Helping Shinano
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Harry Leferts
Harry blinked and looked up at Shinano who was glumly looking at the sheet of paper in front of her, his own homework forgotten for the moment in favor of figuring out how to cheer up his friend. "What do you mean that your pilots are still having problems?"
Sighing, Shinano nibbled a bit at the cookie she held before putting it down. Then a moment later, her head hit the table hard enough for Harry to wince at, though she didn't feel anything from it. "They still can't land on me." Her head then turned so that she could more clearly look at Harry. "And I've tried everything!"
There was a frown on Harry's face as he reached over and began to run his hands through the Carrier's hair, not noticing how her cheeks gained a bit of redness. "Hmm... you tried everything?"
Even though she was enjoying what Harry was doing, Shinano just nodded and sniffled a bit. "Yes..."
Humming, Harry frowned a bit, though he didn't stop rubbing her head. "Huh... I would have thought that the practice that they were getting would help..."
As her eyes drifted close a bit, Shinano softly sighed. "No, because I can't really use my rigging that often because my dumb stomach starts up and I need to eat more. And there's ones who need the food more then me so I can only practice for a little bit. Mostly to let them fly so that they can practice landing on land..."
With a frown on his face, Harry shook his head. "Well, then we'll just have to come up with a way for them to practice landing on a Carrier!"
Looking up at him, Shinano's eyes shone a bit. "Really?"
In reply, Harry only gave her a nod. "Yeah! Besides, once that's done, you'll be even more awesome then you already are, Shinano-Chan!"
Once more, Shinano felt her cheeks warm a bit and more thankfulness toward Harry. "Thank you..."
All Harry did was give her a grin. "You're welcome, Shinano-Chan! Besides, since I'm going to be your Admiral, it's my job to help you out as much as I can!"
Shinano just blushed even more at the reminder that Harry had declared that one day he was going to be her Admiral. At least this time Nagato wasn't around as the Battleship had given her the strangest look the last time, though she did seem amused... "Hm-mm..."
For several moments, the two sat there with the eight year old stroking the Support Carrier's hair before he blinked. "Um... Shinano-Chan?" At her nod, he frowned a bit. "Why are your fairies playing volleyball in that box filled with sand? And why are half of them without shirts?"
It went without saying that Shinano's face went red as she bit her lip. "Um..."
Looking up from where she was examining some plans, Akashi blinked at the man who had entered her workshop. "Hmm? What are you doing here Captain Yonehara?"
With a frown on his face, Yonehara just looked down at his tablet and frowned. "It says here that there's an order for some old tires? And some plywood?"
Quickly wiping her hands free of grease, Akashi walked over and then blinked as she looked at the orders before she frowned. "Odd... who..." Then she spotted the end and called out. "Yo! Harry-Chan! Your materials just arrived!?"
There was the sound of boots against the concrete before Harry's head poked out from behind a tarp covered area. "Really?" At Akashi's nod, he came out and soon bowed to Yonehara once he signed for his order. "Thank you!"
As the eight year old once more disappeared behind the tarp, this time with several fairies carrying the plywood sheets as the human rolled the tires, Yonehara just scratched his head and looked toward the shipgirl in askance. "What... does he need those materials for?"
Much to his surprise though, Akashi just shrugged. "Not a clue, just know that he's making something is all for someone." Suddenly, her smile became a grin that looked like it better belonged on a shark then on someone who looked human. "Now then... how are you and the hungry wolf getting along? She still not realize it yet?"
Just as she waggled her eyes though, a foam bat came down on her head as Harry was right there. "Bad! Bad Akashi-San! You know that Ashigara-Oba doesn't like that name!" He then turned toward Yonehara and gave him a look. "And you better treat Ashigara-Oba right!"
Then he was off again to whatever project he was working on as Yonehara facepalmed. "Is it just her that doesn't know... you know what? I've got to be elsewhere..."
And with that, Yonehara left the area, though he muttered about various things as he went.
Shinano slowly walked along as careful as she could. Mainly because Harry was perched on her shoulders with his hands over her eyes. "Can I look now?"
