A genuine prophecy
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Harry Leferts
Just sighing, Harry rolled his eyes as he continued to walk towards the Divination Tower. The whole time, he was internally grumbling, "Dammit, Hermione... did you really need to do this?"
As it was just him, however, he did not get an answer. Instead, his mind drifted back to earlier that day when his friend finally had enough with the Divination teacher and shoved everything on her desk into her bag. With that done, she stormed off snarling while swearing that she was not coming back.
Unknown and unfortunately, one of the items that went into her bag was a crystal ball.
It was unfortunate because Hermione would not return it to the class. Thus, it fell to Harry to do so as when he turned around, both Ron and Neville had vanished. Hence, the thirteen year old's current grumbling and swearing to get his friends back for it. Already, ideas were swirling around in his head regarding what he might do to them when he caught them.
Before his revenge fantasies could get too far though, he realized that he could see Kagotsuruhe up ahead and raised an eyebrow, "Hello, Kagotsuruhe-San."
One of her unnerving smiles on her face, the Sword of Hopelessness nodded, "Hello, Harry-San." Seeing his eyes trail to her side, she hummed and patted the second sword, "Juuchi-Chan wanted to go for a walk."
Cocking one eyebrow, Harry snorted, "As long as it is not an enthusiastic walk."
That got him a nod and a fake chuckle, "Indeed." Kagotsuruhe tilted her head somewhat to the side, reminding Harry of a cat, "May I ask what you are doing up and about here? Our lesson is not for a few hours yet."
Now saying anything, Harry held up the crystal ball in his hands, "I need to return this for Hermione." At the look of polite interest, he continued, "She stormed out of the classroom after one too many issues with our Professor, quitting the class, though..." Rolling his eyes, the thirteen year old sighed, "I can't blame her really. Professor Trelawney is, well... yeah."
Eyebrow raised, Kagotsuruhe hummed, "I take it that she is problematic?"
Sighing, the thirteen year old glanced around before looking back at her, "As I am sure that you know, she teaches Divination?" Only waiting until he got a nod, he continued, "Thing is? I am pretty damn sure that she is a complete and utter fake. She does not seem to show any signs of the Gift of Prophecy at all. Instead, she just goes on about vague things that could easily happen in one way or the other."
Just considering that, Kago frowned, "Oh? So she is like one of those then..."
With a shrug, Harry shook his head, "Generally? It seems so... one of the first things she did when I walked in was predict my death, and apparently she usually predicts at least one student death per year, if not term. But she also came out with other things as well. For example? She 'Predicted' that one of our class would leave it forever."
Kagotsuruhe snorted softly, "Ah, I see. So when your friend stated that she was quitting the class."
Grimacing, the wizard nodded, "She claimed that her 'Prophecy' came true? Yeah, pretty much. It did not help that the reason why was another of her 'foretelling's'." Eyes rolling again, Harry scoffed, "At the beginning of the year, she claimed that Lavender would suffer a tragedy sometime this year. And today, Lavender got word that her pet rabbit back home was killed by something, so... Trelawney took credit for foretelling it. Though really, I still have issues that Lavender did not slap her there and then, but seemed to look up to her more."
A frown on her face, Kagotsuruhe tapped a finger against her chin, "Humans are odd, though I suppose that she felt as if she was at fault for not listening. Or, perhaps, she thinks that the professor has now proven herself..." She shrugged and shook her head, "Emotions are strange things at the best of times."
Only shaking his head, Harry could only agree with her silently. The whole thing, to him, was strange. Finally reaching the staircase to the Divination room, he walked up with Kagotsuruhe behind him. Not that the thirteen year old minded all that much really, after all he knew her. But also part of him wondered how she would react to the Professor. Knocking on the trapdoor, he waited a few seconds before a voice called through, along with the sound of bottles. Glancing at the sword, silently he mouthed the words 'Alcohol' to her, with Kagotsuruhe nodded.
Not long after, Trelawney's voice could be heard through the trapdoor, "Ah, my Third Eye foretold that I would have a visitor! Come in, come in!"
