), and privately confessed that she'd ditched her patrol-"
There was a sharp intake of breath from Hoppou. " go see a movie."
Regalia nodded. "You agreed to not make a scene about it in front of everyone else, if Tamara apologized to the fishermen, and made it up to them by going out and personally catching all the seafood they needed to meet their quota for the month."
"...and she did exactly that…" What little color there was in Hoppou's face was beginning to drain away. "...Hoppou never told that to anyone. Only other person who could possibly know is… Tamara herself."
"She thought that might convince you…"
Regalia's words trailed off as the little princess was suddenly inches from her face, propping herself up on the Re-class's legs. "Where are they now? Are they okay? Are they happy?" Her eyes were full of confusion, wonder… and guilt. "...are they… are they mad at Hoppou, for failing to keep them safe?"
"No… they're not mad at you." Regalia shook her head. "Uncle Harry… Ruadri… they were right. They're up in the sea of stars, now."
"...they are?" Hoppou's voice had a hopeful tone to it.
"Yeah. They can go wherever they want, now. They're free, and happy." Regalia looked to Hoppou. "And even though they miss everybody, they're glad we were able to keep on living, make peace with the humans, be happy again. But…"
Regalia took a deep breath. "Before I left that place… before I woke up… they asked me to pass something on. A message to you."
Hoppou blinked. Pushing herself off Regalia's lap, she took a step back and focused fully on the Re-class. "Hoppou is listening."
Regalia nodded. She closed her eyes, thinking back to what her lost family had said to her.
And she spoke.
"Thank you, Mother. For everything."
The words came to her easily, almost of their own volition. "We were honored to have you as our Princess. You didn't just teach us to be war machines, to be hateful monsters like all the others… you taught us to look after each other, to live and let live. You taught us to love. The universe is so much bigger than Unalaska—we know that, now—but for all our lives, it was home. And if it weren't for you, we never would have been able to meet the people that we shared that home with. Made friends, created precious memories; contributed to something bigger than ourselves, bigger than the fleet. We never would have had a reason to protect it all.
"We don't blame you for our deaths, Mother. If anything, we're grateful. We're grateful, because you gave us all something truly worth dying for: peace. And we'll never forget that." Regalia opened her eyes. "We love you, Mother. Now and forever."
Regalia glanced up to her grandmother—and paused. A trembling Hoppou stared back at her, eyes brimming with tears and her lips quavering. "Uh…. Grandm—"
The Re-class was cut off as Hoppou threw herself at her, her arms wrapping around her neck in a tight hug. "Thank you, Regalia…" Hoppou whispered into her ear, tears streaming down her cheeks. "Thank you. This… this means so much to me..."
Regalia sighed in relief as she put her own arms around the Princess. "They had a feeling it would."
"Hoppou always worried… where her girls went after they died. If they found peace. If they forgave Hoppou for being too nice, making other Abyssals attack us." Her grip loosening, Hoppou slid down into Regalia's lap, looking to her with a weak smile. "Maybe now, Hoppou can stop worrying… because now she knows her girls are in a better place."
"Yeah… they must get to see so many amazing things, up there." For a moment, Regalia's gaze drifted to the ceiling… her thoughts on the starry night sky beyond. Then, she remembered something. "There was one other thing they wanted me to pass on..."
Hoppou tilted her head, intrigued. "Other thing? What's that?"
"They wanted me to tell you that she's looking for you. That she wants to come home."
Hoppou's body went rigid. She stared at Regalia with wide eyes, her face completely white. "Are you absolutely sure that's what they said…?" she asked.
"Yeah." Regalia looked to Hoppou, concerned. "Are you alright, Grandma? Is that message a bad thing?" thinking about it for a moment, she continued. "Who is this girl they were talking about? Another Abyssal?"
Hoppou's response came in the form of a low whisper, almost inaudible. A single word... a name.