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Laughing Lion's Roar (An ASOIAF SI)

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So After seeing a lot great authors write an ASOIAF SI this my take. As this is my first fanfic...


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Aug 26, 2017
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So After seeing a lot great authors write an ASOIAF SI this my take. As this is my first fanfic and English is not my first language I don't expect it to be hugely popular. Criticism is welcomed hope you all like it

The first thing that I realized before opening my eyes was that my bed was unusually soft. The second thing was that I was naked. It also felt as if I had somehow gotten shorter.

The first thing I saw when I opened my eyes was the naked back and light brown hair of my bed partner. Which was shocking because last thing I remember was going to sleep in my bed alone.

The room which was likely hers looked straight out of some medieval show with candles and all that.

And Then came the headache and memories.
It was so painful that I fell out of bed. It was like someone was bashing my head from inside out.

I remembered things that I had never even done. I remembered the parents that were not mine, the brothers whom I didn't know. The people that i never met. The names that I knew from a book that I read a few years ago.

After rolling on the floor naked while clutching my head and groaning loudly for what seemed like an eternity but was just a minute, the headache stopped.

I stared at the ceiling blankly while taking deep breathes. I was confused. I did not even know what to think. It is dream. It has to be a dream. There is no other explanation. Was all I could think.

Apparently my actions did not go unnoticed and caused the other occupant of the room to wake up.

"M…. My Lord are you okay?" asked the woman, no not woman, girl she is no older than 15, that I (no not I) was married to last night asked in a small voice. She seemed nervous, unsure what to do. If I was in her place I would be the same.

I stared at her for moment before getting up and saying, " Ah…. Of course my lady. Nothing to worry about, Just a nightmare." I tried to smile but it likely came out as a grimace.

The good thing was that she was too busy blushing at the sight of my naked body and trying to look away to notice.
I quickly grabbed the only piece of men's clothing I could find which was a pair of black breeches and a crimson tunic and wore them.

I tried smiling again as I spoke, "Why don't you go back to sleep my lady. Its too early. Also if you could excuse me I have to visit privy."

She nodded still unsure.

I walked out of the room as fast as it was decently possible. It was early in the morning and only a few of the castle staff were awake at this time.

I made my way to the nearest balcony. The view further confirmed my suspicions. A part of me had grown up seeing this view. The ships sailing the sea flying 'my family' banner. I could easily spot the city which was situated near the castle. I tried pinching myself to see if I would wake up. I even thought about jumping from the balcony before the thought was vanished from my mind.

I was able to make to privy before having my breakdown. I wanted to shout, to scream, to rage.

God why did it have to happen to me?

While I had no family and very few friends it still hurt.

I cried because in my heart that this was no dream. That I had no chance returning to my world. It was just my luck to get stuck in this medieval hell called Westeros.

I don't know how long I was in there but it seemed like a long time. I carefully washed my face. I didn't want castle staff gossiping about how I spent time in privy crying the morning after my wedding.

More of the castle staff were awake now. It was evident that everyone was preparing for supper.

When I reached my chamber I saw my newlywed wife(wasn't that a strange thing) getting ready.

Now that I noticed carefully her hair were actually coppery brown. I cleared my throat trying to get her attention which worked.
She immediately looked towards me. Her eyes were a lovely shade of honey brown. She was no great beauty. She actually looked the girl next door who will one day grow into that natural beauty.

I was a lot calmer now. The two personalities in my body were merging. The native personality was telling me to make the best of this situation. And my original was supporting it still sulking.

I tried my best charming smile which was easier in my new body.

" I apologize for this morning my lady. I just had a nightmare. I hope you forgive me for my mistake."

She nodded shyly and softly spoke, " It's fine, my lord."

"Well then, would you honor me by allowing me to escort you to supper, after I take bath of course." I asked her.

She just nodded.

I then took my bath as fast as I could. Wore the luxurious clothes set out for me and accompanied my new wife to breakfast.

So that's how my life as Tytos Lannister began.

This story was originally posted at SB. I will continue to post one chapter a day till it reaches same point. The first few chapter are not beta'ed so apologies for that. Also this my first story and so please point out any mistakes.
Huh. Did not realise this wasn't your first language. You write better than some authors for whom it is.