Bemused, Harry opened the trapdoor and walked in with a slight smirk, Kagotsuruhe behind him silently moving, "Hello, Professor, I'm just returning something that Hermione took with her by accident when she left."
Taking out the crystal ball, he handed it to her and she nodded, "Of course, of course. I only did not go looking for it as my Sight allowed for me to see you return it to me. But thank you, just the same."
With a sigh, Harry chuckled as the Professor sat it down, "Not a problem, Professor."
He was just turning to leave though when Trelawney spoke again. But unlike before, it was not in the airy tones, but a rougher one as if she had a sore throat, "It will happen tonight. The Dark Lord lies alone and friendless, abandoned by his followers. His servant has been chained these twelve years. Tonight, before midnight... the servants shall leave and set out to rejoin their master. The Dark Lord will rise again with his servants' aid, greater and more terrible than ever he was before. Tonight... before midnight... the servants... will set out... to rejoin... their master... And a new Darkness shall feed on the old and thus become stronger than ever..."
All Harry could do was stare at the woman who blinked and seemed to be coming out of a trance, "Professor... are... are you okay?"
Blinking, Trelawney looked at him, "Hmm? Of course I am, dear boy. Why ever would you ask?'
From where she was behind him, Kagotsuruhe narrowed her eyes as Harry mentioned that she had said something about the Dark Lord. But the Professor stated that she would never talk about the Dark Lord, which made her narrow her eyes still further. Placing her hand on Harry's shoulder, the Sword of Hopelessness plastered a smile on her face, "Ah, very well then. We must be off."
Gently, she guided him out of the room while Juuchi at her hip was utterly silent, considering what happened.
Once they were at the bottom of the stairs, Kagotsuruhe turned to him, "Harry-San? You do realize what just happened?"
Slowly, Harry nodded, "That... that was a real prophecy, wasn't it?"
A frown on her face, the sword nodded, "Yes, I have seen such before in my life." Briefly, what looked like pain flitted across her face. But it was gone so fast, Harry could almost swear that he had imagined it, "Once, many, many years ago, my... Master, journeyed to Mount Osore and met an Itoko there who gave him a prophecy which upset him. One from my previous Master, his Otou-San. It was much the same as there..." Eyes narrowing, she let out a breath, "Which means..."
Understanding, Harry swallowed, "Which means that she just confirmed that Voldemort is going to return, and soon..."
Much to his surprise, Kagotsuruhe came to a stop and turned to face him. For once, she did not have a fake expression on her face, but one of utter seriousness, "Yes, he shall return. But understand, you are not alone in this and have allies." Suddenly, she was all smiles and giving him a thumbs up, "So do not despair!"
Just nodding, Harry hurried along and soon enough, they reached the Headmaster's office and soon entered it to find Dumbledore there, "Headmaster! We..."
Realizing how what had happened sounded, Harry paused. But before he could figure out how to say something, Kagotsuruhe stepped forward, "Headmaster, we just heard a prophecy from the one known as Trelawney. And I can confirm from previous incidents, that was what it was."
Dumbledore grimaced at that before sighing, "I take it that it was in a different voice than was normal for her? And that she did not remember it afterwards?" At their nods, he shook his head, "In which case, this may be the second such prophecy from her." Stroking his beard, the Headmaster frowned, "What was it she said?"
With a nod, Harry recited what he had heard, word for word. When he was done, he looked towards Dumbledore, "Professor... I think that she was talking about Peter."
For a few seconds, the Headmaster said nothing, but then he nodded and sighed, "Alas, I think that you are most likely right. Peter has been chained to the Weasleys for twelve years, and thus would most match. But I am worried by what it means by 'Servants', as that suggests at least two. And the last bit is also very worrisome..."
Later, after some more talking, Kagotsuruhe made sure that Harry got back to Gryffindor Tower, cancelling their lesson. Once she was out of sight, the Sword of Hopelessness turned to her sister, "What shall you do?"
Juuchi seemed to consider the question for a few moments before she walked off, "I shall have Tsu-Chan gather the others. Things, it seems, might get a bit more difficult."
Head tilted to the side, Kagotsuruhe hummed, 'I believe that is the famous British gift of understatement...'
