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I wonder if there might be "non-alpha" Martian life that might have energy manipulation powers to some extent like the effects of things like Superman's breath, vision, and other powers. For that matter, maybe if there were the Martian equivalent of things like electric fish, jellyfish, spiders, angler fish, and other creatures with weird abilities. If not, maybe when he gets to Earth he can be a mad scientist biologist. He might want to check if he can acquire magical abilities of creatures if this DC universe has something like dragons and other magical creatures.

Would he be able to share his abilities with his bioship and Megan? Maybe he can check if the bioship might have its own paths for getting abilities like getting more standard science fiction space ship tropes with sensors, force fields, energy weapons, missiles, and so forth and how to unlock such abilities.
So does a dessert world have ALL desserts or do they specialize?

Loving the story, but it could definitely use an editor.

Its mars The entire surface of the planet is desert, but there are multiple different biomes underground.

And I do not have an editor only Grammarly so don't expect much in the way of high-quality writing, but !ll do my best!
For that matter, maybe if there were the Martian equivalent of things like electric fish, jellyfish, spiders, angler fish, and other creatures with weird abilities.
About the only place you'd find water-bound critters on Mars would be in the liquid water beneath Mars' South Polar Ice Caps (to quote the scientific findings ..about the presence of water there, not shapeshifting critters) or by having said critters being adapted to survive in the ice itself or its immediate surrounds.

Still though, there's probably additional subterranean water sources given the presence of the Martians themselves, (even if they were only created via application of psychic shape-shifter distillation-fuckery,) as water is shown to have a great many industrial uses, some of which would doubtless cross over in spite of the Martians more organic tech-base.

Point there being? There's probably at least some 'tamer' forms of wildlife being curated in some form of reservoir somewhere (, which the MC would probably need some form of permission to investigate,) while there's a decent chance of some 'hardier' (read: OhShitFuckWHY!!) lifeforms under said aforementioned Polar Cap, as it's been previously stated that there's a fair bit of rather terrifying wildlife roaming Mars' surface.

Personally though? I'm not too fussed, since I'm still busy just looking on in wonder as the MC enacts his plans to become the Burning Martian equivalent of Bear Grylls.
Their sun sucking powers come from their biology. Eye lasers here we come!

We already have Martian Vision. Its kinda weird but I think its just projecting what powers J'onn already has outward? Like it can cause shit to explode. So I figure it uses phasing to affect density quicker than other shit can handle. Kinda like Gambit's power.
Love EVERYTHING about this, I think Martians would be my favourite DC race, but their fire "weakness" and the fact that they just don't seem to use their Telekinesis much (which is my FAVOURITE power) kinda lowers their standing with me.

So it'll be cool to see a MC actually training and experimenting to change those things and the fact he doesn't want to play Hero is awesome, while I have nothing against them, traveling around, having fun and exploring your powers just seems better to me and if you have an even SEMI-DECENT level of Telekinetic power/control you don't really need a lot of other things, just look at what characters like Manchester Black and Tatsumaki can do!

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