Family-made Truce
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Chapter 58: Family-made Truce
This shouldn't have been happened.
The fact that Rizevim was there, playing around with a blasted pen of all things was enough to make me question my capacity to react properly at determined situations.
It wasn't a stretch to say that of the people I would kill, the smug bastard topped many scumbags of this universe. The pure shit-lord that thrived in the chaos of many, gleeful of bringing disorder in simple predicaments and that seemed so eager to give up power for the sake of fun.
It was my worst nightmare and the close-up I was getting of his personality? A confirmation of what I've seen in Tokyo.
Seriously, why the fuck I had to deal with this jerk now of all the situations I could have dealt with him… without being threatened at gun-point.
"You know, pops?" The man started dully. "It's kind of fun how certain people can't actually read the fine lines of a text, going angry and becoming the worst case of entitlement one has ever seen."
I blinked, feeling oddly intrigued by that senseless remark. "What are you talking about?"
"The fine lines, what the writer of a paper, a book or a contract writes to make sure to advise people from possible situations. Some use it to scam, some use it to warn those that reads it." The Super-Devil mirthfully explained, eyes staring right at the ceiling. "It's also fun how people get uppity when they get their cradle rocked too hard for their tastes-"
"Is this going somewhere or-" Azazel tried to intercede, causing the silver-haired man to sigh once more.
"It's more of a special case happening to someone." He winked right at the Governor-General.
What… just happened here? What is going on?
"What the fuck are you talking about?" I reiterated my question, causing Rizevim to show now a sheepish expression.
"Nuthin' strange. Just trying to pull some Deadpool thingy here, something real pops said was… like breaking a wall?"
Oh for fuck's sake- of course he would- Nevermind, I am not going to entertain the man any longer-
What is going on?
C'mon! Deadpool? There isn't a 'fourth wall' in this scenario and yet he has to joke around about it.
I mean, we are supposed to be chatting about Lucifer but-
No buts! Return to the real discussion or he would get what he want, buying more time for… something.
You think he is-
Focus on talking, 'thinking' later.
"Rizevim, this isn't the time nor the place for this." I chided calmly, causing the Super-Devil to twitch at having his name mentioned. "What is this about Azrael and Lucifer trying to end the world?"
"Not the world! Something a little bigger. A little more... complete."
"And that is-"
"A whole dimension." The man replied finally, grinning eye to eye. "When the 'first' reset happened to you, do you seriously think that it was only Earth that was killed? The whole galaxy, the universe and… the entirety of everything."
"That's preposterous!" Azazel butted in. "I know that Lucifer' Reset was powerful but… to that extent? Why didn't God do anything about-"
"Do you think He didn't try something like that?" Rizevim questioned placidly. "Big G tried to submit Lucifer to Himself by offering him a place to Heaven."
"And he accepted. So does that mean-" I tried to intercede, only to be interrupted by the man once more.
"He didn't accept the first time." There was a brief pause, then he continued. "God was scared of the newcomer, someone that was beyond stronger than Him was walking on Earth and He couldn't do much against him."
"But then why did he accept if he was that strong and powerful?" Azazel asked, not remembering any of that.
"Because order was a prime priority for daddy dearest, always trying to uphold a sense of justice and duty towards the weaker people." He chuckled, some notes striking sad. "To think he was betrayed by the very ideals that drove him to create Heaven-"
"I think you are mistaking the origins of Heaven. It was God that-"
"Wanted a Kingdom for himself." Rizevim seemed giddy of having the chance of interrupting so frequently much to our annoyance. "A place that could function only with Him around. But Heliel was quite irked by this 'moronic decision', forcing Big G to accept several changes within Heaven before… Angels appeared."
"You mean that-" I mused calmly, now ignoring the interruption that followed.
"Heaven was improved, the flaws fixed and the cadres of Angels expanded. Dividing Angels from the souls of the dead people? Pops' idea and one that avoided the risk of people Falling much earlier than how it happened to Azzie there."
That is… a lot to take.
The story is complex, very… interesting but I think there is something missing. Why did Luficer accept the offer?
'I think it would be good to know also why he would join God if he was stronger than Him.'
"But the funniest bit is what truly bought father… and that was a favor from God himself." He added with a grin.
… "A favor from God? Why would he-"
"At first I was confused myself, dad, but then I learned about the truth… and do you want to know when this favor was used?"