Just sighing, Harry rolled his eyes as he continued to walk towards the Divination Tower. The whole time, he was internally grumbling, "Dammit, Hermione... did you really need to do this?"
As it was just him, however, he did not get an answer. Instead, his mind drifted back to earlier that day when his friend finally had enough with the Divination teacher and shoved everything on her desk into her bag. With that done, she stormed off snarling while swearing that she was not coming back.
Unknown and unfortunately, one of the items that went into her bag was a crystal ball.
It was unfortunate because Hermione would not return it to the class. Thus, it fell to Harry to do so as when he turned around, both Ron and Neville had vanished. Hence, the thirteen year old's current grumbling and swearing to get his friends back for it. Already, ideas were swirling around in his head regarding what he might do to them when he caught them.
Before his revenge fantasies could get too far though, he realized that he could see Kagotsuruhe up ahead and raised an eyebrow, "Hello, Kagotsuruhe-San."
One of her unnerving smiles on her face, the Sword of Hopelessness nodded, "Hello, Harry-San." Seeing his eyes trail to her side, she hummed and patted the second sword, "Juuchi-Chan wanted to go for a walk."
Cocking one eyebrow, Harry snorted, "As long as it is not an enthusiastic walk."
That got him a nod and a fake chuckle, "Indeed." Kagotsuruhe tilted her head somewhat to the side, reminding Harry of a cat, "May I ask what you are doing up and about here? Our lesson is not for a few hours yet."
Now saying anything, Harry held up the crystal ball in his hands, "I need to return this for Hermione." At the look of polite interest, he continued, "She stormed out of the classroom after one too many issues with our Professor, quitting the class, though..." Rolling his eyes, the thirteen year old sighed, "I can't blame her really. Professor Trelawney is, well... yeah."
Eyebrow raised, Kagotsuruhe hummed, "I take it that she is problematic?"
Sighing, the thirteen year old glanced around before looking back at her, "As I am sure that you know, she teaches Divination?" Only waiting until he got a nod, he continued, "Thing is? I am pretty damn sure that she is a complete and utter fake. She does not seem to show any signs of the Gift of Prophecy at all. Instead, she just goes on about vague things that could easily happen in one way or the other."
Just considering that, Kago frowned, "Oh? So she is like one of those then..."
With a shrug, Harry shook his head, "Generally? It seems so... one of the first things she did when I walked in was predict my death, and apparently she usually predicts at least one student death per year, if not term. But she also came out with other things as well. For example? She 'Predicted' that one of our class would leave it forever."
Kagotsuruhe snorted softly, "Ah, I see. So when your friend stated that she was quitting the class."
Grimacing, the wizard nodded, "She claimed that her 'Prophecy' came true? Yeah, pretty much. It did not help that the reason why was another of her 'foretelling's'." Eyes rolling again, Harry scoffed, "At the beginning of the year, she claimed that Lavender would suffer a tragedy sometime this year. And today, Lavender got word that her pet rabbit back home was killed by something, so... Trelawney took credit for foretelling it. Though really, I still have issues that Lavender did not slap her there and then, but seemed to look up to her more."
A frown on her face, Kagotsuruhe tapped a finger against her chin, "Humans are odd, though I suppose that she felt as if she was at fault for not listening. Or, perhaps, she thinks that the professor has now proven herself..." She shrugged and shook her head, "Emotions are strange things at the best of times."
Only shaking his head, Harry could only agree with her silently. The whole thing, to him, was strange. Finally reaching the staircase to the Divination room, he walked up with Kagotsuruhe behind him. Not that the thirteen year old minded all that much really, after all he knew her. But also part of him wondered how she would react to the Professor. Knocking on the trapdoor, he waited a few seconds before a voice called through, along with the sound of bottles. Glancing at the sword, silently he mouthed the words 'Alcohol' to her, with Kagotsuruhe nodded.
Not long after, Trelawney's voice could be heard through the trapdoor, "Ah, my Third Eye foretold that I would have a visitor! Come in, come in!"
