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[RPG] [Log Horizon] Faceplanting right into the Database


Getting sticky.
Jul 24, 2018
Likes received
May 2nd 2018. You log on to Elder Tales, a vastly popular MMORPG that has lasted for over 20 years. You are aware that soon the new expansion will be released and thus you spend your time leading up to its release in preparation, joining up with friends and acquaintances. Being a global distributed server setup, you hop all the way over to Yamato/Japan and run a quick dungeon in a field zone somewhere. You finish and split the loot just before midnight, Japan timezone.

Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock.

Clock ticks over to May 3rd 2018, Japan time.

You blink awake, the early morning sun glaring at you. When did you step outside? And why are you lying down on the ground?


Welcome to Theldesia, ladies and gentlemen. A land of adventure, profits and Oh My Gawd Why Is This Happening I Can't Be In The Game Pls Staph Where Is The Logout Button.

This is a Play by Post set/based in the world of Log Horizon, everyone is welcome, but please bear in mind I'd like availability for a post per day. The players will start in a group that, as the intro hinted, have just completed a dungeon somewhere in Yamato server. Everyone is assumed to be max level pre-expansion, with good gear for their level. There will be no formal game system, but there will be dice involved to determine outcomes.

As a player, you need to determine character name, gender, class, race and sub-class at a minimum. I'd also like a good description. Useful resources will be linked below. Detailing gear is encouraged but don't go overboard. Bear in mind if you pick a different gender for your character than your RL self, it's going to be quite obvious as your voice doesn't change. On the other hand, you'll hardly be the only one so fellow adventurers are unlikely to bat an eye.

I am not placing an upper limit on number of players at the moment and I may accept new players after game start, so if you wish to join, ask and I will consider it.

All players, due to being veterans and having had friendly contact with high tier guilds, have flute summons for horses and one flying mount. In addition, pick one item as a Phantasmal. Weapon, armor or something else. I may be generous if you come up with a particularly nice and developed character sheet, too.



LH Wiki : http://log-horizon.wikia.com/wiki/Main_Page
LH Classes : http://log-horizon.wikia.com/wiki/Classes
LH Sub-classes : http://log-horizon.wikia.com/wiki/Subclasses
LH Races : http://log-horizon.wikia.com/wiki/Races
LH Items : http://log-horizon.wikia.com/wiki/Items

Note about classes, each player should consider their home region's classes as well when deciding which class to pick. Samurai and Kannagi are Japan-specific but I won't put up a fuss about it for rather obvious reasons.

Region-specific classes : https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net...veClass.png/revision/latest?cb=20140405211549

Also please note that Subclass list isn't exhaustive. Feel free to invent one if you like, as long as you characterize it on char sheet and I'm okay with it. Does need to be sufficiently different from existing subclasses, though.


As GM I reserve the right to act for you to keep the pace of the game going if you fail to post in a timely fashion, but rest assured I'll use this only if I really have to. I'm also understanding if you miss days now and then, but if you're aware you're going to be away for a period of time, please let me know so I can plan accordingly.


Current roll call, updated as needed :

Minako - Fox-Tails Kannagi/Pathfinder (Scratx, GMPC, yes I want in on the fun too)
Aeltara - Half-Alv Sorceror/Rogue (ECS05norway)
Sarasa - Elf Bard/Maid (Dahlia)
Draken-Sis - Fox-Tails Cleric/Berserker (drakensis)
Tamomo - Fox-Tails Summoner/Dragon Trainer (Garahs)
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Tentative interest. Will think of a character when I'm awake.
Player Character Sheet - Aeltara
Female Half-Alv Level 90 Sorceror / Level 90 Rogue
(Currently about halfway through the Morrigan's Daughter quest-chain, which bestows the custom Title Subjob of Phantom Thief. The quest-chain was supposed to be completed in the current expansion. So far as she knows, no one else has begun this chain; the start of it requires choosing to support Winter Fae over Summer Fae in several other quests.)

Titles: Ghostwalker / Thief of Hearts / Le Chat Blanc / The White Death

Appearance: Originally: Tall and slender, jet-black hair, grey eyes.
Most commonly seen wearing the Snow Fairy Princess' Gown and a pair of white dragonhide boots. (Knee high, 2-inch heels.)
Recent events have left her hair snow-white.

Height: 5'10"
Measurements: None of your business.

* White Persian's Kiss - This joke item was available to those who participated in a James Bond homage quest chain, only to those who engaged and defeated Blofeld's Nekomata. The white leather choker allows the owner to take on the form of a small albino cat. While in cat form, however, the user cannot make use of any combat skills beyond Kitten Claws and Bite. This resulted in it being sold or ignored by many. Aeltara has found many interesting uses for it, however.