However, Harry only shook his head and grinned a bit. "No... but almost! Now, turn 130 degrees starboard and move forward ten feet!"
Giggling slightly, Shinano brought up one hand. "Aye-aye, Teitoku!" Once her navigation fairies told her to come to a stop, she did so. "What now?"
What she didn't expect was for Harry to pull his hands away to reveal one of the sheltered cove areas of the base. "PANPAKAPAN!" Still perched on Shinano's shoulders, Harry bent over so that his eyes were looking into hers as he smiled. "Well?"
For a few seconds, Shinano was confused as to why Harry brought her out here for a 'Special Surprise'. But then she spotted something floating in the water and walked toward it. Thanks to her height, the water didn't reach past her waist, which meant that Harry was perfectly dry where he was. And being a shipgirl, Shinano wasn't worried about becoming wet. Once she reached the object, she blinked. It looked like someone had taken two shipping pallets and then nailed them together, end to end before tying rubber tires to the bottom to act as floats. Then they had placed several layers of plywood on top and painted them to resemble. "... A flight deck..." Looking up at Harry, Shinano stuttered a bit. "Is this...?"
Still smiling, Harry nodded. "Yup! It's a practice flight deck for your pilots to land on! See, right there?"
Bending over, Shinano's eyes widened a bit as she spotted her name beside a line that cut across the painted on flight deck. Then she ran her gaze along it and blinked. "That's mine... and it's... b-but how? Tape measurers don't work on our rigging and yet, you got it right!"
If anything, that just made Harry's smile grow a bit more at the awe filled look she was giving him. "Oh, I just remembered that you can use string to measure, so, um, I used that." Now becoming bashful, Harry placed his hands on his much taller friend's head. "D-do you like it? I... said that I was going to help and I thought..."
Rapidly blinking away some wetness, Shinano just nodded. "Y-yes, I like this Harry. I like this a lot... Now my pilots can practice as much as they want. And there's even room if they miss the line." She nodded a bit as she continued to examine it before she tilted her head back to smile at Harry. "Thank you!"
Harry just smiled down at her, neither of them noticing White behind them with a large smile on her face as she nodded as well.
Harry blinked and looked up at Shinano who was glumly looking at the sheet of paper in front of her, his own homework forgotten for the moment in favor of figuring out how to cheer up his friend. "What do you mean that your pilots are still having problems?"
Sighing, Shinano nibbled a bit at the cookie she held before putting it down. Then a moment later, her head hit the table hard enough for Harry to wince at, though she didn't feel anything from it. "They still can't land on me." Her head then turned so that she could more clearly look at Harry. "And I've tried everything!"
There was a frown on Harry's face as he reached over and began to run his hands through the Carrier's hair, not noticing how her cheeks gained a bit of redness. "Hmm... you tried everything?"
Even though she was enjoying what Harry was doing, Shinano just nodded and sniffled a bit. "Yes..."
Humming, Harry frowned a bit, though he didn't stop rubbing her head. "Huh... I would have thought that the practice that they were getting would help..."
As her eyes drifted close a bit, Shinano softly sighed. "No, because I can't really use my rigging that often because my dumb stomach starts up and I need to eat more. And there's ones who need the food more then me so I can only practice for a little bit. Mostly to let them fly so that they can practice landing on land..."
With a frown on his face, Harry shook his head. "Well, then we'll just have to come up with a way for them to practice landing on a Carrier!"
Looking up at him, Shinano's eyes shone a bit. "Really?"
In reply, Harry only gave her a nod. "Yeah! Besides, once that's done, you'll be even more awesome then you already are, Shinano-Chan!"
Once more, Shinano felt her cheeks warm a bit and more thankfulness toward Harry. "Thank you..."
All Harry did was give her a grin. "You're welcome, Shinano-Chan! Besides, since I'm going to be your Admiral, it's my job to help you out as much as I can!"
Shinano just blushed even more at the reminder that Harry had declared that one day he was going to be her Admiral. At least this time Nagato wasn't around as the Battleship had given her the strangest look the last time, though she did seem amused... "Hm-mm..."