He was bringing some… interesting bits to the table, so I nodded.
"It was mother." The answer was… partly unexpected. "Mother dearest was but a reject of God's attempt to give a subservient mate to Adam, meant to be forgotten and turned into something different than a woman as to avoid any 'revenge' on him."
"But he saved her and took her to Heaven." I continued, feeling like I have heard of this before…
Azazel frowned at me, clearly surprised at the correct guess if the sudden amusement exuding from Rizevim was to be taken into account.
"Indeed! Big G never forgave Heliel for that, going as far as to put indirect obstacles in his projects."
"Then how did Lucifer fell? How did he lose his Reset Ability-"
"What an impertinent 'brat' you are, Azzie! Remind me of some people unable to read fine lines-"
"How." I pressed on, halting the Super-Devil in his words, causing him to pout and… sigh.
"Fine- It has to do with the fact God discovered what fueled dad and managed to seal it under thousands of powerful seals."
… "You are kidding me-"
"I ain't!" Rizevim stated happily. "Trihexa was what gave father's the capacity of making use of the Reset."
"Is that a… requirement or-"
"Enough!" Azazel slammed his fists on the table. "This is clearly some complex crap the bastard is coming up with- There is no way God would have accepted someone stronger than him and-"
"That is actually true, Azazel." A feminine and sensual voice spoke, causing the Governor-General to stop with eyes wide open as he recognized the being that owned this voice.
I admit… that I've never read much of the Shinmai Maou Manga, but I recognized an important figure as the mother of the protagonist. Sapphire was… Mio's aunt and…
Wait, if she is Rizevim's sister then-
"And I can finally see personally about this look-alike of father and..." I turned just in time to see a pair of red eyes carefully studying my own orbs, my body ready to jump away at the sudden closeness.
Adding to the fact the woman was drop-dead gorgeous and sexy with her curves accentuated by her… peculiar armor, and I think everyone can see why an unexpected close-up could make people… panic for a moment.
Before being mesmerized by her beauty.
"You do look terribly like him." The smile… it looked familiar. She was very similar to Mio, her face sporting just more maturity and experience. It wasn't that she was 'old', but that her prime was there for people to see differently from Mio's incomplete growth.
One could wonder about… how everyone would look in the future.
I had a distinct idea about Gasper and his possible masculine awakening in a few years, maybe see Kunou and Koneko becoming stronger and smart enough to deal with opponents on their own without the presence of someone.
I was quite… uncertain about the others as for some I knew little would have changed. Akeno was meant to become even more beautiful, same for Akua, Mio, Kuroka, and Mio.
Maria was an odd case as her mother did keep her appearance youthful… hopefully nothing terrifying would happen by that point…
"You are thinking about your friends and family, aren't you?" The woman commented mirthfully. "It's all in your eyes… just like father used to do-"
"Look, if you are trying to interrupt my epic story with the intent of helping me, dearest sister, you could also return to the plot!"
She sighed tiredly. "I suppose this little digression could be moved for a while as we finish your pathetically-developed tale."
The Super-Devil huffed, crossing his arms close to his chest and muttering just a simple word. "Bitch."
The woman smiled smugly and nodded. "As I was saying before, my foolish sibling is telling the truth about father's recollection as the evidence is a book Wilbert was keeping a secret from all of us."
"A journal of things that Father did in the various loops, writing down the mainline of the situation while also describing some minor anomalies along the way." Rizevim continued, this time looking fairly annoyed by Sapphire. "And I think our current predicament offer us the best opportunity to really end the reboot as… there are two major anomalies that happened in this universe:"
He pointed his finger at me. "You didn't manifest any strange powers that could remind of Trihexa and… I think you know something about it?"
I blinked, remembering exactly about what he was alluding to.
To think that it wasn't just an issue caused by our unique situation… So my theory was wrong all along, Trihexa did came from… something else…
But why did it originate in us? Why another copy was forming within us?!
Difficult to say, I guess that it was something about…
...What did you say?
'Some Dragons are capable of regenerating from nothing and… forming clones when a 'fertile' ground is offered. Your soul is somehow tied in this story and would explain why… you ended up generating this dangerous Dragon.'
So that means that the soul is… tied to Lucifer.
We are Lucifer!?
'It would explain why there is such a deep connection… while you aren't that much related to each other.'
