Harry visits his Nieces 5
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Harry Leferts
Standing around, Sunny had a thoughtful look at the crowd of Abyssals that milled around. Most of them quietly chatting with each other about various things, though what was going to happen was the main topic of conversation. Hearing footsteps, the Battleship Water Demon turned and smiled some as Regalia walked up. "Hey, Regalia. You excited about what's going to happen? I mean, actual flight?"
The Re-Class blushed some but then nodded a bit. "Sort of? I mean, actually flying?" Tilting her head back, she looked towards the sky. "It sounds neat to be honest, being able to do that. But..."
A slight smile on her face, Sunny placed her arm around the smaller Abyssal's shoulders. "But also kind of scary, right? We're Abyssals and if we were meant to fly, we would have wings or some such thing."
With a blink, Regalia nodded. "Yeah, it sounds fun but also scary. At the same time though, Grandma and Uncle Harry stated that it is perfectly safe. How though, I am not too sure, I mean... a broom?"
Just shrugging, Sunny shook her head. "I know, right? A flying broom? That sounds like something from those old stories about witches and stuff that we heard about during Hallowe'en back in Unalaska. Finding out that's true is, well, something else."
Considering that, that got her a small hum from her niece. "That's true, I guess? And Uncle Harry wouldn't exactly lie about that, though I am still unsure about that magic stuff. Seems odd..."
That got her a snort from the Battleship Water Demon. "Odd is putting it mildly, Kiddo. All of us are still coming to grips with that sort of thing actually being real. But..." First gesturing at the castle and then the village, she shook her head. "You can't really argue with the results."
Regalia blinked at that and first examined the now repaired castle and then turning her head to the small village. It was not far away from where she was, but she could easily see the forms of the cabins now being used by the Fleet of Laughter as well as the large barns for the Destroyers. More then that, stone structures that their uncle had rebuilt with a word and a wave of his wand also stood in full relief, though no one was quite sure what they were going to be used for yet. Some were going to be used as storehouses at least for now, and possibly other uses as well once the missing roofs, long since rotted away and not able to be recreated even with magic, were replaced.
One of the stone buildings near her farm was going to be used to store tools and the like for it as well.
Frowning, Regalia slowly nodded as she turned back to Sunny. "Yeah, I guess that you can't. It is sort of neat though, I mean... in all the time that Mom's been here we've never managed this much work, mostly just keeping things from falling apart entirely. And then Uncle Harry came by and fixed it all up for us."
Eyebrow raised, Sunny gave her a look. "Not angry or anything about it, are you?"
However, the younger girl shook her head and made a motion with her hands. "No! I mean, I am sort of annoyed I guess in that it took that... but I am really happy too?" Grimacing, she scratched her head. "Its sort of confusing..."
Much to her confusion though, that got her a bark of laughter from her aunt who nodded. "I think that I can understand where you're coming from, Regalia." Letting out one last laugh, Sunny gave her a smile. "I would be surprised if you didn't feel some annoyance at it all. Uncle Harry just did a whole bunch of work that none of us has managed to do. But... we all got our specialities and Uncle Harry's is magic."
Still frowning, Regalia looked down at the ground and scuffed a hoof. "Is it bad that I am sort of jealous of Uncle Harry and the stuff he can do?"
About to answer, Sunny jumped a bit alongside Regalia as Hoppou spoke up. "Hoppou does not see it as being bad. In fact, Hoppou sees it as being normal, Regalia as sometimes Hoppou wishes that she could do things that Big Brother does."
Hand against her chest, Sunny huffed a bit. "Mom! How do you sneak up on us all the time like that!?"
In Hoppou's eyes was a small twinkle as she answered. "Quietly."
A short distance away, Ritou glanced at her mother as well as the pouting Sunny and confused Regalia before shaking her head. Turning towards Tanith, she raised an eyebrow. "What do you think of this?"
