Episode 22: Scent of a Weasel
Flightless Man
Versed in the lewd.
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Episode 22: Scent of a Weasel
Eugene waits with baited breath for the news to finish it's update on the fruit crisis in Angel Grove, only letting it out in relief when the anchor finally reports on Emma's falcon releasing a spray to dissolve the pollen cloud. "I knew you guys could do it!" Didn't think it would take you three days though.
Hopping to his feet in now excellent cheer, he dances into kitchen of the house paid for by the richer members of the team. Chip is ignoring his oatmeal to instead focus on speaking to his rope dart weapon. His voice is a gentle whisper meant to coax a sleeping spirit to life, but this only makes Vida and Xander giggle more behind him.
"Not helping you two," Hisses the Kirin Ranger in annoyance, but doesn't look away from his task. "Go watch TV with Eugene, or better yet… you could try reaching your own weapons."
Vida snorts at that idea. "No thanks. He's still got it glued to the California news, checking in on his girlfriend."
"Not my girlfriend anymore and TV's free now, sorry for hogging it." Making the trio jump in surprise when he chimes in, Eugene steals the uneaten food before it goes cold.
"Well you seem pretty invested in making sure you bring her sister back in one piece, so she must be pretty special if you're still this hung up on her Mate." Patting him on the back in commiseration, Xander steals the orange juice from Chip.
She is. Wincing at his lifetime of screw ups, Eugene uses the excuse of eating to escape responding. Vida shushes them needlessly when her phone morpher goes off, either Nick or Maddison trying to get a hold of her.
"V here, what's going on?"
Her sister's panicked voice comes through a moment later. "A new Insectoid showed up and she stung Nick." Panting comes intermittently, informing everyone that she's running after or from someone. "He and all the guys she stung are following after her like drones."
"We're on our way." Vida urges the guys to get ready, her fierce glare makes sure none argue.
"I could use some help." Groans the blue Pegasus Ranger as she's forced back again. "Every time I try and get close they swarm me. I don't really want to hurt anyone of them, they're all being controlled by this Beezara."
Jumping over the whip, Vida growls when the green ranger switches sides. "Of course Xander falls for the man controlling monster!" When he dashes for her with both fists swinging, she counters with a smirk. I have wanted to hit him for a while though, so maybe this isn't all bad.
"Kind of got my hands full with Nick over here!" Her sister retorts as Nick is very liberal with his Qi blasts, putting craters in the dig site with every miss.
"Make sue she doesn't sting either of you!" Vida roars at the white and yellow ranger.
Eugene barely avoids a stinger in his back when Saba leaps from his hand to parry the blow. Maybe the whole talking weapon thing isn't so stupid? Narrowing her eyes at Xander's next attack, Vida is forced to avoid a pair of green Qi beams.
He keeps his attack going as a constant drilling force, not letting Vida get close enough to stop the assault. Forced to evade until he changes tactics or exhausts himself, she doesn't see Beezara dash for Chip.
When the Insectoid flies straight towards him, Chip knows he can't afford to get hit even once. I'm not fast enough! He realizes in horror, when she gracefully avoids each of his frantic blasts. "Come on Gion, we can't let her break our spirit!"
Chip reacts to slow, but his weapon moves like lightning. The cable glows with electricity and the dart shoots forward, clashing with each of Beezara's stabs just in time to save himself. Each successful parry by Gion breaks on of the monster's nails, soon leaving her with none left to gather more minions.
"Look what you've done!" She shrieks in rage holding her claws up for his examination, only to yelp when the glowing cable shocks her.
The dart hovers angrily in the air, vibrating with barely contained energy at the end of it's leash. What sounds almost like the bleating of a giraffe comes from his weapon, the cable remaining in the air around Beezara like an electric fence.
"It worked..." Gasps Eugene in disbelief. I was only screwing with him as a distraction.
"Fry that bug!" Maddison's yell snaps Chip from his amazement.
Narrowing his eyes with focus, Chip can feel the sentient if beastial spirit respond to his thoughts. It reverses directions and snaps the wire closes, carving the monster queen bee into crispy chunks.
