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Hench4Life (Henchman Riot Quest)

Player: DIT_grue
Name: Steve Black
Profession: Tavernkeeper
Brief: Better at listening to his customers than balancing the books, but it was a super demolishing the building that ended his prior career.

[x] Find the best bars in the region for picking up rumours and gossip; see what people are saying about the local super scene.
Player: LuckyShadowWolf
Name: Padraig "Paddy" O'Keen
Profession: Clock Smith
Brief: A lucky Irishman who earned the interest and apprenticeship under an English Clock Smith. By the end of which he could work on clocks from Pocket watches to Turret Clocks. Due to the English's dim views of the Irish, he had made his way to Paris to find work before entering into the employ of a woman with high ambitions.

[X] Operations
-[X] Look for some work to earn some coin and listen to the local gossip

…Sooo, yay or nay?
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Player: Scott
Name: Damien Swift
Profession: accountant
Brief: Due to a complete inability to do a successful interview Damien took the henchmen job to pay for his student debt.
[X] operations
[X] write in: ensure that the all the money the henchman make appears to be earned legitimately

was not sure if this would be Espionage or operation
Player: Blackshard
Name: James York
Profession: Mathematician
Brief: Having had little professional success in academia, James has decided to pursue a more lucrative (and shady) career in the field of clandestine research.

[X] Operations
-[X] write in: evaluate possible base locations

We need somewhere to work before we can start research, after all.
Player: Blackshard
Name: James York
Profession: Mathematician
Brief: Having had little professional success in academia, James has decided to pursue a more lucrative (and shady) career in the field of clandestine research.

[X] Operations
-[X] write in: evaluate possible base locations

We need somewhere to work before we can start research, after all.

I have to admit that as soon as I saw this submission I was reminded of a new manga I started reading called "Moriarty The Patriot" starring Moriarty, nemesis of Sherlock Holmes himself, taking on the corruption in England one dead rotten apple of a Nobel at a time!
Oh damn, a riot quest here?I can try.

Player: Megaolix
Name: Jiminy Longarm
Profession: Conman
Brief: A street boy that lived long enough to pick up a few tricks, he's throwing his lot under the Boss for the potential rewards.

[X] Perform a Heist
-[X] Pickpocket some of those big fat noble purses. There's probably a park around for the fancy type, no? Just gotta dress the part.
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und zis is wy ve vin! with vancy hats!
*bad impression of a german accent* hehe.
Turn 1 Tally
Vote Tally : Hench4Life (Henchman Riot Quest) | Questionable Questing [Posts: 28-36]
##### NetTally 3.1.4
[X] Find the best bars in the region for picking up rumours and gossip; see what people are saying about the local super scene.
No. of Votes: 1
[x] DIT_grue

[X] Go threaten and intimidate local shop-keeps for protection money. Burn down a British-owned shop to set an example and strong-arm the rest on board.
No. of Votes: 1
[X] Whitecap

[X] operations
No. of Votes: 1
[X] Scott

[X] Operations
-[X] Look for some work to earn some coin and listen to the local gossip
No. of Votes: 1
[X] LuckyShadowWolf

[X] Operations
-[X] write in: evaluate possible base locations
No. of Votes: 1
[X] Blackshard

[X] Perform a Heist
-[X] Pickpocket some of those big fat noble purses. There's probably a park around for the fancy type, no? Just gotta dress the part.
No. of Votes: 1
[X] Megaolix

[X] write in: ensure that the all the money the henchman make appears to be earned legitimately
No. of Votes: 1
[X] Scott

[X] write in: go find a base!
No. of Votes: 1
[X] hellbolo

[X] write in: Search for an abandoned church that can be used for a base.
No. of Votes: 1
[X] Philospher

Total No. of Voters: 8

Formatting and Consolidating...

Action 1: Gather Intelligence
Ideas: barhopping
Players: DIT_grue

Action 2: Acquire Funds
Ideas: Protection racket, pickpocketing, work
Players: Whitecap LuckyShadowWolf Megaolix

Action 3: Money Laundering
Players: Scott

Action 4: Search for a Base
Ideas: Abandoned Church
Players: Blackshard hellbolo Philosopher
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und zis is wy ve vin! with vancy hats!
*bad impression of a german accent* hehe.

