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Of Ice and Men (Young Justice. Icicle Junior SI.)

Location of Team's base.

  • Missile Silo in Nebraska

    Votes: 46 42.2%
  • Ski Lodge in Colarado

    Votes: 23 21.1%
  • Lighthouse in Hawaii

    Votes: 28 25.7%
  • Ranch in Texas

    Votes: 19 17.4%
  • Summer Camp in Michigin

    Votes: 12 11.0%
  • Junkyard in Washington

    Votes: 17 15.6%
  • Rundown Hotel in North Carolina

    Votes: 17 15.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Well, dear Glenn will soon enough become the heroic example of The Penguin--the former supervillain must feel so proud of him! :V
He does keep bringing back a lot of foreign investment opprotunities. Oswald is very pleased with how little effort he really needs to spend on Glenn for the payout.
Interlude 32: Ticking Time Bomb
Interlude 32: Ticking Time Bomb
Infinity Island
November 12, 6:31 PM ECT

Waiting beside the dismantled bomb, an incredibly Silver Scarab tries not to think about all the treaties being broken right now. We're here to minimize damage, not take part in the assault.

Ted's eyes dart to the doorway and the pair emerging from the shadows. "You found her I see. Talia give you much trouble?"

"Less than the others are facing against her father." Batman has the woman's arms bound behind her back, escorting a strangely excited middle eastern woman.

"You finally decided to take over," Almost purring with pride, Talia presses her body against the Dark Knight's own. "I was starting to fear this day would never come."

Silver Scarab scratches his chin with confusion at the words. "What are you talking about? Sub-Zero is the one who planned all of this."

"You don't need to keep lying to me. You may not be able to get your hands dirty..." Talia smirks at Batman's clenched jaw. "But once your minions finish with Father, we can rule like we have always been meant to."

"I'm really not the one who planned this." Clearly annoyed at having to repeat himself, Batman tries one more time. "Sub-Zero just offered me the chance to extract you during his attack and since Infinity Island is a sovereign island with no League treaties..."

As her smirk is replaced by concern for her father, Talia finally seems to accept the truth. "You're going to let him."

"If we interfere today, the League will only face more restrictions in the new year." Agrees Batman, chairman of the Justice League. "But Bruce Wayne has offered you asylum and the League will not pursue you further if you accept."

"And the bomb is to hide any evidence of Justice League involvement?" The recently orphaned woman focuses on the explosive.

"The bomb was so Sub-Zero didn't try making his own," Corrects a smirking Silver Scarab. "He's creative enough to figure out a way to sink the island. So I was asked to make him think it was already covered."

Talia can only shake her head at the claim. "Still seems a little too obvious with the imperialism, at least for supposed super heroes."

"You find your target yet Chief?" The voice of Sub-Zero crackles out from Ted's radio. "Because the exorcism is done once I dispose of the feet."

"Mission accomplished," Confirms Batman with the barest hint of relief in his voice. "Meet us back at the ship."

"I told Father to bring Makhent in for reprogramming once the boy went off script. He's given us more problems than the other sleeper agent gave you." Talia's face flashes between rage and guilt as she processes her father's apparent death.

"Other?" Gasps a very worried Ted.

Batman tightens his grip on Talia's wrist and hisses into her ear. "Explain."

"I have no idea who." She doesn't seem to mind the pain, leering at Batman's dominant attitude. "But Father told me one of the sidekicks had been indoctrinated a while ago."

Mission Silo, Nebraska
November 12, 6:31 PM CST

Wally drags his feet as he enters the base, the wide smile a stark contrast with his clear exhaustion. The few still present exchange intrigued looks, with Robin the one to take the bait.

"I'm going to assume the surgery was a success." The acrobat lifts only his head from the couch. "Otherwise that smile is horribly out of place."

"I finally know what I want to do with my life." Sonic plops down beside his girlfriend and throws an arm over her shoulder.

She snuggles in close and tries not to fall back asleep before Wally shares his revelation. "We kind thought you'd have gotten back a while ago."

"After I finished the transplant, I realized the hospital had no one looking after any of the kids." The speedster pulls off his blue and silver cowl, shaking out his sweat matted ginger locks. "So I pretty much spent the whole day in the maternity ward."

"Sorry to break the news..." Artemis raises an eyebrow from her place in the rocking chair, the one she claimed all the way back on the first day in the base. "But you're never going to be able to give birth."

