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Jumping Forward, One Universe at a Time [Multiversal Jump Chain OC Insert]

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I awoke to weightlessness within the void. The world came into shape around me. I glanced...
The Beginning [Half Life] 1


Shield Enthusiast
Jul 2, 2020
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I awoke to weightlessness within the void. The world came into shape around me. I glanced around. My body was a blackened shade—a walking shadow with no skin or details. Then I examined my surroundings, a grey room, with not much around.

"There is nothing there. Yet." I glanced in the direction of the voice. In this gray room was one other being. A short entity, If my knowledge is correct this thing is called a Goblin. She laughed, "Yea, I'm a Goblin, now welcome jumper! You can call me Jumpchan. I'm your agent, in this case."

I tried to speak, but I couldn't say anything.

"Don't worry too much about talking yet. You haven't made yourself a solid form yet. Currently, you don't have a lot up there. More actions than actual personality. Beyond what you grasped from the random souls in the void." She sat down on the ground. "You are an Agent." She gestured to the center of the room. "And this is a fledgling multiverse. See those universes? They are all frozen in time by the power of multiple ROBs, you see. These universes need to stabilize before they collapse and cause a chain reaction. We prevent such things from happening by simply freezing them in time. You, Agent. Will have to go into each world, and complete a mission, or simply survive. Depending on what is needed to stabilize the world and prevent it from collapsing."

She then gestured, pulling a paper towards me. "This is your first universe. It has been dubbed Half-Life by the ROB that froze it. Apparently, like the other universes, it is a replica of a universe that exists in another multiversal bubble. To begin, first, fill out the sheet, and choose your adventure." I grabbed it, suddenly the paper began to fill itself out.

Location: Black Mesa

Origin: Scientist

Gender: Male

Age: 37

  • Anti-Mass Physics
  • Manufacture
  • I Know Gun-Fu
  • Hand To Hand

  • Crowbar
  • Xen Crystal Collection
  • H.E.V. MK 5 + Long Jump Module
  • I've Got Crabs!
  • Swiss Cheese of the Damned
  • War crimes

I wasn't sure what was going on, but then the room began to expand and change, and my body changed as well. I had memories, and I was no longer a shade. I had a physical body and a name! Everist Chaggen, my memories tell me it's a strange name, and I have been made fun of for it in the past.

But that wasn't all, I had other new things. I knew how to fight, how to best disarm someone, and how to hit a shot with a pistol from the maximum range possible. I knew how things interacted with each other, how to build a gun from scratch, and how to make ammo for it as well. I was a physicist. A very talented one.

"A survival mission huh? Good luck. You must live for 10 years before your influence stabilizes the world long enough for you to have the option to leave." The door floats from my hand into the wall, forming a door. "When you are ready, proceed through the door to begin."

I glance at my warehouse, and the terms begin to come to my mind. I knew what I was, I knew what I had to do. But this sense of anticipation, of euphoria, was all over my body. I knew this adventure was dangerous, but I was looking forward to having fun regardless. But first, I needed to prepare. From the information present in my mind, I knew I could access any of the material within my warehouse at any time. So I went to the first metal shelf that had appeared in an expansion of the warehouse and started to get my HEV suit on. There was a strap on the back I could slot my crowbar into. Then I examined the Xen Crystals.

Ideas flowed, and I could turn these into truly interesting devices if I get the chance. Like a ray gun, a gravity-based platform, or maybe even a teleporter! It was fascinating material and would be useful in surviving. Although I'm not sure what exactly I'm supposed to be surviving from. Maybe the experiments in Black Mesa? I heard some of the experiments are rather dangerous.

Regardless, I better get back to my job. Even if I can stay here as long as I want, I don't have anything here, only Xen Crystals. I should hurry up and prepare. I don't know what could threaten my existence in Black Mesa, but I'd rather not risk it.

I stepped through the door, and I felt the shift as I left the warehouse, into Black Mesa. I looked back at the door I came from. It had changed into a maintenance door. I took a deep breath. The mesh of the suit's helmet filters the air for me.

What was I doing? Ah yes, I was-


The place shook. What the hell happened, and why is it starting already?! I thought I'd have a bit of breathing room.

"ARGH!" I heard the scream of pain from the room next to me. I went to it, pushing the door open. The scene was gorey, the scientist had been ripped apart by a headcrab, and judging based on the explosive scene, the thing appeared inside the scientist's body. I grab my crowbar, slamming it into the headcrab as it jumps at me. Huh, I wonder how I know what it's called? My time as a shade must have given me more information than I thought.

I glanced at the poor scientist. I recognize him. Dr. Branish had a mechanical engineering degree and helped design most of the devices that were in use around the facility. He helped organize the construction of the tram.

