Natsumi & Louisiana climb mount Fuiji
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Harry Leferts
Letting out a sigh in the chilly air, Natsumi looked beside her as she adjusted her backpack, "What do you think, Louisiana-Chan? Ready for the two day climb?"
Warmly chuckling, the Battleship nodded some, "Oui, I am, ma chérie." Looking up towards the mountain, Louisiana smiled, "Spending the next few days hiking I think will be a pleasant way of spending time together." Shifting her coat a little, she hummed, "Especially as Spring Break is nearly over for you. But I would never say no to spending more time with you, ma chérie."
A laugh made them turn as Hoshi winked at them as she joined them, flinging her own backpack on, "Don't forget me, you two." Smirking at the slightly flustered look on Natsumi's face, she continued, "After all, you both need some adult supervision."
Placing her face in her hands, Natsumi groaned, "Hoshi-San..."
More amused than anything else, Louisiana smirked herself before patting the Kitsune on the shoulders, "There, there, ma chérie. Nothing for it." With a small nod, the shipgirl hummed a bit, "Shall we?"
Both Kitsune nodded at that and soon they began their journey up the mountain. Here and there snow yet covered the ground even as spring arrived. Looking in the distance, Natsumi could just see Mount Fuji rising upwards due to the clear weather, "A bit of a shame that we could not climb Mount Dainchi."
With a shrug, Hoshi shook her head, "The snows were heavy once more this year, Natsumi-Chan. Which meant that we could not climb up the mountains as it is a bit too dangerous for one of your level this time of year. But... perhaps in a few years. And there is also always summer."
Considering that, Natsumi hummed some, "I guess." She then perked up some, "Which means that maybe I could take along Harry-Chan." Becoming thoughtful, the nearly fourteen year old frowned in thought, "Though we have also discussed maybe climbing some mountains in Scotland."
That made the older Kitsune cock her head to the side, "Truly? Which ones?"
Natsumi looked at her before smiling a bit, "Harry-Chan pointed them out to me actually when we went to Hogsmeade back in October. One was called Braeriach and is the third highest mountain in the United Kingdom." Getting a nod, she continued, "The other one that we talked about was Ben Navis which is the tallest mountain in the United Kingdom. Neither are that big compared to some of the mountains here, they're smaller then Kumotori-San. But..."
Slowly, Hoshi nodded with a chuckle, "It would be a mountain that the two of you would climb, and in Harry-San's homeland. A victory of your own and memories created."
Lightly blushing, the teenaged Kitsune nodded. She then glanced at Louisiana and shrugged, "Maybe you could come along as well, Louisiana-Chan."
Her lips curling into a smile, Louisiana chuckled a bit, "Oui, perhaps. Though it might be best if it was just the two of you first, ma chérie, with mon chéri. But thinking on it..." Frowning, she gave a hum, "Did not mon chéri mention another mountain?"
After a moment, Natsumi tapped her chin, "Well... Harry-Chan stated that it was not really a mountain, just a very big hill in Surrey called Leith Hill. According to him, his class when he lived in Britain climbed it. And... he wanted to climb it alongside me and some of the others." Softly smiling, she shook her head, "I would not be against such a thing..."
Smiling herself, Louisiana nodded, "Nor would I, ma chérie. Nor would I..."
The three of them shared a small smile and continued their hike as they slowly made their way up the incline. Entering the trees, the group looked around in interest before Hoshi hummed a bit, "There is nothing quite as good for one such as us, Natsumi-Chan, than Shinrin-yoku."
Even as Natsumi nodded in agreement, Louisiana tilted her head some in curiosity, "Shinrin-yoku? Forest bathing?"
Looking over her shoulder, the Kyuubi smiled a bit, "Hai." With one hand, Hoshi gestured around them, "To walk among the trees and meditate on them. Wonderful."
Somewhat intrigued, Louisiana glanced around in interest before taking a deep breath before letting it out, "Oui, walking in the forest is something to treasure." Reaching over, she held out a hand that Natsumi took, "Especially with those that you care for."