Tilting her head to the side, the taller Princess considered her words for a few moments. "I have not minded the work that Uncle Harry has put in. If anything, it has proven that Mother was right to make him Flagship Demon." Now looking at Ritou, Tanith gave her a slight smile. "Also, Uncle Harry has proven that he lives by the same ideals as Mother has taught us."
Ritou crossed her arms as she thought it over before nodding. "That is true enough." Her eyes then caught sight of something and smiled a bit. "And here comes Uncle Harry now."
With a blink, Tanith turned to the entrance to the castle as Harry walked out with a larger broom than he had the day before. More then that, it was what he was wearing that caused more then one Abyssal to stare a little bit. Over his thick sweater, he had on his aviator's jacket Houshou had given him with similarly thick gloves on his hands. However, on his head was an aviator's cap as well as a pair of goggles. Lips twitching, Patty giggled some. "Uncle Harry? What are you wearing?"
Giving her a lop sided smile, Harry chuckled some. "Just my usual flight gear for when its a bit chilly out. It can get pretty cold once you're in the wind up there after all." Various Abyssals nodded at that only to stop at his next words. "So, who wants to go up first?" When no one stepped forward, he raised an eyebrow though there was some amusement there. "No one? Really?"
All of them were glancing at each other with some of them coughing, something that amused Harry still further. Much to his surprise though, Sunny stepped forward with a smile, though he could see some nervousness there. "Guess I'll take the plunge then."
Harry gave her a small nod at that before holding out his broom and then letting go, the large object hovering perpendicular to the ground. "Great to hear."
Now next to the broom, the Abyssal examined it more closely as she was going entrust her safety to it after all. Frown on her face, she turned to her uncle. "Mind me asking a question?" When he nodded, Sunny continued. "Why is this a different one then you were using yesterday? I mean, its bigger, sure, but..."
Lightly chuckling, Harry shook his head. "The broom that I was using yesterday was my Nimbus 2000. And that's a racing broom, which meant that I could move around quickly as well, though its less comfortable for more then one person and, well..." Glancing at Tanith and a few others including Sunny, he coughed. "Its less comfortable for two people depending on their sizes..."
interested, Patty examined the broom in his hands as did Nuri, but it was the former Nu-Class who spoke up. "So then what is this one?"
Gently patting the broomstick, a smile was on the wizard's face. "This is an Oakshaft 2010, called that for the year it was made in. Not so good for sports like Quidditch, but Oakshafts are really good for comfort and control for more then one rider, and also for long distance travels. An much earlier model, the Oakshaft 79 was used in the first ever successful Transatlantic Broom Crossing in 1935. So they're really decent brooms."
Unable to help herself, Sunny shook her head and chuckled. "You seem to know a lot about broomsticks, Uncle Harry."
Just smiling, Harry gave a small shrug. "Well, I fly at Hogwarts all the time. And if there is one thing that Houshou-Oba, Akagi-Oba, Kaga-Oba, and Shinano-Chan have hammered into my head? Its knowing everything you can about what you are flying and your choices." That got him nods and then the thirteen year old got onto the broom and patted behind him. "Okay, Sunny, come on aboard."
Her nervousness returning some, the Abyssal looked over the broom before meeting his eyes. "Sure, just one thing? How am I supposed to sit on this as it looks uncomfortable."
Smiling, the wizard twisted around some. "Well, you can choose to either sit like I am, or to sit sideways, like this." Harry then turned until he had his legs over one side. "Some women like to sit that way, but I prefer the other way as it gives me more control. As for how comfortable? It has a cushion charm on it that makes it more comfortable then one might think."
For several moments, Sunny looked from him to the broom and back before taking a deep breath and getting on. Rather then go side saddle though, she placed one leg on either side of the broom and sat down with her arms around her uncle's middle. Looking at the broom, she swallowed a bit. "Well, its less uncomfortable then I would have thought."
