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[RPG] [Log Horizon] Faceplanting right into the Database

I tried tapping the log out button but unsurprisingly nothing happened. Well, I say unsurprisingly but my heart did sink a little at the fact it didn't work.

The NPC was apparently a shrine attendant - which made sense. What he said though... was that a quest script? Referring to our recall magic bringing us here. Tamomo's question could fit with such stock dialogue and prompt more... but was he limited to that.

"Excuse me, please?" I asked, raising the hand that wasn't holding my bow. "How long ago did we arrive here?"

It quickly enough became apparent that this was not simply a case of leaving the game running and falling asleep. Nor was it a dream, apparently, unless it was a particularly vivid and detailed one. Pacing around to try to regain my balance, I was quickly grateful that I'd not been a huge fan of high heels when I was designing the character's outfits. I nearly fell over spinning around, though, when Draken-sis mentioned the menu.

Of course, I couldn't see the damn thing. And I'd missed whatever she'd done to bring it up. Seeing the other fox-tail trying various hand gestures, I tried a few of my own, starting with the 'pinch and erlease' from SAO and moving on to the 'hand-phone' and then trying others. I kept half an eye on the others while they chatted with the NPC shrine-keeper - Oleg? Okay, that's an odd name for somewhere that's supposedly in Japan. At least, I think it was Japan. The shrine looked familiar, like one we'd used often on tha Yamato server.

"Hrm," I mused as I opened a message window and started to type. "Trying a GM ping, see if we can get hold of anyone that way."
Player: Sarasa
As Sarasa listened to the caretaker's reply, she carefully kept a genial smile on her face. How many answers were in I - and how many more questions! She reminded herself to stay calm. Those half-remembered movies like this always showed the ones to panic and break character eaten first – and the rude ones. Sarasa would be polite and uneaten.

"Thank you, good Oleg. You have indeed answered this Sarasa's questions."

After she curtseyed to Oleg, Sarasa made way for the others coming forward with their own questions. Her mission of politeness completed for the moment, and an imagined broom was beating down the panic in Sarasa's mind. She fancied shoving it under a couch. There would be time for that later in a place with a roof and four walls and a stout door with a lock on it.

She found her needed distraction in the others, absently bobbing her own head in time to the movement of the fluffy tails.
GM Post

"Portrents? Omens? I'm no mystic. Do you not have magic to return to cities and shrines? I hear all adventurers do", Oleg replied to Tamomo. In fact, there is the Call to Home skill that every player has which teleports them to the last city or respawn location they've visited... which, when one thinks about it, the shrine they were at certainly qualified for.

Oleg then turned to Draken-Sis to answer her question. "I think about a quarter of an hour, miss. Maybe a little longer."

Aeltara managed to bring up her menu in short order, in fact, just by concentrating on wanting the menu. Although, when she reached out for the support functions to call for GMs and so forth she got no reply. If there were any GMs at all, they were not responding.

Minako stared at the scene for several moments, taking in Oleg and his replies, before she spoke up. "Higashi-Matsuyama Shrine. We're not far off from the Shrine City of Hirose. South-east from here, I believe?"

"Yes, if you follow the trail and take the right turn, you will find a road that will lead you to Hirose, Priestess", he replied, bowing deeply in respect. "It is close enough to be there by night fall on foot."

Minako nodded and thanked him before turning to the others, looking at them with a look that all but screamed 'Any ideas on what to do next?'
I put my bow away since Oleg hardly seemed hostile.

"I don't think we'll find answers here, but if this is a safe spot we might want to check what we can and can't do before leaving. Log out didn't work... perhaps we've become light novel protagonists." My tails twitched at the thought.

"Does anyone have any food? Drink? If not we'd better get some. Setting out on a long walk without supplies seems hazardous."
Well, that wasn't quite what she had asked, but since he didn't mention anything, then there must not have been anything alarming to the public. She was just glad the menu had finally appeared. Checking her status profile let her know her respawn location... was now set to here. Her friends list was also effectively empty. Either none of them were online, or they were on a different server. Most likely North America.

