Puppy Love 6
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Puppy Love VI
Hachiko smiled at Aki as his younger brother wolfed down the rice and miso for breakfast. "Aki-chan?"
"What is it, Tou-san?" The young Inugami child asked as he neatly placed his bowl in the sink to be washed.
The Hanyo adjusted his glasses as he began to scrub their bowls. "I asked Akira-kun to help take you to Tokunotakai-sensei's kyudo class after school. I will be busy then, so will pick you up at eight and we can ride the train home then. I'll even stop so we can get some ice cream or a snack. So I fixed you two bentos, with the second one for dinner."
"Oh, your job, Tou-san? I wish it didn't take so much time that you could spend with me," Aki's ears and tail drooped. Hachiko knelt and scratched Aki behind his ears."
Hachiko closed his eyes and whispered. "Me too, Aki-chan, me too. But I have to do it for your sake." He hugged his brother then packed both bentos away. "The one with the blue kerchief is for lunch and the green is for dinner. Now, let's hide your ears and tail and then head to school, Ok?"
"Ok, Tou-san!"
As he packed away the other two bentos for himself, Hachiko sighed. He was not sure how he would tell the nomaj girl who was interested in him that he was part Inugami and his mother's family were mages.
How can I tell her the truth?
Moriko surveyed her outfit. After lengthy and agonizing consideration, she had decided to 'go casual' with blue jeans, and a black T-shirt showing three wolves howling at the moon.
Spoiler: Moriko's shirt
She gave a silent giggle at the secret message in the shirt. Not that Hachiko-kun had any idea that she and her sisters were Okami Wolf Yokai, much less Natural-Born Shipgirls.
How can I tell him the truth?
She shrugged and grabbed her purse and keys. She would figure something out, she was sure.
"Ja ne! I'll be home later tonight and be eating out so no need to cook for me, Suzume-chan!"
Her twin slyly giggled from where she was putting their bowls and plates up as Sachiko washed them, "Don't break Hachiko-kun's pelvis this early in, Moriko-chan! Let the poor boy up for oxygen before then for his sake!"
"SU-ZU-ME!!" Moriko snarled as she turned red as a tomato. "I'm not like that!!"
"Hai, but Prince Charming will be upset if you are late for your date." Suzume grinned, "Anyway, I should go soon too, Soryuu-sensei has some special training for me planned."
"OH SHIT! I'll be late!" Moriko dashed off to the sounds of her sisters' laughter
Spoiler: Your Mission, Should You Choose To Accept It...
The Day Before
"Suzume-chan. As a carrier, you must learn the arts of deception and concealment. Remaining hidden while keeping eyes on the enemy until the time comes to hit her with a surprise airstrike."
"Hai Soryuu-sensei. Just like at Midway."
"Exactly. Therefore when your sister goes on her date, you are to shadow her, relay reconnaissance data as you remain in strike range of her, but do not be sighted by her. I shall observe your observations via top cover from my Reppu and relay suggestions through Shigure, who has volunteered to act as your plane guard. Are there any questions?"
"In other words, you want me to snoop on big sister's date, get candid blackmail photos to post on SGO to satisfy the demand of the forum netizens, and if I am caught you will disavow all knowledge of this operation to embarrass Big Sis. Oh and Shigure is along to satisfy her romantic side"
"...that too."
Moriko glanced around as she reached the main gate, then checked her watch.
She was early, thankfully. She then leaned against the lamp pole, and folded her arms underneath her significant fuel tanks to survey the crowd.
Behind her, her twin sister ducked out of sight. The dark-haired girl beside her wearing a white shirt, black coat, and plaid skirt watched with some amusement. "I'll notify you when she maneuvers, Suzume"
Spoiler: The Lucky Escort Ship
"Thank you, Shigure."
Shigure grinned as her target locked on her fire control on a short slender young man with thick glasses dressed nicely but plainly in a slightly threadbare white button-up shirt and black pants. "She's moving now."
As Suzume nodded and stood up, the Tin Can Mafia radio channel got a transmission. "Operation Insulin Delivery sortieing in pursuit of target!"
Spoiler: The First Date
"Hachiko-kun!" Moriko hurried over, an invisible tail wagging behind her as she grasped his arm. "You came!"
"Hello too, Moriko-sama." Hachiko spoke with a happy smile on his face at the shock of electricity that ran through them both. "I made handmade bentos for us both to eat for lunch."