Fingers entwined with the Battleships, the Kitsune could only nod in agreement. As they continued their hike. Still holding Louisiana's hand, Natsumi slowed down some and waited until Hoshi was a distance in front of them. Looking up at the shipgirl, she smiled some, "Thank you for coming, Louisiana-Chan."
Giving her hand a gentle squeeze, the Battleship shook her head, "You do not need to thank me, ma chérie. Any time I spend with you, I treasure." The smile that she got made hers grow a bit more before she hummed some, "You seem to enjoy mountain climbing."
Even though it was not phrased as such, Natsumi understood that it was also a question. After a few moments of thought, she tapped her chin, "I do, Louisiana-Chan. For some reason, climbing mountains and walking through the forests and such... it calls to me. And I feel this peace when I do so. Not sure how or why... but I do."
For several seconds, Louisiana was silent before nodding, "I see." She then smiled again, "Does that mean that one day you may try the Seven Summits?"
That made Natsumi blink a bit in confusion, "The Seven Summits?"
Chuckling, the shipgirl looked down at her, "Oui, they are the highest mountains on each continent. A challenge for one who enjoys climbing mountains."
Head tilted to the side, Natsumi considered that, "I've always seen Fuji-San as the goal of my climbing, to one day climb the slopes of that peak. Myself and Harry-Chan have talked about it when we were younger and we promised to do so when we graduated high school. But... perhaps after..." She grinned a bit and Louisiana knew that if her tails were out, they would be wagging, "Perhaps after, I could become the first Kitsune to climb the Seven Summits."
Warmly smiling, the Battleship nodded at that, "I believe that you could do so, ma chérie."
All Natsumi did was nod excitedly at that.
Feeling herself being shaken some, the Kitsune grumbled a bit and snuggled more into her pillows. They were nice and soft as well as warm. Being shaken again, she grumbled a bit into said pillows, which got a chuckle from them which made her thoughts pause. Eyes cracking open, Natsumi tilted her head back and squinted at the smirking Louisiana, "Well, ma chérie?"
It took only a few moments for Natsumi to realize what her "Pillows" were and she deeply flushed, "Sorry, Louisiana-Chan..."
Moments later, Louisiana brought a finger under her chin and tilted her head back some, "Non, you have nothing to be sorry about, ma chérie. Though I will not deny that I do not mind all too much."
Giving it some thought, a part of the teen's mind gave a mental shrug, "Eh, sure." With that, she buried her face back into the Battleship's shirt covered chest, "Too tired, and too comfy."
Eyes closed, it took every bit of Louisiana's will power not to burst out laughing. Mainly because she knew that if she did, than she would both be unable to stop and would likely wake everyone else in the lodge. Still, her shoulders shook as she bit her lip and her voice was coloured with mirth, "Ah, but it was you who suggested that we wake before dawn to go back to the summit, ma chérie. To watch as the Sun rose over Japan."
After a few moments, Natsumi gave a sigh and mumbled into the marshmallow hell she had placed herself into, "Thank you for reminding me, Louisiana-Chan..." Pulling back, she gave a huff of annoyance though her eyes twinkled with mirth, "I suppose that we must wake up then."
The only thing that the Battleship did was smirk at that.
It did not take the two of them long to get changed back into their climbing clothes. And leaving their room, they met Hoshi who gave them a once over and nodded, "Good, everyone is ready." Holding out some cups, she smiled, "Here, to wake you up some."
Sniffing the cup, Natsumi sighed as she took a drink of her black tea while Louisiana downed her coffee, 'Harry-Chan ruined me when he introduced me to this... How else would I get up in the mornings?'
With that done, she handed the cup back to Hoshi who took it, the same with Louisiana's. Leaving the lodge quietly, the three headed back up towards the peak. A frown on her face, Hoshi looked over at the Battleship, "Are you going to be fine? That last slope is steep and it is still dark out."
Louisiana only smiled some and pointed at her shoulders. There, two fairies on each one held up flashlights and turned them on revealing the path, "Oui, I will not have any problems, Miz Hoshi. But thank you."