Switching gears, she checked over her item and skill lists. She wanted to make sure Amber and her other summons was still there, not that she expected differently.

"I propose we head to Hirose. We could pick up supplies there and see what news is happening. I don't have any food on me, but if we could get there by nightfall traveling on foot, I bet we could get there in less than half the time by air. Assuming everyone has some kind of flying mount."
Player: Sarasa
"Does anyone have any food? Drink? If not we'd better get some. Setting out on a long walk without supplies seems hazardous."

Sarasa took a moment to do a thorough inventory of her possessions.

"A loaf of seedcake, a bottle of elderberry wine, and a few dozen sachets of dried chamomile. I regret that I cannot offer a full meal. We had intended to return to Cajun after the raid."

"I propose we head to Hirose. We could pick up supplies there and see what news is happening. I don't have any food on me, but if we could get there by nightfall traveling on foot, I bet we could get there in less than half the time by air. Assuming everyone has some kind of flying mount."

Addressing the other issue, she adds, "Hirose sounds fine, but you all may have to lead the way. I am not very familiar with this region."
"I don't think it's significantly more likely we'll get any answers to what's going on here compared to Hirose, and at least right now it'll be very easy to come back here if we want to. So sure, let's go for Hirose."
GM Post

Minako agrees with the general feeling of "Let's go to Hirose", as Oleg takes his leave, his work done for the day and none of the noble adventurers seeming to have any further questions.

The blond kannagi then notes "Flying mount is dangerous, I can barely walk straight."

In fact, she trips and gives a pretty good example of what she means.

"... Horse is probably better?", she volunteers as an alternative.
Tamomo chewed on her lower lip as she thought about dealing with their new bodies. The fox tail took a few steps before stumbling. "Ok, how about we just walk there so we can adjust and not embarrass ourselves."

She looked at each of them. "And as far as anyone else is concerned, we had no problems adjusting when we got here." She nodded to herself.
Aeltara nods, still pacing around and trying to get used to her new balance. "It sounds as good as any option. We're a bit of a ways from anywhere else useful."

After a few tries, she gives up on the GM ping, and starts fiddling with other sections of her menu.

Soon enough she produces from... somewhere... a pair of sheathed daggers, that she sets across her back - concealed by her coat, but easy to access and draw, in case of danger while traveling.

"Right," she agrees with the fox-girl. "After all, we all modeled our avatars on ourselves, right?"
I couldn't help but laugh self-depreciatingly at that. "Perhaps you did, Aeltara, but I can assure you I'm lacking the tails in... let us say reality. And not this tall... but the list could go on." My voice rasps deeper than a woman's I think and perhaps the Half-Alv will take the hint.

"As for the horses, I haven't heard of anyone ever falling off one in this... place. But that might be possible now and better to fall from a horse than a mount half a mile up in the sky. Walking would take a great deal longer, I think."
GM Post

"I am about as tall as in real life, but... well. Rather top-heavy in comparison," Minako noted wrily as she got back up. What dust she collected on the way down, however, vanished quickly without her intervention. "Perhaps some walking to get used to our bodies, then horse?"

Minako then took some time figuring out her own menu and made sure everything was in place, including her favored katana, giving everybody else time to prepare themselves as well.
Player: Sarasa
The elven maid nodded quietly to herself. The chamomile and seedcake would be needed, but not just yet. She listened as the others discussed their preferred mode of transport and their body issues. That was - the maid might have to find a source of chocolate.

Seeing Minako distracted for a moment, Sarasa sidled over and gently patted her on the arm. With a look of terrible earnestness on her face, she said, "Friend, be not dismayed. Even back home, this Sarasa knew deep down that Minako was a kitsune all along."
"Right," she agrees with the fox-girl. "After all, we all modeled our avatars on ourselves, right?"