Ain't that the truth. For those authors, I just like to nod and comment on how nice it is to see them taking up writing at such a young age. Clearly they must be ten or younger to think some of that crap is actually passable enough to post online.
First Day as a Lion
By the time we reached the main hall it was nearly full. It was like all things Lannister's owned grand and meant to show their wealth and prestige. The hall was filled with major Lords of Westerlands. All of whom attended the wedding of heir of Casterly Rock to daughter of Castamare.

And my wedding to Jeyne Marbrand.

I went to sit with my wife's family at the table on high dias. Jeyne sat beside her mother, lady Janna Marbrand neé Banefort and I sat beside her father lord Alyn who nodded at me.

I remembered from Tytos' memories that he did not like me much. He thought me too weak willed for his only and beloved daughter.

I was about to begin my break fast when-
"Running a little late, aren't we little brother?" spoke my elder brother Tion Lannister, the heir to Casterly Rock.

Tion is what I always thought Jaime would look like tall, handsome, muscular with curly golden hair and cat like green eyes.

Sitting on his right was Ellyn Reyne now Lannister. I could understand why both Tion and his twin Tywald were so enamored with her. Blonde hair, blue eyes on a heart shaped face with curves of a woman and wearing a dress meant to show them. She would likely have been a supermodel in my world.

Sitting on Tion's left was Rogar Reyne the Lord of Castamare and his brother Reynard Reyne. The both had red hair and blue eyes. They were both handsome.

"Did you disappoint your wife too much last night and spent the morning trying to tell her you could do better?" Tion spoke causing the Reyne's beside him to laugh.

Lord Alyn looked ready to fight and Jeyne looked downwards.

I grimaced. According to memories last night was not too pleasant for her as she lost her maidenhead.

I took her hand in my hand and squeezed it gently before replying in my most polite voice, "of course not brother."

Apparently disappointed by my reaction, he turned his attention towards his wife.It was no wonder Tytos turned out like he did with his childhood.

He was a third son. There were no large chunks of land unoccupied in Westerlands so it was likely he would spend rest of his life in Casterly Rock if his brothers did not kick him out.
Tytos was starved for attention since his childhood. His father was too busy running Westerlands and he only saw him during meals. Whatever free time his father had was spent with twins grooming them for their future.

The twins favourite past time was bullying Tytos. They made fun of him always, mocking him. The most important encounter was when Tytos started squiring for one of his father's household Knight. During Tytos' first day at training yard both of twins ganged up on him and beat him bloody. Tytos spent next few days under maester's care.

The only one who was kind to him was his mother lady Rohanne Webber. She always cared for him and often spent whatever free time she had with him.

After her disappearance things turned worse for Tytos. His father outright ignored him while the twins bullying got worse without their mother holding them back.

Tytos in a nutshell just wanted people to like him. He always tried to please his brothers and father whenever he could in hoping they would start seeing him as family and treat him better.

But I was not Tytos at least not fully.

After the breakfast I let Jeyne stay with her family as they would be departing later today.

I spent sometime wandering around the halls of Casterly Rock.

By luck I saw the person I wanted to talk to at the training yard observing the guards train.

" May I have a moment of your time, Ser?" I asked politely.

" What da ya want, lad?" the man replied in his rough voice without even bothering to look at me.

Seeing no other way I simply spoke, " I want you to train me."

That got his attention and he turned towards me with raised eyebrows letting me get a good look of him.

Compared to my now five foot eight frame, Ser Rupert Crakehall at six foot four was a literal giant. He had long grey hair with a well trimmed grey beard and a body full of muscle. On his back was a two handed greatsword which could easily cut me in half.

A veteran of third Blackfyre Rebellion, Ser Rupert is said to have fought beside King Maekar I and saved my father Lord Gerold's life during the war. While the man held no official position in Castle, it was well known that he is my father's right hand man.

"Why?" the old man asked.

" I do not know anything about fighting. You are the only one I know might turn me into a decent fighter and I realized that in our world if a man can't protect himself, he can't protect his family and I don't want anyone harming my family."

" Just spending one night with your pretty little thing of a wife has made you braver Tytos. Perhaps all you needed to be a man was a woman's touch." He said before laughing uproariously.

He calmed down a minute later and soon had a sadistic smile on his face which I would remember till the end of my day's.

"oh… We are going to have so much fun little one."

I felt a chill run through my spine as I realized I might have made a big mistake.

