Lousiana teaches Cooking
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Harry Leferts
Clapping her hands, Louisiana smiled at the group before her, "Welcome, my friends, to my cooking lesson." Lips twitching a bit, she gave a deep, rich chuckle, "Thankfully, we will be able to use mon chéri's kitchen for cooking today."
Softly smiling, Sheff glanced at the rest of the group that consisted of Kansha, Saki, and Hinata in her human form, "I think that we should be thanking you, Miss Louisiana. After all, this is a new form of cooking that we have not been exposed to and..." Glancing around, he frowned thoughtfully as Saki nodded in agreement with his next bit, "I must admit, I am interested in learning."
Hinata gave a small nod of her own, "Hai, it is much the same here." Lips curling into a smile, she hummed a bit, "I will never turn down any new form of cooking after all. And from what I hear, some of your meals use rice, so I am interested in it."
When she looked at him, Kansha gave a shrug and a grin, "I've got nothing different to say from what the others say. I live for cooking after all."
Just chuckling, the Battleship nodded and gestured for them to follow her, which they did. While Harry's corner of the kitchen was not large, it was not small either as often he had help. Thus they were all able to fit in the area with little difficulty, though they did not have much extra room.
Once they all had on their aprons, Hinata glanced as she washed her hands once Louisiana was done, "So what are we making today?"
Drying her hands, Lousiana nodded, "Today we shall be making Cajun dishes in the form of po' boys, jambalaya, gumbo, and dirty rice as well as perhaps some soul food."
That last one gave the three Japanese beings there a pause and they turned to her. Clearing his throat, Kansha raised an eyebrow, "Uh, 'dirty rice'? That... does not sound appetizing."
More amused then anything else, Louisiana chuckled, "Non, I suppose not. But it iz not actually dirty, you see. It iz called such because the ingrediants, the beef, pork, chicken, and others will turn the rice brown. As if it were dirty, you see. Nothing else."
Relaxing, Kansha chuckled as well at that, "Okay, I think that I understand. So... what is first."
Simply humming, the American Battleship gave a slight nod, "First, we shall prepare ze po' boy as we are making one with roast beef. Though one could make it with fried shrimp, fried oysters, catfish..." As she continued to list off ingredients, the three others were listening in bemusement until she was done. She then gestured them over as she brought out a large chunk of beef, "Now, we must begin with the chuck beef. It iz what one needs to use in a New Orleans style po'boy. Then we bring out the beef stock to simmer it in along with other ingredients..."
After a few minutes of helping her prepare the stock as well as the seasonings, Hinata raised an eyebrow at Lousiana, "And how long does the cooking take?"
Bemused, as she expected their reaction, Louisiana gestured at the clock, "It will take a few hours, you see, of it simmering before it iz done." At their looks of surprise, she smirked, "To make a po'boy properly, the roast must be done well enough that it falls apart at a stare."
There was a considering look on the Jorogumo's face which made Saki look at her, "You have an idea?"
Humming as she slowly nodded with furrowed eyebrows, Hinata smiled slightly, "If the meat is that soft once done, I wonder if I could mix it with something more traditionally Japanese. Such as Gyūdon with the beef being replaced with this type of roast beef."
Upon hearing that, Kansha became thoughtful himself, "Hmm... now there is an interesting idea." Shaking it off, he noted that Louisiana brought out celery, green bell pepper, and onion, "What are we to use those for?"
Amused, Louisiana gestured at the vegetables, "These are the Holy Trinity of Cajun and Creole cooking! Onions, green bell peppers, and the celery." She then pulled out a garlic bulb, "Though perhaps we shall add the Pope, non?"
For a few moments, Sheff stared at her before his lips began to twitch. Finally, he was unable to help himself and turned as he began to snicker madly, which only amused the Battleship. Looking at him, Kansha blinked in confusion, "What's with him?"
Coughing into one fist, Saki has a slight smirk on her face, "He's English and, well... calling a garlic the Pope, that... He has reason to laugh."
Utterly lost at what is so funny, the Jorogumo shook her head and turned back to Louisiana who had a smirk on her face, "So how do we cook them then?"
With just a nod, Louisiana smiled a little, "We use them in what is known as the mirepoix for the foods that we are making."
Having calmed down, Sheff turned around and had a thoughtful look, "So once more slow cooking." At the looks from the other two outside of Saki, he shook his head, "One of my Mistresses had tried a French cookbook once. You cook them slowly in butter, fat, or some sort of cooking oil. But you need to do it slowly over a low heat to prevent them from browning."