Throwing a pillow at his half Vietnamese friend, Wally is quick to clarify. "I do want kids one day. But that's not what I meant." He leans forward and seems somewhat rejuvenated by the topic. "After everything went back to normal, the doctors told me how Queen Perdita's transplant went."

"Are you going to tell us?" A proud Kaldur runs a hand along his buzzed blonde hair.

"Doing it under three heartbeats, means I didn't even need a single blood transfusion." Wally isn't ashamed to brag about this one. "Glenn and I have both been invited to visit the Queen once she recovers."

"You did the surgery." Blinking at the news, Megan tries to understand the specifics. "But why is Glenn getting an invitation?"

Artemis is the one to answer, saving Wally from having to downplay his own accomplishment. "He owns the rights to the organs and is the one who got Viktor working on more."

"Exactly," Agrees the speedster from Central City as he finally gets his boots off. "The Queen even wants to offer Freeze a work release program. Complete funding of his research and dozens of employees to mass produce the artificial organs."

"Did you see the Challengers of the Unknown on the news?" Megan asks for everyone, knowing Wally is going to be needed to talk to his brother.

"I saw Adonis." With a very uncharacteristic glare, Wally saves her from needing to explain. "How is Kirk doing?"

"He's really not happy that this guy can fly without a magic cape," Admits Dick Grayson with a wry grin. "I'm more concerned about the possibility of even more clones we missed at Cadmus."

Aqualad raises his own concern with the new teen team and the Atlantean Wyynde. "It's Reef that concerns me. He was one of the drop outs and so far the only one who has been seen again."​
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Sub Zero won't be happy that the island won't be blown the fuck up with their own explosive, and Batman and the other members of the Pajama Brigade won't be happy to hear that one of the sidekicks is an indoctrinated pawn. :p
I was kind of surprised no one called me out on Batman/Ted Kord, setting a bomb on an island nation. It does have lots of regular people living on it.

Young Justice really isn't going to like going through all those tests to find out who.
I was kind of surprised no one called me out on Batman/Ted Kord, setting a bomb on an island nation. It does have lots of regular people living on it.

Young Justice really isn't going to like going through all those tests to find out who.
What makes me scratch my head is why they got in trouble with Santa Prisca which is recognized by no one, it is a literal no man's land and a drug den with corrupt leadership despite Bane's influence to curb that somehow.

If anything, not being recognized seems like the ideal place to 'practice dangerous operations' without the UN breathing down their necks! :V

And no, I doubt the YJ will like said tests ... nor who really was their first leader. :p
Wally performing heart surgery. With no medical training.

…You know what, if there are doctors standing by , who explained the physical steps of the surgery beforehand, I can swallow that situation. Comic book logic on display, but not terrible. The doctors can fix anything he messed up.

Still seems odd that M'gann is his girlfriend. Speaking of Artemis, she has the suit on fulltime, right? She can't power down? Or did you drop that plot point down to "she can't remove the scarab from her back." Well, her and Paula.
What makes me scratch my head is why they got in trouble with Santa Prisca which is recognized by no one, it is a literal no man's land and a drug den with corrupt leadership despite Bane's influence to curb that somehow.

If anything, not being recognized seems like the ideal place to 'practice dangerous operations' without the UN breathing down their necks! :V

And no, I doubt the YJ will like said tests ... nor who really was their first leader. :p
Santa Prisca in Young Justice seems to have about a million people living on the island. So it must not be as lawless as it is usually.

They are going to be livid when they learn what Guardian's new job is.

Wally performing heart surgery. With no medical training.
…You know what, if there are doctors standing by , who explained the physical steps of the surgery beforehand, I can swallow that situation. Comic book logic on display, but not terrible. The doctors can fix anything he messed up.

Still seems odd that M'gann is his girlfriend.

Speaking of Artemis, she has the suit on fulltime, right? She can't power down? Or did you drop that plot point down to "she can't remove the scarab from her back." Well, her and Paula.
He's been getting pretty extensive emergency first aid(along with the rest of the team). But thinking back on it, I don't think I really made that clear enough (or at least didn't bring it up close enough to the surgery.). Viktor also recorded himself running explaining the process. It was definitly comic book logic on the leap from trauma first aid, to heart surgery though.

With Connor/Kirk put into the younger brother role and being thought of as 14 instead of 16 plus his "newness" being at the forefront of everyone's mind, Wally's flirting was her source of desperately needed acceptance. I just really don't like Superboy dating anyone in season 1 and with him off the table, I really think M;gann would have reciprocated the flirting.