A/N:- So this is the second chapter. Hope you all like it.
Learning to live again.
Left. Right. Right. Back foot. Front foot. Block. Dodge. Dodge. Block. Oh shit!

Were my thoughts as I fell on my butt again. It has been a month and Apparently I was right asking Ser Rupert to train me was a big mistake. The giant man seems to take some kind of perverse joy in my suffering.

" You have gotten a lot better since we started." The old man said.

" You still beat me to the ground everyday."

" yeah well now you at least know how to hold a sword."

And wasn't that hard. After the incident with twins Tytos never used a weapon again. So the first few days had been embarrassing. While I was by no means unhealthy before I was also not fit. The continuous training has seen me grow muscles. I have even grown by an inch in height.

"Well then We will meet again tomorrow." Was all the old man said before leaving to do whatever he did.

During the past month my schedule has been more or less settled.

I would wake up early before dawn in order to get ready and meet Ser Rupert in one of less visited training yard(yes there are several. Casterly Rock is huge. Even with Tytos memories I sometimes get lost.)who would have me go through some exercise and then continue to beat me to the ground till afternoon leaving my body filled with bruises. I have actually visited the maestar more in last than in all my life.

As I was contemplating my thoughts a little blonde missile crashed into me.

"Wow, Ser Rupert was so great he beat you so easily. Do you think I could be like him one day. He was like this.." and my six year old brother Jason Lannister tried his best to imitate the moves that he had seen.

Even before I merged with Tytos, he and Jason had a special relationship. For Jason who was raised by servants Tytos was the only family member who he saw the most when he came to play with him every other day. And for Tytos little Jason was the only one who didn't judge him and accepted him.

I easily picked up my brother and carried him even as tried and failed to get out of my grip. The Rock has changed a lot in last month.

Lord Gerold Lannister now seldom leave his Chambers. I have not seen him since my wedding. While he still takes all the important decisions he has left the day to day running of Castle to Tion and his wife.

Both of them seemed to enjoy their new role. Tion holding the court every other day with his wife beside him.

Ellyn threw balls and functions nearly every day. Her brother Reynard has now became a constant resident of the Rock, always whispering something in her ear. Her elder brother Rogar has already came to visit her twice. And everytime he left some of his men behind. It was easy to see that many minor positions in the castle have been given to Reynes and those loyal to them.

After getting washed up and leaving Jason in the care of the irate maids whose care he had previously escaped from, I made my way to Steward's office. I was by no means an engineer in my previous world, I had seen some videos on the net about water Mills and printing press. But the subject I was studying was commerce.

So I have been trying to make myself by helping castle's current steward Martyn Lanett around the castle.

Martyn was like half of Westerlanders was a blonde haired and green eyed man. He has been a steward since before Tytos was born.

I nodded at him as I entered his office.

" You don't have to come and help me everyday lad, now that 'her royal highness' doesn't bother me I can handle my work easily."

" I don't mind Martyn, I actually enjoy helping you." I actually didn't. It allowed me to put the knowledge I had to use. Reminding me that my other life was not a dream, that I was not mad.
As for 'her royal highness' business Casterly Rock apparently runs on a tight budget.

Shocking, I know. But Lannisters have not maintained their position as the richest house in Westeros by being careless spenders.

Well, someone forgot to tell my brother's wife that. When she planned a particularly extravagant ball, Martyn refused to give her money for spending. She whined a bit, threatened him and when that didn't work, went to snitch to her husband.

My brother Tion then proceeded to remove Martyn from his office and named Reynard Reyne as the new Steward. The man seemed happy at his new position. At least for the whole afternoon he held it.

In the evening my brother was summoned to my father's chamber and did not came back till dinner time.

At dinner he apologized to Martyn and requested him to take his position again, which the man happily did, in front of everyone in the castle. By the end Tion's face was red, from embarrassment or anger I didn't know.

I actually avoided both Tion and Ellyn whenever I could. Even then during dinnertime Tion tries his best to embarrass me.

They both actually acted like I always thought Jaime and Cersei in the books did. Arrogant, vain, entitled and believing themselves to be better than everyone.

I would pay to see the look on Tywin's face when he realize his beloved daughter actually behave the same way as the woman who nearly destroyed his house and who he hated.

And wasn't Tywin another unopened can of worms?

After living in this world for just a month I could understand why Tywin became what he was. But that doesn't mean I liked it.