Panting with exertion he looks around the dig site, happy to see all the men snapping free from Beezara's control. One Xander's Qi beams carved a trench in the dirt, exposing a massive silver bone.
"What is that?" He draws the others attention towards the object only half revealed and still three times his size.
Lord Havoc cackles as his fleet lays waste to the last remnants of Denzi's defenses. He expected the rangers to actually pose a challenge, but none even showed themselves after the humiliating loss of a first battle.
As Provinces swear allegiance to him by the dozen, he can only hope Divatox has yet to accomplish her own task. She may be one of Vile's new favorites, but that doesn't make her anymore competent. He scoffs at even being worried she might succeed before him.
"Lord Havoc, we're detecting a massive build up of energy from the North Pole of Denzi." A technician warns him with a startled yell. "It's pointed our way and the power is already off the charts!"
"Raise shields and brace for impact." Remaining calm, Lord Havoc narrows his eyes at the sight of a five colored beam streaking towards his fleet.
When it strikes the first hundred ships, they vanish before anyone has a chance to blink. The beam continues as if the shields only gave it even more energy. It crashes into his flagship and the shields don't even flicker, they just never existed in the face of the power disintegrating Lord Havoc.
Cascading outwards from the beam, the five colors of energy wash over the fleet and leaves only seven ships capable of space travel. The regions of Denzi that had surrendered tear down the false flag of Havoc and raise their own in celebration.
The beam of energy continues through space and is so dense it warps the very fabric of time. A traveler heading the same direction, only thirty two years in the future is caught in the beams wake. The pilot of the craft designed for a single agent is pulled backwards in time and is carried to Earth with the Denzi Star beam.
The time displaced agent of the SPD is slower than the beam, which somehow causes him to crash land on Earth seven years before the beam ever left.
In the room being used for Tommy Oliver's medical care, Angela Fairweather slips in the change his IV. When she finds him alert and sitting up in bed a feeling of joy fills her, only to be forced from her body a second later.
Tommy shifts in his bed and she can see the small lizard on his shoulder, one of the many roaming the area. Must have snuck in when someone opened the window to air the room out. The small lizard is not what makes her blood run cold however, that would be caused by Tommy himself.
His body – apart from his head – is covered in dark green scales with a slight pattern of black intermingled, but they are only visible in the direct light. Now with slit red eyes and an extended jaw filled with sharp teeth, Tommy's voice is barely recognizable as more than a hiss.
"You are the one who cared for me?" He twitches with each word, a red crest on his head is now clearly visible against the paleness of the albino scales around his face. Coming to a stop beside the terrified Angela, his tongue darts out to lick her cheek.
"Yes… it was me, once we got you away from Mercer that is." Trying not to stutter, Angela reaches for a sedative filled syringe.
Before she can use it on the reptilian teen, he grabs her wrists and almost purrs. "How thoughtful of you, this will make transportation much easier." He jerks her arms to he side and Angela can feel the sedative immediately take effect.
"Now I need to find Mercer, get myself some proper revenge." Tommy carefully lifts the nearly unconscious Angela and leaps out the window. When he lands in the grass, his tongue darts out to taste the air.
"You really need a shower Mercer," Giggles the rage filled teen. "I can smell you from here." Dashing down the hill towards Angel Grove, Tommy moves at speeds he's only seen at a racetrack.
Making sure no one followed was easy, the rangers left once his house was ablaze. Some heroes they are, I can't believe my dad was actually right about them. He kicks a rocks and it bounces of the door to his dads secret lab.
"Dad it's me." Trent desperately hopes his dad is inside and uses the intercom. "The Power Rangers attacked the house and I have no idea what to do now."
"This was predetermined information, I warned you not to stay at home." His dad chides him, but does unlock the five inch thick steel door. "Hurry up and shut the door, my work is very fragile right now."
"What are you working on now?" Wondering out loud, Trent descends the stairs into the abandoned missile silo being used by his dad. "Got new ideas for those Android plans, or are you trying something new?"
"Come see, I think you'll be impressed with how close this batch is to completion." His dad's voice is filled with arrogance, which makes Trent roll his eyes.