With a smile as he looked over his shoulder, Harry held back a chuckle. "That's what most find out. Anyways, I'm going to slowly bring us up, okay? Just don't suddenly shift how much you weigh on me."
Quickly, the Abyssal Battleship Demon shook her head. "You don't need to worry about that, Uncle Harry." As Harry had promised, he slowly raised the broom upwards and Sunny could feel herself lifted with it until her feet left the ground. For several moments, her feet swung under the broom completely in the air and her jaw dropped. "Holy Snickles! We're actually flying!"
Unable to help himself, Harry gave a laugh. "To some extent, yeah. You just tell me if we go too high or fast and I'll lower us either height or speed wise, okay?" Getting a nod from the still awed Battleship Water Demon, he flew the broom higher. Eventually though, Harry felt her squeeze him from behind and he looked over his shoulder. "You okay, Sunny?"
Nodding, Sunny was looking around with some nervousness. "Y-yeah, Uncle Harry. Just... we're a bit too high."
Simply smiling, the thirteen year old Uncle lowered them down some. "Hey, Sunny?" When she turned to him, his smile became softer. "Don't worry too much, I won't let any of you fall."
The Abyssal looked him in the eyes through his goggles and then relaxed a bit. "Yeah, that's true." Shifting a bit, Sunny pressed up against him. Unknown to either of them, Harry was now in a position that many males would have killed to be in. Leaning down a bit, she smiled. "So... this is what flying is like?"
All Harry did was nod at that.
Several minutes later, Ritou was sighing as she could hear the cheers from Sunny as Harry blasted past a hundred feet up, rolling the broom as he did so and then going into a loop-de-loop with his niece holding him close as he did so. 'I knew that this was likely going to happen...' Despite the tone of her thoughts though, her lips curled upwards. '... Though that does look fun.'
Once they set down, Sunny hopped off and grinned widely as she hugged Harry. "That was so much fun! Thanks, Uncle Harry!"
With a grin about as wide, Harry patted her on the back. "You're welcome, Sunny. I had fun as well."
Turning, the Abyssal walked over to Tanith and grabbed her hand before dragging her towards Harry. "You have got to try it, Tanith! Trust me, you're going to love it!"
Slowly, Tanith blinked as she looked at the broom, and then herself. Then she looked back at the broom which seemed too small for her. '...'
It did turn out though that the Northern Water Princess did enjoy the broom ride as did various others who went up with Harry. Patty, especially, was screaming with joy and excitement while begging Harry to pull more and more stunts much to her sister's exasperation. When it came to Renita's turn though, once the broom was ten feet up, she shook her head. "U-uncle Harry? I think that this is high enough."
Rather then be annoyed though, Harry simply nodded. "Not a problem, Renita. Want me to go slow around the castle and village?" At her unsure nod, he smiled. "Okay, just hang on but not too tight..." However, when it came time to take up Regalia, the black haired wizard blinked. "Sorry, what was that, Regalia?"
Chewing her lip, the Re-Class glanced at her mother who was already small due to being on the ground. "I was wondering how high we could go so... so that I could see the island."
For several seconds, Harry looked at her and nodded as he increased the altitude. "Pretty high, just give me some time to get there." Beneath them, the ground receded away as they flew higher and higher. Finally, Harry let out a breath. "I think this is as high as we can go, Regalia. Too much higher and the oxygen will get too thin for us and its pretty freezing up here as well."
Just holding him close, Regalia shook her head. "No, this is fine, Uncle Harry." For the first time, she could see the island she was born on, and which had, until fairly recently, been her entire world spread out beneath her with her own two eyes instead of her aircraft's. The two of them were actually above the volcano that was the central peak of the mountain, lightly smoking as it always had. When she looked down, she could see the castle and village where she lived with her family, so very small below. Only speaking loud enough, she glanced at her uncle. "Can we do a flight around the island?"
With a small nod, Harry gave her a smile. "Sure thing, Regalia."