While I was getting used to violence in this world slowly but I don't think I would ever be okay with murder of children or rape.

Whatever, my existence might have butterflied Tywin away who knows. And it's not like I plan to be Lord of Casterly Rock. I don't to became a player. With too much power cames too many responsibilities.

My current plan was making sure Tion survives the fourth blackfyre Rebellion. The Tytos part of me didn't want anything to happen to his brother even if said brother is dick. The other part of me thought if I saved Tion's life he might treat me a little better.

And if he didn't start me treating better my best bet was impressing my father in law so that he would allow me to live in his castle.

Or if Papa Gerold isn't too much a dick he might leave me a respectable sum after his death.

Respectable sum for Lannisters is enough that next 2 generations of my family can live luxuriously and not worry about money.

And we'll cross that bridge later.

I usually spent my evenings with Jeyne. Once you get past her shy exterior, she is actually very intelligent and quick witted and quite fun to be around.

We still have not done the deed since our wedding night as I was squeamish to do it with a 15 year old even if I myself was one. I explained to Jeyne about how I wanted to get to know her better and luckily she bought that.

Everything was going alright in my life.

Of course this being Westros things had to go wrong at some point.
Westeros Sucks.
I should have known that in Westeros nothing goes according to plan.

As I stood in training yard in padded armor with a blunted sword in my hand and looked towards my opponent. I was sure of one thing.


(A few hours before)
The particular problem began when I was coming from yet another session of getting my butt kicked session with Ser Rupert.

On my way to freshen up I saw Ellyn and her ladies in waiting surrounding someone. Must be another unfortunate soul who Ellyn was bullying. As much as I did not like bullying, this was actually a regular occurrence. Even if I did intervene it would have turned out worse for victim as Tion and by extension Ellyn were less than fond of me.

But as I was leaving something Ellyn said stopped me dead on my tracks.

"Really you should know better Jeyne."

And now that I looked carefully right at the Centre of the group was my wife.

She was looking downwards and she was clutching her gown so tightly that her knuckles had turned white..

"But perhaps its not your fault after all if I was married to a disappointment like Tytos, I wouldn't want to dress up either. Not that I could ever be with someone like him." Ellyn said causing the ladies beside her to laugh.

At this Jeyne got an angry look on her face. So I decided to intervene before she said something that she might regret.

" Ah Jeyne here you are. I was searching for you." As soon as she saw me she got a happy look on her face.

We had really gotten closer in the last month. I gently took her arm and began leading her away trying to ignore Ellyn but alas it was not to be.

" Oh Tytos I didn't see you." Ellyn said loudly forcing me to look her way as she continued.

"I was just telling Jeyne how bad it looks on her if she wears these plain clothes. But maybe she should get used to it after all a disappointment like you could never provide her a good life."

At this something snapped inside of me. For one whole month whenever Ellyn and Tion saw me they insulted and belittled me without care. I don't know how Tytos tolerated it.

But I have had enough.

"Well do forgive Jeyne, my lady. Not all of us can change clothes like you change men."

At those words there was utter silence.
Ellyn's face became red in rage and she snarled, " How dare you talk to me, the Lady of Casterly Rock like that. Do you-"

" You are not the lady of the Rock, you are just wife of the heir while I am the son of the Lord."

"You will regret this" was all she said before storming away.

As I led Jeyne away she gently said, "You didn't have to do that."

"I didn't but I wanted to."

"Thank you." She said as she gave me a smile.

I led her to one of many balconies in Castle where we had lunch with pleasant conversation but unfortunately we were interrupted.

"How dare you call my wife a whore, you runt." Shouted my brother Tion banging his hand on the table as soon as he entered with Reyne brothers who were both snarling at me.

"Perhaps I should teach you a lesson on how to respect your elders." He said to me.

As I had said before I've had enough so I got up and looked directly in his eyes and said, "Why don't you then."

……. Which I might not have been a good idea. Tion agreed to a duel. He stood in front of me in his casual clothes as according to him he did not need an armor to teach me a lesson.

As the master of arms signaled us to start I realized I might have overestimated myself.

I was indeed training hard with Ser Rupert but it was still one month. Tion had simply more experience.

He was stronger, faster and had better technique as I was immediately put on defensive. It took him only few minute but I was easily down.

