Minerva & Hagrid visit Yokosuka 2
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Harry Leferts
Thoughtfully chewing on the stick of pocky in her mouth, Naka barely reacted to the door to her studio opening besides snorting. "Close that door, I don't want people just walking in."
After closing the door, Sendai ran over and threw her arms over her sister's shoulders from behind the chair. "So whatcha doing?" Then she blinked at what was on multiple computer monitors. "Um... why are you spying on Teitoku and Nagato-San? I mean, I would expect for Aoba to spy on them in doing YASEN! But not you."
For several moments, Naka just chewed her pocky before reaching up and bopping Sendai on the head. "I'm not spying on them, Yasen-Baka. And they're not doing that, you perv."
Rubbing her head, Sendai shrugged. "Then who are you spying on?"
Naka glanced at her and then turned back to the monitor before offering a pocky stick. "You hear about that envelope that Harry-Chan got?"
Slowly nodding, Sendai hummed. "Yeah, some kind of magic school over in Britain, right?"
Pausing, Naka turned and gave her sister a look. "Should I even ask how you know exactly what is going on?"
All Sendai did though was grin. "No, because..." She threw her scarf around her face as if it was a mask and went into a pose. "I'm an awesome ninja like that. Nothing gets pass this grandmaster of ninjutsu!"
Chewing her pocky, Naka raised an eyebrow. "Riiiight." With Sendai slumping her shoulder, Naka turned back to the monitors. "Anyways, the representatives just showed up and Teitoku wants me to keep an eye on the meeting just in case they pull something."
That caused Sendai to blink before she pulled a chair over and turned it around to sit in it before resting her arms on the back. "Huh..." Narrowing her eyes, she glanced at the clock and did some quick math. "Wait, shouldn't they already be there? It's not that far from the gate to that conference room."
Doing some quick notes, Naka grunted. "Haruna is handling them with Rose. They're taking the scenic route."
Sendai chuckled as she understood the meaning behind that. 'Make sure that they're just lost enough that it'll give us some time to get them if they do something.' It was then that she narrowed her eyes and leaned in. "Wait... there's no cameras in that location. And I'm pretty sure that they wouldn't be wired for sound."
It was Naka's turn to smirk a bit before winking. "Naka-Chan can computer." At Sendai's eyeroll, she laughed. "Okay, okay... all I did was use the old smartphones I had laying around, network them together, and then set them up for surveillance purposes."
Just staring at her, Sendai boggled. "You can do that?!"
With a grin, Naka snapped her fingers. "Yup, now you may bow before my mad haxxor skillz."
Gently shoving the laughing Naka's shoulder, Sendai snorted. "As if." Turning back to the monitors, Sendai rubbed her chin. "So... Teitoku asked for you to keep an eye on things just in case...?"
Expression turning serious, Naka sighed. "Yeah, we don't know anything about these people. For all we know, they might take out the normal cameras and make a move. Hopefully not, but..."
At her helpless shrug, Sendai grunted. "Yeah." It was then that she glanced at the monitor for a camera in the hall and her pocky nearly fell out of her mouth. "Shit! Look at the size of that guy."
Whipping her head around, Naka's eyes widened at the sight of Hagrid walking down the hall. "... Uh, the fuck?"
Both Cruisers shared a look before Naka sent off a text that she could see Nagato receive on the monitors. Then the Battleship walked toward the door as Naka and Sendai leaned in to watch.
Opening the door, Nagato blinked and slowly tilted her head back to see the massive man smiling at her from behind a bushy beard. "'Ello, yeh must be this Miss Nagato." Before she could react, he pulled her into a hug. "Thank yeh for takin' care of 'Arry."
When she was set down, it was only the work of a moment for her to recover and shake off her shock. "It's wasn't any problem, I love my son deeply."
Even though Hagrid missed the hidden message, McGonagall didn't and had to hide a wince. 'This... may be more complicated then expected.' Giving Nagato a nod, McGonagall stepped into the room only to stop. At the table was an older man looking through some notes while Harry watched on. But it was the white haired little girl in a white dress with black metal bits in various places that caused the experienced witch to freeze. Not showing her terror, McGonagall turned to Nagato and raised an eyebrow. "I'm sorry, but I must ask... is that an Abyssal?"
