Ron, Warspite and Duke 25 Checking on Ron
Well worn.
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Hello all. With all the blistering pace of an arthritic turtle, I present my next offering. Hopefully you all enjoy.
Ron, Duke and Warspite 4
Shortly after breakfast Warspite found Duke and herself being summoned to Admiral Whitcomb's office. Nothing in the message indicated that there was a hurry but it was still somewhat strange given they had only recently returned from a sortie.
"Have you heard anything?" She asked Duke as the pair made their way through the building.
Duke shook her head in the negative. "Even with the escorts opening up to me you still hear more Warspite. I don't know anymore than you do."
Reaching his office, Warspite knocked on the door.
"Warspite and Duke of York to see the Admiral."
"Come in." Whitcomb's voice was perfectly normal, raised just enough to hear through the door.
Warspite opened the door, letting Duke go in ahead of her. Whitcomb was seated at his desk a pile of paper in front of him despite the computer on his desk. Resource was standing behind his shoulder as she usually did. With her pipe in her mouth the curl of her lip could mean anything but she seemed… amused. At least that's what she took by the twinkle in the repair ship's eye.
"Sit both of you, this is… not a normal briefing." Admiral Whitcomb seemed almost amused as well, though there was much more business in his eye than with Resource.
Warspite glanced at Duke and Duke shrugged her shoulders in return.
"Thank you sir." Duke spoke for both of them, tugging her hair out of the way as she always did while the pair took a seat.
Warspite waited for the Admiral to speak and Whitcomb took a moment to gather the papers in front of him, seeming to marshal his thoughts.
"I understand the two of you are in the process of buying a manor house with young Ronald as a third?" Admiral Whitcomb's voice was more curious than than demanding, conversational instead of a briefing as he'd said.
"Yes sir." Duke glanced at Warspite as Warspite took the lead. "We've saved up enough between the two of us and your generous payments to Ron to buy a defunct magical estate. May I ask what interest the Royal Navy has in it?"
Admiral Whitcomb pulled out two photographs from the pile of paper and slid them over. "It's regarding an... adventure your Ronald has had while on St. Brendan's."
Warspite leaned over as Duke grabbed the images. One was Ron's ID photo, along with a few details about him. The other was an identification card for a certain type of Abyssal Princess Installation class AS/R-3, with the word "Summer" scrawled next to it. Estimated characteristics were outlined but the type wasn't very common, at least not by the lack numbers given and the relatively grainy photo. Warspite felt a bit of nerves go through her but given Whitcomb's calm and Resource's attitude, she forced them back down and waited for the other shoe to drop.
Duke was not so eager to wait and immediately spoke up. "Adventure?"
Whitcomb nodded and leaned back into his chair. "Let me preface this by saying that Ron is alive, well and fully healthy. According to the report we got from Radetzky it appears that while Ron was out exploring the islands interior he found something he wasn't expecting."
Warspite felt a throb growing behind her eyes as she looked back to the estimated numbers on the identification card, then to Whitcomb as he continued to speak.
"Ron fell asleep after going for a flight and was woken up by movement in the trees. It was an AS/R-3. He attempted to remain hidden from her but was discovered. After which he and I'm quoting here, "Scrambled upright and fired one spell at her, which missed. She then screamed, fled in terror and attempted to hide behind a sapling," end quote."
Warspite felt as if a balloon of some kind had been popped inside of her and a mass of pressure left, leaving her feeling somewhat empty and lost. A glance at Duke showed that she seemed to feel much the same. It was nearly a minute before she spoke again.
"Yer got the same look on yer face the good admiral did when he first read the report." Resource spoke up for the first time, only pulling her pipe out of her mouth after her first sentence. "Just wait for the rest."
Warspite turned her gaze back to Whitcomb, who merely shrugged.
"So, just to make sure I'm understanding correctly. The fact that Ron made an Abyssal Installation Princess flee with one spell is the easy part to believe?"
"I suppose it depends on your point of view." Whitcomb pulled out another sheet and pushed it over. "As the rest of the story involves him initiating diplomacy with her instead of fleeing, giving her a name and then inviting her to sign the Accords. To which she agreed with quite rapidly I'm to understand. Then he walked with her back through the wilderness to town and when confronted, she attempted to hide behind him."
Duke looked down at the identification card again.
"An abyssal of that class would have to be at least the size of a battleship." Her voice was incredulous.
"According to this she's nine feet tall, give or take a bit." Resource's grin was even wider now.
"A nine foot tall abyssal was trying to hide behind Ron." Warspite sounded as incredulous as Duke.
"A nine foot tall Abyssal Installation Princess." Duke added. Each of them could remember fighting Abyssal Installations before. None of them had attempted anything in the way of hiding.
"Radetzky describes her as non-confrontational, highly skittish and functionally incapable of dealing with more than two people at a time without Ron's support. She's latched onto him as a… protector of sorts." Whitcomb looked up from where he was flipping through yet more paper. "It was his suggestion that she be moved to your estate… which the RN is seriously considering given the potential intelligence coup she is. With your permission of course and pending the final purchase."
Warspite felt another headache coming on, this time for reason's other than worry for Ron's safety.
"I assume we'll have some time to… discuss the matter with Ron and this abyssal?" Warspite made sure to modulate her voice to normality.
"Ron has given her the name "Summer" which you can see we've adopted for the class as a whole but yes. We aren't just going to foist her on you. If you're not amenable we'll find another out of the way place to put her until something more permanent comes along." Whitcomb nodded and handed over the rest of the file. "You'll be headed over to St. Brendan's in about an hour with Ardent and Acasta. Your official orders are to escort Summer back to sign the Accords. Unofficially you are to meet with her and gather your own opinions on her behavior. As well as decide if Ron's idea will work for you."
Warspite took the file and nodded, flipping through the rest of it for a brief once over.
"How long will we be gone?" Duke's voice had regained some of its normal tone but she still sounded somewhat lost.
"You have authorization to be gone for twenty four hours. So pack a change of clothes if you feel you might need to spend more time. The First Sea Lord is rather eager to have Summer sign the Accords for obvious reasons."
Warspite mentally understood those reasons, even if she wasn't exactly happy on how the possibility had come about. She nodded in acknowledgment.
"If there's nothing else you're both dismissed." Whitcomb spoke with the firmness of an order.
"Sir." Warspite and Duke both stood and took their leave, heading out of Whitcomb's office and out into the hallway.
After making it some distance, Warspite looked to Duke.
"Penny for your thoughts?"