Only chuckling, the Kyuubi shook her head, "Ah, the wonders of being a shipgirl. Not that I have much worry nor does Natsumi-Chan." Seeing the interested look, she pointed at her eyes which Louisiana noted had eyeshine, "Among other things, us Kitsune have very good eyesight in the darkness."
All Louisiana did was nod at that as it did make sense. Meanwhile, it did not take the three long to reach the summit. Reaching it, the three breathed a bit hard into the cool, pre-dawn air. Slowly, the horizon began to lighten and Natsumi took a few pictures. She then grasped Louisiana's hand and looked up at her, "Did you know, Louisiana-Chan, that Kumotori-San features in 100 Famous Japanese Mountains?"
Warmly chuckling, Louisiana nodded, "Shinano mentioned such to me when I stated where we were going." Turning some towards the South, she could see Mount Fuji in the distance as the sunrise painted it in color, "And I can understand why."
Looking in the same direction, Natsumi nodded though she did not say anything. Taking a picture with her free hand, she placed her camera back into her pocket before gesturing for Louisiana to bend down. Once the taller woman did, she gave her a kiss on the cheek, right on the corner of her lips, "Thank you for coming, Louisiana-Chan."
The Battleship just returned said kiss on the cheek in the same spot on Natsumi, her eyes glimmering, "Non, you do not need to thank me, ma chérie. For this, I have no problem."
Both of them shared a smile at that before turning back to the rising Sun. Due to that, neither noticed the amused look that Hoshi had on her face before the older Kitsune shook her head, 'Ah, to be young again...'
Several hours later, the three sunk into the hot springs with a sigh from Louisiana and Hoshi as well as a groan from Natsumi. The nearly fourteen year old Kitsune leaned back against the shipgirl some much to the amusement of the older Kitsune, "Ah, nothing like a visit to a hot spring after climbing a mountain."
With a glance towards Hoshi, who nodded, Louisiana placed her arm around the teen's shoulders, "Oui, this is lovely."
Arms on the side of the pool, the Kyuubi gave a slight bow towards the shipgirl, "I must thank you, Louisiana-San. When those Aurors arrived looking for magical beings that tripped one of their sensors, I believed that I would need to... make them forget having found anything." Snickering, she shook her head, "Though the looks on their faces when you stated that it must have been you was priceless."
From where she was leaning into Louisiana, Natsumi gave a barking laugh, "Hai, that was hilarious! Especially when you summoned your rigging." Widely grinning, she looked up at the freckled face of the shipgirl, "They cleared out rather quick."
Humming, Louisiana leaned her head to the side, "Well, I could not have them interrupt our trip after all." After a nod from both Hoshi and Natsumi, her next words caused the two Kitsune to freeze, "Though I doubt that they will like the fact that my fairies were annoyed with the interruption enough that they decided that such sensors were not needed on the mountain."
That got a laugh from the Kyuubi after a few seconds as she shook her head, "No, I think not!" She blinked and looked back at the mountain and smiled a bit, "And I think that perhaps the local Kami are in agreement."
Not quite understanding what the Kitsune saw or sensed, Louisiana simply nodded and went back to enjoying Natsumi cuddled up to her as they sat in the steaming, mineral rich waters. The trip turned out to be everything that she could have hoped for. She spent quite a bit of time with Natsumi just talking as they made their way up and later down the mountain, shared a meal with her, and generally got to know the teenaged Yokai. At the same time, Natsumi got to know her a little better
Slowly, the Battleship leaned back a bit into the hot, mineral rich water with a soft sigh even as Natsumi used her shoulder as a pillow. Opening her eyes, Natsumi glanced at Hoshi before leaning up and kissing Louisiana's cheek, "Chu!"
Getting a blink, she smiled a bit and giggled before going back to laying her head on Louisiana's shoulder with a sigh. After a blink, Louisiana looked down at her with a soft smile herself before closing her eyes. Both of them just relaxing.
