The Wind Down, End.
Versed in the lewd.
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On the world of Terra, to be a Hero was to give one's self to the protection and aid of the people. To use one's power, be it gifted, of natural talent, or earned, to protect those weaker than they are, to selflessly protect the world from all that would endanger it. As a direct result, seeing strange occurrences was not only to be expected, but an inevitability in their trade. Indeed, in their time as a Hero, Ling Moonsong was proud to say they had saved many lives, and as a consequence of their travels, had seen many strange things, particularly from the more.....eccentric peers in their line of work.
However, in all of their years as a Hero, Ling had to admit, seeing some sort of gremlin-wizard dancing after being set alight like a living bonfire was a new one. Usually when people were set on fire, they were running around screaming in pain, or simply ignored it if they were a Hero of any level of power worth something.
"What is going on here?" The Moon Rabbit asked in their confusion as they drifted down to the ground behind a group of Shellforters. The mechanical, crab-man esq monks closest to them were quick to make note of their arrival and perked up [as much as a living machine of metal plating can 'perk up'] when they saw the eight armed wheel symbol that signified an officially sanctioned Hero.
"Pleased salutations: Greetings, honorable Hero! We are celebrating the defeat of a most vile Fallen member of your great orders, as well as the heavenly blessings of being in the presence of a Miraculous One!" 'Miraculous One'? Ling didn't consider themself particularly enlightened into the many faiths of other cultures, their own beliefs being that of their people's form of ancestral worship, but even they could recognize that such a title had very special meaning to the monks of this place.
"Miraculous One?" They enquired with genuine curiosity. The nearest bot nodded, or at least the equivalent given the lack of neck for his chassis forcing him to move his entire upper body in an odd bowing motion.
"Overjoyed: Yes, honorable one. The Miraculous One was sent by the Great Maker in answer to our prayers of salvation! Truly we are blessed!" Ling nodded as they looked around, taking in the sights before them. Chanting, cheering machine-men, a stock-pile of captured bandits, and a tiny dancing wizard. In other words: They were definitely going to have to write a report on this. With a brow raising up their forehead, the Moon Rabbit took a steadying breath before pulling out a scroll and quill from their dimensional storage.
"If it is alright with you, I would like for you to start from the beginning."
Strictly speaking, if Han was being objective, this party was easily a 3, maybe a 4, on his personal scale for ragers. Half the guests were tied up in a corner, there was no real food much less drinks out to enjoy, and the music wasn't leaving him half deaf. That being said, having Kevin around dancing after he'd lit himself on fire was easily boosting the rating up to a 7.
"Go, Kevin, go!" Han whooped. With a graceful flourish, Kevin spun around before striking a pose, simultaneously extinguishing the flames around him. "Thata boy!" Han cheered. A smile on his face, the puppy-faced young man hopped on over to his honorary uncle.
"Uncle Han, it's been forever since I saw you! How are you?"
"Oh you know, exploring the world, brewing new and exciting concoctions, same old same old." Han admitted matter-o-factually. "How's the new job been going?"
"Oh, it's been going great!" Kevin hopped in delight, eyes wide and sparkling. "I've managed to do a lot of sales, and even made a big one for a whole town! I even made some new friends!" Kevin looked behind himself and motioned to the two strangers to come forwards. "Guys, come meet my uncle Han!"
Han leaned back as he took in the sight of the two stepping forward. The shorter one, roughly Kevin's height, was a green skinned male Goblin in merchant's clothing, a larger pack on his back. His feline like nose wiggled as he stepped forwards, a curious light in his eyes. "Hiya, the name's Toyo. You've got yourself a great nephew here, if you don't mind me sayin'."
"Don't I know it." Han chuckled before turning his attention to the larger of the trio, a tall, well dressed canine woman, bespectacled and seemingly mixed breed, stood tall and unafraid, the telltale guitar of a bard upon her back.
"I am Alyxia of Cotcher's Town." She dipped her head low in respect. "It is a pleasure to meet you."
"Likewise, young lady. Thank you both for looking after this little scamp." Han said with a grateful look.