"Oh wow, you can cook! I knew that you were providing for your little brother but..." Moriko's mental ears perked up at the news as she spoke happily.
Hachiko grimaced, "Mother... died... when I was in school so I had to learn for Aki's sake. I wound up taking HomeEc classes with the girls so I could take care of him."
Moriko froze and then hugged Hachiko to her chest at the stricken look in his eyes. With an eeep, Hachiko's face vanished into marshmallow hell.
Behind them, a red-faced future Ibuki-class CVL coughed suspiciously as several high-quality blackmail pictures of her sister cutting off her boyfriend's oxygen with her chest were taken.
Hachiko emerged from the embrace red-faced, spluttering, and with a bit of a giddy smile. Wow, maybe being short isn't so bad....
He looked up through his crooked glasses at the sad smile Moriko gave him as she spoke gently. "I'm sorry. My parents are absent too. It hurts a lot. No one should have to deal with that pain." She took a deep breath and gently straightened his crooked glasses. "I'm sure that they are proud of you. Prouder than mine are of me, I... had to do things I am not proud of to provide for my sisters."
To her surprise, Hachiko stepped in and carefully turning his face so he did not get it wedged into her bosom again, he gave her a hug. "You did what you could for them. Because you love them."
Behind them, more blackmail pictures were taken as Moriko's face flushed as she returned the hug.
"Hachiko-kun. I," The she-wolf took a deep breath and clenched a scarred and battered fist as her eyes drooped, "I fought people for money, because we needed it for my baby sister."
He reached for her hand and gently took it in his, uncurling her fist with his so he could lace her fingers in his. "You did it for Sachiko and Suzume. I can't say that is wrong, Moriko-sama. I just wish that I was strong enough to provide for Aki like you have for your sisters."
With that she steered down the street with the young man dragged along in her wake with a happy smile on both faces. "You look nice in that outfit." Very Shinji Ikari schoolboy-esque. Moriko added to herself.
Hachiko blushed and mumbled, "It's my old schoolboy uniform. It's all I had that was nice enough to look good next to you. I...don't go out much."
Moriko squeezed his hand and he looked at her, blinking through his glasses. "It suits, and I always wanted a schoolgirl romance." She giggled, "So this is a dream come true."
Then as she turned to the stores that they were passing, she got a lupine grin on her face. "Hachiko-kun?"
"Yes?" Hachiko spoke, blushing at the cute smile on her face.
Moriko pointed to a store with imported coats. "C'mon, I think you would look cute in one of those. I'll get you it, Ok? You and Aki both deserve something nice!"
"Umm, those look awefully expensi-"
"Don't worry about it! It'll be my treat, just leave it to me!"
"B-but I c-can't Moriko-sama. This... This is very generous of you, but I cannot accept. It would be wrong!"
"Don't be so shy, it's fine! I figure you don't make all that much, so I'll take care of-"
"No." Hachiko said. He did not raise his voice, he was perfectly calm and civil. But the steel in his tone, and the gleam in his eye, was more than enough that this was his final warning. And for a split second, Moriko felt like a little girl, facing the wrath of the Headman Okami in the village she grew up in.
"I apologize if I seem rude Moriko. But while it is true that I do not make much in my part time jobs, it is still mine, earned by my own work. And as much as I like you, I will not stand to be looked down on. No matter whomever it may be by. Am I understood?"
Moriko's tail and ears invisibly drooped. He was right. He refused to take unearned charity because it would demean what he did for his brother. How many times had she and Suzume been belittled by backhanded pity-charity? How many times had she sworn to herself to never be so disrespectful to anyone like that? And here she was, betraying that promise, to a boy- no, a man, that was so much like her, in soul if not truly in circumstance...
"I'm sorry. I was thoughtless. I'm... not that good at romance. I think with my fists and my heart too much and my brain not at all. I should have known that you are like me, you will only take a hand up begrudgingly and never a hand out. Because you gain worth only because it is what you fight for." Moriko spoke quietly. "Can... Can you forgive me?"
"I know, and I wouldn't mind something like that, but... not at Aki's expense or my honor." He squeezes her hand gently. "I forgive you."
With that she cast around for something to change the subject and saw a sign for a local park. "Let's head to Taura Plum Blossom Park for a picnic! We can eat those bentos you fixed for us and watch the ships in the harbor."
"Let's!" Hachiko smiled shyly and squeezed Moriko's hand as they headed for the park overlooking the harbor.