The alarms are annoyingly loud, making it hard to focus. I glance around the room. There isn't a ton here, just notes and a computer. Then I heard clicking noises. The same sound I heard when the headcrab leaped at me, I immediately turned towards the sound while swinging my crowbar to hit yet another headcrab. It was hiding on top of one of the lockers. Had no clue it was here.

I needed to survive. Somehow. In that case, I needed to figure out a new way to escape. So, where could I go? I was currently in Sector D, which would give me access to the rocket satellite among other things. I needed to make use of that to the best of my abilities. First, there should be a security desk with weapons nearby. I just needed to make my way to it. Getting a gun in my hand would massively increase my chances of escaping successfully. Judging by how fast things went to hell, I won't have much time.

Heading back into the hallway I run down to the security desk, before hearing a buzzing next to my ear, immediately I jump away from the sound. Barely avoiding the ill fate of being gutted by a teleporting alien. It waved its hand, summoning sparks. I reacted immediately, jumping to my feet and slamming my crowbar into its jaw with all my strength. This is worrying. I hear more buzzing sounds down the hallway… and in the wall? I glance at the wall at a dead alien, a Vortigaunt. My mind is now telling me the name of the alien.

Regardless, things were escalating. I continued down the hallway, and at the curve, I heard the sounds of combat. There were groans and sounds of electricity. A quick peek let me realize what exactly was going on, corpses were attacking the Vortigaunts. Zombies. They had the headcrabs on their heads and were making groaning noises.

I relaxed for a moment to think while they attacked each other. The Vortigaunts had the upper hand over the five zombies for a moment, before they finished them off. The zombies just stood there and moaned after dispatching the vortigaunts, with another few headcrabs appearing and hopping on the vortigaunts. If there were any more teleports happening, they weren't close to me at the moment. I need to get past the zombies to get to the security desk. It's a bit further down this hall, and with how linear the pathways are, an alternative root wasn't possible. There are only two routes to the desk, and I was on the opposite side of the other route. I'd groan if that wouldn't make noise.

I then proceeded to run and turn the corner, and beat the first zombie over the head with it, before falling back barely avoiding the claws. I repeated this process. Taking advantage of their slow movement to kill off each zombie, I then crushed the headcrabs on the vortigaunts and kept moving. I wasn't running anymore, too risky. Instead of moving at a brisk walking speed while listening for the slightest sounds.

"Ah! Help!" Dr. Samuel! I ran towards the voice, but he was getting chased by a bullsquid. I will always question how I know the names of these things, yet this is not the time to be distracted. I ran at it, using my crowbar I just kept swinging at the thing's head. Non-stop at a frantic constant pace.

Dr. Samuel focused on me, "Thanks Dr. Chaggen. I thought I was a goner. That thing came out of nowhere!"

I nodded, before speaking. "They seem to be all over Black Mesa. I'm not sure what happened."

He nodded, "I suspect it has something to do with Anomalous Materials. I am certain the explosion started in Sector C."

"That is worrying. This could be something truly dangerous. Hopefully, an evacuation is underway." We'd have to head to the helipad in that case right?

"I don't know personally Dr. Chaggen. I hope the military can help do something about this before it gets worse." He said, in a worried tone.

I frowned, a sense of unease passing over me. Something was off with the military, and it was speaking alarms to me. Something from my time as a shade was alerting me to danger. That is a worrying prospect. Could the Military be involved in this somehow? "Let's head to Sector E. There should be some vans we can use to get out of this mess."

He looks at me alarmed. "You don't want to wait for help? What if more of those aliens appear in the path!"

"I don't want to leave my life in the hands of others Dr. Samuel. Plus if we head topside we can likely meet the military sooner. Although, something tells me that may be a bad idea." I replied, cleaning off my crowbar.

He focused on me incredulously. "What do you mean a bad idea?!"

I shrugged, "Something is telling me that the military won't be happy about what's going on here. If it's really bad, our heads may be on the chopping block to cover up this incident. I am not certain, but I'd rather not risk it. Understand?"

"Not really, but I'm going to go hide at the security desk. If you run into help, please tell them to come to get me." He replied.

I started walking towards the security desk once more while replying. "Alright. Hopefully, I'm wrong. But I don't plan to risk it."

He laughed a bit. "We are too valuable to lose. We have doctorates after all! Best researchers they have. The odds of them trying to kill us to silence us is extremely low."

I muttered under my breath as we walked. "But not zero."
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Seems interesting and I look forward to more. One thing though, you might think about setting up a character sheet with his current perks and explanations of what they do and where he got them. I've seen it done in other jumpchain stories before and it's pretty helpful, especially for new readers.
Interesting start. Decent Dialogue I am looking forward to more.
Seems interesting and I look forward to more. One thing though, you might think about setting up a character sheet with his current perks and explanations of what they do and where he got them. I've seen it done in other jumpchain stories before and it's pretty helpful, especially for new readers.
I might do that eventually, but not yet. Lemme finish the Half Life Arc first.