I think you mean Jäger accent!

Vote Tally : Hench4Life (Henchman Riot Quest) | Questionable Questing [Posts: 28-36]

So were the first four rolls the DCs for the actions? Also what were the modifiers? If those questions are meant to be answered in the next thread post then feel free to ignore them till you post it.
I think you mean Jäger accent!
So were the first four rolls the DCs for the actions? Also what were the modifiers? If those questions are meant to be answered in the next thread post then feel free to ignore them till you post it.
C: The first four rolls were because we didn't realize the multi-dice option listed them individually, so we thought we had to roll them independently. But we're going with the second set anyway.
Turn 2 (Late January, 1891)
Going to nerf mookpower after this turn, to make player characters more relevant.

Action 1: Barhop for Intel (Espionage)(VILLAINOUS DEMAND)
Roll 98 + 5 (skill) + 20 (Espionage Mookpower) = 123 Epic Success

Steve Black has spent quite some time on both sides of a bar counter, so when it comes to subtly milking drunkards for information he knows what he's about. With the help of a couple nondescript nosy fellows who've joined up with Morgane's operation, he spends the time perusing Paris to learn about the local superheroes and villains.

First is the most famous hero in town, Pierre le Tonnerre. He's loud, he's flashy, and he's really quite effective with his lightning based powers. Details are a bit sketchy, but you've been able to confirm that he can zap anything in his line of sight with an electrical arc, and might be able to teleport to the other end of any electrical arc with him at one of the ends. You are uncertain about his maximum range, rate of fire, and energy per bolt. There are rumors of Pierre being able to connect any two things in line of sight with lightning to swap their positions, but you have been unable to substantiate these claims.

You also manage to find some details on a much, much more subtle operator known only as Chouette. Unlike Pierre she has never emitted any sort of visible energy. However, she dresses in camouflage that blends into the night, she moves with inhuman speed and agility, and at times she seems to simply vanish into thin air. Her modus operandi seems to be a string of domestic abusers never being heard from again, interspersed with the occasional crime boss being left dangling from a major landmark.

There's only a couple villains you're able to get anything at all on, one of whom is known as Katu Odoltsua. Apparently they're a killer for hire, though they do a very good job of keeping to the shadows.

There's also rumors of little automatons being spotted spying on people from time to time, but you're not sure if that can be taken seriously, or who would be operating them.

You've also managed to find someone you weren't even looking for, learning the name of Paris' foremost hero sponsor, one Marius Naël Bélanger. He's wealthy, has an interest in keeping the supervillain situation under control, and apparently has a reliable source of Spores.

DOSSIER: Pierre le Tonnerre
DOSSIER: Chouette
DOSSIER: Katu Odoltsua
DOSSIER: Marius Naël Bélanger
RUMOR: Spying Clanks?
XP: DIT_grue | Espionage (1/3)

Action 2: Acquire Funding (Operations)(VILLAINOUS DEMAND)
Roll 56 + 15 (skill) + 30 (Operations Mookpower) = 101 Success

Through a variety of methods, your crew has managed to acquire a decent quantity of funding this period. Michael sets up the beginnings of a protection racket, threatening a few businesses into paying up. Padraig simply plies his trade as a clocksmith performing maintenance on a few particularly expensive timepieces. And Jimmy does what he does best, making off with a few rich snob's purses, then subtly returning them sans cash.

CASH: +5
Operation: Protection Racket (Lv. 1, 1 Income)
XP: Whitecap (Operations 1/3)
XP: LuckyShadowWolf (Operations 1/3)
XP: Megaolix (Operations 1/3)

Action 3: Money Laundering (Operations)
Roll 85 + 10 (skill) + 10 (Operations Mookpower) = 105 Success

Of course, just having a criminal income is no good if you can't hide it. That's what Scott's been up to for the last two weeks, quietly establishing a set of "respectable businesses" that are effectively arranged to obscure the source of some really quite dirty money. They cover their own costs from their legitimate proceeds, and very thoroughly hide the source of your actual income.