Puppy Love VI
Hachiko smiled at Aki as his younger brother wolfed down the rice and miso for breakfast. "Aki-chan?"
"What is it, Tou-san?" The young Inugami child asked as he neatly placed his bowl in the sink to be washed.
The Hanyo adjusted his glasses as he began to scrub their bowls. "I asked Akira-kun to help take you to Tokunotakai-sensei's kyudo class after school. I will be busy then, so will pick you up at eight and we can ride the train home then. I'll even stop so we can get some ice cream or a snack. So I fixed you two bentos, with the second one for dinner."
"Oh, your job, Tou-san? I wish it didn't take so much time that you could spend with me," Aki's ears and tail drooped. Hachiko knelt and scratched Aki behind his ears."
Hachiko closed his eyes and whispered. "Me too, Aki-chan, me too. But I have to do it for your sake." He hugged his brother then packed both bentos away. "The one with the blue kerchief is for lunch and the green is for dinner. Now, let's hide your ears and tail and then head to school, Ok?"
"Ok, Tou-san!"
As he packed away the other two bentos for himself, Hachiko sighed. He was not sure how he would tell the nomaj girl who was interested in him that he was part Inugami and his mother's family were mages.
How can I tell her the truth?
Moriko surveyed her outfit. After lengthy and agonizing consideration, she had decided to 'go casual' with blue jeans, and a black T-shirt showing three wolves howling at the moon.
Spoiler: Moriko's shirt

She gave a silent giggle at the secret message in the shirt. Not that Hachiko-kun had any idea that she and her sisters were Okami Wolf Yokai, much less Natural-Born Shipgirls.
How can I tell him the truth?
She shrugged and grabbed her purse and keys. She would figure something out, she was sure.
"Ja ne! I'll be home later tonight and be eating out so no need to cook for me, Suzume-chan!"
Her twin slyly giggled from where she was putting their bowls and plates up as Sachiko washed them, "Don't break Hachiko-kun's pelvis this early in, Moriko-chan! Let the poor boy up for oxygen before then for his sake!"
"SU-ZU-ME!!" Moriko snarled as she turned red as a tomato. "I'm not like that!!"
"Hai, but Prince Charming will be upset if you are late for your date." Suzume grinned, "Anyway, I should go soon too, Soryuu-sensei has some special training for me planned."
"OH SHIT! I'll be late!" Moriko dashed off to the sounds of her sisters' laughter
Spoiler: Your Mission, Should You Choose To Accept It...
The Day Before
"Suzume-chan. As a carrier, you must learn the arts of deception and concealment. Remaining hidden while keeping eyes on the enemy until the time comes to hit her with a surprise airstrike."
"Hai Soryuu-sensei. Just like at Midway."
"Exactly. Therefore when your sister goes on her date, you are to shadow her, relay reconnaissance data as you remain in strike range of her, but do not be sighted by her. I shall observe your observations via top cover from my Reppu and relay suggestions through Shigure, who has volunteered to act as your plane guard. Are there any questions?"
"In other words, you want me to snoop on big sister's date, get candid blackmail photos to post on SGO to satisfy the demand of the forum netizens, and if I am caught you will disavow all knowledge of this operation to embarrass Big Sis. Oh and Shigure is along to satisfy her romantic side"
"...that too."
Moriko glanced around as she reached the main gate, then checked her watch.
She was early, thankfully. She then leaned against the lamp pole, and folded her arms underneath her significant fuel tanks to survey the crowd.
Behind her, her twin sister ducked out of sight. The dark-haired girl beside her wearing a white shirt, black coat, and plaid skirt watched with some amusement. "I'll notify you when she maneuvers, Suzume"
Spoiler: The Lucky Escort Ship

"Thank you, Shigure."
Shigure grinned as her target locked on her fire control on a short slender young man with thick glasses dressed nicely but plainly in a slightly threadbare white button-up shirt and black pants. "She's moving now."
As Suzume nodded and stood up, the Tin Can Mafia radio channel got a transmission. "Operation Insulin Delivery sortieing in pursuit of target!"
Spoiler: The First Date
"Hachiko-kun!" Moriko hurried over, an invisible tail wagging behind her as she grasped his arm. "You came!"
"Hello too, Moriko-sama." Hachiko spoke with a happy smile on his face at the shock of electricity that ran through them both. "I made handmade bentos for us both to eat for lunch."