Eyebrow raised, the lone Muramasa there frowned, "Why wouldn't you want to brown them? Is that not normal for cooking?"
Much to his surprise, Saki was the one who answered as she wagged a finger in his direction, "Quite the opposite as this way of cooking sweetens the vegetables and brings out more of a taste."
Nodding in agreement, Louisiana had a happy smile on her face, "Oui, that is correct, Miz Saki. Though unlike normal mirepoix, we have one part of each vegetable..."
As they continued to cook, Kansha looked at the Battleship, "There seems to be a lot of slow cooked meals here, is that common?"
With a slow nod, Louisiana glanced at the beef cooking, "Oui, it is, Mister Kansha. But not as slow as proper barbecue." At his interested look, she smiled, "It can take hours to get the meat properly cooked just right."
Cocking an eyebrow as he chopped some vegetables, Sheff frowned, "Hours? Really?"
Once more, the American nodded with a chuckle, "Oui. In proper barbecue, the meat, it just falls off the bones." She licked her lips a little bit, "It is one of my more popular dishes come the summer when I make it my smoker with my barbecue sauce."
The others considered that before nodding, Saki humming as she helped cook the vegetables, "I think that Master enjoys your smoked barbecue. The smoke helps flavor the food as well, right?" When Louisiana made a sound of agreement, she chuckled, "I can imagine it being popular."
Watching as the other shipgirl pulled out some sausages, Hinata considered them as Louisiana told all that they were Andouille sasauge, "Where did you get the sausage from, Louisiana-Senpai? Do you have it sent over via convoy?"
Unable to help herself, Louisiana shook her head, "Non, I make them myself." At the surprised looks, she made a gesture towards the distance, "There is an hidden island further along the coastline. It is overrun with wild pigs, so no one cares if we go and hunt them, which I do. I then make the sausage from them afterwards as well."
Just considering that, the Jorogumo gave a nod, "Maybe you could tell me where the island is, Louisiana-Senpai? And, um... possibly teach me how to make them?"
Placing a hand on her shoulder, Louisiana nodded, "I do not mind at all, Miz Hinata. Not in the slightest."
As they went back to cooking under the shipgirl's direction, Saki frowned slightly, "What sort of bread do we use for the sandwiches by the way? That way we can be finished in time."
Glancing at her, the Battleship chuckled, "Oui, that may be a good idea. We shall make some New Orleans style French bread, fresh from the ovens for it..."
Several hours later, as the Sun began to set, a van pulled up into a parking space and the driver's door opened to reveal Suzume step out. Taking a deep sniff of the air, the wolf Yokai could feel her stomach grumble a bit at the smells that came out before she turned to the passenger door where Hachiko came out of, "Well, welcome to the Yokosuka base, Hachiko-Kun."
The Inugami hanyou glanced around as he helped Aki out from the van, "Are you sure that this is alright, Suzume-San? I trust Moriko-Chan..." Lightly blushing, he shook his head, "But I don't want to trouble you any."
Leaning against the van, Suzume shook her head, "It's fine, Hachiko-Kun. The food is practically free for shipgirls and cheap for other people due to the amount made. And family as well as dependants of shipgirls get a discount making it even cheaper."
Hachiko had an expression on his face that stated that he was still unsure about it, but nodded, "If you and Moriko-Chan say it is alright, then it likely will be I suppose."
Beside him, Aki stood on his tip toes and sniffed the air before he felt his mouth water at the smells that he could detect, "It smells really, really good, Tou-San!" Taking another sniff, he closed his eyes, "Really good."
With his lips twitching, Hachiko ruffled his hair, "Well, if you say it smells good, then it must be." It was then that he noticed a grinning Suzume move Aki away and blinked, "What?"
Right then, he noticed a shadow and turned as Moriko appeared, "Hachiko-Chan." Moments later, she embraced him and he was given a tour of an Ibuki Class' fuel tanks, "Come here."
Despite his embarrassment, the Inugami Hanyou still smiled a bit. Especially when Moriko pulled back and lifted him up to give him a hard kiss, one that he fully returned as his fingers buried themselves in her wild mane of hair, "Mmm, Moriko-Chan..."