There was just too much that could be said about this. D-Does this mean that Lucifer was a Self-Insert himself? Does that mean that I was related to Vali, to Mio and Maria?
That's a horrifying thought… for many reasons. Can you imagine Vali call us Grandpa.
P-Please don't!
But just as the realization struck finally within my brain, Rizevim was going forward with his explanation.
"The second anomaly was caused by my own actions. I was reportedly doing different things in all Loops, doing actions differently and… this time the anomaly was caused by the fact I found the journal before Azrael could have taken it and that is why I encountered him by the family's grave."
I paused at the silver-haired man explanation before… blinking. "Why was he here?"
"He needs Lucifer's body as a main 'ingredient' to the ritual to bring him back." The Super-Devil replied. "And Trihexa is the other bit that he needs to… bring him back."
"I thought he would need a Soul to bring someone to life-"
"And that is why it's Azrael the one doing this. He has a copy of everyone's souls and… Lucifer's is the one he protects the most."
"But why he is that much attached to Lucifer?" I finally asked and… Rizevim blinked unsure.
"That is something that wasn't mentioned in the journal-" Seeing Azazel's and my confusion the man looked sheepish. "But I know someone that could know more about it and… I think it would require time and manpower to get her out-"
"You want to get Lilith out of Hades' control?" I blinked as these words left my mouth, eyes glancing at the chibi with the same name, the girl tensing a little and pausing from her mirthful chatting with the group of people near her.
Koneko's and Kunou's ears twitched, while Kuroka calmly made sure that none were truly taken by what was going on with the… important bit of the table.
Gasper was sitting between Valerie's legs while the young Belmont, Mathias was sitting beside the Tepes while trying to understand what was going on.
He looks… just a little younger than us. Maybe… seventeen?
Sixteen at best.
"You know that you are asking a very difficult task. Just a bunch of people is capable of handling Hades and-"
"That is why it will not be me going for that suicidal mission." He turned towards Julius and Alucard, both men glancing back in confusion. "I want those two on the case. The Belmont's Vampire Killer is the only weapon capable of perfectly harm the bastard while Allie there was the sole non-divine being capable of matching with Hades…"
At this point, something clicked in my mind as I connected the allusions to… the connection.
Death was a servant Dracula gained just before his turning and there was little known about the being… only that was being born by Chaos itself that… ruled over the realm of the afterlife.
Death is Hades.
He was incredibly strong, he managed to come back even after being beaten so many times and… he couldn't die. He commanded death itself, he was Death Itself.
"And how do you plan to convince both to go there?" I decided to indulge the smug now returning to Rizevim.
"That's actually very easy." The man smiled and nodded. "You are going to be the one convincing them."
I blinked. "Beg your pardon-"
"Right now I'm the official ruler of the little piece of land that Wilbert once owned and… I think I promised to give up that if I managed to form an alliance and I wouldn't be able to do that if I don't get my demands satisfied."
Sapphire tensed, eyes narrowing at this little development, meanwhile Rizevim turned his sight at Mio and Maria. The redhead frowned, trying to bar the attention off from her younger sibling and ending up making the Super-Devil snort in amusement.
"Truly interesting how the two represent two aspects part of mother. The tall shy girl has her appearance and… I bet the midget has her personality-"
"Who are you calling 'midget', you fucking piece of garbage-"
"Language, Maria!" Sapphire chided, but nonetheless gave a proud nod at the half-succubus, making the girl smile at the silent praise as the woman turned to Rizevim. "And I would like that you didn't taunt my niece, brother."
"Or what, dearest sister? Going to attack me with your brutal strength and make me beg? I bet you would like that and… wait, aren't those my nieces too!?"
"Y-You are our uncle no more!" Mio replied sternly, glaring at him. "You killed d-dad! Y-You can't be forgiven."
The Super-Devil blinked, eyes widening for a moment before nodding. "Okay, it seems that she ain't as shy as I remember her…" He turned to glance at me. "What is your secret, daddy? Some kind of intimate ritual to get them all brave and-"
Rizevim yelped in surprised as Euclid slammed his fist on top of his Lord's head.
"E-Euclid? A-Are you finally snapping because of your not-so-secret siscon ambitions- GAH!"
Another closed palm slammed onto the Lucifer. "That, my Lord, was something you asked me to do when you were close to mess up the diplomatic effort. You were… rather adamant about the use of force if certain cases were brought up." The Lucifuge explained calmly, yet I swear I saw his lips twitch upwards.