No further words were spoken between the two as they performed a circuit around the island. When they landed though, Regalia had a large smile on her face and hugged him. "Thank you, Uncle Harry. For everything..."
Harry simply hugged her back in return.
Shortly after, it was time for a final dinner with the Fleet of Laughter and then goodbyes before he left to return to Hogwarts. Goodbyes that took a while as all his nieces wanted to give him hugs and the like, or get headpats in return. It was a brightly smiling Harry who entered the room with the Vanishing Cabinet that would take him back to Kushiro. Turning, the wizard gave a bright smile to Tanith and the others. "Thanks for having me."
A smile of her own on her face, Tanith shook her head and gave him a hug. "No, thank you, Uncle Harry. We enjoyed having you here and you are welcome to come back whenever you want."
Once she pulled back, Ritou walked forward and gave him a hug of her own. "What Tanith said, Uncle Harry. You take care of yourself."
Just agreeing with that, Harry hugged her back. One by one, the others gave their own hugs and goodbyes to him, when DesDiv6 started their own with Inazuma glomping him. "Hwawawa! Have a good trip back, Harry-Chan! Nanodesu!"
Giving him a thumbs up after her own hug. Ikazuchi grinned. "You can rely on us to take care of things."
Tenryuu gave his hair a ruffle and told him to take care of himself with Tatsuta nodding in agreement. After which, Akatsuki gave him a hug and a promise to write once they get back to Yokosuka themselves. Verniy though stepped forward and tightly embraced him. "It was good to see you again, Harry-Chan."
Bringing his arms up, Harry gave her as tight of a hug. "And it was good to see you as well, Hibiki-Chan. And hopefully, I'll get to see you soon."
Simply nodding, Verniy smiled at him before gently kissing him on the lips. Pulling back with a blush, she bowed slightly. "See you then, Harry-Chan."
On Harry's face, there was also a blush, but he grinned back. Giving a final wave, he stepped into the cabinet and closed the door before being transported back to Kushiro and then to Yokosuka before going back to Britain...
Standing around, Sunny had a thoughtful look at the crowd of Abyssals that milled around. Most of them quietly chatting with each other about various things, though what was going to happen was the main topic of conversation. Hearing footsteps, the Battleship Water Demon turned and smiled some as Regalia walked up. "Hey, Regalia. You excited about what's going to happen? I mean, actual flight?"
The Re-Class blushed some but then nodded a bit. "Sort of? I mean, actually flying?" Tilting her head back, she looked towards the sky. "It sounds neat to be honest, being able to do that. But..."
A slight smile on her face, Sunny placed her arm around the smaller Abyssal's shoulders. "But also kind of scary, right? We're Abyssals and if we were meant to fly, we would have wings or some such thing."
With a blink, Regalia nodded. "Yeah, it sounds fun but also scary. At the same time though, Grandma and Uncle Harry stated that it is perfectly safe. How though, I am not too sure, I mean... a broom?"
Just shrugging, Sunny shook her head. "I know, right? A flying broom? That sounds like something from those old stories about witches and stuff that we heard about during Hallowe'en back in Unalaska. Finding out that's true is, well, something else."
Considering that, that got her a small hum from her niece. "That's true, I guess? And Uncle Harry wouldn't exactly lie about that, though I am still unsure about that magic stuff. Seems odd..."
That got her a snort from the Battleship Water Demon. "Odd is putting it mildly, Kiddo. All of us are still coming to grips with that sort of thing actually being real. But..." First gesturing at the castle and then the village, she shook her head. "You can't really argue with the results."
Regalia blinked at that and first examined the now repaired castle and then turning her head to the small village. It was not far away from where she was, but she could easily see the forms of the cabins now being used by the Fleet of Laughter as well as the large barns for the Destroyers. More then that, stone structures that their uncle had rebuilt with a word and a wave of his wand also stood in full relief, though no one was quite sure what they were going to be used for yet. Some were going to be used as storehouses at least for now, and possibly other uses as well once the missing roofs, long since rotted away and not able to be recreated even with magic, were replaced.