As she wheeled up, Sachiko giggled as Aki had an odd look on his face, "Tou-San and Moriko-Nee-San is silly." That got him snickers which confused him, but he shrugged it off as he remembered a few days earlier when he asked Hachiko when he could call Moriko "Kaa-San", which got all sorts of sputters from his brother. Funny, but he was a bit confused when the older Hanyou told him not for some time with an odd expression on his face, 'Wierd...'
Meanwhile, Suzume was grinning as she held up her phone and recorded what was happening to later post on Shipgirls Online again. She fully expected the thread to blow up again after all. Finally though, she cleared her throat, "I think that we should be going, Moriko-Chan, Hachiko-Kun. After all, if we don't we might not get the good stuff."
Not exactly wanting to, Moriko gently set Hachiko down, with the male of the two adjusting his glasses. Grinning, the muscular wolfess licked her lips which got a blush from her boyfriend, "True enough. Especially with Louisiana-San cooking today."
Confused a little, Hachiko raised an eyebrow at her, "Louisiana-San?" It took him a few moments to place the name, "The American Battleship?"
With a hum, the Okami took his hand, their fingers entwining with each other as they began to walk towards the Mess Hall, "Hai, one and the same. She cooks food from the American South including Cajun and what they call Southern Barbecue." Once more, she licked her lips with a happy growl, "Trust me, you would not believe how good her barbecue is. Especially pulled pork sandwiches."
Shuddering, Sachiko had a hungry look on her face, "Too bad that she hasn't had the time to cook that yet."
Head cocked to the side curiously, Aki furrowed her eyebrows, "Um, barbecue? Like that Korean place we once went to?"
Only shaking her head as she took the young Hanyou's hand, Suzume smiled, "Better in some ways actually. She takes the meat and smokes it as it cooks, and adds this sauce to it." Licking her lips, she growled a little herself, "The meat is slow cooked so well over several hours, it easily falls from the bone, but not cooked to the point where it turns black. And it is so juicy and good! And there's so much meat to choose from... pork, beef, and chicken as well as others."
Also licking her lips, the wheelchair bound of the sisters hummed, "Hai... remember when she cooked up rabbit?"
Much to Hachiko's and Aki's confused amusement, the three sisters shuddered. The older of the two males chuckling, "I'll have to see about trying some."
Softly growling, Moriko kissed him again before pulling back some, "I'll have to bring you when she makes some again..." A grin crossed her lips and her next words made him blush, "And be able to taste it when we kiss."
Not saying anything, Hachiko scratched his cheek.
Moments later, they entered the Mess Hall and his younger brother's eyes widened at the sheer amount of activity that was there, "Wow..."
Unable to help herself, Suzume giggled a little before shaking her head and giving his hand a light squeeze, "Now, don't let go, Aki-Kun, okay? It can get a bit busy... but I'll help you see what they have."
Entering the line, they took their trays for their meals though some of the shipgirls noticed that the couple really did not want to let go of their hands. As he walked along, Hachiko blinked as he noticed one tray and what it was marked as, "Dirty rice?"
With a nod, Moriko pointed at it, "It's not dirty, Hachiko-Chan. The rice is that color because it's cooked with the chicken giblets."
An understanding look crossed Hachiko's face at that, "Ah, that makes sense. I suppose that would change the color of the rice in that case." Deciding to get a "Small" serving, he still blinked at the amount that was there, 'Huh...'
The line only moved along a short distance before Sachiko gave a gasp, "Chicken fried steak!" Licking her lips, she held her tray up, "I would like some of that, please."
Curious as he watched on his tiptoes as something that looked like a breaded cutlet was placed on a plate and covered with a white sauce, with peas added to one side, Aki blinked, "Chicken fried steak?"
Looking down at him, Suzume nodded with a smile, "Hai, it is like a cutlet in that they bread a tenderized steak and fry it. Then, they cover it in a white sauce." Amused, she gave her youngest sister a look, "Sachiko-Chan loves it when they serve it."
Expression one of mock outrage, the younger Okami gave her sister a sniff, "I will have you know that I am a shipgirl under construction, so I need the protein."
Snickers from her sisters answered her as they walked along the line and got other foods. When they got to a table, they had Aki sit on one side of the table with Sachiko and Suzume on either side of him. Across from them, Moriko sat down with Hachiko beside her. Examining the plate of jambalaya as well as the bowl of dirty rice and piece of bread, he nodded, "It does smell and look good."
