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League of Legends General Thread

HypoSoc in NA. I usually play just for first win of the day.

And I got Blastzone Heimerdinger as my gift.

Who wasted money? :D
No money to waste :(

Though, I wouldn't have done it anyway. I like Sona, but I'm not good with her.

Casual Player
Team Builder like 20%
VS. AI. 75%
Ranked 1%
Unranked 4%

IGN: Bloodshifter

Prefer Supports tend to be aggressive.

Sion -Miss Old Sion all the stuns-
Teemo -When I need a laugh-
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Anondylar in OCE. It's the one I'm levelling up right now.

I have a NA account too, Anondylar as well, but that one I'm not playing due to the 100+ ping. Sticking to the account with 25~ ping.
Ah, cool. A list.

Jans = Jans, on NA

=3 I'm usually up for a game, just drop me a line.
Skitzykitteh on the NA shard.

I'm not level 30 yet and play very irregularly. I'm not very good and I mostly play jungle and top lane.

Figure I could at least throw it out there.
Question how do I create an NA account? The site Keeps redirecting me towards the BR server!
Nevermind, it was the - of Mu-Sensei Once I wrote it as MuSensei it worked.

So, Mu-Sensei is MuSensei on NA, PhSMu on BR. Just don't expect me to be a good player, passable I can do.

Went full support mana regeneration and armor runes even! Didn't pick up q till level 4.

I usually go with a basic build for AP's:

Frost Queen's Claim or Morellonomicon or Athena's Unholy Grail
Ninja Tabi
Banshee's Veil
or Void Staff or Will of the Ancestors or Rylai's Staff
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i lost all of my muscle memory from three weeks of nothing but exam prep :(

i couldn't even get 150 creeps in a bot game D:

time to hit customs once more
Question how do I create an NA account? The site Keeps redirecting me towards the BR server!
Nevermind, it was the - of Mu-Sensei Once I wrote it as MuSensei it worked.

So, Mu-Sensei is MuSensei on NA, PhSMu on BR. Just don't expect me to be a good player, passable I can do.

I usually go with a basic build for AP's:

Frost Queen's Claim or Morellonomicon or Athena's Unholy Grail
Ninja Tabi
Banshee's Veil
or Void Staff or Will of the Ancestors or Rylai's Staff
Went Crucible and Grail picked up mobility boots and banner rounded off with locket and soulsteater because all the kills.
I started playing two weeks ago. Name's "Talokhir".

I play only Garen or Master Yi, almost exclusively fights AI, and almost always killsteals whenever I can.

Somehow, no one notices that I do that, probably because I'm so aggressive that my definition of "low enemy health? GO FOR THE KILL!" is different from others. That is, if the enemy has half health, I go for it, where normally it's like 1/4 or something when it's considered killsteal, so instead I get a lot of thanks when I'm Garen for tanking all the hits and dying for their sins.

Speaking of which, just today I got "finally, a Garen that actually takes the hits!" as an approving message. I'm not quite sure how to feel about being complimented for being an aggressive jackass.
I started playing two weeks ago. Name's "Talokhir".

I play only Garen or Master Yi, almost exclusively fights AI, and almost always killsteals whenever I can.

Somehow, no one notices that I do that, probably because I'm so aggressive that my definition of "low enemy health? GO FOR THE KILL!" is different from others. That is, if the enemy has half health, I go for it, where normally it's like 1/4 or something when it's considered killsteal, so instead I get a lot of thanks when I'm Garen for tanking all the hits and dying for their sins.

Speaking of which, just today I got "finally, a Garen that actually takes the hits!" as an approving message. I'm not quite sure how to feel about being complimented for being an aggressive jackass.
What server?

And really, KS mean Kill Secured. Better that enemies dies than that you give them the opportunity to flee or kill one of yours.
Somehow, no one notices that I do that, probably because I'm so aggressive that my definition of "low enemy health? GO FOR THE KILL!" is different from others. That is, if the enemy has half health, I go for it, where normally it's like 1/4 or something when it's considered killsteal, so instead I get a lot of thanks when I'm Garen for tanking all the hits and dying for their sins.

Kill stealing is ONLY if you deliberately didn't participate in a fight, holding back and letting your teammate die cold and alone so you could kill his target. There as some people who do this... and then wonder how their team is loosing.

Otherwise it's something only players who don't really understand the game talk about it. Since as Nekraa said... KS is Kill Security, even a tiny variation can stop a kill, give an enemy a chance to get away, ensuring the kill even if the Support gets it is the most important thing (especially since everyone gets good gold from participating and gold rewards based on factors of participation).
I have no idea. I'm still confused by all the buttons, for one. I'm very very new to this.

I live in the Philippines, if that helps.
Kill stealing is ONLY if you deliberately didn't participate in a fight, holding back and letting your teammate die cold and alone so you could kill his target. There as some people who do this... and then wonder how their team is loosing.
Oh. Okay, then I guess I don't qualify for that since the worst I've ever done is arriving late and then going for the low-health hero to kill him/her/it/whatever instead of the high-health ones.
Otherwise it's something only players who don't really understand the game talk about it. Since as Nekraa said... KS is Kill Security, even a tiny variation can stop a kill, give an enemy a chance to get away, ensuring the kill even if the Support gets it is the most important thing (especially since everyone gets good gold from participating and gold rewards based on factors of participation).
One gets rich stupidly quickly when they kill a lot, so I go for it rather than tanking the hits (though the latter still happens often because I'm a fire magnet to those I fight).

I want me my giant black axe and heal-armor, dammit!
try the one for all mode it is hilarious

5 straight vi ults to enemy gragas XD
mizzet (EUWe)

Is it just me or do most players suck at setting up minion pushes independent of the champions?
not just you

yi jungle 9 -2 -4 and 18 to 12 kill death ratio and still lost because team never warded like what the hell?

salty from that game still -_-
yeah and i feel bad for the games I practiced in.

First time supp

what a ward?

Hate people that call support roll, then build full AP (Don't even get the gold gen item) and don't grab wards. =/
yeah gold gen item is first buy for supp

i'd say try to get sheen for burst early game and save a bit of cash for wards at every shop run until you got sightstone.

at least that's how i build my sona and blitz
Huh. Well, I'm basically never on anymore, but I have an account with money put into it.

I'm only like, lvl 15 and I pretty much only main Volibear, despite also owning Vi, Malphite and Maokai. I'm also basically never online. It's hard to justify the 40 minutes of solid game time when I can be called away at any moment to corral, change, feed or entertain a wild toddler.

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