Sort of. It's based on how safe each KHaji feels. The one on Artemis feels safe around her mom and most of her team (excluding Wally and Roy since both were absent for the battle Khaji was turned on for.). It also trusts Glenn, Tommy, and Tuppence since each was present.
Paula's really only feels safe around Artemis at the moment. Glenn is probably the next closest, but Khaji wouldn't lower more than his face plate around him at the moment. It's still pretty soon after the Klarion spell ended (only like 8 hours). So they haven't really discovered it yet.
Chapter 57: Cold My Hand
Chapter 57: Cold My Hand
Infinity Island
November 12, 8:04 PM ECT

Jade may have stopped trying to attack anything that moves. But she hasn't regained normal speech and is acting pretty much only on feral instinct.

"Are you sure you don't want us to stay?" Frowning at Paula who still hasn't retracted her armour, I remind her I don't have to rush off to Greenland now. "My schedule has suddenly opened up." Don't need to rush off to Greenland until you find out what Ra's was so interested in.

"I want Jade to have a few days at home to recover and I trust you to make sure that happens." She shakes her head a the knights finish boarding the spacecraft. "Besides, you and Tommy need to wrangle the Gotham cell for me. It's going to take years to get complete control, even with your friends' help."

Ratatouille puffs up his chest as the rats swarm up the ramp. "Charles and I will take care of the Shadows in France."

"Do you have Weather Wizard's number?" I only ask about him specifically, because I know he's been seen in public with Princess Harriet on several occasions.

"I'll have Godiva get in touch with him and his team," A very grim Batman hisses at me and even I can tell how stressed out he is right now. "But we need to leave. I have an investigation to begin." Guess Talia really gave him a hard time.

"Let me know when Jade remembers how to use her words?" I know Paula is going to tease me about what I said in the heat of the moment and am suddenly grateful for Batman's need to leave. "Has anyone every disintegrated your dad before?" Trying to get the attention of me, I draw it towards the glaring Talia.

She doesn't answer for long enough that I almost think she's ignoring me, only for her to finally snarl out a bitter response. "I believe that's a first."

"And hopefully the last." I pretend not to care, when her glare gets hot enough to make even me sweat.

"Stop antagonizing her," Warns Paula, her voice still muffled by the black and blue chitinous face plate.

Rolling my eyes before I turn to face her, I make sure to morph my expression into a neutral one. "Because that's not how good guys act?"

Ted snorts at me and clarifies. "Because Batman can't be watching her while he's flying and it only takes a few seconds to stab someone."

"... Oh." Blinking at the scientists grin, I'm forced to acknowledge a knife in my eye would be just as deadly as it would be for anyone else.

I get a quick explanation about the League not blowing islands up unless it's absolutely necessary, when I ask about the bomb that hasn't moved. He even volunteers to act as the League liaison to Infinity Island, since Silver Scarab has no attached history.

"Lady Shiva will begin training Jade when she recovers." Paula's mask finally retracts when Batman escorts Talia onto the ship, leaving only Ted and Jade with us. "So I need you to check in on her daughter."

"That doesn't sound too hard." Which probably means I'm going to end up fighting a dinosaur or something even crazier.

"And I kind of need you to make her another one of those swords." The smile she gives Ted, includes promises for things I don't want to even imagine.

"But I used almost all of my metal on the suit..." Silver Scarab starts to mutter a protest, only to silence himself when he sees her leering face. "Yeah, no problem. How many you want Darling?"

I know it was my idea in the first place. But I'm starting to have some serious doubts about how possible it's going to be.

"Do you really think you can turn the League of Shadows into bounty hunters?" I'm really starting to get worried about leaving Paula and Ted here and make sure she knows it.

Her face plate snaps back down and the voice that answers is a perfect replica for Ra's al Ghul. "They will listen. It will just take time to inform them all of the changes in operating standards."

"Can you try finding out what got Ra's interested in the other three sites he was sending me to?" I frown at the idea of what other horrors could waiting for the world.

Paula agrees and we make our farewells for now, with the instinct driven Jade following me closely ever since my show of dominance. Which really just highlights how big her daddy issues are and reminds me of my own deep seated ones.

"Sit still." Giving her a firm stare, buckle Jade in once she take a seat at my order. "This feels wrong on like..." I consider the specifics of what is making me uncomfortable. "Four levels." At least that many.