"You are no lion, you understand. You are worthless. You should be the one who should be dead." As Tion was ranting and mocking me, I realized that he had gotten too close and left himself open. So I took my chance-

And kicked him hard between his legs.

He screamed in agony. I got up as fast as I could and hit his stomach with the pommel of the sword.

I put all my strength in my next punch and I knocked him out.

Just like that I won.

There was pin drop silence.

Till Rogar Reyne screamed in fury, took one of the guard's sword and started charging towards me. And I knew I had no chance. I was wounded and only able to beat Tion by cheap tricks and Red lion of Castamare was way better than Tion.

But luckily someone stopped him. That someone being Ser Rupert Crakehall.

"Why are you stopping me. Didn't you see him you use cowardly tricks to harm your lord's heir." The Reyne asked in outrage.
" Aye but that was a family matter and you my lord are no Lannister." Ser Rupert replied calmly.

The Reyne then looked around to realize that all the Lannister guardsmen had their weapons pointed at him.

"Now why don't you take Tion away." the old man said to the young lord who did what was asked of him reluctantly.

Once they left Ser Rupert turned towards me and said, "Kneel"

I was confused and it must have showed on my face because a moment later he asked, "You don't want to be knighted."

I was shocked.

"You did see how I won right?"

The man just grinned and said, "In war it wouldn't matter how you kill a man what would matter is if you kill him or not. Now kneel."

So I knelt.

"In the name of the Warrior I charge you to be brave. In the name of the Father I charge you to be just. In the name of the Mother I charge you to defend the young and innocent. In the name of the Maid I charge you to protect all women.
Rise Ser Tytos Lannister."

Well at least something good happened today.

Some time I was sitting in maestar's chamber with him tending my wounds.
Jeyne who hadn't left my side since the duel spoke softly, "Perhaps we should visit my family and stay with them for some time."

She looked at me imploringly. At first I was confused. And then it hit. I had just embarrassed Tion in front of the castle. He would want revenge and this time there would be no one to save me.

The guards and Ser Rupert only intervened when Reyne was about to attack me. They were perfectly okay with Tion beating the shit out of me.

The only one who could save me was my father who I had not seen in a month and likely wouldn't care.

"Perhaps you are right. Why don't you write a letter to your father warning him of our visit."

It appears Jeyne had same worries as the moment I said those words she happily nodded and wrote the letter, telling the maestar to send it to Ashemark.

But even that was not the end of the day.

As Jeyne and I were getting ready for the bed. There was knock on the door.

I opened it to find a guardsman standing there. He gave me the message that he held in his hands before leaving.

Apparently my father had summoned me to his Chambers.

I have said it before and I will say it again.


A/N:- This chapter did not turn out as I intended it to. This is my third draft and I still don't like. I think the fight scene might be l disappointing. Apparently seeing something and then trying to convey it in words is harder than it seems
Any suggestions to improve this chapter would be welcome. Hope you like it. Thanks for reading.
Sure, the fight scenes aren't the best in the fandom, but you're doing other things pretty well.
The Golden Lion Of Casterly Rock
The room I was currently in was richly furbished with crimson banners proudly displaying the golden lion of Lannister's sprawling all around the Chambers.

The personal Chambers of Lord of Casterly Rock was meant to show the power and wealth of house Lannister and it certainly did.

Sitting behind the desk in front of me was Gerold Lannister, the current Lord of Casterly Rock and Warden of West. He was in his early fifties with wrinkles beginning to form on his face. There were specks of grey in the golden blonde hair. Even sitting I could easily tell he was taller than me. Maybe around six feet. His hard green eyes were staring at me without an ounce of emotion.

I resisted the urge to fidget.

I remember reading in the books that Tywin had this aura of authority around him, daring someone to challenge him.

I did not understand it then.

But I certainly did now.

After staring at me for literally more than ten minutes or more my father finally leaned back in his chair and sighed.

"Rupert was right." He said in his deep voice. "Letting twins continue bullying you was indeed a bad idea. I should have stopped them."

"Why didn't you." The words left my mouth before my mind even registered them

"Because you are a disappointment." It actually hurt the way he said it so casually. The Tytos part of me was crying on the inside.

" Your brothers were smarter, stronger and better than you in every way while you are just a weak willed child wanting to please everyone and afraid to make decisions. I had hoped that one day you might stand up against your brothers. Even six year old Jason was more deserving of Lannister name than you." He continued.