One of the stone buildings near her farm was going to be used to store tools and the like for it as well.
Frowning, Regalia slowly nodded as she turned back to Sunny. "Yeah, I guess that you can't. It is sort of neat though, I mean... in all the time that Mom's been here we've never managed this much work, mostly just keeping things from falling apart entirely. And then Uncle Harry came by and fixed it all up for us."
Eyebrow raised, Sunny gave her a look. "Not angry or anything about it, are you?"
However, the younger girl shook her head and made a motion with her hands. "No! I mean, I am sort of annoyed I guess in that it took that... but I am really happy too?" Grimacing, she scratched her head. "Its sort of confusing..."
Much to her confusion though, that got her a bark of laughter from her aunt who nodded. "I think that I can understand where you're coming from, Regalia." Letting out one last laugh, Sunny gave her a smile. "I would be surprised if you didn't feel some annoyance at it all. Uncle Harry just did a whole bunch of work that none of us has managed to do. But... we all got our specialities and Uncle Harry's is magic."
Still frowning, Regalia looked down at the ground and scuffed a hoof. "Is it bad that I am sort of jealous of Uncle Harry and the stuff he can do?"
About to answer, Sunny jumped a bit alongside Regalia as Hoppou spoke up. "Hoppou does not see it as being bad. In fact, Hoppou sees it as being normal, Regalia as sometimes Hoppou wishes that she could do things that Big Brother does."
Hand against her chest, Sunny huffed a bit. "Mom! How do you sneak up on us all the time like that!?"
In Hoppou's eyes was a small twinkle as she answered. "Quietly."
A short distance away, Ritou glanced at her mother as well as the pouting Sunny and confused Regalia before shaking her head. Turning towards Tanith, she raised an eyebrow. "What do you think of this?"
Tilting her head to the side, the taller Princess considered her words for a few moments. "I have not minded the work that Uncle Harry has put in. If anything, it has proven that Mother was right to make him Flagship Demon." Now looking at Ritou, Tanith gave her a slight smile. "Also, Uncle Harry has proven that he lives by the same ideals as Mother has taught us."
Ritou crossed her arms as she thought it over before nodding. "That is true enough." Her eyes then caught sight of something and smiled a bit. "And here comes Uncle Harry now."
With a blink, Tanith turned to the entrance to the castle as Harry walked out with a larger broom than he had the day before. More then that, it was what he was wearing that caused more then one Abyssal to stare a little bit. Over his thick sweater, he had on his aviator's jacket Houshou had given him with similarly thick gloves on his hands. However, on his head was an aviator's cap as well as a pair of goggles. Lips twitching, Patty giggled some. "Uncle Harry? What are you wearing?"
Giving her a lop sided smile, Harry chuckled some. "Just my usual flight gear for when its a bit chilly out. It can get pretty cold once you're in the wind up there after all." Various Abyssals nodded at that only to stop at his next words. "So, who wants to go up first?" When no one stepped forward, he raised an eyebrow though there was some amusement there. "No one? Really?"
All of them were glancing at each other with some of them coughing, something that amused Harry still further. Much to his surprise though, Sunny stepped forward with a smile, though he could see some nervousness there. "Guess I'll take the plunge then."
Harry gave her a small nod at that before holding out his broom and then letting go, the large object hovering perpendicular to the ground. "Great to hear."
Now next to the broom, the Abyssal examined it more closely as she was going entrust her safety to it after all. Frown on her face, she turned to her uncle. "Mind me asking a question?" When he nodded, Sunny continued. "Why is this a different one then you were using yesterday? I mean, its bigger, sure, but..."