Really, as far as Louisiana was concerned, it was a worth while trip in every way.
Letting out a sigh in the chilly air, Natsumi looked beside her as she adjusted her backpack, "What do you think, Louisiana-Chan? Ready for the two day climb?"
Warmly chuckling, the Battleship nodded some, "Oui, I am, ma chérie." Looking up towards the mountain, Louisiana smiled, "Spending the next few days hiking I think will be a pleasant way of spending time together." Shifting her coat a little, she hummed, "Especially as Spring Break is nearly over for you. But I would never say no to spending more time with you, ma chérie."
A laugh made them turn as Hoshi winked at them as she joined them, flinging her own backpack on, "Don't forget me, you two." Smirking at the slightly flustered look on Natsumi's face, she continued, "After all, you both need some adult supervision."
Placing her face in her hands, Natsumi groaned, "Hoshi-San..."
More amused than anything else, Louisiana smirked herself before patting the Kitsune on the shoulders, "There, there, ma chérie. Nothing for it." With a small nod, the shipgirl hummed a bit, "Shall we?"
Both Kitsune nodded at that and soon they began their journey up the mountain. Here and there snow yet covered the ground even as spring arrived. Looking in the distance, Natsumi could just see Mount Fuji rising upwards due to the clear weather, "A bit of a shame that we could not climb Mount Dainchi."
With a shrug, Hoshi shook her head, "The snows were heavy once more this year, Natsumi-Chan. Which meant that we could not climb up the mountains as it is a bit too dangerous for one of your level this time of year. But... perhaps in a few years. And there is also always summer."
Considering that, Natsumi hummed some, "I guess." She then perked up some, "Which means that maybe I could take along Harry-Chan." Becoming thoughtful, the nearly fourteen year old frowned in thought, "Though we have also discussed maybe climbing some mountains in Scotland."
That made the older Kitsune cock her head to the side, "Truly? Which ones?"
Natsumi looked at her before smiling a bit, "Harry-Chan pointed them out to me actually when we went to Hogsmeade back in October. One was called Braeriach and is the third highest mountain in the United Kingdom." Getting a nod, she continued, "The other one that we talked about was Ben Navis which is the tallest mountain in the United Kingdom. Neither are that big compared to some of the mountains here, they're smaller then Kumotori-San. But..."
Slowly, Hoshi nodded with a chuckle, "It would be a mountain that the two of you would climb, and in Harry-San's homeland. A victory of your own and memories created."
Lightly blushing, the teenaged Kitsune nodded. She then glanced at Louisiana and shrugged, "Maybe you could come along as well, Louisiana-Chan."
Her lips curling into a smile, Louisiana chuckled a bit, "Oui, perhaps. Though it might be best if it was just the two of you first, ma chérie, with mon chéri. But thinking on it..." Frowning, she gave a hum, "Did not mon chéri mention another mountain?"
After a moment, Natsumi tapped her chin, "Well... Harry-Chan stated that it was not really a mountain, just a very big hill in Surrey called Leith Hill. According to him, his class when he lived in Britain climbed it. And... he wanted to climb it alongside me and some of the others." Softly smiling, she shook her head, "I would not be against such a thing..."
Smiling herself, Louisiana nodded, "Nor would I, ma chérie. Nor would I..."
The three of them shared a small smile and continued their hike as they slowly made their way up the incline. Entering the trees, the group looked around in interest before Hoshi hummed a bit, "There is nothing quite as good for one such as us, Natsumi-Chan, than Shinrin-yoku."
Even as Natsumi nodded in agreement, Louisiana tilted her head some in curiosity, "Shinrin-yoku? Forest bathing?"
Looking over her shoulder, the Kyuubi smiled a bit, "Hai." With one hand, Hoshi gestured around them, "To walk among the trees and meditate on them. Wonderful."
Somewhat intrigued, Louisiana glanced around in interest before taking a deep breath before letting it out, "Oui, walking in the forest is something to treasure." Reaching over, she held out a hand that Natsumi took, "Especially with those that you care for."