Duke shook her head. "I'm mostly just glad Ron is ok. This could have turned out much worse and since he is there for me… I know it's not my fault but if things had turned out differently I'm not sure I'd be able to admit that."
Warspite nodded, understanding her friends position.
"What are your thoughts?" Duke asked in return.
"I think we're going to need to spend the night and have a thorough discussion with Ron and this Summer." Warspite tried to fight some of the irrational feelings growing in her chest but they seemed to come with being alive. "I'm not against the idea since it is Ron's but… I need to see for myself."
"I agree. It is one thing to hear all of this about a… shy abyssal but it is another to believe, even coming from the Admiral." Duke's words put Warspite at ease and she felt mild grin come to her face.
"It will also give us a chance to see Ron and hear how he's progressing." Warspite's grin grew wider and she turned to look at Duke. "You know, we still haven't gone shopping for what he needs."
Duke turned bright scarlet at Warspite's teasing tone and shot a mild glare at her.
"We have not had time..."
"No no of course not." Warspite waved a hand at her friend. "Still, even if we don't have time now I think we should make it a priority afterwards. Otherwise he won't be able to continue."
Duke grumbled some more but didn't contradict Warspite, who could only let out a chuckle as they proceeded to their rooms.
As the door shut to his office, Admiral Whitcomb gave it to a count of ten before he let out a sigh and slumped back in his chair with a chuckle.
"It was amusing to see them go back and forth so quickly, wasn't it?" Resource's voice floated from behind him and he nodded his head.
"Yes, though I think if I'd forgotten to mention Ron was fine Warspite might have teleported to St. Brendan's to make sure."
Whitcomb made the mistake of closing his eyes for a second, only to have Resource slide into his lap. Though she wasn't as large as a battleship the bronze skinned brunette was still a solid size for a normal human woman and he moved his arms around her as his chair creaked.
"I think I've heard, from only a few highly biased people mind, that shipgirls aren't exactly normal when it comes to relationships. Something about being a bit protective."
Opening his eyes, he was greeted with the same glittering brown ones that always welcomed him when he arrived in the morning.
"Lies and slander I'm sure."
Resource smiled and pecked him on the lips.
"Mind you, those two are battleships. All guts and glory and standing in the way of people shooting at you on purpose. They're liable to be a mite more protective than someone like little old me."
Whitcomb held back a snort, as Resource was just as protective in her own way. Even if her set of four 4'' guns were the WWII naval equivalent of peashooters, he had nothing to fear with her around.
"Certainly, hot heads the both of them."
Resource chuckled in her husky manner and then nuzzled her head into his neck for a few seconds before speaking again.
"Want to make a bet?"
"Usual terms?"
"Of course."
"Alright then, what's the bet?"
"Whether or not Warspite and Duke let Ron keep Summer at their house."
"He's got them wrapped around his finger even if he doesn't know it. She's going to stay."
"You mean they've got him wrapped around their fingers. Even odds they convince him to let her go."
"I think they've got each other wrapped but still going to have to side with Ron."
"Fair enough. We'll see tomorrow."
One more peck on the lips and Resource slid off Whitcomb's lap. Standing up, she popped her pipe back into her mouth and returned to her position behind and to his left.
"Time?" He asked.
"One minute till Queen E and Vicky show up."
"Good." Whitcomb paused for a moment and then looked back at Resource. "Love you Re."
"Love you Steve. Thirty seconds." Resource blew him a kiss around her pipe and Admiral Stephen Whitcomb of Her Majesties Royal Navy turned back front as duty called.
An hour later, Warspite, Duke, Acasta and Ardent jumped from Portsmouth to St. Brendan's with the help of an old tea tin. Duke almost immediately fell over, only saving her dignity by running into Warspite. Warspite weathered the trip the better, managing to support Duke while she recovered.
Acasta's normally dour face looked a little green but Ardent seemed unaffected, possibly a byproduct of her perky personality.
"Oh wow! They weren't lying, it's really animal people! A shipgirl animal person too! Exciting!" Ardent's long blonde pigtails swayed back and forth as she managed to jump and down despite the nausea usually generated by their method of travel.
Warspite looked to see who was waiting for them and found that Thunderchild was standing nearby along with two other St. Brendan's residents who appeared to be carrying a number of packages. Thunderchild approached the group and gave a small polite salute, which all of the Royal Navy girls returned.
"Welcome to St. Brendan's. I understand you're all here to take our guest with you." Thunderchild's voice was mild but she seemed a bit… on edge.
"That's the plan, though we are likely spending the night." Duke spoke first, drawing Thunderchild's eyes.
"Ah, I suppose that makes sense." Thunderchild seemed accepting of the statement, if not enthusiastic. "Things will finally calm down a bit."
"Are things on edge?" Warspite was on point, even as Ardent was bouncing around, examining Thunderchild and the other two residents from up close. Acasta meanwhile was quietly standing behind the two battleships.
"Ah… no. I think my own prejudice leaks through." Thunderchild gave a wan smile. "Even though I'm rather certain myself that she didn't have anything to do with the attack, enough of my crew died that I am… not fond of any sort of abyssal. Even if she is apparently friendly. Everyone else is just excited for something to happen."
It was at that moment Ardent yipped in excitement as one of the residents handed her a small package and she opened it, popping something in her mouth as all attention was drawn to her.
"Ah, I see she found your gifts." Thunderchild's smile seemed more genuine than before, as the excitable destroyer girl popped another something in her mouth and then took another offered package and darted over to her sister ship. Acasta carefully took the proffered package and opened it before downing what was clearly a piece of chocolate and smiling.
"Gifts?" Warspite and Duke turned back to Thunderchild.
"Ronald is a smart young man." Thunderchild smiled even more and gestured for the waiting residents to bring the packages forward. "Mostly in academics but I think you've taught him something of a woman's mind along the way. Something about the way to a woman's heart is through her stomach? That might have been his father."
The waiting deliveryman handed Warspite and Duke each a large package of roughly the same size.
"Five pounds of St. Brendan's finest unmelting chocolate for Lady Warspite and Lady Duke. Compliments of Mr. Ronald Weasley. Please enjoy." The wolf like man bowed to them and then turned to leave. The other delivery person, upon seeing that there were no more people coming through handed an additional two packages to each of the destroyers before leaving as well. Ardent was bouncing up and down like a loon, while Acasta had a now semi-permanent smile on her face.