Lightly chuckling, Harry shook his head. "The broom that I was using yesterday was my Nimbus 2000. And that's a racing broom, which meant that I could move around quickly as well, though its less comfortable for more then one person and, well..." Glancing at Tanith and a few others including Sunny, he coughed. "Its less comfortable for two people depending on their sizes..."
interested, Patty examined the broom in his hands as did Nuri, but it was the former Nu-Class who spoke up. "So then what is this one?"
Gently patting the broomstick, a smile was on the wizard's face. "This is an Oakshaft 2010, called that for the year it was made in. Not so good for sports like Quidditch, but Oakshafts are really good for comfort and control for more then one rider, and also for long distance travels. An much earlier model, the Oakshaft 79 was used in the first ever successful Transatlantic Broom Crossing in 1935. So they're really decent brooms."
Unable to help herself, Sunny shook her head and chuckled. "You seem to know a lot about broomsticks, Uncle Harry."
Just smiling, Harry gave a small shrug. "Well, I fly at Hogwarts all the time. And if there is one thing that Houshou-Oba, Akagi-Oba, Kaga-Oba, and Shinano-Chan have hammered into my head? Its knowing everything you can about what you are flying and your choices." That got him nods and then the thirteen year old got onto the broom and patted behind him. "Okay, Sunny, come on aboard."
Her nervousness returning some, the Abyssal looked over the broom before meeting his eyes. "Sure, just one thing? How am I supposed to sit on this as it looks uncomfortable."
Smiling, the wizard twisted around some. "Well, you can choose to either sit like I am, or to sit sideways, like this." Harry then turned until he had his legs over one side. "Some women like to sit that way, but I prefer the other way as it gives me more control. As for how comfortable? It has a cushion charm on it that makes it more comfortable then one might think."
For several moments, Sunny looked from him to the broom and back before taking a deep breath and getting on. Rather then go side saddle though, she placed one leg on either side of the broom and sat down with her arms around her uncle's middle. Looking at the broom, she swallowed a bit. "Well, its less uncomfortable then I would have thought."
With a smile as he looked over his shoulder, Harry held back a chuckle. "That's what most find out. Anyways, I'm going to slowly bring us up, okay? Just don't suddenly shift how much you weigh on me."
Quickly, the Abyssal Battleship Demon shook her head. "You don't need to worry about that, Uncle Harry." As Harry had promised, he slowly raised the broom upwards and Sunny could feel herself lifted with it until her feet left the ground. For several moments, her feet swung under the broom completely in the air and her jaw dropped. "Holy Snickles! We're actually flying!"
Unable to help himself, Harry gave a laugh. "To some extent, yeah. You just tell me if we go too high or fast and I'll lower us either height or speed wise, okay?" Getting a nod from the still awed Battleship Water Demon, he flew the broom higher. Eventually though, Harry felt her squeeze him from behind and he looked over his shoulder. "You okay, Sunny?"
Nodding, Sunny was looking around with some nervousness. "Y-yeah, Uncle Harry. Just... we're a bit too high."
Simply smiling, the thirteen year old Uncle lowered them down some. "Hey, Sunny?" When she turned to him, his smile became softer. "Don't worry too much, I won't let any of you fall."
The Abyssal looked him in the eyes through his goggles and then relaxed a bit. "Yeah, that's true." Shifting a bit, Sunny pressed up against him. Unknown to either of them, Harry was now in a position that many males would have killed to be in. Leaning down a bit, she smiled. "So... this is what flying is like?"
All Harry did was nod at that.
Several minutes later, Ritou was sighing as she could hear the cheers from Sunny as Harry blasted past a hundred feet up, rolling the broom as he did so and then going into a loop-de-loop with his niece holding him close as he did so. 'I knew that this was likely going to happen...' Despite the tone of her thoughts though, her lips curled upwards. '... Though that does look fun.'
Once they set down, Sunny hopped off and grinned widely as she hugged Harry. "That was so much fun! Thanks, Uncle Harry!"
With a grin about as wide, Harry patted her on the back. "You're welcome, Sunny. I had fun as well."