Nagato ratchetted up her estimation of the woman in front of her several notches at how she tried to keep calm, despite the fear she could sense. "She is, her name is Hoppou and she's the Northern Ocean Princess. After an incident she... came to stay here and I've adopted her. She considers Harry her big brother and that's why she's here."
If anything, that along with how the small Abyssal was glaring at her, caused McGonagall to pale. "I... see." Pulling her eyes away from the sight, she glanced at Hagrid who was looking at the Abyssal in surprise. 'Quite complicated...'
Unheeding of the situation, Hagrid walked forward and gave the little Abyssal a smile. "Well now, 'ello there little one. Never seen an Abyssal from up close before."
Narrowing her eyes, Hoppou just glared. "You're going to try and take Big Brother away... Go Home!"
However, Nagato just fixed her with a look. "Hoppou, we've talked about this. Now, behave."
While the sight of the pouting Hoppou caused McGonagall's eyes to widen, Hagrid just shook his head. "Now there, we're not here ta take 'Arry away." Then he turned toward a wide eyed Harry and his eyes twinkled. "Blimey! 'Arry Potter, why... I have not seen yeh since yeh were just a small babe."
Blinking, Harry gulped. "You know me?"
Slowly nodding, Hagrid sniffled a bit. "Aye, I knew both your parents, 'Arry. Good people Lily and James were, didn' deserve what happened to them. Las' time I saw yeh, it was when yeh were left at your relatives." Not noticing the wince from McGonagall or the looks from the others, Hagrid shook his head. "I think that yeh are better here, though then with them ruddy muggles."
Glancing at McGonagall, Nagato cleared her throat. "You... were there when my son was left at those relatives of his?"
Just sighing, McGonagall shook her head and answered before Hagrid could. "We both were actually." She then gave Harry a sorrowful look. "I had been observing your aunt and uncle the whole day, Mr. Potter. At the time, it was thought that despite appearances, it was best that you were left with the only blood relatives that you had. I am deeply sorry that things turned out the way they did though I am happy that you found a much better family." Giving a nod to Nagato, she thinly smiled. "One that is more responsible and can protect you."
At this point, Goto stood up and held out his hand. "I think that such explanations can wait. I am Rear Admiral Isoroku Goto of the Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force. I am in charge of this base and all the shipgirls here."
Once McGonagall had shaken his hand as did Hagrid, Nagato stiffened some. "I am the Battleship Nagato of the Big Seven."
Within a few minutes the introductions were all done and McGonagall sat down only to notice the chair for Hagrid and grimaced before turning toward Goto. "I'm sorry, but would you mind if I..."
After he nodded, Goto watched as she somehow caused the seat to grow until it was large enough for Hagrid to sit in comfortably. "Extraordinary." He then gave her a piercing look. "I was under the impression though that under normal circumstances you would not be doing this in front of me or that I can look forward to... issues, afterwards."
McGonagall winced, but nodded. "If this was a few years ago, yes. However, I doubt very much that it would endear us to you and that it would be likely to work. Also..." For a brief moment she looked much older then she was before she shook it off. "It may not be necessary for much longer, though I do wonder where you might have come across that information."
Tightly smiling, Goto gave a chuckle. "I found out from a close friend."
Knowing that she was not going to be getting any more information, McGonagall nodded. "Now then... I would think that you would have questions and we'll try to answer them to the best of our ability."
When he saw the sharp glance she shot Hagrid who was looking at various things in wonder, Goto held back a chuckle. 'Hmm...' Outside though, he just nodded. I think that would be for the best."
For her part, Nagato leaned forward and clasped her hands in front of her face. Looking at her, McGonagall was reminded of a mother dragon protecting her hatchlings and then shivered as she remembered that the woman in front of her was as dangerous, if not more so, then any female dragon. "Before we discuss this school, I think that I would like to know more about your... relationship, with Harry. Especially how you came to be there the night that he was left at his relatives." Her eyes then narrowed and glinted dangerously. "As well as what actually happened to Harry's parents."