* Snow Fairy Princess' Gown - Woven of Wraith Spider silk and snowflakes, soaked in the blood of raid-level Wendigo, this Phantasmal armor offers near immunity to cold damage and effects while substantially boosting the wearer's own abilities with the same.
Casting Cost and Cool-Down Time for Cold spells are halved, and Cold effects of any weapons wielded are doubled. As a penalty, however, MP cost and cool-down time for Fire-type spells are increased by 50%.
It appears as a garment of snow-white silk, tailored to the wearer's desired appearance, that seems to shimmer and iridesce. The Gown was available to those who chose to side with the Winter Fae during the Fairy Ring Samhain (Halloween) Quest of 2014, "Cassilda's Song". (It can assume the appearance of any type of formalwear at the wearer's command. Aeltara's preference is to have it appear as a snow-white cheongsam, with subtle pale-blue snowflake and icicle imagery.)
Flavor Text: "Bestowing the cruel beauty of the Ice Queen, this Fairy Princess' Gown shows the favor of Queen Mab upon the wearer. The power and protection of Winter is hers to draw upon."

* Ice Dragon's Claws - Artifact-level set of matching mithril bracelets, set with sapphires and engraved in a knotwork pattern. A very rare drop from a battle against an ice dragon Raid Boss, a set of these grants the wearer a large bonus to defense and to Strength. Flavor Text: "Infused with the strength of the dragon's scale, these gleaming bands grant that strength unto their wearer, making their skin as tough as a dragon's."

* Ice Dragon-Hide Boots - Made from the hide of an Ice Dragon by an expert Tailor, requires Silver Tokens crafted by a master Blacksmith. The wearer will have steady footing on even the slickest of snow and ice, and even on liquid water as the surface momentarily freezes solid under each step.
Flavor Text: "The hide of an Ice Dragon maintains its wintry chill, and when combined with enchanted silver grants the wearer grace and poise even when walking upon the waters."

* Pixie's Tears - Silver-chased sapphires in the shape of icicles hang from each earring. These gems provide a bonus to perception, useful for spotting ambushes and hidden traps, or the mood of those she deals with.
Flavor Text: "A gift of the Little Fae, to open one's eyes to the wonders of the world - and the dangers."

* Wendigo-Slayer's Fan
This elegant silk fan is decorated not with ink but with the blood of a Raid Boss Wendigo. It boosts the spell power and accuracy of the wielder by 25%, 35% for cold-type spells or in wintry environments.
"The infinite hunger of the monstrous Wendigo adds its potency to spell and blade alike, striking with the fierceness of a winter storm."

Personality Notes:
Tends to be snarky whenever she has nothing better to say. Or even when she does.
Excellent listener, good at helping people work through issues, andhas a strong need to help when she sees someone hurting. Especially if it's someone she cares about.
That said, not always the best at picking up on social cues. Can come off a little introspective and self-centered, even thoughtless.
Sometimes 'forgets' to deal with important things in a timely manner.

Player Character Sheet - Sarasa
Female Elf Bard 90 / Maid 90

Build: Concertmaster harp bard using support song specialization for large-group encounters with a maid weapon for emergencies.

Appearance: Petite, jade-green eyes, and pale-skinned with strawberry-blonde hair, braided or loose. She usually wears a kelly-green maid outfit with emerald mary-janes and thick flower crown. For formal events, she replaces the maid outfit with a moss green kirtle and surcoate.
Frame(cm): 150 cm tall, 77-61-85
Frame(in): 4'11", 30 'A'-24-33
This is comparable in height to Akatsuki and corresponds to the Japanese standardized dress size 5AP, which is size 5 (Japan), standard physique, petite.

After six years of play, Sarasa has a reputation among players for raiding and exploration and among the former-NPCs as both a capable harpist and reliable babysitter. She has been seen ranging from her home in Cajun as far east as Ungvár. Sarasa is a regular at the Midsommer Faire in the Londinum server and an outlaw in Ystrad Clud.

Relevant Locations
Cajun (New Orleans, LA, USA)
Elven Kingdom of Ystrad Clud (Kingdom of Straithclyde. It was early medieval kingdom in southern Scotland and northern England.)
Dumbarton (Dumbarton, West Devonshire, Scotland, UK. It was the first capital of Straithclyde.)
Fairy Kingdom Ungvár (Uzhhorod, Ukraine)

[Faire Maide's Garb] Cosmetic locked event clothing.
This consists of a white silk chemise under a kirtle and surcote of moss green samite.
*Samite approximates to satin.
It was acquired as a joke outfit prize from the "Midsommer Faire" event in Londinium during Sarasa's second year as a player. Sarasa is too embarassed to say how it was won, but keeps getting invited back as a mascot of the event.
This is a cosmetic item.
Flavor text: "A bonny wee thing for a bonny wee lass."