"S-Still, I meant like poking my shoulder or verbally reprimand me like you usually do- N-Not literally bashing my poor skull!"
"Thousands of apologies then, milord."
"Ignoring this 'comedy' you are putting up, you have yet to explain why shouldn't we be worried of Azrael go and free Trihexa right now." Azazel pointed out and…
Is it just me or is it that much odd that he is the most serious at the table?
We are talking about a world-end scenario, I don't think fun can be allowed… just yet.
"Ah yes, I think… I can say for sure he will not." Rizevim assured with a doubtful tone. "I mean, dad did mention that the security was usually tight and that he would need the reset to properly enter… but he can't use it."
"Beg your pardon?" I asked quickly, eyes wide open at that sudden revelation.
"While the seal dad left wasn't meant to hold anyone, the true intent was to limit the power of the reset. And since it already need a fuck-ton of energy to operate, the current limitations render it impossible for Azrael to use it."
"WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL US ABOUT IS!?" The Governor-General of Grigori practically yelled.
"But I did!" He explained placidily. "Right now-"
"I have reasons to believe mother is going to have a strong lecture with you." Sapphire commented with a tired sigh.
Surprisingly enough, the Super-Devil started to look a little nervous. "I- I mean, I might have caused some… massacre, but I don't think that mom will-"
"She will bend you and start to spank you, just like she did back when you were but a little idiot boy."
It was odd to see Rizevim that much… scared about that eventual encounter and… he blinked. "I will have to make sure I am not around when she is free then-"
"I will make sure that she knows of your infamy, brother. Just to see how much you will squirm when-"
For some reason, I felt like this once was something pretty normal in the weird family headed by Lucifer- our other self.
"But alas I think it's for the best to assure something important before you sign any treaty, Hoitsu-san." The woman turned her attention at me, causing me to tense up at the serious look plastered on her face.
I blinked. "A-And that is?"
"A contract of marriage between you, Mio and Maria-"
"Auntie-" "THANK YOU, Auntie!"
The younger redhead was horrified by the prospect of wedding this early in her life, while Maria…
"Hehehe~." The half-succubus was licking her lips, her face completely red as a perverted expression was visible on her face. "Ho-i-tsu-kyun~!"
I almost screamed at that, feeling panic rising at the prospect of having to deal with a rabid fan-girl about… this 'silly mistake'.
"A-Ah, Sapphire-san, don't you think th-that would be rushing? I mean, Mio and Maria don't know me well and the opposite is true too. I think we could a-also agree that we are re-"
"You are not." A very unhelpful Rizevim jumped in with a happy smile. "Pops had a special genetic composition after turning in a Devil, his intention was to avoid… these cases from happening."
"But you are also bringing up some good points, you three have been together for just a month. I think it would be best to wait a year or so." The woman admitted. "But I want just one thing already, something that I think it's a reward for having taken care of the girls."
She smiled and pulled me in an… embrace. I could feel heaven.
"Call me Auntie."
I nodded in the hug and replied a little muffled. "O-Okay… Auntie."
She tightened her hold, giving me a squeeze before letting go with a small smile on her face.
"Brat, your luck is just insane." Azazel commented flatly.
"If only we weren't related..." Rizevim mournfully added.
"I'm besieged by utter morons..." Euclid concluded with a dry tone.
"A-Auntie! Y-You shouldn't hug people without their permission-"
"And why not, Queen?" A familiar giggle froze her stuck as another redhead peeked over Mio's shoulder. "I think it's more than natural for family to hug!"
Nanika walked forward to the confused-looking Sapphire and smiled. "Auntie! Can you hug me too-GAH, WHY!"
Shiranai shook his head as he retracted his cane.
This sure was going to be an insane alliance… for sure.
So there is some explanation about what is going on and…
This timeline is wrong too? What the heck is writing those scripts?
*Looks at the mirror * Oh right…
Well, that was a short one. I don't want to spoil people with long chapters as there are little response to those.
Also, can someone explain why so little reaction to previous chapter? Was it good or bad?
Lastly, this chapter was safely corrected with Grammarly non-premium, same with the previous one, so there aren't that many grammar errors...
P.S. Chapter in SV will arrive... quite later than usual. It seems I've received a 72-hours long infraction for... trolling?
