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This Is gonna be terrifying, prepare to shit your pants


Ophis was having a tough day...

Pink Panda Priestess

Official Red Panda
Nov 6, 2020
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This Is gonna be terrifying, prepare to shit your pants


Ophis was having a tough day, her long Black hair that reaches her cute butt, her small breasts only covered by a line of tape and everything else barely covered by a purple dress

Ophis takes a look and across the way Great Red is doing flips in HER space

"Tch, Baka Red, Leave my home alone you asshole!" Ophis shouts in impending rage as she releases a dark aura of her power

Great Red looks her way as they enter a staring contest….before suddenly they're shaken by the sound of what sounds like someone pounding on polished wood

Both Ophis and Great Red look over to see a wooden door appeared

*knock, knock* "hello! This is the IRS, you owe us money" the strangely horrifying voice yells, Both Great Red and Ophis shake in terror at the horror they're witnessing

As the wooden door opens only to show totally darkness, it even seems to be absorbing all light as parts of the dimensional gap turn gray

"Hey, go back to Earth you stupid human" Great Red shouts a slight sheen of sweat on his draconian face before suddenly he doubles over as 2 Red eyes appear in the doorway and glare in his direction before suddenly *plop* Great Red is erased from existence

Ophis is sweating horribly now her outfit drenched as she shakes in terror as a Large shadowy hand reaches out of the door way and slowly pulling itself out

"The IRS always gets what's owed to them" the voice made from what sounds like the souls of a trillion victims all echoing out in their horror and begging to be saved bit no one can

The last thing heard in the dimensional gap is Ophis's heart wrenching scream before everything goes black and she's never seen again.



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