[Maid Clothes of Eire] Production class maid uniform cloth armor using localized dye.
These have a white lace pinafore secured in the back with a very large bow atop a kelly-green velvet dress over white petticoats.
This armor provides a bonus to Maid actions.
Flavor Text: "A maid's uniform is her pride."

[Leprechaun's Traveling Shoes] Shoes of a style popular with children and women in Big Apple and Londonheim. These are emerald green patent leather closed-toe, low-cut shoes with a strap across the instep ("maryjanes"). They are worn with white tights.
This pair reduces fatigue from standing, walking, and dancing.
Flavor Text: "There was drinkin' and dancin' an' before I knew 'twas mornin'."

[Straw Broom] Production class cleaning tool and weapon.
This is a sturdier version of the common lander broom. The maid, housekeeper, and housewife subclasses can wield it as a weapon.
Flavor Text: "A hundred sweeps across the floor. A hundred sweeps to the door. Out! Out, dirt!"

[Younger Sister] Spectral harp phantasmal instrument.
It is made from the breastbone and golden hair of a girl drowned by her sister and then possessed by her spirit.
The harp and harpist are a medium by which spirits can speak or be made manifest.
It was the first-completion award for the Ystrad Clud Cycle quest.
Flavor Text: "A sound so sweet it could melt a heart of stone.

[Affection] Fairy flower crown phantasmal headgear.
The head wreath was formed by a fairy princess using twelve flowers. Seven ribbons of various colors trail behind.
The flower crown reduces fear effects in battle and marks the bearer for the fairy princess of Ungvár.
(It confers guest rights for those fairy kingdoms neutral to or allied with Ungvár.)
It is the first-completion award for the Fairy Kingdom Ungvár Cycle, assigned to the role of questing maid.

Misc Lore (May or may not apply)
[Ystrad Clud Cycle] Bard/Harpist Mystery Quest Chain
The Ystrad Clud Cycle is a murder mystery solo quest chain for bard characters who use the harp. It branches off an obscure but fairly well-documented quest chain known as "The Dumbarton Mill Ghost" chain. That begins with a harpist taking a common quest to spend an evening performing at the inn for the good folk of Dumbarton wherein they might chance to overhear the rumor of a haunting up at the old mill outside of town. Investigation of the mill leads to a battle with the distraught ghost. If the bard defeats the ghost, they are locked into the very popular "Spirits of the Old North Kingdom" quest line. Sarasa was goofing around the day she confronted the ghost and played the harp rather than using a battle skill. The ghost calmed down enough to tell how she was killed by the miller, which locked Sarasa into the Ystrad Clud Cycle quest line.

Further investigations in the area led to the knowledge that the miller was hanged for killing a princess some thirty years prior. The Dumbarton NPCs showed increasing hostility towards Sarasa, leading up to an assassination battle. When she confronted the ghost again, the ghost admitted that while the miller failed to rescue her, it was the ghost's elder sister that drowned her. The next morning, the royal guards clapped Sarasa in chains and exiled her from the kingdom.

After changing into a good disguise, Sarasa sneaked back into Ystrad Clud to meet with the ghost one last time. She directed the bard to dig up her corpse and make a [Bone Harp]. With harp in hand, Sarasa made her way past the guard patrols into the royal castle and confronted the court. When the harp began to play itself, the ghost manifested in the court, greeting her lover the king and denouncing her sister the queen for her murder. The spirit merged with the Bone Harp to become the [Younger Sister]. Sarasa grabbed her harp and fled in the uproar. Completions by subsequent players gave a valuable but non-unique silver harp.

[Fairy Kingdom Ungvár Cycle] Maid Quest
Ungvár is an isolated kingdom in the Karpaty mountains well southeast of Krakow. The primary way into and out of the kingdom is the fairy circle. After the Fairy Globetrotters discovered the route, the area was looked over, but most players found it too underleveled by the time they could go there. Among the many quests there was a recurring maid quest serving the youngest princess of the kingdom. Over the course of several expansions, she slowly grew up. Advanced repetitions of the quest increased a hidden counter leading to the princess becoming friends with her maid. She would then make requests of the maid to do several errands for her. During the week after the release of one expansion, the maids in confidence would discover a plot by several cultists against the princess, leading to an instanced event "Escape from Ungvar". At the conclusion of the event, the princess shoves the maid through the fairy circle with a Forget-me-Not and is captured. At the conclusion of the week, player access to Ungvár was removed.