Operation: Money Laundering (Lv. 1, 2 income cleaned)
XP: Scott (Operations 1/5)

Action 4: Acquire a Base (Operations)(VILLAINOUS DEMAND)
Roll 35 + 15 (skill) + 40 (Operations Mookpower) = 90 Success

It takes nearly a week of searching, but you manage to find a place to operate out of. Much to Randal's dismay there aren't any disused churches around, but you find a rather large between-owners shop that's impressively cheap after Maxim flashes the realtor a distinctly spiky grin.

BASE: Paris Storefront
Base Actions have been unlocked!
XP: Blackshard (Operations 1/3)
XP: hellbolo (Operations 1/3)
XP: Philosopher (Operations 1/3)

Villainous Actions
Morgane has established a gardening store in the Paris Storefront, boosting Discretion by 4 and providing 2 Legitimate Income.

-Set up a proper Spore growth room! (Operations)
-Case Marius' residence! I want to know how it's defended! (Espionage)
-One of you come here for some enhancements! (Someone gets a power-up relevant to their highest skill, but will be in recovery for the rest of the turn)

Special Vote!
Who do you think should get enhanced by Morgane? You may not nominate yourself.
[] Write-In.


[] Go Looking For Trouble
-[] Where?
[] Perform a Heist
-[] Specify Target
[] Assault a Target
-[] Specify
[] Defend a Base
-[] Paris Storefront
[] Defend an Operation
-[] Specify
[] Rapid Response
[] Training
[] Write-In

[] Go looking for clues
-[] General topic?
[] Investigate a Rumor
-[] Specific Rumor?
[] Flesh out a Dossier
-[] Who?
[]Investigate a Location
-[] Where?
[] Run interference
-[] Hide an action (which one?)
-[] Hide a base (which one?)
-[] Hide an operation (which one?)
[] Training
[] Write-In

[] Fundamental Research
-[] Spore formulations (currently at Lv. 1)
-[] Spore cultivation (currently at Lv. 1)
-[] Spore biology (currently at Lv. 1)
-[] Ghost World basics (currently at Lv. 0)
-[] Write-In
[] Design Spore Formulation
-[] Specify
[] Design Equipment
-[] Specify
[] Design Room
-[] Specify
[] Write-In

[] Build a Room!
-[] Select Base
-[] Select Type (Spore grow room already unlocked)
[] Improve a Base
-[] Select Base
-[] Select Stat (Size/Discretion/Defensibility)
[] Improve an Operation!
-[] Select Operation!
[] Start an Operation!
-[] Location
-[] Type/Purpose
[] Purchase Equipment
-[] Specify? (limited to things reasonably attainable, or with a known source)
[] Manufacture Equipment
-[] Specify? (limited to known blueprints)
[] Training
[] Write-In
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[X] write in: put a fanzy hat on ve boszz's head!
A good bozz needz a fanzy hat!
[x]Michael Delaney

[X] Case Marius' residence by preaching around his neighborhood and taking note of gossip and the layout of the residence.
Though his expertise doesn't specifically extend to biology, James is classically educated, and has helped with stranger experiments (everyone wants someone with a head for statistics, when it comes time to make sense of the data). Any undergrad lab assistant ought to be able to arrange such a simple setup, and though James fancies himself a little more useful than that, he's not above putting in some elbow grease. Not yet, at least.

[X] Build a Room!
-[X] Select Base: Paris Storefront
-[X] Select Type: Spore Growth Room

[X] Michael Delaney
gets my powerup nomination; we need some powered muscle around, just in case.
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[X] build a Room!
-[X] Select base: Paris Storefront
-[X] Select Type: Spore Growth Room

[X] Steve Black
None of the demands are in Damien's skill set so might as well choose a non dangerous task
Is our villain Maxime or Morgane? Both seem to be used in different places.