"Follow your own advice," Grunts Batman from the pilot's seat, very anxious to be back in Gotham and his computer.

"You can't give me a ticket Chief." I somehow manage to get my lips to shift into a smirk. "We're not in American airspace yet and definitely not in your jurisdiction."

He's not in the mood for games and corrects me. "The jokes gone on long enough. I'm not Commissioner Gordon and telling people I am is only going to get him hurt one day."

"You're welcome by the way," Talia butts in with a smirk directed at the back of Batman's head. "Father always respected you and didn't want the boy causing you problems. He still hoped you would come back to us."

"I already know one ghost." But I really don't want Ra's haunting me. "It's not impossible."

"People have claimed to kill my father before." Shrugging at my words, Talia rests a hand on Batman's tense shoulder. "I'll consider believing a mere boy pulled it off, when he doesn't return for his revenge on you in the next decade."

"If he does..." I try not to show the anxiety that possibility creates in me. "I'll just stick him on Pluto. This is a spaceship you know."

"And when he finds a way back?" She prods me with intrigue replacing her anger.

I got quite a few ideas from Young Justice, while I was waiting for the Shade's portal to appear at the silo. "Could ask Kyle to leave him floating around a black hole, or I could just get Danette to turn him into sand."​
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Chapter 58: Chill Your Guts
Chapter 58: Chill Your Guts
Gotham City
November 12, 10:43 PM EST

Batman doesn't bring us back to the Batcave with him, to my eternal disappointment. Instead he drops us off at Artemis' school and leaves us on the street outside Artemis' place.

The knights seem conflicted about how to feel about the revivals I provided. Most of them believe it was done from the kindness of my heart, or for the loyalty of service. But Sir de Mille is convinced it just means I'll never let any of them see Heaven.

"Can you ask him why an innocent knight full of virtue..." I trail off and give the shifty looking man and his pencil thin moustache an intrigued look. "Would ever need to fear the fires of Hell?"

"Uh..." Tommy blinks a few times and frowns. "I don't know enough of those words yet Boss."

Unable to be even slightly annoyed considering I'm still on the second page of my intro to French book, I try to think of something else that will work on the knights. "Tu es a moi." The armoured men shift uncomfortably at that and exchange nervous glances. "Froid pas chaud."

"Just get them back to the museum once we finish with the Cains." Oswald is giving me a discount on his security services for the night. "I'll check on the Cains once I hand over Jade to her sister." But it's still a ridiculous amount and I would prefer not to get charged for another whole hour.

Jade isn't growling at anything that moves anymore and is finally functioning above Gnarrk's level when the door swings open before us. Artemis is not impressed at her sister's condition and glares at me with crossed arms.

"Mom called and told me what happened." Her voice is barely holding back the worry. "It's really over now?"

"Some clean up while your mom takes over. But yeah, no more getting ordered around by a super villain for me or Jade." The elder sister perks up at her name and follows my pointed finger inside once Artemis steps aside.

Relief floods the youngest Crock's face as she lets the news finally sink in. "Dad's going to be pissed."

"His ex wife is his new boss and he doesn't know about the change in the Shadows' tactics." I smirk back at my shorter friend. "Lawrence is probably already restocking his toilet paper."

"What are you talking abo-" Artemis stops herself as she realizes I mean her dad will be shitting bricks. "Oh."

"I got one more thing to do tonight before I can crash." Knowing it's better if I don't give David a chance to try subverting the Gotham cell, I'm relieved when the taxis start arriving. "Jade might try giving you trouble at first. Just show her you're the boss and she'll calm down again."

Amusement fills Artemis' face and laughter pours out of her mouth. "I heard about the non consensual hand holding."

"Don't make me freeze the utensils before breakfast." Glaring down at the blonde who seems to have figured out how to retract her armour fully, I gleefully imagine the cursing that would come from it.

"That's a really good idea Khaji." She smiles wide as the alien machine whispers something. "We should assimilate some flame throwers."

Trying not to let the idea of a homicidal AI get to me, I flash a snarky grin back in response. "Ask Danette for the specs and you might actually have a chance."

"Khaji! That's rude," Artemis admonishes the voice in her head, a massive grin growing on her face. "Glenn's my friend. Don't call him names when you list all the ways you have to beat him."

A crash inside makes her dash off with a quick goodbye, her armour snapping back in place. Leaving me and the knights our assignment, I join them on the sidewalk. "Let's get this over with fast. I do want to sleep tonight."