"Oh, absolutely." Nodded Tamomo, wide-eyed with over-exaggerated innocence as she agreed.

"I'm also a quiet person, so I don't talk very much around strangers, especially when I have a cold." She finished with a fake cough.

Seeing Minako distracted for a moment, Sarasa sidled over and gently patted her on the arm. With a look of terrible earnestness on her face, she said, "Friend, be not dismayed. Even back home, this Sarasa knew deep down that Minako was a kitsune all along."

Tamomo's lips twitched at Sarasa's eager declaration, but she declined to comment on it. "While I'm thinking about it, you all seem to know each other, but I don't. Could I get all of you on my friend list in case we're separated? We should probably form a party before we head out as well."

Ahh, she really didn't want to use her boring mundane horse to travel. It should be dragon or bust!

Should we have an OOC thread for questions and such?
"Let me make sure I've got this thing set right before we leave," I decide and fiddle around with my hair ring until I have my full armour. It may turn out not to be ideal for walking around but I have no idea how likely random and not so random encounters are. With metal plates around me and Monty VIII across my back, I felt a lot more confident.

Opening the menu again I scrolled to my friends list. "It seems to work," I told Tamomo. "Consider yourself befriended, but without the Nanoha style bright pink energy beams."

Player: Sarasa
The elven maid nodded quietly to herself. The chamomile and seedcake would be needed, but not just yet. She listened as the others discussed their preferred mode of transport and their body issues. That was - the maid might have to find a source of chocolate.

Seeing Minako distracted for a moment, Sarasa sidled over and gently patted her on the arm. With a look of terrible earnestness on her face, she said, "Friend, be not dismayed. Even back home, this Sarasa knew deep down that Minako was a kitsune all along."

Minako didn't seem to quite know how to respond to that, but after a few moments she smiled. "Well, I certainly am one now. Let's watch out for each other."

Tamomo's lips twitched at Sarasa's eager declaration, but she declined to comment on it. "While I'm thinking about it, you all seem to know each other, but I don't. Could I get all of you on my friend list in case we're separated? We should probably form a party before we head out as well."

Ahh, she really didn't want to use her boring mundane horse to travel. It should be dragon or bust!

Should we have an OOC thread for questions and such?

OOC: Thread up.

Minako's response was simple. Some menu fiddling later, Tamomo found herself facing a friend request.

As for partying, we already were in one so that's one less thing to worry about.

"Let me make sure I've got this thing set right before we leave," I decide and fiddle around with my hair ring until I have my full armour. It may turn out not to be ideal for walking around but I have no idea how likely random and not so random encounters are. With metal plates around me and Monty VIII across my back, I felt a lot more confident.

Opening the menu again I scrolled to my friends list. "It seems to work," I told Tamomo. "Consider yourself befriended, but without the Nanoha style bright pink energy beams."

Minako was also fully geared for combat, so she too was taking no chances.

And on the other side of the shrine, where nobody else had looked yet, laid Rahman, who finally woke up from his improptu dirt nap.
Minako's response was simple. Some menu fiddling later, Tamomo found herself facing a friend request.
Tamomo smiled at Minako and Dr as the requests came through the system and she immediately accepted. "I don't believe there is anything else we need here now, right?"

She looked to everyone for confirmation.
Minako didn't seem to quite know how to respond to that, but after a few moments she smiled. "Well, I certainly am one now. Let's watch out for each other."

Sarasa smiled back. "Yes. Let us do just that."

She swaped her broom for the harp once more and imitated the action the others have been using to bring up her menu and the party status HUD.

Sarasa goes goes down the list, reciting in a sing-song voice, "We have Aeltara and Draken-Sis and Minako and Sarasa." She pauses to send off a friend request. "And Tamomo. It is a bit too incomplete for a raid, but we have enough coverage for traveling. "

Sarasa nods to Tamomo as she stares at the party HUD.
"Party is up and if not a quest then at least we have a goal." I reach up and grip Monty's hilt for a moment. It feels... real.