Who do you think should get enhanced by Maxime? You may not nominate yourself.
[x] Jiminy Longarm

[x] Improve a Base
-[x] Paris Storefront
-[x] Size
Even compared to other ancient cities, Paris is notorious for its underground. Create an access under the shop, section off and hide a suitable area, and we've got a much larger expansion than the amount of work could otherwise justify, without drawing attention. (If the job doesn't go so well, there probably just isn't an existing network in this area, and we have to settle for trying to covertly excavate a cellar... I've obviously read too many POW escape accounts as a child, judging by the immediate flood of ideas that prompted. - Or on second thought, why covertly? If you can't sneak into an existing network, just do it, complete with any official permissions that may or may not be required at this point in history.)
[X] Padraig "Paddy" O'Keen

How can I not vote for a fellow countryman? Asides, I figure Ol' Paddy could maybe put their clockwork skills to use designing bullshit inventions. Might as well abuse the Steampunk tag considering we have it.

[X] Run Interference
-[X] Casing Marius's Residence. Use innate Hooliganism to attract attention away from the operation. Nothing that could land serious jail time but enough to be a nuisance.

Ain't the best at sneaking around but causing a massive scene and drawing eyes away from the real threat? Easy. Should probably get another person on this to make sure it sticks though.
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There's also rumors of little automatons being spotted spying on people from time to time, but you're not sure if that can be taken seriously, or who would be operating them.

Out of curiosity and because it would effect the action I choose to do would these spying robots happen to be of the clockwork variety?

-One of you come here for some enhancements! (Someone gets a power-up relevant to their highest skill, but will be in recovery for the rest of the turn)

I was wondering are you going to be posting a thread mark listing what the players skills are that you assigned to them based off the character sheet? Or even something that gathers it all together to make it easier to reference as this quest goes on?

Also for who I think should be enhanced?

[X] Damien Swift

Improving the money laundering guy seems like a good idea!

EDIT! Forgot to add this:

One of these is going to be my action when my above question gets answered.

[] Investigate a Rumor
-[] Spying Clanks

[x] Improve a Base
-[x] Paris Storefront
-[x] Size
Even compared to other ancient cities, Paris is notorious for its underground. Create an access under the shop, section off and hide a suitable area, and we've got a much larger expansion than the amount of work could otherwise justify, without drawing attention. (If the job doesn't go so well, there probably just isn't an existing network in this area, and we have to settle for trying to covertly excavate a cellar... I've obviously read too many POW escape accounts as a child, judging by the immediate flood of ideas that prompted. - Or on second thought, why covertly? If you can't sneak into an existing network, just do it, complete with any official permissions that may or may not be required at this point in history.)

Depending on if the clanks are mentioned in the rumors as being clockwork made or not, if the answer is not then I'll assist in the above quoted action by doing this:

[] Improve a Base
-[] Paris Storefront
-[] Design and build a clockwork powered hidden entrance to the new room(s)
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I was wondering are you going to be posting a thread mark listing what the players skills are that you assigned to them based off the character sheet? Or even something that gathers it all together to make it easier to reference as this quest goes on?
Minion Roster
Characters should be entered using the following template:


Name is obvious; what's your character called. Profession is what they did for a living before becoming a henchperson; their starting skill bonus will be generated based on it. Brief is for a short description of the character, and we do mean short.

Player: DIT_grue
Name: Steve Black
Profession: Tavernkeeper
Skills: Operations 1, Espionage 0 (1/3)
Brief: Better at listening to his customers than balancing the books, but it was a super demolishing the building that ended his prior career.

Player: hellbolo.
Name: maxim jagerkin.
Profession: security guard.
Skills: Combat 1, Operations 0 (1/3)
Brief: is a hat enthusiast, also has a tendency to start fights for fun if bored. Looks a bit monsterous, (look up girl genius jagerkin, and you'll get the gist.). Has a very fancy hat.

Player: Whitecap
Name: Michael Delaney
Profession: Street Hooligan
Skills: Combat 1, Operations 0 (1/3)
Brief: A big, bulky lad of Irish descent; Michael makes for an imposing figure with his crooked nose, missing teeth, and torn ear signaling his violent nature. Spends most of his free time drinking, betting on sports, and general rabblerousing. Hates the British with a passion and relishes any opportunity to do them dirty.

Player: Philospher
Name: Randal Herman
Profession: Preacher
Skills: Espionage 1, Operations 0 (1/3)
Brief: Randal has seen the disparity between humans increase and how science and power has become society's new god(s). He believes breaking the system will help fix the problems.