When he does finally reach to main level and enters the lab, his mouth goes slack. "What are you doing to them!"
He recognizes a few kids from school strapped to surgical tables and hooked up with a bunch of tubes. Connor something and Ethan James he barely knows, but Kira Ford was who he intended on asking to the dance.
Cassidy Cornell and her cameraman Devon are also strapped down, but he only recognizes them from the footage of the Green Ranger's first fight as a hero. The final two people he's never seen before, but the Silver Guardian maintenance uniforms make him feel dread. Ben and Betty?
"Making sure humans endure whatever space can throw at us, because I don't know if you're aware… but we're in the middle of an invasion." His dad growls from his desk. "So I'm making sure you have some friends who can keep up with you."
Keep up with me, what did you already do to me? Trent's heart hammers in his chest as he realizes that just maybe… the Power Rangers aren't the bad guys.
"And those two just annoyed me, so I tested the new serum on them first." He waves a dismissive hand towards the Burkes.
"Who followed you?" His dad hisses when alarms start blaring.
"No one!" Trent defends himself, because of how long it actually took him to arrive. "I spent three days making sure."
His dad slams both hands on his desk and roars back. "Well clearly someone did, now I'm going to lose everything again!"
Something fast slams into him from behind and sends Trent sprawling across the cold concrete floor. Two clawed feet step into his field of vision and the voice hisses out a mocking response.
"Don't blame the boy, you should know I couldn't track him by smell."
So you did do something to me! Trent doesn't get to feel proud of being right, too focused on trying to draw breath at the moment.
"I just need you to give my nurse here a dose and we'll be going." Mocks Mesogog. "Since these two annoy you so much, I'll have them keep you in line."
"But my research!"
Mesogog pins his farther against the wall with a single hand and traces a claw beneath his eye with the other. "Don't worry, if you're a good boy I'll let you keep playing scientist. We can seal this place up like a time capsule and everything will still be here when I'm done."
"How long can humans go without food or water?" The monster asks with casual interest.
"Three days with no water, three weeks with no food." Anton Mercer chokes out.
Cruel snickering comes from Mesogog and he drops Mercer in his amusement. "Well I hope you have supplies for your son's friends, because I'm going to need your services for far longer than that."
Hopping to his feet in now excellent cheer, he dances into kitchen of the house paid for by the richer members of the team. Chip is ignoring his oatmeal to instead focus on speaking to his rope dart weapon. His voice is a gentle whisper meant to coax a sleeping spirit to life, but this only makes Vida and Xander giggle more behind him.
"Not helping you two," Hisses the Kirin Ranger in annoyance, but doesn't look away from his task. "Go watch TV with Eugene, or better yet… you could try reaching your own weapons."
Vida snorts at that idea. "No thanks. He's still got it glued to the California news, checking in on his girlfriend."
"Not my girlfriend anymore and TV's free now, sorry for hogging it." Making the trio jump in surprise when he chimes in, Eugene steals the uneaten food before it goes cold.
"Well you seem pretty invested in making sure you bring her sister back in one piece, so she must be pretty special if you're still this hung up on her Mate." Patting him on the back in commiseration, Xander steals the orange juice from Chip.
She is. Wincing at his lifetime of screw ups, Eugene uses the excuse of eating to escape responding. Vida shushes them needlessly when her phone morpher goes off, either Nick or Maddison trying to get a hold of her.
"V here, what's going on?"
Her sister's panicked voice comes through a moment later. "A new Insectoid showed up and she stung Nick." Panting comes intermittently, informing everyone that she's running after or from someone. "He and all the guys she stung are following after her like drones."
"We're on our way." Vida urges the guys to get ready, her fierce glare makes sure none argue.
"I could use some help." Groans the blue Pegasus Ranger as she's forced back again. "Every time I try and get close they swarm me. I don't really want to hurt anyone of them, they're all being controlled by this Beezara."
Jumping over the whip, Vida growls when the green ranger switches sides. "Of course Xander falls for the man controlling monster!" When he dashes for her with both fists swinging, she counters with a smirk. I have wanted to hit him for a while though, so maybe this isn't all bad.