For several moments, the two sat there with the eight year old stroking the Support Carrier's hair before he blinked. "Um... Shinano-Chan?" At her nod, he frowned a bit. "Why are your fairies playing volleyball in that box filled with sand? And why are half of them without shirts?"
It went without saying that Shinano's face went red as she bit her lip. "Um..."
Looking up from where she was examining some plans, Akashi blinked at the man who had entered her workshop. "Hmm? What are you doing here Captain Yonehara?"
With a frown on his face, Yonehara just looked down at his tablet and frowned. "It says here that there's an order for some old tires? And some plywood?"
Quickly wiping her hands free of grease, Akashi walked over and then blinked as she looked at the orders before she frowned. "Odd... who..." Then she spotted the end and called out. "Yo! Harry-Chan! Your materials just arrived!?"
There was the sound of boots against the concrete before Harry's head poked out from behind a tarp covered area. "Really?" At Akashi's nod, he came out and soon bowed to Yonehara once he signed for his order. "Thank you!"
As the eight year old once more disappeared behind the tarp, this time with several fairies carrying the plywood sheets as the human rolled the tires, Yonehara just scratched his head and looked toward the shipgirl in askance. "What... does he need those materials for?"
Much to his surprise though, Akashi just shrugged. "Not a clue, just know that he's making something is all for someone." Suddenly, her smile became a grin that looked like it better belonged on a shark then on someone who looked human. "Now then... how are you and the hungry wolf getting along? She still not realize it yet?"
Just as she waggled her eyes though, a foam bat came down on her head as Harry was right there. "Bad! Bad Akashi-San! You know that Ashigara-Oba doesn't like that name!" He then turned toward Yonehara and gave him a look. "And you better treat Ashigara-Oba right!"
Then he was off again to whatever project he was working on as Yonehara facepalmed. "Is it just her that doesn't know... you know what? I've got to be elsewhere..."
And with that, Yonehara left the area, though he muttered about various things as he went.
Shinano slowly walked along as careful as she could. Mainly because Harry was perched on her shoulders with his hands over her eyes. "Can I look now?"
However, Harry only shook his head and grinned a bit. "No... but almost! Now, turn 130 degrees starboard and move forward ten feet!"
Giggling slightly, Shinano brought up one hand. "Aye-aye, Teitoku!" Once her navigation fairies told her to come to a stop, she did so. "What now?"
What she didn't expect was for Harry to pull his hands away to reveal one of the sheltered cove areas of the base. "PANPAKAPAN!" Still perched on Shinano's shoulders, Harry bent over so that his eyes were looking into hers as he smiled. "Well?"
For a few seconds, Shinano was confused as to why Harry brought her out here for a 'Special Surprise'. But then she spotted something floating in the water and walked toward it. Thanks to her height, the water didn't reach past her waist, which meant that Harry was perfectly dry where he was. And being a shipgirl, Shinano wasn't worried about becoming wet. Once she reached the object, she blinked. It looked like someone had taken two shipping pallets and then nailed them together, end to end before tying rubber tires to the bottom to act as floats. Then they had placed several layers of plywood on top and painted them to resemble. "... A flight deck..." Looking up at Harry, Shinano stuttered a bit. "Is this...?"
Still smiling, Harry nodded. "Yup! It's a practice flight deck for your pilots to land on! See, right there?"
Bending over, Shinano's eyes widened a bit as she spotted her name beside a line that cut across the painted on flight deck. Then she ran her gaze along it and blinked. "That's mine... and it's... b-but how? Tape measurers don't work on our rigging and yet, you got it right!"
If anything, that just made Harry's smile grow a bit more at the awe filled look she was giving him. "Oh, I just remembered that you can use string to measure, so, um, I used that." Now becoming bashful, Harry placed his hands on his much taller friend's head. "D-do you like it? I... said that I was going to help and I thought..."
Rapidly blinking away some wetness, Shinano just nodded. "Y-yes, I like this Harry. I like this a lot... Now my pilots can practice as much as they want. And there's even room if they miss the line." She nodded a bit as she continued to examine it before she tilted her head back to smile at Harry. "Thank you!"
Harry just smiled down at her, neither of them noticing White behind them with a large smile on her face as she nodded as well.