Rubbing her hands together, Moriko grinned as she looked at her own, much larger dinner, "Tell me about it, though that's usual for Louisiana-San's cooking." Just licking her lips, she lifted up her po'boy which was large for a sandwich and filled with gravy covered meat as well as lettuce, tomatoes, and sliced pickles, "Come here you..."
Unable to help himself, Aki gave a giggle before turning to his own meal, which was much smaller than his older brother's. Like Hachiko though, he had a plate of jambalaya as well as one of gumbo and sniffed it with a curious look. Taking a spoonful of the second, he took a bite and his eyes widened as he chewed before swallowing, "It's really good, Tou-San!"
Only chuckling at the antics of his brother, the older of the two Hanyou shook his head, "I'll take your word on it." Using his own spoonful, but of the jambayala, he blinked after tasting it, "... It really is good."
Sharing a look, Sachiko and Suzume turned back to him, "Told you so."
All four of the older people there smiled at Aki giggling madly at their antics. However, noticing that the young Hanyou was looking at her steak, Sachiko smiled at him, "Want a taste?" Rapidly nodding, she cut a small piece off, wiped it into the sauce, and then put it on his place, "Here you go, Aki-Kun."
Just sighing, Hachiko gave her an amused look, especially as Suzume then tore a piece off her own po'boy and placed it on Aki's plate, "You two are going to get him spoiled."
Blinking, his younger brother grinned, "That's okay if they do, Tou-San."
When his ears popped though as he bit into the piece of sandwich, Hachiko panicked a little and was about to say something when Moriko placed a hand on his shoulder, "It's fine, Hachiko-Chan. He's perfectly safe here after all..." Hand moving down to rub his back, she nodded in another direction, "He's in good company after all."
Confused, Hachiko looked in that direction and his eyes widened at the sight of a undisguised Kyuubi there eating a sandwich the same size as Moriko's and with a lot more on her plate. Beside her was a young, one armed young man who was obviously part Japanese, another young woman who looked to be his sister as well as an older woman and man who he guessed were their parents. But beside the older woman was a group of children with their Yokai features out in the open.
Looking around, his eyes widened a bit more as they were not the only ones as some others also had Yokai features.
He relaxed a little as Moriko's breath ghosted past his ear, something that provoked a shiver though not one of fear, "See? He is perfectly safe to let it out here. No one will have issue and he won't get in trouble for it."
As he turned back, Hachiko noticed that Aki's ears were pressed against his head as he shrunk a little in his seat, "Sorry, Tou-San..."
Somewhat to his surprise though, Hachiko shook his head, "It's fine, Aki-Kun. Like Moriko-Chan said, it's okay for that to happen here." When his little brother's expression brightened, he gestured at the food, "Go ahead and eat, Aki-Kun. Then you can have that red velvet cupcake."
Turning to Suzume, he got a nod from the wolfess, "Hai, and they're really good. They use this icing that they call 'ermine frosting' on it and it's really good."
Now relaxed, the older of the two Hanyou was about to turn back to his meal when he noticed that Moriko had torn off the end of her sandwich and was holding it out, "Hmm? Is that for me?"
Softly smiling, Moriko nodded, "Hai, it is... go ahead and try it, Hachiko-Chan." The two had a glance filled with a silent conversation before Hachiko leaned forward and began to eat it, which got a growl from the muscular wolfess. When he was finished, she raised an eyebrow, "Good?"
With a nod, Hachiko licked his lips a little, "Hai, it was." Noticing her look, he frowned, "I got some gravy on my face, don't I?"
His girlfriend chuckled a little, "You do, here... let me." Leaning forward, she licked his cheek where it was with a slight blush, "There we go... all gone."
Blushing some, Hachiko shook his head before glancing at his jambalaya and filling a spoon with it. Holding it out, he smiled, "Here you go, Moriko-Chan."
Now it was Moriko's turn to blush, but she leaned forward and took it, "Mmm... good."
Across from them, it took everything for her sisters not to giggle madly as the two continued to feed each other food throughout dinner. And, keep themselves from squeeing when they started to feed each other red velvet cake. They did notice various shipgirls recording the dinner on their cell phones and swore that they could hear someone shout about their servers.
Meanwhile, Aki just shrugged off the adults being wierd in his mind and continued to eat his dinner. Though he did agree that the cupcake was great and he wanted more... if his tummy was not so filled with food. And he softly giggled, half asleep due to a food coma, as his older brother when they left was once more shoved face first into Moriko's chest, and then kissed by her.
He did like that Hachiko stated that maybe they could have other dinners there as he dozed off...