"If I can ask, why are you here, uncle? It's great to see you, but why come to me now?" Han blinked as Kevin's question hung in the air.
"Ah, right!" He chuckled as he reached into his loose gi and took out a letter. "Your cousin sent me this. He said it was time to start the next step of your training." The emotions that rolled through Kevin's face were as many as they were rapid. Snapshots of surprise, worry, curiosity and finally acceptance went by so fast that most would have been unable to register it.
"It's time?" Kevin asked to be certain.
"It's time." The Wukong nodded.
"Er, time for what?" Toyo asked out loud, out of the loop for obvious reasons.
"Why, time to help this little bugger master his magic!" The silence between the four of them was only broken by the celebrating crowds around them. Were it not for them, one would be able to hear a pin drop into the mud.
".....He hasn't mastered his magic." Alyxia did not ask it, she stated in an almost serene acceptance.
"Oh trust me, you haven't seen what this little guy can really do just yet." Han uttered with a twinkle in his eye and a grin on his lips.
It went by many names. The Collector. The Traveler. The Questing One. What it was called didn't matter, the well dressed, vaguely feline looking thing not caring for what Mortals decided to name it. As it stepped into the dark, dank, ruined halls of its master's abode, it came in expecting to hear its true name called, to inquire on its mission. As it inspected the key fragment in its hand, smirking to itself on its job well done, it stopped as it realized its master had yet to call to it. Forming its current visage into a frown, it resumed its journey into the heart of the ruined domain of its master.
"There you are, Naru!" It, Naru, had to stop its frown from deepening instinctively as the agitating scratchy sound that passed for a voice from its master's 'spymaster' reached its ears. Stepping into the main chamber-a ruined place that could once have passed for a cross between a royal court and a temple altar-it valued its professionalism too much to sneer at the sight of its......associate.
Huddled on all fours, its hunch back covered in constantly forming and unforming eyes, Watcher crouched next to the first steps up to their master's altar, its ocular organs all glaring at Naru in a rainbow of different iris colorations.
"Master has been quiet, and I haven't been able to get him to speak to me!" It warbled in its scratchy voice. That got Naru's attention enough to raise its brow. As annoying as it found Watcher, their master saw something of value in his multi-eyed spy, and so was not one to remain quiet when it came crawling back to him to make its reports.
"Sire?" Naru stated out loud. The dark, formless mass of rock where once a throne sat remained silent. Now Naru was feeling concerned. "Sire? Sire, can you hear me? I have completed my mission and have retrieved the fragment!" As if finally hearing it, the air itself began to shift around the hulking stone, shift and blend until what could pass as a voice began to form from it.
"Yes Sire, I am here."
"So am I!" Watcher piped up as to not be left out.
"Sire, is something wrong?" Naru asked.
"......No. Nothing is wrong." He said after a long, drawn out moment. "It is just that I have felt something I haven't felt in a long, long time. It left me.....Nostalgic." It was a testament to their value to their lord that he would admit this much to them, where his other servants would be lucky to receive direct orders from him personally at most.
"I....See." Naru did not, but that didn't matter. If their master decided to elaborate, he would unprovoked. "I managed to accomplish my mission."
"Did you now?" There was an almost distant quality to the question, as if their master's mind wasn't entirely on the present. Naru ignored this and just pressed on. It lifted its hand to show the key fragment.
"The Shellfort fragment, as requested."
"Shellfort...." Again, his attention was elsewhere.
"That's what I wanted to report, Master! Our clean up operation was stopped by the intervention of a Hero!" Watcher cried out. "Sol was unable to complete his mission!"
"Never mind that. The key fragment is what matters." Their master declared. "While it is unfortunate that we could not cover our tracks, the fragment is in our possession and that puts us right on schedule. As far as I am concerned, we have won here."
"Of course, my lord." Naru and Watcher both bowed deeply to the stone. "I will leave it with the others, then. I still have other tasks to accomplish for your plans to come to fruition." Naru stated.
"Go." At the command, Naru bowed deeper still before turning around and making its way outside the bounds of their master's domain to teleport out. Watcher remained behind, however, hopping in place.