Interesting start. Decent Dialogue I am looking forward to more.

Thanks! I've been working on improving my ability to do dialogue. It's one of the hardest things for me to actually do in writing.
Thanks! I've been working on improving my ability to do dialogue. It's one of the hardest things for me to actually do in writing.

I know your pain. As a side note, I'd suggest putting up an informational threadmark where you post the links of the jumps you use. It might be helpful.
Security Desk, Next Step.
My annoyance rose as I crushed the head of yet another Vortigaunt. Behind me was a path of carnage as I breathed out. I shook the alien blood off my crowbar. It's a miracle the crowbar hasn't deformed yet.

"Didn't realize you were this strong Dr. Chaggen." My colleague spoke behind me, avoiding dirtying his lab coat.

I shrugged, "I practice a lot. Being physically fit has been shown to do wonders for your mental capabilities."

The scientist examined the bodies. "You think this is what those folks over at the Anomalous Materials lab were working with?"

I shook my head no, "They weren't working with living beings. That's the Lambda Complexes' job. I believe they were trying to work on analyzing frequencies produced by a material called Xen Crystals. They were trying to isolate the frequencies to be used in more tests."

"Xen Crystals? You know what's going on in the Anomalous Materials lab?"

With a nod, I responded. "Yeah, I am a very talented physicist. They often cross-check math with me."

"Then what are you doing here instead of Anomalous Materials?" He asked as I slammed my crowbar into a headcrab that popped out of a vent.

"I wasn't assigned to Anomalous Materials. I was assigned to the Research Division. I'd pour over the data they get and see how we could use it." I heard the sound of footsteps and groans. More zombies, those things are annoyingly resilient.

I turned to Dr. Samuel. "Stay here for a moment, I got to go take care of the zombies ahead."

"I understand, please do come back." He said, getting close to the wall.

I turned the corner, with three guards, two scientist zombies… and a lot of headcrabs. Seems like others had the idea of going to the security desk as well. I leaped, my long jump module activating as I launched over the zombies. I swung at the headcrab that thought it could get me mid-jump. Slamming it into the ground. I stood on the other side, grabbing a pistol off the security desk, and a single magazine. With practiced ease, I reload it near instantly, before unloading on the zombies and headcrabs. My finger fanning the trigger. I grabbed another magazine and loaded it the moment my ammo ran out. Once the zombies were down, I started swinging with my crowbar, taking out the remaining headcrabs one at a time. It only took a few moments for all of them to be cleared out.

"Dr. Samuel, you can come out now," I called him, as I started to mess with the security computer. Wanted to figure out what was going on. Luckily it had been unlocked. Hmm? That's worrying. The turrets are online. Last I remember the targeting for them hadn't been modified to account for identities yet.

"Seems like others had the same idea we had." Dr. Samuel said he was examining the corpses.

"It's a pretty obvious idea. I wouldn't be surprised if similar things happened all over the facility."

The speakers' flair on "Attention. Electric shock hazard detected in Administration Center."

I examined the map of the facility. My brain turning gears. "I know where I'm going."

Dr. Samuel focused on me. "You have a plan now?"

"The Propulsion Lab. I'm going to go there and set up the satellite for launch. Once it's up I plan on heading to the Lambda Lab. They should have the tools I need to make a functional teleporter."

"A teleporter, you are talking nonsense now?!" He said, incredulous. "That's science fiction!"

"I say teleporter, it's more like a wormhole. We will use the Xen Crystals to open a space between the third dimension and the location I'm trying to get to. I'm thinking Arkansas or Missouri. Or well, as far from here as possible." I explained.

"I'm sorry, but I'd rather just stay here and wait for the military." Dr. Sameul said with a sigh.

Acknowledging his decision I shrugged. "Up to you. Stay safe. Who knows, if I'm wrong I'll see you after this is all over."

I opened the maintenance door that would lead me to the tracks. Dr. Samuel wished me farewell. "Good luck out there Dr. Chaggen."

Then I was on my own. I continued down the tracks. Dealing with any hound eyes and headcrabs in my way. With the occasional bullsquid. Haven't seen a Vortigaunt in a while. The aliens are still teleporting throughout the facility, which I know by the constant blaring of the announcement system. Still, it takes a lot of effort to keep moving. I'm getting tired on my feet. It's been almost two hours since I arrived, and it's been non-stop action and movement since then. I'm exhausted… Maybe it will be fine if I take a break for a minute. I have a gun, and a good ear out. I'll relax in the maintenance room for a bit.

I head in. I am listening for the familiar chittering of a head crab. Yet hearing none. I breathed out before taking a seat. I'll relax for a minute or two before continuing. I'd rather not faint or die from exhaustion.
Watched, always a sucker for some good Jumpchain though I often get disappointed in the directions they take at times

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