Subsequent expansions added new raids to the Karpaty mountains and a hidden quest for those with a Forget-me-not. Those maids could find eleven other flowers hidden in raids, in out of the way places, or in quest chains scattered throughout the Karpaty mountains. Sarasa was the first player to complete the collection and open the Chernobog Raid. The raid group defeated Chernobog and rescued the fairy princess. During the subsequent celebration, the fairy portal to Ungvár was restored and the princess rewarded her maid with the fairy flower crown and a kiss on the cheek.

Skills Used
[Bean Nighe's Jig]
This bard skill for harp is named for the unseelee found at fords, streams, and crossroads washing the shrouds of those soon to die. It is a tactical skill meant for helping to clear large groups of lower-level mobs or players absent a large AoE. It provides an evasion buff to the defending target which scales with the level gap between the defender and attacker.
Sarasa dislikes it.
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Player Character Sheet - Minako
Female Fox-tails Kannagi 90 / Pathfinder 90

Titles : "High Priestess of Inari", "Moon Princess", "Fairy Ring Explorer", also unofficially "Bunny"

Build : Full-Random Fox-tails, front-line combat kannagi (primary) with back-row healer/protector option (alternate) which she hates to use because it's boring

Appearance : 1.7m tall, blue eyes, blond long hair, fair skin. Typically wears either a shrine priestess outfit, a set of light blue chainmail armor under Haori or, if she's in full trolling mode or an additional heavy healer is required, a white ball gown with matching silver crown and a staff with a crescent moon.

Primary gear :
- [ White Fang ] - Production-grade katana with cold damage and slow effect.
- [ Starburst Bow ] - Artifact-grade from a Raid Zone in the Scandinavian region, the Starburst bow has a high attack speed and damage rating. However, its main power is granting a wide AoE attack with moderate damage, as an explosion of stars from the impact point.
- [ Armor of the Four Wind Spirits ] - Phantasmal-grade armor with a very high defensive rating combined with near weightlessness for high battlefield mobility. Also effectively makes the user immune to hostile wind effects. Acquired as part of a deal. Yamato-region item.
- [ Charm of the Restless ] - Artifact-grade item that grants a low level of constant MP regeneration and enhances the effect of MP-regenerating consumable items and abilities.

Alternative gear : (baked in extra bonus)
- [ Moon Staff ] - Artifact-grade staff that extends the range of all healing and protection skills. Part of the Moon Princess set.
- [ Gown of the Moon Princess ] - Obtained by encountering and putting to rest the spirit of one of the Luquenje in a Raid zone, this Phantasmal-grade gown greatly enhances healing and protection skills at the expense of offensive power. Part of the Moon Princess set, unique.
- [ Tears of the Moon Princess ] - Artifact-grade crown that lowers the MP cost of all healing and protection skills. Part of the Moon Princess set.
Set bonus : Grants AoE Ressurection skill with an 8h cooldown

Despite the player being western european, he chose to create an account in Japan in order to access the Japan-only classes. Historically, the character has been involved in multiple quest chains around the fox god Inari, which ultimately resulted in elevating her status and earning the title. In addition to that, Minako actively explored the fairy ring network, finding in many cases entirely new areas before anybody else did. Finally, she participated in multiple Raids, one of which surprised her by encountering a wraith that wasn't immediately hostile. Instead of attacking it, she instead tried to talk to the wraith, leading down to a small quest chain within the Raid Zone itself that put the wraith to rest. The dress it was wearing was awarded to Minako as the prize for its success.

The days leading up to the expansion, the player just took it easy, hoping to charge up batteries to a gaming binge right at launch. The universe, it seems, is not without humour.


Pathfinder subclass deals with finding the way through to somewhere else, usually navigation through dungeons but also very helpful outside of dungeons. It also helps in avoiding ambushes. However, it is not usable for tracking creatures. Their lairs, on the other hand...
Player Character Sheet - Draken-Sis
Female Fox-Tail Cleric 90/Berserker 87

Build: Armor Cleric variant, benefiting from the random skill changes of a Fox-Tail removing her Shield and Magical Device access in favour of Two-Handed Sword access and the Wasp Sting Arrow taunt which requires the use of a bow. (She can only use a bow for that skill and for the basic attack skill.

Appearance: towering blonde with a statuesque built and pointed ears. Hair tied up in an elaborate knot. Has a range of outfits including gowns, leathers and full plate which she shifts between depending on activities. One of her more common alter-egos using the Fox-Tail illusions is a Were-Cat with a white tiger theme and wearing a matching furred catsuit. (No apologies for the pun).