"Five pounds of chocolate?" Warspite opened the package, finding a stack of five separate boxes which she quickly wrapped up again and tucked under her arm. "I hope Ron doesn't think that this.. bribery will sway our opinion. Right Duke?" When no response was immediately coming, Warspite turned and found her friend looking at her with a rather large piece of chocolate held in hand, partway in her mouth. Instead of looking embarrassed Duke bit the chocolate in half and began to chew, making an appreciative noise.
"Our chocolate is very good." Thunderchild's voice made it seem like butter wouldn't melt in her mouth but the fox-like smile on her face only widened.
"Is this from your friend Warspite? Cause it's like suuuper good and tasty and there's a bunch and…" Ardent was cut off from speaking as Acasta placed a piece that was apparently somewhat sticky in her mouth, the destroyer being forced to chew her way through it.
"Ron is very generous." Acasta's voice was quiet but the fact that she spoke up at all meant more than most might suspect.
Grumbling to herself, at the same time she knew much her irritation was irrational, Warspite finally gave in and opened one of the boxes to grab a bit of chocolate herself. Taking a dainty bite, she found that it was just as good as everyone had said. It wasn't until she found herself having finished the chunk that she realized she'd been wrong and Ron had been right. Bribery was working.
The halfhearted and unladylike "Damn it" barely even entered her consciousness before it was snuffed out in an additional wave of chocolate bliss.
Thunderchild simply grinned at them and gestured to follow her into town.
The four Royal Navy shipgirls made their way into town behind Thunderchild, chocolate disappearing at varying rates for each of them though it was all put away by the time they reached a large house on the outskirts of the town.
"We moved Ron and… Summer, here after they arrived. There's plenty of room and it's out of the way for most." Thunderchild gestured to the picturesque place. "They're probably around back. She doesn't like being inside much due to her size." Thunderchild paused once more and then tilted her head. "Are you going to be taking Ron back with you? He's been one of the best pupils anyone on my crew can remember and it'd be a shame to lose an entire week with him."
"We're not sure." Duke spoke, shaking her head. "It depends on how this abyssal reacts."
"Well, I guess I'll make sure to pack up all our notes on recoil compensation then." Thunderchild looked at Dukes chest, then back to her face. "I suppose he may need them."
Duke flushed immediately, Warspite fighting back a chuckle as Thunderchild shook her head.
"I'll be in town if you need me, Ron knows his way around." Thunderchild gave them all a polite nod and left back in the direction of the town center.
Duke and Warspite looked at each other and then to their escorts.
"Lets go girls." Warspite's voice was finally naturally steady. "Remember that this abyssal is supposed to be friendly so lets be polite."
"Yes ma'am!" Ardent's voice was naturally louder than Acasta's but both rang out loud and clear. Duke simply nodded to her friend and then the quartet began to move around back of the house.
Warspite could feel herself starting to get a little tension again and she tried to fight it, it wouldn't do to scare the abyssal, Summer, before they had even properly met. A glance at Duke showed a similar tightness, though her friend caught it and gave her a reassuring smile. Likely just as much for herself as for Warspite.
Coming around the corner Warspite finally caught sight of Ron sitting on a blanket with a pile of books and paper along with…
Five fifteen inch guns, nine inch guns in support, multiple runways with uncountable planes, an equally large number of ground based AA swarming with crews and some of the largest docks she'd ever seen with even more individual shapes…
...A large pale woman who was lying on her side next to Ron, a look of fascination on her face as she peered over her shoulder at what he was reading. An enormous white hat that could only be hers was laid nearby, letting her white hair flutter freely in the light breeze.
Warspite felt her heart surge at the sight of Ron clearly unharmed and perfectly happy. It was one thing to have heard he was alright after being given a fright but it was quite another to see it herself. Yet it was still tempered by the sight of an abyssal who had over half of her own weight of fire in dug in unmoving firing positions with magazines deeper than she could ever hope to have.
Her thoughts lasted all of five seconds, when Ron glanced up and his eyes lit.
"Warspite, Duke!" His call was bright and clearly happy to see them, whatever else might have happened. Warspite felt a smile come to her face.
The abyssal looked up at Ron's call as well, her eyes going wide and almost immediately after Ron spoke she let out what could only be described as a high pitched squeak, wrapped her mighty arms around Ron's waist and hid her head behind his back.
Warspite felt herself bristle at first… but only until she saw the details. The arms wrapped around Ron's waist were tight but not enough to hurt. Said arms were also quivering in fear, something matched by the rest of her body. Finally and most important to her, was Ron's immediate look of concern as he turned back and rested a hand on the abyssal's shoulder.
"Summer, Summer it's alright." Ron's voice was soft and gentle, like reassuring a small child or frightened animal. "These are my friends I was telling you about. They're here to help." Ron turned back to them and shot a reassuring smile in their direction before going back to the abyssal.
Warspite bit her lip, unsure what to do in the situation. Part of her wanted to go to Ron immediately but rushing a scared installation was probably a bad idea. At least as first impressions went, Duke and hermight have been able to take her in a fight. If they weren't swarmed under by aircraft first.
Thankfully Ron was able to coax Summer out from behind him, at least enough so that her head was just above his shoulder. She still seemed like an animal which had been beaten a few too many times by its owner but she managed to look at them.
"Remember to greet them properly." Ron's words were still gentle, though he turned his head back towards them and clearly implored them to be careful.
"H...hello..." Despite her size, the abyssal's voice was light and tremulous. "My n-name is Summer..." Her words trailed off more as a question than a statement.
There was a moment of silence and then Warspite felt her instincts and training kick in, despite whatever else her mind was trying to tell her she should or shouldn't be doing.
"Hello Summer. My name is Warspite, it's a pleasure to meet you." Her voice was smooth and steady, her poise perfect as expected of one of her Majesties battleships.
"My name is Duke of York." Duke's smooth if somewhat huskier voice was equally poised. "You may call me Duke. It is a pleasure to meet you."
"Acasta. Nice to meet you." Acasta's delivery was as calm as always. That left only…
"Hi! I'm Ardent! It's nice to meet you Summer." Ardent's delivery was peppy as always since the girl didn't seem have an off setting but it was still restrained enough not to spook Summer.
Summer seemed to relax a bit and she sat more upright… leaving her still towering over Ron despite the clear attempt to be safely behind him.
"It's… nice to meet you too. You are… aren't going to hurt me?" Again the look of a beaten animal, this time hopeful but still ready to cringe at the blow it expected to come.
"No of course not." Warspite shook her head, even as she began to take steps toward the waiting pair, folding her legs underneath as she took a seat on the edge of the large blanket, Duke following a second later. "We're just here to talk with you."