"Kind of got my hands full with Nick over here!" Her sister retorts as Nick is very liberal with his Qi blasts, putting craters in the dig site with every miss.
"Make sue she doesn't sting either of you!" Vida roars at the white and yellow ranger.
Eugene barely avoids a stinger in his back when Saba leaps from his hand to parry the blow. Maybe the whole talking weapon thing isn't so stupid? Narrowing her eyes at Xander's next attack, Vida is forced to avoid a pair of green Qi beams.
He keeps his attack going as a constant drilling force, not letting Vida get close enough to stop the assault. Forced to evade until he changes tactics or exhausts himself, she doesn't see Beezara dash for Chip.
When the Insectoid flies straight towards him, Chip knows he can't afford to get hit even once. I'm not fast enough! He realizes in horror, when she gracefully avoids each of his frantic blasts. "Come on Gion, we can't let her break our spirit!"
Chip reacts to slow, but his weapon moves like lightning. The cable glows with electricity and the dart shoots forward, clashing with each of Beezara's stabs just in time to save himself. Each successful parry by Gion breaks on of the monster's nails, soon leaving her with none left to gather more minions.
"Look what you've done!" She shrieks in rage holding her claws up for his examination, only to yelp when the glowing cable shocks her.
The dart hovers angrily in the air, vibrating with barely contained energy at the end of it's leash. What sounds almost like the bleating of a giraffe comes from his weapon, the cable remaining in the air around Beezara like an electric fence.
"It worked..." Gasps Eugene in disbelief. I was only screwing with him as a distraction.
"Fry that bug!" Maddison's yell snaps Chip from his amazement.
Narrowing his eyes with focus, Chip can feel the sentient if beastial spirit respond to his thoughts. It reverses directions and snaps the wire closes, carving the monster queen bee into crispy chunks.
Panting with exertion he looks around the dig site, happy to see all the men snapping free from Beezara's control. One Xander's Qi beams carved a trench in the dirt, exposing a massive silver bone.
"What is that?" He draws the others attention towards the object only half revealed and still three times his size.
Lord Havoc cackles as his fleet lays waste to the last remnants of Denzi's defenses. He expected the rangers to actually pose a challenge, but none even showed themselves after the humiliating loss of a first battle.
As Provinces swear allegiance to him by the dozen, he can only hope Divatox has yet to accomplish her own task. She may be one of Vile's new favorites, but that doesn't make her anymore competent. He scoffs at even being worried she might succeed before him.
"Lord Havoc, we're detecting a massive build up of energy from the North Pole of Denzi." A technician warns him with a startled yell. "It's pointed our way and the power is already off the charts!"
"Raise shields and brace for impact." Remaining calm, Lord Havoc narrows his eyes at the sight of a five colored beam streaking towards his fleet.
When it strikes the first hundred ships, they vanish before anyone has a chance to blink. The beam continues as if the shields only gave it even more energy. It crashes into his flagship and the shields don't even flicker, they just never existed in the face of the power disintegrating Lord Havoc.
Cascading outwards from the beam, the five colors of energy wash over the fleet and leaves only seven ships capable of space travel. The regions of Denzi that had surrendered tear down the false flag of Havoc and raise their own in celebration.
The beam of energy continues through space and is so dense it warps the very fabric of time. A traveler heading the same direction, only thirty two years in the future is caught in the beams wake. The pilot of the craft designed for a single agent is pulled backwards in time and is carried to Earth with the Denzi Star beam.
The time displaced agent of the SPD is slower than the beam, which somehow causes him to crash land on Earth seven years before the beam ever left.
In the room being used for Tommy Oliver's medical care, Angela Fairweather slips in the change his IV. When she finds him alert and sitting up in bed a feeling of joy fills her, only to be forced from her body a second later.
Tommy shifts in his bed and she can see the small lizard on his shoulder, one of the many roaming the area. Must have snuck in when someone opened the window to air the room out. The small lizard is not what makes her blood run cold however, that would be caused by Tommy himself.