"Sire, may I ask, what has you distracted? What could make you nostalgic?"
"What happened there, whoever stopped it. In doing so, they did something that I have not felt in a long, long time." Watcher blinked its myriad eyes. before daring to ask further.
"What was it?"
"They answered the hopes and prayers of thousands......Good."
However, in all of their years as a Hero, Ling had to admit, seeing some sort of gremlin-wizard dancing after being set alight like a living bonfire was a new one. Usually when people were set on fire, they were running around screaming in pain, or simply ignored it if they were a Hero of any level of power worth something.
"What is going on here?" The Moon Rabbit asked in their confusion as they drifted down to the ground behind a group of Shellforters. The mechanical, crab-man esq monks closest to them were quick to make note of their arrival and perked up [as much as a living machine of metal plating can 'perk up'] when they saw the eight armed wheel symbol that signified an officially sanctioned Hero.
"Pleased salutations: Greetings, honorable Hero! We are celebrating the defeat of a most vile Fallen member of your great orders, as well as the heavenly blessings of being in the presence of a Miraculous One!" 'Miraculous One'? Ling didn't consider themself particularly enlightened into the many faiths of other cultures, their own beliefs being that of their people's form of ancestral worship, but even they could recognize that such a title had very special meaning to the monks of this place.
"Miraculous One?" They enquired with genuine curiosity. The nearest bot nodded, or at least the equivalent given the lack of neck for his chassis forcing him to move his entire upper body in an odd bowing motion.
"Overjoyed: Yes, honorable one. The Miraculous One was sent by the Great Maker in answer to our prayers of salvation! Truly we are blessed!" Ling nodded as they looked around, taking in the sights before them. Chanting, cheering machine-men, a stock-pile of captured bandits, and a tiny dancing wizard. In other words: They were definitely going to have to write a report on this. With a brow raising up their forehead, the Moon Rabbit took a steadying breath before pulling out a scroll and quill from their dimensional storage.
"If it is alright with you, I would like for you to start from the beginning."
Strictly speaking, if Han was being objective, this party was easily a 3, maybe a 4, on his personal scale for ragers. Half the guests were tied up in a corner, there was no real food much less drinks out to enjoy, and the music wasn't leaving him half deaf. That being said, having Kevin around dancing after he'd lit himself on fire was easily boosting the rating up to a 7.
"Go, Kevin, go!" Han whooped. With a graceful flourish, Kevin spun around before striking a pose, simultaneously extinguishing the flames around him. "Thata boy!" Han cheered. A smile on his face, the puppy-faced young man hopped on over to his honorary uncle.
"Uncle Han, it's been forever since I saw you! How are you?"
"Oh you know, exploring the world, brewing new and exciting concoctions, same old same old." Han admitted matter-o-factually. "How's the new job been going?"
"Oh, it's been going great!" Kevin hopped in delight, eyes wide and sparkling. "I've managed to do a lot of sales, and even made a big one for a whole town! I even made some new friends!" Kevin looked behind himself and motioned to the two strangers to come forwards. "Guys, come meet my uncle Han!"
Han leaned back as he took in the sight of the two stepping forward. The shorter one, roughly Kevin's height, was a green skinned male Goblin in merchant's clothing, a larger pack on his back. His feline like nose wiggled as he stepped forwards, a curious light in his eyes. "Hiya, the name's Toyo. You've got yourself a great nephew here, if you don't mind me sayin'."
"Don't I know it." Han chuckled before turning his attention to the larger of the trio, a tall, well dressed canine woman, bespectacled and seemingly mixed breed, stood tall and unafraid, the telltale guitar of a bard upon her back.
"I am Alyxia of Cotcher's Town." She dipped her head low in respect. "It is a pleasure to meet you."
"Likewise, young lady. Thank you both for looking after this little scamp." Han said with a grateful look.
"If I can ask, why are you here, uncle? It's great to see you, but why come to me now?" Han blinked as Kevin's question hung in the air.
"Ah, right!" He chuckled as he reached into his loose gi and took out a letter. "Your cousin sent me this. He said it was time to start the next step of your training." The emotions that rolled through Kevin's face were as many as they were rapid. Snapshots of surprise, worry, curiosity and finally acceptance went by so fast that most would have been unable to register it.