Summer nodded again, reaching out to take her hat and put it back on, shading her and partially shading Ron at the same time. It also partially covered her face.
"I told you they'd be nice Summer. They're my friends too." Ron spoke again, sounding relaxed once more. "You don't need to worry."
"I know… they're still…" Summer looked up at them somewhat guiltily, "kind of scary..."
"They're friends Summer. You can relax." Ron glanced up at her and gave her a pat on the arm.
"Yes. We're all friends here." Duke spoke for them. "You have no need to be scared of us."
"...It's hard… but… I'll try." Summer was still somewhat skittish but she nodded, her face now fully lifted and looking at them.
Ron glanced at Warspite and Duke, then his eyes lit.
"Summer, why don't you Duke and Warspite talk for a little bit. I'll go make some tea with Ardent and Acasta."
"I… uhm… alright..." Summer's voice trailed off at the end but she nodded in acquiescence.
"I think that sounds like a good idea. Girls would you please help Ron?" Warspite turned to the two waiting destroyers.
"Yes Lady Warspite." The destroyers again responded in tandem, standing up to follow Ron back into the house. Warspite followed them with her eyes until the door closed, then turned back to Summer.
With Ron out of sight, the abyssal woman seemed much less sure of herself, her hat sinking down to shield most of her face. Her body posture had also shrunk in on herself… though she wasn't quite trembling.
"I've been told that you don't remember very much Summer." Warspite kept her voice carefully modulated, the perfect picture of a British lady making conversation with her peers. "Is that true?"
"I… I don't remember anything before… except being scared." Summer's voice was soft and she was clearly struggling… but she was trying. "Until Ron found me… and was nice to me. Even my old name… if I had one."
"You remember some engineering if I recall." Duke took her turn at a gentle question, her voice also modulated carefully.
"I remember how to fix things… I like to fix things… Ron is good at fixing things too. He showed me his papers… uhm… about you." Summers head came up enough for her eyes to peek underneath the brim of her hat. "He… is very good… and didn't need any help. He's just… thorough and… uhm…" Summer trailed off, waiting for a response.
"I'm sure that Ron is just taking his time." Duke graced Summer with a small smile. "He is also very… caring, towards his friends."
Summer nodded to Duke, then looked back at Warspite.
"Ron… said he fixed you…" It was again more of a question than a statement.
"Ron… Ron saved me from lifetimes of pain." Warspite found that her hand had instinctively moved to grasp her ankle. "He repaired something that nobody else ever managed to diagnose properly in the first place. All because he was determined to do so."
Summer nodded and then looked at the ground for a moment.
"Ron said… I might be able to help fix things. If I was around… and you agreed I could stay. I would like that. If… it's ok." Summer glanced between the two of them slowly, carefully. Yet she'd made a firm statement of preference… and Warspite couldn't find a reason to say no.
Warspite looked at Duke, who simply nodded to her.
"I think that it would be ok with the both of us Summer." Warspite found herself smiling gently at the abyssal. "A friend of Ron's is a friend of ours."
Summer was clearly surprised by the response and her eyes widened.
"R-really? I… I mean… thank you." Summer managed a small curl of her lips that formed into the briefest of smiles.
"You're very welcome Summer."
The door opened, the three who'd gone inside coming out with six cups, two large pots of tea and some biscuits.
"I hope you all had time to get to know each other." Ron smiled as he laid out tea with help from Acasta and Ardent, who had somehow found time to pop some more chocolate into her mouth.
"Warspite and Duke are… as nice as you are..." Summer, somewhat surprisingly, spoke first.
"Summer has been pleasant company. We've agreed she can come along with us." Duke spoke as Ardent handed her a cup.
"Oh? That's good." Ron sounded undeniably pleased by the revelation.
"Yes. Friends help each other after all." Warspite smiled and nodded to Acasta.
"Yes… friends." Summer handled the cup Ron handed her carefully, despite the fact it was clearly larger and thicker than the rest of them she still caused it to look tiny.
"Good! Everyone should be friends!" Ardent nodded in agreement, however superfluous her agreement might have been.
"...Ah!" Summer gasped in surprise as Acasta turned and sat in her lap, the dark haired destroyer fitting easily due to her comparatively small size.
"Mmm… friends." Acasta rested her head back into Summer, her own cup of tea and some biscuits balanced in her own lap.
"Uhm..." Summer looked down in confusion, before Acasta handed her a biscuit. "...Thank you?"
Warspite felt her own lips curl in amusement at the sight. Destroyer's generally had the right idea about someone's intentions and if Acasta felt comfortable… that only added to her own decision.
The breeze was cool and gentle, the tea was wonderful and even as she thought of that, Ron came to sit between her and Duke while Summer dealt with Ardent attempting to take a seat in her lap along with Acasta.
Thankfully, everything had gone better than she'd expected.
Hours later, Admiral Whitcomb could only smirk as he came across the last signal of the day as Resource helped him finish up.
Admiral, I would like to report success on our mission. Summer is just as friendly as reports have said and Duke and I will agree to allow her to rest at our manor pending the final purchase. Duke and I seem to have built a rapport with her so far but we are going to extend our stay on St. Brendan's for the entire twenty four hours so as to make her as calm as possible, she is still somewhat skittish. I've had Mr. Weasley coordinate with our agent to expedite the purchase, we should be able to do so within the week. We're bringing Ron back with us, he's accomplished what he needs for Duke already and Summer still feels more comfortable in presence.
Respectfully, Warspite.
"What's so funny?" Resource leaned over his shoulder, looking at the note.
"You're making dinner next time. Warspite and Duke have agreed to let Summer stay with them."
"Really?" Resource quickly read the signal. "Rats."
"You were the one who wanted to make it a bet Re."
"I know, I still don't like cooking that much."
"Then you should change our bet."
"But I like you in an apron."
"Ah, now the truth comes out!"
"It's not like I've kept it a sec…. AHAHAHAHA Steve... AHAHAHA stop! AHAHAHAHAHA!"
Resource laughed wildly as she was tickled by her Admiral who relented a second later.
"That's no fair…." Resource spoke a few seconds later after catching her breath.
"I believe there's a quote about that… something about love and war..."
Resource pouted and then raised herself on her tip toes.
"Still… make it better."
Admiral Whitcomb leaned down and kissed her convincingly.
"Good. Then lets head out. I'm thinking… steak tonight?"
"Fine… if I'm cooking at least it's something we both enjoy."
"Just because you don't like fish..."
The two trailed off as they locked up for the evening, another day done at HMNB Portsmouth.