It ends up being a pretty quiet walk, the French men still uncomfortable with how much power I seem to play with daily. All of them are very relieved to only watch the Cain residence from the outside.

Knowing those opinions will only change with time and exposure, I manage to shrug off most of the annoyance it brings. The neighborhood is middle class and nothing about the house screams assassin.

"Twenty minutes and you storm the place." When I give the order, Tommy doesn't even consider arguing.

"You got it." He nods with confidence. "Nobody will disturb you and Mister Cain."

My approach to the door starts of stiff and awkward. But it quickly turns into a determined march, my fist slamming down hard on the door.

It takes a few minutes for the light behind the door to flicker on and is soon followed by a gruff voice from behind the peephole. "What the hell do you want?"

"Lady Shiva sent me to do an inspection to make sure you're keeping up your side of the bargain." My response is growled out and is more than loud enough for David to hear me on the other side of his door. "And the Great One agreed. You know, since I'm taking over the Gotham cell."

The door swings open to reveal a muscular man in his forties, with dirty blonde hair pulled back into a ponytail. "I assume you have proof of this?"

He has at least a dozen visible weapons strapped to him and a rather larger hunting knife in one hand. Honestly, it's almost big enough to call the thing a short sword.

"Of course." Paula made sure to give me a recording and I hand over the disc. It's a little terrifying how Khaji was able to do recreate the voice of Ra's, with only the brief encounter in the cavern as a vocal sample.

"She's in the basement." David points to a door with more locks than my cell at Arkham had. "You will have nothing to complain about to her mother over. Everything is exactly as she instructed."

That sounds ominous and I hope I keep any reaction from my eyes. "Good. Join us when you are convinced of the Great One's words."

He tosses me the ring of keys and no further instruction. Making me waste even more time matching each one to the correct lock.

The door creaks open and I can see a dim light illuminating the room. Old wooden stairs are cracked in enough places that I'm worried about falling through them.

"Inspection!" David bellows before I have a chance to enter and gives me a nod. "She probably isn't going to try killing you now."

"Thanks..." My muttered response only draws a wry chuckle from the father I am rapidly growing to hate.

At the bottom of the stairs, I find the eight year old girl. She reminds me a lot of Jade actually and I have to blink a few times.

The long black hair and half Asian features bring me right back to Cameron's childhood and it's only the silence that shakes me out of it. "How are you Sandra?"

She doesn't respond to my attempt at forming a connection and only stares up at me. Her eyes shine with intelligence and watch me for the slightest movement. But none of my questions get more than her head shaking yes or no.

"Didn't Shiva tell you what the training entails?" David snorts, surprising me at how he was able to descend the stairs so silently. "Cassandra can't talk. It only got in the way of making her the deadliest women on Earth."

"The Great One no longer requires your services." Searing rage ignites inside me and I don't even try to control my response.

"What ar-" He doesn't finish his question, the words getting cut off when a spear of ice emerges from his chest.

"I will finish her training." I thought the Crocks and Cameron had shitty childhoods.

Cassandra isn't even being raised as a pet. She's a tool to kill Lady Shiva one day and nothing more.

"Do you have anything you want to bring?" If that's all Shiva wants... I'll give it to her myself.

The girl didn't react when I killed her father. She still stands at attention, waiting for her orders with perfect poise.

She observes me, her eyes taking in more about me than a hundred would with the same time. As the anxiety of her reacting poorly churns, I can feel my desire to help her grow.

I hold out my hand and treat her like a child for what I assume is the first time in her life. "My name is Glenn and I want to finish your training."

I'm not letting Shiva get her hands on you and Batman would probably try turning you into a sidekick. I'm going to have to handle this myself and I can already tell this means exposure to my greatest fear.

Twenty minutes have passed and the windows upstairs shatter, the knights charging to my rescue. The mute girl actually reacts to the sound and dashes past me. The stairs not creaking until I manage to give chase.

"Wait!" I try to let her know the knights work for me, only to manage the feat after she's got a pen pressed against Tommy's ear.

She saw he was the only one without a helmet and went straight for the apparent leader. Making me explain the situation as fast as I can. Her eyes are locked on my body the whole time and she only lets go of Tommy when she's convinced by something she sees.

"Thanks Boss." Tommy rubs at the blue spot on his face and watches Cassandra with terror in his eyes. "I guess this is the girl?"