Future milestone 1: 900 Followers and Favorites.
This shouldn't have been happened.
The fact that Rizevim was there, playing around with a blasted pen of all things was enough to make me question my capacity to react properly at determined situations.
It wasn't a stretch to say that of the people I would kill, the smug bastard topped many scumbags of this universe. The pure shit-lord that thrived in the chaos of many, gleeful of bringing disorder in simple predicaments and that seemed so eager to give up power for the sake of fun.
It was my worst nightmare and the close-up I was getting of his personality? A confirmation of what I've seen in Tokyo.
Seriously, why the fuck I had to deal with this jerk now of all the situations I could have dealt with him… without being threatened at gun-point.
"You know, pops?" The man started dully. "It's kind of fun how certain people can't actually read the fine lines of a text, going angry and becoming the worst case of entitlement one has ever seen."
I blinked, feeling oddly intrigued by that senseless remark. "What are you talking about?"
"The fine lines, what the writer of a paper, a book or a contract writes to make sure to advise people from possible situations. Some use it to scam, some use it to warn those that reads it." The Super-Devil mirthfully explained, eyes staring right at the ceiling. "It's also fun how people get uppity when they get their cradle rocked too hard for their tastes-"
"Is this going somewhere or-" Azazel tried to intercede, causing the silver-haired man to sigh once more.
"It's more of a special case happening to someone." He winked right at the Governor-General.
What… just happened here? What is going on?
"What the fuck are you talking about?" I reiterated my question, causing Rizevim to show now a sheepish expression.
"Nuthin' strange. Just trying to pull some Deadpool thingy here, something real pops said was… like breaking a wall?"
Oh for fuck's sake- of course he would- Nevermind, I am not going to entertain the man any longer-
What is going on?
C'mon! Deadpool? There isn't a 'fourth wall' in this scenario and yet he has to joke around about it.
I mean, we are supposed to be chatting about Lucifer but-
No buts! Return to the real discussion or he would get what he want, buying more time for… something.
You think he is-
Focus on talking, 'thinking' later.
"Rizevim, this isn't the time nor the place for this." I chided calmly, causing the Super-Devil to twitch at having his name mentioned. "What is this about Azrael and Lucifer trying to end the world?"
"Not the world! Something a little bigger. A little more... complete."
"And that is-"
"A whole dimension." The man replied finally, grinning eye to eye. "When the 'first' reset happened to you, do you seriously think that it was only Earth that was killed? The whole galaxy, the universe and… the entirety of everything."
"That's preposterous!" Azazel butted in. "I know that Lucifer' Reset was powerful but… to that extent? Why didn't God do anything about-"
"Do you think He didn't try something like that?" Rizevim questioned placidly. "Big G tried to submit Lucifer to Himself by offering him a place to Heaven."
"And he accepted. So does that mean-" I tried to intercede, only to be interrupted by the man once more.
"He didn't accept the first time." There was a brief pause, then he continued. "God was scared of the newcomer, someone that was beyond stronger than Him was walking on Earth and He couldn't do much against him."
"But then why did he accept if he was that strong and powerful?" Azazel asked, not remembering any of that.
"Because order was a prime priority for daddy dearest, always trying to uphold a sense of justice and duty towards the weaker people." He chuckled, some notes striking sad. "To think he was betrayed by the very ideals that drove him to create Heaven-"
"I think you are mistaking the origins of Heaven. It was God that-"
"Wanted a Kingdom for himself." Rizevim seemed giddy of having the chance of interrupting so frequently much to our annoyance. "A place that could function only with Him around. But Heliel was quite irked by this 'moronic decision', forcing Big G to accept several changes within Heaven before… Angels appeared."
"You mean that-" I mused calmly, now ignoring the interruption that followed.
"Heaven was improved, the flaws fixed and the cadres of Angels expanded. Dividing Angels from the souls of the dead people? Pops' idea and one that avoided the risk of people Falling much earlier than how it happened to Azzie there."
That is… a lot to take.
The story is complex, very… interesting but I think there is something missing. Why did Luficer accept the offer?
'I think it would be good to know also why he would join God if he was stronger than Him.'
"But the funniest bit is what truly bought father… and that was a favor from God himself." He added with a grin.
… "A favor from God? Why would he-"
"At first I was confused myself, dad, but then I learned about the truth… and do you want to know when this favor was used?"