Fingers entwined with the Battleships, the Kitsune could only nod in agreement. As they continued their hike. Still holding Louisiana's hand, Natsumi slowed down some and waited until Hoshi was a distance in front of them. Looking up at the shipgirl, she smiled some, "Thank you for coming, Louisiana-Chan."
Giving her hand a gentle squeeze, the Battleship shook her head, "You do not need to thank me, ma chérie. Any time I spend with you, I treasure." The smile that she got made hers grow a bit more before she hummed some, "You seem to enjoy mountain climbing."
Even though it was not phrased as such, Natsumi understood that it was also a question. After a few moments of thought, she tapped her chin, "I do, Louisiana-Chan. For some reason, climbing mountains and walking through the forests and such... it calls to me. And I feel this peace when I do so. Not sure how or why... but I do."
For several seconds, Louisiana was silent before nodding, "I see." She then smiled again, "Does that mean that one day you may try the Seven Summits?"
That made Natsumi blink a bit in confusion, "The Seven Summits?"
Chuckling, the shipgirl looked down at her, "Oui, they are the highest mountains on each continent. A challenge for one who enjoys climbing mountains."
Head tilted to the side, Natsumi considered that, "I've always seen Fuji-San as the goal of my climbing, to one day climb the slopes of that peak. Myself and Harry-Chan have talked about it when we were younger and we promised to do so when we graduated high school. But... perhaps after..." She grinned a bit and Louisiana knew that if her tails were out, they would be wagging, "Perhaps after, I could become the first Kitsune to climb the Seven Summits."
Warmly smiling, the Battleship nodded at that, "I believe that you could do so, ma chérie."
All Natsumi did was nod excitedly at that.
Feeling herself being shaken some, the Kitsune grumbled a bit and snuggled more into her pillows. They were nice and soft as well as warm. Being shaken again, she grumbled a bit into said pillows, which got a chuckle from them which made her thoughts pause. Eyes cracking open, Natsumi tilted her head back and squinted at the smirking Louisiana, "Well, ma chérie?"
It took only a few moments for Natsumi to realize what her "Pillows" were and she deeply flushed, "Sorry, Louisiana-Chan..."
Moments later, Louisiana brought a finger under her chin and tilted her head back some, "Non, you have nothing to be sorry about, ma chérie. Though I will not deny that I do not mind all too much."
Giving it some thought, a part of the teen's mind gave a mental shrug, "Eh, sure." With that, she buried her face back into the Battleship's shirt covered chest, "Too tired, and too comfy."
Eyes closed, it took every bit of Louisiana's will power not to burst out laughing. Mainly because she knew that if she did, than she would both be unable to stop and would likely wake everyone else in the lodge. Still, her shoulders shook as she bit her lip and her voice was coloured with mirth, "Ah, but it was you who suggested that we wake before dawn to go back to the summit, ma chérie. To watch as the Sun rose over Japan."
After a few moments, Natsumi gave a sigh and mumbled into the marshmallow hell she had placed herself into, "Thank you for reminding me, Louisiana-Chan..." Pulling back, she gave a huff of annoyance though her eyes twinkled with mirth, "I suppose that we must wake up then."
The only thing that the Battleship did was smirk at that.
It did not take the two of them long to get changed back into their climbing clothes. And leaving their room, they met Hoshi who gave them a once over and nodded, "Good, everyone is ready." Holding out some cups, she smiled, "Here, to wake you up some."
Sniffing the cup, Natsumi sighed as she took a drink of her black tea while Louisiana downed her coffee, 'Harry-Chan ruined me when he introduced me to this... How else would I get up in the mornings?'
With that done, she handed the cup back to Hoshi who took it, the same with Louisiana's. Leaving the lodge quietly, the three headed back up towards the peak. A frown on her face, Hoshi looked over at the Battleship, "Are you going to be fine? That last slope is steep and it is still dark out."
Louisiana only smiled some and pointed at her shoulders. There, two fairies on each one held up flashlights and turned them on revealing the path, "Oui, I will not have any problems, Miz Hoshi. But thank you."