"Yeah and I'm-" The girl takes the hand I had offered earlier and I try not to let how startled I am show. "... Bringing her home with me." Megan is the best person to get actual answers and Artemis can have her here in the morning.

"You uh..." Tommy points at my chest. "Got some blood on you Boss."

Oh yeah. "Thanks for the reminder. I need to call the Commissioner and tell him this was self defence." Considering how many weapons the body has on it, I'm really hoping it gets believed.

Notes: Tu es a moi = You are mine.
Fraud pas chaud. = Cold not hot.​
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Chapter 59: Exfrosted
Chapter 59: Exfrosted
Gotham City
November 13, 6:31 AM EST

It takes far less time to get Cassandra and myself out of trouble than I had expected. But when Bullock found all the explosives, my story of self defence saved me a trip to the station. David Cain being wanted in seven countries, that probably helped a bit.

Tommy actually argued with me when I told him and the boys to skedaddle down to my gallery. Insisted I already had Jade to deal with and he could sleep on my couch. Which is how I ended up with him and Sandra playing video games on mute, while I kept myself busy in the kitchen.

I've been too anxious about Nora's reaction to join the pair, instead I use up all of Paula's milk making ice cream. Will have to pick up some cocoa powder and caramel syrup too.

"You're up early." Artemis rub the sleep out of her eyes, while an embarrassed Jade looks anywhere but at my face.

"Couldn't sleep." I relax a little bit, when Nora doesn't also appear out of nowhere. "The check in on the Cains, got a little complicated." First time I killed someone on purpose and I'm honestly terrified of the nightmares.

Snorting at my understatement, Artemis notices the pair on the couch. "Who's the girl?"

The game has been paused and both are watching with wide eyes. Tommy with an amused grin. While beside him, the eight year old has a wary expression.

"Cassandra Cain. Raised by a bigger piece of shit, than all three of our fathers combined." I include Tommy's late father in the insult and both sisters gain sympathetic expressions. "She can't talk or write." That has the sympathy replaced with fury. "So I need you to give your friend Alf a call and ask if she can take a peak in her head."

It takes Artemis a few seconds to realize I mean Megan and she groans. "Alf? Really?"

"I'm not calling her Miss Martian unless she wins a beauty pageant." I really don't like that codename.

"I can ask." Artemis doesn't even put up a token argument, reaching for her phone at once. "You want her here any specific time?"

"Soon as possible." I need to know how bad I should feel for killing David.

While the younger Crock is focused on her text, Jade finally turns to face me directly. "Are you bringing her to Lady Shiva?"

"Tell Shiva that Sandra is fine and she can see her once she finishes your training." The growl that escapes my throat, surprises even me. "If she has a problem with the new terms..." I have to take a deep breath to stop myself from snarling. "Tell her David's training was subpar and his corpse proves it."

Shiva comes across like a more capable Lawrence Crock. And in my experience with those kinds of people, they only care about results.

"You killed him?" Artemis gasps at the news, while Jade's eyes shine with approval.

"And I already dealt with the cops." Nodding stiffly, I hand each sister one a bowl of the newest batch. "So stop giving yourself wrinkles and eat some damn ice cream."

"For breakfast?" The Blonde shakes her head in frustration. "You really are a terrible babysitter."

I stick out my tongue as far as it will go and blow a raspberry. "I notice you aren't putting that bowl down."

"My sister died yesterday." The blonde's smirk is back, as she carefully 'forgets' to mention the revival. "I'm allowed to eat ice cream."

"Glad to see you're back to normal. Was worried I had to start reading you bed time stories with Sandra." My comment plasters a blush on Jade's face and gets Artemis to bend over with laughter.

"Thanks for..." Jade's guilt ridden expression is nearly impossible to name. "You know, bringing me back to life."

Alright Glenn, how do we handle this? Should I try and brush it off with a stupid joke, or should I just go with raw honesty?

When I finally make up my mind, Jade is starting to lose patience. "I meant what I said you know."

"I..." She hesitates, her face relaxing with the shock of the realization. "Believe you."

"What did you say to her?" Growls Artemis, very annoyed at the missing details.

"Don't worry about it. Glenn just proved his point." Jade waves her hand in a dismissive motion, which of course only makes the younger sister more curious.

Trying to change the subject before the pair can start bickering, I point to the bare skin of Artemis' arm. "I see you finally got the armour all the way off."

"Khaji has trust issues. But he agreed to retract when I told him about your patents," Artemis explains with a guilty look.