Having expected this, McGonagall nodded with a sigh. "I suppose so." Looking at a painting of some Muggle warship plowing through waves, McGonagall consolidated her thoughts. "Perhaps a bit of background would help?" At their nods, she continued. "Our world, much as the muggle one, has both good and bad in it. Years ago, there was a group in England known as the Death Eaters lead by a Dark Lord, what we call a powerful, evil wizard. Now, You-Know-Who-"
A frown on his face, Harry blinked. "Um... I don't know who?"
Just blinking, McGonagall paused, only for Hagrid to shiver and answer. "People are still scared to speak 'is name... but it's..." Swallowing, Hagrid took a deep breath. "Voldemort, there I said it."
Raising an eyebrow, Goto frowned. "Flee from death?" At the looks, he shrugged. "I've picked up bits and pieces of other languages."
There was a thin smile on McGonagall's face. "Quite." Placing her hands in her lap, she continued. "Now, there are those in our world who believe that one's ancestry decides how good they will be at magic or how worthy."
Hagrid grunted a bit. "Bunch o' codswallop if yeh ask me!" He then winked at Harry. "Yeh mum... uh, birth mum, Lily, was one of the best witches that I've ever known!"
Fondly smiling, McGonagall nodded. "Lily was a very powerful and talented witches I have ever had the honor to teach. Your father was also a very good wizard." Clearing her throat, she then took a deep breath. "Now... the way things are classified is that you have Muggleborn such as your birth mother, Lily. These are people born with magic to those who don't have any. Then you have what some call 'Purebloods', which are those without any non-magical ancestors to their great-great grandparents. Then... we have Halfbloods. People such as yourself who either have a Muggleborn or Muggle as a parent or grandparent and the other usually being a Pureblood. Quite silly in my mind, but there you have it."
Intrigued, Goto glanced at where Rose was making some tea. "Fascinating... though may I ask what this has to do with these Death Eaters?"
Grimacing, the witch sighed. "The Death Eaters have the belief that the only ones 'Worthy' of being magical and who should have full rights are Purebloods. Anyone else is second class citizens or, in the case of Muggles such as yourself... just above the animals and thus not human. In fact, they called for the extermination of all but the Purebloods."
Eyebrows furrowing, Harry frowned. "That sounds like the Nazis."
It went without saying that there was a thin smile on McGonagall's face. "You're quite right and I suspect that they may have been inspired by them..."
Thoughtfully chewing on the stick of pocky in her mouth, Naka barely reacted to the door to her studio opening besides snorting. "Close that door, I don't want people just walking in."
After closing the door, Sendai ran over and threw her arms over her sister's shoulders from behind the chair. "So whatcha doing?" Then she blinked at what was on multiple computer monitors. "Um... why are you spying on Teitoku and Nagato-San? I mean, I would expect for Aoba to spy on them in doing YASEN! But not you."
For several moments, Naka just chewed her pocky before reaching up and bopping Sendai on the head. "I'm not spying on them, Yasen-Baka. And they're not doing that, you perv."
Rubbing her head, Sendai shrugged. "Then who are you spying on?"
Naka glanced at her and then turned back to the monitor before offering a pocky stick. "You hear about that envelope that Harry-Chan got?"
Slowly nodding, Sendai hummed. "Yeah, some kind of magic school over in Britain, right?"
Pausing, Naka turned and gave her sister a look. "Should I even ask how you know exactly what is going on?"
All Sendai did though was grin. "No, because..." She threw her scarf around her face as if it was a mask and went into a pose. "I'm an awesome ninja like that. Nothing gets pass this grandmaster of ninjutsu!"
Chewing her pocky, Naka raised an eyebrow. "Riiiight." With Sendai slumping her shoulder, Naka turned back to the monitors. "Anyways, the representatives just showed up and Teitoku wants me to keep an eye on the meeting just in case they pull something."
That caused Sendai to blink before she pulled a chair over and turned it around to sit in it before resting her arms on the back. "Huh..." Narrowing her eyes, she glanced at the clock and did some quick math. "Wait, shouldn't they already be there? It's not that far from the gate to that conference room."
Doing some quick notes, Naka grunted. "Haruna is handling them with Rose. They're taking the scenic route."
Sendai chuckled as she understood the meaning behind that. 'Make sure that they're just lost enough that it'll give us some time to get them if they do something.' It was then that she narrowed her eyes and leaned in. "Wait... there's no cameras in that location. And I'm pretty sure that they wouldn't be wired for sound."