Only chuckling, the Kyuubi shook her head, "Ah, the wonders of being a shipgirl. Not that I have much worry nor does Natsumi-Chan." Seeing the interested look, she pointed at her eyes which Louisiana noted had eyeshine, "Among other things, us Kitsune have very good eyesight in the darkness."
All Louisiana did was nod at that as it did make sense. Meanwhile, it did not take the three long to reach the summit. Reaching it, the three breathed a bit hard into the cool, pre-dawn air. Slowly, the horizon began to lighten and Natsumi took a few pictures. She then grasped Louisiana's hand and looked up at her, "Did you know, Louisiana-Chan, that Kumotori-San features in 100 Famous Japanese Mountains?"
Warmly chuckling, Louisiana nodded, "Shinano mentioned such to me when I stated where we were going." Turning some towards the South, she could see Mount Fuji in the distance as the sunrise painted it in color, "And I can understand why."
Looking in the same direction, Natsumi nodded though she did not say anything. Taking a picture with her free hand, she placed her camera back into her pocket before gesturing for Louisiana to bend down. Once the taller woman did, she gave her a kiss on the cheek, right on the corner of her lips, "Thank you for coming, Louisiana-Chan."
The Battleship just returned said kiss on the cheek in the same spot on Natsumi, her eyes glimmering, "Non, you do not need to thank me, ma chérie. For this, I have no problem."
Both of them shared a smile at that before turning back to the rising Sun. Due to that, neither noticed the amused look that Hoshi had on her face before the older Kitsune shook her head, 'Ah, to be young again...'
Several hours later, the three sunk into the hot springs with a sigh from Louisiana and Hoshi as well as a groan from Natsumi. The nearly fourteen year old Kitsune leaned back against the shipgirl some much to the amusement of the older Kitsune, "Ah, nothing like a visit to a hot spring after climbing a mountain."
With a glance towards Hoshi, who nodded, Louisiana placed her arm around the teen's shoulders, "Oui, this is lovely."
Arms on the side of the pool, the Kyuubi gave a slight bow towards the shipgirl, "I must thank you, Louisiana-San. When those Aurors arrived looking for magical beings that tripped one of their sensors, I believed that I would need to... make them forget having found anything." Snickering, she shook her head, "Though the looks on their faces when you stated that it must have been you was priceless."
From where she was leaning into Louisiana, Natsumi gave a barking laugh, "Hai, that was hilarious! Especially when you summoned your rigging." Widely grinning, she looked up at the freckled face of the shipgirl, "They cleared out rather quick."
Humming, Louisiana leaned her head to the side, "Well, I could not have them interrupt our trip after all." After a nod from both Hoshi and Natsumi, her next words caused the two Kitsune to freeze, "Though I doubt that they will like the fact that my fairies were annoyed with the interruption enough that they decided that such sensors were not needed on the mountain."
That got a laugh from the Kyuubi after a few seconds as she shook her head, "No, I think not!" She blinked and looked back at the mountain and smiled a bit, "And I think that perhaps the local Kami are in agreement."
Not quite understanding what the Kitsune saw or sensed, Louisiana simply nodded and went back to enjoying Natsumi cuddled up to her as they sat in the steaming, mineral rich waters. The trip turned out to be everything that she could have hoped for. She spent quite a bit of time with Natsumi just talking as they made their way up and later down the mountain, shared a meal with her, and generally got to know the teenaged Yokai. At the same time, Natsumi got to know her a little better
Slowly, the Battleship leaned back a bit into the hot, mineral rich water with a soft sigh even as Natsumi used her shoulder as a pillow. Opening her eyes, Natsumi glanced at Hoshi before leaning up and kissing Louisiana's cheek, "Chu!"
Getting a blink, she smiled a bit and giggled before going back to laying her head on Louisiana's shoulder with a sigh. After a blink, Louisiana looked down at her with a soft smile herself before closing her eyes. Both of them just relaxing.
Really, as far as Louisiana was concerned, it was a worth while trip in every way.