"Why did that convince him?" Does really he want a freeze gun that bad?

"He doesn't want to get stuck with some random person after I die and wants an android body." Shrugging at my expression of shock, Artemis explains herself. "Khaji wants to find out where he came from and we all know it's not Earth."

Oh. That's a lot less homicidal robot than I thought.

"Since I want you to outlive me, I'm actually fine with that." It will give everyone a chance to find out if the Scarabs are trustworthy or not.

Rolling her eyes, Artemis has a hint of laughter in her voice. "See Khaji. Glenn will probably even get his dad to make you a freeze gun if you stop calling him names."

"Any reason you went with calling her Sandra?" Jade points with her chin at the mute girl still observing our every motion.

"Half of your friends already call the Sandsmark girl Cass." It's just going to be easier for everyone in the long run. "So I wanted to make sure she had a name all her own."

"Sounds like you plan on raising her yourself." Confused by my intention, Artemis stares me down.

I will if I have to, though that's definitely my backup plan. "I kind of took away Nora's ability to have children. I figured I'd ask her first and go from their."

"For future reference..." Jade's eyes dart back and forth between me and the child who I still think looks an awful lot like her. "I don't want any surprise children as a present."​
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Mmmm, dunno how good of an idea it is to give Khaji an independent body...

"For future reference..." Jade's eyes dart back and forth between me and the child who I still thinks a lot like her. "I don't want any surprise children as a present."​
....You missing a bit here?
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Mmmm, dunno how good of an idea it is to give Khaji and independent body...

....You missing a bit here?
Could either be terrible, or it could be the thing that starts making him not think of all humans as meat. We have Artemis/Paula's whole life to teach Khaji manners first.

I was. Thank you.
I guess I could add a few scenes and go for NSFW. I just didn't want to post in the wrong section and I think my work is more PG-13.
I think the barrier is more one-way. NSFW can't be in the SFW section for good reason, the other way a bit less of a concern. I know there is SFW content in the NSFW section.
Interlude 33: A Little Help From My Friends
Interlude 33: A Little Help From My Friends
Gotham City
November 13, 3:58 PM EST

Wally, Kirk, and M'gann, arrive in the alley. One at a time they emerge from the phone booth after a matching flash of brilliant blue light, making the waiting pair cover their eyes each time.

"I thought only Megan was coming?" Dick emerges from the shadows, his sunglasses in place of a domino mask.

"May as well give Glenn the Queen's invite personally." Puffing up his chest with well deserved pride, Wally tilts his head towards Kirk. "And he's getting antsy about his ship. Wanted to come fly it back himself. You know, before Batman tries to confiscate it or something."

Instead of getting offended, Dick just gives Barbara Gordon an amused smirk. "Sounds just like him."

"I just wanted to talk to someone else who knows what it's like." Kirk tries to deny the claim, despite his rather pink cheeks.

"Like what?" Slapping the crosswalk button, Barbara frowns up at the clone.

"Being made as a weapon and having implanted memories." Tapping his hears, Kirk explain what he heard on the flight to Roanoke. "Sounds like he's only half a day older than me. But he's having a way easier time fitting in."

<Remind me to tell Artemis about that,> The speedster directs a private request to M'gann. <She'll love being able to call Glenn a baby.>

Kirk takes a deep breath and admits how hard he finds the day to day parts of life. "Almost like he got a complete set of memories and not just the mission critical information I did."

"Dude, you're doing fine. You only got detention once." Shaking his head with just a hint of irritation, Wally reminds him how far he's come since moving in. "And none of Mom's friends ask if you're special anymore. I even heard dad say he's thinking you can start dating soon."

Holding his head high at those words, a proud Kirk takes the lead. The more dingy streets are slowly exchanged with ones actually cleaned occasionally. Block by block, the group unconsciously relaxes as they enter Artemis' neighbourhood.

"I'm thinking it's time I tell my dad..." Barbara Gordon lets the information sink in before continuing. "It's not the same just doing normal patrols. Not after I helped you against the Witchboy and did more than just get someone locked up for a few months."

The last few blocks are occupied by Dick filling the others in on what Artemis told him. The idea of giving the Scarabs an independent body, only make the speedster choke.

"Is he crazy?" With eyes flashing wildly, Wally cannot help but see a thousand ways it could go wrong.

"Glenn already considers the Red Robots his cousins and look how that worked out with Danette," Kirk reminds his brother calmly. "Why would he think the Scarabs deserve any less freedom?" No one should be controlled.