He was bringing some… interesting bits to the table, so I nodded.
"It was mother." The answer was… partly unexpected. "Mother dearest was but a reject of God's attempt to give a subservient mate to Adam, meant to be forgotten and turned into something different than a woman as to avoid any 'revenge' on him."
"But he saved her and took her to Heaven." I continued, feeling like I have heard of this before…
Azazel frowned at me, clearly surprised at the correct guess if the sudden amusement exuding from Rizevim was to be taken into account.
"Indeed! Big G never forgave Heliel for that, going as far as to put indirect obstacles in his projects."
"Then how did Lucifer fell? How did he lose his Reset Ability-"
"What an impertinent 'brat' you are, Azzie! Remind me of some people unable to read fine lines-"
"How." I pressed on, halting the Super-Devil in his words, causing him to pout and… sigh.
"Fine- It has to do with the fact God discovered what fueled dad and managed to seal it under thousands of powerful seals."
… "You are kidding me-"
"I ain't!" Rizevim stated happily. "Trihexa was what gave father's the capacity of making use of the Reset."
"Is that a… requirement or-"
"Enough!" Azazel slammed his fists on the table. "This is clearly some complex crap the bastard is coming up with- There is no way God would have accepted someone stronger than him and-"
"That is actually true, Azazel." A feminine and sensual voice spoke, causing the Governor-General to stop with eyes wide open as he recognized the being that owned this voice.
I admit… that I've never read much of the Shinmai Maou Manga, but I recognized an important figure as the mother of the protagonist. Sapphire was… Mio's aunt and…
Wait, if she is Rizevim's sister then-
"And I can finally see personally about this look-alike of father and..." I turned just in time to see a pair of red eyes carefully studying my own orbs, my body ready to jump away at the sudden closeness.
Adding to the fact the woman was drop-dead gorgeous and sexy with her curves accentuated by her… peculiar armor, and I think everyone can see why an unexpected close-up could make people… panic for a moment.
Before being mesmerized by her beauty.
"You do look terribly like him." The smile… it looked familiar. She was very similar to Mio, her face sporting just more maturity and experience. It wasn't that she was 'old', but that her prime was there for people to see differently from Mio's incomplete growth.
One could wonder about… how everyone would look in the future.
I had a distinct idea about Gasper and his possible masculine awakening in a few years, maybe see Kunou and Koneko becoming stronger and smart enough to deal with opponents on their own without the presence of someone.
I was quite… uncertain about the others as for some I knew little would have changed. Akeno was meant to become even more beautiful, same for Akua, Mio, Kuroka, and Mio.
Maria was an odd case as her mother did keep her appearance youthful… hopefully nothing terrifying would happen by that point…
"You are thinking about your friends and family, aren't you?" The woman commented mirthfully. "It's all in your eyes… just like father used to do-"
"Look, if you are trying to interrupt my epic story with the intent of helping me, dearest sister, you could also return to the plot!"
She sighed tiredly. "I suppose this little digression could be moved for a while as we finish your pathetically-developed tale."
The Super-Devil huffed, crossing his arms close to his chest and muttering just a simple word. "Bitch."
The woman smiled smugly and nodded. "As I was saying before, my foolish sibling is telling the truth about father's recollection as the evidence is a book Wilbert was keeping a secret from all of us."
"A journal of things that Father did in the various loops, writing down the mainline of the situation while also describing some minor anomalies along the way." Rizevim continued, this time looking fairly annoyed by Sapphire. "And I think our current predicament offer us the best opportunity to really end the reboot as… there are two major anomalies that happened in this universe:"
He pointed his finger at me. "You didn't manifest any strange powers that could remind of Trihexa and… I think you know something about it?"
I blinked, remembering exactly about what he was alluding to.
To think that it wasn't just an issue caused by our unique situation… So my theory was wrong all along, Trihexa did came from… something else…
But why did it originate in us? Why another copy was forming within us?!
Difficult to say, I guess that it was something about…
...What did you say?
'Some Dragons are capable of regenerating from nothing and… forming clones when a 'fertile' ground is offered. Your soul is somehow tied in this story and would explain why… you ended up generating this dangerous Dragon.'
So that means that the soul is… tied to Lucifer.
We are Lucifer!?
'It would explain why there is such a deep connection… while you aren't that much related to each other.'