Questions, comments, concerns, grammar and punctuation correction all very welcome.
Hello all. With all the blistering pace of an arthritic turtle, I present my next offering. Hopefully you all enjoy.
Ron, Duke and Warspite 4
Shortly after breakfast Warspite found Duke and herself being summoned to Admiral Whitcomb's office. Nothing in the message indicated that there was a hurry but it was still somewhat strange given they had only recently returned from a sortie.
"Have you heard anything?" She asked Duke as the pair made their way through the building.
Duke shook her head in the negative. "Even with the escorts opening up to me you still hear more Warspite. I don't know anymore than you do."
Reaching his office, Warspite knocked on the door.
"Warspite and Duke of York to see the Admiral."
"Come in." Whitcomb's voice was perfectly normal, raised just enough to hear through the door.
Warspite opened the door, letting Duke go in ahead of her. Whitcomb was seated at his desk a pile of paper in front of him despite the computer on his desk. Resource was standing behind his shoulder as she usually did. With her pipe in her mouth the curl of her lip could mean anything but she seemed… amused. At least that's what she took by the twinkle in the repair ship's eye.
"Sit both of you, this is… not a normal briefing." Admiral Whitcomb seemed almost amused as well, though there was much more business in his eye than with Resource.
Warspite glanced at Duke and Duke shrugged her shoulders in return.
"Thank you sir." Duke spoke for both of them, tugging her hair out of the way as she always did while the pair took a seat.
Warspite waited for the Admiral to speak and Whitcomb took a moment to gather the papers in front of him, seeming to marshal his thoughts.
"I understand the two of you are in the process of buying a manor house with young Ronald as a third?" Admiral Whitcomb's voice was more curious than than demanding, conversational instead of a briefing as he'd said.
"Yes sir." Duke glanced at Warspite as Warspite took the lead. "We've saved up enough between the two of us and your generous payments to Ron to buy a defunct magical estate. May I ask what interest the Royal Navy has in it?"
Admiral Whitcomb pulled out two photographs from the pile of paper and slid them over. "It's regarding an... adventure your Ronald has had while on St. Brendan's."
Warspite leaned over as Duke grabbed the images. One was Ron's ID photo, along with a few details about him. The other was an identification card for a certain type of Abyssal Princess Installation class AS/R-3, with the word "Summer" scrawled next to it. Estimated characteristics were outlined but the type wasn't very common, at least not by the lack numbers given and the relatively grainy photo. Warspite felt a bit of nerves go through her but given Whitcomb's calm and Resource's attitude, she forced them back down and waited for the other shoe to drop.
Duke was not so eager to wait and immediately spoke up. "Adventure?"
Whitcomb nodded and leaned back into his chair. "Let me preface this by saying that Ron is alive, well and fully healthy. According to the report we got from Radetzky it appears that while Ron was out exploring the islands interior he found something he wasn't expecting."
Warspite felt a throb growing behind her eyes as she looked back to the estimated numbers on the identification card, then to Whitcomb as he continued to speak.
"Ron fell asleep after going for a flight and was woken up by movement in the trees. It was an AS/R-3. He attempted to remain hidden from her but was discovered. After which he and I'm quoting here, "Scrambled upright and fired one spell at her, which missed. She then screamed, fled in terror and attempted to hide behind a sapling," end quote."
Warspite felt as if a balloon of some kind had been popped inside of her and a mass of pressure left, leaving her feeling somewhat empty and lost. A glance at Duke showed that she seemed to feel much the same. It was nearly a minute before she spoke again.
"Yer got the same look on yer face the good admiral did when he first read the report." Resource spoke up for the first time, only pulling her pipe out of her mouth after her first sentence. "Just wait for the rest."
Warspite turned her gaze back to Whitcomb, who merely shrugged.
"So, just to make sure I'm understanding correctly. The fact that Ron made an Abyssal Installation Princess flee with one spell is the easy part to believe?"
"I suppose it depends on your point of view." Whitcomb pulled out another sheet and pushed it over. "As the rest of the story involves him initiating diplomacy with her instead of fleeing, giving her a name and then inviting her to sign the Accords. To which she agreed with quite rapidly I'm to understand. Then he walked with her back through the wilderness to town and when confronted, she attempted to hide behind him."
Duke looked down at the identification card again.
"An abyssal of that class would have to be at least the size of a battleship." Her voice was incredulous.
"According to this she's nine feet tall, give or take a bit." Resource's grin was even wider now.
"A nine foot tall abyssal was trying to hide behind Ron." Warspite sounded as incredulous as Duke.
"A nine foot tall Abyssal Installation Princess." Duke added. Each of them could remember fighting Abyssal Installations before. None of them had attempted anything in the way of hiding.
"Radetzky describes her as non-confrontational, highly skittish and functionally incapable of dealing with more than two people at a time without Ron's support. She's latched onto him as a… protector of sorts." Whitcomb looked up from where he was flipping through yet more paper. "It was his suggestion that she be moved to your estate… which the RN is seriously considering given the potential intelligence coup she is. With your permission of course and pending the final purchase."
Warspite felt another headache coming on, this time for reason's other than worry for Ron's safety.
"I assume we'll have some time to… discuss the matter with Ron and this abyssal?" Warspite made sure to modulate her voice to normality.
"Ron has given her the name "Summer" which you can see we've adopted for the class as a whole but yes. We aren't just going to foist her on you. If you're not amenable we'll find another out of the way place to put her until something more permanent comes along." Whitcomb nodded and handed over the rest of the file. "You'll be headed over to St. Brendan's in about an hour with Ardent and Acasta. Your official orders are to escort Summer back to sign the Accords. Unofficially you are to meet with her and gather your own opinions on her behavior. As well as decide if Ron's idea will work for you."
Warspite took the file and nodded, flipping through the rest of it for a brief once over.
"How long will we be gone?" Duke's voice had regained some of its normal tone but she still sounded somewhat lost.
"You have authorization to be gone for twenty four hours. So pack a change of clothes if you feel you might need to spend more time. The First Sea Lord is rather eager to have Summer sign the Accords for obvious reasons."
Warspite mentally understood those reasons, even if she wasn't exactly happy on how the possibility had come about. She nodded in acknowledgment.
"If there's nothing else you're both dismissed." Whitcomb spoke with the firmness of an order.
"Sir." Warspite and Duke both stood and took their leave, heading out of Whitcomb's office and out into the hallway.
After making it some distance, Warspite looked to Duke.
"Penny for your thoughts?"