Personality: normally quiet but with a very British dry wit. When playing solo likes to stealth around problems where possible. It can be a bit surprising to players that in combat she is more of a brawler than a high healer or even a classic armor cleric. Draken-Sis only quite recently reached the level cap and is still grinding her Berserker sub-class to the old maximum level.

Bifrost Pendant
An Artifact-class item from a quest in the Scandinavian server, the pendant is a tiny glass bead that glows like a rainbow. It noticeably increases MP recovery when HP is below half, which is helpful given Draken-Sis' frontline healing.

Monty VIII
Draken-Sis first obtained a sword in this style on the South and Central American Server and has had several swords made with the same appearance. Monty VIII has the Vampiric quality, giving a bonus to DoT and HoT abilities.

Sif's Hair Ring
The phantasmal item Draken-Sis received from the Dwarven Workshop dungeon this allows her to switch immediately with another set of clothes, weapons and items, stored on the ring. She can keep a considerable wardrobe of gear on hand as a result.

Link to a google doc with some images of Draken-Sis.
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Notice, I am planning to start the game within 24-48h from now. Will still accept new chars after start time, but I'd prefer anyone interested to get theirs in before it begins. :)
Female Fox Tail Summoner 90 / Dragon Trainer 90
Titles: Grand Summoner, Chosen of Bahamut
Co-Leader (1 of 4) of endgame guild "Conquest of Avalon" - Leader of the Mage division
Build: A mix of Elementaler and Beast Tamer, enabling her to switch between support and DPS as needed for the situation, also has a golem for solo play situations

Height: 5'6"


[Shomonjijou] - Artifact robe - grants low level MP regeneration, boosts summoned creature power, and shifts hate from the summoner to the summoned creature. Aquired as part of a globetrotting guild event. Kyoto-region item
[Nirvana] - Phantasmal Staff - reduces MP cost for summoned creatures, grants unique skill "Garland of Bliss" which greatly increases summon's power for a short time. Aquired as part of a globetrotting guild event. India-region item

Summon Attacker: Phoenix
Summon Attacker: Siren
Summon Attacker: Fenrir
Summon Attacker: Garuda
Summon Follower: Carbuncle
Summon Follower: Unicorn
Summon Follower: Golem

Contract - Holy Dragon "Amber" - Amber hatched from an egg rewarded from a long quest chain involving removing a curse placed upon the dragon [Tiamat]. She has been used primarily as a flying mount and mascot for Tamomo's guild.

Tamomo is a male gamer who joined his guild 8 years ago after being scouted by his guild leader, Ciarale, while a solo player in the North America region. As a crossplayer, he enjoys trolling unknowing party members into thinking he's actually a girl while not directly commenting on it either way by using only text to communicate with those outside of his guild.

"Conquest of Avalon" has existed for 12 years. It began as a casual guild, but began shifting towards an endgame raid by Warrior division leader Taber after being inspired by the legendary Debauchery Tea Party group. The guild made a serious attempt to travel across every server for endgame raids, but abandoned the goal after several failures. The guild has fallen into a slump after Ciarale and Taber decided to take a break from the game.

Since the slump began, Tamomo has taken a sabbatical, traveling in search of rare and interesting summons to collect.
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Seems like we have a lot of Fox-Tails!
GM Post
GM POST - It begins

Day 1, Morning

Somewhere, in Yamato, lay a shrine in the middle of a forest clearing. A small, one story building with a red roof resembling many a pagoda, surrounded by a small courtyard laid with light grey stone slabs. A small wall clearly delineated the boundary between the shrine and the surroundings proper. The groundskeeper, a middle-aged man called Igor, was sweeping the grounds when he heard popping noises. He turned around and looked at the adventurers now lying around the courtyard, as if asleep.

"Hmm, that's a little odd. Not revival... their Call to Home spell, I think. Not usual for them to pop up asleep."

He briefly entertained the notion of poking at one of them and see if they woke up, but in the end he decided that Adventurers were Adventurers and, thus, weird. If they wanted to sleep in his shrine's courtyard, what was he going to do other than clean up after them? He was just one of the People of the Land, after all, and the Kunie Clan paid him well to keep the place in good order.

"Let them sleep."

He resumed his sweeping for a few more minutes before he set the broom aside and entered the shrine building proper to replace the incense, flowers and so forth.

Outside, in the courtyard, the Adventurers started to wake to the clear, morning sky.
I sat on the floor and wondered where I was and how I'd got here.