Clapping her hands, Louisiana smiled at the group before her, "Welcome, my friends, to my cooking lesson." Lips twitching a bit, she gave a deep, rich chuckle, "Thankfully, we will be able to use mon chéri's kitchen for cooking today."
Softly smiling, Sheff glanced at the rest of the group that consisted of Kansha, Saki, and Hinata in her human form, "I think that we should be thanking you, Miss Louisiana. After all, this is a new form of cooking that we have not been exposed to and..." Glancing around, he frowned thoughtfully as Saki nodded in agreement with his next bit, "I must admit, I am interested in learning."
Hinata gave a small nod of her own, "Hai, it is much the same here." Lips curling into a smile, she hummed a bit, "I will never turn down any new form of cooking after all. And from what I hear, some of your meals use rice, so I am interested in it."
When she looked at him, Kansha gave a shrug and a grin, "I've got nothing different to say from what the others say. I live for cooking after all."
Just chuckling, the Battleship nodded and gestured for them to follow her, which they did. While Harry's corner of the kitchen was not large, it was not small either as often he had help. Thus they were all able to fit in the area with little difficulty, though they did not have much extra room.
Once they all had on their aprons, Hinata glanced as she washed her hands once Louisiana was done, "So what are we making today?"
Drying her hands, Lousiana nodded, "Today we shall be making Cajun dishes in the form of po' boys, jambalaya, gumbo, and dirty rice as well as perhaps some soul food."
That last one gave the three Japanese beings there a pause and they turned to her. Clearing his throat, Kansha raised an eyebrow, "Uh, 'dirty rice'? That... does not sound appetizing."
More amused then anything else, Louisiana chuckled, "Non, I suppose not. But it iz not actually dirty, you see. It iz called such because the ingrediants, the beef, pork, chicken, and others will turn the rice brown. As if it were dirty, you see. Nothing else."
Relaxing, Kansha chuckled as well at that, "Okay, I think that I understand. So... what is first."
Simply humming, the American Battleship gave a slight nod, "First, we shall prepare ze po' boy as we are making one with roast beef. Though one could make it with fried shrimp, fried oysters, catfish..." As she continued to list off ingredients, the three others were listening in bemusement until she was done. She then gestured them over as she brought out a large chunk of beef, "Now, we must begin with the chuck beef. It iz what one needs to use in a New Orleans style po'boy. Then we bring out the beef stock to simmer it in along with other ingredients..."
After a few minutes of helping her prepare the stock as well as the seasonings, Hinata raised an eyebrow at Lousiana, "And how long does the cooking take?"
Bemused, as she expected their reaction, Louisiana gestured at the clock, "It will take a few hours, you see, of it simmering before it iz done." At their looks of surprise, she smirked, "To make a po'boy properly, the roast must be done well enough that it falls apart at a stare."
There was a considering look on the Jorogumo's face which made Saki look at her, "You have an idea?"
Humming as she slowly nodded with furrowed eyebrows, Hinata smiled slightly, "If the meat is that soft once done, I wonder if I could mix it with something more traditionally Japanese. Such as Gyūdon with the beef being replaced with this type of roast beef."
Upon hearing that, Kansha became thoughtful himself, "Hmm... now there is an interesting idea." Shaking it off, he noted that Louisiana brought out celery, green bell pepper, and onion, "What are we to use those for?"
Amused, Louisiana gestured at the vegetables, "These are the Holy Trinity of Cajun and Creole cooking! Onions, green bell peppers, and the celery." She then pulled out a garlic bulb, "Though perhaps we shall add the Pope, non?"
For a few moments, Sheff stared at her before his lips began to twitch. Finally, he was unable to help himself and turned as he began to snicker madly, which only amused the Battleship. Looking at him, Kansha blinked in confusion, "What's with him?"
Coughing into one fist, Saki has a slight smirk on her face, "He's English and, well... calling a garlic the Pope, that... He has reason to laugh."
Utterly lost at what is so funny, the Jorogumo shook her head and turned back to Louisiana who had a smirk on her face, "So how do we cook them then?"
With just a nod, Louisiana smiled a little, "We use them in what is known as the mirepoix for the foods that we are making."
Having calmed down, Sheff turned around and had a thoughtful look, "So once more slow cooking." At the looks from the other two outside of Saki, he shook his head, "One of my Mistresses had tried a French cookbook once. You cook them slowly in butter, fat, or some sort of cooking oil. But you need to do it slowly over a low heat to prevent them from browning."