Duke shook her head. "I'm mostly just glad Ron is ok. This could have turned out much worse and since he is there for me… I know it's not my fault but if things had turned out differently I'm not sure I'd be able to admit that."
Warspite nodded, understanding her friends position.
"What are your thoughts?" Duke asked in return.
"I think we're going to need to spend the night and have a thorough discussion with Ron and this Summer." Warspite tried to fight some of the irrational feelings growing in her chest but they seemed to come with being alive. "I'm not against the idea since it is Ron's but… I need to see for myself."
"I agree. It is one thing to hear all of this about a… shy abyssal but it is another to believe, even coming from the Admiral." Duke's words put Warspite at ease and she felt mild grin come to her face.
"It will also give us a chance to see Ron and hear how he's progressing." Warspite's grin grew wider and she turned to look at Duke. "You know, we still haven't gone shopping for what he needs."
Duke turned bright scarlet at Warspite's teasing tone and shot a mild glare at her.
"We have not had time..."
"No no of course not." Warspite waved a hand at her friend. "Still, even if we don't have time now I think we should make it a priority afterwards. Otherwise he won't be able to continue."
Duke grumbled some more but didn't contradict Warspite, who could only let out a chuckle as they proceeded to their rooms.
As the door shut to his office, Admiral Whitcomb gave it to a count of ten before he let out a sigh and slumped back in his chair with a chuckle.
"It was amusing to see them go back and forth so quickly, wasn't it?" Resource's voice floated from behind him and he nodded his head.
"Yes, though I think if I'd forgotten to mention Ron was fine Warspite might have teleported to St. Brendan's to make sure."
Whitcomb made the mistake of closing his eyes for a second, only to have Resource slide into his lap. Though she wasn't as large as a battleship the bronze skinned brunette was still a solid size for a normal human woman and he moved his arms around her as his chair creaked.
"I think I've heard, from only a few highly biased people mind, that shipgirls aren't exactly normal when it comes to relationships. Something about being a bit protective."
Opening his eyes, he was greeted with the same glittering brown ones that always welcomed him when he arrived in the morning.
"Lies and slander I'm sure."
Resource smiled and pecked him on the lips.
"Mind you, those two are battleships. All guts and glory and standing in the way of people shooting at you on purpose. They're liable to be a mite more protective than someone like little old me."
Whitcomb held back a snort, as Resource was just as protective in her own way. Even if her set of four 4'' guns were the WWII naval equivalent of peashooters, he had nothing to fear with her around.
"Certainly, hot heads the both of them."
Resource chuckled in her husky manner and then nuzzled her head into his neck for a few seconds before speaking again.
"Want to make a bet?"
"Usual terms?"
"Of course."
"Alright then, what's the bet?"
"Whether or not Warspite and Duke let Ron keep Summer at their house."
"He's got them wrapped around his finger even if he doesn't know it. She's going to stay."
"You mean they've got him wrapped around their fingers. Even odds they convince him to let her go."
"I think they've got each other wrapped but still going to have to side with Ron."
"Fair enough. We'll see tomorrow."
One more peck on the lips and Resource slid off Whitcomb's lap. Standing up, she popped her pipe back into her mouth and returned to her position behind and to his left.
"Time?" He asked.
"One minute till Queen E and Vicky show up."
"Good." Whitcomb paused for a moment and then looked back at Resource. "Love you Re."
"Love you Steve. Thirty seconds." Resource blew him a kiss around her pipe and Admiral Stephen Whitcomb of Her Majesties Royal Navy turned back front as duty called.
An hour later, Warspite, Duke, Acasta and Ardent jumped from Portsmouth to St. Brendan's with the help of an old tea tin. Duke almost immediately fell over, only saving her dignity by running into Warspite. Warspite weathered the trip the better, managing to support Duke while she recovered.
Acasta's normally dour face looked a little green but Ardent seemed unaffected, possibly a byproduct of her perky personality.
"Oh wow! They weren't lying, it's really animal people! A shipgirl animal person too! Exciting!" Ardent's long blonde pigtails swayed back and forth as she managed to jump and down despite the nausea usually generated by their method of travel.
Warspite looked to see who was waiting for them and found that Thunderchild was standing nearby along with two other St. Brendan's residents who appeared to be carrying a number of packages. Thunderchild approached the group and gave a small polite salute, which all of the Royal Navy girls returned.
"Welcome to St. Brendan's. I understand you're all here to take our guest with you." Thunderchild's voice was mild but she seemed a bit… on edge.
"That's the plan, though we are likely spending the night." Duke spoke first, drawing Thunderchild's eyes.
"Ah, I suppose that makes sense." Thunderchild seemed accepting of the statement, if not enthusiastic. "Things will finally calm down a bit."
"Are things on edge?" Warspite was on point, even as Ardent was bouncing around, examining Thunderchild and the other two residents from up close. Acasta meanwhile was quietly standing behind the two battleships.
"Ah… no. I think my own prejudice leaks through." Thunderchild gave a wan smile. "Even though I'm rather certain myself that she didn't have anything to do with the attack, enough of my crew died that I am… not fond of any sort of abyssal. Even if she is apparently friendly. Everyone else is just excited for something to happen."
It was at that moment Ardent yipped in excitement as one of the residents handed her a small package and she opened it, popping something in her mouth as all attention was drawn to her.
"Ah, I see she found your gifts." Thunderchild's smile seemed more genuine than before, as the excitable destroyer girl popped another something in her mouth and then took another offered package and darted over to her sister ship. Acasta carefully took the proffered package and opened it before downing what was clearly a piece of chocolate and smiling.
"Gifts?" Warspite and Duke turned back to Thunderchild.
"Ronald is a smart young man." Thunderchild smiled even more and gestured for the waiting residents to bring the packages forward. "Mostly in academics but I think you've taught him something of a woman's mind along the way. Something about the way to a woman's heart is through her stomach? That might have been his father."
The waiting deliveryman handed Warspite and Duke each a large package of roughly the same size.
"Five pounds of St. Brendan's finest unmelting chocolate for Lady Warspite and Lady Duke. Compliments of Mr. Ronald Weasley. Please enjoy." The wolf like man bowed to them and then turned to leave. The other delivery person, upon seeing that there were no more people coming through handed an additional two packages to each of the destroyers before leaving as well. Ardent was bouncing up and down like a loon, while Acasta had a now semi-permanent smile on her face.
"Five pounds of chocolate?" Warspite opened the package, finding a stack of five separate boxes which she quickly wrapped up again and tucked under her arm. "I hope Ron doesn't think that this.. bribery will sway our opinion. Right Duke?" When no response was immediately coming, Warspite turned and found her friend looking at her with a rather large piece of chocolate held in hand, partway in her mouth. Instead of looking embarrassed Duke bit the chocolate in half and began to chew, making an appreciative noise.