Player: LuckyShadowWolf
Name: Padraig "Paddy" O'Keen
Profession: Clock Smith
Skills: Research 1, Operations 0 (1/3)
Brief: A lucky Irishman who earned the interest and apprenticeship under an English Clock Smith. By the end of which he could work on clocks from Pocket watches to Turret Clocks. Due to the English's dim views of the Irish, he had made his way to Paris to find work before entering into the employ of a woman with high ambitions.

Player: Scott
Name: Damien Swift
Profession: accountant
Skills: Operations 1 (1/5)
Brief: Due to a complete inability to do a successful interview Damien took the henchmen job to pay for his student debt.

Player: Blackshard
Name: James York
Profession: Mathematician
Skills: Research 1, Operations 0 (1/3)
Brief: Having had little professional success in academia, James has decided to pursue a more lucrative (and shady) career in the field of clandestine research.

Player: Megaolix
Name: Jiminy Longarm
Profession: Conman
Skills: Espionage 1, Operations (1/3)
Brief: A street boy that lived long enough to pick up a few tricks, he's throwing his lot under the Boss for the potential rewards.

No henches have yet died.

You mean the Minion Roster that's been in the first post since it went up, and was promptly updated once there were minions?
You mean the Minion Roster that's been in the first post since it went up, and was promptly updated once there were minions?

Not gonna lie I honestly that was the reference for how I Just Write wanted us to write our book posts and that a new post would be made after the first thread mark!

Z: You don't know this. You only have the barest scraps of rumor about them existing at all.

Alright then, guess Paddy will be waiting till next turn to satisfy his curiosity.

[X] Design Equipment
-[X] Clockwork automation for Spore Room Growth/Production

Basically using wind up based clockwork tech to automate the process for the Spore production or assist whoever is actively working in the spore room with their work. That acceptable I Just Write?
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What the heck. I'll join in.

Player: Sirrocco
Character: Igor Igorsson
Profession: Servant, minion, and general assistant in all things.
Background: A proud Igor from a proud lineage of Igors. Not particularly attractive, or large, or all that strong, but good with his hands, obedient, and very, very discreet. Igor has always known that he wanted to be a henchman when he grew up, and as soon as the opportunity offered, he jumped at the chance. His parents are quite pleased with this excellent start to his career. This particular Igor specializes in thinking of the little things that are beneath the notice of the Masters, and making sure that they do not become big things. Or... at least... that's what he always wanted to specialize in. His new Mistress has shown herself to be very good at being proactive about the little things all by herself, and he's still trying to find his footing after that revelation.

[] Improve a Base
-[] Paris Storefront
-[] Discretion
-[] Adjust the decor to present the image of a members-only club - a place that people might reasonably be going in and out of on a regular basis but not one that feels any need to open its doors to the public.

Edit: wait... wait...

Turns out that I was just completely wrong in my plan. I now need a new plan. Have added a few ore sentences to the Background as a result.
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What the heck. I'll join in.

Player: Sirrocco
Character: Igor Igorsson
Profession: Servant, minion, and general assistant in all things.
Background: A proud Igor from a long line of Igors. Not particularly attractive, or large, or all that strong, but good with his hands, obedient, and very, very discreet. Igor has always know that he wanted to be a henchman when he grew up, and as soon as the opportunity offered, he jumped at the chance. His parents are quite pleased with this excellent start to his career. This particular Igor specializes in thinking of the little things that are beneath the notice of the Masters, and making sure that they do not become big things.

[x] Improve a Base
-[x] Paris Storefront
-[x] Discretion
-[x] Adjust the decor to present the image of a members-only club - a place that people might reasonably be going in and out of on a regular basis but not one that feels any need to open its doors to the public.
You can also vote for another minion to receive special spore powers
You can also vote for another minion to receive special spore powers

Perhaps... but that is not a riot vote. Igor does not feel it is his place to decide things for anyone but Igor. Igor is happy to let others handle those sorts of decisions, and just try to find little ways to be helpful.
Just gonna help an Operation here, I suppose. Provided I'm not being sent for an experiment anyway.

[x] Improve a Base
-[x] Paris Storefront
-[x] Size

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