Eyebrow raised, the lone Muramasa there frowned, "Why wouldn't you want to brown them? Is that not normal for cooking?"
Much to his surprise, Saki was the one who answered as she wagged a finger in his direction, "Quite the opposite as this way of cooking sweetens the vegetables and brings out more of a taste."
Nodding in agreement, Louisiana had a happy smile on her face, "Oui, that is correct, Miz Saki. Though unlike normal mirepoix, we have one part of each vegetable..."
As they continued to cook, Kansha looked at the Battleship, "There seems to be a lot of slow cooked meals here, is that common?"
With a slow nod, Louisiana glanced at the beef cooking, "Oui, it is, Mister Kansha. But not as slow as proper barbecue." At his interested look, she smiled, "It can take hours to get the meat properly cooked just right."
Cocking an eyebrow as he chopped some vegetables, Sheff frowned, "Hours? Really?"
Once more, the American nodded with a chuckle, "Oui. In proper barbecue, the meat, it just falls off the bones." She licked her lips a little bit, "It is one of my more popular dishes come the summer when I make it my smoker with my barbecue sauce."
The others considered that before nodding, Saki humming as she helped cook the vegetables, "I think that Master enjoys your smoked barbecue. The smoke helps flavor the food as well, right?" When Louisiana made a sound of agreement, she chuckled, "I can imagine it being popular."
Watching as the other shipgirl pulled out some sausages, Hinata considered them as Louisiana told all that they were Andouille sasauge, "Where did you get the sausage from, Louisiana-Senpai? Do you have it sent over via convoy?"
Unable to help herself, Louisiana shook her head, "Non, I make them myself." At the surprised looks, she made a gesture towards the distance, "There is an hidden island further along the coastline. It is overrun with wild pigs, so no one cares if we go and hunt them, which I do. I then make the sausage from them afterwards as well."
Just considering that, the Jorogumo gave a nod, "Maybe you could tell me where the island is, Louisiana-Senpai? And, um... possibly teach me how to make them?"
Placing a hand on her shoulder, Louisiana nodded, "I do not mind at all, Miz Hinata. Not in the slightest."
As they went back to cooking under the shipgirl's direction, Saki frowned slightly, "What sort of bread do we use for the sandwiches by the way? That way we can be finished in time."
Glancing at her, the Battleship chuckled, "Oui, that may be a good idea. We shall make some New Orleans style French bread, fresh from the ovens for it..."
Several hours later, as the Sun began to set, a van pulled up into a parking space and the driver's door opened to reveal Suzume step out. Taking a deep sniff of the air, the wolf Yokai could feel her stomach grumble a bit at the smells that came out before she turned to the passenger door where Hachiko came out of, "Well, welcome to the Yokosuka base, Hachiko-Kun."
The Inugami hanyou glanced around as he helped Aki out from the van, "Are you sure that this is alright, Suzume-San? I trust Moriko-Chan..." Lightly blushing, he shook his head, "But I don't want to trouble you any."
Leaning against the van, Suzume shook her head, "It's fine, Hachiko-Kun. The food is practically free for shipgirls and cheap for other people due to the amount made. And family as well as dependants of shipgirls get a discount making it even cheaper."
Hachiko had an expression on his face that stated that he was still unsure about it, but nodded, "If you and Moriko-Chan say it is alright, then it likely will be I suppose."
Beside him, Aki stood on his tip toes and sniffed the air before he felt his mouth water at the smells that he could detect, "It smells really, really good, Tou-San!" Taking another sniff, he closed his eyes, "Really good."
With his lips twitching, Hachiko ruffled his hair, "Well, if you say it smells good, then it must be." It was then that he noticed a grinning Suzume move Aki away and blinked, "What?"
Right then, he noticed a shadow and turned as Moriko appeared, "Hachiko-Chan." Moments later, she embraced him and he was given a tour of an Ibuki Class' fuel tanks, "Come here."
Despite his embarrassment, the Inugami Hanyou still smiled a bit. Especially when Moriko pulled back and lifted him up to give him a hard kiss, one that he fully returned as his fingers buried themselves in her wild mane of hair, "Mmm, Moriko-Chan..."