" Or at least you were a disappointment . Crying in the privy, the morning after your wedding has somehow changed you."

I was shocked. How could he know that. I thought I was discreet.

He narrowed his eyes and said, "Yes I know. This is my castle boy. I was born here and have been ruling it for more than 20 years. I know everything that happen in these walls."

I stayed quiet because I didn't know what to say.

"I don't know what caused you to grow a spine and finally show your teeth. Perhaps it's your wife or perhaps it's something else, I don not care."

" You are finally showing yourself worthy of Lannister name and while I would have preferred if you sorted your feud with your brother in private it was better the way it happened."

"How was it better?" I asked confusedly which caused him to glare at me like I was the most stupid person he had ever seen.

" Because it finally opened my eyes. I had thought the trouble with Martyn was a one time incident but I was wrong. Your brother has been letting his wife lead him around by collar. Casterly Rock is slowly being filled up with Reynes and those related to them. I taught him better than that." He stopped talking and took a deep breath.

"Maestar Terrick has told me about the letter your wife sent to her family. I will also send a letter to Ashemark. The Marbrands will accommodate you as long as you wish while I reteach your brother some lessons." He said and went back to looking at the papers on his desk.

Realizing that it was my cue to leave I quickly made my way to the door but my father's voice stopped me, " And I would advise you to be careful around your wife's family. Alyn Marbrand is not someone you should underestimate."

I stood there for a few seconds to see if he had something else to say but apparently he didn't.

As I was making my way my way towards my rooms I understood whyust Lannisters were awful human beings. They all had shitty parents.


As his son finally left his Chambers Gerold Lannister relaxed, sinking into his chair as he truly felt his age.
"You were too hard on him." Came the voice of his oldest friend who had been till now in the adjacent room listening to the conversation between his son and him. " He probably hates you now."

"It's better he hates me and use that hate to grow up. You know that calling Ellyn Reyne a whore-"

"Even if it's true." Rupert interrupted him cheekily.

" Even if its true was a mistake. Its good thing that Rogar Reyne is not smarter because if he was, he could have asked for trial by combat and I couldn't have done anything. And what were you thinking letting my son's fight each other like that you should have stopped them. And Knighting Tytos what made you do that? " He glared towards the man.

The shameless man had the gall to smile as he said, " I wanted to see how Tytos held himself. And you have say he handled himself well. Used the oldest trick in book."

Of course what else could he expect from his right hand man?

"As for Knighting him, in one month he has gone from not knowing how to hold a sword to a decent swordsman, if he keeps it up he could easily be better than most knights in few months and we both know Marbrand would toughen up the boy if only for his own benefit. And men follow a Knight more easily, we both know what's coming and Tion is too much of a hothead. He is gonna need someone to hold him back."

Rupert's face then grew unusually serious as he said, "You should have told him the truth."

At this Gerold felt white hot rage burning through him. He punched the table hard as he stood up and growled, " The truth. You want me tell him the truth. The truth about how I didn't know he was being bullied till last year because I was too busy searching for his mother or that I avoided him because he reminds me of his most likely dead mother." He shouted before slumping back into chair taking deep breath as all the energy seemed to leave him.

He still loved Rohanne even if she might not have loved him. She was his everything. When she had disappeared his world had shattered. He had sent men to all of the Westeros from Winter fell to Sunspear searching for her. Even to the Free cities. He had personally searched Westerlands, parts of Riverlands and Reach in hope of finding her. But in his heart he knew she was most likely dead. She might not have loved him but she loved their children, she could not abandon them.

Searching for what happened to his wife and ruling Westerlands took so much of his time that he ignored his children. He tried to console himself by telling himself that he would give them all his time once he found their mother.

Only to found out that in his absence Tywald and Tion had grown arrogant and entitled. While Tytos, sweet, gentle and kind Tytos, Rohanne's favorite had became weak willed and desperate to please others. He did not even know anything about Jason.

He had hoped Tion would be ready to rule so that he could finally end his life and join Rohanne. But it wasn't meant to be.

"What do you want to do about Reynes." Rupert asked after his friend had calmed down.

Gerold's eyes blazed with fury at the mention of Reynes.

"Kick them all out. Ellyn's brothers are no longer welcome at Casterly Rock. After all there can only be one lion in a pride."
Nice and when will this be up to date with ones in SB and fanfiction.net

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