It was Naka's turn to smirk a bit before winking. "Naka-Chan can computer." At Sendai's eyeroll, she laughed. "Okay, okay... all I did was use the old smartphones I had laying around, network them together, and then set them up for surveillance purposes."
Just staring at her, Sendai boggled. "You can do that?!"
With a grin, Naka snapped her fingers. "Yup, now you may bow before my mad haxxor skillz."
Gently shoving the laughing Naka's shoulder, Sendai snorted. "As if." Turning back to the monitors, Sendai rubbed her chin. "So... Teitoku asked for you to keep an eye on things just in case...?"
Expression turning serious, Naka sighed. "Yeah, we don't know anything about these people. For all we know, they might take out the normal cameras and make a move. Hopefully not, but..."
At her helpless shrug, Sendai grunted. "Yeah." It was then that she glanced at the monitor for a camera in the hall and her pocky nearly fell out of her mouth. "Shit! Look at the size of that guy."
Whipping her head around, Naka's eyes widened at the sight of Hagrid walking down the hall. "... Uh, the fuck?"
Both Cruisers shared a look before Naka sent off a text that she could see Nagato receive on the monitors. Then the Battleship walked toward the door as Naka and Sendai leaned in to watch.
Opening the door, Nagato blinked and slowly tilted her head back to see the massive man smiling at her from behind a bushy beard. "'Ello, yeh must be this Miss Nagato." Before she could react, he pulled her into a hug. "Thank yeh for takin' care of 'Arry."
When she was set down, it was only the work of a moment for her to recover and shake off her shock. "It's wasn't any problem, I love my son deeply."
Even though Hagrid missed the hidden message, McGonagall didn't and had to hide a wince. 'This... may be more complicated then expected.' Giving Nagato a nod, McGonagall stepped into the room only to stop. At the table was an older man looking through some notes while Harry watched on. But it was the white haired little girl in a white dress with black metal bits in various places that caused the experienced witch to freeze. Not showing her terror, McGonagall turned to Nagato and raised an eyebrow. "I'm sorry, but I must ask... is that an Abyssal?"
Nagato ratchetted up her estimation of the woman in front of her several notches at how she tried to keep calm, despite the fear she could sense. "She is, her name is Hoppou and she's the Northern Ocean Princess. After an incident she... came to stay here and I've adopted her. She considers Harry her big brother and that's why she's here."
If anything, that along with how the small Abyssal was glaring at her, caused McGonagall to pale. "I... see." Pulling her eyes away from the sight, she glanced at Hagrid who was looking at the Abyssal in surprise. 'Quite complicated...'
Unheeding of the situation, Hagrid walked forward and gave the little Abyssal a smile. "Well now, 'ello there little one. Never seen an Abyssal from up close before."
Narrowing her eyes, Hoppou just glared. "You're going to try and take Big Brother away... Go Home!"
However, Nagato just fixed her with a look. "Hoppou, we've talked about this. Now, behave."
While the sight of the pouting Hoppou caused McGonagall's eyes to widen, Hagrid just shook his head. "Now there, we're not here ta take 'Arry away." Then he turned toward a wide eyed Harry and his eyes twinkled. "Blimey! 'Arry Potter, why... I have not seen yeh since yeh were just a small babe."
Blinking, Harry gulped. "You know me?"
Slowly nodding, Hagrid sniffled a bit. "Aye, I knew both your parents, 'Arry. Good people Lily and James were, didn' deserve what happened to them. Las' time I saw yeh, it was when yeh were left at your relatives." Not noticing the wince from McGonagall or the looks from the others, Hagrid shook his head. "I think that yeh are better here, though then with them ruddy muggles."
Glancing at McGonagall, Nagato cleared her throat. "You... were there when my son was left at those relatives of his?"
Just sighing, McGonagall shook her head and answered before Hagrid could. "We both were actually." She then gave Harry a sorrowful look. "I had been observing your aunt and uncle the whole day, Mr. Potter. At the time, it was thought that despite appearances, it was best that you were left with the only blood relatives that you had. I am deeply sorry that things turned out the way they did though I am happy that you found a much better family." Giving a nod to Nagato, she thinly smiled. "One that is more responsible and can protect you."