His body – apart from his head – is covered in dark green scales with a slight pattern of black intermingled, but they are only visible in the direct light. Now with slit red eyes and an extended jaw filled with sharp teeth, Tommy's voice is barely recognizable as more than a hiss.
"You are the one who cared for me?" He twitches with each word, a red crest on his head is now clearly visible against the paleness of the albino scales around his face. Coming to a stop beside the terrified Angela, his tongue darts out to lick her cheek.
"Yes… it was me, once we got you away from Mercer that is." Trying not to stutter, Angela reaches for a sedative filled syringe.
Before she can use it on the reptilian teen, he grabs her wrists and almost purrs. "How thoughtful of you, this will make transportation much easier." He jerks her arms to he side and Angela can feel the sedative immediately take effect.
"Now I need to find Mercer, get myself some proper revenge." Tommy carefully lifts the nearly unconscious Angela and leaps out the window. When he lands in the grass, his tongue darts out to taste the air.
"You really need a shower Mercer," Giggles the rage filled teen. "I can smell you from here." Dashing down the hill towards Angel Grove, Tommy moves at speeds he's only seen at a racetrack.
Making sure no one followed was easy, the rangers left once his house was ablaze. Some heroes they are, I can't believe my dad was actually right about them. He kicks a rocks and it bounces of the door to his dads secret lab.
"Dad it's me." Trent desperately hopes his dad is inside and uses the intercom. "The Power Rangers attacked the house and I have no idea what to do now."
"This was predetermined information, I warned you not to stay at home." His dad chides him, but does unlock the five inch thick steel door. "Hurry up and shut the door, my work is very fragile right now."
"What are you working on now?" Wondering out loud, Trent descends the stairs into the abandoned missile silo being used by his dad. "Got new ideas for those Android plans, or are you trying something new?"
"Come see, I think you'll be impressed with how close this batch is to completion." His dad's voice is filled with arrogance, which makes Trent roll his eyes.
When he does finally reach to main level and enters the lab, his mouth goes slack. "What are you doing to them!"
He recognizes a few kids from school strapped to surgical tables and hooked up with a bunch of tubes. Connor something and Ethan James he barely knows, but Kira Ford was who he intended on asking to the dance.
Cassidy Cornell and her cameraman Devon are also strapped down, but he only recognizes them from the footage of the Green Ranger's first fight as a hero. The final two people he's never seen before, but the Silver Guardian maintenance uniforms make him feel dread. Ben and Betty?
"Making sure humans endure whatever space can throw at us, because I don't know if you're aware… but we're in the middle of an invasion." His dad growls from his desk. "So I'm making sure you have some friends who can keep up with you."
Keep up with me, what did you already do to me? Trent's heart hammers in his chest as he realizes that just maybe… the Power Rangers aren't the bad guys.
"And those two just annoyed me, so I tested the new serum on them first." He waves a dismissive hand towards the Burkes.
"Who followed you?" His dad hisses when alarms start blaring.
"No one!" Trent defends himself, because of how long it actually took him to arrive. "I spent three days making sure."
His dad slams both hands on his desk and roars back. "Well clearly someone did, now I'm going to lose everything again!"
Something fast slams into him from behind and sends Trent sprawling across the cold concrete floor. Two clawed feet step into his field of vision and the voice hisses out a mocking response.
"Don't blame the boy, you should know I couldn't track him by smell."
So you did do something to me! Trent doesn't get to feel proud of being right, too focused on trying to draw breath at the moment.
"I just need you to give my nurse here a dose and we'll be going." Mocks Mesogog. "Since these two annoy you so much, I'll have them keep you in line."
"But my research!"
Mesogog pins his farther against the wall with a single hand and traces a claw beneath his eye with the other. "Don't worry, if you're a good boy I'll let you keep playing scientist. We can seal this place up like a time capsule and everything will still be here when I'm done."
"How long can humans go without food or water?" The monster asks with casual interest.
"Three days with no water, three weeks with no food." Anton Mercer chokes out.
Cruel snickering comes from Mesogog and he drops Mercer in his amusement. "Well I hope you have supplies for your son's friends, because I'm going to need your services for far longer than that."