"Ask him yourself." Shaking his head as he goes over his own concerns mentally, Dick knocks on the door.

When Artemis opens it, she's almost entirely covered by her chitinous armour. Only her face is exposed and her expression is filled with frustration.

"About time you got here." She lets them in with a tired sigh and leads them towards the source of her tension. "We really need a way to communicate with Sandra, I don't know how many more stories I can take."

They are greeted by the sight of Glenn in his flannel pyjamas, reading Doctor Seuss to a very attentive eight year old. He even uses a higher pitched voice and makes funny faces with each line."

"Fox in socks." Glenn lifts his right leg and slaps his foot. "Our game is done, Sandra. Thank you for a lot of fun, Sandra." Each time he says the raven haired girl's name, he lightly pokes her on the nose. "These are my friends. Megan's here to help you tell us what happened."

The mute girl peers at the M'gann and frowns at the not quite human body language. She tries warning Glenn. But the artist calms her with only a few words.

"You aren't going to be able to read her, M'gann's not human." The news doesn't make the child freak out, only nod as the mystery is solved. "Actually..." Glenn pauses as a realization hits him. "Quite a few of my friends aren't. Which is why you've only been held back by incomplete training."

<Sandra was never taught how to speak. But she doesn't think anything is wrong with how she was raised.> Glenn directs his thoughts at the disguised Martian, who quickly links in the other heroes. <I'm trying to stop her from running off and have been framing everything like it's just the next step in her training.>

Letting her concern show on her face, M'gann finally understands why she was told to come o quick. <Introduce me and I'll see what I can do for her.>

"Megan is going to talk to you inside your mind." Glenn gives the little girl his full attention. "Are you okay with that?"

A quick nod is his answer, the long black hair barely even moving. With her permission given, M'gann take Sandra's hands and kneels in front of her. "Just let me know if you want to stop at anytime. This is to only to help you."

"Big step up from Glenn being terrified of our friendly Martian." Dick mutters under his breath, getting a snicker of agreement from Wally.

The speedster manages to contain his laughter long enough to mention Queen Perdita's invitation. Hearing that, the watching Nora's smile only grew wider.

"Great..." Glenn hangs his head, confusing nearly everyone until he finishes speaking. "Oswald's going to insist I talk to her about a Vlatava expansion for the Lounge."

"I heard what you said to Artemis." Deciding not to waste time, Kirk cuts right to the chase. "About how you 'woke up' the same day I did."

Blinking a few times as he processes, Glenn eventually gives the clone an intrigued look. "Is it the gaps in general knowledge or random flashes of memories, that you hate more?"

"My knowledge was downloaded like a textbook. No emotional connection to any of it." The clone's face twists uncomfortably. "It's hard to feel interested in anything besides the mission."

"Do you have a life outside the costume?" The snow haired teen can perfectly understand that feeling of helplessness. "Because life got a whole lot better for me, once I decided to start focusing on art."

Kirk's frown grows deeper as he thinks about Superman's even more identical clone on the Challengers. "I only got the strength, durability, and half of the X-ray vision. How do I use that constructively?"

"You just said it." Allowing herself to smirk, Barbara ends up being the one to answer the question. "Construction."​
My family is pretty much falling apart because of the funeral planning. The tone of this story is just a complete contrast to my actual life and I need to put this on hold until stuff gets figured out.
No problem take your time. Funeral arrangements suck and Lord knows that I can emphasize with the family collapse.

Not sure about everyone else, but I know this is one of my favorite stories. I even put it in that special bookmark folder for stories I check on the regular.

So if you need time at least I'll be here when you come back.

And I'm sure others will be here to welcome you back
God do I despise the cliché of 'oh this can't be real' it's so disgusting. I really don't see how anyone except maybe Wanda could be that out of touch with reality.
God do I despise the cliché of 'oh this can't be real' it's so disgusting. I really don't see how anyone except maybe Wanda could be that out of touch with reality.
God, do I despise cliche of commenters not having a shred of decency. It's so disgusting how someone can read free entertainment, see how the last few updates are about me taking time off from the fic to deal with family deaths, and then leave a useless comment like this.
This is such bad trolling, it doesn't even hurt. Don't read my stuff anymore, I don't have time for belligerent children.
That troll doesn't know what he's talking about your stories are great and I can't wait till u update this also sending healing energy to you and all your loved ones for their loss.

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