At this point, Goto stood up and held out his hand. "I think that such explanations can wait. I am Rear Admiral Isoroku Goto of the Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force. I am in charge of this base and all the shipgirls here."
Once McGonagall had shaken his hand as did Hagrid, Nagato stiffened some. "I am the Battleship Nagato of the Big Seven."
Within a few minutes the introductions were all done and McGonagall sat down only to notice the chair for Hagrid and grimaced before turning toward Goto. "I'm sorry, but would you mind if I..."
After he nodded, Goto watched as she somehow caused the seat to grow until it was large enough for Hagrid to sit in comfortably. "Extraordinary." He then gave her a piercing look. "I was under the impression though that under normal circumstances you would not be doing this in front of me or that I can look forward to... issues, afterwards."
McGonagall winced, but nodded. "If this was a few years ago, yes. However, I doubt very much that it would endear us to you and that it would be likely to work. Also..." For a brief moment she looked much older then she was before she shook it off. "It may not be necessary for much longer, though I do wonder where you might have come across that information."
Tightly smiling, Goto gave a chuckle. "I found out from a close friend."
Knowing that she was not going to be getting any more information, McGonagall nodded. "Now then... I would think that you would have questions and we'll try to answer them to the best of our ability."
When he saw the sharp glance she shot Hagrid who was looking at various things in wonder, Goto held back a chuckle. 'Hmm...' Outside though, he just nodded. I think that would be for the best."
For her part, Nagato leaned forward and clasped her hands in front of her face. Looking at her, McGonagall was reminded of a mother dragon protecting her hatchlings and then shivered as she remembered that the woman in front of her was as dangerous, if not more so, then any female dragon. "Before we discuss this school, I think that I would like to know more about your... relationship, with Harry. Especially how you came to be there the night that he was left at his relatives." Her eyes then narrowed and glinted dangerously. "As well as what actually happened to Harry's parents."
Having expected this, McGonagall nodded with a sigh. "I suppose so." Looking at a painting of some Muggle warship plowing through waves, McGonagall consolidated her thoughts. "Perhaps a bit of background would help?" At their nods, she continued. "Our world, much as the muggle one, has both good and bad in it. Years ago, there was a group in England known as the Death Eaters lead by a Dark Lord, what we call a powerful, evil wizard. Now, You-Know-Who-"
A frown on his face, Harry blinked. "Um... I don't know who?"
Just blinking, McGonagall paused, only for Hagrid to shiver and answer. "People are still scared to speak 'is name... but it's..." Swallowing, Hagrid took a deep breath. "Voldemort, there I said it."
Raising an eyebrow, Goto frowned. "Flee from death?" At the looks, he shrugged. "I've picked up bits and pieces of other languages."
There was a thin smile on McGonagall's face. "Quite." Placing her hands in her lap, she continued. "Now, there are those in our world who believe that one's ancestry decides how good they will be at magic or how worthy."
Hagrid grunted a bit. "Bunch o' codswallop if yeh ask me!" He then winked at Harry. "Yeh mum... uh, birth mum, Lily, was one of the best witches that I've ever known!"
Fondly smiling, McGonagall nodded. "Lily was a very powerful and talented witches I have ever had the honor to teach. Your father was also a very good wizard." Clearing her throat, she then took a deep breath. "Now... the way things are classified is that you have Muggleborn such as your birth mother, Lily. These are people born with magic to those who don't have any. Then you have what some call 'Purebloods', which are those without any non-magical ancestors to their great-great grandparents. Then... we have Halfbloods. People such as yourself who either have a Muggleborn or Muggle as a parent or grandparent and the other usually being a Pureblood. Quite silly in my mind, but there you have it."
Intrigued, Goto glanced at where Rose was making some tea. "Fascinating... though may I ask what this has to do with these Death Eaters?"
Grimacing, the witch sighed. "The Death Eaters have the belief that the only ones 'Worthy' of being magical and who should have full rights are Purebloods. Anyone else is second class citizens or, in the case of Muggles such as yourself... just above the animals and thus not human. In fact, they called for the extermination of all but the Purebloods."
Eyebrows furrowing, Harry frowned. "That sounds like the Nazis."
It went without saying that there was a thin smile on McGonagall's face. "You're quite right and I suspect that they may have been inspired by them..."