"Our chocolate is very good." Thunderchild's voice made it seem like butter wouldn't melt in her mouth but the fox-like smile on her face only widened.
"Is this from your friend Warspite? Cause it's like suuuper good and tasty and there's a bunch and…" Ardent was cut off from speaking as Acasta placed a piece that was apparently somewhat sticky in her mouth, the destroyer being forced to chew her way through it.
"Ron is very generous." Acasta's voice was quiet but the fact that she spoke up at all meant more than most might suspect.
Grumbling to herself, at the same time she knew much her irritation was irrational, Warspite finally gave in and opened one of the boxes to grab a bit of chocolate herself. Taking a dainty bite, she found that it was just as good as everyone had said. It wasn't until she found herself having finished the chunk that she realized she'd been wrong and Ron had been right. Bribery was working.
The halfhearted and unladylike "Damn it" barely even entered her consciousness before it was snuffed out in an additional wave of chocolate bliss.
Thunderchild simply grinned at them and gestured to follow her into town.
The four Royal Navy shipgirls made their way into town behind Thunderchild, chocolate disappearing at varying rates for each of them though it was all put away by the time they reached a large house on the outskirts of the town.
"We moved Ron and… Summer, here after they arrived. There's plenty of room and it's out of the way for most." Thunderchild gestured to the picturesque place. "They're probably around back. She doesn't like being inside much due to her size." Thunderchild paused once more and then tilted her head. "Are you going to be taking Ron back with you? He's been one of the best pupils anyone on my crew can remember and it'd be a shame to lose an entire week with him."
"We're not sure." Duke spoke, shaking her head. "It depends on how this abyssal reacts."
"Well, I guess I'll make sure to pack up all our notes on recoil compensation then." Thunderchild looked at Dukes chest, then back to her face. "I suppose he may need them."
Duke flushed immediately, Warspite fighting back a chuckle as Thunderchild shook her head.
"I'll be in town if you need me, Ron knows his way around." Thunderchild gave them all a polite nod and left back in the direction of the town center.
Duke and Warspite looked at each other and then to their escorts.
"Lets go girls." Warspite's voice was finally naturally steady. "Remember that this abyssal is supposed to be friendly so lets be polite."
"Yes ma'am!" Ardent's voice was naturally louder than Acasta's but both rang out loud and clear. Duke simply nodded to her friend and then the quartet began to move around back of the house.
Warspite could feel herself starting to get a little tension again and she tried to fight it, it wouldn't do to scare the abyssal, Summer, before they had even properly met. A glance at Duke showed a similar tightness, though her friend caught it and gave her a reassuring smile. Likely just as much for herself as for Warspite.
Coming around the corner Warspite finally caught sight of Ron sitting on a blanket with a pile of books and paper along with…
Five fifteen inch guns, nine inch guns in support, multiple runways with uncountable planes, an equally large number of ground based AA swarming with crews and some of the largest docks she'd ever seen with even more individual shapes…
...A large pale woman who was lying on her side next to Ron, a look of fascination on her face as she peered over her shoulder at what he was reading. An enormous white hat that could only be hers was laid nearby, letting her white hair flutter freely in the light breeze.
Warspite felt her heart surge at the sight of Ron clearly unharmed and perfectly happy. It was one thing to have heard he was alright after being given a fright but it was quite another to see it herself. Yet it was still tempered by the sight of an abyssal who had over half of her own weight of fire in dug in unmoving firing positions with magazines deeper than she could ever hope to have.
Her thoughts lasted all of five seconds, when Ron glanced up and his eyes lit.
"Warspite, Duke!" His call was bright and clearly happy to see them, whatever else might have happened. Warspite felt a smile come to her face.
The abyssal looked up at Ron's call as well, her eyes going wide and almost immediately after Ron spoke she let out what could only be described as a high pitched squeak, wrapped her mighty arms around Ron's waist and hid her head behind his back.
Warspite felt herself bristle at first… but only until she saw the details. The arms wrapped around Ron's waist were tight but not enough to hurt. Said arms were also quivering in fear, something matched by the rest of her body. Finally and most important to her, was Ron's immediate look of concern as he turned back and rested a hand on the abyssal's shoulder.
"Summer, Summer it's alright." Ron's voice was soft and gentle, like reassuring a small child or frightened animal. "These are my friends I was telling you about. They're here to help." Ron turned back to them and shot a reassuring smile in their direction before going back to the abyssal.
Warspite bit her lip, unsure what to do in the situation. Part of her wanted to go to Ron immediately but rushing a scared installation was probably a bad idea. At least as first impressions went, Duke and hermight have been able to take her in a fight. If they weren't swarmed under by aircraft first.
Thankfully Ron was able to coax Summer out from behind him, at least enough so that her head was just above his shoulder. She still seemed like an animal which had been beaten a few too many times by its owner but she managed to look at them.
"Remember to greet them properly." Ron's words were still gentle, though he turned his head back towards them and clearly implored them to be careful.
"H...hello..." Despite her size, the abyssal's voice was light and tremulous. "My n-name is Summer..." Her words trailed off more as a question than a statement.
There was a moment of silence and then Warspite felt her instincts and training kick in, despite whatever else her mind was trying to tell her she should or shouldn't be doing.
"Hello Summer. My name is Warspite, it's a pleasure to meet you." Her voice was smooth and steady, her poise perfect as expected of one of her Majesties battleships.
"My name is Duke of York." Duke's smooth if somewhat huskier voice was equally poised. "You may call me Duke. It is a pleasure to meet you."
"Acasta. Nice to meet you." Acasta's delivery was as calm as always. That left only…
"Hi! I'm Ardent! It's nice to meet you Summer." Ardent's delivery was peppy as always since the girl didn't seem have an off setting but it was still restrained enough not to spook Summer.
Summer seemed to relax a bit and she sat more upright… leaving her still towering over Ron despite the clear attempt to be safely behind him.
"It's… nice to meet you too. You are… aren't going to hurt me?" Again the look of a beaten animal, this time hopeful but still ready to cringe at the blow it expected to come.
"No of course not." Warspite shook her head, even as she began to take steps toward the waiting pair, folding her legs underneath as she took a seat on the edge of the large blanket, Duke following a second later. "We're just here to talk with you."
Summer nodded again, reaching out to take her hat and put it back on, shading her and partially shading Ron at the same time. It also partially covered her face.