It made no sense. I'd never made a habit of falling asleep on the floor, much less on the ground outside. And why would I be at some kind of asian temple? Last I recall I'd been waiting for the Elder Tales expansion to go live.

It wasn't until I reached up to rub my eyes that the full extent of the situation became clear. My arm brushed a chest that was far fuller than I expected, and the hand was wearing a leather glove.

"What," I said flatly, pushed myself up and tried to look down at myself. I couldn't make out much because two parts of me were blocking the view. "Oh..." One deep breath, making those parts move. "Bugger."

Looking around I could see others waking. Familiar others, even if I'd not seen them from this perspective before... "Minako? Sarasa? Aeltara? Uh... what the hell?"
Player : Minako

Lying on my back on stone slabs while wearing armor has never been high on my ideas of comfort. It is therefore unsurprising that when I came to some level of awareness I woke up really fast.

"Minako? Sarasa? Aeltara? Uh... what the hell?", I heard.

What the hell indeed. I opened my eyes, sat up and... stared at the scene for a few seconds. Then I started feeling myself because I'd definitely been feeling body parts that weren't supposed to be there, as well as feeling the absence of one that should.

"Drak?", I started, with a voice that clearly didn't belong to my blonde and most female body. "Is that you?"
Tamomo groaned as he woke up and opened his eyes. The... stone floor was hard, his chest felt odd, and there was a really weird sensation at his butt. Pushing himself up from the ground, he first noticed his clothes and breasts. "Uhh? What the hell?"

Wait, his voice didn't sound any different from his usual baritone. He idly noted there were some girls also dressed in Elder Tale gear who were also waking up confused. Three tails swung into view and he grabbed one instinctively to tug. Ow, it was definitely his, or would it be hers now? Yeah, he was somehow Tamomo, his fox tail summoner, but where were they? It looked kind of like a shrine? Were they in the game or somewhere else?

He looked over at the two girls (guys?) who had spoken up. "Uh, hello?"
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Player: Sarasa

Warm. Sarasa felt a small soft hand atop her own. So very warm. She felt like she belonged.


And then someone spoke her name and the spell broke. The hand was gone. Sarasa brought her hand up to her cheek, trying to save the warmth, but it too fled. She whimpered in discontent and brushed her hair out of her face. Something was… different. Her fingertips ran along a band of something like flowers to the tip of her pointy ear. Pointy ear?

Wide awake, she quickly (too quickly) sprang to her feet. She saw the chest who had called her name, and up, up, and up some more she saw the face that went with it – a strangely familiar face.

As the name came to her lips, another said, "Drak?"

Sarasa looked and saw another familiar figure also with fluffy tails. And then an unfamiliar person spoke up. So many fluffy tails.

"It's me," Sarasa meekly noted, waving a dainty hand and then letting it fall to the harp cradled in the crook of her other arm. Of course, the harp was there. Where else would it be? Why did she have to wake up? Sarasa's fingers began to nervously strum the harp and a song came to her lips unbidden.

Why does the cock crow so early and bright
When morning's light touches the sky?

Why does he draw back the curtain of night
When dreamers in slumber they lie?

The tailor may put up his needle and thread.
The farmer will bring in the rye.

The soldier someday will lay down his sword.
But the cock he must crow, or he dies.
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I stood up, feeling wobbly.

"Drak?" Minako said, a voice that didn't quite fit with the smaller blonde - (also holy shit, she or he's not small but I feel way too tall in comparison) - "Is that you?"

"Ya." I raised my hand in greeting to her, Sarasa and to... Tamomo? "Yo."

Tamomo and Minako had tails. As Sarasa began to sing, the music visibly swelling from her voice and her lute, I grabbed my behind and found that there were several furry tails emerging from my own skirt.

Legs folded involuntarily and I dropped to my knees and took a deep breath, counted to four, let it out. My heart beat steadied... an old trick but a useful one. And a trick that still worked.

"Does anyone have answers to the obvious questions?" I asked, pulling the long elaborate dagger (almost a short sword) from my belt. It sure looked like the weapon I usually carried as a 'sidearm' when just goofing around a safe city in Elder Tales. "Because I am lost."
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Tamomo raised her hands in confusion, still slightly dazed from what had happened. Hearing the music and seeing 'Drak' draw her sword, shook her out of it as it reminded her of her own weapon.

She opened her magic bag and started to rummage through it, almost immediately gripping a wooden shaft and pulling the staff out. A sigh left her mouth as she immediately felt safer with the weapon in hand.