"It's time?" Kevin asked to be certain.
"It's time." The Wukong nodded.
"Er, time for what?" Toyo asked out loud, out of the loop for obvious reasons.
"Why, time to help this little bugger master his magic!" The silence between the four of them was only broken by the celebrating crowds around them. Were it not for them, one would be able to hear a pin drop into the mud.
".....He hasn't mastered his magic." Alyxia did not ask it, she stated in an almost serene acceptance.
"Oh trust me, you haven't seen what this little guy can really do just yet." Han uttered with a twinkle in his eye and a grin on his lips.
It went by many names. The Collector. The Traveler. The Questing One. What it was called didn't matter, the well dressed, vaguely feline looking thing not caring for what Mortals decided to name it. As it stepped into the dark, dank, ruined halls of its master's abode, it came in expecting to hear its true name called, to inquire on its mission. As it inspected the key fragment in its hand, smirking to itself on its job well done, it stopped as it realized its master had yet to call to it. Forming its current visage into a frown, it resumed its journey into the heart of the ruined domain of its master.
"There you are, Naru!" It, Naru, had to stop its frown from deepening instinctively as the agitating scratchy sound that passed for a voice from its master's 'spymaster' reached its ears. Stepping into the main chamber-a ruined place that could once have passed for a cross between a royal court and a temple altar-it valued its professionalism too much to sneer at the sight of its......associate.
Huddled on all fours, its hunch back covered in constantly forming and unforming eyes, Watcher crouched next to the first steps up to their master's altar, its ocular organs all glaring at Naru in a rainbow of different iris colorations.
"Master has been quiet, and I haven't been able to get him to speak to me!" It warbled in its scratchy voice. That got Naru's attention enough to raise its brow. As annoying as it found Watcher, their master saw something of value in his multi-eyed spy, and so was not one to remain quiet when it came crawling back to him to make its reports.
"Sire?" Naru stated out loud. The dark, formless mass of rock where once a throne sat remained silent. Now Naru was feeling concerned. "Sire? Sire, can you hear me? I have completed my mission and have retrieved the fragment!" As if finally hearing it, the air itself began to shift around the hulking stone, shift and blend until what could pass as a voice began to form from it.
"Yes Sire, I am here."
"So am I!" Watcher piped up as to not be left out.
"Sire, is something wrong?" Naru asked.
"......No. Nothing is wrong." He said after a long, drawn out moment. "It is just that I have felt something I haven't felt in a long, long time. It left me.....Nostalgic." It was a testament to their value to their lord that he would admit this much to them, where his other servants would be lucky to receive direct orders from him personally at most.
"I....See." Naru did not, but that didn't matter. If their master decided to elaborate, he would unprovoked. "I managed to accomplish my mission."
"Did you now?" There was an almost distant quality to the question, as if their master's mind wasn't entirely on the present. Naru ignored this and just pressed on. It lifted its hand to show the key fragment.
"The Shellfort fragment, as requested."
"Shellfort...." Again, his attention was elsewhere.
"That's what I wanted to report, Master! Our clean up operation was stopped by the intervention of a Hero!" Watcher cried out. "Sol was unable to complete his mission!"
"Never mind that. The key fragment is what matters." Their master declared. "While it is unfortunate that we could not cover our tracks, the fragment is in our possession and that puts us right on schedule. As far as I am concerned, we have won here."
"Of course, my lord." Naru and Watcher both bowed deeply to the stone. "I will leave it with the others, then. I still have other tasks to accomplish for your plans to come to fruition." Naru stated.
"Go." At the command, Naru bowed deeper still before turning around and making its way outside the bounds of their master's domain to teleport out. Watcher remained behind, however, hopping in place.
"Sire, may I ask, what has you distracted? What could make you nostalgic?"
"What happened there, whoever stopped it. In doing so, they did something that I have not felt in a long, long time." Watcher blinked its myriad eyes. before daring to ask further.
"What was it?"
"They answered the hopes and prayers of thousands......Good."