There was just too much that could be said about this. D-Does this mean that Lucifer was a Self-Insert himself? Does that mean that I was related to Vali, to Mio and Maria?
That's a horrifying thought… for many reasons. Can you imagine Vali call us Grandpa.
P-Please don't!
But just as the realization struck finally within my brain, Rizevim was going forward with his explanation.
"The second anomaly was caused by my own actions. I was reportedly doing different things in all Loops, doing actions differently and… this time the anomaly was caused by the fact I found the journal before Azrael could have taken it and that is why I encountered him by the family's grave."
I paused at the silver-haired man explanation before… blinking. "Why was he here?"
"He needs Lucifer's body as a main 'ingredient' to the ritual to bring him back." The Super-Devil replied. "And Trihexa is the other bit that he needs to… bring him back."
"I thought he would need a Soul to bring someone to life-"
"And that is why it's Azrael the one doing this. He has a copy of everyone's souls and… Lucifer's is the one he protects the most."
"But why he is that much attached to Lucifer?" I finally asked and… Rizevim blinked unsure.
"That is something that wasn't mentioned in the journal-" Seeing Azazel's and my confusion the man looked sheepish. "But I know someone that could know more about it and… I think it would require time and manpower to get her out-"
"You want to get Lilith out of Hades' control?" I blinked as these words left my mouth, eyes glancing at the chibi with the same name, the girl tensing a little and pausing from her mirthful chatting with the group of people near her.
Koneko's and Kunou's ears twitched, while Kuroka calmly made sure that none were truly taken by what was going on with the… important bit of the table.
Gasper was sitting between Valerie's legs while the young Belmont, Mathias was sitting beside the Tepes while trying to understand what was going on.
He looks… just a little younger than us. Maybe… seventeen?
Sixteen at best.
"You know that you are asking a very difficult task. Just a bunch of people is capable of handling Hades and-"
"That is why it will not be me going for that suicidal mission." He turned towards Julius and Alucard, both men glancing back in confusion. "I want those two on the case. The Belmont's Vampire Killer is the only weapon capable of perfectly harm the bastard while Allie there was the sole non-divine being capable of matching with Hades…"
At this point, something clicked in my mind as I connected the allusions to… the connection.
Death was a servant Dracula gained just before his turning and there was little known about the being… only that was being born by Chaos itself that… ruled over the realm of the afterlife.
Death is Hades.
He was incredibly strong, he managed to come back even after being beaten so many times and… he couldn't die. He commanded death itself, he was Death Itself.
"And how do you plan to convince both to go there?" I decided to indulge the smug now returning to Rizevim.
"That's actually very easy." The man smiled and nodded. "You are going to be the one convincing them."
I blinked. "Beg your pardon-"
"Right now I'm the official ruler of the little piece of land that Wilbert once owned and… I think I promised to give up that if I managed to form an alliance and I wouldn't be able to do that if I don't get my demands satisfied."
Sapphire tensed, eyes narrowing at this little development, meanwhile Rizevim turned his sight at Mio and Maria. The redhead frowned, trying to bar the attention off from her younger sibling and ending up making the Super-Devil snort in amusement.
"Truly interesting how the two represent two aspects part of mother. The tall shy girl has her appearance and… I bet the midget has her personality-"
"Who are you calling 'midget', you fucking piece of garbage-"
"Language, Maria!" Sapphire chided, but nonetheless gave a proud nod at the half-succubus, making the girl smile at the silent praise as the woman turned to Rizevim. "And I would like that you didn't taunt my niece, brother."
"Or what, dearest sister? Going to attack me with your brutal strength and make me beg? I bet you would like that and… wait, aren't those my nieces too!?"
"Y-You are our uncle no more!" Mio replied sternly, glaring at him. "You killed d-dad! Y-You can't be forgiven."
The Super-Devil blinked, eyes widening for a moment before nodding. "Okay, it seems that she ain't as shy as I remember her…" He turned to glance at me. "What is your secret, daddy? Some kind of intimate ritual to get them all brave and-"
Rizevim yelped in surprised as Euclid slammed his fist on top of his Lord's head.
"E-Euclid? A-Are you finally snapping because of your not-so-secret siscon ambitions- GAH!"
Another closed palm slammed onto the Lucifer. "That, my Lord, was something you asked me to do when you were close to mess up the diplomatic effort. You were… rather adamant about the use of force if certain cases were brought up." The Lucifuge explained calmly, yet I swear I saw his lips twitch upwards.