As she wheeled up, Sachiko giggled as Aki had an odd look on his face, "Tou-San and Moriko-Nee-San is silly." That got him snickers which confused him, but he shrugged it off as he remembered a few days earlier when he asked Hachiko when he could call Moriko "Kaa-San", which got all sorts of sputters from his brother. Funny, but he was a bit confused when the older Hanyou told him not for some time with an odd expression on his face, 'Wierd...'
Meanwhile, Suzume was grinning as she held up her phone and recorded what was happening to later post on Shipgirls Online again. She fully expected the thread to blow up again after all. Finally though, she cleared her throat, "I think that we should be going, Moriko-Chan, Hachiko-Kun. After all, if we don't we might not get the good stuff."
Not exactly wanting to, Moriko gently set Hachiko down, with the male of the two adjusting his glasses. Grinning, the muscular wolfess licked her lips which got a blush from her boyfriend, "True enough. Especially with Louisiana-San cooking today."
Confused a little, Hachiko raised an eyebrow at her, "Louisiana-San?" It took him a few moments to place the name, "The American Battleship?"
With a hum, the Okami took his hand, their fingers entwining with each other as they began to walk towards the Mess Hall, "Hai, one and the same. She cooks food from the American South including Cajun and what they call Southern Barbecue." Once more, she licked her lips with a happy growl, "Trust me, you would not believe how good her barbecue is. Especially pulled pork sandwiches."
Shuddering, Sachiko had a hungry look on her face, "Too bad that she hasn't had the time to cook that yet."
Head cocked to the side curiously, Aki furrowed her eyebrows, "Um, barbecue? Like that Korean place we once went to?"
Only shaking her head as she took the young Hanyou's hand, Suzume smiled, "Better in some ways actually. She takes the meat and smokes it as it cooks, and adds this sauce to it." Licking her lips, she growled a little herself, "The meat is slow cooked so well over several hours, it easily falls from the bone, but not cooked to the point where it turns black. And it is so juicy and good! And there's so much meat to choose from... pork, beef, and chicken as well as others."
Also licking her lips, the wheelchair bound of the sisters hummed, "Hai... remember when she cooked up rabbit?"
Much to Hachiko's and Aki's confused amusement, the three sisters shuddered. The older of the two males chuckling, "I'll have to see about trying some."
Softly growling, Moriko kissed him again before pulling back some, "I'll have to bring you when she makes some again..." A grin crossed her lips and her next words made him blush, "And be able to taste it when we kiss."
Not saying anything, Hachiko scratched his cheek.
Moments later, they entered the Mess Hall and his younger brother's eyes widened at the sheer amount of activity that was there, "Wow..."
Unable to help herself, Suzume giggled a little before shaking her head and giving his hand a light squeeze, "Now, don't let go, Aki-Kun, okay? It can get a bit busy... but I'll help you see what they have."
Entering the line, they took their trays for their meals though some of the shipgirls noticed that the couple really did not want to let go of their hands. As he walked along, Hachiko blinked as he noticed one tray and what it was marked as, "Dirty rice?"
With a nod, Moriko pointed at it, "It's not dirty, Hachiko-Chan. The rice is that color because it's cooked with the chicken giblets."
An understanding look crossed Hachiko's face at that, "Ah, that makes sense. I suppose that would change the color of the rice in that case." Deciding to get a "Small" serving, he still blinked at the amount that was there, 'Huh...'
The line only moved along a short distance before Sachiko gave a gasp, "Chicken fried steak!" Licking her lips, she held her tray up, "I would like some of that, please."
Curious as he watched on his tiptoes as something that looked like a breaded cutlet was placed on a plate and covered with a white sauce, with peas added to one side, Aki blinked, "Chicken fried steak?"
Looking down at him, Suzume nodded with a smile, "Hai, it is like a cutlet in that they bread a tenderized steak and fry it. Then, they cover it in a white sauce." Amused, she gave her youngest sister a look, "Sachiko-Chan loves it when they serve it."
Expression one of mock outrage, the younger Okami gave her sister a sniff, "I will have you know that I am a shipgirl under construction, so I need the protein."
Snickers from her sisters answered her as they walked along the line and got other foods. When they got to a table, they had Aki sit on one side of the table with Sachiko and Suzume on either side of him. Across from them, Moriko sat down with Hachiko beside her. Examining the plate of jambalaya as well as the bowl of dirty rice and piece of bread, he nodded, "It does smell and look good."
Rubbing her hands together, Moriko grinned as she looked at her own, much larger dinner, "Tell me about it, though that's usual for Louisiana-San's cooking." Just licking her lips, she lifted up her po'boy which was large for a sandwich and filled with gravy covered meat as well as lettuce, tomatoes, and sliced pickles, "Come here you..."