Turning, the Abyssal walked over to Tanith and grabbed her hand before dragging her towards Harry. "You have got to try it, Tanith! Trust me, you're going to love it!"
Slowly, Tanith blinked as she looked at the broom, and then herself. Then she looked back at the broom which seemed too small for her. '...'
It did turn out though that the Northern Water Princess did enjoy the broom ride as did various others who went up with Harry. Patty, especially, was screaming with joy and excitement while begging Harry to pull more and more stunts much to her sister's exasperation. When it came to Renita's turn though, once the broom was ten feet up, she shook her head. "U-uncle Harry? I think that this is high enough."
Rather then be annoyed though, Harry simply nodded. "Not a problem, Renita. Want me to go slow around the castle and village?" At her unsure nod, he smiled. "Okay, just hang on but not too tight..." However, when it came time to take up Regalia, the black haired wizard blinked. "Sorry, what was that, Regalia?"
Chewing her lip, the Re-Class glanced at her mother who was already small due to being on the ground. "I was wondering how high we could go so... so that I could see the island."
For several seconds, Harry looked at her and nodded as he increased the altitude. "Pretty high, just give me some time to get there." Beneath them, the ground receded away as they flew higher and higher. Finally, Harry let out a breath. "I think this is as high as we can go, Regalia. Too much higher and the oxygen will get too thin for us and its pretty freezing up here as well."
Just holding him close, Regalia shook her head. "No, this is fine, Uncle Harry." For the first time, she could see the island she was born on, and which had, until fairly recently, been her entire world spread out beneath her with her own two eyes instead of her aircraft's. The two of them were actually above the volcano that was the central peak of the mountain, lightly smoking as it always had. When she looked down, she could see the castle and village where she lived with her family, so very small below. Only speaking loud enough, she glanced at her uncle. "Can we do a flight around the island?"
With a small nod, Harry gave her a smile. "Sure thing, Regalia."
No further words were spoken between the two as they performed a circuit around the island. When they landed though, Regalia had a large smile on her face and hugged him. "Thank you, Uncle Harry. For everything..."
Harry simply hugged her back in return.
Shortly after, it was time for a final dinner with the Fleet of Laughter and then goodbyes before he left to return to Hogwarts. Goodbyes that took a while as all his nieces wanted to give him hugs and the like, or get headpats in return. It was a brightly smiling Harry who entered the room with the Vanishing Cabinet that would take him back to Kushiro. Turning, the wizard gave a bright smile to Tanith and the others. "Thanks for having me."
A smile of her own on her face, Tanith shook her head and gave him a hug. "No, thank you, Uncle Harry. We enjoyed having you here and you are welcome to come back whenever you want."
Once she pulled back, Ritou walked forward and gave him a hug of her own. "What Tanith said, Uncle Harry. You take care of yourself."
Just agreeing with that, Harry hugged her back. One by one, the others gave their own hugs and goodbyes to him, when DesDiv6 started their own with Inazuma glomping him. "Hwawawa! Have a good trip back, Harry-Chan! Nanodesu!"
Giving him a thumbs up after her own hug. Ikazuchi grinned. "You can rely on us to take care of things."
Tenryuu gave his hair a ruffle and told him to take care of himself with Tatsuta nodding in agreement. After which, Akatsuki gave him a hug and a promise to write once they get back to Yokosuka themselves. Verniy though stepped forward and tightly embraced him. "It was good to see you again, Harry-Chan."
Bringing his arms up, Harry gave her as tight of a hug. "And it was good to see you as well, Hibiki-Chan. And hopefully, I'll get to see you soon."
Simply nodding, Verniy smiled at him before gently kissing him on the lips. Pulling back with a blush, she bowed slightly. "See you then, Harry-Chan."
On Harry's face, there was also a blush, but he grinned back. Giving a final wave, he stepped into the cabinet and closed the door before being transported back to Kushiro and then to Yokosuka before going back to Britain...