"S-Still, I meant like poking my shoulder or verbally reprimand me like you usually do- N-Not literally bashing my poor skull!"
"Thousands of apologies then, milord."
"Ignoring this 'comedy' you are putting up, you have yet to explain why shouldn't we be worried of Azrael go and free Trihexa right now." Azazel pointed out and…
Is it just me or is it that much odd that he is the most serious at the table?
We are talking about a world-end scenario, I don't think fun can be allowed… just yet.
"Ah yes, I think… I can say for sure he will not." Rizevim assured with a doubtful tone. "I mean, dad did mention that the security was usually tight and that he would need the reset to properly enter… but he can't use it."
"Beg your pardon?" I asked quickly, eyes wide open at that sudden revelation.
"While the seal dad left wasn't meant to hold anyone, the true intent was to limit the power of the reset. And since it already need a fuck-ton of energy to operate, the current limitations render it impossible for Azrael to use it."
"WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL US ABOUT IS!?" The Governor-General of Grigori practically yelled.
"But I did!" He explained placidily. "Right now-"
"I have reasons to believe mother is going to have a strong lecture with you." Sapphire commented with a tired sigh.
Surprisingly enough, the Super-Devil started to look a little nervous. "I- I mean, I might have caused some… massacre, but I don't think that mom will-"
"She will bend you and start to spank you, just like she did back when you were but a little idiot boy."
It was odd to see Rizevim that much… scared about that eventual encounter and… he blinked. "I will have to make sure I am not around when she is free then-"
"I will make sure that she knows of your infamy, brother. Just to see how much you will squirm when-"
For some reason, I felt like this once was something pretty normal in the weird family headed by Lucifer- our other self.
"But alas I think it's for the best to assure something important before you sign any treaty, Hoitsu-san." The woman turned her attention at me, causing me to tense up at the serious look plastered on her face.
I blinked. "A-And that is?"
"A contract of marriage between you, Mio and Maria-"
"Auntie-" "THANK YOU, Auntie!"
The younger redhead was horrified by the prospect of wedding this early in her life, while Maria…
"Hehehe~." The half-succubus was licking her lips, her face completely red as a perverted expression was visible on her face. "Ho-i-tsu-kyun~!"
I almost screamed at that, feeling panic rising at the prospect of having to deal with a rabid fan-girl about… this 'silly mistake'.
"A-Ah, Sapphire-san, don't you think th-that would be rushing? I mean, Mio and Maria don't know me well and the opposite is true too. I think we could a-also agree that we are re-"
"You are not." A very unhelpful Rizevim jumped in with a happy smile. "Pops had a special genetic composition after turning in a Devil, his intention was to avoid… these cases from happening."
"But you are also bringing up some good points, you three have been together for just a month. I think it would be best to wait a year or so." The woman admitted. "But I want just one thing already, something that I think it's a reward for having taken care of the girls."
She smiled and pulled me in an… embrace. I could feel heaven.
"Call me Auntie."
I nodded in the hug and replied a little muffled. "O-Okay… Auntie."
She tightened her hold, giving me a squeeze before letting go with a small smile on her face.
"Brat, your luck is just insane." Azazel commented flatly.
"If only we weren't related..." Rizevim mournfully added.
"I'm besieged by utter morons..." Euclid concluded with a dry tone.
"A-Auntie! Y-You shouldn't hug people without their permission-"
"And why not, Queen?" A familiar giggle froze her stuck as another redhead peeked over Mio's shoulder. "I think it's more than natural for family to hug!"
Nanika walked forward to the confused-looking Sapphire and smiled. "Auntie! Can you hug me too-GAH, WHY!"
Shiranai shook his head as he retracted his cane.
This sure was going to be an insane alliance… for sure.
So there is some explanation about what is going on and…
This timeline is wrong too? What the heck is writing those scripts?
*Looks at the mirror * Oh right…
Well, that was a short one. I don't want to spoil people with long chapters as there are little response to those.
Also, can someone explain why so little reaction to previous chapter? Was it good or bad?
Lastly, this chapter was safely corrected with Grammarly non-premium, same with the previous one, so there aren't that many grammar errors...
P.S. Chapter in SV will arrive... quite later than usual. It seems I've received a 72-hours long infraction for... trolling?
Future milestone 1: 900 Followers and Favorites.