Unable to help himself, Aki gave a giggle before turning to his own meal, which was much smaller than his older brother's. Like Hachiko though, he had a plate of jambalaya as well as one of gumbo and sniffed it with a curious look. Taking a spoonful of the second, he took a bite and his eyes widened as he chewed before swallowing, "It's really good, Tou-San!"
Only chuckling at the antics of his brother, the older of the two Hanyou shook his head, "I'll take your word on it." Using his own spoonful, but of the jambayala, he blinked after tasting it, "... It really is good."
Sharing a look, Sachiko and Suzume turned back to him, "Told you so."
All four of the older people there smiled at Aki giggling madly at their antics. However, noticing that the young Hanyou was looking at her steak, Sachiko smiled at him, "Want a taste?" Rapidly nodding, she cut a small piece off, wiped it into the sauce, and then put it on his place, "Here you go, Aki-Kun."
Just sighing, Hachiko gave her an amused look, especially as Suzume then tore a piece off her own po'boy and placed it on Aki's plate, "You two are going to get him spoiled."
Blinking, his younger brother grinned, "That's okay if they do, Tou-San."
When his ears popped though as he bit into the piece of sandwich, Hachiko panicked a little and was about to say something when Moriko placed a hand on his shoulder, "It's fine, Hachiko-Chan. He's perfectly safe here after all..." Hand moving down to rub his back, she nodded in another direction, "He's in good company after all."
Confused, Hachiko looked in that direction and his eyes widened at the sight of a undisguised Kyuubi there eating a sandwich the same size as Moriko's and with a lot more on her plate. Beside her was a young, one armed young man who was obviously part Japanese, another young woman who looked to be his sister as well as an older woman and man who he guessed were their parents. But beside the older woman was a group of children with their Yokai features out in the open.
Looking around, his eyes widened a bit more as they were not the only ones as some others also had Yokai features.
He relaxed a little as Moriko's breath ghosted past his ear, something that provoked a shiver though not one of fear, "See? He is perfectly safe to let it out here. No one will have issue and he won't get in trouble for it."
As he turned back, Hachiko noticed that Aki's ears were pressed against his head as he shrunk a little in his seat, "Sorry, Tou-San..."
Somewhat to his surprise though, Hachiko shook his head, "It's fine, Aki-Kun. Like Moriko-Chan said, it's okay for that to happen here." When his little brother's expression brightened, he gestured at the food, "Go ahead and eat, Aki-Kun. Then you can have that red velvet cupcake."
Turning to Suzume, he got a nod from the wolfess, "Hai, and they're really good. They use this icing that they call 'ermine frosting' on it and it's really good."
Now relaxed, the older of the two Hanyou was about to turn back to his meal when he noticed that Moriko had torn off the end of her sandwich and was holding it out, "Hmm? Is that for me?"
Softly smiling, Moriko nodded, "Hai, it is... go ahead and try it, Hachiko-Chan." The two had a glance filled with a silent conversation before Hachiko leaned forward and began to eat it, which got a growl from the muscular wolfess. When he was finished, she raised an eyebrow, "Good?"
With a nod, Hachiko licked his lips a little, "Hai, it was." Noticing her look, he frowned, "I got some gravy on my face, don't I?"
His girlfriend chuckled a little, "You do, here... let me." Leaning forward, she licked his cheek where it was with a slight blush, "There we go... all gone."
Blushing some, Hachiko shook his head before glancing at his jambalaya and filling a spoon with it. Holding it out, he smiled, "Here you go, Moriko-Chan."
Now it was Moriko's turn to blush, but she leaned forward and took it, "Mmm... good."
Across from them, it took everything for her sisters not to giggle madly as the two continued to feed each other food throughout dinner. And, keep themselves from squeeing when they started to feed each other red velvet cake. They did notice various shipgirls recording the dinner on their cell phones and swore that they could hear someone shout about their servers.
Meanwhile, Aki just shrugged off the adults being wierd in his mind and continued to eat his dinner. Though he did agree that the cupcake was great and he wanted more... if his tummy was not so filled with food. And he softly giggled, half asleep due to a food coma, as his older brother when they left was once more shoved face first into Moriko's chest, and then kissed by her.
He did like that Hachiko stated that maybe they could have other dinners there as he dozed off...