"Well, the only obvious question I can answer is that I am Tamomo. You three are Drak, Sarasa, and Minako? Where we are, why we look like this, and how it happened, I have no idea. As long as this shrine wasn't abandoned, there might be someone here who could answer something."
"Yeah, it's me. I think this is the shrine we visited just before we went to farm the dungeon."

I stood up, just a little wobbly due to all the subtly wrong ways my body now behaved like... my balance was off, my physical prowess was way off and I definitely didn't want to do anything too sudden, now. I also tried to ignore the tails that felt all too natural. I wasn't sure if I wasn't starting to regret my life choices in picking a Fox-tails.

Then again, maybe I just shouldn't have gotten out of bed.

I started inspecting my own gear, mentally noting that it all seemed to be there, including Dazzaneg's Magic Bag... and its contents.

"Whoever's done this was thorough. Dahlia? Sarasa? Nice song, by the way. Have you always been that good with harps?"
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I touched the edge of the dagger cautiously and pulled my finger back. Sharp!

"Good thinking, Tamomo. Of course, what if whoever is here isn't friendly?" Reaching up behind my head I touched the little bun of hair and traced it down to the metal ring that separated it from my ponytail. Most of my gear was 'loaded' into the phantasmal hair-ring, made by dwarfs from hair supposedly from the Goddess Sif.

If I couldn't retrieve my gear from it, I was going to be missing my preferred armour and weapon choices. The leathers I wore were only a hair lower in quality, admittedly, but they were also leathers rather than plate - not idea for someone who whose combat role involved getting up close and whaling away.

I looked around for any signs of movement and at the same time matched landmarks. Minako was right - this was the same shrine. It looked different from this perspective though, rather than on a screen. One of my fingers brushed the hair-ring and something moved...

In a sparkle of light my outfit vanished and replacements dropped into place, settling almost instantly into well-worn place - armoured boots to the knee, more plates around my thighs and then a coat of chain-mail under a coat of rich burgundy. A choker of chainmail encircled my neck and a further plate locked like a small shield onto my left shoulder.

"Please tell me I didn't just go mah0-shoujo."

There was something strapped to my back and when I reached back it was a familiar bow. That was a little better than the dagger, since I didn't actually have the skill for that weapon.
Player: Sarasa
Sarasa wound down her song and muted the harp with her palm. She shook her head in reply to Minako's question. "I have never done well with strings before. This. Cosplay cannot.…"

The two shorter fox-tails still towered over her by at least six inches. It wasn't fair!

"Still, it is good to see you Minako and you, Draken..-Sis." She turned to face Tamomo and held the skirt of her maid uniform with her free hand as she dipped into a wobbly curtsy. "Well met, Miss. Sarasa, at your service."

The elven maid tried to think of something else to say but it died on her tongue. Was that it? Were any of her other friends there? Would she ever hear from them again?

Draken-sis's sudden change of outfit shook her out of her doldrums.

"Oh, how lovely!" Oh dear. She said that out loud.
Tamomo flashed Drak a mischievous grin before dutifully replying to her. "You did not just go mahou shoujo. Instead, between you and Minako, we now have a full sailor senshi."

She calmed down a bit as she answered her first question. "If whoever is here is not friendly, then I can at least buy us some time to get away if not easily subdue them. I'm a level ninety summoner from one of the best guilds in North America."

She leaned back and forth as she attempted to grow familiar with her balance now that she had swapped sexes and species, not to mention her lower height. "...Just give me a moment, first."
Player: Aeltara

Groaning, I rolled over in bed. Except that something was seriously wrong, the bed was awfully stiff. And my pillow was missing. This was less than ideal.

With a sigh, I pushed myself up and looked down... and saw grass and dirt below me. I could hear people talking, nearby, and something was very off. ... Wait, I don't own a black sweater like this... and why was I sleeping in it, anyway?

Being outside explained why I was dressed, I supposed, but there was still the question of what the hell was going on. I pushed myself to my feet, finding it surprisingly easy compared to my usual struggle... oh. Wow. Thin, all of a sudden. Except 'up top'.

That explains a lot.

As to why I was now looking at people who looked an awful lot like the avatars of my guild-mates... "What the hell? Minako? Drak? Did I leave the game running when I fell asleep, or something? Or..."

Unlike, apparently, those around me, my voice was naturally fairly high-pitched, so it didn't sound quite so outre' coming out of Aeltara's mouth. Talk about jarring.

From what I was hearing, the others seemed to be taking it seriously... so I might as well. I staggered about a bit, trying to get my balance. Awkward.
I rose to my feet again, steadier this time. "I think this is a little more than leaving the game running. Although... hmm. No menu but since changing gear works maybe we can contact a GM? Although can you imagine the conversation?"