"I told you they'd be nice Summer. They're my friends too." Ron spoke again, sounding relaxed once more. "You don't need to worry."
"I know… they're still…" Summer looked up at them somewhat guiltily, "kind of scary..."
"They're friends Summer. You can relax." Ron glanced up at her and gave her a pat on the arm.
"Yes. We're all friends here." Duke spoke for them. "You have no need to be scared of us."
"...It's hard… but… I'll try." Summer was still somewhat skittish but she nodded, her face now fully lifted and looking at them.
Ron glanced at Warspite and Duke, then his eyes lit.
"Summer, why don't you Duke and Warspite talk for a little bit. I'll go make some tea with Ardent and Acasta."
"I… uhm… alright..." Summer's voice trailed off at the end but she nodded in acquiescence.
"I think that sounds like a good idea. Girls would you please help Ron?" Warspite turned to the two waiting destroyers.
"Yes Lady Warspite." The destroyers again responded in tandem, standing up to follow Ron back into the house. Warspite followed them with her eyes until the door closed, then turned back to Summer.
With Ron out of sight, the abyssal woman seemed much less sure of herself, her hat sinking down to shield most of her face. Her body posture had also shrunk in on herself… though she wasn't quite trembling.
"I've been told that you don't remember very much Summer." Warspite kept her voice carefully modulated, the perfect picture of a British lady making conversation with her peers. "Is that true?"
"I… I don't remember anything before… except being scared." Summer's voice was soft and she was clearly struggling… but she was trying. "Until Ron found me… and was nice to me. Even my old name… if I had one."
"You remember some engineering if I recall." Duke took her turn at a gentle question, her voice also modulated carefully.
"I remember how to fix things… I like to fix things… Ron is good at fixing things too. He showed me his papers… uhm… about you." Summers head came up enough for her eyes to peek underneath the brim of her hat. "He… is very good… and didn't need any help. He's just… thorough and… uhm…" Summer trailed off, waiting for a response.
"I'm sure that Ron is just taking his time." Duke graced Summer with a small smile. "He is also very… caring, towards his friends."
Summer nodded to Duke, then looked back at Warspite.
"Ron… said he fixed you…" It was again more of a question than a statement.
"Ron… Ron saved me from lifetimes of pain." Warspite found that her hand had instinctively moved to grasp her ankle. "He repaired something that nobody else ever managed to diagnose properly in the first place. All because he was determined to do so."
Summer nodded and then looked at the ground for a moment.
"Ron said… I might be able to help fix things. If I was around… and you agreed I could stay. I would like that. If… it's ok." Summer glanced between the two of them slowly, carefully. Yet she'd made a firm statement of preference… and Warspite couldn't find a reason to say no.
Warspite looked at Duke, who simply nodded to her.
"I think that it would be ok with the both of us Summer." Warspite found herself smiling gently at the abyssal. "A friend of Ron's is a friend of ours."
Summer was clearly surprised by the response and her eyes widened.
"R-really? I… I mean… thank you." Summer managed a small curl of her lips that formed into the briefest of smiles.
"You're very welcome Summer."
The door opened, the three who'd gone inside coming out with six cups, two large pots of tea and some biscuits.
"I hope you all had time to get to know each other." Ron smiled as he laid out tea with help from Acasta and Ardent, who had somehow found time to pop some more chocolate into her mouth.
"Warspite and Duke are… as nice as you are..." Summer, somewhat surprisingly, spoke first.
"Summer has been pleasant company. We've agreed she can come along with us." Duke spoke as Ardent handed her a cup.
"Oh? That's good." Ron sounded undeniably pleased by the revelation.
"Yes. Friends help each other after all." Warspite smiled and nodded to Acasta.
"Yes… friends." Summer handled the cup Ron handed her carefully, despite the fact it was clearly larger and thicker than the rest of them she still caused it to look tiny.
"Good! Everyone should be friends!" Ardent nodded in agreement, however superfluous her agreement might have been.
"...Ah!" Summer gasped in surprise as Acasta turned and sat in her lap, the dark haired destroyer fitting easily due to her comparatively small size.
"Mmm… friends." Acasta rested her head back into Summer, her own cup of tea and some biscuits balanced in her own lap.
"Uhm..." Summer looked down in confusion, before Acasta handed her a biscuit. "...Thank you?"
Warspite felt her own lips curl in amusement at the sight. Destroyer's generally had the right idea about someone's intentions and if Acasta felt comfortable… that only added to her own decision.
The breeze was cool and gentle, the tea was wonderful and even as she thought of that, Ron came to sit between her and Duke while Summer dealt with Ardent attempting to take a seat in her lap along with Acasta.
Thankfully, everything had gone better than she'd expected.
Hours later, Admiral Whitcomb could only smirk as he came across the last signal of the day as Resource helped him finish up.
Admiral, I would like to report success on our mission. Summer is just as friendly as reports have said and Duke and I will agree to allow her to rest at our manor pending the final purchase. Duke and I seem to have built a rapport with her so far but we are going to extend our stay on St. Brendan's for the entire twenty four hours so as to make her as calm as possible, she is still somewhat skittish. I've had Mr. Weasley coordinate with our agent to expedite the purchase, we should be able to do so within the week. We're bringing Ron back with us, he's accomplished what he needs for Duke already and Summer still feels more comfortable in presence.
Respectfully, Warspite.
"What's so funny?" Resource leaned over his shoulder, looking at the note.
"You're making dinner next time. Warspite and Duke have agreed to let Summer stay with them."
"Really?" Resource quickly read the signal. "Rats."
"You were the one who wanted to make it a bet Re."
"I know, I still don't like cooking that much."
"Then you should change our bet."
"But I like you in an apron."
"Ah, now the truth comes out!"
"It's not like I've kept it a sec…. AHAHAHAHA Steve... AHAHAHA stop! AHAHAHAHAHA!"
Resource laughed wildly as she was tickled by her Admiral who relented a second later.
"That's no fair…." Resource spoke a few seconds later after catching her breath.
"I believe there's a quote about that… something about love and war..."
Resource pouted and then raised herself on her tip toes.
"Still… make it better."
Admiral Whitcomb leaned down and kissed her convincingly.
"Good. Then lets head out. I'm thinking… steak tonight?"
"Fine… if I'm cooking at least it's something we both enjoy."
"Just because you don't like fish..."
The two trailed off as they locked up for the evening, another day done at HMNB Portsmouth.
Questions, comments, concerns, grammar and punctuation correction all very welcome.