"Oh wow, you can cook! I knew that you were providing for your little brother but..." Moriko's mental ears perked up at the news as she spoke happily.
Hachiko grimaced, "Mother... died... when I was in school so I had to learn for Aki's sake. I wound up taking HomeEc classes with the girls so I could take care of him."
Moriko froze and then hugged Hachiko to her chest at the stricken look in his eyes. With an eeep, Hachiko's face vanished into marshmallow hell.
Behind them, a red-faced future Ibuki-class CVL coughed suspiciously as several high-quality blackmail pictures of her sister cutting off her boyfriend's oxygen with her chest were taken.
Hachiko emerged from the embrace red-faced, spluttering, and with a bit of a giddy smile. Wow, maybe being short isn't so bad....
He looked up through his crooked glasses at the sad smile Moriko gave him as she spoke gently. "I'm sorry. My parents are absent too. It hurts a lot. No one should have to deal with that pain." She took a deep breath and gently straightened his crooked glasses. "I'm sure that they are proud of you. Prouder than mine are of me, I... had to do things I am not proud of to provide for my sisters."
To her surprise, Hachiko stepped in and carefully turning his face so he did not get it wedged into her bosom again, he gave her a hug. "You did what you could for them. Because you love them."
Behind them, more blackmail pictures were taken as Moriko's face flushed as she returned the hug.
"Hachiko-kun. I," The she-wolf took a deep breath and clenched a scarred and battered fist as her eyes drooped, "I fought people for money, because we needed it for my baby sister."
He reached for her hand and gently took it in his, uncurling her fist with his so he could lace her fingers in his. "You did it for Sachiko and Suzume. I can't say that is wrong, Moriko-sama. I just wish that I was strong enough to provide for Aki like you have for your sisters."
With that she steered down the street with the young man dragged along in her wake with a happy smile on both faces. "You look nice in that outfit." Very Shinji Ikari schoolboy-esque. Moriko added to herself.
Hachiko blushed and mumbled, "It's my old schoolboy uniform. It's all I had that was nice enough to look good next to you. I...don't go out much."
Moriko squeezed his hand and he looked at her, blinking through his glasses. "It suits, and I always wanted a schoolgirl romance." She giggled, "So this is a dream come true."
Then as she turned to the stores that they were passing, she got a lupine grin on her face. "Hachiko-kun?"
"Yes?" Hachiko spoke, blushing at the cute smile on her face.
Moriko pointed to a store with imported coats. "C'mon, I think you would look cute in one of those. I'll get you it, Ok? You and Aki both deserve something nice!"
"Umm, those look awefully expensi-"
"Don't worry about it! It'll be my treat, just leave it to me!"
"B-but I c-can't Moriko-sama. This... This is very generous of you, but I cannot accept. It would be wrong!"
"Don't be so shy, it's fine! I figure you don't make all that much, so I'll take care of-"
"No." Hachiko said. He did not raise his voice, he was perfectly calm and civil. But the steel in his tone, and the gleam in his eye, was more than enough that this was his final warning. And for a split second, Moriko felt like a little girl, facing the wrath of the Headman Okami in the village she grew up in.
"I apologize if I seem rude Moriko. But while it is true that I do not make much in my part time jobs, it is still mine, earned by my own work. And as much as I like you, I will not stand to be looked down on. No matter whomever it may be by. Am I understood?"
Moriko's tail and ears invisibly drooped. He was right. He refused to take unearned charity because it would demean what he did for his brother. How many times had she and Suzume been belittled by backhanded pity-charity? How many times had she sworn to herself to never be so disrespectful to anyone like that? And here she was, betraying that promise, to a boy- no, a man, that was so much like her, in soul if not truly in circumstance...
"I'm sorry. I was thoughtless. I'm... not that good at romance. I think with my fists and my heart too much and my brain not at all. I should have known that you are like me, you will only take a hand up begrudgingly and never a hand out. Because you gain worth only because it is what you fight for." Moriko spoke quietly. "Can... Can you forgive me?"
"I know, and I wouldn't mind something like that, but... not at Aki's expense or my honor." He squeezes her hand gently. "I forgive you."
With that she cast around for something to change the subject and saw a sign for a local park. "Let's head to Taura Plum Blossom Park for a picnic! We can eat those bentos you fixed for us and watch the ships in the harbor."
"Let's!" Hachiko smiled shyly and squeezed Moriko's hand as they headed for the park overlooking the harbor.