Miming holding a phone to my ear, I declaimed. "Hello, I need help. I seem to be stuck in the game. No, not my charcter hung up up on terrain, I mean I'm physically inside of the game and... don't hang up!" I stared at the hand and shrugged helplessly. "He hung up."
GM Post

Birds chirped as the adventurers woke and started to react to their new situation. A figure walked out of the shrine. It's Oleg, done with the tasks inside and heading out to the gate that gave access to the shrine grounds...

I rose to my feet again, steadier this time. "I think this is a little more than leaving the game running. Although... hmm. No menu but since changing gear works maybe we can contact a GM? Although can you imagine the conversation?"

Miming holding a phone to my ear, I declaimed. "Hello, I need help. I seem to be stuck in the game. No, not my charcter hung up up on terrain, I mean I'm physically inside of the game and... don't hang up!" I stared at the hand and shrugged helplessly. "He hung up."

You're not sure what you did but whether by design or accident, you managed to open up the actual, freaking Elder Tales menu right in front of your face...
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Player post : Minako

"You kind of did go Maho-Shoujo. But it looks good", I replied to Draken-Sis, before turning to Tamomo.

"If we were all behind our mouse and keyboards I would not doubt that."

Then I turned to Aeltara as she woke up. "Yeah, or something."

I didn't know if I wanted to kill whoever or whatever was behind this, yet... as I carefully tested out my balance and drew sword to check just how real it felt... yeeeeeah, it definitely felt real and sharp, let's not cut my fingers off.
Tamomo rolled her eyes. "And being afraid of seeking answers when something might go wrong based off of nothing is just paranoia. Unless this shrine is supposed to be the center for some strange cult."

She looked back and forth at the others. "Is it?"

It was frustrating. She really hoped she hadn't been dumped here with some hikikomori shut-ins. Unless the place was an obvious trap, the benefits of answers hugely outweighed any minor risks.

She saw a flicker of movement from the corner of her eye and immediately straightened up, turning in that direction.
"Guys... I think I do have a menu... now how did I do that?" I mused and then pointed my finger at the Elder Tales menu floating in front of me. "Do you see that?"

Tamomo rolled her eyes. "And being afraid of seeking answers when something might go wrong based off of nothing is just paranoia. Unless this shrine is supposed to be the center for some strange cult."

She looked back and forth at the others. "Is it?"

It was frustrating. She really hoped she hadn't been dumped here with some hikikomori shut-ins. Unless the place was an obvious trap, the benefits of answers hugely outweighed any minor risks.
"I don't think so, no?" I cudgelled my memory for any details of the quest that might be immediately pertinent.

She saw a flicker of movement from the corner of her eye and immediately straightened up, turning in that direction.
"I'm not saying don't look, just reasonable cau-" Tamomo's movement caught my attention and I twisted again, shifting the bow to my left hand and readying myself to draw an arrow if needed.
Player: Sarasa
She sang her song and then it ended. Introductions were made and amended and then forgotten in the crisis of the moment. She was well used to being swept aside by the arguments of her friends. The way of the maid is to be overlooked.

The blonde elf was happy to see the half-alv friend. And if that friend had focused on the fox tails, it was understandable. They were just so fluffy. Even so. With a soft sigh, the bard secured her harp, and the maid took up the badge of her station.

The courtyard offered little to sweep aside from those fluffy tails, which might have been the fault of the man leaving the shrine. She wondered if then he might be that simulacra "NPC" and then resolved to do as she oft like to toss a word like a pebble to see which way the mountain falls. As so, Sarasa approached him not near nor far but unassuming as maids are and asked in a soft voice alike yet unalike to how she had sung:

"Good sir, if you your leave forbear, my friends who just awakened there
Might ask that you perchance relate if aught has happened within the gate.
Or if you cannot then delay, and to your kith and kin relay,
To travel swift with watchful gait, if aught has happened outside the gate. "
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GM Post

Draken-Sis' menu is sadly invisible to everyone else, but would be responsive if she were to reach out to interact with it.

Oleg stopped once the elf Meido addressed him and, upon listening to her, gives the most comical look that all but transpires "What the f...". He recovered quickly, however.

"Forgive me, lady adventurer. I just maintain the grounds of the shrine here. I am Oleg, and all I have seen is your, and your friends, return here by your recall magics. How may I help you?"
Tamomo looked back and forth between Oleg and Drak before deciding to try what Drak apparently did first. She pantomimed picking up a phone and hanging it up a few times.

After trying a few times, she approached the caretaker and asked him a question. "Have you heard of any recent portents or omens? We, or at least I, didn't have any recall magic for this area."

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