"Ladies. Let's mosey," I say with a grin and stride towards the road.
With nothing more to say at the moment, Tamomo followed along.
Player: Sarasa
Sarasa hurried to keep up with Draken-sis's stride. With the height difference, she matched each of the fox-tail's steps with several of her own.

"Perhaps skipping would work," Sarasa mused. Looking back over her shoulder, she added, "Do come along, both of you. It would be sorrowful to leave either of you behind.
GM Post

And thus did the party move on, possibly leaving behind a player who so far seems to have not discovered where the thread actually is so should he actually find it the GM will have to figure out how to get him in.

At the start, they walked. Those whose bodies no longer agreed with their real life selves slowly adjusted to their new balance, but it got easier and easier as they went along. With their adventurer bodies it wasn't even tiring! Great upside!

It was two hours out and getting close to leaving the forest when the intrepid heroes sensed danger. No birds chirping, leaves rustling, a foul stench. Something was afoot.

Minako looked around, her hand reaching out to her sword's hilt. "I hope that's not a monster we got to fight," she said as low as she could while still being heard by the others.
I sniffed the air and checked the direction of the wind to try to figure out where the foul scent was coming from. "Yeah. It's not like I have things hotkeyed any more."
Tamomo brought up her menu and parsed through her skills. "Well, hopefully it's nothing we can't handle. In any case," she stopped as she found the skill she wanted to use and selected to cast, "Servant Summon: Golem!"

An arcane circle glowing silvery-blue briefly appeared around her feet before a larger one grew in front of her.
Sarasa keeps her harp at the ready. She replies about as quietly as Minako and the others, "Either some have perished or we are about to be attacked by something not worthy of offering Challenge. Be ready to flee or, if we must, engage."
GM Post

Tamomo's usage of skill worked fine, raising a big golem (which really did look just like the golem was supposed to from their recollection) that, at least for now, sticks around by its summoner.

Unfortunately, she may've drawn the attention of whatever it may've been as the rustling increases a lot.... and everyone started hearing and then saw a pair of Wargs run up to them with fugly hobgoblins mounted. And still more were coming, on foot, behind them, though they would take longer to get there.

Gee, those guys really stunk...

Minako froze for a moment upon seeing the monsters... but then she remembered the supposed level difference between them and herself and she launched herself at the closest Warg, slashing at it. The health bar took quite a big hit when she scored the first blow but then it was her turn to wince as the hobgoblin struck back at her. The damage she took was small, but not negligible.

"Kill them!", she yelled. And then the unhurt Warg howled.
Seeing the others start to prepare for battle, Aeltara paused briefly. A few taps at her menu, and her coat lengthened into a proper duster, with a glint of silver and sapphire at her wrists. "Hmmm, well," she mused, producing a fan from somewhere and waving it, sending a little breeze across her face. Then her nose twitched...

"It would seem to me that this world will not be an idyllic 'adventure', hmm? Very well, let us see what it has in store."

And what seems to be in store is hobgoblins and wargs. Well.

A few more taps on her menu to select the spell, and then a wave of the fan in her hand... and a swirl of wind flicks out from it, growing as it whips past the two leading hobs, forming into a whirlwind a few feet behind them... a whirlwind that rapidly fills with jagged shards of ice. "That ought to keep them busy for a minute or two."
Tamomo scanned the battle before focusing on the howling warg.

"Alright big guy," she addressed her golem. "Go grab their attention. Provoke that group!"

She raised her staff and pointed at the warg with her right hand, while her left manipulated the pet menu, She waited before issuing the command through her menu, wanting to see if it would respond to verbal commands as well.

However, it didn't appear necessary. The silver summon lumbered towards the warg and threw a mighty swing against the beast with it's fist.
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