Bemused, Harry opened the trapdoor and walked in with a slight smirk, Kagotsuruhe behind him silently moving, "Hello, Professor, I'm just returning something that Hermione took with her by accident when she left."
Taking out the crystal ball, he handed it to her and she nodded, "Of course, of course. I only did not go looking for it as my Sight allowed for me to see you return it to me. But thank you, just the same."
With a sigh, Harry chuckled as the Professor sat it down, "Not a problem, Professor."
He was just turning to leave though when Trelawney spoke again. But unlike before, it was not in the airy tones, but a rougher one as if she had a sore throat, "It will happen tonight. The Dark Lord lies alone and friendless, abandoned by his followers. His servant has been chained these twelve years. Tonight, before midnight... the servants shall leave and set out to rejoin their master. The Dark Lord will rise again with his servants' aid, greater and more terrible than ever he was before. Tonight... before midnight... the servants... will set out... to rejoin... their master... And a new Darkness shall feed on the old and thus become stronger than ever..."
All Harry could do was stare at the woman who blinked and seemed to be coming out of a trance, "Professor... are... are you okay?"
Blinking, Trelawney looked at him, "Hmm? Of course I am, dear boy. Why ever would you ask?'
From where she was behind him, Kagotsuruhe narrowed her eyes as Harry mentioned that she had said something about the Dark Lord. But the Professor stated that she would never talk about the Dark Lord, which made her narrow her eyes still further. Placing her hand on Harry's shoulder, the Sword of Hopelessness plastered a smile on her face, "Ah, very well then. We must be off."
Gently, she guided him out of the room while Juuchi at her hip was utterly silent, considering what happened.
Once they were at the bottom of the stairs, Kagotsuruhe turned to him, "Harry-San? You do realize what just happened?"
Slowly, Harry nodded, "That... that was a real prophecy, wasn't it?"
A frown on her face, the sword nodded, "Yes, I have seen such before in my life." Briefly, what looked like pain flitted across her face. But it was gone so fast, Harry could almost swear that he had imagined it, "Once, many, many years ago, my... Master, journeyed to Mount Osore and met an Itoko there who gave him a prophecy which upset him. One from my previous Master, his Otou-San. It was much the same as there..." Eyes narrowing, she let out a breath, "Which means..."
Understanding, Harry swallowed, "Which means that she just confirmed that Voldemort is going to return, and soon..."
Much to his surprise, Kagotsuruhe came to a stop and turned to face him. For once, she did not have a fake expression on her face, but one of utter seriousness, "Yes, he shall return. But understand, you are not alone in this and have allies." Suddenly, she was all smiles and giving him a thumbs up, "So do not despair!"
Just nodding, Harry hurried along and soon enough, they reached the Headmaster's office and soon entered it to find Dumbledore there, "Headmaster! We..."
Realizing how what had happened sounded, Harry paused. But before he could figure out how to say something, Kagotsuruhe stepped forward, "Headmaster, we just heard a prophecy from the one known as Trelawney. And I can confirm from previous incidents, that was what it was."
Dumbledore grimaced at that before sighing, "I take it that it was in a different voice than was normal for her? And that she did not remember it afterwards?" At their nods, he shook his head, "In which case, this may be the second such prophecy from her." Stroking his beard, the Headmaster frowned, "What was it she said?"
With a nod, Harry recited what he had heard, word for word. When he was done, he looked towards Dumbledore, "Professor... I think that she was talking about Peter."
For a few seconds, the Headmaster said nothing, but then he nodded and sighed, "Alas, I think that you are most likely right. Peter has been chained to the Weasleys for twelve years, and thus would most match. But I am worried by what it means by 'Servants', as that suggests at least two. And the last bit is also very worrisome..."
Later, after some more talking, Kagotsuruhe made sure that Harry got back to Gryffindor Tower, cancelling their lesson. Once she was out of sight, the Sword of Hopelessness turned to her sister, "What shall you do?"
Juuchi seemed to consider the question for a few moments before she walked off, "I shall have Tsu-Chan gather the others. Things, it seems, might get a bit more difficult."
Head tilted to the side, Kagotsuruhe hummed, 'I believe that is the famous British gift of understatement...'